14-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tue5., May 1, Tanana River Ice Begins To Crumble I LOST Ladles glasses with clear ',.,. , . ir gold fleck fraroes In ml FAIRBANKS II) - !c en the c. Between a.im a Mon Taaaoa River It beginning to mosith. ph. s-iiei. erumbte to botk above and below, the commuaity el New-.. Expert carvers re of thr apioioa that the oil krebreak will come tbJa week, j Bob Sunnyboy of Kenans uys the lea bat begun to crumble be low the towa and ti also breaking, op around the bridje at St. Marks aTliSiOS. Continued warm weather in the Nenana area is causing more and more water to appear in the Tan- ?tafw.tht time drawing! .... th. trinnrf will mov. TOtM tw ia m "- - " - at Nenana and decide the ice pool winners. mg Statetaua-Jearaal Newt!" ' m N. Ckwcb st PHONE 4-6811 LOCAL RATES fatta. I ttaeel Wttkaaye fr par tine I time J U par bn I time M par Him timet ,I30 II pel line 1 ana flnrl Sun I Clatslflee ad will ha run in both aeera ta give adeertlaert the -d- nt'fea Of 'h trm-nflmta vower va eta" vsn,i"... flora. When an ad M ordered three or til times and Sunday Issue is in cluded (for example Friday. Satur day Sunday I the wwtr Sundae rates apply because only The Statesman imbuthea Sundays. Cliseifled add will start ta the anernrag Oregon Rutetmaa, eoaeJudt ta the rrening Capital Jeumal but -.ads will be aecapted tar Sunday Sutaamaa asaly. - The deadline tar classified ads H ' IM pjn. the day before publication except for Sunday when deadline Is I JS pjn. Friday. Emergency adi and mall Una ada received after 1 04 Em, weekdays and until U noon hint. for Sunday may be placed la the Toe Late to Cletltfy" column : Ada Ine Blondes oaoers must be la by S p m Saturday. , The Statesmen . Journal Nawipa Errs icserve the rignt ta ra;-t oues. enable advertlilns: It further te , serves the rtfht to place nil advar tiling under the proper classifies tie. Tha Stataamaa Journal Newtp.- Bert attune ne financial -esponsi-- Lute, see anwra which may appear in adevrtlaemenlt published In ita eahjmn and In eases where thta pa per la at SnuN will reprlnl that part M an adTertlsement la which the trpograprueal miita ka eeeura. A llrnd" Ad-aa ad eeataralai S Stttaeaua-stouraal Srwtpapart box number lor an address Is for the protection of tht advertisers and aual thai lata be answered by let- tor. The autaeman-Jtumal Ntwspe pen are 4 at bbtrty to divulge Uv sormataoei an to the MwnUty ti aa at,vjrtltar, ovt a ,Ubi1m ad. Tuia Mrwajpipca STRlVrs to are- laet Ita readers against fraud, da- eeptloa. or miuries naaoen are eautiaaed to make NO PAYMENTS to gel a position edVerttted la tha - help wanted eohimna. All help wanted ada MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE OF THE WORK Sales help wanted adt mutt state tf he pay ta la the form of eaUrv. com RilttlonA guarantee, or Include firm name. Bona fide often of employment with pay belong to the 'Help Wanted" column. r Ada In other columns which require Investment In stocks, samples equipment or cash bona thou Id be thoroughly Investigated bef-.i paying out any money Advertisers requiring a cash tnvettm-mt fnr samples nr merchsndlse 'ties tidt etc, must so specify In their ads Kindly report an? exception to this rule ta the classified advertising manager. Classified Index Tor Your Convenience" 110 Meeting Notices 111 Lost and Found 314 Transportation SIS Personal 111 Sum pa and Coins AM AGRICULTURE 401 Livestock for Sale :: 403 Livestock Wanted 404 Poultry and Rabhitt 401 rur Banting Animttt 401 Ptta 405 Sea Foods 41 Seeds and Plants 411 Fruit and Farm Produce 413 Fertilizer 414 Farm Equipment 411 Auction Sales 4S MXRCHANDISl 431 Machinery and Tools 4S1 Wanted Machinery. Tool! . . 4M Sewing Machines 4M House Goods for Sale 49S Wanted House Goods 431 Radio and Television 434 Building MaterUhj 435 Do It Yourself 40 Muiictl Instrumenta 41 Snorta Equipment 4M Blcyclet 4M Trade Mltcellsneout 41 Fuel 41 For Rent, Mlicelltneout 47 For Sale. Mlirellsnenus 473 Wanted MIcll"eous 414 Miscellaneous ins BUSINESS AND FIN ANTE J'O Money 'o Lnsn 111 Loana Win'rd II' Investment! Ofl EMPLOYMENT 03 Help Wanted 04 Help Wanted. Man SM Help Wanted Lady 0I Pickers Wanted 10 Sales Helo 111 Work Wanted. Man 514 Work Wanted. Lady 515 Situations Wsnted fit Job Information Sll Education 420 Day nr Contract TOO RENTALS 703 Sleeping Rooms. Board 701 Wanted Rooms Bnird 701 Apartments for Rent T0S Duplexes 107 Hs use fnr Rent W7.A rurnlshed 'Ml Farms fnr Rent . 704 Wanted to Rent 110 Wanted to Rent Hnuaei Tit Wanted to Rrm Apta. 714 Business Rrnttlt Til Resort Rentals Til Convalescent Homes TSS Moving and Storage SM REAL ESTATE 0 Business Opportunities 103 Buslneea Property MS Suburban ins Housee few Sale 107 Apta.. Court! for Sale aos Lots for Sale lie Parma for Sale 111 Exchange Real Estate IIS Resort propertv III Wanted Real Estate 131 Insurance 1.10 AI'TOMOTIVI SSI New Cars ... Used Cart for Sale 13) Auto Partt and ,"' 134 Trucka, Trailer! for Sale M Wanted Cam. True at SM MoinrevetM se Auto Mlieelleiteoue pit Hmree Trailer! SS4 Heavy Equlpmettl Ml Aircraft 300 Pergonal 111 Utt 84 fotind LOST Female St Bernard. Re ward for return. Vl-tiuty W. Salens. Sun. Ph. t-430. LOST Mea'a gold watch and chain. Reward. Ph. 3-3037. lost: white purar be river in JJ2?