Ton j Express9 Delivers First Aid Car DELEGATES NAMED Linford Buren and Mrs. C. R. Judy will represent Salem Associa- EMBLEM STOLEN Allan Geddes, 1038 7th St., re ported a "Road Lords" hot rod tioa (or Retarded Children at the club emblem stolen from his car state association's board meeting sometime Tuesday evening or Sunday in Eugene. State officers Wednesday , morning, city police will be nominated at the session said. Geddes valued the emblem and proposed state legislation will at S2.25, police said, be discussed, according to Mrs.i ... .. ..... . Clarence Miner. Salem president.!! YOU MATCH the ab.l.ty of i Oassified ads to reach buyers and I'nsightly facial hair removed ' sellers 24 hours a day! Dial 4-MU safely, permanently. Price's ; for adwnter. (adv) Beauty Salon. Ph. 3-5859. (advi Grade good baby beef, cut and wrapped, 37'jc lb. Holland's .Mar ket, 3975 Silverton Rd. (adv) Dental plates repaired while you wait at Painless Parker Dentist, 125 N. Liberty. Salem. VIEWER REPORTED TAKEN SIGN GONE I A "cigarette viewer", part of an Salem police reported Wednes- advertising display, was taken day that a street sign at South from the Salem Vintage Store, Winter and Mission Streets was re- 559 Court St., about 2 p.m. wednes moved from its post sometime day, Marvin W. Olin, operator of Wednesday afternoon bv vandals, the store, told city police. Ofn vai- Police answered a call about 2 p m. after residents in the area re ported seeing persons "fooling a round" with the sign. Water pumps repaired. Any make. Judson's, Ph. 3-4141. adv i Vsed clothing for all the family for sale at YWCA Budget Shop, 141 S Winter. Open Kri. & Mon 10 to 5. i adv i PRE SCHOOL MEET SET A preschool "get acquainted'' meeting for mothers of next fall's lied the viewer at 95 cents. The Labish Village Assembly of God Church is holding a rum mage and cooked food sale Friday and Sat. at 471 Court St. (adv) I'nsightly facial hair removed safely. ermanently. Price's Beauty Salon (adv.) CLASSES STILL OPEN '- A total of 192 children aged 5 to 8 have registered for the YMCA's special paid sw imming courses (or tots, Dale Dykman. physical dir- -' .irfiW1i . .T'' VTk , Driver's 'Atomic Mission' Starts Own Chain Reaction Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thurs., May 3, "58 (Sec I)-5 Pausing la Salem during rrou-eintry "pour eipress" relay Its way to Aichorage, Alaska, ai am bulance gets a welcome from Salem Lions Club Wednesday. Lions Fields Merrk (la earl and E. Burr Miller look ever posters oa aew vehicle. At right is Salem first aid man Robert Blrgea. Salem's old first aid cr, which a local fund-raising program is seeking to replace, is stationed at rear. (Slatrsmaa photo) A Newport driver who started some chain reactions of his own while hurrying ' to Portland "to prevent an, atomic bomb blast" faced two charges Wednesday in Salem. Held in lieu of 730 bail on charges of reckless driving .and assault was Loyal Leslie Orem. 30- year-old resident of the coastal i town. State Patrolman Russell L. Carl isle said Orem attempted to pass his' police car on a curve while both were heading north on the Salem bypass. He said he waved him back and was next aware of Orem's car passing on the right shoulder. Carlisle said he pursued at speeds over 90 miles an hour until Orem made an attempt to turn led into a wrongway lane at Hayesville intersection and wound up on the parkway. The driver then ran to the police car and said it was a matter of life and death for him to get to Portland, stating something about an atomic bomb and that many people would die if he didn't get there immediately. Carlisle said While the policeman conferred with his sergeant by radio Orem attempted to grab the microphone and give the "Mayday" call, inter