The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 02, 1956, Page 12, Image 12

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    Valley News
Statesman Newi Service !
1 'I
Lead Class
W ' r l I
DFTROIT Lillian Butler (top
photo) is valedictorian of Class
of in,rfi at Detroit High School
and Lvelyn Bowers is salutator-
Kev. Poling
To Address
Detroit (Irad;
Salesman St-rtHt
DKTItOIT -Commencement will
,e Mav 13 'or the seen graduatini;
,rn,nrsof Detroit Hiuh School 'Ihe
Hei Paul Newton I'olmg. pastor
rf ,h", K'rSi, ,rrrh,m!!n
,n eat I m in'netrnit Scho
Df,r" '"'l
n-alnlireatp trriin. he
H p ni MflV 13 if Idanha Commu
nity Church with the J!ev. Wilbur
Schmidt of Idanha Community
Church as speaker. Benediction
and invocation will he by the Kev
(; y Williams of the Detroit
Church of Christ
Graduating seniors are Kvelyn
I ul ,e Bowers, Dale Lee Brosig.
I ilium Kai hel Butler, .lames Paul
ll.p-o'" MMia Deanna Kei. hum.
:u-si II f.ii-ene Kiee and Donald
I 'f. m ST.d.r
,!, ,! 'on. in is M ss Biiiiet .
rf.,.,i;hter "I Mr and Mis A! B'i;
, 1 Mrs Bow its daughter of Mr
;rui Mrs .lohn Bowers, is s.ilula
Alt. Angel (inllrgr
Suiiiiner School
To Start Jimh' Y)
SljIrsmAn m,s srnor
T Ntil" L-Su:v-iter s, ! ;!
M- M'-il Woman's 1 'o,"je will
,-, n Tuesdav. June pi ,(!t, reis
ti.i-ioii on Ihe two picreding d,is
Soecial leatiires Ihis, year will m-
f'ude a continuation of the k''
ri'icnte theology -o-ire under H:'
J;, v James KoessVr a ser-c "'
(i1;,.e two-week workshop 1 las.-es
:r hi.ih'i and ten u, s;,is wniler
Ii, Lucille Hill f r n m Portia"'1
Si,,te College, also workshops n
eh-menlnry methods and matr
r.als. direi led hy Sister M Her
no e
other scheduled 1 01,1 ses 111
r'-ided education. i,-,t ,,n ! ireis
iiiemeiitv Dregon history, ihild
devi'lopi'icnl. Ann i n ,m literature,
at . ! )i nir 1 1 in elemental srlin' lv
philosophy, sm mingy ( inirses and
DA It 'N Mis ,i, , ::, V I
cm k ha submitted her r.-um
tir.11 as first grade t( ,1, lier at I he
Da.vton l.rade Si hool ellcclive
W.n the close ol !hr si hool vear
Iso mii ctisur has been acnoum 1 -d
A rAmlLY ArrAlK
j'idurtirtB;. no.plcklnr ad nf"
mrntmir rertal itrh r often tril
tak f rin Worms . . . utr'r
pir-rei(i s that frmlicttl rx prt-
,nf. ..t o" out nf ffry thrt pT
f0r -xnnninod. fcntir f .-irrili'
jnfiv he victims and nnt know iL
To pft rid r( rin-Wnrm. thfl
pt mut not onlr b killed, but
killrd in th large inttin whrr
a.ftly wht Jtyn-' P-W tahku do
. . . and h?re'a how thf y do it :
Vajf-a, wititlre rrtntinr car
y th? lahkts (nto thr bol I--for
thy dissolve, Thrn- Jarnf'i
modrn. mpdically-f pprovpd in
jreHknt gon right to work -kil4
pin-Worma quickly and easily-
Don't take rhanrea with thia
dnlrou. hirhly rontaa;iotii ron
dition. At the ftr ngn of I'm
H'orma. ak your HrvWit for
ggnui'i Jayne'ap.w ermiTaf -
theamall. wy-to-uke tabku per
fected by famoui Dr. D. Jayn
Ann. ppclatiu In worm rmiia
for ever IW year.