- 4-i3s. lost: i oW week white ,,BUl ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED loo Late to Classify BAHA1 WORLD FAITH Information Ph. 3-6344 . . . . OWNER Transferred: Mult aril I rm. hom. unfinished up sttln. fenced yd. wplay quip. irrrlsjdesf. Make offer. P).i-K2y J Broadway. TRY rook, "eteady. day ihlft. Nohlgreo't. 440 8tale. rrPLT. 4-dr. for stle. Ph. J-OOI after I 39 wk. day, all day Tri, Sat . Sun WIST-Coast Driver "Training". Ph. 1-7412 for lessons EXPERT child rare, my home. Afea to 4. I da la wk Near Capitol. Ph. 4-3211 1 TENNESSEE red redar cheat; I't H. P. unfit fate motor. 0$ rHekory. Ldtl4. Block I. N 11th Street. Inq.jitISseN.JSth. SM mod. hie . ear fenced gar- den. W Salem. Ph. 1.0373. WANTED: Job on mink or tur key farm. P. O. Box 141. WEBER Court, furn. apt., elee. heal, ranee, refrig Laundry id I. ISM I. 13th St. M(r. 4-MS1. IS H. f. MERCURY motor, with quicksilver lower unit, two front, 1us1 ovcrhsuled. only ISS. Ph 4-SXS4 H PONT1AC atatlon wagon, ra- dio, heater, power str. 13.000 ml. 3..1fU Ph :-443J. ril PONTIAC Catallnt, 30.000 ml. radio, heater, hydra.. 1721. Ph. 2-4432 BOATERS WATER SKIERS RACERS Mere. Mark 40. used 13 hrs., 3S5. 1034 Johnson 39, axe. cond. USA. Marc. Mark 30 U.. 1271. II ft. run-about, all hdwr A trailer. S32S. "B" Hydra, all mahog.. glassed planing sur faces, ready to rare, 33 f M. P. H . S279. "B" racing trail er, box with roll In motor rack A door, I17S. 13 ft. Calk ins run-about. Ph. 3-44K. I BDRM., S yrt. old. plastered, insii., att. garage. Enslewood dst., close to bui A srh. $ VI Call I-K7S. IMMACULATE I nc mod cher ry Mr A Mrs. Bdrm. Set. This is quality furniture. Nrw, you would pay tsno for this set. our price 1171. Save at Sa lem's lowest overhesd store, see Glan Woodry, 1005 N. Summer. IT' HOUSE trailer for rent, can tleep 4. 1WI Portland Rd. , BUY my equity in Manbrln Gardens home. 1 bdrms, or I hdrmt. At dan. T. A. heat, frpl. A patio, II. 1S dn. Ill, ISt. SM Manbrln Dr. Ph. 4-34M FOR SALE TO WRECK OR MOVE House A Garage, 1334 S Coml. House It small shop bldg.. 1351 So. Commercial. InajulreauJT Ciirt. Ph. 4-3343 '41 WILLYS 4 wheel dr ton pieaup. ra, a-Mii. boariTand ROOM S30 E SI. STARTING store, need used furniture, cash paid 374 Sil verton Rd. Ph. 4-3450. 4 BDRMS.. clean A comfortable, ro. -T3W rairgroundt ltd. rn. ISII. LARGE sale of antiques Includ ing I settees A matcning chairs. Chinese oriental rug, besutiful cut glass, oil paint ings I prints, electrical ap pliances including roaster, mixmaster. percolator, waffle Iron, broiler. Many miscellan eous articles, costume Jewelry, lamps, baskets, books. 1A3 S. 15th. Sale Wed. through Sat. 10 H. P Mercury outboard mo- tot. 2 props, SI35- Can be seen at 642 S Lancaster' sfter 6 p m. Over 150.1 Readers See I Phone 4-6811 (or Courteous Ad laker Trade-in Allowance On Set of New f Allstate Cushions Black Walls or White Walls 1 Sears Roebuck & Co. I SU N. CAPtTnt. I j 1 00 Display Classified : i - . I MY! j I You rei 1 Pi I Than i H 33i! I '56 300 Personal 314 Tfanipwrftww DRIVING to Hot Springe, Ar. kansas. hai expense, lull Ird. West Salem. 314 Personal PSYCHIC READER Madam HAZEL. Salem a oldest reliable reader can help you win lucre, health and hap piness. No bargain price Just truthful, reliable advm. 433 Portland Rd at Albany cut off Look tor sign. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous, SSt S Commercial, .-nut . "TOO MANY BILLS? Oont let your bills tet vou la trouble if sou re behind 10 . payments, we can nelo ou. i No security or cosigners need ed One place to pay all billij Pit only what ou can af-1 fnrdl i Bonded and Licensed for your protection 1 1 CREDIT CONSULTANTS Salem 2-SS44 for information Security Detective Agency Private inveitlfation anywhere anvtlme. World wide alfilla auon. Rm. IS. Salem Ph. day or night 4-Z24S Vancouver. Waih. Oxford 3-1434. ALCOHOLICS Anonymoua group No. 1. 20ft! N Com l S-4531. PALMIST Pilm. rard A plrvste reader, tells past, preient At future S3 complete rradlng. tl with ad )1l Portland Rr . Ph 4-47M. 318 Stomps on. Co ins WILL bur fold coins. ny d' nomtnauon. Call 3-9SS1. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock for Sals SPRING AND SUMMER HORSE PASTURE. Lush grais clear running water Tack room facilities, access to besutiful mountain trails. Within 15 min- ute drive of Salem. R B Bir Corrals. Ph. 4-1977 or 4-4313 morning or evening. 3 YEAR old cow heavy producer wltii full blooded Hereford heifer A 1 hull ralf I2J0 tikn all. Ph. J-M 1740 Oxford. SEVEN" 3 yr. old reg! "Sultolk ewes. One reg, Suffolk buck Ph. 3-30S9. GOOD set of single buggy hir ness. 198S Mission. WANTED someone to raise ws ter fowl on shares. Box 10 Statesman-Journal. FOR SALE, weaner pigs. Berk shire A Chester Whites. Ph. 3-73TS. PROFESSIONAL hortethoer Lst Hanson. 4-0724 or 4-S0S3 FOR SALE or trade, gentle ponies lor rniinren. also gooa saddle horses Bob Franks. 305 i N Water St . Silverton Ph , 1-1134 i SORREL gelding trained for wn. j men or children Can be srrn altrr 4 30 eves. 3333 Hnllynnod Dr Salem Meat Co locker beef Custom killing, cutting A wrap ping, trailer loaned free 403 Livestock Wanted LIVESTOCK buyer. Claude Ed wards. Rt. I. Box SOKE. 4-1113. CATTLE, horses, at your farm. E. C. MeCanduah. Rt 2. 