Senator Rallies Net Two More Wins Over Edo $k Coo Portland Loses 2 To Sacs San Dh'o How To SikIm in Pair I'OHTLAM). Of - liter. Di'nio cimc from behind In both fimrs lo erp 1 farMc ol ,egi' diiubli header from Port land, 74 and 4 I, her Sunday. In Hi other two cel. double-h-arfrri Kunday, hrtlllt preserved lu hall-gam lead over Los An g les by downing Han l)lrgo twice, III and 44. and Lm Angvles liKik Hi pair (rum Hollywood 17 and J. Jim r'snning'i grand l!;im homer helped Los Angeles m Hi krtimd gam Sarrsmrnto won all four games ef the series, which opened Port land's noma season. Th (rami engaged In lively honif run derby in the lirM gem, with In goes coming out on lop. llornrrs accwunlrd lur all of Sac ramento' run and lour Portland tallcs, f 11 Homer 1 4 Games A abort trlt field wall, MS feet, rnny hrW a mra for right handcO slugger's. Thrt were 13 h"tne runa in In lour gain ae ries, most n( them Into Ihr left field blracbrn at I'ortland a new Multnomah Stadium bull park I'inrh hitler Jak Crawford broke up the oprnrr with a grand slam hrnn mn In th righth In nirg oil I'ortland relief pitcher Ilo-ic Valilcs. The Beavers had l.iken i tl lead with a thro run seventh Inning, in!udmg a two run homer by Bob Borkowskl. I)i(k Young united In Kd Mickcl aon for the other fun. Portland starter Darrrll Martin M year-old rookie righthander Irom Bell, Calif., served up three home run balls in the early In nings to Harry Bright,' Jerry Sirceter and Gene Mantilla. Dick Fiedler replaced' Martin In the smth. Values was the loser and lie Jones the' winner. " I Three Rua ,.plrg j Sacramento won the seven-Inning nic.h'cap with a three-run tCL Ml ' 11 i Eugene Splits With Spokane EUCENE. Ore. Of - The Eu gene Emeralds divided a North west league Iwebnll doublchead er with .Spokane Sunday, losing the opener M as a ninth-inning rally (ell short but corning back lo take the seven-inning nightcap. 6-J. In another NWL dnublcheader Sunday, the Lewiston Bronrs took both ends of the twin bill, edging past the Ysklms Bears 6 5 in the firt game and blasting them 15-7 in the nightcap. Spokane rightfielder John Bel lone smashed a three-run homer In the third inning of the second game. The winners added single runs in the lourth and sixth in ning, three more in the seventh and another in the ninth. Eugene Scores 4 Runs Eugene's ninth-inning surge ac counted for four runs, scoring on four hits and one Spokane error. Two men were left on base when pinch hitter -Bill Flowerday grounded out to end the game. John Burnett was the winning pitcher and Dick Lawless the los er. , Spokane also rallied to score four runs in the last ninning of the mshtcap. but fell one run short as relief pitcher Dave Cray struck cut Bill Staley to. end the game. Eugene's Bob Gauthicr hit a bases-empty homer In the third. Hon Jackson, Spokane second baseman who played for Eugene last season', doubled in the sev enth to put Spokane within one run of the Emeralds. The marathon doubleheader re quired five hours and 39 minutes to play before 1,528 fans., The Bears paraded four pitchers to the mound during the second game in an effort to halt the r- (Cant, page 10, cel. 4) ..,.,,,,. MONDAY (rnllrge Raiehall) Willamette at I'olleae Idaho (2) I Infield at Whitman (2) (Prrp Trsrk) Slavton at Mr Mlnnvllle. 3 3 (Pro B.vrhaill Spokane at Salem Senators, 7:4S TUESDAY (Prep naseh.ill) North Salem ' Sooth Salea, 1:34 ( nrvalli. al Albany. 1:30 geet llama at l r bahon. ):N MIU City atThemaws. tilt 1'hllomalh at Sublimity, 1:3 Amltv at Jtflrr.on, !:. Stavton at Cascade, 7:M Central HI at Sandy, 1:3 K.tarada at Canhy, 1:M Bsnkt at Salem Academy, t:3 Sheridan at Darton 1:3 Yamhill at Sherwood, 1:3 (Pro Basehall) Spokane at Salem Senators, 1:41 WEDNESDAY (Prep Track) fapilal Conlerence Meet at McCul lorh Stedlnm. I a m. (Pro Ba.ekall) Spokane at Salem Senators, 7 i .. (tioll) Ladles' Day play at Salem and Oak Knul course. THt'RSDAY (Prep Brball grin at Mill I Ity. S n m. fsnhy at Central HI. 1:3 Dallaa at r.starads 2 IS (Prep TOscln telle at Parrl.h Dual, 3:10 vtliismette Valley I est ne Meet at OCC, J nd 1:14 p it. (Pro Baseball) gpekStt at galea Staators, ?:U d) ate 7osV-'-" L- :.