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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1956)
fh(Sec. I) Statesman, Salon, Ore., Thuurs., May 3, '58 Man Convicted of Murder Freed ! From Death House at Sing Singj Winncrs Told J OSSINING. N. Y, I To most "It feels good to be out," were mer New York bartender was . A numbor of Salem 4-H Club Condemned men. Sing Sing's grim the first words of Camilo Leyra convicted of murdering his elder- yOUlns n blue ribbon awards - Peath House has only one exit - as he left the bif! prison where ly parents. Three times the Ap- "as virtually all judping wa corn arid that leads to the electric he had been awaiting execution pvarls Courts reversed the con- picted Wcdnesdav night in the ihair. But Wednesday l man since June 6. 1950. Once pudgy, victions And the last time, last annual Salem 4-H Club Spring thrice convicted of murder walked tut of the Death House in the op-, brown suit and white shirt, posit direction to freedom. I Three times the 55-year-old for- Psychologist's Mental Magic Intrigues Audience in Salem J By JERRY STONE t?ff Write:, The Statesmaa ti, m ..iin.ih..h,vttarlt line looked easr compared to some of the tricks Dr. Slsnlcy JSka. Internationally famed Swiss p-cholog;s f-re-v at a capacity Salem audience Wednesday night. ij),' i ,. - nil iagie drew -oohs" and "ahs" and --. - - f ... - I Tl,-,-. LI---.' !M 1 IirCe nUri 111 hree. Hurt in 3-Car Wreck Near Salem I Three men were severely in- jlred ia a three-car collision ap- proximately one and one-half 3 ilea east of Cottage Farm on ighway 22 about 7 p.m. Wednes- A ttmim finllm rnnrtrf I . """"roTm:i All three were taken to Salem Memorial Hospital wnere "os-iiecturer was in Grants Pass Tues pltal attendants described their jdiy An enve0pe with two ques cpndition ai "lair." j tiong and two answers had been J Police listed the men as prepared and upon arrival at the ueorge R. Walsh, Aumsville Route meeting here the doctor asked ll Glenn Atkiton. Salem Route club officials to provide him a -H and Raymond J. Turner.4710i subject out of the crowd. The sub-' fol,n(j dead in their Brooklvn m JA"rtv Angerhauer ,3350 Dun lt River Road, SaUm. Turner iject was given the envelope apartmenf. their skulls smashed "n, Av:. MaJ,"-v" ' a,g.e- ? Was identified by his auto regis- tfition H uiuvmu-inm wea taken to the hosoiul. ) Ambulance attend. n's said Turner received a possible ron cisslon, possible arm and shoul der fracture... Atkinson received possible eoiicussion and a possible broken leg,, they said. Vfalsh had i possible broken anoulder, they reported. All sus tained laceratitns. J State police said the Atkison Cjr was apparently headed west op Highway 22, as was a car driven by Walsh. Turner's car ttjas going east, thy said. 'The accident took place in front of the Joseph L. Himmel place, Rout 5, Box 118. ITurner and-Atkison were ap parently thrown clear of their carl, police said. Walsh was throws through hit windshield, tkey said. Traffic was tied tn for almost an hour as two of the cars blocked tit road. Two of the autos had to be hoisted on "lowboy" trail ers as their mangled condition prohibited towing, they said. CAM COLLIDE i Two cars collided at Center and Brayes Streets at 4;M p.m. Wed . niesday causing minor damage to both vehicles, city police reported. Police listed the drivers as Wes ley W. Driskell, S95 Thompson St., and Beverly A. Panck, 1006 Nor rfian St T Hew Debate Over Merits By ARTHl'R F.DSON AP Newsfeatures Writer ' WASHINGTON - A new ' eintroverv raced Wednesday on!' controversy raged Wednesday on ' Capitol Hill. It's over bean soup. In most areas of this great na tion the bean soup debate is relatively quiet. Citizens can take the stuff or leave it alone. . Thav Mn alcn An thai in 1h Capitol restaurants, the feeding ..h. ( i .nl h. kir.H k.ln Rut I Here bean soup is on the menu i every blessed day. ; According to legend, the cus tom began in the House restau rant in 1904. John Joseph Gurney Cannon