1-4110 CATTLE buyer. A. T. Sommtr, 1200 Harmony Dr. Ph. 4-1067 CATTLE buyer 42T Stats, t A H. Snethen, 1-1341, 3-4310 401 Eoyltry and fcobU WANTED. 100 or 200 large lav ing leghorns Ph. Fa 72-421. Jefferson. HEAVY Fryera SI. aa. Ph 4-3334 except Sunday. BABY CHICKS, lac atraight run. choice of Parmenten. New Hampi Whit Rocks tnd Leg hqrns Special New Hamp snd White Rock pullets. 19c. Par menler red rooster, a. VALLEY FARM STORE Ph 4-4624 Salem CUSTOM DRESSING Of poultry We buy rabbits wings. 3u state, r-n s-jsii 408 Pets BABY parakeets, rtre A nor mal 3425 Abrama Ave 3-ntt. REG Shelties iMIn Colliesi Ph 4-973S rOR SALE Reg dalmatian 8 mo old 1031 Linda Ave. or Ph 4.7211. COCKER PUPS 110. Also Chi huahua puppy. Ph. 2-1248. I REG COLLIE pups, full while collars. Ph. 2-2946. I YOl'NG ptrtiteets. cages feeds Mickey's. 3823 S Com. 3-2733 Mochi ewin ines Have to See It SINGER CABINET ELECTRIC Round Bobbin Sewing Machine FOR ONLY $129.90 Choice of Blonde nr W. "limit Cabinet Liberal Trade-in-Only II 30 Per Week Call Now for FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION SALEM 3 3512 DALLAS SINGER SEWING CENTER 455 House Goods tor Sole AIL prices stashed save. as oever before at Saleins lowest overhead store Glen Woodry 1805 N. Summer. SELL Welch "ratyfoid nany carriage, like new. Ph 2-18711 NEW large 3 pc. sectionals st closeout price. $173 00. C.len Woodry. 1005 N. Summer. iSlBendix-" Auto, washer, yro matlc. Reasonable Ph. J-0893 REST IrTa new loungerhslf fnr nnly S5S.90. Glen Woodry. 1803 N. Summer. BF. I'HRIFTY Buy used furni ture) A appliances THE THRIFTY WAY o Easy Terms at WtloDftY'S niRIFTY USED FURN 313 Com'l Ph 4-3.1IS i P". Oak dining set SIS SO. Glen1 Woodry 16X13 N Summer I IF YOU need a alngle item or a complete nousehold of new or used furniture or tp- filtani-et, buy now on eur tt.y arms. Woodry't Thrifty Used furn IIS So Coml t Ph 4-UU 1 Uock o. ei Piper silU 400 Agriculture 401 reft IRD Paradta for "trdt. rare t.eehea 1 1 at Uvuigsiea 1- la-t Rare PARAKEETS-Normai Ma m Browning Ptt 1-J"H 410 Seeds and1 Honrs SCHIZANTHCS from Rutchard Cardena. Bedding Plants. Hy- brid To ma!oe Uc e. Silke'i Green houae RL I Box 00. Salem. JC0Of ARSHAIX itriw berry Rlantt from certified plantings o. 1 S10 per I MO. Packed. Ph. -l DAHLIA BULBS. SI dot. Mollu A Eng. Aaaleai Uc Ar up. Geraniums Fuchsias bedding Slants. Merrills Greenhouee. rooUs. PEONIES, Annual!. Fuechlae, r.rraniumi RrenniH Hinlinf Banketi. Kilbers. 11J Salem Heights Ave BEDDING-pl.ntT7r7re.dy "to o r..n r.arrien. 1 mile. N of Keizer School on Salem St .Paul M) M1LOGRAN1TE (ertlluer. S. lem a only dealrrother gar den supplies, larsr selection of our choice bedding plants open eves., closed sun. "em berton's Flower Shop A Greei Iwimm Mian a 19th " DAHLIA tuber, pansirs fuchlaa A ivy geranium. Wanfa Gar den 4SSO Cherry Ave FOR SALE: common rye grass reed Ph. 4-9.-l PRIMROSES, peppers. Hybrid tomatoes. 723 W Salem Heights Ave: A Plant Greenhouses A Florists Garden suonlies. areds. nlants 1JM S. 13" Ph. 3-4470. Eve. A Sun. 4TfLown-Gafden Equip. GOOD used rotary power mower. SIS J-0990 BEAR CAT garden tractor jiith attachments. 100. S"S Pied mont FOR SALE: Mrnon blue grass seed Ph. 4-9M1 II" ROTARY power mower gat Perfect condition. Ph. 3-0927. usiD 21" power livn mower nt tj p, 5j. ph. 2-4439. (12 Fruit & Farm Produce ASPARAGI S IOC LB. RHUBARB 5c LB Now Is the time to cm A freeze GREEN APPLF. MKT 3005 Portland Bd PASTEURIZED wnole milk. 7Sc gal s gaL 40r. delivered. Cleary Dairy. 3-3033. 413 Fertiliser ORGANIC FERTILIZER ODORLESS BY SACK OR BULK PHONE 3-3155 ROTTED sawdust for mulching I yd. load 15. 4 yds S10 3 yds IS or I? s vd or 30c sack St farm. Also Beaver Dam Soil, fl sack, lor 15 Phil, lips Bros . Rl 5 Box S'iO. Sit-If-m Ph. 4-.10II1 MANURE: aged nch nuo.us weeds Real soil builder fol lawns, gardens Ph 2-C3.T. FRESH or rotted manure Rlcn, fine manure by lack or yard Delivered or at farm Phillips Bros. RL S Box 493. Ph. 4-3041 414 Form Equipment FOR SALE Economy bean trac tor wmounteo plow ac euici vstor. Also disc A inrlngtooth S2. Ph. eves, 4-S327. SMALL gas Irrigstinn pump, 300 ft. of pipe Ph 3-2341. AuctioB Sales AUCTION OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TONITX 4840 CENTER STREET SALEM 450 Merflianelieie 451 Machinery t Tools l'a H.P. heavy duty elec. motor. 143 4-2321 FOR SALE Hunter tune-ln wheel balance or will trade for dependable )urk car. Ph 3-8070 HAVE teveral ued welders AC A DC. Call 4-7344 4STT Mach ines fir. v usui JiAini.sr, 'This beautiful Singer Desk mod- el A chair left on our hands with an $88 50 hal Assume contract for 15 per month. Ph, 4-7102. Idealerl T5TT "MoTn" owing inos to Believe It WOODBl'RN 2 7H1J MA 3 4472 455Tiouo Goods for Sile NEV lull-veil .wing S33.SII Glen Woodry rockers 180.1 N i Summer i VACUUM CLEANER This beautiful Klrtiy Vacuum $22 Stl Ral take over for 1125 per wk Ph 4-7)02. (dealer! NEW-Simmons rnllaways $12 88 Glen Woodry 1603 N. Summer. ANTIQUE cherry bureau, with large bevel edge mirror. 1988 Mission. ATTENTION New Simmons studio divans $ 00 Glen Woodry. 1803 N. Summer. 