national distress signal. Then, when another motorist stopped to seek advice from the policeman, Orem ran to the third car and climbed in urging the driv er to rush him to Portland. Carlisle said his efforts to re move Orem from the vehicle re sulted in three kicks in the stom ach and chest. Application of hand cuffs, quickly subdued him, Carl isle reported, and he was taken to Marion County jail, an-eea W wan. of i Lions Rush Park Work Baseball by June 15 Is the target of Hollywood Lions Club ia Its Dredge Cables PORTLAND-Col. Jackson Gra ham, Portland district engineer, issued warning to fishermen and small craft in the vicinity of the mouth of the Santiam River whm the Corps of Engineers' hydraulic work of .further developing part.-, pipeline dredge Luckiamute will facilities for North Salem, ea land begin work Wednesday. ; on and near the State Pair grounds, Col. Graham warned boat oper-1 Some 20 clubmen turned! out 'ed- f ators to be extremely cautious , nesday evening to prepare the while passing the dredge because southwest ear air of the Fab- -of the cables reaching from the grounds parking area for needing dredge to, the north bank of the today. The State Fair Board rer, Santiam River. He said. the dredge cently gave its permission for the will be working in this location for ! project. The Lions also maintait,'v approximately 10 days. i a picnic-playground area nearby. first graders is scheduled at 2 30 ector reported Wednesday. About p m. Wednesday, May 9 at the lib- 61 openings remain, Dykman said. rary at Candalaria School, it has been announced by Principal Har ry Mohr, Mothers attending are urged to bring along prospective first graders HummaE? sale over Cirrenbaums Thurs. 9 5 30. Morningside Church. 'adv The I.abish Village Assembly of God Church holding a rummane sale Friday and Saturday at 471 Court St. i adv i HIKERS AND BIKERS Salem Chemekvtans have sched uled a hiking and bicvele trip Sun Benefit turkey dinner $1 25. Knight Mem Church, lltth & Ferry, Fri . May 4, 5 30 to 7. iadv Mathis Bros revolutionary Johns Manville roofing shingles. 4-6831. i (adv ) Long Illness Takes Life of Mrs. Killin Mrs Elsie M Killin. who had lived in Oregon almost her entire life, died Wednesday evening at a S;ilem nursing home alter a lung red first-aid ambulance to Salem illness. She was a late resident of Local Lions drove it to Oregon M)." Spruce St. City, from where it was pushed on Mrs K.lhn had resided here for to Portland. Lions there will drive Salem Lions Help Relay Chemawa Man New Ambulance to Alaska Charged With Extortion Trv An ambulance, being relayed from Memphis, Tenn , to Anchor ace. Alaska, by 70 Lions Clubs got a boost through Salem Wednesday by the Salem Lions Club Alhanv Lions drove the bright Lions tied the arrival in with the local program to raise funds (or a new Salem first aid car Gov. Klmo Smith and other state officials took part Driving the car to Oregon City- Johnnie Charley, 30 - year - old employe of the Chemawa Indian School, was being held in Marion Countv jail Wednesday under were Lions Fields Merck. F. Burr charges of violating the federal ex-. dav to the Vitae SDrines-Oravrile ! Pal,d wherever possible the ap the past 13 years and nrior to that lived in the Wnodburn and Hub bard sectors. She was born June ! 11. 