The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 02, 1956, Page 11, Image 11

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    12-iSec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed..- May .2, '56
Wililhle i:kas
Salem Golf Club Frofettionat
V - J Jij
Craig Clirk of Silverton in thinking he must be the luckiest man
fa the whole North American continent this week.
Craig wai on the receiving end ot I very fine diamond ring not
toe long (go from Mrs. Clark. She had berated her husband for
wearing the valuable ring lo work, and to the golf course, and he
Dressed hit luck too far. Playing in a threesome with Al Adams
" . n . wi i .. J.J l . .
ana Don isurcn on inursaay, iraiR wrara; mm
. .. . , .. . i : i: . i. .i u: - ..
10 in snooting realization mat m ring w miasma;.
This was on the third hole. The boys retraced their
steps for all three holes, but to no avail. When
Clark left the course that1 day he was a mighty
(Sick gent.
Thursday was a big day at SGC, with many
slavers all over the course. But no on found the
fJ L .hirU. sweaters, golf carts, clubs and glasses turned
I flhi from time to time, but no ring this trip. Golfers
I (Iseem to be honest when it comes to someone else's
lii lost property, even if they do have trouble counting
war (,,, correctly when it comes ro tneir own scorecaras.
Tk CUrks cam aack U the tone that alsrht. to have at
last sVsperate searek far the Tint. They faaaed eat aerate the
, Aral tee aad started dowa the fairway, five stria. Not M feet la
treat af the first tee. e of the yraagest at the Oark kids fauad
', th Hag. Nat less thaa IN people had walked right aver It during
th day's play! ...
. " Strang uunji in me rrreni "i ni v,......-
plonf. Normally the gambling capitol of the west is very happy to
tell the world what is going on in that city. But the past week was
a accretive one. The second dav of the "Littler Benefit" I two wins in
Iwa trie for th crew cut genti didn't ven produce a press release.
Yon couldn't even find out who was leading th tourney. It could
be that the Calcutta betting pool the gamblers run in connection
ith th tourney has fallen into disfavor with the press, or the
Federals. It was also odd that Sam Snead didn't show up for the
,)neet, nor did Masters champ Jack Burke. Jimmy Demaret passed
op also, even though every player Invited was paid $1000 If h
.finished the tourney.
Tommy Bolt Cave Vm Quite a Show
Sameihlag was ia the wind ta make th hoys pass ap that
kiad at auaey. Eve their etpeases were to be paid, travel
tram aav saiai la th aallaa. aad llvlaf easts far the entire
week. Tenia Bait was aambered amaag that preseal. haw-
rtr, aad k pat a a great shew far th folks a Satarday. H
ast a rtaslag U. feur-aatted a greea aad brake ap several
af hit ehbs. Tammy snast thlak that the vlaleat saerlfle af a
I dab ar iwe wUl appease the wrath af th gellag gads ...
- . PfWr -., ,- UmtimiM 4n Kjb hlt frmrmdav ft thi we
i IIX Ulna luuincj unuuii . ... "v ...... - --
t Randall's. Bruce Williams will be lh emcee and the presenta
4 ion of awards will be the feature. Any golfer or non-golfer who
aid not play in the meet is welcome to attend tha affair, at $2 per
head. Call the Salem Golf club for reservations, if you did not par
idpate la th tourney. Those who played ar in for free . . .
SGC will b bast for the Oregaa Gait Astarlatloa Caamaiaa
Champloas lotiraey nest Snaday. This Is a H-aole medal play
eveai la detersnla the best af the club champloas frtm all mater
; eaartes la the elate. Ralph Dichter af Astoria la th defending
champ. The pablie is united la attead this shew. Bab Prall
Will represeal lb Salem Clab and should be a straac favarlte
- la bring Ik (repay U Salem far the first time ... The Oresoa
. fspea WOl a mayef la raruaaa aver in r.asimareiane rears
Beat Maaday, Tacaday aad Wedaeaday. Aay local athlete wishing
' te earn wis taa abtala aa (airy blaak her at the course . . .
Bow 12-6
7 Kims in 6th
Bring Victory
CORVALLIS CP - Undefeated
Washington Stale posted its sixth
Northern Division baseball victory
Tuesday, downing Oregon State,
U4. 1
The Cougars won the game with
a seven-run outburst in a wild
sixth Inning in which OSC com
mitted four errors. Combined with
th errors were two walks and
singles by Mo Winters; Gordon
Hersey and Henry Legge.