'LOVELY new 3 pr sectional w' n conter sectional Re. $.159 m now on our anntversarv rile S2H8 Ofl Glen Woodry 1613 N Summer INLAID Lino. $1 39 per n yd R L flfstrnm Co 20 ., Lib u. erty NEW box iprlng tnd innersprlng, .) 1 I I lJ 1,1 mattreaa set $44 Glen Woodry w- HJ 1 1 Ll W- 105 Nl Summer. n ,, . . , . . 16740 Portland Rd. Ph 4-R.1I1 INLAID Linn $1 39 per so yd j 4 mi No. of Salem, i, ml No. R U Elfjtiom Co., K0 f. Lib-1 of Totem Pole on 99C erty. ' Open til da Saturday 450 3Ierrhandi.e 455 Hou Goods foe Sal REPOSSESSED 4 PC. sectioral. Use new. used 1 no. S1M1. Clcn Woodry. Ii5 N. Sumer. FOR SALE Spin dryer washer A Krlvinanw reftif. Ph. JOIST afterjS p m. I'sr.D G E older model refruj SaS-olJO. SAIT.M'S loweit overhead rtrr of.sra you new modern bed mom aeta for SM Glen Wood rv i laoa N Summer. F. A. Floor Furnace, 2-M gal. barrela. 4jail NOW I NOW! Ig ir Chrome d7 nattes with S foam rubber rhalTs. one a host chair, at MM. We even take trades Glen Woodry. lauj N. Summer. roi SALL. SolKI alanoianv "n J.'"1"' I Mc"' rn- - LOVELY new , 1 pc roto-rock diveno- group only SI4 M a: Glen V oodry, 1M N Summer $30 00 DN. Buvi complete household of furniture ar.d apoll.nre .t Sa lern's lowest overhead itore Gltn Woodry ' ItuS N Summer INLAID" Lino Til per tq" yd R L Elf strom Co X S Lib- rty MAPLE Bunk bed! with mat- , tresses S44 40 Terms Glen Woodry ldt'S N Summer. I rRIGIDAIRETlothes"dryer. no vtnt type, late model. Ph 4-9.H1. NFW x!3 llnnleumi S4 m Glen 1 Woodry. 1603 N Summer. Linoleum run V 93 Villey Furn Co. 21 N Coml, IF YOU want sillifactinn. buy hlltwell new dsv?no et, as low as Sl.tiw Glen Woodry ltd N. Summer 456 Wanted House Goods CASH FOR FURNITURE V A LLE Y F URN. CO. Ph. 2-7471 rOP CASH PHicE - FURNI TURE, APPLIANCES. ETC USr.D MERCHANDISE MART ."70 S LIBERTY PH 4-0371 Need at Once e Late model E - Applianrea Pay run premium for Hi Grade Electric Ranfrl. Retneerators I Automatic Washers Driers A ; Late Model used Furniture Ph Glen Woodry 3-3110 right Now for Plesimg Resultrl t 'I WK NEED FURNITURE Valley Furn. Co.. 2-7473 457 Radio and TV 73 Albuma of classical records 71 RPM. Cost MOO. sell to best offer. 1.10 N. Winter. WANTED Reliable party to take over pavments on 21" Console T V. See at MONT GOMERY WARD Appliance Dept. USED 17" 4 21" TV Motorola console A table mod els Very reasonsble. Budret terms or 10 dav charee. Ph. S-W). Truss Tire Store. Cen ter A Church. 458 Buildinq Materials SAVE! SM Drv 12" Cedar1 Boards 1120 M S Tite-knot 10' spruca tiding 1130 M S 10-" inverted cedar boards and baits 1130 M. Good IS" painted cedar shake A under- coura SIM Sq. S Heavy gauge Iron roof ing 110 50 Sq. 4xS," birch "A" grade plywood 42c sq. ft. 0 4xSa." service plv S2 31 sheet A 4x'j" service ply S3, 00 sheet 0 4S V service ply 13.43 sheet 0 "A" grada birch doors 7 70 each 0 FREE DELIVERY 0 CREDIT GLADLY OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY C & K LUMBER YARD Lancaster and Center Pri Salem 2-1.tO0 Overhead steel garage door wtth hardware. 139 3 In stalled S49 30 divinized tvt trough 12'. e per ft F.PPING LUMBER CO. 3740 SILVERTON RD. PH. 4 6123 El.FC wall Heaters 23"-, off 21" x 33' sink con.p 43 !)5 Garbage Disposal. Sti5 Fibre pipe. 30c A 34r ft 14-2 Loom ex 4c ft. Door chimes 2C". off 15-2 Loomex, 4't ft Light fixtures, 23'". off Out let boxes. 25c 3 pc bath set 1134 53 gl elec wtter heat er. So3 We thread pipe ana rent Oelger Counters Ape Electric A Plumbing, 1410 Hroadwty. Ph 2-1866 Open Fn eves A Sat till 5 PEE!!!! iThousands go In and o if -HERE'! First come. FIRST served OODLES of PLY WOOI 4 mt or ext. THOUSANDS "Littler" ors s' "Littler prices Custom ers with "Littler" orders greatlv sppreciated OS W 11ITE PAINT. 12 30 gal . 'b 4x8 reject hardboard, 1 73, reg. 82 00 . 46 WALI.BOARD. 1144. SCREEN DOORS at last years low pricesl Stieciallring In low cost sluminuin screens i 4x8 Rough Plywood irlesr facesl for underlavtnent. llc ft Ixti MAIIOG 1 80 sheet PANELINGS .runnlne n it our eirs- AGAIN'i at real saving'. re mcrn OAK FLOORING in henterl room CFIIAR RIJAROS, Pine S'eivin" I2',c fl PINE PAN. panfiino i? ,c fi sdg low . 1.V1.W Fig. I3S w l.csil 'till wra'fer 'o fix up vour hrt Inr-lnrnl- Vdl'R HOU. do il now ' We'll do evrrvthnir. possible to make vour Job enlovnble. OPFN ALL DAY SATURDAY I'nrlland Rnarl Lumber Yard 3543 Portland Rd Ph 4-443.1 Kitchen Cabinets NEW SUI'I'I.Y LOW PRICED xl2 Sh,Vr"VSnirlV"1' Si It Loose 111! Cork Inul ..$125 sack Used Kitchen Sink $4 A up Used Toilets compl $n Used Tubs ,, $n 50 1x4 Oak Flooring $45 per M 2x4 Shorts, 1x4 RL Ic lin. ft Reiect Hardboard 3xl00" $1 23 sht Retert 4x8x'4 partlcal board gocxl 2 sides $8 93 sht 4" black Drainage Pipe 1()c ft ,nfl mm ft No 2 A blr user! lumher $45 per M WE ALSO HAVE Poors. Windows A Flee Supplies r- Q piTTPpp ASA 5rti7k R aA Uiti ntlu t . .h't,.-'.-. a. A a, . .as Used Want Ads to Gain Office! The a novke te pol Hit a. Mayor Joha A. Srett de penned esten arely en Classifies Ad vfrtising whea Ik aoc resslully raa lor oflira at a Republic! in I9S1 in strongly Democratic South Bend.' lad. tant Ah Kill Strante Needs h its. n a. a tl. Fk. -.rr. i- 450 Merchandise 458 Building Materials 500.000 r'EKT New. frrih-m'lled ola ft secono Irowlh lumber 3l to 2t2 in to :i-foo: lens!