2-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tu., May 1, o6 700 Evacuated in Floods in Texas Cities 5TEPHENVILLE. Tex. I -An ' uated from their homes in three nor damage. ! we central Texai towni Monday! A flash flood at Stephenville oc-1 Bight as flash floods filt during a curred on the Bosque River, fore-! Bight of turbulent weather. tog evacuation of between 400 and ; A small twister hit the Hovey'sOQ persons from low-flying parts ' : n. -. I HrSVKin Wlllf A HrlaH tnlU Woes of Martha Raye (Ptetare ea WlrepkU Page) . NEW YORK Martha Raye, by young Connecticut jhouSew. e is by her dancer husband her fifth. 1 Disclosure tnai ine wiae-mouinra comediennes nusoanu, ju-year- v aiera were inciuaea in uie ev sc old Edward Begley, is trying to serve a summons on her in a New uation. A number of residents , Vork divorce suit cam from Begley's attorney. Walter Pick. were on top of their homes when Adlai Tours Oregon, Asks Ike Replaced PORTLAND I Adlai Steven ton, in a half doten talks spread aver B hundred miles Monday, asked for Oregon primary election nrf uld rtlmnt of the Boa Mia replacement oi ine votes nepuoucao uu.uuauamm m u. Fall U essential . ... , rTravelinj by car, chiefly through Democratic territory, on hi way from Portland to Astoria, bt said tha farmer "has taken the ' wont licking ha has had at any time la IS years." Stevenson said the decline in farm prices has been more rapid 'than in" any comparable period tinea the farm depression that fol ded World War I. The peace of the world "is an uneasy armistice," be laid. : And he asked, what kind of aa economy la K "where one corpo rationGeneral Motors makes am Mwi MMtfil In MA VQP " ..'1, em quarter a au inc iaun 10m- uiea. : v He laid these things at St. Hel ens. Rainier, Clatskanie and As toria. And h laid too, "I want your Vote." j He and Sen. Eitei Kefauver are a...ll .iaLla MifuiAf4 In tKa i lSr soctbUc prlma-a contest u which only regmerea Democrat may vote, D. es 'Funeral aervicei for David 0, Cogswell, Liberty Area resident Who died Sunday night at the age Of 71, will be 1: p.m. Wednesday In Rigdoa i chapel, the Rev. E. O. Kkright officiating. Burial will be in Belcrest Memorial Park. Cogswell wai employed in i Lib erty canning plant, where he be came ill and wai taken to a Salem hospital Tuesday morning, appar ently with, a heart attack. Born April 24, ISM, in Iowa, he had lived in the Liberty area south of Salem tinea moving from Valen tine, Neb., 32 yean ago. He was a member of Fraternal Order of Eaglet and Good Shepherd Luther ' an Church in Salem, He leaves hit widow, Mrt. Judith Cogswell, Salem! two daughters, Mrt. Dorothy Pick, Downey, Calif., Mid Mrt. Carrie Erickson, North Afrtci: ton, Bill Cogswell, Salem brother, Myron Cogswell, Spokane, Wash.; lister, Mrt. Mary Becker, Healdsberg, Calif.; and six grand children. Trigger Finger Beats Drawing Arm, Man Shot tJEWHALL, Calif. lV-The man' trigger fingers were faster than hit draw. Consequently he's in community hospital here with bul " let woufidi Iff saetr ter Harold J. Erickson, 28. of near by San Fernando, stood in San Francisqulto canyon Sunday, bolster on each hip. Practicing a fast draw, he grab bed for his guns. Unfortunately he squeezed both triggers before the revolvers were unholsteren He col lapsed, wounded in Dotn legs. INDEPENDENCE OKEHED CAIRO, Egypt Wl Egypt will exchange diplomatic representa-' fives on the highest level with ! Tunisia and Morocco, an Egyp tian official source lays. France