1880 at Boisttorth. Wash ! She was married to William C. (Snyder in 1900 at Hubbard and he died at Gervais in 1S:H Mrs Kil- Gov. Klmo Smith said Wednes- ln was marrj,,() Klhert Killin at day evening that he intends to ex- Woodhurn in 11)41 and he died in 19-18 More W omen on State Hoards (ioal of Smith area 10 miles southwest of Salem Guy N Unwell will lead the jaunt. Persons planning to join in the expedition are to register at 248 N". Commercial St. Hcplace downspouts and gutters heck our low installed prices. Judson's, Th 3-4141. ad buards and commissions. Smith, speaking before the Ore gun Federation nl Women's Clubs in Portland said women are al ready playing important roles in slate government in both adminis traluc and policy-making positions. Runimat'e Friday. Grcenbaum's, 9 til! the 4th. 5 . oi e SKIRTS STOLEN A set of fender skirts was taken from a used car parked in a com mercial lot at Commercial and Center Streets sometime Tuesday night. Marion Motors told city polue Wednesday1 The company said the skirts were valued at about $7 each. Rachel's Beauty Shop, will be closed Satiirdavs instead ol Mon starling May 5th (adv) First Aidmen Treat Two She was a member of St Vin cent s de l'aul Catholic Church. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs Agnes Carbaugh. Salem: sis tei . Mrs Agnes Payne. Pendleton: step-sister, Mrs Susie Nicholson. Portland, seven grandchildren, Chester, Victor and Donna Car baugh. and Mrs, Dolores Bauer, all ol Salem: Stanley Carbaugh. Cor allis: Mrs Mane Pendergralt. Klamath Falls; and Harold Car baugh, I S. Navy. San Diego; and 10 great grandchildren. Funeral arrangements are in by care of Clough -Barrick Mortuary. G Vancouver Its cross-country destination is Seattle, where it will be loaded aboard a ship for Alaska The ambulance was purchased through funds raised by the An chorage Lions for city use In order to eliminate shipping costs a "pony express'' system of getting it across the country was set up. It left Memphis on April 2. I The vehicle was th' object of a brief ceremony on the state Capi tol steps in Salem where Salem Miller and Walter Martin Court ney Johns, president of the Albany club, brought it to Salem. City Okehs New Building tort ion statute. Bail was set at $1,000. Charley was arrested by federal authorities Tuesday night following an FBI investigation originating in Albuquerque, N M . where a war rant was issued for his arrest, Of- i finals said the charge stemmed from letters threatening bodily harm to some New Mexico resi dents Charley had known before moving north to take a counseling ! job at the school here. Public lltM'orils PROBATE COt RT Jean Louise Torxens guardian ship estate Frankie I. Grant ap pointed as guardian. Marv I. Burnelte guardianship estate Hubert F H'irnette ap point! d guardian Albert (i DcSan'is estate Older for sale of real propi if y ( IRCt IT ( Ol KT .In. i'!!', i I' lit. liter F.ha 0 1 funic: s t 'i iU nt - r .i'Ic'Jcn cruel ,-ird ; .human Inalmei't asks for re-.; ': at aai nf ilamt itl s Inr nier natio o! Juanila P Sutton Mai rod Hit 1!'.'.4. at Vancou ver. Wash Arlela G Johnson vs llenrv K Johnson Sihl for ilivon e alleges cruel and inhuman treatment Mar Tied Keti IK. 1111. at Salem Cleo I. Keppinger vs IMilia M. Keppinger Suit for iIivouh al leges cruel and inhuman treat ment, asks that iouiI decide cus tody of three minors. Married Dec 24, 1951, at Stevenson. Wash MARRIAGE LICENSE APPLICATIONS Hasten ivora- Tu '.Hi mill worker. T.irnir and 1 and! Or villa Grepg. IS. waitress, Monmouth. Two Salem boys were treated for face lacerations by Salem first aid men Wednesday Both required stitches at local hospitals. Ithett Partie, 915 Nl 18th. was treated by first aid men about 5 30 p m. afteV he received a cut over one eye when hit by a ball Partie. who was playing at Par rish Junior High School, was taken lo Salem General llo-pital where he received stitches, attendants said Terry Fleshman. .. of 1299 S High St . was injured while play- . ing on a sled in a downtown store, fust aid men reported. He receiv ed stitches for a laceration on his forehead at Salem Memorial Hos pital, according to the hospilal 1 Judge Drops Assault Count Attorney iNamed