-! Dtlivncd pncel Salem : nrr ("nu ni;ntmum Test 1uilf IIW 13-2 wire, roll it 4',c Crdir ihmglei 13 00. ?V S Gslv Iron rood - CHEAP 3 lib roof., lowest pricea. Nails per keg-U 93 4' cist soil pipe 7.ic ft i il pipe lie, V-lfie l, -29c. I', "-c 500 fil steel seg link S31 '0 lOO fil steel Sep tank S.i9 50 4" Olack sewer pipe 30c 14c. Inr jairb?. Rood orr'S. Si! 73 Blrlg paoer 300 iq ft S3 33 Fibre glasa blanket lnul -CHEAT 4l plaster boar! II (0 11 60 tl 15 Celling tile. 10x32. 10c q ft Snake muid. kini lenstn. 10c Garaie door, all sires cheap Barb wire Su rds 13 'i5 S7 4i Oitude white paint ral S2 30 Oak rir'ing R. lenrth cheap New window saiheS 12 00. W strip crystal windows 31x33 kitchen sinks cheap. Shower cabinets 34 SO Toilels Waeats IU50 New bath tub complete SS3 30 Strictly Cash - L'-Haul J r Closed Sunday! A Monday C. G. LONG & SONS 1 Ml N Ketrer - Ph 4-3031 459 Do It Yourself U-Fix-It-Garap-o Repair vour t-5l 20.'S own car N Coml Fhone 460 Musical Instruments UPRIGHT piano, excellent cond Ph 2-4427. 462 Sports Equipment 3 HP Seiking outboird. practlc illy new. about 35 hours use. 170 See at 3255 Liberty Rd or Ph 2-22.13 3 to I p m. GOOD-!-ft. cedsTTlshlng boat rtis , Ph. 1-7742 after 60 p m FIsTlFJRMAN'S SPECIAL 12 ft trailer all readv tn go 2P5 JAVHAWK TRAILER SALES 2S40 Portland Rd. Ph 3-8043 CAH paid for used guns, mod ern end antique Casrada Mere 1230 Broadway COLT Woodsman 22 Automatic Pistol. C'sed Mdse. Mart . 270 Liberty St Ph 4-6.171. Open Fn. mtet 'til 9. No down pay ment. FLAT 14ft trailer T5 6 pm. bottom b Ph 2-3160 A after 12 FOOT boat built bv snd 71, H P Evinrude Motor 560 Trade St , Salem. Ore. 22 H. P Johnson Motor Sell or trade. Ph. 4-7127 aftrr 5 14' BOAT, trailer A motor 1765 R. 5 II P Fvinrilcle. alio 111 H Fv in ruclc. excel, cond Ph 4-744 OREGON'S BEST BUYS I t MOTORS & TRAILERS Also convert: hit 1opi, fl vinj bridges, nut board rfpairs t'rrt tnal on th nvtr. Manv ex 1m strviris. nu n ai rr.rioragT alt proofi nt;. parts 7 DAYS A WEEK FISHING LICENSES See the new molded ho-,': are the host he.i 1l1f.1l A lira! boats in t-.i vv.fi SALEM BOAillnl S1-; 100 CIIEMEKETA, I'll 3 0303 464 Bicycles WANT to huv bins 211 ' reas 444 blf Yflf 468 For Rent, Misc. son RFNI iede ige .vare hmpe sp.'.ce rpiiiC.T floor hnck nldg GownMwn In q l'e H L Still I'urn 3-S1B3 470 For Sole Misc iw rot joie, reiisc PAINT il lu Woodry I8u.i N Sun m. i 2 870x 1.) t.ihrlesi tires $15 I 1-11158 aftrr 6 PAINT oil ba.e II 89 gal "den Woodry 1603 N Summer. 1958 Motorola Ml Fl set. See 1775 N 2tlh or Ph 2-743U. 1954 RFNDI X Automatic washer A drier See si 1775 .N 24th or Phone 2-74.T) 'y'AZr v" 195i Itf'.n Run; 21" I lllouir rx.ellinl - nr.ilnmn See at 1775 N INtu I'll 2-74.10 OREGON Agate moss A laspci he.-Kh acalc ttimhl. (1 in i;.w 24111 Broadwai I'h :i-:i2'(ll RECAPS 600x18 670xlS Exch J8 9S Lytle i Tire Mart "top soil Phone 2-1573, 2-Saxll Pit Run Gravel-' TOP SOIL PH. 2-4310 WEAR Chester Comfort-ShoeiT Ceo Master Work Uniforms, Sports Wear Ph 4-527:1 USF.D truek tires' Lv tlr s""Tlre Mart. 2:05 N Com 1 NEW larre garbage C.len Weodrv I 15 c aos $4 81 Siminier 2 WAl.I. cupboards, well marie 111 A t Nch! dies-,r SI2 Round loffe table glass Iral lop $1(1 Dhle tubs 152.5 State CEDAR post bean ' po;t shed poles s tvpes & brny wire Ph 4-.KI81 TOP SOIL & PIT RUN GRAVEL. PH. 2-8353 'r" i -' egwi mwK'GicN, k;c. 4,0 .Merchandise 470 For Sole. Misc. Top Soil Orchard Lt'Ti Rr. er l .'an. Iial 2-IT'S Prompt Delivery Krirer Sand A Gr.nel to 3 YDS cf full length lined drapes p.rce:i ba.Kgrnulid tioral pattirn I'h ."4-7tkii 11 O . guage elcc. l:in tet. rh. 2-6318 NEW large garbage cans 14 89 Clrn Woodry 1605 N Summer TYPEWRITERS a d d in g ma chines, cash registers dupli cators, desks, chairs, tiles, sup plies Hoen s. 456 Court 3-6771 TOP SOIL PH. 4 J4fJ r.n ursr .rnaK; rani i d,Glfn WVodry 1605 N Summer RICH TOP SOIL DKL. J 1. 25 A YARD PH. 4-246: 472 Wanted. Misc. WANTED several thousand cords of wood, sll speciea. Ph. 1-7721 Nights. 4-3633 474 Miscellaneous DENTAL PLATE REPAIR l-Hft. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER, Dentist Adolph Bldg.. State A Com'l Sts SALEM - PH 3-3311 ADDING mscnlnej cash regis Clary IP71 Eairerounds I-M7S Pro.-'pectin0- Supplies fleicr A S ttit:!l ilor counters mn'cralirMs - Mi rcj-v - de te, 'or-;. f-e information DECTROMLS INI I'H 2-6P69 8'io l.arraster Or GARa'cF 2 .r to bemoved 14W1 Rrnadwav 476 Fuel Spring Special Mulrh Sawdust. Fertilizer Block A Slab Wood West Salem Furl 1525 Edgewater Ph 2-4031 ANDERSON'S tltbwood Pn 2-7731 or 4-2854 OREGON FUEL CO. Mulching Sawdust WOOD S A H Green Stamps Ph sow Broadway Old Kir Wood."" $U Ph Silverton 3-8481. West Salem' Fuel Co. Sawd'it. blower or ntih out Planer ird Pond Lilies SPECIAL Srml-Drv Block aid Slab KancaaiI525 Edgewater h 2-4031 WA.'TED icveral thousand cords o," wood, all socclea Ph 3-7721 Nights. 4-56.13 I HIGmVAvTl EL CO ! SAWDfST A WOOD 414 Canltol Fuel Co. ! sawdi'st for mi'lching; Choice slsb and block mixed j 1420 Broadwav Ph 3-7721 . SAWDUST fc- sale 3 unttlojrt. I push out. i'.i rh. Gen ats .