Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed., May 2, '56 (Sec. i)-,t Nuclear Test Series Costs $100 Million OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 'TIL 9 V til North Liberty aSaaw- By ELTON FAY HONOLULU The Atomic Knrrgy Commission and Defense Department calculate the cost of a series o( big scale nuclear weapons tpsts, like that begining at the Cen tral Pacific proving jrounds, at more than one hundred million dol lars. The two agencies say that costs of Pacific tests are high compared with those held at intervals at the proving grounds in Nevada, hut that they are fully acceptable be cause of their value to weapons de velopment." Material made available Tues day by officials of Operation Red wing Mid (hat it has been estimat ed a "series sueto as Castle will exceed 100 million dollars in direct costs " Number 1 noertain Operation Castle was the 1SW4 spring series at the Pacific prov ing ground. That series included deto nation of the biggest hydrogen bomb eer exploded. The AKC says officially that three detona tions were made in Operation Castle Other sources have sug Cestcd at least fixe detonations oc currrd in the 1 MM series Redwing may invoke more than ten shots, some of them small, however. The direct costs mentioned in the AKf'Oefrnse information undoubt edly in?ffltfPfhe price for the wea pons themsch cs. Al Least .' The first explosion of the new .lories will bring the total of nu clear explosions from American- made test devices and weapons to at least (i5 i of which 64 are official ly admitted i since the progenitor atomic bomb tests on July Hi. 1145 Preliminary tests involving sunn1 thermonuclear material wen- made in the fall of tu;,2 at the Pacific proving ground The (ominisMnn savs that be Cause land surface is limited at the tun atoll, where tests are con ducted. Bikini and Kniwetnk. ? ''number of detonations have been made from txariie anchored in the lagoons or over the barrier reefs from Shot Towers Other weapons have been fired from shot towers 2fXi to 300 fee! pbnvc ground, snvs a summary of experiments Tin1 summary made no refer ence to miil-air hursts in presiom h driven weapon tests, indicating the explosion of a hydrogen mm to be dropped from a plane tin mouth will ho the first time tin Vnitrcl States actually has ne air-delivery method lor a ' li weapon However, it is to be siimcd that extensive tosh of drop ping an ordnance tjpe casinc. iden tieal in shape and weight to a liv bomb, have- been conducted Test offic ials have declined to day what type of bomber will hi used However, the spied ami al titude capabilities of the new R-.V. heavy let bomber point to that type aircraft At 'east two arc in the Central Pacific area Ncubcrgcr Blasts Solon's Court Idea WSlll(.TO Sen Neil briber O-Ore ' s.nil Tuesday nnuld be as bejical to r r i u ; r i nil nrrsidonlial candidates to serve nnor term ai co ernor as to limit Supreme Court Justices to tho with prev ions bench experience Vuhcreor interpreted a propo- bv Sen Smatticrs P I'll allccliii,' the high court as "a southern nun to rntiri7e the court bei-ause of it Hncvwn afainst racial m;CI elation in nnlihe sc hoi d S.r:i!h. rs told the Senate Wombs Mir selection of nisliees should hi lii.ui! in nersnns Willi five vears experience in the federal judiciary nr cm a state supreme com t Neuherser said in a statement it would be just as logical to stipu !!. "thai all candidates for prcsi dent have served at least one 'crm as gnvrrnor of their state and that -nnHiHilns for enncress have a minimum of a single term of exper ience in a state legislature "Every point to he made in fa vnr nf ronuirinv! prior imiu aal ex iwrii'tu-e (or Suureuie Court pomtees can likewise be adv anced in favor of requiring executive ex ppru'iur of .a president and prior Wis alive experience 01 a cm tiressiii.m or t'nilecl States Sena tor " Neiiheruer said He said Chief Jii-l it e Warren and seven of the present eight wi.ile lust ices would have hecll disqualified for S u p r e m e Court membership under smatners pro posal Hockrl-I'owrrrd (iadgcl lo Aid in Pr VSHICTO -f Ihc Army Is rlevelnmne a rocket powered racket to take some of tile labor cm' fil digging foxholes It's something like a bazooka am is light enour.h to carry conven len'lv The digger is in the engin eei inc phase Plans for the device were out lued by Army spokesmen befnr the llnuse Appropriations Commit tee which made Ineir testimony public. Tuesday Now She Shoos "Cash and Carry" Without ramtul Bcnacn NiKinf naraacn., nr.....-, ... .... rl,r,ncl puni may etmr tin ml hover -r. I , ,m.ii.nal uiiaru or iter moan .traa. and li run And folk" who r-it mil drink unwiwl. ,.,nntiml lii mil" blliH.r Irritatum ., iCh tht rmtlUtt, Krnutra IB out nasrairai nih.diromfirU.U.iii'i 1'illn of tan A.lp ry chair pain raliavtnf, by thalr lnrrrt to hlaililrt irritation, and l. Ihnr mild rhu rat i art ion (hronrh tha kidnayt -a-nitim incrrnai th outpat of the 16 Mil., of kelnev tuhM. Si 1' n.rsinl hnrktrh rriakaa rut ial lr..'n'I' 'ton ' WBI' OT',r,lln n Pill ff.t 1h. am. hPP rfliai n. I. linn. nar ."1 aot (BP H 3 S'o;k up on Cannon's first quality sheets now - buy by the dozen and save morel WMes and pace's . . . standard or fitted . . . serviceable uslins or luxurious percales now available at their lowest prices! 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A ",r r.rt'iro r ittttndias mne).CjtU(nniI'illa uxltj