of Illinois, who during t(is 46 years in Congress became mum ireuri Known mo v. i.s Joe, 1 i I.:- 1 A losru n.s urmn n..u,.. speaker, he also had power. Resolution Rammed i bo wnen uran ooup whs iru uu urisun hhhv tne menu, Uncle Joe hollered, "This, sir, is no ordinary bean jhunderatinn" and off he hur- soup This is Mandatory bean ried to ram through a resolution soup . . the only bean soup in Calling for bean soup, every day. the land that has behind it t'nrt Same thing happened in the, Knox, the 1' S Marines, and. Senate. Only here the bean bene-'quite possibly. Bernard Harurh " factor was Sen. Kred Thomas ... in short, the combined might Dubois of Idaho. Dubois began of the government ol these his political life as a Republican. United Slates." . l)Ut when the GOP went for the1 There Ihe matter rests, the 'Single gold standard, the silver- pro-heaners ranged against the fciving Dubois defected to the anti-hancr And Congress cling ' Democrats. ing to its tradition ; But to bean soup he remained "UP " on ,h'' mrml ever faithful. In 1907. he rer- "' Wednesday. e i i in ,.fr luaded the Senate Rules Commit- St to call for bean soup as a irmanent fixture. ; And there it has been, ever iince. Koll CaU Atlak ; So it was surprising to see it attacked in "Roll Call," a sort of family type newspaper published every two weeks for the people Folks com here from near and far . . . To dine imide Or in their car. fllf C A II CU AD Th Oregon Horn of Sloppy Joo I He )Ari jnUr a Gr..t $.nd,chi Portland Road at North City limits For Ordart (o Go Phono 2-4791 he looked relatively slim in a gasps of disbciief at the Salem Knife and Fork Club's final mect- mg of the year at the Hotel Marion. More , than 300 persons t,nd;'d. . , . , , Or . J ks, who explains his feats ilit.v to know the reactions of,mV subjects, m -rd ap mental telepathy, (fxtra sensory precep- t-on am, a i nc t ible knack of mrtrhing sijnatures. if- j i: i I . i. lie IUI.piirim.ll IU UlC luM SWiii signatures of Dr. Robert Wu!f, Salem physician and Manor, lUUIUJ V illus rfUURC 4USC-1I 1C" ton, president of Knife and Kork Club. Real Test But it was manner of duplica tion that was particularly intrigu ing. First Dr. Jaks w.-;s blind "v subjects wrote out their names on a board. Then the duDlicatinn was made writing upside down and in reverse It was a real test in rclton s case. since the judge has one of the acrawliesl of scrawls. Then there wrs the man who 'unknowingly had been picked as subject by Dr. Jaks when the Lalr on- he subject was asked what was tlie Desi year oi nis life and replied with 1910, the year wnen ne ni uiiuuKii school, got a girl and a jod ur Jaks also asked the subject what particular name was on his mind. 1 The subject, replied. "Bob Lem- ( ?.? , ; p lor in Cieveianu inuians. Sane Answers The subject then was asked to open the envelope. The questions inside were identical; so were the answers. Dr. Spaks presented a couple of card tricks and made them appear like child s piay He gave three subjects a book apiece and had the audience pick page, line and position of word. Then grasping deep into recesses of his wizardry he named the words. Near end of the program "the psychologist "hit it on the nose" IU IVilllflg Ull Willi i addrem and phane number in coming up with name .street resident buried deep within the pages of a phone book. 'Vibrations Good' Dr. Jaks said "vibrations" from his subjects and the audience were good Wednesday night and helped make his program a suc cess. As for one skeptical woman who thought the doctor "simply memorized'' in accomplishing some of his tricks, she was quick ly set straight. The psychologist said she "vibrated'' very well is he convinced her by further men tal acrobatics. Stirs Capitol ot Bean Soup. I who work in the world's greatest law-making factory. in a leiter to me en.ior, ..eorge - Jr. secretary for Itobeit J. ( orbctt (R-l'a). struck out at "this unsavory, nauseating, tra ditional bran soup." But Berg realized he was hi, ting at something big, much big ger than he is So he said he supposed he wouldn't see "disappearance ol this disgus the ting. degrading bean soup" if he lived as long as Methuselah. Violent Replies Bean soup lovers naturally were horrified Thursdays issue of Roll Call will have several violent replies, including one from Jark Anderson, who works for Hep. Jark W'estland (It Wash i "It was with consternation, a :r..f.inj ,PIKn .ir slwu V :in k,",""m1' .