()0 IJiijs. & Finance 510 Money to Loon PRIVATE money tn loan, buy rontracts and mortgages 341 Cheroek-taSt Ph 3-6841 V.E HAVE rash buvr7s for real evla'e contracts and 2nd mort gages Ohmart A Calaba. Rea.tors 477 Court St Phone 3-41 IS COLONIAL Investment CT ReTl Propertv Loans Contracts Purchased 687 Court 4-2281 LOANS S'iO HO to IUOO0O Ro Wh.t You Need Con olitt.-i'e vour bills. Finance throjgh WU.I.AMvrTF'JVCRFDIT COMTAcIY l2 s rnurrh St Ph 2J4S7 PRIVATE money to" loan "or Rr Fstate C". tn-erest Ph 2-07' 12.) to $2.V)0 Pacific Industrial . Loans ! S l.lhcr'v Ph 4-22(11 Rawlins Realtv Co. Rr I C .1. pr mrke ans ron'rucfion lo.irn ri03 Cbe-4-8875 512 Loons Wanted l WANT tn borrow up to $3,000 (j am 28. Need monev for car, I clothes misc. Will consider anv amount of Interest v'on 't 21"1 N Front Salem or box 187 Statesman-Journal r00 Emj.loyii.fn. 602 Help Wonted CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phone ?-0 1M N Winter Aduuninr. Presbvlerlan church Free parking In rear Exclu sive list mrs on sll tvpes o( etnplovment REG. Pharmacist will be needed try State Institution, for 1 1110 beginning about June 15th. Salary Open. Contact Mr. Dav id McKeown business Mgr Oregon Slate Tuben ulosis Hospital. Rt, 5. Box 28 Salem. Ph 4-118.1 I EITis'Itl'V .man in Woodhurn offers to share model" .5 rm homr I 1 r( sikiIi. -ible 10 iple in exchai i;c fn-' meats , ligi-t rimiesijc flulies References re quired P O Box 7714 Port land 12 Oir APPLICATIONS ire now being nken for Staiesman mcvc'e routes Several routes will be open Applican's must be ac 1 companied bv 'heir oarents or have their written permis sion Apply at the Circulation Department oi tha tattamaa-Joumai 600 EmpIoinent 402 Help Wonted C- COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Since ! Speculuu la Office Placements 4M Stat St i4U Ore. Bldg I 4-XU1 LADY or couple to rare for rooms In exchange for 3 rm apartment. iNo drinkers i Box 13 Statesman-Jo Jrnil. oWHelp Wanted, rn FURNACE cleaning man Apply in person Sat. momtrg 1037 S Coml 8AI.ESMANwar.trd retail bak ery route S0 per week during training Blue Cross plan fur nished Opportunity for ade wmement. nr.ist he able tn purchase good 1 .-ton panel Call 3-SaSO or 1-o.nt ARTHUR Murrai'i now mter iewirt applicants for teach fi 5.1 Otl uer hour t-jming free if aicep'.ed Ages :'l tru 3(1 Applv in pcrvon Mr Chat f eld. S thru 10 I' M. 443 Ferry St ! EXPERIENCED radio television technician Kcfereme Mitchell Radio A- Television. 1B8U State EXPERIENCED Millwright elec trn inn uiul'-r 40 Must have 1 sta'e maintenance electric. an i !i.cne Apt lv at oftlce W'1! ' a cctte Pii hters Supptv I n ! Auiiim:! . lrr or i all Sarfm ;-T(I57 aflcr 6 p n WANT 'rcr.il wood cutics , An ilv ( anral 'J Jel Co . .1:100 ! N R.e: Rt 606 Help Wonted, Lody EXPFRIENCFD girl for general office work A bookkeeping. 3 dav week Rrferen.es re quired Ph 3-9146 davtune RARY sitter mv home vicinity No 34th 3 to 13 p m Ph 4-:t51 MONTGOMERY Ward has open, ing for experienced salesladies 3 da 40 hr uk Hospital A medical benefits, pad vaca tions store wide discounts A manv other henefr M.ist have experience Applv in person GIRLS ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO. IS LOOKING FOR YOUNG WOMEN BETWEEN 24 k SO. WHO ARK INTEREST ED IN RESPONSIBLE PO SITION WITH GOOD FU TURE. SHOULD HAVE GOOD OFFICE EXPERI ENCE, DESIRE TO GET A II E A D. BE W E I. L GROOMED. EXCELLENT C (l M P A N Y BENEFITS, PLEASANT A CONGENIAL SURROUNDINGS. APPLY ALLSTATE INSURANCE CO liia S, COM L. PH 4 6oHI RF.LIAHl.E babv utter my home 3-day week Ph. 4-8010 fler 6 ARTHl'R Murray's now Inter viewing applicants for teachers 83 00 per hour training free if tccepted. Ages 21 thru :m Applv in person. Mr. Chatfleld. 6 thru 10 p. m. 445 EerrySt WANTED-a-general office girl", must have experience in fol lowing, bookkeeping, all ac counts, pay-roll preferable banking A typing. 23 to 3S yrs old. Stalespian-Journal box 972. 608 Pickers Wonted RECISTEFt now for Strawberry platoon 40 A N West berries en clean field in Keier a-ea Bus transpoitallon. C il d'en over 12 A adults I'n Mlv II. Batnelt , 4-;H31 o: 3-SKi:i S1RAWBF11HY pi. kers register now for ptatoi.n Adults und children over 12 Transpoi ra tHin furni-I.ed Ph Mrs. Jan es (ianlner 2-6.")i'l STHAWHFRRY Platoon organ izing 40A. .k.ear Kfler Trans-poriati-n bv bus adults A children over 12 Register In p-a Img i ard to leader Mrs Ken Robinson. 24P0 Wooddaie. Ph. 3-80 610 Soles Help Wonted 2 MORE nun to learn bealmg hiM'irvs A.-surerl future We train ou duarar.teed salarv if vou qualifv Applv in rrrtnn S.i' morning only. 10.i7 S ( MMl'l " .MAN FOR SALEM ARE) A Year round eniplovmtnt An prox. $100 wk to start, in creasing with experience Must be willing to work hard and follow instructions Come to 14.10 Rroadwav Mon A Tues ,11am to 1 p m EXECUTIVE salesman. Salrm territory. Preferably college trained age 25-5(1. Salary A (ommissior Write Bus PH4 Staiesman -Journal "INSURANCE INVESTIGATOR" I.argr N'at'l firm u-ants men from 22 to 28 yrs.. typing ex perience, auto ilean ba k ground far permanent A im mediate cmt)loVTT,e"t Fx el ler t l.enefi'' Reply to I' O P...X 74" Salem Oregon" WANTED. Aggressive Salesman On Co' iius'-ioii Ph. 3-5283. or sic latl'l N. 4l!i EXPERIENCED man Fine of fice Lots of advertising Ram sey Realty. 