To (A) Position William 1! Hedliind, Portland attorney, Wednesday was appoint ed by Gov. Klmo Smith as a mem ber of the State Civil Defense advisory council. He will fill a vacancy caused the death of (he late Clifford Schneider of Gresham. The council serves as an ad visory committee to the Civil De fense Agency and to the governor. Other members are Paul McKee. Irving D. W inslow. Harry C. Brum baugh and K. A. Valentine, all o( Portland. Building permits issued Wednes day included Dewey Baumgart, to j build a one story house and car- Ci,.i Flrlvmff port at 3090 Market St, $11,000: 'lt,u 'r F P. Schomus, to alter a one and 1 "rw,1-J1Ivlu TM one-half story house and garage at , " It I Hills tJ l 2510 Cherry St., $1000. Robert .hid- j son Jr.. to alter a one-storv house Approximately 13 400 motor ve- at 989 K. McGilchrisI, $20110; Da- hide drivers were convicted of vid Duniw av. to alter a one-storv violating Oregon traffic laws in house at 801 Low er Ben Lomond, APnl and 742 Persons had their $1200: Bernard .1 Bachand to al- drivers licenses suspended, the ter a Iwo-slorv house at 2409 K.lState Traffic Safety Division re Nob Hill St.. $700; Lowell Webber, Ported Wednesday, to alter a one story garage at 375 The number of reported convic S 22nd St, $750, and HughD. linns, submitted by courts through Blanchard. to alter a one-story out the state, exceeded those of house at 2180 Laurel, $400. I any other month so far this year. (laiulidale Campaign In Marion Countv State Rep. Pat Dooley. Portland attorney, spent most of Wednesday in Salem and oHier Marion County towns in the interest of his candi- Births DISTRICT ( Ol RT Pete Bcniamin Komhs, charged with obtaining money by false pretenses, bound over lo grand jurv . hail $500. Mildred Colleen Axtell. charged with serving liquor tn a person un-1 rier 21. notice of appeal filed from 1 previous conviction. Julie Ann Newhinney. 685 Kwald Ave, charged with dumping trash; on a public highway, fined $20. PATTERSON Tn Mr a n d Mrs Thomas Palteisnn. 415 E. Chemawa ltd . a son, Wednesday. .M.iv 2. at Salem Memmial Hos pital AIKEN To Mr and Mrs. I!oh ert Aiken 455 l.miilt Si . d son, Wednesday. Mav 2. at Salem Me morial Hospital. BALL - To Mr. and Mrs Ar mun Ball. 1028 N 2nd St . a daughter. Wednesday. May 2. at Salem Memorial Hospital I I.UOOI) To Mi and Mi v Claire R Lluooil Monmouth, a son. W'ednesdav Mav 2. at Salem General McKILI IP To Mr. and Mrs Albert McKillip. New tier:, a daughter. Wednesday. May 2. at Salem General Hospital SNOOK To Mr and Mrs Ron aid Snook, 1051 Shamrock St , a son. W'ednesdav. May 2, at Salem General Hospital A charge of assault with a dan gerous weapon against Orba El mer Jackson. 49. of Portland was dismissed midway through his trial Wednesday in Marion Coun ty Circuit Court Judge George Duncan dismissed ...r case un g, ..., u. in.ii.. . .- Aacv for Democratic national com cm evinence mai aacssnn nau been armed with a dangerous weapon John C Youngren. Salem, and Leonard I.ut;. Corvallis. testified they received cut wounds during an early morning altercation with Jackson April 3 in a North Port land Road restaurant. But nei ther they nor other witnesses could say thev saw a weapon be ing used. Jackson, however, is being held in Marion Countv jail at the re quest o( federal paiole authori ties lor possible violation of a conditional release from Leaven worth prison. mitteeman. It is his second swing around the stale to meet voters j He was one of the Democrat lead ers in the List session of the Ore gon Legislature. Hubcap Loss Told to Police Total hubcaps stolen Ironi Salem rcsidenls within the past three days raided to 12 Wednesday as a S.Jom man reported four tak en Irom Ins ear Tuesday evening. Charles Kelley. 