'Vv I
i 1 A
Isolation of
Gifted Child
Said Wrong
llitMtnm NfWf S'rvlr
MONMOl'TK A weekend parlev
o( 600 educator here came up
-with the oDinion that the gifted
child should be taken care of with
in the classroom
Meeting at Oregon College of
Education, most of Hip educators
were opposed to isolating gifted
children into special croups. In
stead, they proposed either enrich
ment on each child's own level or
Mis. Kmma Ilenkle, director of
OCK's Heading Clinic was chair
man of the event, the ?0tli Annual
Kducalion Conference at 00 K.
Most of those, attending were Ore
gon schonlteai hers
Theme of the ((inference was
"The Cifled Child " Speakers in
cluded I)r Dale B Harris, direc
tor of child welfare, l'niversitv of
Minnesota, and lr Arthur P. Vol
adarci, associate professor nf edu
cation and psychology. Stanford
A banquet fur supervisors nnd
tpeeia! teadier- drew a record at
tendance. Mis Ihnkle reported.
4-H Club
srwvtllir 1r unrL ,.f 11,
Sunnyvide t II ( i;n w a - nn ci'-il.i
Saturday N.itnrini,. pn.-s n
lardcd to 1 lnn,l"r-
first prize 111 Ihe upper LT.iri'"
.sewing went to Arl ne Hall, with
Mw y,wmm second and
Al(p lrk,,5n ,nirf
n 1(u,or uiad(. M.Hin(. rompoti-
lion Susan Williams was first. Linn
Scott was runnrnip and Dora John
son ranked third Allen Hall won
lop honors m the boys forestry
division and second was Gene Mc-
! Curdy. Allen Nickoson was third.
I Mrs Francis l.anglord was
supervisor for upper grades sewing-
Mrs Flame Williams super
nsed lower grades sewing and
l'.vs foreslrs w.nk was leil bv
Mrs ilkes(,:,
,mt,,., ur(, Mr ,-uin, Bln,(,
Nr, Q ,aF()r),e an(i Ml da
rluh member, will go to Silver-
,m " the
- nty 4-H Clh parade.
Linfield College
To Lose Piano,
Organ Assistant
Slatpsman NM1 Servirf
MI II.I.1-: - Miss Flor
Berg.-m of Smu Falls, S D
aiiept.u .1 po-ition at Lin
I TC 0
in 111 (Oili
sor of pi. 1
Mis V- s
a-islant prido-
I organ to iepla
rncv . member 1
,se l.'li III')" M'H
the Lintield n
l''-l. aevonlin.:
to I'llllessnr Mil
W"ld. chau man
IL-ned el-
Mrs a,,., x Us
I'llive will, Ihe do
lege year to di vote !
' ol the col
1 tune :o her
Home and tamiiy in Sheridan
Miss Bergan has studied al Fast
man School of Mu-ic and received
lier hat helor of music degree from
liuvet-sity i, niH-si.i,i and nias
I' l' ol iiiiisie I10111 Norlhweslei n
I ni'. e: y Miss H.trgan h a ,s
'aui:ht proli 111 Minne
apolis at'd has he. n on Ihe fan;:.,
nt Sioux Falls -,.l, for three
MM!- She will ionic to Lintield
Uu.s laU.
Turiirr MariiH'
I ops (lonipanv
SCitf sni.ui Vs Sprviif
Tl ;;i;i; Donald Wipper Tor
Her vi. is the liiuinr student when
the 4.'! men 111 his company grado-
iled Iroiii the Naval Hospital Corps
School al San lhe::o Calif
lie ,s the
Ben Wippei
( ade 1 ninn
tended I Irego
enlist : ii-
a ol Mr and Mrs
graduate of ("as
liL-h S hool, he at
Slale College belore
typical low
from Salem
Boston $2.00
Chicago 1.75
Salt Lake City 1.10
Seattle .55
S-j'i-.n to ii' ci fj' nrt p-ljdm; ta. foi 1
ritul? a"n 6pm wpds(s and all day,y
Enjoy a family reunion
tonight by telephono
Lois Flaming
Centennial Festival
autfimin Nrwi Rrrvlrt I
MONMOUTH Lois Flaming. I
17-year-old Central High School'
senior, will preside as queen aur
ing Monmouth centennial celebra
tion which opens Thursday noon.
Queen Lois will be crowned at
ceremonies in Campbell Hall-on
the OC'E rampus Thursday night.
