The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 02, 1956, Page 16, Image 16

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    AFL-CIO Refuses to
Dismiss Complaints
Aii a in st 'Teamsters
WASHINGTON -tA - AFL-CIO the expelled International Long- stocks lost SO cents at $190 30.
loaders Tuesday refused, (or the ahnremen's Assn. iILA). The industrial component of the
time being at least, to dismiss i Beck, absent from Tuesday's average was down fl.M, railroad
complaints that the Teamsters meeting, was invited to appear at dropped back 40 cents, while utili
I'nion associated with another un-. the Council's June J meeting here ties gained 10 cents.
Ion ousted (or alleged corruption, - fur a iurther airing of just-broken-1 There were 1.205 individual
The leaders demanded a personal off pacts with the ILA the East issues traded of which Ml'ad
rsplanation from Teamsters' boss Coast dock workers union charged vanced and 594 declined with 73
Dave Beck. by state and federal crime in- new highs and W new lows for
The 29-member AFL-CIO Exec- vestigators with harboring rack- the year.
',;,. ., . ,. . . . eteers Volume came to 2,500.000 shares
Iitive ( ouncil declined to close '.. Mi ,1. .
. lna.inou Bat-Nag ; as compared with 1,730.000, shares
the matter, on a written message , . , .. Mondav
, , Vie want to discuss the pnn- -110nua-
from the Teamsters saying they ciple of this thing with Mr. Beck." ' .
.have agreed to end dealings with said AFL-CIO President George Stocks HUtl Bonds
Bend Area
Crash Fatal
RKYI) '. A I,apine mother
f three as killed in a truck-auto
crasn seven mnes soutn oi nere
The Iruek driver. John D. Ber
nard. 27. San landro. Calif . was
attempting to pass another ear
when a station wagon with Mr.
and Mrs. Ira Dale Skidgel and a
daughter. Ruth Ann. 5, inside,
approached from the opposite
oireruon. me irucs salaried juz
foot before striking the Skidgel car I
Mrs Skidgel,
before arrival at
31 was dead
a Bend hospital.
Her husband and daughter are in
..,. ,.nH,tinn RrnarH tuf
aerious iiindition. Kernard sul-
feted lesser injuries
Mrs Skidgel is survived also hy
atiiitlur daughter and a son. her
Li' her. Rmd Reek. F.ugene. and
mother, Mrs. tiertrude Thurman,
IMtiscum for
( lasev Jones
.UCKSON. Tenn 1- The Casey
Tones Museum was dedicated Mon-day-llie
Stilh anniversary of the
tram wreck at Vaughn. Miss . that
made old Case a famous railroad
er Mrs Casey Jones. 82 cut the
ceremonial ribbon stretched across
the porch of her former home, now months as parLjul reimbursement and couple loads fed heifers; niar
thc mam section of the museum for damage thrK- caused. Juvenile kel verv slow in developing bid1;
Jut Frank Clement praised
''ihaf breed of men who made rail-
roadmg a distinct American insti
tution," and added.
Such a man was Casey .Tones "
The museum contains Carey's
iMi.i! whistle, telegraph keys,
lanterns, pass books and numer
ous other obsolete railroad items
of the Jones era There's a replica
ef the engine, old "Cannonhall." ,
Casey was making the run from
Memphis to Canton. Miss
on the Illinois Central's
' l annonbair' when the wreck oc-
Sim Webb, an fC ycar-uM Mem
phis Neu'ro who was firing, for Ca
sev that dav. told the crowd about
, .
I hollered somethinit was com
ini; on the main track." said Webb
' Then Mr, Jones yelled for me to
Jump and jump I did
Railroad records show that an-
oiiht nam naa neen n.u kpo onto
ine ni;iin line ny misiane 1 asey
dii'il in the wreck
: uasnt tniirh of a wreck, as
train wrecks ro. but somehow it
u,!- Amen into folk sons and Ca
ae Junes became a famous name
Sal 0111
Obi Unifies
ttusls Snl
v n iw -y fin-j.?
r- ,111 of w
I ..and ()'
,il Ann1 in la'e
Miller sir-. eel
i- Angel S!e-..
- A I e ' V 1 l-1e
M' Mtv H i .!'' K.i-
ii'e Mi' He, ci. AnKi i S.Hem.
ilr't-, Mi I)i. nf.,, Salem Mis
Ansel Saler., sin. llnheit
1 i-i . - Are.; .Ii v. " 4:11
Mn-iiael Ansel a! i.l s,e,
r I r-hilrl re n fi iivteti anrl 1
f .ill in 'he F a' Sei . ( e is : 1 1
A nr
5 i '
br he'ej Ftulii Mai 4 st In .10 a m
1:1 me ("iiapel or II, e Vi:ll T (iolden
1 Hi - Rerker m i 11II1. .ale
Mrs snrv Bliss
1 a'e :es, fieri nr 1210 ('..iifliew i.-irl
ei.: 1 a' a local hoxpitM April :10
S 1 .w'l hv husband N'esl R iss Sale-'
liauKh'et. Mi (llnrl.s Cin
I, ,,' M :ineapnl' Mmn Si'lei Mrs
ATi e.i: 1 ' 7 ai I ,nrl il l,nn
1 in e- audi hi 111 ' en and i re f eal -Ki
anili'i.idren Serne will be held
'n'-4l'' Vireil '! f.nlden Chapel
1 h.,i-0ai . M.1.1 It at 2 p tin
Ilaiid O (njswell
I ,re resident nf F' 4 Rot " in.
SiU v. In this cit Annl 2:i Hus.
hiti'l nf Judith Cnesssel nf Salem
nf Dnrnthv F'.rk nf llnicnei.
, 1 srne Encksnn n( Nnr'li Al
and Bill Ci. Rswetl ol Salem;
h-n'ner nf Mi rnn C nssweli of Snn
liatu Wash and Mis Ma.v Rerker
erf llprililstin g. Calif Sl giandr hil
dif'u al ii un 11 r Member nf flnnd
C ri,,r:il l.nlheran Church and f)r
j, 1.' 'he Kenies. Serines niil be
i,e,.f . 1 linesda- M.iv 2 a1 1 ' p m
11 ,- e I hap 1 of " e W T B Sdnn
4 n i. "1 the Ri 1 F. O Elhriji I nf
II. ...lull
r;i-nri;e Holland
I .-.'r -psidrn' nf Pnr'land (lire, in,
H a ,ial hnspital April 27 Ar-r-i.