-. Tf h i' fill The three yag Salem flskermee la opeaiag af ItmI wiih. la Ik mUm eaagM a limit of tea eark. flak k ever eaagkl, eee of them ucs Hump Dodgers From Lead; Post Tuttle's Hit Ruins Score By JACK HAND Aoartaled Press Saerls Writer Pittsburgh dumped Brooklyn out of the National League lead with a double defeat, the New York Giants' Ramon Monrant pitched one-hitter and Cincinnati's Wally Pot hit four home runs during a winning doubleheader with Chica go in Sunday's baseball features. Thebtg news in the American League, where half the clubs were washed out, was the three-hitter that Herb Score of Cleveland lost to Detroit after striking out 13 Tigers. Bill Tultle beat Score, 1-0. with a loth inning home run. The Piratei elohbervd lh DoHf- ers 101 and 11-3, thus dropping!' I the world champs out of first By DON BARGER place on a percentage basis. Mil- l95t trout iton opened with most of the usual accompany waukee. idle a week by rain and in con,pain,. There were, roughly, two hundred thousand different cold weather, automatically took , jdM 00 ,ne qualjy of (ne opening day success. They ranged from over the lead. The Braves sched- ,h. .. k. n.n.r in van " in "Pnrt uled doubleheader with St. Louis ' ,hjng ljnce , Tmtmtott." was postponea. The strearm came through with the most Robinson. Snldrr Hurt I productive fishing in western Oregon with many In addition to the double defeat, imjls of coast cutthroat to show for the week-end the Dodgers lost the services of flsmng. Trolling led the pace with spinner and center fielder Duke Snider and,worms ,nking fjsn frorn the upper tidal waters of third baseman Jackie Robinson. mMt of ,he streams. Both were Injured in the first. Numerous anglers fished the upper, fresh water game and didn t play In the sec-1 strctchM an4$ok limits of fish on single eggs and ond. The injuries, however, arei0fl wet nin he wet fly angler had better luck not believed serious. than ne had hoped for with cutthroat trout eager in Bob Friend held the squirming ' most of the streams to smack a sunken wet fly. Dodgers to six hits in the first The Nestucca, Three Rivers. Salmon river. Sileti game while starter Vern Law and riypp. Alsea river, and the Siuslaw river were too winner Nelson King checked them ' in the second. Monzant pitched brilliant. n.i , j .t ' 1 1 erA1 L1;,,?!"8 , , ,PB JlS" t ,L pv, i.' first inning, driving in the Phils lnne run of the second game. The 23-year-old righthander from Ven- iezucla, who had to be coaxed out of a threatened retirement during .i.. t,.iu. .tr.w - .i.. ....,... ... , and retired 17 in succession after walking Stan Lopata in the sec ond. ' Giants BelfSlmmoas The Giants hopped on Curt Sim mons and knocked him out in the first inning to giv Monzant plenty of working margin. He coasted home 8-1. Philadelphia took the first game 5-4 on the first major league hom er by relief pitcher Jack Meyer in the 10th inning. Post drove In eight runs in Cin- cinnati's double triumph over the "h h ter cellent condion from Wickiup reservoir all he Cubs. 5-4 nd 8-4. His perform- down 'heKmou. J ! ""S. 'lfl.P0'nl 0B-11? ance was.only one short of the,water WM discolored but still afforded some fair bait fishing, major leagne record of five by Trolling with small spinners and worms or wobblers in the De one player in a doubleheader, set i schutes above Bend produced most of the good catchelthough sev (Cent, page 10, col. I) I - (Cent, page It, col. 1) Senators9 Thrilling 8-7 Victory Warmed ; Jp Chilly Opening Night at Waters Park By AL LIGHTNFR Statesmsn Snorts Editor Firlv snorts sertlon deadlines and late baseball games don't mix; so here are some carry- over from Saturday night's Wa- ters Field