Ron Aiken, who pitched the first
six innings for WSC, was the win
ner. He was relieved by John
Freeman who held OSC scoreless
the final three innings..
Eiley Belts Homer
Lowell Pearce, the second Ore
gon State pitcher, was charged
with the loss.
They'll Do It Every Time
- By, Jimmy Hatlo
in the first inning
run that followed a single by Larry
Brown. Joe Trembly, Washington,
Stale centerfielder, had a homer
in the fourth with Ron Foisy on
base. i
Brown had three hits for Oregon
State and Trembly, Igge, and
Hersey had two each for the
It was Oregon Slate's fourth loss
in six Northern Division starts.
The Cougars move on to Eugene
Wednesday for a two-game series
with second-place Oregon.
WSC 000 237 00012 11 0
Wilson, Pearce (', Guidotti ti
and Lovejoy.
liriV Them she dobs evtervtwing bot
Earn iW ' Sae m m m. hj anaja tVaTVUI ITbfBaTAft. aW. WMI WWW IfMI Vt
Gals Gain
Jerry Exley put OSC out In front Jjgr Threat SatUrdnV
i the first inning with a home r J
Fabius Snares Derby
Trial Under Hartaclc
I.Ol ISVII.I.K. Ky. iP The Calumet Farm s Fabius drew away in
the final eighth of a mile Tuesday and won the $16,700 Derby Trial
hy a length to become a top flight threat for Saturday s Kentucky
Derby. i
Spring Handicap
Field Narrowed
The Salem Women's Golf as
sociation advanced into the semi
finals of their annual spring
handicap tournament Tuesday at
the Salem Golf Club. Semifinal
matches will be played Wednes
day to narrow the field to the
Gaining the semifinals in the
championship flight were Mrs.
Harold Busick. Mrs. Leland
Plank, Mrs. Don Woodry and
Mrs. Seth P. Smith. In today's
action it will be Mrs. Busick
against Mrs. Plank and Mrs.
Woodry against Mrs. Smith.
Those who gained the semi
finals jn the first flight were
Mrs. Reynolds Allen, Mrs. James
Haworth, Mrs. Williams Edwards
and Mrs. Morris Crothers.
Complete pairings:
' Tirit Mrs. Rtyroldi Afln vs. Mri.
Jamti Hworth; Mri Willlami E(t
wardf vi Mri. Mnrns Crotheri.
Srond Mri ChirlM McDevitt vj
Mr Harold Olinffr; Mri Rli hard
That v Mri William Whltrrorr
Golf Club Tuesday. South Salem's ; Third Mn Max riannrv vi Mri I
Jim Heltzel was medalist with a V!. Mr, Homr r.ouit. Fourth-
7g I Mri Gorf Hoffman vi Mri Mf r-
rll Truax; Mri. Don Huff. vi. Mri.
North scores Stsn Sather 77, chntr Ln.
p., c,m. ra ui, 70 f t fifth Mri William I.ory vi
Hex Sims 79, Bob (art 79. George Mr, Vll Sioprr: Mn vrn Mitlcr vi.
Andrews 82 and Chuck Johnson 'Mn Jerry Blum Sixth Mri Frank
85. South scores Heltzel 76. Jim''" Mr.. Gilbert Croff Mn
Alia, ia lin. diu.. an r Euen Kokko vi Mri. John Flrklin
Allen 78, Jim Roethlin 80, Frank sv.nth-Mri John R Wood v.. by..
Shafer 82 and Gordon Hansen 82. 1 Mn. van Ku.itn v.. by..
A unaav tun.
rt, r 1
piAMtrrest and
Mark guide
line on EACH
1 t M
Braves Nab Top
As Phillies Bow
Place halves
on spool, taping
1 end together,
assemble reel
to turn arbor
South Salem Golfers
Defeat North Team
South Salem defeated
Salem 8'i to 6'j at the
Today's Pitchers
Cleveland at Waihlnston lnlhti
Canla 1 0-1 1 vi Ston 1 1 -0 1
C'hlca.o at Baltimore- Plerc. J-0
vi Ferrareie to-Oi.
Detroit at New Ynrk-l-ary (O-i,
vi. Kutki iJ-D).
Kaniaa Titv at Bolton Ditmar
(l-li vi. Brewer (Mi-
Hrookln at Onrinnatl fnight
Newi-omhe 2-1 1 v l.awrenre i 2-0
New York at Chira.o- Worlhlr.ton "lr y""
(1-1 1 vi. Meyer i(l-l'
Plltihurjh at SI Lovni (night
Kline ll-li vi Haddi il-Oi.