,n. r-- ent nf nvi u rl ia'er My
c;i I (.nlden Co
flitnran Mrl ran
V a nursirf home April 2S
7 ale ri-ldent nf R.ifi Highland Are
5 : r'l hi' vsife, Vciril Mil.enn,
c v,, sons, Dunrsn Jr. Rnr-c-I
, r and Charles., Cn ted Slales Air
f, ,r I'uertn Ri'i, snrl bic frand
r ;d ill Serslrrs uill be held in
t V sil T Cnlden Chapel 71-urs-ci
.- Mav 7 st 10 .70 a -n Ri'nalislir
, 1 1, hv" ft lent lodge "Xn 4
AF.1.AM and An.erlcan I.epinn Post
Interment at City View ( em-
John Holf
At f e ;e-ldeni e R1 1 R"S l1"
,: i'v Ore April 21 Su-.-i.ecl
in w le Flirahetb W"lf nf Sublim
1" llauahlere. Mr Mary Wiistrai k.
M, isa .kee W.s , Mrs Rose Frank
-r h"'wn Falls Mont; Mis Emma
J I'ai'i Sublimits: Ml' theie-a
list-a.sskv. Venice. Cslil: Mrs Betty
K.-irjci Wausau. Wis Sons. Ailbt.i
Vs.df i.V'1'ia.i. VS'.:f nf S,.hl..u t v .
Jn.eph Wnlf nf Milwaukee. Wlscnn
t n 7 1 enli -tss n jrandr hildren and
g-eat-grandchilriren Ser' ices will
be held Wed . Ms s 2. st J p m in lh
V .nil T Cnlden Chapei ln'ermenl
mill he st City View Cemetery.
, aicanr, oacnea unanimously dv
the Executive Council.
It was Meany who, threatening
an ArL-UO ouster, had caused
.1- f 1 . . . , ,
me iramsirrs io cancel a piannea
swa.ono loan to the ILA. Then
i only last Friday the ILA. in a
further effort to take the heat otf
the Teamsters, pulled out of a
mutual aid pact with the 1.400.000-
member truckers union headed hv
. '
Meanv said cutting off ties with
thp It A rinxn'l tntisifs; II.. "nc,.
i" "
ciple'' involved .that of the
AFL-CIO memlier Teamsters s.
social ing with an expelled union
in a field given to a new AFL-
CIO group The AFL-CIO has
established the International '
Brotherhood of
( mi i , nfw
Longshoremen I
a new clean union
' sworn to replace the ILA. I
"Previe4ij Cmmltments"
Rp,.w B lhoh in w. .in,!
mnet iaci C-rrV tioH . ,h in
, "
a, ,an,. 1 ,.,t ,,.. ,,t rm;i.
merits'' would keeD him auav
mini luesaavs meeting. He IS a
council member and an AFL-CIO
Vice president
Meanv said the council decided
to defer any action until Beck can
he present. But he said the mal-
tor was not closed and there still
is ' a question of principle in-
vdved which cannot he disre-
garried "
Meany declined to say whether
any punitive action jiill hancs.
over the Teamrmr ofrirmvwtth"
an enrollment close to one tenth
of all the AFL-CIOs 15 million
membership. "What our answer
is going Io be. I can't say,"
Meanv said
MINKOI.A. N Y 'P - Juvenile
vandals m Navsau County have
paid $4 472 during the past sin
Judge James N. liehrin; said he
believed the psychological effect
of forcinf rrstilution hebs in re-
ducing delinquency.
Porllaml Proiluce
PORTLAND -K -Butterfat -
Tentative subject t 0 immediate
cl.anye-Premmm quality dehv-
lorml in Pnrt 1 anii ftfl.At h lire
ula,,v secin, auallv
quality 57-e second quality 52-5:
k 1 or w no es.i e inn nil v
.,,,. . ' 1 ' r,.,i. 14
viiits Ml liiin.,nic, - umuc nn,
o) r -01 l or-ito to
-i n 7;on ,.J r r l7;
m 2, n grade wi score c graae
ef'0" r . , , n
neese 10 w noiesaiers ui egon
singles, 414lb; Oregon 51b loaf,
4:t'i ofl
Kkks To holesalers Candled
foh. Portland. A large ,43-451?:
A medium, 41 424 , A small. 32-
Kst;s.-To retailers-Crade A
A Iarne. 44 47 A A
42-4V A medium. 42 44
A small. ;i4, t artons. i s renis aa -
(ii; iiinal
K:'ss- To consumei s-A large.
.i4 .it. A larse 52 ST; AA medium.
.Vi v- medium. 49 54, A small.
I.e. e poultry No. 1 quality,
f ii b Portland -Ki vers. 2'i 4 lbs.
2.1- m lann, 2.1; lililil liens.. 18-20
at (arm heavy hens. 21-22 at
f.iim. old- roosters. 1114
Turkeys To producers I. i v e
vseiqhl fryers. 27
ftabhils -Average to growers -I,
lie while. 3,-4'7 Hi-. 2..-2S, 5 6
lt. . 18-21; i-oloied,. pclli 4 cents
less old does. 10 14. few lusher
Fresh killed fryers to retailers, 58
61. cut up. 624S5.
Wholesale Dressed .Meals
Reel carcasses Steers, choice,
500 TIKI lbs. 32 00 35 00; good, 31 00
33 0(1, commercial. 28 00 - 31 00.
tilihl. 27 00 30 00 commercial.
2.100. canners and cullers. 22 00
2". oo.
Beef cuts 'choice steers .-'Hind
quarters. 41 00-45 00. rounds
3P. 00 42 on full loins, trimmed.'
fio 00 - 67 HO. forequarters, 27 00
30 00. chucks, 7?, 00-31 00; ribs.
4il On 47 oo
Pork ruts Loins, choice. 8 10
His, 45 00 48 00; shoulders, 1 lbs.
down, 26 00 28 00; sparerihs. 37 00
4' 00; fresh hams. 10-14 lbs, 45 00
50 00
eal and calves Good choice,
all weights. 32 00 50 00, commer
cial, 27 00 41 00.
Spring lamb Choice prime. 40
50 lbs. 41 01-44 00
l.anihs-Cho.ce. 40 50 Itrs. 37 00
40 00. good, 34 00-38 00
Wool Nominal, clean basis.
blood, 1 00-05 lb; blood. 1 03 08
lb; blood. 1 12-18, fine, 1,17-23.
Country-dressed Meats, l.o.h.
Beef-Cows, utility. 23 25 lb;
cutters. 1H-2I
e;il Top quality, lightweight.
