Death of Barkley Takes Political Spellbinder Kentuckian Veteran Demo Gamp aisrner Jjl WASHINGTON Harry 8. Traman. left, ana Albea W. Barkley wave from inaugural stand la Washington after (hrlr laaugaratloa at President and Vice President at the I'aited States respectively aa Jaauary M, 1941 Meaday Barkley collapsed aad died la Leiiaftoa, Va. (AP Wirephota) By JACK BELL WASHINGTON I - The sudden death of Sen. Albea Barkley of Kentucky Monday night took from the Democrats a prospective key noter for their presidential nomi nating convention and a veteran ar horse of the campaign to fol low. The heart' attack that felled Barkley at Lexington, Va. shocked Democrats and Republicans alike. It removed (rom the national scene a former vice president who re tained at 71 a spellbinding oratori cal ability highly valued by his party. Although younger men had been suggested for the role of temporary chairman and keynoter at this year's presidential nominating con vention in Chicago, many politi cians had expected Barkley would be the compromise choice if any controversy developed over a selec-' tion. , Barkley, beloved of his col leagues because of his enormous fund of humorous stories, served as Democratic temporary chair man in 1932 when the late Franklin D Roosevelt first was nominated. He repeated the role in 1936. Chairman of Conclave In 1940 he was permanent chair man of the convention that nomi nated Roosvelt for a third term. In 1948 Barkley's oratory was credited with lifting the Philadel phia Democratic convention out of the doldrums and sparking the drive by which former president Harrv S. Truman won his first election to the presidency. State of Chaos Barkley's death left Kentucky politics in a state of minor chaos. Gov. A. B. i Happy Chandler is in a position to name Barkley's successor. But there are some complications because of Kentucky laws which may require a special session of the legislature to clear the way for the election of a suc cessor to the former vice presi dent Chandler, a former senator and baseball commissioner, apparently was not in a position where he could resign and have his lieuten ant governor name him to the Senate Chandler recently was nominated for governor and sub sequently elected after a battle with the '.ate organization beaded by Sen. Earle Clements, the assist ant majority leader of the Senate. Credited With Lead Chandler now is backing former Rep. Joseph Bates, contesting Clements for the Democratic sen atorial nomination in Kentucky's Mav 29 Drimary. Clements is credited bv nianv Kentucky politi cians with holding the lead iu'Uhis race Whether Chandler can appoint a successor to Barkley who might be voted on in the November elec tion apparently depends on con struction of the Kentucky law. Chandler's friends said he is not j of ((f laitri S(a( )AP wlrfphoto) .... s - . i t if. 1 r C l V Y v ' ik -Al fill C-' -J c- - ''.V. I ,r 4 J I ' ' Former Veep's Death Slfocks Eisenhower Bloodshot Eve " May Give Away Telescope Thief OLYMP1A W Thurston Coun- Kremlin Duo Greeted With Soviet Kisses Statesman, Salem, Or Tuei, May. 1; 08 (Sec. 17 onnnnnnnnnnnnnncnnccac m 'm II ow ty sheriff's deputies are looking (or a thief with a bloodshot eye. J.W. Davison reported to the .,. jonvsnv nheriffi office Monday the week- B JOHNSON end theft of a four foot star-gai-! MOSCOW - Soviet Russia's ing telescope from his home. leaders returned from Britain to H uid if th nwson who took a triumphal flow ers-and kisses re- l the scope looks at the sun with ception in Moscow Monday, andq O o wSHtvr.Tnv Print it he or she may wind up minus promptly bid for improved rela- Eisenhower said Monday night :,e "J , .,. ! " w'.h' emtJ tTC,, was shocked at the death of Sen. .The high degree of magnifies-i ! v" Alben W Barklev llon of the telescope can cause standing by. Communist boss M- ...... l.i. serious damate if the suns ravi ' kita Khrushchev told 10 000 cheer- . """"" . " u. .u. , u. , ino Pnn "it In ... Ih.t ik. dm, Hnt arc eauuni in inr irns. nr r.