Only gamea .cheduled.
(Continued from preceding page)
records. The Giants tripped Chi
cago's fading Cubs, 2-1.
The Yankees, getting sevrn-hit
pitching from Whitey Ford and
cracking out 11 safeties, stretched
their lead to games over tha
White Sox. Ford went the route
for the third itraiirht' f imi for m
'j . 3-0 record. Mickey Mantle clubbed
b his filth homer and Hank Bauer
chalked up his third for tha
A wild throw by White Sox re
lief pitcher Dixie Howell on Billy
Gardner's sacrifice bunt in tha
11th sent Bohby Boyd home' with
the winning marker at Baltimore.
The Sox, "who had played error
less ball in their first six games,
made four errors in this one
At Washington, Karly Wynn
matched Ford's seven-hitter and
his 3-0 record as the Indians won
out in the ninth on Al Smiths
third hit. a double, and Chico
I'arrasqutTs run - scoring fly.
Smith also homered and singled.
Al Milwaukee a crowd of 13.0SO,
shivering in 40 degree tempera
lure, saw Bill Bruton double ia
Joe Adcock to break a 4-4 tie in
Eddie Math-
ea-tl a two-run homer for Mil
Vaiikee in the third It was hit
third homer of the season.
Colleges Put
On Probation
Roberts Bros, and Tele-Treat
bowled oft for first place in tha
Ladies Classic League Tuesday
night with Roberta Bros, winning
with a srora of 2364 to Tele
Traat'i 21S7.
Rolling lor the winners were
Fran AJeshira 4fi9. Madge Rieke
415. Dorothy AUbright 533, Dot
Olney 43, Charlotte Possehl 451.
Donna VanDell was high for the
losers with 482.
City League results Tuesday:
Hicks Sundry 3, Loder Bros. 1;
Lei Newman 2, Davis Oil 2; Kaye
TV S, Ramagei 1; Dyer Insursnce
4, IMcks Sign Shop 0; High indi
vidual game and aeries by Keith
Kaye with 215 and 521. High team
game and series by Dyer with
801 and 2325.
Top' Entries
To Be Many
Valley Sports aulo racing pro
moter Ron Ail reported Tuesday
that the entry list for Saturday
night s first arc-light racing pro-: ment program was authorised in
gram at Hollywood Bowl here January, 1952.
"will be a big one." Ail is present- A. D. Kirwan, I'niversity of
ly lining up the complete list of Kentucky faculty representative,
cars and drivers for the card. ' is head of the four-man commit
which will feature the highly j tee on infractions
"souped" jip hardtops.
.r,low.J L? !h:'MoIaIla Nudces
Just like his daddy. Citation.
210 111 000 9 5 did in 1948, the fleet Fabius turned
Freeman A and Rich; Back nine other candidates for
the $125,000 thoroughbred classic
at Churchill Downs five days
hence. Now the question is wheth
er Fabius can emulate his dad
in the Derby.
Fabius was ridden smartly by
Willie Hartack as he defeated the
Brandywine Stable's Counter
mand, a surprising second over'
iC. V. Whitney s touted Head Man.
I Th rpiilt mav hav a definite
bearing on the 82nd running of "ay
the mile and one quarter Derby,
for six of the last eight winners
have finished either first or sec
ond in the trial.
This was the sixth Derby Trial
victory for the Calumet Farm,
and with the famous racing estab
lishment's other Derby colt. Pin
tor Lea, showing signs of over
coming an injury. Calumet be
comes a powerful threat again
In I9.2 it was Calumet s Hill
Gail who broke the track record
,n Ika Trial than fqm hslr In
out a letter to all members ad-i u . ,,...
Fabius stepped the mile In
I Ml on i fast track, compared
with Hill Gail's snappy I Bl
Two years ago Hasty Road beat
Determine by a head in the Trial,
setting a 1:35 track record, then
the order was reversed in the
Countermand, ridden by Arnold
(Continued from preceding page) 1
NCAA rules permit; and the
school's 1954 55 basketball teams
engaged in at least two practice
games against outside competition
before Dec. 1, 1954.