3K-.38 roii'jh heavies. 22 30,
Hogs-Host light blockers. 24 25,
lean lisht sows. 17-18.
I.ambs (inod yearlings. 32 35
lullon Lightweight ewes and
wethers. 12 14; rough heavies,
a in.
Fresh Produce
Onions Oregon Panvers. No. 1
med. 2 25-50; Texas yellow. Ige.
4 00 50
Potatoes Central Ore Mussels.
No 1A, 100 lbs. 5 00-6 00; No. 2.
SO lbs, 1 75-2 10; hales. No. Is. 5 10
lbs, 2 75-3 00. Klamalh district
Russets. No IV 6 00 7) Idaho
Rus.sels. 1(H) lbs. 6 00 50. some !o
7 25. bales 5-10 lbs. 3 50-4 00 .
Hat New- crop. No 2 green
alfalfa, haled, fob. Portland.
, 43 00 47 00 ton, some sales higher.
Stock Market
Drops Slightly
NEW YORK (t-Softwji In th
motort and most other sections of
I the list Tuesday added up to a
moderate decline in the stock
The Associated Press average of
re-apiled y Ttc Associatcf Pres.
D 1
5 4
98 !
95 0
S5 0
4 S
04 :
S4 0
Rails indust
f change... i nch i.inch
p""" jay
Week ago 7
as 9
M 5
97 I
tH 9
M a
tn .
9f I
95 7
7 7
m a
M 4
ism High !
ism men
liS Low
. io
ind nt
Net change . D! 9
D 4
150 7
151 I
149 2
K1.1 II
151 4
12 0
1 4? 4
114 9
I'lil Stka
A 1 D
72 9 190
pUTv d,v
Week no .
?onih no
170 9
272 R
y t
219 4
244 0
!S7 9
ita 1
77 2
74 4 1'I0 4
i's Hmh '
71 9 IftS.O
75 2 111
if -
I 04 rl l sTfi
71 ( 171 (I
75 7
7 2
l 1 . , ( l ...
Markets at f.lance
NKW Y0RK APi-Stocks-Lower
.,. .h..,,
R"nl" IneguUrlv hifher; govern.
ri.tlnn-Irregular: profit taking and
Wheat-Weak: moisture in south-
,.,',"nS,rf,nf ' n,-w hlr'" on ol1
oat-Firm with corn
1j'Doi,n rn,lnd 15 "n": 'p
r,ii. steer, don 25 to sn cenis.
heilen sieadv. top sj4 .v
Dow JolieS AvfrawpS
w TOrMe-mPT-oow jeme.e4
mg stock averages i
3d Indus 5i 8 5H 24 513
i? ' TU' '3ii "111
ei.. i.. io',, .'i iyi in idi (m
" j
Portland Livestock
PORTLAND r?'-t'SDA'-Cattle
salable 4.50, holdovers 75, offerings
include around 8 loosteers
steers and heifers 25. Vie and
more lower than earlv Monday;
e..rlv sales cows about steadv. but
some bids 25-.V) lower; live-car
string mostly choice Wyoming fed
steers unsold; equivalent of three macnineguns. ana rocnei tnrowers
loads average to high choice fed S""" 01 hf sold"'rs rodf ln mo,or
steers Monday 21 00; other choice c'cles' trucks and -mored cars.
steers 19 50-20. .V); part load most
y thoK.t (ed h(.,(frs Tue,day 19 25
wi(h ((w good Krnde 182r,; early,
a 1
; sa" ""
mosuy jw-iiuu, irw uuiuj co5 ,
. . . . . i
w"1"': " commercial cows
, -n , , f 1 1 I a- hlllc 1 (Ml. If, SO ' On
- M! - lbHolslein bull Monday 17.30; ,
v,ht mfJ. huU down , 12 0 0
I falave salable SO; market slow:
wpak l0 lw )ower; 50me bld, o(f
mnrf. pnod.rhniri. vealers 1900-
26 00. some held higher; utility
vealers 1100-14 00; light good and
choice stock calves 18 50-19 50:
medium 350 lbs 15 00.
Hoes salable 300: market mod-
eraielv active about sieadv: sort-
ed lots C S No 1 and 2 butchers
180-235 lbs 17 25-17 75: few mixed
- ,,
I. 2 and 3 lots. 16 75; No 3
buti hers 16 25. sows 300 .500 lbs
salable 1150-14 50: individual 570
lb son ; 9 50
Sheep salable 150. market mod
erately active, fully steady: small
lot choice and prime 89 lb spring
slaughter lambs 24 50. sorted one
good grade 22 00; one lot choice
102 lb wooled old crop slaughter
.0-. 1 t-J
iailios 10 i.l. 1 c s siuinj vsoiursi
lambs 16 00-16. V); few culls to low
good ewes 3 00 5 00
UKVKNPOR T. England i -The
hangar deck of the aircraft
rier Ark Royal of all places
has had a fashion show complete
with prettv girls in scanlies The
,i ;.wi r,.e il, linn
S,,l, l,s, ,,, lr ,S,,,S
(ieorge fund for sailors.
1 S(a'r'.,ke
6 Kr.s'nsh
a ithor
Jl Ancient
dittrift in
As. a M.r.or
1! M. take
13 Pry
14 Punctua
tion mark
U Is able
16 Bets nol
w on
17 Und
measure 1! flltnal snow
1 Kasse
ii HThtles
2 Make
amends for
26 Cleans
n( soap
: t agcr
I'd Cfv iGer (
31 Told a
32 f'nirign
cltne I
"1 P.nund
;.s rind of the
tkv iBabvl I
3S Arrange m
a line
?,1 Comical
41 tarhie
42 Pa.spe.
wav bet'A-een
43 Attifjdin
ires 44 Weaver t
1 Little g.sler
J Solid
3 Wild ox 22 Particle
I C'elelicj ) of
4 King of a.irlilion
beasts 23 ln a
5 Bark service-
6 C,a,ned hack able
7 Appearing; manner
as if catrn 24 Game
I Weapons of of
defense chance
I Vaulted 71 Part
ceiung of
10 Epochs I" he"
16 Mnnrtar Color i Bulg t 31 Plunge
17 Semite '"i 'aid
IS lndigmc 3' C.rste
20 l ate "1 Mi-l'-y
21 At Z" M 'sl
home conlftiner
East German
A ?
i I
EAST BERLIN A edlama rifle
East Berila Tei4aj la aaaual
East Gennaa Army as aaet. Kim
wora la with Sorlet observers aa
Goose - Step
Troops March
In East Zone
BERLIN - The new -National
Peoples Army'' of Communist
Fast Germany marched in parade
Tuesday for the first time
Nearly 6 000 armed, goose step
ping infantrymen, garbed in a uni
form similar to that 0 Hitler's
Wehrmacht, passed in review in a
giant Communist May Day parade
in Fast Rerlin.