427 Ferry. MANto distribute A pick up Fuller Brush catalogs $100 weekly comm te start 3-8157 612 Work Wonted, Men M.N' 65 healths able and w,!. ing Must havr wo'k Ha' e gfi.d car (ant'ave! State-n an l..urnal Bi'v 181 II AVE equip for wood ' u'tn-g Ileus rules Ph 4-1284 ROTO TILLING PH 4 0558 HOME building remodeling housr framing or sny line of carpenter work Ph 4-8275 F"r tlic hest iirulcssionnl popular experts s.l'1'LIANl FS "WFSTINGHOI'SE yVoortrv Fu'-nlture Co 474 So Coi.-'l Ph 4-2111 CAPITOL Bedding Mattrest re npvalor. New mattresses 3-4069 Hl'l.l DOZING BullrtoTing clearing roidl ponds D-4 D-8 rarrvsll V Huske) Ph 2-3146 IRWt WORK 25-fnn I oratn moio crane Sa lem Sand A (.ravel Co J-1'46 1 FLOOR COVFRIMiS NORRIS WAIKFR Punt Co Floiu -1 o enrg D'vlsmn yii'il Itv lnstal;allons LinnU nm r niialt A Huhber Til- Wall tile Free Kstimates 4-2279 MACHINE A WELDING " Hobart welderi A rod Smith cutting equip Accessories. Globe Machine Works. 1010 N rsuU aU. Pa. X-S622. 600 Employment 412 Work Wanted, Mew HOWARD Rotsratlng. (ardent As new law na prepared. Lawn mowing ar. ar eaouact I teal. 4-A2S1. . CEMENT Work Ph. 4-4B3S Side walks, patios, ret. wall, ga rages, bsmte Fret estimates ROTOTILLING RICHARD HAS. PH. 3-47 H EXPERT carpenter, remodeling all kinds Cabinet work. reaa. go anywhere. Exllne 3-7014 . TTLLINfiv ffoward Rotovator. Ph. 4-2A23 or 3-3313 Ne calls Sat please CUSTOMPLOWING A discing. M V) per hr.Ph.2-llisI. WANTED-logs to hauL hav short logger Ph. MA 3-3.S4 GARDEN PLOWING A DISC ING PH. 2-3123 W A LA. FI.EMME 13SS LANCASTER DR PROFESSION A I. upholstering reas Guaranteed Tree est Pick-up delivery Ph 3-420 ROTO-TILUNOi J-in7 13 H P Riito-hoe, ph. after I p m . 2-ni. CUSTOM plowing A disking. reasonable Call 3-3.34S CARPENTER work wanted-hr or contract. Call 4-aoS7 or write 16110 Leo SI , Salt 111 PAINTING Free Estimates RrasunaOle, Ph. 2-9531 eves. CARPENTERWORK.dyor contract 2-H4! or :-14J9 ! LAWN Mowing wanted by Andy Anderson ' Ph 4.0443 ROTOVATING PH. a-476J PaintiiV Ph. :i-7552 PLOWING A diving Ph 2-2773 Albert Creft 3710 Monroe HOWARD Rotovatlng gardens, new lwns prepared. 3-3693. CUSTOM ROTOVATING NO SALEM AREA PH 4-4771 LAWN mower shsrpemng. low prices, work guar Ph. 4-9092. LOU S tree service Spray, top ping, prune, cabling. 4-8301. STORY Tilling ( Mang tillerl worlds finest Ph. 4-S3U ar 4-4416 Free estimates. PRUNING, spraying, topping re movsl L W Caudle. 4 1461 w W-..L I J 014 TVOrK WOntOdl, LOdy EXPERIENCED school girl v. is. ics babv silting job. eve nings. Jan Nelson. 233 W. Browning Ave. WANT child care In my home 1125 day. 2-2948 BOOKKEEPERTyeart of"eTperi ence. will hsndle private or small firm accounts In my home Pay roll, statements etc. Ph. 3-9604. WILL care for 3 children. Age I to 3. I days a week. 153 W. Browning Ave CHILD care in my home by exp. woman, iocs E. Rural. Ph. 4-011.17 C1III D CARE in mv home Keier Dist Ph 4-8123 EXCELLENT CHILD CARE My home. W. Salem. Ph. 4-83:16 W ILL care for 2 children In my home by month. 4-2364 TAILOR made slip covers made in my home. Berths Hsndlev, formerlv of Roberts Bros. Ph. 4-6492 780 Highland CHILD care 3 yr A over, my home. 1345 Trade. Ph. 4-5866. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing Mr Poe. 6S N. Hth. Ph i-3843 SEWING - Dressmaking, In my home. all types. Ph. i-M91 WANTED Ironing In my home. 111 N. Ith. 2-1114 615 Situations Wanted LAWN MOWER SHARPENING I COMPLETE REPAIR C & S EQUIP. CO. 08 Edgewater. W Salem. 4-1341 ROAD CRAPING Roy Hancock. Ph. 4 8353 carpenterTontractor F'riming remodeling, founda tion", retaining walls, cement or pumice block Free esti mate Ph 2-6280. EXPERT snr.iy hrush pslntine paper hanging your paint nr mine Free et Terms. Ph Nelson .1-8411 3-8241 arilCK and Block work, guar- I'h 4-6413 i'n a-r' LK.H1 crawler dozer, leveling grading lt-,042 L Kurth PAINTINcT brush A snrayrEree estimates Th. 2-8825 DOZING A LEVELING Ph 2-0932 D PANTQV1CH PALN'TTNO, papering. Free esti mates. Don Lucero. 3-5522. NEW lawns complete, free est 3-8443 morn.J-2941 Eva. LMMFvDfATF SERVlCEPLbw ING A DISCING PH. 3-9300 SCHARFF BROTHERS" Installation. Repair Sewers. Septic Tanks, Drain Fields. Powrr Dilchinf. BaekflU Ph 2-5568 or 3-5072 GARDEN A lawnwork wanted w'h rotovslor Vincent Kremer 2150 Lansing Ave Ph S-3180 LAND CLEARING D-8 Hr L C Mitchell Ph 3-5.137 CARPENTER work, any kind reas 4210 M.lcleav Rd 4-5IWI VINCENT C. NEAL Excavating Co Excavating - Grading Ph 2-1888 CARPENTER Jobs: new A re modeling, real 4-1424. 2-2958 PLOW INGtfdllclng D. Mar shall. 2-114.1 EXIT R I' home building A re modeling Thnne 4-7377 i l? ') vd shovel, crane, roe drg line I'.Vton mohlle crsnes 04 07 cat- csrrv all rlear ine blade Rental "onfrael or unit prices SALEM SAND i GRAVEL 1405 N Front St Ph 3-2461 Lawn Mower Service Ph 3-7847 1 V. Shafer. 1220 N. 21st CUSTOM plowing $4 per hr 3 acres A up Ph 4-1581 eve Bruce Gordon, 2279 Byram. services, call one of Ihrse PAPERING A PAINTING r . . n. rice es'miirs r. -nid PERRY PAINTING Co 2-3113 Brush spray Free Estimates Exp paper-hanging at painting. Jerry Johnson Ph 4-8334 ISAND ANdT.RAVEL ! VALLEY SAND A GRAVEL CO Crushed A round gravel Stnd A con mix 2-4002 SEPTIC SERVICI MIKE'S Septic service Tanks ' leaned D rooter cleans sewers drains Phone 1-B68 H.imel's septic tanks cleaned line servlrr Guaranti ed work Phone 3-7404 or 2-0774 TREE SIR MO Rprvvnt Ttrr ctrnvtm1 1., lit.. IJ 11.11 Hill, T 11.1. Sta yellow pagrt phona book Phont 2-3748 600 Employment 41 1 Education i" 0. 