has granted a measure of inde pendence to Tunisia and with Spain hat agreed to independence tor Morocco. HONE 4-4713 mi rM,4 M' baa TnaUy Oary Caapar Cnarfaa Biclifardl TH COURT-MARTIAL OF BILLY MITCHELL ajefcard Camfa-f4a CanW TARGET ZERO SMrM T,JeFW THE BENNY GOODMAN STORY l.nntlantl C-HH . O.Colgswell Kit c eommunit between Alpine and sued for alienation ioT affecting also about to be sued for divorce I Adultery is the sole grounds for divorce .n New York. Pick's disclosure came as Miss Raye's attorney, Shirley Woolf, arrived from Miami by plane, saying the had come to town "to clean up this ridiculous mess Sail Filed Miss Woolf was referring ' J suit filed in Westport, Conn, where Miss Raye lives, by Mrs of Barbara Ann O'Shea, 20, wife a Westport policeman who has been acting as Miss Raye's body guard in his off-duty hours. The policeman's wife, who gave birth to their first child 16 lW . ccuses the 3-year-old .(n (k i. k- hu - hg - j Roh-r. Q Shea J7 and - I giving him money and costly gifts. ACIreta HOrniled The only word from Miss Raye came through her attorney, who rdwMr T horfldnd mocked Dy tne action and had no romantic relationship with her young bodyguard. Mist Woolf said Miss Raye is , , , , . - , a completely innocent victim of a rih nn.hanrf b-bW. .iinm.v 1 said he could not disclose details") of the divorce action, including0' who would be named co-respond-; ent. aT - d o.l mr mifll VV V O kMIU Addresses pni:pp Mppt I UlltC iTll.t. I BEND-Effort, in Oregon toward juvenile crime prevention were commended here Monday night by Governor Elmo Smith in an ad dress to the City Police Officers Association. Pledging the interest and help of state government in combating the participation of Juveniles in serious crime, Governor Smith praised communities that have undertaken constructive programs of juvenile crime prevention, It hat been alarming to note the greater participation of juve- niles in serious crime and it is certainly better and also cheaper to carry on activities which will reverse this trend." he said. I Governor Smith pointed out (hat city officials now ire responsible not only for suppression of crime, apprehension of offenders, recovery of property and so on, but also they are expected to regulate auto mobile use, cope with juvenile de linquency, develop a crime pre vention program, and carry on many other significant duties. STAR Br CLAY H MM MAR 23 M vwf Doilf Adiwlx Cvidt JK According (o Ina Slort. To develop messoge for Tuesday, rtod words corresponding to numbers r47l84 of your Zodioc birth jiga I Komonct 31 Floot 6 TAURUS APR II 2 Allow 3 A 4 Sam 5 Could 6 Intelligent 7 Ktep I You'Mll Work 10 You II Ptopl I? Wtkom 13 Don't 14 Olrttr It In 16 Lrt 17 Rumon 11 M if ewoctrt 20 Hearing 51 Sutf.c.n 22 Wall J3 D.irj'B i4 Don I 25 rVion 2o T,m 27 You 2S Chang 2 Your 30 May ()Good 3? 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4A 47 4fl 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 MAY Jl J 61 70-72 1 OiMIM irv-i-?i CANCSR JUNIZ3 JU.V2J 76-&8B uo AAV fc , aw2 a miHt-17-Zl rev ' 27 -66-68. AUG 14 59 60 jet a 4-U25-M 45-57-61 Two of the All-Time Favorites Return in One Tremendous Show! Magnificent Cinemascope Production,, in Beautiful Color by Deluxe, Masterfully and Tastefully Done in Every Respect! )1 . , Flash of the small city of about 100 familiei who were forced to flee from their homes when a winding creek broke out. of its banks there. , Between SO and 7S persons were rescued by boat some from roof- trma. another flash flood hit community of Valera. miles ; west of Coleman. .