About Son 000 persons participat
ed in the demonstration,
Rehind the army units, came
wave after wave of uniformed
"fighting groups" of factory work
ers, Communist youth organiia-
..t4iii..and.umU,..C Di.lTeoBlter().-.Oiicairo
Allied authorities have contended i
'"a', all of Berlin is still occupied;
lorriliirv anrt thnr-AfnrA ctill flnv. .
erned hy four-power occupation
regulations which forbid military
1'. S. State Department officials
hi neiiin saiu iney nau
no coin-
ment" on today's display. i
Fast German Comminisls-w ith
, , ., . ..
Russian bai king-say Fast Berlin
" no lonCer occupied. 1 ney nave
pronounced it the sovereign capital
' a wvrnign tasi uerminy.
, lnr""F "ull"lu
'sl ;'anuir'. Paraded with rifles,;
LLMI'L'U, Malaya I - A
tln. ,reasure nunl . bfin -
sidered by the Malayan war dam-
age commission. The metal worth :
111: f Jll I ! l-
many Minimus oi uouais is in ine
h0ds of ,iapa,,e cargo ships
b(1(wpen Maava and Japan
in World War II. Some estimates
,afe (o(a, gj hj h B w
L .u e,ooo . -
Portland Grain
PORTLAND 1 Coarse trains
. , ,, . , .
''day shipment, bulk, coasl deliv
erv Oals No 2 38 lb white 58 50.
Barley No. 2. 45 Ih B W 49 00
Corn No. 2. K. Y shipment 7100
No wheat transactions.
Car receipts: Wheat 6; barley
1 : corn 5. nii.l feed 3.
Salem Quolalious
1 As nf Into yesterday l
lii'TTiritr At
No 1
. Wholesale
tG(.S-( Burial)
i Wholesale prices rsnre from 4
tr 1 renls oi er buying prtcel
t .a rye A
1e,i. A
(-nred Hen
Leghorn liens
Colored Erser
rnoa R,s
old Roojters
m r a jfr o Mid .
CevIFlF -JtaSI
teftterS)s Antl
3; External
scd coating
37 Organ of
s it' r 1 1
3f The African
i r.v tiarl
'40 Man s
nis isr.arr.e
I , j 1 S. 1 i5 'I V ,
i ia 1' .
;o 77, i'i s-
i i . -1- -' y.
S8 It
Army in May
- armed Eat Gennaa Army lergraata
LommuaUt workera' day eelebratiaa.
anils army, rforg aahtrti from
haa4. (AP Wlreplwtf via radio Imra Berlin.)
Investment Trusts
IZilka. Smlther A Co lnc 1
Afflliated Fund . 19 19
Canadian Fund 19 45 V K
Centurv Shares Trust . IS 1:1 2197 Fund . . 17 72 19 IS
Delaware Fund II 45 12 59
Diver. Invrt r.ind 11 19 U 91
Dividend Snares 2 87 115 .V H Hal. F.ind 4H 2104
(;.,, Ind 11 is 15 48
Croup Tobacco 4 41 4 S5
Incorp, Imcstdrs 20 37 21 IU
Kev Cust. Funds:
B-.t - .. !1 14 JO 88
B-4 . ... HI"-: II 97
K-l 9 64 10 52
S-2 , l: 7S 1.1 Hi
S-4 If 75 II 74
Man Bond Fund ... 8 7 8 4
Mm,, lnve't Trust . . .15 fit 39 "
Xatl Sec Series.
Income Series 8 47 7 (13
Stock Senc, . .. 8 89 9 7
Pref. Stock S 1 94 9 fid
Natl Div Series ... . 4 94 5 40
Na'l'h 8 4.7 7 0.1
Pioncrr Fund 11 22 IV 4fi
Tel -Fire Fund 12 I.I 13 22
Value Line Inc Tund 4 28 8 94
Wellington Fund 13 M Hon
Z "
Open High 1.0W Clo,e
loidl ..
I sn
Nov. new) 1 61 1 89 1 81
Uan IIS 190 1.85
1 S9
1 90
Chicago Blllter-EpjJS
cmcAno i api iusdai-Hutter
steadv unlcsi selling p'ces un-
rnanged: AA 93 scoie 9 25-59 S. A 9?
ju-595 B 90 57 - 5 7 5 c 89 59 25-58 75
ytg, ,i,dier. wholesale selling
prices ', mgncr u f mini-
:3ns ,xtrl,, medium 35
,u-ou, uir,,.
Firm Lrow in
W, m 11a
, I lsi tTl KlflJlllfr
- .
rwiun.Mi inc .-uirn
Company of Alliambra, Calif . snb-
mjltpfi lht low nir nf $957,200
Tuesday for the first construction
work m hf M mjUmn nar ,1llls
ry n. n ik m:u ri r
' the Willamette River
I The first work calls for con
struction of the Kitson Springs
detour road and a diversion tunnel
... . . ,L ' . ...
at ine nam site, tnree mnes soutn
of Oakridge. There were five other
bidders The covernment eslimate
for the work was $1,032,420.
The recent Congress appropri
ated $.110,000 for continued plan
ning and start nf construction at
the dam. which is closely related
to the Lookout Point project. It
is 26'; miles upstream from look
out Pmnt. and will be operated as
I a unit wild Lookout Point in power
generalion and flood control.
s. It will take four tears to com
n pleie the Hills Creek Dam, which
will have a generating capacity of
30000 kilowatts.
New York Closing Storks
Mfiill Lynch, rnrf Fnner and Rr.m
' Admiral Corn
A I Cheni es Ui e
Ford Motor
lien DinalTins
t.11. Fie.
(.en Foods
(,eu M'
(;rn Tire
(le,, far Plv
i (.liil.len
I ( inodr 11 n
( ,01111 1 ear
, (Ira. c W R
, (,rt So Hi
: Crt We-t Sua
, Crei hmind
(.nil Oil
Allied Sirs
A Ills Chsm
Ah oS
Aluminum Ltd
Am Airlines
Am Csn
Am Osn
Am Mnlnrs
Am Sll F'dr
Am T A I
Am Tnbai'1-0
Am Vnw-ose
Attar Copper
A mini
Atcheson Top
23' 1
Bendis A'. 'a
Bet f nods
Belh Stl
Hoetng Air
Borg Warn
Bin yrus
Burro Adding ..