1920 Park Ave told polue that the hubcaps were removed from his car between 6 and !l p m Tuesday He valued them at M8 to 2n Thro other thefts have been re ported to edy police within the past three days AH were taken from late model cars, police said rfflj (iM mi this handsome Eversharp retractable ball point pen for Natural Gas Heating Systems and Appliances to Call Us for FREE Estimates DONKIN GAS & APPLIANCES 3367 PortUnd d Ph JS09I A I it- : retail value To the next 200 people who open Accounts It IS FASYto open a ThriftiChcck Personal checking account - simply purctmc 20 ThriftiChecks for $2.00. FOOT RELIEF GUARANTEED Or Your MONEY BACK! If k Iihin fi wrrki wear ynu are rut romplrMv ttsflf d VOIR MON FY WILL HE RtttNftED For Men. Women, Sold Nation ally VelVa-Sole Arch Restorer! dte a complete new approach to ward foot mtnfnrt and not lo be r on fined tviih anv dIMit arch upport von mav have ever uurn No stiff leather, Dlattic, cork or teel fi intra ntrrrl on Xpplianre Onl l! . o , iii- P't r.i" r :Vt, II., l.rr p-it n Tli T I it Liking n v:v.- -r n l,.iri!' tA nn Only "PV.VV , f, LOWE'S fOOT AID SHOE STORE ttr Hni A M. f 1:10 P M. 141 N. Hlah Si. - Phm 4-3351 in Your $2.00 covers all costs-You can open your account with any amount - No monthly service charges No minimum balance to maintain keep on deposit as much or as little as you like -you get an attractive checkbook cover Your name will be imprinted, free, on every check. oiiix'' ,tli Wwi (v the ''I" (ll ni'iC tirn 1128 nip" ( rid"n 1 I U' t-i ... & 01 1'UU St. n,l i)..m-sl'c t.enos , fonip" " Nervier ....rted 1UM"" . ronUnu B,irals si--- j shl,Ppin! fen --0T6 f.vl'lllUt' !) 1 U'eekcU's . ...l:iv Special Offer to Husband and Wife! II each of sou open separate TlinttiCheck accounts' vou w ill both get a Free Eversharp pen-but please act promptly while the supply ol pens lasts. A ftsi a m m mm m Or SALtM ms am d& OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 1213 TO 9 P. M. - OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO i.iO P. M. the fabulous all new I 'niversat COFEEEMATIC 8-cup chromt 24.95 10-up chrom 29.95 Set it demonstrated . . , taste the de licious colfee . . . then you "11 know what wc mean when we say this is a superlative coffee maker! Completely redesigned, the Coffeematie brings new breathtaking beauty to the table setting, new high standards to thi dependable automatic brewing of fin coffee to the most exacting taste. Solid copper base, heavily chromed for lasting beauty. ,m7 anil phone orders ELECTRICALS SECOND FLOOR de luxe size for Mom junior size for daughter OSTERIZER 44.95 As low as $5 month NO DOWN PAYMENT One of the most welcome Mother's Day gifts you could think ofl Osier izrr makes meal preparation easier, faster, belter . . . economical! Power ful 2 speed motor. And daughter gets the small battery-operated model . , . safe for youngsters white base. Mail ami phone orders' ELECTRICALS SECOND FLOOR u hcre there's water, it's eoffce time THE TRAVELING KOFFEEKIT s. V ' , ' . " r. 1 ' 7.95 Boils four full cups of water in min utes for instant coffee, tea, baby's bottle. Polished aluminum pot with bakelite top. handle and bae 6 ft. ("E rord set. 2 cups, 2 spoons; bright red plaid waterproof zipper case. Wonderful vacation or week end com panion Mud and plmnr nrdrrs ELECTRICALS SECOND FLOOR free bottle Hreek shampoo with your Hmuhj-llanmih HAIR DRYER $9.95 Complete with I eniin .ilile stand Pol ished ( limine model. lilos warm ami eoi air ondei(ul (or hair dry ing use it also or lining nail polish, lingerie, hosiery, cloves, pels . . . for detrosling refrigerators and frozen foods Mail and phone orders' ELECTRICALS SECOND FLOOR vn;)iin i ml lo anus imlsidr our regular tnitk 7m cry routes. fcii.-'VW-Xiliivi,. ,o i""