- l. l. . : J t . . ; least I inches of ram fell at Ste- phenv.lle. Estimates ranged up to fl irwhec 1 at- Valors alcn iinrl S iBrownwood had received approxi- Imatr-lv S inrh l 11 n m And the rains continued Police chief LeS Taylor of Cole- man said all of the residents of they were reached oy Doais 1 Bomb Pieces Explained at Graham Trial DENVER - The prosecution sought Monday in the murder tri al of John Gilbert Graham to claim that bomb fragments were ..... . .... . .: . -. air 1. nH nnn wn rn inilHlHII .... , last Nov. 1. killing 44 persons. ' n-5ii"ru owui n.c FBI agents testified about the "chain of possession" of the tiny bils of meta and carbon, intro- duced last week and identified a, fnllnrf a, ,h, .,,. .. np amnn. , ,w.. m , : Denver warehouse. Much of the tn iiie uiclw- nave uren iu ui FB, labor;torv Jt Washington. time the pieces have been in the The testimony was preliminary th rf'u,rn to 'h,p stand Tues,daJ;i '"'am asslstan' " . ' r",s vn' and chemistry laboratory Some of the fragments 4lready have been described by witnesses as "not common" to 0C63 airlin ers or their equipment. Dist. Atty Bert Keating refused to anticipate Magee's testimony other than to say it would be im portant. Keating told reporters on lv that the fraements are "non- ferrous metal loreign to the Fire Reports Prove False The peace at Salem Police De partment Monday evening was disturbed four times in 10 minutes by reports of a fire on Commercial Street. All calls were made by the same youthful voice, although disguised in a different manner each time and simulating great. excitement, police said. The caller would hang up when asked for a more exact location, and he ceased calling when warned of possible arrest for false alarms. - "He was a fair to average ac tor," the reporting officer duly noted. GAXERJ POLLAN UtRA OCT J3 tl, 6-11 1220- 09 43-8081' 61 Hardett 62 IntefeiM 63 To 64 Do 65 Sometftmg 66 Too 67 Reloiotton 68 Much 6 Todoy 70 Jnbi 71 Fool. 72 f.'ll 73 ll 74 Heon 75. It 76 Fo. 77 St.ong KOtno Bui.neu Mu Itlortl H.oh To Awov Uncovft Don. Aiit Don t Now V..t ll Oppov O. Com OHydollf RVuTtll Succeed Do On For Of The Fi.it Youi Be oa NOV 2 ft 21 -264 to67 69 tAOmARlUt NOV etc' V 5- 710fv 115-35 87 90i CARIK04M DtC 78 Recoon.red tW-36-38-40 TV Dreoni 80 And 81 Ideal 82 And 83 The 84 And 85 Thorough 86 Cloudi 87 Geo. 88 Betw Utr9V) D2 33-47 561 156082 85' mat Temptation 89 fieo.ded Indui'.ioul 90 Now Advene Ncuml B V)T its V B9-63-64-65;-V bl7J77 V- AQUARIUS I WHIIAM JENNIFlt HOLDEN JONES ClNtw1xScoP a wmtm t snaonoK w State AW i in Brief Probe Pressed By Thornton; 'vjGirl Trapped 7.300. IT JJ" ' " ' ,Iy- rP',83'? "fy !" 1 P" n JjP.m l.uffr "Bd corP"0' Multnomah y' Thornton has taken charge of V Jury investigation ordered by Gov. Elmo Smith, after The wic-guiuaii puuiiMiru a srnrs ui . . k I : . I I : , ts b j,,,. mb t0 ukf om con(ro, of , Thornton called in two reporters; for he newspaper, William Lam-j - a .ace J (akH wj,h Thorn,on an(J hjs Js Slslant Francis Wade. The grand jury will convene Mayi Pinard la Car MILWAt'KlE. Ore. W A teen age girl was pinned in a ca Mon- da after it overturned near here. State .Police said Laynne Dicker- son, 16. was taken from the wreck- age by passersby. She was hos-1 pilalized with internal injuries and multiple face cuts Two other girls in the car were ,hr0Wn amT SU,fer'n,! KIeSTr, 'Ha juries. All three were hospitalized at