- . mm $ Ladies' Apparel Opa f:30 A.M. H 3:30 P.M. Friday 9:30 A.M. f 9 fM. J this traffic rv-pnt M -.... ,U(J Said. piau.rj. Eisenhower was informed of the former Vice President's death dur- ing a meeting with congressional II.' p loit16 ill leaders on foreign affairs. ItVC Tf Cll llo Ul Sen. George 'D-Ga who was attending as chairman of the for eign relations committee, de scribed the Kentuckian as "one of the most extraordinary men of our time." eriiis the I S A is already beginning to show desirable signs of moving on the road to cooperation." The overture appeared to indi cate the two hope to develop di rect negotiations with President Eisenhower on world problems. Bulganin said their 10-day lour of Britain, in which they negotia ted with Prime Minister Eden, "was of great political and prac tical significance in Anglo-Soviet relations and the whole interna tional life." One Saar Palat The one sour point both empha sized was the attitude of the Brit ish socialist Labor Part, which they accused of following "reac tionary anfi-Soviet policy." From a red-draped speakers' stand at the Moscow military air port, Khrushchev cited President Eisenhower's speech before the American Society of Newspaper Editors in Washington April 21. mack .D-Mass): "One of Amer- .tonal insurance policy" against i " . J ica's greatest statesmen has I a serious ana evident tnreat " , " " 7 passed on. His whole life was de-l'" th So'W Communists." "ot help good relations, Khrush- voted to the service of our coun- The doubleheader appeal imme- Jv said, but he praised Eisen- trv n u-, . r.,i... i..H.r .t. diately ran into needling from bowers words on a possibility of wavs voung because he was think-1 n Fulbright (D-Arki and a ine in terms of nrnorp " I threat of a sizable cut. Paul M. Butler, chairman Dem-1 Fulbright told Dulles he can t j Bohlea aa Hand ocratic national committee: "The 'J J.,' I'S. Ambassador Charles E death of Alben Barkley is an im-"B" " """" men.. i ih. noimn ,nH in I of what he said is constant N'iiaa Coramrili Vice President Nixon said: "Sen. Barkley was loved and re spected by all those who were privileged to know him, regard less of their partisan affiliations. He was, and always will remain in the hearts of the American peo-, pie, the one and only veep. Other comment: Sen. Knowland (CaliO, Repub lican floor leader: "The country and Kentucky have lost a great citizen and a great senator. " House majority leader McCor- No Tamp In Foreign Aid By DOIGLAS B. CORNELL WASHINGTON - President Eisenhower advised Congress Monday that tampering with his foreign aid program would "gravely endanger" national se curity and upset foreign policy. tisennower s views were re layed to the Senate Foreign Rela tions Committee by Secretary of State Dulles, along with Dulles' own recommendations to keep the program rolling as part of "a na tional insurance policy" against House Unit Okehs Farm Relief Bill ' Bj W1LMOT HERCHER l' a cm vr"xrvi tl. ti Agriculture Commit.,, approved Democratic ZZJ ' closer ties between Moscow and 1 the West No Eiruse "If we have peace." Fulbright said, "then there is no excuse for increasing this program by 40 per cent. If we don't have peace, you ought to stop telling us we do have peace." Dulles said the senator could tell his constituents: "The United States is at peace We are at peace in large part because we have this program, and therefore we should carry a new farm elief bill Monday but of the truly great men of our refused to write in authoritv for Ilme President Eisenhower to make Kefauver Speaks Oat soil bank payments this year. . .,,' ,nT-i. -tv,. mil. ivvinuui u- 1 trim ' IllC A Republican attempt to addichnrk nf Aihn RarkW. iMih soil bank pre-payments to the leg-1 wili be dpepiy feU in a very p,.. slation was defeated on a party sona way Dy minions of Ameri. line Vote Of 19-15. I pane U'hn saur in him a nArennifi. Then the committee voted un-1 cation of the best of the qualities animously to send the bill to the ; we seek in our national leaders." House floor, where the soil bank! Democratic presidential candi- issue and others will be fought date Adlai Stevenson: "A great out all over again. American has died a man Chairman Cnnlev iDATi caiH whose courtesy, kindness and gal-''"is program on " he will try to get the bill to the lantry have added greatly to the Besides, he said, while a 40 per floor as soon as possible, perhaps Puh,ic of " country. "1 was cent increase to nearly M'OO. Tuesday, under a rule permitting enriched by his acquaintance. . 