In the cases of Mississippi Col
lege and Kansas, the NCAA Coun
cil said it would review the ath
letic policies and practices of the
schools prior to the end of their
probation periods
Byers told newsmen that all of
the violations occurred before
June 9, 1955. when the NCAA sent
vising that the enforeemem pro
gram had reached maturity and
fewer excuses for violations would
be accepted.
Wednesday the council is ex
pected to review alleged viola
itons which have occurred since
last June f.
Byers said the present enforce-
Landy Expects
Faster Miles
(Continued from preceding page)
that some of the others have," he
The field for Saturday's tele
vised race slattyi for about 1:30
p m. 'PST'. was boosted Tues-
when Yillanova's star soph
omore from Ireland. Ron Delany,
accepted a bid He has run 4 04 9
in recent works Others are Jim
Bailey and Bill Dellinger of Ore
gon, Lon Spurrier, the world half
mile record holder formerly of
California, and Jerome Walters,
formerly of I'eppedine, who has
run a 4 09 4
Bailey, who incidentally hails
also from Australia, is current
NCAA mile champion Dellinger
won the NCAA title in 1954 Satur
day's race will be held in con
junction with the rCI.A-l'SC dua
...l.i mmw-r- " ""WW'y .Kiwi u.,..,-- 1, .na.
Q0VER 1,00
n Of Latest
Styles and Patterns
OCE Changes
Ball Schedule
bowl this season, that featuring
the stock hardtops of the Capital
Auto Racing Association Satur
day's bun-buggies will he the
faster, costlier "tops" with full
racing motors.
The toppers have been very pop
Willamette Trims
Linfield Netters
McMINNVlLLE' Special' Wil
lamette's tennis team kept Its do
minance over Northwest Confer-
enca foes Tuesday by trimming j
.Xinileldl-L Only Linfiejd's Hy-.
ung Gin Kil was able lo master .
a win over a Willamette player.
Slngles-Hyung Gin Kil L def. I
Ray Myers 4-J, 4-6, 6-4; lan Mac
lver Wi def. Fred Minnilie R-0,
6-2; Keith Royal W def. Chet
Lapp 6-0, 6-2; Norm Cocking IW
def. Art Krohn 6-2, 6 1; Clyde Mac
lver W def. Jin Gunter -3, 6-0.
Doubles Myers-Maclver def.
Lapp-Minnifie 6-0. 6 3; Royal
Cocking def. KU-Krohn.
Dragons 10 to 8
DALLAS (Special) Molalla
scored three runs in the last two
innings to down Dallas, 108. in a
Willamette Vallev Leaeue base-
ular with Salem racing fans over ball game here Tuesday,
the years, and their governing I Molalla was helped by long ball
Oregon Hardtops Associalion has hitting as Dreezen hit a home
reported having the largest group run and Ron Lewis and Parnell
of cars and drivers in history. :fh hit a triple as well as two
Saturday's card will get under I wj hj , d b, d
way al JTM p.m. with the time .,,, McB , , , fnr
trials. The trophy dash, heat Molalla 002 0S2 1 -10 13 3
races, consolation romp ana main Palljj 112 211 0 8 11 3
events will follow.
All will release the complete list
of cars and driver m the next day
or two,
(lascafle Wallops
Staytoii 12 lo 1
-- Cascade walloped
Staytnn in a non-league baseball
game here Tuesday, 12-1, behind
the two-hit pitching of Jim I hr
hammer. I'hrhammer also fanned
13 batters.
Each team hit a triple, John
Grimes for Cascade and Bob
Trahan for Stayton.
Staytnn ... 100 000 0- 1 2 5
Moger. Bussard (5) and Par
nell: Parsons. B Friesen (5i and
J. rriesen. Wall lii.
Washington Tips i
Idaho Club. 6-1 i
SEATTLE - Southpaw sen-
i lor Ivav Jones, getting his first
start nf the season, limited Idaho
to four hits Tuesday in pitching
Washington lo a 6 1 Northern Di
vision Pacific Coast Conference
Orrgon Slalr'n Rook
Defral North !tter
orego coi i rr.F nir i-rvp.