-' -I nroaehinff ilishe! nroarhing disbelief that I read the scurrilous, unwarranted, un fair and uninspired attack,'' An COLE'S Fried Chicken 4125 Portland Road OF IN WEEK-DAY EVES 5 p.m. to 9:4."i p.m. Closed Fridays weex, me Maie loun oi Appeals ordered Leyra freed. He set an all time record as a Death House tenant four year's, nine months and three days. His slay was interrupted I twice for new trials. But alter each he went back' to the tense day and night monotony of con demned row . Taken Payment For ail his time behind bars. Leyra took wilh him the token payment that society gucs a freed prisoner $20 provided by the prison. It fibres out in ra's case to a little mure th;m a penny per day of confinement "1 will spend the rest n( my life trying to solve this crime." Leyra told reporters on the pri?nn steps. "I want to thank my altornevs and all my friends and especially Father Donovan 'or his friend ship and courtesies " The Itcv. Thomas J. Donovan is the Roman Catholic chaplain at Sing .Sin;;. Then Leyra stepped into an au tomobile and drove away with his lawyers. Frederick W Scholem and Osmond K Fraenkel He would not discuss his future plans. Mxed I p Life It was a mixed up life that Ley ra left behind when prison bars first clicked shut behind him. He had a wife and three rhildren in New Jersey, a blonde 2-vear old gir fnend in Manhattan An only 0hild. often short of funds, he ap- parently resented what ne con sidered the domination of hu moderately well - to-do father, Camilo, 74 On a winter's day in January, 19.), the elder Leyra and his 80- year-old wife. Catherine, were with a hammer A few davs later, authorities sal() ,eyra na() confessed the murders, attributing them to an argument wilh his father over business matters. - ! ii oniaiiii imuk Firm to Hike Prices Fridav PORTLAND - The Dairy-Co-operative Assn. and its dis'n hution division. Mayflower Milk Distributors will increase milk prices one cent a quart Friday. Other Portland milk companies are expected to do the same, some trade sources reported. The single quart home delivery price for standard milk will be 24 cents, wholesale prices to stores will be 20'a cents a quart and 40 cents for the fWrt-qinrt rontnincn;. Retail prices off 22 and 43 cents were suggseteri Cream prices also are increased in the hew schedule Half-ami h.ilf is up 1 cent a pint to 24 cents wholesale. 27 cenls in stores and 28 cents for home delivery T;ihle crcam is up 2 cents a half-pint tn 2.1 cenls wholesale. 2fi cents m stores and 27 cents home deliv ered. Whipping cream is up 2 cents a half-pint In 29 rents wholi sale. .12 cents in stores and 3.1 cents delivered The co-op said the dairy larmer will get about 60 per rent of the increase Ti r. 4 rlA Award s Service pins were awarded to three school and I'arenlTeachers Association wnrKers at a meeting of the Marion County I'TA coun cil in the Salem school adminis tration offices Wednesday eve ning Awarded the pins for outstand ing service were Dr Walter "Snyder. Salem superintendent of schools. Mrs 1. Marsthai. state I'TA vice prseident for the third district; and Mrs George Hirrell. cointy council publicity chairman. Approximately fifl I'TA mem bers from 24 county units attend ed the meeting I'hev beard a ills cussion of family life discussion groups hv leaders trained by the Marion County Health and Tuber culosis Association in add'tmn to regular committee leporls. KIVHt DKOI'I'IM, PORTLAND The Columbia Ituer. continuing lis slow fall alter reaching an April peak, leiii.'uned some three loot iimt I'ood -!;me at Vancouver Wednesday, but the Portland harbor's Hood level was ill "ppin below lloud stage TODAY Todav thru Saturday Salem's 4-H Spring Show irww at Meier & t rank s. Judging will be completed this morning and exhibits opened for showing throuKh Saturday. Mayor Robert White and other officials will take part in formal cere- monies opening the show to the public. lilue ribbon winners in the Health Poster division included; Susan Morrison. 