She will be attended by (our
princesses, all students at Cen
tral High. They are Marcella
McDaniel, senior; Nancy Watson,
junior; Gloria Popoff. sopho-
i more, and Beverly I-laming,
freshman. Beverly is a sister of
the queen.
Queen Lois is treasurer of the
student body at Central High
School and a member 'f the
Girls' Athletic Association and
the Girls' League. She is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Flaming of Monmouth
The queen's hall will be held
in the physical education build
ing on the OCK campus Friday
night. Special features of the
ball will include interpretations
of the Scandinavian schottische
and polk and
the International
Valley News Briefs
stalrsman Nrws Srrl"
Turner Ide.ihl liebekah Lodge
will honor past noble grands and
wdl observe Ihe 40lh anniversary
o the lodge Wednesday night. All
lodges in the district arc invited.
Spring alley -The Spring Valley
Missionary Society will meet at
Hie home of Mrs Fred Mullcr a'.
I .10 p 111 Thin sday tor a dessert
luncheon A silent and mil will be
held. I o - hostesses will be. Mr
l.ois Craw lord and Mrs. Robert
Ted (look,
Laliciii (iiinn
Lead (llass
Slalpsman . sri"
WII.LAM IN Valedictorian and
salu'atorian honors nt Willamma
High School go to Ted Cook, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Cook,
and Laticia Gunn, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. De l.acv (iunn, respec
tively Cook is a four year track letter
man, and a 3 year football letter
man Me has participated on the
1-sta'i. band and on h
ar he represented
Ilih Si hool and the stale in the
All Northwest Band in Kiigene. lit
is active in Key Club. N a t i 0 n a 1
Honor Society,. Lelternien s Cluh.
and Thespians, having participated
in the junior and senior class plays.
Last summer Ted represented W'il
lamina at Boys State In Oorvallis.
Laticia is a transfer from Letcher
High School, Letcher, SD
has participated in both
pias. .,u.m i . ..
League, secretary of the Student
of the ..iris
nom. nn in e 1 1 111 1 itu 1 1 i is -1 .-
erica, ana me (,AA. ann is a mem
ber of the National Thespians and
the National Honor Society.
School Sets
1 Open House
Stlfsmiin ws Sfrvlir
BlliMiKS - Barents of Brooks
S1I100! children will have oppor
tunity to ' i. w the work of t h e
children at an open house at the
school Thursday at 7 n p m.
A I'TA meiling will follow al
S 30 whin Kdwin 0 Boal, presi
dent of Marion County PTA Coun
cil, w ill have charge of installation j
of new oil icers
Families attending are asked t
hung two dozen cookies
"lov '11 not automancolly tverylhing tlothei don t hoppen 'outomalitolly
you Hill nfd Mn, Sttwarl'i Huing ft
iporUing whilnti."
let LONG
family and friends
close to you
UCr ,r;rr,:'',:H", .tra:.:..- supreme
'"r """" j-
Q"een Linn Vol
Sr.. VI
.J : 1 ' '
if If :l- I
William llendrieksnn nf Salem
and several dances by the Salem
International Folk dancers,
Viennese waltz by Mr. and Mrs.
It rooks Mr and Mrs (' K
links have sold their country
home near Brooks to Mr. and Mrs
Charles Vnniinnn of Salem Tae
Hicks family will move to Seattle
the latter part of May. Hicks was
formerly with the Hicks Sundry
Co . Salem, and now is oonilio
vice-president of .Vcoma Distrib
uting Co , Sealllc.
llayesille -The ll.icsie 1'T
will hold ils annual ham dinner
and carnival at Ihe school Satur
day Dinner will be served from
"1 :w-7 :i p in. Boy Scouts are sell
ing tickets.
Itrnoks-The Brooks Sewing Cluh
v ill meet at 1 P Ml Thursday at
the honio of Mrs Harry n,,,h
Mrs. Arthur Sidehottom will have
charge of the program.
Turner Mr and Mrs. Albert
Bobertson were called to Grants
Pass Saturday night when their
son, Dennis, underwent an emer
gency appendectomy. H0 is at
tending school at Cave Junction
Dayton M is
Fd Aebiseher has
neen elected president of the Wo
i nu n's Society of World Service of
the Pioneer Church. Olhcr ollici-i s
are Mrs Fred Matzke. vice presi
dent. Mrs. . A. Slockholl secie-
sti.i 1 , 1st ta:y Mr- George Webster. In a-.-Wi'lrinrn.i
iirer. and Mrs Ida Ituwlcv dele
gate to the W'SWS convention.