' Homes'take M
Ir.t liars est
Ir.t Nuke!
I nr Paper
' i
Junes M Stl
Ka -er S'um
Ki' ' .', "
c..;.r P, k
. Canipti Soup
( an I'sr H .
( ase J I
Calerp 'I rar
Ci rta'.rteed
Chen A O Bv
Chi M K St P
Chi NV n
Chi R Is R)
CI ruler
( 'it les- Sr r
Cljinas Mnlv
flue-It Pes
Cm a t nis
t nlgalf
Com Credit
( omw t dl"ll
Cons. Kriisnn
( nut ( an v 1
font Oil v
t race ( n
Crown r.t
( urtiss Wr
Deer A (
Ills Mat, h
Dn.ig A:r
Oris ( l.rni
Du P de Ne
ll.l Aii 1 I
r k - - . -
n Ta '.as
Ernei Rarl.r.
.'El Lrlln
Km, 4'i
1 ', i.' M. N I', '.,
I Igg M '.e.-s '.'',
1 OF Class PR' ..
I .in k n ed Air 4 i ' ,
I nes. I... ?! ,
l"-e (' . K
- "a"l !' ,
Mag' a- "i ',
Va. I' r r .1 :'S
M A M W.-.r HC.
Me' , i. r " .'n '.
V. -t ( ' en 4 !
Vim" tVa"l '"' ,
Mntnro'a 4fi
Natl n. ., ts
Na" Cs-h llrg 4", riair-. '!',
li" ...;i ,
Na'l I " V,
,. 1 , ,i ne
N,', Si.i.p S'' ,
M ( e, '1 4 :'.
Nn l . A '"'
(i I'a. Oi B4 ',
NW Airl!-,es I, ,
O' '.tw'h s-
rit., F.i . I'. .
c. '. : t: '
r- " s. i
.Par. Am Air U',
4S' ,
41 '
Day Parade
0 JJd'ftSMf'.y
marchei past rettewiag itaaal la
Parade was Hrt public display .1
4 ammaani renpies ranee, wrrr
Wild Buying
In Soybeans
CHICAGO tt A government re-
port showing fewer sovbeans left
in the rounlrv than hid been ex-
in me coun r man naa oeen ex
peeled touched off a wild buying
movement in soybeans on the
Board of Trade
May. July and September soy-
beans soared 10 cents, the daily
limit permitted.
.... .
Wheat closed 1 to 4 lower,
corn 1 i "j higher, oats 'i to
com higher, rye ', lower to
higher, sovbeans 3 Io 10 cents
higher and lard 20 to 30 cents a
, , , , , ,
hundred pounds higher.
May wheat relreated on liquida-
tion. Moisture in parts of
the ,
j Southwest caused new crop wheat
U.ta4w. ....,,...-.,.,
(i,iCaffo (Iraill
0en Close
Mac 2i',- J.'ll'.-'a
Julv 2 12',- , 2 II '-.
September J 1:),-I4 2 ll'.-'i
, Driember 2 17-17 't 2 HI1
Man h 2 1' 2 IB
Mav 151'a. I54t,-',
Juh 1 5..',-5S I 5H',-',
' Pei'lember ITiS'i-1, ISS1,-
Uetember 1 ', 1 4.V,-J,
' Maicli 1.45:, 1 44V,
Ma ttS-d.'!1, flfi-etl1,
Julv Sli,-7, (17
December 71 t 7P-"4
Mav I 3', I ?fl',-'4
Julv l .in', I :ifl''4-M
September 1 M 1 ?
December 1 .VI1, 1 34
Mn a 3.1 -JJ 3 31
Julv 3 27-!'i S M
Spptember I 781,-711', IR7i4
November 2 fl'.-dS J '!-
Jnuarv lU'c'i 2 4)-it
Chicago Livestock
10 OIK) jenersllv ainiind 25 lower on
butchers and sows: mixed trades
mostly No. 1 and 2 IWI-220 lbs Butch
'ers mostlv suited for wetuht and
I grade I5SO-7S. hulk mixed lots No 1
'and 3 19fl-?70 lbs lSlsl-.lS: No J and
I .1 '.'RO. .7110 lh 14 SO. ISIM1 anH fe-
lois up to J75 lbs s. low as 13 2S;
'J" ln i.t 90-14..S. m 112s-
14 no
..,,. , .,. M. .,.. .
55 inner, a liaif load pnme around
125(1 lbs 'eers 21 io hign choue
id n tvrrl cliuit p ai.1 nutne slf f 1 1
21 oil. most gi,f to 1m. rrades's'reet and alley intersections which
t '.--. 1 14 1 1. 1 . ; L . t.,.,. . in ail
1H7S-1JI2S cotnmerrin! Hnlslcin Mreis
14 AO-1 SOU most inoice lielfeis
lil llll-Jll ,i(). utilitv mil! i nm.ricn'il
rims 111.0-14 0(1 lameis soil cutt
ISO. 1200 ,, hills. ,nd cnnimen
1, , . 1 1 a 11 no. ir on ...
sealers 2S 00 most gnnd and choice
'l DO-2S 00
ling stock
good to low clioire vesr
ftenrj 700 lbs dow n IB OO
111 no
Slieep I Soil. Head., good to inostlv
iliolre shorn lambs 1 4 H t lbs doss n
N'n 2 to tall sh.r'l rnainlv No 1 and
I pells 22 -! SO. ini.stlv g.w.d S "d
rhnlr-e wonled laulhs 2J00-J2SO cull
to loss good lan hs 1 1 IKI-211 .So. shino
slaiu'Mc- n r. 4 00-5 25
I'er nev J C
Perm R
Ijh I
l":i C.rp
I'n'l M. iris
Phil Petrnl
Prn. ,t Cam
Pug Sil I' A I.
Pure till
i ILxlin (,,,
Ha ..nier Inr
I Hep. ib Sri
Hci Met
lie. nolds Tin.
Rn hfield (I
: Roial ..
Safeis av Sirs
St Ji.e !.ca.i
St I. A st Its
St Ileu s Pa, e r
' S, l-r, li " . . I'u.ri
i . ' 1.
- 5" '
." .
4.1 .
4H ' ,
s.; ,
. ,
;1" 4
.'. 1
Mi '
M h
1 s I .. ,.,,d 1
C- H ,..(-. 'I
C-- S'.,i si.
w 1 . 1 in- n
W . W a-e. I
W. ' A" R li
v. , -. .- ;
F .