opener: It was a cold damp night as one might expect for a Senators pener But Rookie E C Wil- Hams' "bat, which accounted for a home run, double, single and four RBI's, along with the game- winning tallies in the 10th In- ning, certainly warmed things up for the customers. . . Things were warm I the Wenatchee dressing room too, for lo-ing hurler John (The Chaw) IWar- sh.ll was a single pitch away from wlnnine, the game 7-8. The E. C. stands for Elbert Cliristoph- rr. They also stood for Elegant Climax at 11:15 p.m. Saturday. . ., Williams graduated from Castle- mont High In Oakland. Ca! tntf, last June, and was quite a foot-' ball and basketball player there Some Young Mill Creek Anglers Were Lucky -Hut akt toad MID Creek a productive stream over (a weekend with iwo-rolMma pht art Ed Peters, left, and Bob Ibeldoa, balk of Al rlgkt Vs Urry Akla at 4U4 Hager alms who displays lk Brat w belag 11 '4 lathee Uag. C3o f(H)reiiontate8inan Statesman, Salem, Ore., Mon., AprilS), '58 (Sec. II)-9 producers on the north Oregon coast and the catch per angler ran fairlv hiirh In our own Willamette valley III um uwu ti uiaiiiiitc .uij uic uniiiu wea im. viuj tail, wife Salem angler took a quick look at Detroit reservoir on- Saturday niorning and decided it was too crowded. He came home and fished ,,..',, ,.,. ., ni,.. ,rm. ,, unAr. . .,.. rnnm . ... h of anglers found room to fish at was varied. Some caught fifh and m. . i ... .... tiu ! ,r,; l"dl lne "57 better shape than they were last 0 . ,.,!,.. tl,. limit jviiiir inuiita ii.aisii(( iisc sjsiiiv "til iiscsusc iiuiii iiic utivniuiiiutr river and Rickreall creek, but the fishing was not up to that of past seasons. Deschutes Top Producer in East The Ablqua played host to crowds of anglers with many of them using single eggs to good advantage. Several limits af cutthroat aad rainbow were lakea from the Abl.ia which was In excellent fish ing condition. Silver creek and Butte creek also gave up several good catches ta aaglera who knew their way aroand. The brush beaters managed to take a few from the Pudding altkough li waa aot as good aa Jt will be later a. Over east of the Cascades the Deschutes was the top producer too. The 6 foot, 200-pounder re- minds one of Brooklva's Roy Campanella, the way he's con- structed. . . ,The e' h.v ,m- B'"mc ,ur "';,uu"" defeat They were needling the young jvegre iaa inrougnous me me, and at one point had him M riled BC ntif CB1 tbt Wenatchee bench for warfare. . . Mel (Tartan) Krause, one ef the 1955 club's ultra-populars got himself off to a tremendous start with three hit also, Including a triple and double. But the coach of the stale champion Franklin High basketball team would possibly bit himself had the Sa- lems lost the game. He made a counle af errors that hurt nlenty rat the time. . . And Hugh narvey Koepf, the sophomore catcher, broke In with a bang too. He got we hits, one a towering homer over left, and on another eccas- Ion backed center fielder Larry - - r r - rV. mers Four Dwa Barstr the fishing was rated only fair. One ,h. ,,, 'A ,h. ,,, the Detroit reservoir and the luck some got nothing, but good, fresh r....:. t ., I l UK"m K ,BUCr tna ,n season. I IV.. T Segovia against the distant cen ter wall, lust beneath the score board. Uarv was pe'haps Ihel most surprised guy In the yard in h'.,econa. 1fB he ? "HU ''"7 w the process of trying to steal name on nop Hooerit. Korpt half-heartedly swung at the p"fB ""P1" miss It and give the sliding Kelley a bit ef pro- section. But lo, he hit the pitch,! " V" ,h. RHiHT fLD fence, Just a few feet '""J- .T.h "" ef 1.27 was one "' In park history ,or " l'Bl" m- W . " nJJ'h'tJ "S'Tii" -i". ijtoni end-of-thesnonth bank ac- toui,t' nr ghadow'if the whop- pn Portland Bevo home Inaug- ral Friday, unimpressive spring training record, etc.), things could have keen worse ... Pulling the game out la the (Cent, page 19, el. 1) :- v ,::- '".