1358 S. 12th St : I Diane Mr Adams. 1155 Pine St.; Vivian Hipp. 2011 Myrtle Ave.;' Ronald Brown, 39:3 I'rrstview fir . Martin Cuchenuur. 935 dar nel St Nancy Mi'rtsfield. 2107 '; nter St N'ancv Thompson, 950 N. 1.1th St ; Sally Jo .luza. 6.19 N 151 h St : Kenneth Schweigert, 17K0 nth St ; Patricia Morris, 4(197 Ilarrourt Ave. Ki'tl n Dillsinn Winners of blue ribbons in Class I of the knitting division were Ann La Bore and' Vickie Sue lluvhson. both of the State Deaf School Top honors in Class 3 of knitting went to Barbara Hollowav. 1120 N. 15th St : Nita Buck. 1315 Reedy Dr : and Jean ette Taylor. State Deaf School In knitting. Class 4. Charlotte Towell. State Deaf School, won a blue ribbon In cooking, class 3, the follow ing won top ribbons; Susan Mor rison, 1358 S 12th St ; Pattv Hirluc, 1170 limes St : Madoll Wonderlv. 1305 S 12th St : Sherilyn Kisher, 3334 Fisher ltd ; Marlene Mallicoat, 2475 Fisher Rd : and Sharon Suran, 2694 Fisher Rd Judith Angerhauer, 3350 Dun can Ave , and Alice Mae Merrill. 700 S. Church, were tops in the Child Care division. In Cooking, class 4, blue ribbon recipients , . , - ' , , ' w:. i!n".l'un"e " """"' 1 , M . , . wdiivi rirni dim .laniev .oa tak, both of State Deaf School, won high honors in Electricity I i and in Electricity 1J. No 1 rib- l.,.nr Uk, uyni.i Willi iu iiuuril JdlKMHI, Lenny Kok'l and Clarence Allen, all of the State Deaf School In ( lass 2 woodworking Dale Seipp was only blue ribbon win ner In class 4, woodworking, lop winners were Lynn Seipp "and Douglas Simmons In class 5 of the division Stanley Bjelde won a blue ribbon In Conking, class 2, high hon ors went to Keith Wonderl, 1305 S 12th St ; Joan Wirhman, 1690 N 19th St.; Cheryl Waser, 1210 Kvergreen Ave ; and Tyrone Hu ber, 4845 Verda Lane. Buddhist Sect Wracked b Co-Education OSAKA. Japan if -The moun- :,m - top mecra of the powerful Slungon - Shu Buddhist -cel. fur l.luo years a place of mod study prayer and contemplation, is wracked by dissension The tntuhlc Im-.:;ui when gnar- dians ni Ihc sect decided to make the ancient seminar co educational When the new class of Xi shaw n Iv, mIi 'I monks was admitted. si Nenphite nuns, also shaven pated. were enrolled The men rebelled I'reseni c ot the opposite sex hinders our spiritual training." a spokesman declared Our (iod makes no sex discri mination. ' retorted a leader of the I gals Seminar olliuaK. after a long seni o! conleiences, dci ided to h;ml1 ,h'' problem to Ihe principal, who has been on ick leave since ine new (lass ol Mij'pnues was en rolled, s- Yak ima I'rorrssiiiE Plant aid mi.l.snoKO Ore p .... nhur I, lleiling. western regional man iiicr of the l'. rds l-'ye diM,mn of iicneial l-'oods saai Wednesday that the Birds Kc Yakuiia plant has been sold to the akima Packing Co lie s.i.d the Im'. er w as a ne .t.'iHIimn ion. headed In Randal! S Pratt . ol Portland Assm lalcil in ii. he are most n( the sloi kliiildci's and diiei tor s ol the dissolved W a pa to Pin king ( i. . o! Wapalu Wash SPOUTS SI I K HI U I IRMI I) I'Olt I I. NI 4 Tne Kvpo -i-linii Recreation Comiiiiss'on, 'he agency charged wilh locating Cortland s proposed eight million dollar spurt- center Wednesday ri alfa'ined its i hiiec n! a (i.-vs n liovn site f ashion Modeling Oregon Koom, Street Moor 1 13 1 Ull C. M. "I'oftee And'' Time with informal modeling of daytime and sport clothes A "Corne as You Are'' hour for women. Milh coffee and light snacks available Oregon Koom. Street Floor -9.30-11 A M City of Salem 411 Clubs Spring Show Auditorium, Second Floor VS. Mother of 19o6 Chosen r b .