U'l 'e. I ' ' r Jl'
Western SeeiiriticS
iZilKi Smlfr & Co Inc i
Thrs Md and lit quotation rviv
nwnl rim at which on mar
(Hltrt. mmhn of the Nallanal As
aritlloa si Security Dralrr'l Inc..
would trd with the fnrl pub
lic l th Unit th quotatloni wtrr
(athtred at a p m. ytiierday:
Bid AskH
Calif Oreion Powr SJ - ' K'
Cascade Pl-ood S7" WJ
Contol. frcliht-; 11'a H'a
Iron nrciran ., n1, IS",
Janticn1 Inc Com. 2S IS
Mnrr li Frinlj U1, 17
Morruon-Kr.iidacn , . 44' 47'a
Ore. -Port. Cement W'a
Pac. P r U Com . & 51
Pop Talhot J Jl
Portland C.t A Coke M' SS'.
Port. Cicn. Elc. 4 H',
Bank of America
Bank of California
ChM Manhattan .
Firt National
nt Nat Cilv NY
U. S. National
- , 75',
Classified Index
"For Your Convenience "
SI0 Meetlnf Notlcet
91 Loit and Found
114 TranapirUlion
.714 Personal
311 Stamps and Coina
401 l.ivetock for Sale
401 Livestock Wanted
404 Poultry and Rahbltj
407 Fur Bearing Animill
4IH Pen
409 "a Fooda
410 Serd and Pin"
JJj rlM? r"rfl Prluc
414 Fsrm Equipment
425 Auction saie,
451 Mnrhmerv and Tools
47J Wanted Machinery. Todll
4.4 Sewing Machine
4"i House Goods tor Pal
450 Warned House Goods
4JI Radio and Television
4.M Building Ma'enalt
4VI Do It Yourself
460 Musical Instrument
4M Sports Equipment
444 Bicvcles
41 For Rent. Mlsceltaneotu
" For Sa,e- Miscellaneous
47, Wlntr(1 vfceii,neou
474 Miscellaneous
m business AND F1NANCX
1510 Monev ?o l.o:n
m emhuiymknt
soil Help Wanted
S"4 Help Wanted, Man
1 stwi Help Wanted. Lady
Pickers Wanted
JJJ H,lrs. Men
14 Work. Wanted, l ady
J' "I'T" V"!"1
t'7 Jon Information
sis rduratwn
"2" Tn;ion'r"c'
793 Sleeping Rooms. Board
m Apartments for' Rent
i22.2i2SKSl . .
707-A Furnished
71)8 Tarms for Rent
3(19 Wanted to Rent
71(1 Wanted to Hen! Houses
712 Wanted to Rent Apti.
714 Bu.siness Rentals
714 Resort Rentals
718 Convalescent Homes
780 Moving and Storaga
801 Business Opportunities
8(13 Business Property
o:t Sutnirhan
804 H01WB for Sale
9117 Apts . Courts for Sal
ni Lois for Sale
810 Farms for Sale
812 Fschange Real Eltat
8 1 S Resort Property
819 Wanted Real tstal
845 Insurance
Ml New Cars
SI Used Can for Sale
855 Auto Parts and Repair
154 Trucks, Trailers for Sal
54 Wanted Cars, Truck
85 Motorcycles
i0 Auto Mtscellaneou
as) House Trailers
894 Heave Equipment
80 Aircraft
notic or itTTitsmoN to im
the Common Council of the City of
Salem, Oregon, deems It necesaary
and expedient and herebr declares
Its purpose and Intention to Improve
EI.KC'TRIC STREET, from the west
line at! South Twenty-third Street
to the easterly terminus of Electric
Street. In the Cilv of Salem, Orefon.
hy bringing said portion of said
street to the established erade. pro
viding! drainage, constructing: rement
roncrete curbs and paving; said por
tion of said street with a 21? inch
asphalllc concrete pavement S4 feet
wide, at the expense of the abutting
and aiiia.crt property, except the
expense will be assumed hv the city
nf Salem all in aicordance with the
plans and spcrlflratliins therefor
which were adopted by Ihe Common
Council Aprtl 211 I'lStl. which are now
nn rile in rnr iimir ui inr sn.y irr-
! rnrder and which by this reference
thereto are nrarle a part hereof These
plans and spei ifi. atinns msy be es
smmed by an interested psrty The
Common Council hereby drclsres Its
purpose end intention tn make the
shove desi-rilsed Improvement by Slid
thr.nigh the street improsement de
partment. On net s of priipcrl s' liable for the
coat of making- sttrh tenpfsnvement
tnai file written remonstrance
against the same with the city re
corder st any time within ten days
after the final publication of this
Rv Order of the Common Council
April M I'lStl
Al rRF.D MITNDT Cilv Recorder
First Publication May 1 I1M
Final Publication Wav IS ll'st
May 2.9 IS
NoTtrr or intkntiov thi
From the West I. Ine of Willamette
Drive to the Kast I Ine of Jack Htreet
I the Common Council of the City nf
I Salem, Oregon, deems It necessary
land expedient snd herehv declares
1 its purpose and Intention to Improve
1 STARK STRF.FT from the xest line
I ,,f Wlilatnettc Drlse to the east line
of tarsi Street In the ( itv of Saleln
Hi lirmemg sstd nnriion of said
street to the established srsde, pro
i i nline drstnsge coristrm ting rement
Irnnrrete rtirbs snd psving sstd por
j th.n nf said street with s V, Inch
: asphalt. i- 1 nni rete pavement 17 feet
Innle st the expense nf Ihe abutting
I aril aillaient iinuicitl ex.e.f
'st-irl and allei inters.-, tn.ns vshlrh
expense vsitl be assumed bv tne city
... Saie.n all 111 a.iordanie vslth the
plans and spcr 1 1 1. at inns therefore
v 1 1. h uere adopted hs the Ci.rnmi.n
C .1 :'' I'1''" "Iv. h are
n..A ..11 file 11 ttie offu e nf tn" a- it ! i- , n hs Mil. refeteo. e
1 , , ,.'. .1 , ,it In -e,-f T
P .11 ' a- d pei fii n-' 1 ' n av he rv
aii.ine.i hi i 1 r.'iie-'iif n.irt' Tl'e
t .iinn ...1 ( i.'.m' il tierehv declares Its
pnip.-se anil n il nil. in to make the
abuse rlesiiibeii 1 inpr. .1 einer I lis and
thr.iui'h the street itiipinsriiient de
liable for the
in nr 1" eb ,e 1 t'ra". r
1 h
atinn nf thi-
I!-, I lull .1 He I .111
Alt1 i" !'..'.