Hubbard-Mrs. F.dward Koutney
was recently elected president of
the Hubbard Kxtension I'nit. Fleet
ed to serve with her were Mrs
Roberts Gray as vice-president :
Mrs. John Morrison, secretary, ami
Mrs. John Dubrava, treasurer
Mrs. Koutney succeeds Mrs. W J
pubrava as president.
1 Sublimity V. A Goode, former
lnc vianan ome here.
Marion Forks-Col and Mrs
lack Miles, who lived in the Dc
Iroit area while he was m charge
"I Ihe Detroit Dam Project, were
1. eent visitors at the Scott Voimg
home lure They have just re
turned Irom a Ihree-vear assign
mint in Peru Coining west ,c
viere in an auto accident t Idaho
w hu h hosp'italierf both nf trm
loin s.ivs he vvmililn t trade 111c
lor a doen M.uiKn Monroes. Ha
tusi marvcK at how I man.ipe to
keep our house sinning like a new
renin and ct have lime lor so
manv other thtnv:N. Really, it's
simplv a mailer id timlit: faster,
easier w.ivs to v'et niv himsevvoi k
done. K vmiod floors Tire a j;ooJ
example. I used to srinitc .it just
the Iboufht ol all that mcsss, hard
1 ilcining and vv.ixini; until a fnend
I told me about how Bruce ( leaning
; Va elc.ins as it Imagine.
I no floor washing at all. And my
wood floors ate lust bcauiil'ul.
Wi should ijv Hnicc ( leaning
Wa on vour wood lloois.
It's rc.iliv uondeilul'
"Tom thinks I
,,; 1111
! tops!"
5 f vM,
Demos Lead
SUtum.n jj(w, nPrv,
it.RAXY Comnl.i. tun Coun
ty registration figures, announced
Tuesday by County clerk R M
Russell, show the Democratic par
ty again in the lead. 1
The new total. Russell 5aid. i
23 770 registered voters H" ald
the figure was 1.5. h.m were
registered for the primaries in
1 I9'.t. ,
' The total includes 11 ml r.epuh-
licans and 12.32R li.,,-.rnt. t'""
clerk rcporioa Also rcS'ST
were 123 nrtependents. A rrogrjs-
1 roliihiijonisi, and
rtmoiis ....m lounly's maj"' students in the final contest and
(,t,es, Albany shows Mi H' three were seated at
Vans and 2.178 "Democrats sept fach grade level
Hme has 1, 40 reg.siered voter'.; Th(. ,hp ofllfr
.;,rty break-dour, , report- m Mh - . A are as'(()!.
ed except that a precincts w'rMows 5 V
predominately Denitieralic.
Democrats also rennrtei!
leading in register, voters at l-11'"
anon in all but 2 of 9 precincts To
tal Lebanon registration was 3.022.
Mrs. MeKee
Of Perndale
District Dies
SUIrsm,n Nr., Srrvl"'
D.!.I-S Serves fnr Mrs Mat
tie Knser McKee 81 longtiii"'
I'olk ( "unlv resjd.nt w ll he held
al 2 p m. W ednesday at the toll
man Chapel
The liev. Itohert I.ane of l":il2,"e
will ofliciale. Intern,,.,,) w"11 bf al
Belcrest Memorial Park. Salem
Mrs. McKec, who had been in ill
health for five years died Monday
jof a heart attack al her ferrydalr
' home. She was horn ug 2s- ,s7'
at Mercer. Pa . ilm w;,s ma'"r"'d
Feb 13. BUtt,- at -,llas I" ,i,ff'nn
MrKee. who t,or m ,,:!
Mrs. MrKee had lived in '
I Dallas. Hickfeall and Perrydale
' communilft's nrlr i 10I8 when
,,e moved to California. Since
lii.11 sne nad lived at rcrryo.'ic
where she was a member of lne
Christian Church
Survivors include a brothcr in
l:iw W. II. Mek"e n.,rrs-H.ilc. and
sister-in-law, Mrs.' Louise Koser.