-' a I 1114 lS'!'i is ft- NEW YORK Mrs. Jane Maxwell Prilchard of Detroit, Mich., has been named American Mother of I95, the American Mothers Com mittee. Inc.. has announced. Mrs. Prilchard and her husband. Benjamin, a machinist and die maker, adopted 11 children. MAP Wirrphotoi Announcement Of Red Arms j Cut Expected ! LONDON '.fi The Soviet T'n ion may announce a bi cut in its armed forces soon in spile of the apparent deadlock in disarm ament talks with the West, d plo niats predicted Wednesday niglit. This expeitation apparently was based on secret talks which Brit ish Prune Minister Kden and Har old E Stassen. President Flisen hower's personal representative on disarmament, had separately with Soviet Premier Nikolai Bul ganin and Communist party sec retary Nikita Khrushchev during the Russian's in-day visit to Lon don Since the R'issians' visit. Sias sen also has had- priva'e meet ings with ndrei A (Jromyko. So viet deputy foreign minister and representative on the fr.e-nation disarmament subcommittee which is winding up its unsuccessful ne gotiations here. Delegates to the sub-committee of the C N disarmament com mission representing the Lull ed Stales. Britain. France. Rus sia and Canada began drafting their report to the V. Wednes day night There were frank admissions that the davs of the parley were numbered but none would admit the seven week meeting had ben a complete failure ItcopcMiin of ( ontroI Tower (iains Ground Reopening of the contml tn.ier at Salem s Mc.Nary f ield reported ly (iearci a major hurdle Wed nesday Information from Hep Waller to officials here indica'ed that the House of Representative approved funds for reopening of Ihe tower. Kunds tor the Salem tower bad been an lulled in budget requests made several uerks ,'in by the Los Angeles oft ice of the Civil Aei oiiaut ii s loai ii. The Sab in tower, who h vi as ac l cited m 1 r tn . vw put oat of si i , ,, e b;, the C. A June :tn l'i;,.l Sun e then there has been much ijit.itinn fur reopening because of Ii all, i ai. t cases a' McNary Field .bisi pi .or lii in. Ins ion of tiie Salem tower in budget requests, a I team was here to make a Unfile sin vi v The survey null (..ted a substantial upsssing in t:athi' volume WE GUARANTEE v 1 1 YOU WILL IMPROVE ANY CAKE WITH KITCHEN CRAFT JHr-yMe FLOUR IiiOiIiI tii pm, mini, iruii, tiiiiili, tn' V 1 0) ,x J Theatre Time a me t I.SIMIRK I.OVK Is. a MAW SPI K noKKI) 1 MING 7 im (in l 1 r-ns A MAN t Al.l.KU I'F.TKR 8 40 ( PITII1 ROCK AROl'ND THE CLOCK . 7 111 anil ;n so OVKHI- XI'OSF.D ' US NORTH SMLM HKIW-1 A I AVVI s; STRKF.'I i i"i R.i"(liiip:i Sent! a'id Argfia T..111,- ha;))V i om;i ki;s m mi F-ell At.i::e anil I I'llf C icn HOI I VW (Mill ' THE HKNNY CnODMAN STORY' 7 iki anil 11 u5 ' RANSOM 9 2(1 Peace Envov Seeks Jordan Water Truce .IKftl'S I.KM P - I' N Sec rotary General Dag llammar skiold. nearmg the end of his Palestine peace mission, made a quick round-trip to Damascus Wednesday trying tn untange an Arab - Israeli jam over water rights He would not say whether, he succeeded. Syria, with .Jordan and Lebanon fullowing suit, had declined to pledge a cease-fire on Its armis tice demarcation line with Israel unless Israel promised not to re sume an interrupted 19V) projeit tn take Jordan Itiver w.aler (or power and irrigation Ifammarsk old would not tell reporters whether he got Israel to make sik h a promise or got Syria to drop its demand. He re marked m French "Jo sins le on inuct ' 'I hat means ' I .en the s i ; i n! 'im The I ni'cd Nations' top a quest loncd before he let! Da-ina-ia- to fly b.u k to Jerusalem lie -pent almost hours ui an rUTiinnn 1 1. of ot ein e w it h S nan I'rcm.iT - l-' minister Said i.ha: and Defense Minister Has had Bariuada An ol ; it.-i.i I announcement s sled Liter in Damascus said Svri.i give ll.iinmarskinld a written pledge for a cease fire but linked it to observance of I N Security Coined res.iluf.iin- Thi anini'iiH emen1 -aid t br pledge spccifHaily mentioned a i'Ct i t-s.i . 