F.issl P-.i.'n aunt. Ma.
: F.nal p.ibli. a'n n Mn
limn 1 (iiim
He, ...iler I
2 1'iSS ;
IS I'r'.S
Mai 5 im'
. t
p.r.e Tn feet
I M ';.'.
I , ,1. 11V1
.1 I "ie Mm
-,, ! 11) I .,.,.!!
I ''I II" 1 1
II ltx.1 and
ih ned ami e
1 .1 n,
l! P '
Statcsmair, Salem. Ore, Wed., May 2, '56 (Sec. Il)-17
' , :fUGE
m .
CALL 4 6811
t S. Chare! St,
FH0NE 4-6811
(Mm 1 lines) eWee nm.
per line 1 time. 15 2)
per line 3 times M M
per line It times 11 10 $1.24)
per line I mo MHO Unci Sun I
'Classified ads will be run in
Both papers to five advertisers
the advantages of the trrmen
combined circulations
When an ad is ordered three
r six times and a Sunday Issue
Is included ifor example Friday.
Saturday Sunday) the lower
Sunday rales apply because only
The Statesman publishes Sun
da va
Classified ads will start ln the
morning Oregon Statesmao, con
clude tn the evening Capital
Journtl - but ads will ae
cepted for Sunday Salesman
The deadline for classified eda
at I AO pm the day before pub
lication except for Sunday when
deadline is IK p.m. Friday.
Emergenrv ads and email line
ed, received after 10 pm.
weendavs and until It noon
Satudrav fnr Sunday may be
placed in the "Too Lata to Clas
sify' column.
Ada far Monday paper onuM
o in by t p.m. Saturday.
The Stateemin-Jountlt Nesesj-
fiapers reserve the rlghs to re
el t Questionable adsertttme; It
St'ntrrer-' rmei .sa-ii'ts,,
place ell advertising under the
proper classification.
The Statesman-Journal News
papers assume no financial re
sponsibility for errors which
mav appear In advertisements
published in Its columns and In
caaea where this paper le at
fault will reprint that part o
an advertisement In which the
typographies! mistake occurs.
A "Blind" Ad an ad contain
ing a Statesman-Journal News
parsers boa number (or an ad
dress le for the protection oi
the advertiser and must there
fore be answered by letter. The
Statesman - Journal Newspaper
are not st liberty to divulge In
formation aa to the Identity of
an advertiser using a "Blind"
to protect Its reader against
fraud, deception, or Injurie.
Reader are cautioned to make
NO PAYMENTS to get a po
sition advertised la the) help
wanted column. - All help
wanted ads MUST SPECITY
WORK. Sale help wanted ad
must state ir in a pay is in me
form of salary, eommlseione.
guarantee, or Include firm
name. Bona fide offer of em
ployment with pay belong t
the "Help Wanted" columns.
Ads in ether columns JarBlch re
quire Investment tn stock,
samples, equipment or eaah
bond should be thoroughly In
eestlgted before paying out
any money. Advertiser re
quiring a cash Investment for
samples or merchandise, sales
aids, etc., must so specify la
their ads.
Kindly report any eveeptlon te
this rule to the classified ad
vertising msnager.
Too Late to Classify
19H .STCDFAKEIt 1 ton trues,
2 speed axle. 12 ft stock rack.
mi Jsvhsmk Trailer Salea.
2M0 Portland Rd
: Cl'STOM built Ford - 4 dr.
aedan Not over ao.tKVI miles.
l ike new t4S5. Call 1-3M0.
Toisn Country Store
SELL nr trade '51 Ford peeaen
ger Countr y flrin . 7 (MI0 miles
Ph 4-JfU.I
NICK clean 4H Hudson S pass
Vfm, Pb, i-mtu. . .
11(54 PLY 4-dr . radio, heater,
2-tone. esc csind, l-M2a.
WANT lot In 'vicinity of 4-C'Oll"-
3 BDRM house. I yr old So
No loan costs U 000 dn . 17
month. owner 4-43S7.
NFW Fit A 3 hdrm home. $3M
down 1a mo 3120 Rdward
l)i ie Phone owner 2-8148
2 HF.DRtKIM modern house, st
SINI Cbehsln Dr. ' Keirer '
t.MI 1110 Wilts Owner, 212 tli
St . Lebanon
1 BDftM. cottage, near shopping
center, futn or unfutn 144
N Capitol Pb I-8H82
FOR RFJStT or ssle. smsll house
in W Sslem. Ph 3-H14S after
4 p m
ilOt'SFWORK day week Ph
VARI) WORK. Iswo mowing
spading, elc. Ph 2-S40 after
? ') p oi
IIOWARI) rotnseting. new lawns
piejiaieri. f-ee estimates
.1 mIdS 01 4-521
WUMK.N for pleasant telephone
ii.ntsit ssoik, 3 his per dsv
Unte 1817 N Cap'tol Salem
C 1 HI s 10- hli vi le !1 Phone
2 S I K.FI v .. sash 44sml
llll e.uh .11 tiaile fin t-ailer
Pnone 4-SslH.l
CIIANCF. if a lifetime list
Ii.ut. -A 1 1 turn nser lale
n I Mast.g an''. wshri A
dm' ll-.trsoii-l eler lange A
-el in is ,t'i f.eerei t..p ?!
Ad' C.,i....le TV with
a tenn isert mils' S -. o t.
n.o li is 1 1 1 v 'II p:,i' off i'"-
i'i 4-r
siilf F'lirrit.i
inline II I
:, S Hie"
pa't I ..rker
In gnnd li..:.'.
1 i 1
rncstri Bo! hi. vi le Have hr
'dentifiins same and pas fnr
a.l 2-VKl
.'.OO I'crvon:.!
310 Mooting Norico
Insinuation Ph 3 fi44
!Tl2 Lost ond Found
. ard Phnne 4-2752.
300 Personal
312 Urt ni Umd
LOST: tliT. stetaveen 4 eor. a
Sileertnn. l-sPSnll rerep Firsts,
stone 100 white side wall ea
Ings. reward. Ph. I-MS.
LOST-feiruilerst. Bernard. Re?
ward lor return. Vicinity W.
Salem. Sun, PR. l-tm.
LOST Men' old" wfrh anal
chsm Reward. Ph. 2-3037.
LOST Ladies flaeees wltn clear
ft fold fleck frames M reel
case Between Salem et Mossy-
mnuth. Ph. 2-Uat.