Oregon City Adlai Praisrs Barklry SEASIDE - Democratic presidential candidate Adlai Stev- enson Daused in camoamninz at mis coastal resort lown Monday . n . n (ipam nf A nrn ... . Barkley. rkley. at Lexington. Va.. "a great American has died- ir n1m111.11 ii uiru niaii, whose courtesy kindness and gal- la'!t.ry nav aMea greatly to tne PUb''C h" ' l T?' Stevenson added I was en- riched by his acquaintance. This Is a VT uiuttvj, iivi uiiij for Democrats but all Ameri- cans." A mlfi- Rom AlTllt IltllTI Brings Top Price at Sale SACRAMENTO. Calif (AP The 36th annual California Ram sale ended the first of a two-day event Sunday with 1,431 head ,plllnK for an average $91 17, more than $30 a head lower than last year. Top sale price was $750 for i Suffolk single registered ram consigned by Broadmead Farms of Amity, Ore L. L. Madsen of Livermore, Calif, bought the ram. Second high of the day went to Melvin Preston of Le Grande, Calif., for a Hampshire single registered ram with a bid of $650 from Olsen Bros, of Spanish Fork, Utah. A C. Eoff of Salem, Ore , paid 250 (or . Suffolk from the Cal jornja polytechnic College, San Lujs ohispo. sixteen miiioik single regis- tered rams were sold for $5,800, an average of $362 50; 19 Hamp shire single registered rams for $4,785, averaging $251 84. and 799 Hampshire range rams for $75, 785 averaging $94 85 Car Articles Said Stolen Three case of annarent larcenvi. . nf a nt i-i a r-occiriPC j,'itp mnnrtfn "" ,: Marion, to Salem police Monday morning Theft of a set of dealers license strike IDLENESS I P plates from Dewey's I'sed far l.ot,' . . , 3080 Market St . was reported by ASHIN&TON - The Labor no n,.mat nmnr,tnr hJ Department reported Monday told police the plates apparently were taken some time over the weekend Four hubcaps were reported stolen by Karl Macomber. S.u N. lflth St. Iwo were reported by B. C Randall. 320 S. 23rd St. Both thefts were from late-model cars: and both were reported to have occurred while the cars were park - ru in iii.iii ui int uwuris nuues. police said. Macomber estimated his loss at $60 Randall estimated $15 90. CASCADE SWINGSTERS SQUARE DANCE CLUB Aumsville Pavilion IVHY WEDNESDAY EVERYONE WELCOME ENDS 'THE MAN WITH -PU! "TWO GUN LADY" RICHARD TODD JEAN CaatDf ltMI k x rmOMONK SOUMa First Leg TT"" "P r. ; ' . i , .... : .-.:- . "a- - L. v if X Sjfcs n'( jl rACiFIC i i Parked la the above traaiport tracks Maada? aa the tint leg a( a "piggy bark" railroad Jaaat la aoaadi ( eaaaed fruit Irani Orecea Frail Predare Ca. iere. The shipmeat. comprising plants, cherries aad berries, was tracked ta Portlaad, where the tracks were (nil flOl'l 1 1111 1 Vtllll IV l. M. I till. -p. fPCFll6 (TOy k ttSJ fa l a f liaCK J il 11111 Thousands of pounds of canned fruj( (rom Fruj( Produce jn Wes, Sa(1n )pft Monday on a ' piggy back'' railroad trip to Southern California points. Approximately 170.000 pounds of , : cherries and berries was placed in Southern Pacific trans- r, ,--,,. ,n(i h,i,H , pnrtanH . l. t 1 K" ' .u u. u .v nfll for lh. r.:i i-n-, soulh. flat cars for the rail jaunt south. ..pi-. karl,.. urvir has Wn "J b SP in tne past year j providing better serv-! lc( ,ur 'us,omer5- , . . mL. , Ji,.n avnints- K&faiical f( thai rtv. rlictant nsiinte tuwauc lL the rp- a , ci, . gi cairi s p c t u ui amp- ments." said Mark Gehlar, opera tor of the Salem fruit firm. Gehlar said his firm has used "piggy back'' service for the past ! several months but added that Monday's shipment was by far the