1 1 inn i all ng on Israel 'n stop Mntk on a protect diverting Ihe wa'crs of Ihe Jordan River fur pnw.-r end irrigation purposes n Israeli foreign ministry of fi. a', said be: e Wednesday n'gl't the I-rae'i g'n .-rnmen! focN 't ee to resiinip (tie protect at anv time sime all the workings would he w;:lnn Israeli ten, lory About ID.'.. noil Americans were born on Feb L'9 F-kimos prize reindeer - milk (hese Kitchen Craft SAFEWAY STORE 'Hewett Assigned to Salem City Police Detective Unit I F.lwood (Hap) Hevett, veteran member of the Salem Police de partment has been assigned to the detective detail effective today, Chief Clyde Warren announced Wednesday. Hewett, who advances from patrolman to the plain-clothes ranks, will replace David 'Mac I Mouser' recently resigned. Houser spent his last day on the job Wed nesday. The new member of the force's 'detective detail began lull time duty with the department in 1941. In addition to serving as patrol man. Hewett has been radio man and acting sergeant and for a num ber of years has been in charge ol the State Fair police detail, i The veteran Houser was presen ted a piece of luggage as a gift from department members when he turned in his badge Wednesday. New Missile Plant Planned In California WASHINGTON af-The Air Force Wednesday announced plans to construct in California a plant to build an inter-continental guided missile. The Air Force said it will build the plant jointly with Com air di vision of General Dynamics, Corp.. at Sorrento, near San Diego. Calif. Joseph T McNarney. a retired general who heads Convair. told reporters the plant is being erected for t h e research development, manufacture an.r testing of 'the Atlas in'ercontinental ballistic mis sile " This was the first flat announce ment that the Air Force is ready tu start actual production of i (XXI mile range missile, although it has long been reported that two parallel ventures along this, line have been in Ihe research and de velopment stages. Convair executive .1 R Dem psey. who will manage the 4! million dollar plant, said ground mil be broken for the project this month. The company expects to move In next spring and start operations in the fall of mi. he said The Air Force announcement said the new facility will be used for "development and production of a guided misile system " A;'r Force officials had previously dis closed thai Convair has been work ing on a long range missile for many years The A;r Force in February had announced approval of a proposal by the Glenn I. Martin Atrcralt Corp of Baltimore, Md . to con struct a plant near Denver. Colo., to develop and test a guided mis sile system The Martin missile has been named the "Titan.'' The Martin plant is expected to employ be tween '1500 and 2000 people, where as the Convair facility will employ up to 6.601) by ira. the Air Force said. Jackson Sheriff Hurt in An-ident MKHKORD e Jackson County Sheriff Howard Caul' suffered sennas injuries early Wednesday when his car left the highway im: "i of Medbird and crashed into an irrigation flume He was taken to Community Hospital The i rash damaged the flume In such an event irrigation water n the district was shut off right pours Woodburn Drive-In M ed. - Thur. - Fri. Sat. In Cinemascope "BROKEN LANCE" S. Trarv R. VYidmark Plus "PHFFT" Jack ( arson DALLAS MOTOR-VU Dallas Salem Highway dates Open 6:45, Show at Dusk Susan Havward. (iary Cooper in "THE GARDEN OF EVIL" Cinemascope and Color Second Feature Kirk Douglas, dilbert Roland in "THE RACERS" Cinemascope and Color NOW! DOORS OPEN 6:451 OnemaScoP: IICHAR0 if AN TODD PITERS UirOl UK i4 HSUtllSiS ' ''.' -PLUS- llwM4aSliitOrHONlC tOiMO S f Tit Oth CtwfT f a 4KOMAH , ft i WILLIAM JENNIFER HOTO-JONES Presentation was by Chief Warren. Houser, who resigned to take a position in Eugene with State Farm Mutual Insurance Co.. will leave with (lis family in two weeks for Bloomingtnn, 111 He will attend a