8 CIVIL SERVICE. TTSTS1 Men-woman, la-al. Start high aa 472 to week, preparatory training until appointed. Thou tandt of lobe open. Experience usually unnecessary. FREE In formation on jobs, salaries re quirementa Write TODAY! Lincoln Training Service, Pa kin 3. Illinou. 700 Rentals 702 Sleep, tooms, loord CLEAN llfht house heaping rm. 733 N.jChurch. YOUNG Korean Vat wiihea hoard A room in private home. Ph. 3-S4M. PLEASANT hskg-rm.. linens as dishes turn. Lady. 3-3706 CLOSE, lovely rmladyS2i Priv. non amoker. 7 Marion. MEN. TVTI iKkivir entriiol N CaplnPh 4-A134. NICELY furn. front rrn7S3N. Winter HOME away from borne. Pick lunches. Men 10S5 N. 5th I CLEAN, warm rmi i In 215 S Winter T V close 2-1721 WANTED - Man to room and board 264 N Capitol REAS. attractive run. close la, priv. ent 3-74S1, 4-7867. 703 Wonted Rms., loord NICE 4-rm furn spt. 1431 N. Collage. Ph. 3-S7S3. 705 Apattmsntt For Rent BASEMENT furn blk to ( apt tol. utll. pd. S30 3-6254. NEWLY dec " furn 3" rm 7 kit. ihenette. heat T water furn. 983 Saginaw. 3-RM. furn pvt bathTent utif. Pd18S0Ferry. Ph 4-1117. 2-RM . part furn. apt." 8237 I7J Center St SPARKLINGTlean! fhdrnv un turn. 601 S. Summer. NICE 3 rm. furn-apt 1221 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-79M 3 RM furn .pt. pvt hsth770l N. Liberty. Jh. 3-6947 CLEAN furn. 1 A 2-rm. apta 633 Ferry NEAR Capitol 5-rm furn tnt. on 1st fir Fireplace, auto, nil , k ,,.ll lull t. l.j 1 i.t. u.ii plus iiuiiiru care. 2-4505. 2-5272. CLEAN 3 rms furn.. full bath. M5 Jh. 4-8124 B ACHELORapt TTfUnTonT A3 utll. furn. Ph. 3-63P1. CLEAN furn. 2-bdrm. upper flat No small children. 3&S t. list Ph. 3-7379. 3-RM. apt furn. 383 S. 12th. Ph. 3-IS0. 3 RM nicely furn. Apt. Private ent Elec. heal. Ph. 4-31)00. NICE clean 3 rm A 2 rm. furn, apt wlth-uttllties. Close In Ph 3-6788. LG. 1 BDRM. APT. PH. 4 5229 2 RM . util. furn , pvthathT ent . refrig. 735 S 13th. Adultl. N 10 E UNFURN roUrlapt", stove, refrig . lsundrv A TV. I.vnwood ApU. 923 8. lltn. Pi 4-8973 3 RM. furn , pvt bath util. pd, gar. avail. 1333 State. WELL furn. 3 rm. front apt, ground fir., adulta. 3-8897 t RM. furn. apt., priv. btth5 ent. suitable for cpl. ills Mill. 3 RM. furn. apt. bath. $40. S91 N. COttage. J-4S7K. a-XCl3TI0NALLYnlca. quiet t bdrm. furn. apt. Laundry, gar . TV. W. Salem. 2-S347 . 2 BDRM. furn. apt. Pvt. ent-! t tmtll apt 1411 Court CLEAN S-rm. front apt Ground fir., refrig, ttova A utilities furn . priv. bath. Ph. 3-7141 ' CAPITOL- PLAZA 1 BDRM. UNTURN. 1 163 Chemektta St Ph S-S8SS CLEAN 3 room court apt. King wood Courts 3rd St W. Sa lem Ltundry facilities. Ph. 4-8314 morn, or eves, sfter S. $30. Newly decorated small apt . close in. lady prefer., utlL paid. S43 Terry. FnFTJRN.-l" bdrm. court apt Range, refrig. tuburb. 2-290S. FURN ipt , itram heat, phone, washing facilities 4-8061. CLEAN 2 rms furn. bus. garage. 959 S. 12th, 3 RMS. furn. pvt. bath, near Memorial llosp A State Bldgs. 940 MI1L CLOSE in. nice mod furn ipt Call any dsy except Sst Ad ults only Ph 3-S490 FURNISHED"barhe!nr apt . SI3S Fairgrounds Rd $45 per mo. Ph 3-3116 before S p m. or 3-9580 after I pip. $30 to $60 turn 3 rms , pvt. baths. Adults. 1073 N CspitoL VF7RY desirable unfurn. spt. with view. Large living room, 2 bedroom, strlctlv modern, $80. 2132 S Com l. Ph. 4-S3.10. 3 rm. Apt. furn newly dec . util pd. $.13. Hazel Aptt. Ph 2-9084. I OR 3 bdrm furn. court spts. All utiL furn Weekly or monthly rites. Ph 3-S723 LARGE J RM FURN. APT. CLOSE IN SO. PH. 4 366L 2 rm. furn. apt. Ph 4-4754 1065 Madison. VERY attractive clean 3 rm. furn. ground fir apt. 3 blks ta state bldg A Capitol shopping. Ph. 2-76.10 CLEAN 2 rm. furn . bsm't mils pvt bath. 1115 N1!h7Ki"0' FURN-J rms A hath. dne in. ingle only 2-6094. VERY desirable completely furn. steam heated apt. Near MAE store Adults. Sundberg Apt. Ph. 3-5246 or 3-33.13 CLEAN 4 rm. furn. spt Quiet sres. gsrage. $40 Sundav or after 5. Ph 2-5478 INDIVIDUAL furn court col. tages, Eire . store A bus $48. .119 S. 5th. 3-6470 eves. NEWLY decorated 1 bdrm mod cm furn court spt $59 W, Sa'em Ph 4-6873 or eve. 1-8743, 3" RM furn. apt. for rent 60. N. Writer. FURN. pullman apt. adults. 1545 N Capitol. Ph 2-90Q6. lst FLOOR furn utll . close In, $.18 50, Ph3-9639. EURN "aptsUtil"pd. tjcrept fall $20 up. 1397 N Coml Ph. 4-9190 CLEAN 3 rmtpl. Private bath, children accented $34 50 Ph. 4-4(120 or 1-8841 2-RDHM apt . range A refrig. furn Sahadnr Apts. Ph. 2-3841 706 Duplexes 2 BDRM partly furn duplex, water A garbage furn. $32 50 College dr . W. Salem Ph. 4-4930 MOtiFRrTfurn. all elec. I bdrm. Le.lle A Bush School Gar age. Inquire 2210 Breyman St GARDEN "spot, 1 bdrm dnplex, verv nest A clean. $3 30 Ph. 4-1996 or 4-3712 UNFURN. clean 1 bdrm. bssm't garage, redecorated. Ctll .187 Mission S to 3 1 BDRM. duplex for rent Clesn, 2600 N Front 2-63.13 $47 50 2 bdrm unfurn. duplex, gas range oil beat, near shop ping center. Phone 4-1861 NEW DEC. 2 bdrm upper du plex part furn.. right price to working parties 1145 S 13th. 2 RDRM unfurn. slde-bv-iide, ga r ytrd. Nett. Ph. 4-3253. To place classified ads call 44811.