argest to be dispatched in this Migrant Labor Study Wins Va- '"V .....p ( Migrant labor took the spotlight Monday night at a meeting here of the Research Committee on Migrant Labor Problems in Ore gon The group is sponsored by the Oreran Council of Churches. Some 20 professional and other wise interested persons endorsed a study of the relationship between migrant laour anu i-uiiuuuimy rvw nomics to be conducted under Prof, John Rademaker of Willamette University. Other research projects discussed . . rti'alt with housing a nO sanitation (nr workers, health and welfare, . . I . reactlon 0f communities to pres cncf 0f the migrant worker. It was voted to invite two Polk County legislators. Sen Waller Leth and Rep Joseph Rogers, and Dr. Daniel Wessler. Independence, to a committee to survey com parative migrant labor legislation in other states. The group plans to present a hill asking creation of a special i legislative committee on migrant I worker problems Dr. Wessler. ' chairman of the research commit- ' lY71 '! ,-';, .sion, wniin was nciu ai nil nuii'i ' . - strike idleness during Ihe first three months of Ihe year exceeded any other similar period since 1""' GETS JETS TKHRAN. Iran i -The I'ni- tnA C(n(AP l,n. np.n.nJ I tin 1... I - ; . , ,.i.,.. ancs undpr (he mjl,ta ajd igram They are ,ran.s first jeU Woodburn Drive-In Sunday . Manday Tuatday In Cinamaacapa 'There's No Business like Show Business" Donald O'Cannor M. Manraa . . lm . . . "The Raid" Van Haflin Opan 4 45 Start Duik TO - NITEI THE GOLDEN ARM" PETERS Child care, latmr Utilization ana;". -" .-'"-" I of 'Piggy Back9 Jaunt for Fruit Begins Saatkera California were I7l.aaa placed aa flat can lor the rail trip Theatre Time Table ELSINOKC MAN WITH THE GOLDEN ARM': 7 00 and 10 3 "TWO GUN LADY" : 04 CPIT01. "CAROfSF.L": 7 2J and 10 OS HOLLYWOOD "COt'RT MARTIAL OF BILLY MITCHKLI. 7 w and 10 TARCiET ZERO" . 0 NORTH IAI.FM PRIVI IN BATTI t CRY" ilarrmt Van Hrflin and Tib Hunlff "EAST OF F.DEN " slarrlnl Jame Dan and Julif Harm iSnow ttarls at duskl Writer Who Cracked Theft Faces Charge HOI STON. Tex UP -The sports . credited with rrarkinp a ,, , ., . $300,000 burglary case still will be IproMK'uted for rotlcry. one of ! urtims declared Monday The fantastic case was sm.vhed Sunday Monday, authorities had . accounted for all but $40,000 of the loot, and said thought they could lay their hands on $13,000 ward racial segregation, but Fol io $15 000 more som cntends he has always been o-v . . . . for segregation The sports writer is Pan 4ook. . ,. , r. . . . ,. . , , , In the District ot Coumb a and the wild and almost ncredi- , . . . , v.1 . ... ..... a c j Tuesday, res dents wi pick six- ble story started on a Sunday. , , , ... , April 22 vote slates of delegates Both Ke- - , , . fauver and Stevenson slates are Tangled up is a burglary of a m tne running closet safe of a wholesale baker. I Paul Denny; the baker's report! of only a fraction of his loss: an ' f 1 VMff attempt by Cook and his fight pro-, I rQCll V TPPk ! nter pal, Jimmy Parks, to re. V4I OOII TT I VUIC3 cover the money; charges of rob-' j. . hery against the pair; and arrest:'l I Vnilrr. ! ana cnarging ot three men and reco ry oi mucn oi tne casn 1 Charged with burglary and fel- . uf ti - , t 1.... ,""- Ult'1 'r "r .idi-... odii i Antonio used-car dealer; Kdwin 1 llomlllt lr.nr nn hnnH r. . r salesman; and Arthur Kckert, - ' " San Antonio used-car dealer. . Monday morning at the intersection Police Sunday recovered $'13 