Kirkland. ran a big race, as he rATI0X Monmouth -'Special '-
pulled up menacingly in the 0rpf!on CMtge wj mfrt tne
stretch, but then faltered when it aie Pafllc Kaicon, jn an addwl
appeared he might catch Fabius. feiU,re to the Monmouth Centen-
But. the son of Greek Song Jiad nja Celebration here Saturday, ac-
enough to heat out Head Man cording to baseball coach Bob Liv-
and F.ddie Arcaro by three quar- mgston
ters of a length j The two seven-Inning games be-
Head Man. who won the Ex- tween the Wolves and Falcons will
f)rrimental Handicap and finished begin at 1 30 on the OCE diamond
second in the Wood Memorial only , Seattle Pacific was a late ad-
to be handed first money on a dition tn the OCE schedule l)r
disqualification, was a definite Livingston, in annoiuicmg the Se-
threat throughout until he fell attle series would be played, also
hark in the final sixteenth of a gave word that the Oregon Tech
mile .twin-hill, slated for Monmouth May
II, has been cancelled
In addition to Saturday's base
hall game. Centennial xisitnrs to
Monmouth will also have an op
portunity to view an intramura
track meet Thursday afternoon and
, ... a varsity tennis match between
- the Solves and Clark Junior Co
lege Saturday morning
Kerr Quits Post
As Albany (loach
Fits Most
ALLSTATE good plastic seat covers in bright, new
patterns! Embossed Vinyl plastic trim adds a note
of luxury to these serviceable covers. EASY TO
CLEAN-no seams to bind or sag.
now has a new head baseball coach
as a result of the illness nf Chuck
Kerr, who has been coaching the
Rulldng varsity ball, teams since
l!)"n Tommy Tlnlman. head bas
ketball and .layvec baseball men
tor, was moved up to varsity coach
j for the remainder of the season
, Krrr stepped down from his
' co, u lung duties over the weekend
on the advice of his doctor He is Willamette Valley League
Six WV L Manbors
Wail Track Meet
CENTRAL HI Independence
Monmouth- Special '-The annual
expected to continue in the teach
ing field but will no longer coach
because nf ill health
Errors Aid Philomath
Win Over Saints 13-1
SUBLIMITY -(Special)- Philo
math defeated St. Boniface 13 1 in
r,ZA.V .ft U Vinl , 01 h North Salem tennis learn, 70
ISSSLl .r?r. h?rh "' ' '' P'rllin8 ' ' ' I Tuesday for the second this
committed 17 costly errors which an() Smilh Warp l6) l nrnam. ,,,
neipea w onni in me w run. u . mer ind Llcey
uib vuuori.
o Norlh Marion
Oregon Slates Rooks blanked
St Boniface was held to two
hits off the bats of Allen Bell and
Tom Wolf. Whitney had two hits
for Philomath.
Philomath 1 13 m 1-13 4 s
St. Boniface 010 000 0- 1 2 17
Smith, Wilson 'SI and C.oodinan,
Caubcnstech 6); Bradley and
American league
Timberwolvcn Upend
Chemawa Club 9 to 1
CHEMAWA (Special)- Mill
City trimmed Chemawa 91, in a
Marion County B League base
ball game here Tuesday. Terry
Garrison held the Indians to two
hill for tha victory. "Garrison also
belted I bases loaded triple to
help In the scoring.
Cecil Bremner and Floyd Al
len each hit a single to spoil Gar
rison's chance for a no-hitter
Milt City 241 100 lB 8 3
Chemawa 0O0 0001-1 2 8
.Garrison ind Mulr; Allen and
Cleveland 000 100 111 3 S I
Washington DtHi 200 IHKI S V S
Wnn and rUni-.s and Rer
ber t
Chicam 100 000 010 00 In 4
Baltimore ihhi ooo njo oi - J 2
Harihman. Howell -s and lillar
Palua Renana (Si. ?.uvarink MOi
and Smith
Delrnil 000 000 200 I 7 2
' New Hnrk. 104 022 00 S II 0
f'.mmek Marlowe ifli, Maaa ifli
Foytaik Hi and Slrntill Wllaiin (7..
Ford and Heira
Kanva City Olio 001 nvo .17 0
Bntton 020 IHld (HHi 2 7 I
Krellnw and (nslerg. I'nrterfield
Siller ill and White
I Singles Jiminie Jackson def
Clen Durham 60. 6 0; Ron
iduenther def Larry Johnson 6 1,
1 6 0. Dennis Todd def Weaver
6 0. 6-4. Ken Ravburn def Jack
Krvdon 6 3, 6 2. Cary Jones def
Dick Buchanan fi 2. 6 1
i Doubles Jackson Todd def
Kent Jaquith Buchanan 6 0, 6 0,
(luenther-Rayburn def. Mac Da-
; vis-Tom Ihrig fr2, 6 1.
I Vi'.l. Line Scorea.