WII.LAM IN'A - m.s- Mildred
Wooden was el,.,.t..a .,h:iiriia"
the Fort Hill l-:xtt,sin I'mt fn
day. Vice president will be Mrs
Neva Strode, and secretary ''fas
urcr will he Mrs. Donna Cardwell
The May meeting wjU be on
coming Styles. M
this important advance in.automotiyeifuef
Exclusive new Aviation Blend gives your car added life
Manv Mid-Vallev Names
On OCE Scholarship List
Itatrsmas Nwa Srvlf
0 N M 0 V T H Names of high school seniors whfl have been
awarded scholarships at Oregon College of Kducalion have been an
nounced by the State Board of Higher Kducalion.
Students currently enrolled at OCK who were granted scholarships
also were announced.
H'Sh school seniors who have been granted scholarships here in
Participate in
Speech Meet
latum.n N '"l.
Tl'RVi,-D ainners in a Turner
-,(ra(1 ,jn cn
which 100 ..:i rtieinatprl h,
HeiM , Tt.,,,. ,n
-,v" nnnoiineen ini-n- t-ir m
Llghth orn ,ie.ludv Stark. Ron-
aid Whitehead. M f
Seventh grade Norma Hunt,
r"'"vd Stinnett. Ro'-er Barber
Sixth grade Marilyn Franren,
'an Pans. Fred Mitchell
fifth grade I.i'en Bret-ken-ri(lKe.
Judy Mirhaelson, Steven
F"iirth grade - Kdwaids Petsr
son. .'nrdith Large. Ann Long
Third grade Billy Reeves. John
UrKe. Utha Cecil
Second grade Linda Franen.
r,';ir' Tipton. Francis Meshelle
Pirst grade-Sharon llankel.
'ary Stanley. Jeanne Barnes
'"dging the finals were Dave
John Seini. David Bennett.
'rs Dim Spiva and Mrs. liordon
Mis. George Breckinridge was
'hairnian of the committee in
dlarse. Working with her
Mrs. nimr H.nrber. Mrs John
Coleman. Mrs. Norma Ooddard
anl Louis High.
i 1 1 ii 111 H. Karon
ies, Early. ('ar
Dealer at Albany Nw vlr
ALBANY Final rites for Wil
liam Harrison Bacon. 8, former
Proprietor of Irvin Motors auto
asency, will be held at 130 p.m.
Thursday at Fisher Crftpel. Inter
n,ent wdl be at Willamette Memo
rial Park.
Bacon came to Albany in 1914
of ard became associated with the
auo linn one of the older ones
m the valley.
Survivors include his wife. Nita;
a n, W. H. Bacon Jr., Albany,
and three grandchildren including
w- H. Bacon III. Salem.
clude the following:
Salem-Arlene Blomgren, Hvely
.Inhanson. IVna Loir Klcen. Shir -
ley Wilcox. Lisa Mykol.
Dallas-Ruth Kngelien. Kathleen
Kelley. Sharon Fletchall.
Independence Josephine Gray.
Willamlna-Beverly Hubbard.
Davlnn-Wanda. Faye Newcomb.
Hubbard-Gloria Schneider,
(.ervais Oarrcll lcCall.
Current OCK students awarded
scholarships were listed as fol-
: '
Salem-Ruth Newton, Jean Pat-
ton. Kay Salter. .Nancy Bone, Rich-
lard Cunningham. Michael Madi-
Monmouth -Jo Ann F.akin. Krnie
: Fdiger. Hazel Hall. James Hall,
1 Zala ' Hassler, Flene Mumniey,
iiienva Mimn, eiaude .1111111, ,ura
Lee Davei'
Dallas -Delores I.aFountaine.
Sio Lois Fox.
Woodhurn Jean Storment.
Aumsville-.lean Storment
lluhbard-Ceraldine Zrhncr.
.leffersnn-CJenrge 1. Marlatt.
Willamlna-Janette Wooden.
Goorpr W. Kipps
Succimihji. Kilos
sSlalcd al Dallas
SLitcman Sf Sfrvlr
DALLAS Services for George
Walton Itiggs. 48. for many years
a resident of (Julhrie and Bridge
port communities, will be held al
, 2 p m Thursday at Bollman Chap.