company school in that city. Elwood (Hapl Hexett, hne ap pointment Id the elty polire de partmenl'i delerllve (Mail a annouaeed Vt'ednenday by Chlel Clyde Warren. A-Suh Hooks On Fish AV; Claim Filed (IKOTOV, Conn r The Nauti lus, world s first atomic submar ine had an underseas encounter with a fishing boat which has re sulted in a Jl .inn claim against the Navy, the "submarine base here re vealed Wednesday The incident occurrefl off the New .Irrsey coavt -April 30 while the Nautilus as cruising sub incrccd on a voyage Irom Key West F'la . to her base here The top gear of the submarine hooked into the fishing boat's net, ripping and dragging it unlil the cahleiattaching the net tu the boat broke The skipper of the fishing boat has filed a damage' claim -with the 4th Naval District at I'hiladelphia submarine base spokesman said the fishing boat itself was in no danger at anv lime lie invild nut identify the boat or her skip per The only damage to the Nautilus was a broken running light SILVERT0N Drive-In Theatre Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. "3 RING CIRCUS" Martin and l.ew'u Plus "Tho Stranger Woro a Gun" Randolph Seott Open 6:15, Starts Dusk PHONI 4-4713 50 Op.n t 45 J0i NOW PLAYING Sltvt Allen - Donna Rttd 'THE BENNY GOODMAN STORY" H wanted play "her" music to v rYbody would want to danct to it Thrill to th jan matttro i climb to fam . . . hear hu muticl'l Sonialional CO HIT Th products of "Blackboard Junglt" now bring you "RANSOM!" Starring Glenn ford A dramatic, tente, engry, temthmtt frightening ind elweyt faxinating Itory a it (.ales Open 6:4j Show At Dusk NOW IM. A VIM.! 'His dun Brought lw to .Lawless Time! Randolph Scott "A LAWLESS STREET" ( O HIT i All the Fun and Joy of I.ifet 'and I.ove is in il! Fred Astaire and Leslie ( aron "DADDY LONGLEGS" NOW! 2 Top Hits! BILL HALEY and his COMETS Tat fUIIiUS Tan MARTINEZ finite HU. jmq nwsiia . tu un . HtViuMli fitli'M . . -2ND TOP HIT ILACKMAIL PHOTO ClEO MOORE HfMARO Ctf MNA '1 Man 'Fined for Driving Through Moving Propeller DENVER iff -A 11-year-old motorist who drove through the whirling propeller of a parked air liner last March. 11 was fined $200 in traffic court Tuesday. Bryce L. Bredthoft. a civilian was conv icted of reckless driving and destroying city and private property. Police said he ran his car through a fence surrounding Stapletnn air field and onto a runway where a giant Trans-World Airways plane was warming up. The propeller cut huge slices in the car but Bredehoft emerged with only head cuts. He testified he had attended a party and remembered nothing of the incident. ACCIDENT KILLS LOGGER ROSEBl'RGTF-Tvonncth Ger ald Mathews. 40, a self-employed log trucker. Was injured fatally in a woods accident near Drew, 70 miles southeast of here, Wednes day. .USED POWER MOWERS! WIDE SELECTION LOWEST PRICES Fuly Guaranteed E-Z TERMS ' I" 155 lolo-Clipptr 7 CA won 1 4 Clinfen L3I" 195 lio loyil. 44.95 j i rtwin tUrtvr J1" 1953 .o or.l. V57.501 (wind, txc. (on fll" 1950 Im loy.U. On rrt' iu.t ...,h.Ul.d "'"'"l Fifty modali of new pown mowr to choot from. Pricas en g a s o I i n powtrtd, fully guaranteed mow r start at 54.50. II" Ivxshirp II" rHry. tllH 42.50' Ml" 1954 T. Whirlwind, 57.001 ar - - 111" Rett mo war with 4.y,i. ,..d 28.50 1 OUR USED MOWER GUARANTEE Any mad mower pure hated from Allen'a may be returned at arty time within 60 dayi for FULL CREDIT On Any New Mower In Our Stock 772" Pmcor real type moweri i at jut . 34.50 i j ! (uf 37.50i 1 11 ' Fireitene reel type 67.50i .21" Tor elf propelled heavy ;ufy..""v. 98.50 .11" Oeluie Craftsmen, 4-cycle 29 75' ALLEN'S EASY PAY PLAN Only the imallest down payment ii necessary. Pay the balance on Al len's low cost finance plan. Ml" R.0 luniboirt rl typt 45.00 111" Sunb. am Self Propelled ro-1 tary Celt 142 00 115.00 i 'IS" Sean belt drive reel typt 39 95 1 18" Jacebien electric rotary. with 49 50 AIOVE MOWEHS All LOCATED AT DOWNTOWN 5TOHI. OTHE$ AT CANDAIARIA STOII 234 N. Commtrcill Ml Alu. A...