000 0 is proposed for author- amendments to be introduced Ttlls ls vpry sad day indeed, " spending Actual spending in freely. no1 only for Democrats but all',ne upcoming fiscal year would Americans w ai aooui ine same level as Sen. Maenuson (D-Wash: "The lhis yfar around four bi"'on country has lost a great American I and I have lost a personal friend. He made a great contribution to American politics in all his years." Bohlen, with his left arm in a sling as a result of a skiing acci dent four weeks ago, was among those who listened intently. Bohlen told newsmen later he thought Khrushchev's remarks represented an attempt by the So viet government to keep the Uni ted States in the picture at a time when Russia is becoming increas ingly associated with Britain in the public's mind. Features Stripped The bill is stripped of many features objectionable to the ad ministration and is the "official" Democratic substitute for farm legislation which Eisenhower ve toed April 16. It contains a soil bank plan but not the authority Eisenhower con tends he needs to pay farmers this year for cropland they prom ise to withdraw from production next year. v With the crop season so far ad vanced, the administration says it's too late to help farmers with ST. LOUIS Sea. Albea W. Barkley (D-Ky), wha collapsed and died a soji bank in 1956 Monday at Lexington, Va., and Bis Bride, me former Mrs. 1 aneion nre-pavmen nUn Morse's Statesment Sen. Morse 'D-Ore): "A great leader in American history has fallen. Alben Barkley personified the hopes, aspirations and ideals of the Democratic Parly. In the hearts and affections of millions of Americans, he was not only Mr. Democrat but Mr. America. n : 1 ui unless the,,,r 15 '"("" is aDnrnverl oen. nnuKes 'iv.nn': me dollars 'Would Be Ironic' "It would indeed be ironic," Dulles said in a formal statement to the committee, "if, now that the Soviet has begun giving aid to its allies in terms of hundreds of millions, the United States should withdraw from that pro gram which it invented and let the Soviet take over that field." S. Hadlry, prepare to rut wedding cake following their marriage In 'Eisenhower asked for authority to' passing of Alben Barkley is a St. Louis, Mo., in November. 1949. when Barkley was Vice President distribute up to 500 million dollars ! shock to tne whole nation. He was likelv to agree that the state Dem ocratic committee, controlled by Clements, should name a nominee who woufd run in the November election. The governor's only alter native, however, might be to call a special session nf the legislature to order a special election in the senatorial race Helped at Rallies Barkley's exit trom the national scene leaves the Democrats bereft of a laeile speaker fur many ol their SlOO-a-plate fund-raising din ners and other party rallies Only 10 days ago Burkely shared honors with Speaker of the House Sam liavburn of lexas at a na Tax Service Moves In on Governor Lee in advance payments I Democrats want to give the j farmers more income this year, i too, but some have indicated a reluctance to have a GOP admin istration pass out so much money II I 1 t1 1, in an election year. Other Demo IllO ATI r OllllliUIl craLs argue the administration can get a soil bank going this year urder existing law. Pranksters Dump Rubble Rath Dose WASHINGTON - The nation al nallcrv of art fountain was frothing Sunday, but the Rfi-degree Drafted by (ooley an institution in the Senate, and although a partisan, he was a hap py warrior type in politics and was loved by men of both political parties " Sen. Neuherger D-Ore: "I sat in the back of the Senate with Alben Barkley, and 1 don't think I ever met a kinder, more con siderate man to a freshman Sen ator. He was a man who had a .. " 1 w ,m ' approved .vioiKiay was j,js deah j, a great nss SALT LAKE CITY -V The wlln " drafted by Cooley in consultation, Internal Revenue Service moved Pranksters dumped another with other Democratic leaders in i Mondav to collect Gov .1 Brack- (IIS' h"bl,1,' lh ln'0 ,np thi House All attempts to change en Lee's unpaid income tax. fountain Saturday night, send- it in' committee failed. Charles I Kox. district manager " "u.,u..s . An amen(lmcnt to provide a tional rally here honoring Woodrow JliS 'i'.'Z'.T'-''""'' ''" of the IRS. and V. V. Adams, A, slmllar st"nt was nuIlpd two-price system of supports for week ago Wilson In the departure of former president Truman from the politi cal nieefing, Barkley was the prin cipal stellar attraction Barkley's death leaves two cov f, inmm in ,,n,iH ,,,. "I suppose some against' property held by and f am " sajd a uard at ,he Dt,ar-'bank plan. The bank now Is aimed 1 nrrt u-ai HpfentnH as ti'!). nna in kids did it . ,JJ ,.. (iU .rnn. in H, ,l his Uifi MaraarcL, a Republican, contended in preMou.s statements it is un constitutional for the KeHeral eted assignments open on major (;v,,rnm,,nt t use tHX rPVenue Sinate committeos , aK ,,.IL.n nations Bv re- By his own insistence Ihe former fUMn(! , pay his taxes he said he vice president was named at the hopes to force a court test of start of the 83rd Congress to places this contention LOS ANGELES J - If you have he previously had held on thejSen- He filed his income tax return P,.r suffered the disease known ate Foreign Relations and Finance laM January but did not enclose as rj,, ,an(j millions havei you committees. These are two of the the money he owes on earnings may be interested to know there's Gok Disease iSow Yoo Yoo al the reduction of crops, already in surplus, like cotton and wheat Coos Pinball Play Cut Off Bv Officers most powerful Senate Committees other than his gubernatorial sal- a ncw name-for it. It's now called ary of SHl.OOO, which is -subject yoo Yoo to the federal withholding tax Other Income Dr. Margaret Ann Storkan. Ke Honrio Reach told the California 1 ne governor s oiner income 15 i,ii,.-il (Usnrialinn Agents Curtail Moonshiners WASHINGTON Government agents swooped down on moonshin ers in March to seize 1.386 liquor stills of which 1.201 sere located ln seven southern states. The Internal Revenue Service said l.OBfi persons were arrested. Of this number 741 were picked up in the same southeastern sector comprising Alhama, Florida, Geor gia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee. IRS agents in the Cincinnati re gion located 110 illegal stills in Fisherman's Body Found MADRAS - A third Oregon drowning over the weekend was disclosed Monday with the finding of the body of a Portland man who apparently lost his life while fishing on the Metolius River about 63 miles west of here. The body of Roy E. Wood, 65, manager of a tractor company. Hitchcock Warns Against School Control ROSEBURG Republican senatorial candidate Phil Hitch cock said in speeches here Mon day that federal aid for educa tional facilities must not Involve federal control of schools! "The people of Oregon," Hitch cock said, "do not want dictation from Washington in their educa tion any more than they want such dictation in their politics or in their use of the water of this state." He said a recent report of Pres- ident Eisenhower's committee to study educational problems "shows conclusively that unless, the government doubles aid to education in the next 10 years, our school emergency will degen erate into a first-class crisis." But, he added, "federal aid must not take with it federal control. This is one of the greatest dan gersone of the greatest pitfalls between us and the solution of our education problem." Hitchcock predicted the state's D LR. was found in the limbs of a sub-! n,Kn Knaoi population w 11 1 merged tree near Wizard Falls, shortly double," requiring com a popular fishing spot. Wood ap- parable increases in classrooms, parently had gone to the falls teacht-rs and "all other facilities.' alone Saturday. His car was found aHnHBBBBHBMaaiaBBaaaMaaaanaai