605 of "'Shway 223 and Monmouth tut from the home of Marley. Securi-.0"- slate Pllce said ties valued at $160,000 were found Dnv(T of a loaded sawdust truck Saturday near where officers which police said was "totally found Denny's safe. wrecked" was listed as Floyd De- On April 22, Denny's safe was Lapp of Salem. Driver of the load taken He reported to officers that ed log truck was not identified $100,000 in bonds and negotiable immediately, police said, securities and $10 000 in cash were The trucks ran through a road taken After Ihe money was re- side ditch and came to rest at the covered, he said a police officer ede of a field after Ihe 10 a m. advised him to report the smaller i once saia iney are un- ah, to. carmine " gave Ut-n 1 nv tuu afi, mat u nvt State Praised for Traffic Toll Drop 0regon prajspd bv ,he Na. ' timlal Safptv ( ounc, Monday for i hcinff nn. nf 1 l:itpc thai re duced its traffic death toll in the first three months of this year, Gov. Klmo Smith said The Oregon death total was seven per cent less than in the similar period of last year wMle the national figure was 12 per cent higher. Extra! 8:30 On Our Stage! Bop Contest Featuring the Top Teen-Age Rock-And-Roll Danc ers! For a Half Hour of Fun and Delight, Don't Miss It! Broadcast Over Radio KOCO! THE SCREEN'S ROCKIN AND ROLLIN' TO THE BEAT! rVQlll V JuBlllHAlHY ' it'A J E M-ATTCRS TONY MARTINEZ FRCDDIE BEll 1 111 Vf ! taw faiuuH mmo waimni aw na Htiton Vkltt tali K" tOHHUOH USA OAfl AUN FKIO AUX lAiTrjH .. . . . I aeath. "Nggy bark" traaspartatlaa ' railroad aegaa pravidiag several shipmeat was the largest yet seal at traasaortatioa. Beauty's Low Gown Causes France Riot CANNES, France Britain's blonde rounded Dinana Dor. appeared at the Cannes film festi- " Estes Returns To Florida Campaigning By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Estes Kefauver was back in rionaa .vionaay. nimng one ena of the campaign trail he hopes will lead him to the Dempcratic. nomination for President. Alabama Democrats will elect their convention delegates Tues- day, but the most interesting is- sue be,ore ,hem 'a ,hre,'ma,, con,'st lor national committee- man Gov. James E Folsom is op- posed in the committeeman con test by Roy ). McCord and C. W i Kay Jr . and if no one wins a majority Tuesday there ill be a runoff May 29 Folsom's critics accusefhim of being lukewarm to- 1 IJ J. ULIi5 ; Statesman Nfwt Sfrvtrt nir r ac Orr Tu-n Inirkt uprp pxt(in,ivp,v damasprf hut annarent. v nnhnHv u-a ininreH in enlli.inn c(),sjon, police said. DALLAS MOTOR-VU Dallas Salem Hiway Gates Open 6:45 Show at dusk Ends Tonight "GOOD HORNING MISS DOVE" tt "JOHNNY GUITil" STARTS TOMORROW Susan Hayward. Gary Cooper in "THE GARDEN Of EVIL" Cinemascope It Color Second Feature Kirk Douglas. Gilbert Roland in "THE RACERS" rimemascope At Color Hk it a service which Seataera Pacific meaths aft far easterners. Moaday's aat ky Oregaa Fruit via that mode ' val Monday night in a gown that propped from here to eternity. It cuised a minor brawl between po- , 'ce and photographers. A h.rrln r.t l.rminJ nhntntl- n iivi ui vi uviiiiniiiu viiv.v- raphers crowded around Miss Dors at the theater entrance. Po lice, rushing to her rescue, cor doned o(( the photographers. The police are getting used to the commotion surrounding the busty blonde. They had to fight off a crowd of autograph hunters in the afternoon when Britain's answer to Marilyn Monroe arrived at her hotel in a convertible. Monday night the shapely