San Diem loo noo loo J fl 1
I Vant'ouN r 102 004 00" 7 lo n
t Dlrkev. C.etlel iSi. Peele i7i and
51 Claire; l.nkt and Neal
National league
New York
llearn and Katl.
(9) and lndrlih
000 010 000 -0O0
100 000
Sa. ramentn 010 000 02O -310
SeaJtle 01 1 01 1 0O 4 4 1
i Hearden R Jmir. -Si and Hnfht.
I Fraci hta and Ortria
Franrmrn ono 101 nofl 4 0
Hnllvwond 002 IKIO Aoo tf 2 8 1
Kemn.erer. Sink MO, Cirha 10i
S ard Sullnar. Radnn. O Dnnnell
MT AMiEl, I Special i -Rog
er Moore hurled a one hitter here
Tuesday as the North Marion
Huskies hlanked the Mt Angel
Preps SO North Marion scored
once in the third frame and
added four more in the fourth
Frank Netter hit a double for
North Marion, the games only
extra base hit.
N Marion 001 400 I) .") 6 1
Mt Ant'el tXKI 000 0 0 1 0
Moore and Rape. Ranch and
Spmw ler
Foxen Ka South JV
SILVERTON 'Special'-SiKer-ton
limited the South Salem .lay
lers to a single run here Tuesday
as the Koxes defeated the visitors
fi I Leading hitters fur SiKerton
were Kouf. Drown anil West
Soulh JV (XKI 010 0-151
Silverton HI mn x-fi 5 4
Serine and Kimble. Weeks,
Lynch '5'. Olson '7' and Monson.
and field meel is set fnr the Ore
gon College field here Friday.
I Preliminary eents will start at
13 p m . with the finals at 7 30.
I under Ihe lights
Competing in the meet will he
he six member schools of the
i W VI.. ( enlral Hi. Dallas. Fstat ada.
' Sandy. anby and Molalla
Church Softball :
Senior Church 'League softba
results Tuesdav nighl Exange
istic Temple 9. ( Lutheran
0; Capitol Baptist 9. Englewond
FI B 1. First El B 8. Turner
Christian 1; First Baptist 11,
First ( hnstian u
Ha. ker. Brntman
J I Mm anil Knhark
MONMOUTH ( R'x Stamps'
home run in the 12th inning gave
Oregon State's Rook baseball team
a 74 victory over the Oregon
College of Education JV team
Brooklyn ooo 100 ooo- f o
Cincinnitl loo luo lo I I I
Eriklnf lahlne . 7 . and L'ampan
clla. Klippatain and Bailey.
Pittuhurith Oil 000 0U-4 1J o
St l.miu 010 001 imt 1 o
Llttletiild. fare i7i. Donoan ill
Law ii and Shepard Atwell lli;
Mirell.. Jarfcaon iSi and Sarnl.
rtilladetpnla KWI 010 lv 4 1
Milwaukee 022 000 JO - 1(3
Dlrkt-in. Meyer i7i. ana ii and
Vmlruck. Buhi. Jolly (1) anal Crao-
I ide Talilr
TISea lor fart, Oreioa
iromplled h? U S Coast and
Geodetic Surrv. Portland Orel
Huh W'aten
Tuna HriM
2 t (2 l ni
H H p m
SI! im
1 4S p m
4 7 10 a m
pi pm
I I a a m.
(01 JB.
t,ow Wattrf
Tlmt Hei(ht
1 1 40 a m
1? St p m
I W im
t 4.1 p m
IM in.
1.11 am.
"Quality vt Us Btsr"
lit anal Span CaaH
laJollo Slacks
Sport Shirts
Ittraacnvi mars tMa
Mih at Curt Maeal
(weUcomelookover )
wrjw n a a k i
ll X 1 i
V r-
Iratk a 1 P. U I a'
1 ! REG 34,95
I rTatffsV . If I N A V r
SAl I 5.07
- I , ..-mi'eyi,a.......
Nrw Puff Plastic ... the 1956 styfe sen
station m seat covers. Elegant metallic
thread gives it extra dash and eye ap
peal. Simulated leather has line cordu
roy grained finish.
Terry Cover For Any Car 188
Ideal as Robe, Pillow, Towel
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Best Plastic Cover
ALLSTATE 4-Star Feature
Proved on exceptional value in quality and pcicel Durobla, stay
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'Sa&fapv&iaxZ SE&RS Capifol Phone 3-9191