locked about half a mile away. The body was flown to Portland Monday. made mostly on investments. I'ntil the Interna Revenue Service filed the lien this morn ing it was not known how much unpaid tax mnncv is involved. h:is ,:iwl hi h.ts nl.tceft .ill his . . t j knows unpaid ia iinuiey in a sale de posit box in Salt Lake City hank. When Governor Lee filed his return, he said "There is no pro vision anywhere in the Consti tution granting the C S Govern ment the right to appropriate COOS BAY UP -Pinball play in Coos County was at a virtual standstill Monday after state po- March for the second highest catch lice and snerilt s 01 ice investipa- ( iim or Tk r.iinn in. convention inrs SP,Z(.d an(j destroved four of i.i. in,i;.,n, lh,,. rhin Sund.iv it used to be that when-1 tn,, devices """:".' " 1 "" . , , lm "MK(S Virginia and West Virginia There ever a disease was not clearly de- Tn., weekend raid netted three .r. . 1 . .. , , . "" " lltn, inree 154 persons were taken into cus- lined in the mind ol your physi- machines in North Bend and one todv cian, it was labeled Gok which m Coquille Investigators had been " , , . . . , , .. t r n 1 1 a t a m..ant "CoOi nnlv 1 .; ..... The third largest haul for the operation of the ma chines for payoffs. Sheriff Ralph month was in the Dallas region, where 40 stills were seized in Ar- Mussolini's Family Wants Bod v Returned ROME. Italy T Benito Mus solini's family is pressing the Italian government to return the dictator's body. This report came Sunday from the family attorney. Italo Korm- ichella. He is a parliamentary taxpayers money for support of ignorance of the nature of the di-jby the Sunset Automatic Amuse- last July 1 10.738 stills have been dF(iuiy i me naiMM .vi lai nn.n- fupj.jgn nations scase both as to location and cause. ",roi v u. 1 ne snerm saiu me com-. ! nu ,wi ik-imno am.M.u. ment. Neo-Fascist Party ..j U ,)(,nt ,n tno Supreme Court - Panv has severa hundred of the The total ol proper! v value seized The government has kept the if nPfessarv l0 prove mv jn. briofs an(, , fxpeft t0 devices in the Coos Bay-Florence- was S2.878.196 of which $1,096,471 whereabouts of Mussolin, s grave ; whon incPomc tax deadline fak? ,he ease to court abom the Bk'"8 royed. r 1. p. -icV kI tL" ,,f April 16 passed, Lee said-he (ir,t of Junc. At that time I will I " d.r 1 ill' iitin 1 linn ut mm a tn v mi a- I., .,A.. i( .1 .0 (ho ni. V;i r;iu n u-ho mil itoH I l.o riil- III Ul Vll I IU 3IUIU10I Illi.X 111 IIU " ii" Minion u un I U1U.V, 1 , tf menclature. Doctor Storkan ex- sa'd the machines were licenced ,-0U,iLna- Ne N'l'X,C0' plained, a physician at sea with for amusement and the seizures kl"no and Tenas with 47 per- vour svmotoms will now classify resulted from cash payoffs. No ar-1 sons arri'sUu it in his files as "Yoo Von " rests were made. ' IRS said that for the first nine Tr.mst.iteH it me.ins- Comnlete The seized machines were owned months of this fiscal year, since WORM "jifr ir origiul f I tV I vJJ Vr.ivnJ pinny 1 Perry's Drug Store 129 South Commercial family want, to bury the body in , firM movf 50 he oould .l"'udt ' ' its own plot. l(,ht ms case jn cour, 0n A j a o Anti-Fascist partisans executed v, uni MUSSOIllll 111 HOI IIICI d lLdiy 11 years ago last Saturday. Eptrl Stltfjin Cltning Gluinf LACHELLE'S pril lb, a spokesman tor , the Internal Revenue Service of-- But," he said, "I'm not going fice here said "Governor Lee will to wait for the government to get as fair a chance as any Amer- come to me. 1 have my attorneys ican citizen to present his case." I ill aiv a inrinnfima mli'fl" I SLIDING GLASS DOORS FOR BATHTUBS Now $fi(C00 Per Only DP Pair ' Easily installed on any recessed tub ' Adds distinctive beauty to the bathroom ' Sturdy, watertight polished frame SEE THEM ON DISPLAY f PLUMB ING -HATIN6 tan3aji.fiiBla? mxEi- Tliutxlay Thru Saturday (iily of Salem, t-H (Jul) Spriiip Show Auditorium, Second Floor all day. B B B B B B n of mm 333 State St. Across From Ladd & Bush Bank ALL SALES FINAL-NO RETURNS a a n n n a a a n a n D D O n a a o a n D O D B D B B O D D flDDDDDDOODDODDDnDDDODBlS