Biggs died Monday at a Salem
hospital after a long illness. Born
Nov. ft. IW7. he had lived at (lulh
ne and Bridgeport before becom
ing ill three years ago He was en
gaged in poultry raising and farm
ing. Surviving are two sisters. Ma
bel Allrn and Audrey Cooper, both ;
of Dallas
o trims
go In a hurry. . .
pain stops fasti
Or. N tmll'. Zinvpia
Dut only Hop paw m
itnv . . . renwvt
t orn one of th
tutt kft wavfl kmnrD
tUt tTMIicnl m irnc
but alun slop com
rViwe tlifv cnn de
velop! (it a boi to-
dny. Hold vcrywhers.
7 I I I
X I 1
Kirst il(.vi-lo'l for ci.-mt airliner rn
Ciiicm, tlif ,Sk power lurmula in now
lili-mlitl into lii riu Supreme (lasolinc
t niv e your ear . . .
now frri'dom from knocking
inercased power
longrr ring and piston lif
-Sk v powfi ih a rust I v tid rai'lli-,! li-ail i oin
piiunil i niit.iiiiinc ( IIivIpmi. (iiliromiilo
that vaMirirs k 1101 k-cri'Ht lnc i!i-kisi I s .
It. a. tu.iUv ri'iliiics I lis , ;n,. reiiur'-rni-tit
ol Inch i oini'rcsm,,,, entities. Anil
bv inininiiiiii; I'todui ts ,,f rmnlMist ion
that iaui- loriiisinn, n hrlpH pieelit
r niK anil pi-tun wear!
We take better care of
Statesman. Salem, Ore., Wed., May 2, '56 (Sec. II)-13
gutrimaa NfW,,rvr,
EAST SALEM Now officers of
Washington School Mothers Club
are president, Mrs. Fred Anun
sen Jr : vice president. Mrs. Carl
Komyate: secretary, Mrs. Herbert
1 Aplington; treasurer, Mrs. James
I Delaney.
'k" "enicy. exchange
teacher irom r-ngiantl, gave a talk
and showed a short film after
which she was presented with a
gift by the Mothers Club. Charles
D Schmidt, assistant superintend
ent of schools, also spoke to the
group concerning the school bud
get The Mothers Club voted to spon
sor a scholarship for the annual
4 II summer school at rireeon
Stale College. .
Mothers of preschool children
in Washington district are invited
to bring their children to the "Pre-
school Visitation" on May 8 at
l l.V
than round pan.
236 North
Mothers EIm
Perfect Controlled QTtJgn V
Ilea, for mor. dell
more cooking failures. lAAwrff Fill PAW j
? . mow mty 4 t fX -"'j 'i
Kil the differi'iiee Skyixiwr makes in
liiiibiiiK tin; HtooiM'Ht mountain gradp
with ens- . . . pulling out and (mssing
Kafrly on the ommi highway . . . instant
ri-t-iiinc in i ily (rutin -.
And you got famous " I leli-rgcnt - Aft ion"
that ilcmis your earburrtor while you
drive-- to give you extra gas mileage,
smoother idling.
' hev roil Supreme with new SkyHiwer
improves 'rformain e ol all ears, r
gardlrsH of make or model. Try n tankful
( irs with lower 01 lane requirement get
iH-ak Kjwer from Chevron ivegular.
your car with S. O. products
Yamhill Has
14,794 Voters
' ' lutnman Niwi ifrvfc.
McMINNVILLE There are now
14,794 qualified electors hi Yamhill
County, according to County Clerk
Jack Betjler. , j
According, to parties they arei
Republicans, .fW3; Democrats,
6.535; Independent' 97; Bon-partisan,
67; Socialist, three, and Pro
hibition, nine.
The Progressive party was not
listed. It did have member in the
county in 1952 and 1954.
North Howell Win
Sunday School Race
8utMm Newt trrrlr
BROOKS The North Howell
Community Sunday bchool wo-h"a
j just-ended attendance contest
' lne Brooks Assembly of God Sun
day School. As lasers, the Brooks
Rroup presented program and
served refreshments Sunday night
; at the North Howell church.
You eta iauncrw man
pn in wattr op to coe
uol Pm1 fat wutunf.
A Pacific Telephone
M T A NY O F C A . I F o K N I A
iwi mwm-mi wxvn