-31 IL tiU v-'t.A s !. V V.. C Tk flab wereal klllag far all yoaag aaglera at Mill Creek, bawever. rtsiaa Gary (lefl) and Jerry 01 wkei Ibis pBoto was snapped at NOITHWRST LRAOl'I . W. L.Pct. W.L.PM Stlni 1 ( l.ncHJSpokin 1 1 .XU r.uln 11 .1WniUi S I .ono Uwiitoa 1 1 Ml Trl-Cty I I IN Yakima 1 S .131 Sunday'! TMulll- at Silfm S-S, .1.' ....- 1 J . t M kan S-l. at Lawltton S-IS, Yakima S-J. PACIFIC TOAST LEAOl'l W L Pel. WLPrt. m U. Ang i i :KRivW SIS ;i,rttingly discounted hi. chance, of sarram ii mi Vanryr i jxi i finding the unique combination of Sn run l t SJS Portlnd a H . I comnetitive and weather Sunday's retulU: At Portland S-J, jUrramrnto 7-4; at Lot Anirlra S-. Hollywood 7-3: at feattlp 11-4. Ban DIo 1-0; only garnia acMdultd. NATIONAL I.K.(H- Mitwauh "iPsphii.di"sP4r!5i'Finland- I".0 u "J ,rs and three snecUtors wer. Brooklyn 7 4 Ji3s Nw Yrk i t am ever again will find such perfect killed Sunday In the most disas 8t. Lou s 1 .vn Pitibdh I s .4is conditions." the serious-minded iron. 4ilU Miolia (i nnn mitxi Clnrlnn S S .900 Chlra Sundav'a rriulta: At Brooklyn Pimbursh 10-11: at Htw York 4-S, Phlladrlphia S-l: at Cincinnati S-S. Chicago 4-4; at MllwaukM-Sl. Louis, rain. AMERICAV l.rAOl'l W L Prt. W L Pet. Chicago S 1 .S33 Boston 4 S .444 Nw York S .717 Detroit 4 8 .400 CKvlnd S .549 Kn City 1 J3S Wanhgln 7 .BTia Balllmr 4 S JOS Sundav'a results: Al Boston-N.w York, rain; at Detroit 1-4. Cleveland M: at Chicago-Kama City, rain; at Washington S-S, Baltimore 1-4. Bearcats Play Coyotes Today Willamette's Bearcats will play a Northwest Conference' baseball double-header with the College of Idaho at Caldwell. Ida., today. This will complete a four-game trip for the Bearcats through the eastern end of the NWC. The Bearcats of Coach Johnny Lewis suffered a double loss at the hands of Whitman Saturday, bow ing 10 to 5 and 9 to 8. While Whitman was beating Wil lamette, Linfield took a pair from the Coyotes at Caldwell Saturday, winning 6-2 in the first game and 21-2 in the wild second contest. Following the eastern swing the Bearcats return to Salem and will play Pacific at Forest Grove Fri day and College of Idaho at Mc Culloch Stadium Saturday. U of Oregons At SBC Meet Baseball Coach Don Kirsch and Bthlrtir naa'i dirvrlfr Art IJtrh ; men of ,. University of Oregon ; will be the featured speakers at this morning s meeting of the Sa ;lcm Breakfast Club, at the Sena tor Hotel. Meeting 1 1 m e is 7:30 a.m. A full turnout of the SBC mem bership is urged to welcome the two Wcbfoot athletic figures, and it is reminded that the breakfast Is not restricted to members of the cluh, U of Oregon alums, are particularly invited lo attend the session. Parker Winn ly KO DORTMUN'U. Germany Towering James J. Parker of Toronto. Sunday night knocked out Heinz Neuhaus, Germany's former European heavyweight I champion, in the third round of , a 10-round bout, 1 .Each weighed 218!- pound. Some Weren't, A. - k .11 wa at Salem. Tbeir pales aa art the kids' private atreans which waadera thraagh Salem. Against Duck Milers ... Landy Arrives, Sees Possible By P. D. SAN FRANCISCO (ft - In the Australia'i John Landy flew into BCte In two races where, given might crack his 3:38 world record Despite his superb condition, the lean, sun-tanned champion unheal conditions required for a faster mile. "1 am running much better than when I broke the record at Turku, aviiuvucaiuci capiaiuiu. No Caach Since 1943 I Italy's daredevil Eugenio Caste!