314 Traiwtpotttsitioii
DRtVlNK to Hot Serlni. Af
kansas. Share expense. 103
3rd. West Salem. ;
316 Pertortol
Madam HAZFL. Salem s ntdeet,
relisble reader cen help ton
win Sucre., health and niaav
pinesa No bargain prHsesv
Just truthful, reliable advicsv.
4310 Portlapd Rd at Altxahy
cut off Cook for sign (
ALCOHOLICS- eTaeirmne- aai
S Commercial. 1-tM
Froren tuna thicken tamal
A beef filea. $2 23 a dot Pir7
pie .): large bresd 2 for 4.1-,
fresh doughnuts everv . morn
ing hy Jem, Ph. J-IK2
" Security OetectU' Aeence
Private investigation anywhere)
am time World wide arjlll
auon. Rm. 13. Salem Pb, day
nr night 4-2248 Vancouver,
Wssh Oliford 3-I4M.
ALCOHOLICS Anonymous grmi
Nn 1. 20o8 N. Com ! -4iB7.
Palm, card phrste reader,
tells pact, present future.
19 complete reading, II with
sd 374S Portland Rr PI.
311 Stomps oid Coin.
WILL bur fold coins, eay
nomination. Call 1-tMl.
4(M) Agriculture
402 Livestock for SaiU
M BAL. FXTttA good hay for
rattle or horse. Pk. 4-76l
after I. week days.
FOR SALE: Leaving for eervtse.
must sell reg Hertford bull.
Silver domino breeding Bit
honed A well marked. Wnuld
make food herd air. ' Prtresfl
reaaonahly. Carl Coo ley,
Ward Dr Ph. J-JTJI
PASTURE. Lush grass, clear
running water. Tack mora,
facilities, access tn beautiful
mountain trails. Within II mln.
ute drive of gelem. X. B, Bar
Corrals, Ph. 4-ltTT er 4-4611
mnrntnf or evenlru.
"I YSiR old' hSif.'f!Sr&Q&St
with full blooded Hereford
heifer 4 1 bull celt, t take)
all. Ph. l-aaaa. 110 Oxford.
FOR SALS, wesner elf. Berk
shir t Chester White. Ph.
PROFESSIONAL hea-sssehoeje tea
Hanteev. 4-4)114 er 4-aoO
FOR SAL or traeie. gentle
ponlee for children, eleo gooel
saddle hone Bob Frank. Mas
N Water St., KlyertM. Ph.
SORREL folding trained (or wo
men or children. Can bo eaxeta
after 4 30 eve. 2331 Hollrwoosi
Dr. .
Slera Meat Co. locker beset
Custom killing, euttlnf wrap
ping, trailer loaned (res.
403 Urostotk Wowtosi
LIVESTOCK buyer. Claud Ed.
ward. KL I. Boa IWaV 4-1 IH
?ATTL, horse, at yetsr farm,
E. CTMeCandltth. Rt I. MlaS.
. CATTLE buyer. A. F. Sommer,
110 Hannotyy Dr. Ph. 4-ssMT.
CATTLE buyer slT Stat. M.
h H. Snelheo, MJ44. t-43.
454 Hoyltry .nel l.lbrfs
WANTED. 10 or IM large lav
inf kef horns. Ph. Fa I1-4J.
Jefferssosv .
BABY CHICKS, Me etreifht rue),
choice of Parmonter. H
Ramp , White Rock anal Leg
horn. Special New Ham, end
White Rock pulleta, lta, Par
menter red rooster, Sc.
Ph t-4J4 Saleea
Of poultry. W bur rabbit.
Wings. 3M Stat. Ph. 4-Jll
408 fort
FOR SALE mal black lab . I
mo . permanent (hot, reas.
Ph Skyline 1171 Monmotith,
383 W. Ackermon Monmouth.
BABY parakeets, rare sic nor
mal. .1421 Abrams Av. 3-7SS8.
Shelties 1 Mm,
Ph. 4-9714
mo old.
Reg. dalmatlan -1
mo old. 1M1 Und Av. or
Ph. 4. 7211.
tfoCKFR PUPS Ita. Also Chi
huahua puppy. Ph. I-lf4i.
YOUNG Tarakeets, rafar. feed
Mlcaey'. JI2I SCorn-l-tTlsV
SIRO Psradls for Nrda, eifeaT
supplies IIH Uvlngstott 1-142.
trt-PAllAKEiriNonntsf '
141 W. Browning. Ph. 1-107.
LARGE Camellias. price,
rhorto. eeefreen A hloomlnf
Aialeas, Warings Nursery,
Drive So. on 12th st ml.
past Morntngsld School. Turn
right at Oakhlll Ave
SCHIZ ANTHUS from ButcharJ
Gardens. Bedding Plants Hy
hri.l Tomatoes lie ea Sllke'g
Greenhouse Rt. I Box Mi,
Mono Nf ARSHALL atrawberry
plants from certified planting
Nn 2 110 per 1000. Packed.
Ph 4-jmi
DAHLlV Bt'LBS. li"dc. Molti
A- frig Arsleas .Uc A up.
Oraniums. Fuchsias, beddtnf
plants Merrills Greenhouse,
PFONIFS Amnials Fuschlas.
tlrraniiiml, Begonias Hanglnf
haisketa. K libera, 71 Salem
Heights Ave
milDINC. plsntsreroady to
go Fgan Gardens I miles N.
or Kcier Sriiool on Selem
St Paul lltt).
MII.OGRANITF. fertilise.. Sa
le.i. s r.nls dealer other gar
den supplies large selection of
o.i. r.'Kii.e hedding plants.
Open ees, rinsed Sun. Pem
hcrton s Flower Shop A Green
houses I WO S I Jlti
TMHLIA lubers. pansiee. fuchla
A l v geranium. Ward a Gar
den 4.W(i Chrrt v Ave
FOR SAI.F.' common ry fras
eed Ph 4 S IS I
PIllMllilSKS peppers, Hvbrtd
ti.mstr.e. 125 W Salem Height
A Plant Greenhouses A Florist
Gar.len supplies seeds, plants.
1S J J ' Pft, 3-4470. Fv At
411 LowivGordfei Equipf.
Ill SKI 7 , horse garden tractor
vs-'h dis. snd cultivators 15.
See at 110 Hsnson Av even
HAND lawn mower Ph 2-474.
14'i.S N 17th eie
dixit) used M'tsrv power mower,
IIS 2-009(1
rtFAR CAT garden tractor wtth
sttanhments.'- 1100 . 87 Pied-
rr.R s.M T Merion blue free
seed Ph. 4-34i,
a S,
a a
s 0