Brit ish star swept into the theater (or a showjnz o( ,hf Amer,can (lm. ..Th. Man who Knew tlm Murh and lt uas Mme lme Mart the. show could get under wav , Her gown was cut so low it startled even the blase French When the film was over, the audience agreed that the Alfred Hitchcock movie starring Doris Day and James Stewart was fine attraction French critics rated it above "I'll Cry Tomorrow. starring red haired Susan Hayward, hich was presented earlier Lamkin Case Continued Walter S. Lamkin. Salem attor ney charged wtih embezzlement was arraigned in Marion County Circuit Court Monday and his case was continued for entry of plea. Judge Prank Lonergan of Port land set next Monday at 10 a m as Ihe time for plea. At the brief arraignment Dis trict Attorney Kenneth Brown read Ihe grand jury indictment charg ing Lamkin with "converting to his own use" $1,122 of funds en- Ousted to hin. by a client. Mrs. Mattie L. White. GATES OPEN 8:45 SHOW AT DUSK e ENDS TONIGHT "BATTLECRY" And "EAST OF EDEN" -STARTS TOMORROW Patrolled by a Ruthless Gun Slinging Marshall With a 'Killer' Reputation! His Lightning Fast Gun Justice Was the Terror of All Within Bullet Range! RANDOLPH SCOTT ANGELA LANSBURY WALLACE FORD "A LAWLESS STREET" - CO Musie and Dancing Such as You've Never Seen on the Screen Before! FRED ASTA1RE-LESLIE CARON "DADDY LONGLEGS" In Technicolor! LAST DAY! "CAROUSEL" Cinemascope 55 and Color! "Hl'NTERS OF THE DEEP" STARTS TOMORROW! inn dm CLEO MOORE Auto Racket Yields Coffee Mixup in Brazil RIO DE JANEIRO. Brazil W A little racket in automobile im ports has tipped off Brazilian au thorities to a big racket in coffee exports. The two together pose I new threat for the country's pre carious money stability. The illegal import of automo biles apparently is partly financed by the coffee racket. The latter appears to be costing the govern rrent somewhere between 25 mil lion and 250 million dollars a year. The coffee racket, born of Bra zil's elaborate control of foreign exchange. orks this way: An exporter ships out, say, 1,000 bags of Santos coffee Grade 2. 1 But he issues the invoice for the lower Grade 4 The difference is usually around H4 L'. S. cents per pound $150 difference per bag or $1,500 on the shipment. The I'. S. importer pays the ex porter for the higher grade. But the exporter sells, Brazil, as the law requires, only the dollars are based on the lower grade. Since he receives more dollars this way he can use them to buv cars in the lT. S. or he can se thapm on the free market Thfi jjfference is considerable, ; gov.rnment paV5 eruleiros . ,v.pv ... ' . . m ... ' 1 . " ' " " " " " fc sale of coffee. The free market rate is twice this around 74 cnn eiro? for the dollar. Thus the crooked minority of exporters get . ;t ,. y .0Vfrnmpnt ' farin A i . I I A OllIlCll Workshop , T l 1 V etlIlCStia Newly elected officers o( 54 Marion County Parent - Teachers Association units will meet for Countv PTA Council workshop I p m Wednesday in Salem School Administration office F.dwin Boal of Salem, council president-elect, will speak on "What I Would Do if I were a New President " and council com mittee chairmen will offer sug gestions to unit committee chair men New officers will take office with the start of the school year next fall Northwest league BASEBALL! TONIGHT THl'RSDAT WATERS 7.ar L, PARK 7:45 P-W- SPOKANE "INDIANS" VS. SALEM "SENATORS" stand 75c Bleachers 50c 'ferric - HIT - STORY BEMUD THE BL4CIUIJUI PHOTO RACKET! SrtVl I -I RANSOMI