- Langly, who trains himself and loti gunner1 his Ferrari to vie hasn't had a coach since before tory in rain, hail and fog. the 1953 Olympics, told a press Germany's Wolfgang Plwko and conference that record smashing Switzerland's Max Berney wer is dependent upon three main fac-1 the drivers who went to their tors: competition, track conditions deaths in crackups. Sixteen others and weather. . rere injured, including 10 drivers. Despite his long plane trip, Lan- dy said hewas weU rested and ready for his races at Los An- geles Coliseum May 3 and at Fresno May 12. . I.. l ; nit . . . j i uamiy, wnu is ad. uiuuairiru, and teaches biology and agricul- tural science at Geelong grammar ..ui tA i. mV.ii . school 30 miles from Melbourne said he had been a busy man (Coat, page 18, cl. 1) Senator Swat: (Up to date): ab h lb lb hr rbl pet Williams, lb c Krsuse. lb I 0 1 8 .S4S 1 I S 1 I 4 4 1 4 1 0 1 t 0 I 0 II I ( 0 t o e o o o 0 I M I .417 I- S .400 1 .3.3.1 0 0 .IRS 1 t .200 1 .125 t I .IS! a .ooo o .ono o a .ooo Koepf, e Webster, aa Dunn, cf Eaalerhrook. of Swsnson. 3b Siekula, of Martin, or Kellry. ot Costa, lb Pitching! lp w 4 1 4i 1 1 1 l'i 7 1 4 0 I sn bb er C.eorge Cowde II Rugne Walsh Whitson Cide King Rnwman Satallch What difference between a motor that's right and one thal't m tmu! When your oulboard motor leave our hands it's right we umtnt It I EV1NRUDE SALES A SERVICE Saltm'i Most Completely Equipped Oulbfttrd lepilrShop Evinrude Siltt ( Strrke Cascade Merc 1230 ISOADWAT QpeaiTUUlf 4 Too ; t V , V" - The two aakappy boya aboro art werea l gelling snweb of workosrl New Record ELDRED best running condition of his life. the United Statea Sunday to com' perfect conditions, he concedes , he for the mile. Five Killed In Road Race BRESCIA, Italy (Jl - Two drir- auI0 r0aa TBCe in IS yOBM aS gome of them seriously. The dcaln loU w th! ,argMt in ,he clasj,ic 4ince 1838 when a dr;v.r Dow.,j int0-1. rrow(i , j ,nectators. killinn 10. Caslellottl, a 25-year-old bache- I ... r.. .:!.. - ..a i " " ' f L - kilometers per hour (85.90. mphl over the rain-slick course, fast time considering the miserable conditions. Ills time was H hours, 17:10. The winner drove a Ferrari 1,300 cc racing model as did the next three finishers. V - - I I IHD002 MOISTURE DAMPNESS WATER WILL ROT YOUR HOME! HOMEOWNERS" CORONH MAO. TERMS HUMIDITY NO. 1 ENEMY Hue Book Sayt CONDENSATION CAN REDUCE YOUR HOME VALUE IY THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS t Y Check These Condltient in veur Home In Spaces Provided and Mail Ad Sweating Windows O Rotting Sash Sills B Water on Sills Excessive Furl Bill Q Wet Spots on Walls Mail This Advertisement for Complete FREE INFORMATION on How You Can Halt Humidity and SAVE YOUR HOME! WITH CLEARVIFW BREATHERS SIMPiE-EFFECTIVE-ECONOMICAt 000 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot)oeowoeo EVE.'.. REEN BUILDERS SUPPLY CO. 7327 N. E. Sandy Blvd. Portland 11. Or. For Free Information on Moisture - Nam .Address. City .,. Club Unbeaten; Spokane Starts Series Tonight By AL LIGIITNKR (Halraaaia Cpria WrMer What failed lo bloom la Napa as blMaomd forth rather (mating! her In Salem, Which Is a sneaky way of saying that the later Senators wost two mora ball games Sunday over the Wrnalche Chiefs, and now find Ihrmju'lves sporting perfect 3-4 record In Uif young Northwest Uaguo campaign Vis Ihree triumphs amount to mora than tho Salems won during their entire aojours) In California, where it at times looked as If they'd be lucky to win threa times In month. Sunday's additions were thrillers, lust as was tho opening night 17 triumph In 10 Innings. In fort, the Sabbath ! first baltl with Edo Vannl Co. duplicated tho Salur day jilghler. la that It went I, '. Iiiing jacKpoi sunoay frames also, and wound up 8-7. hea pa woa lh UM.SOO Touraa L'ncle Hugh Luby's lad knocked Jnt ChamploM in a risln olf the overtime trend In the night cap, however, ana won ii - in the mutation seven innings. Even at that the winning run cam In tho last of the seventh. Came Time al 7:4 So it's a 14 over the chagrined Chiefs, all by one run margins. And now tnky Hughies nappy bometowners take on the Spokane Indians, starting a four-gam er ics at the local arena tonight. Game time la 7:45 o'clock, th new starting time for night clashes this season, until further notice. Wenatchco moves oa bowa to Eugene for four outing with the Emeralda this week. A piece of outright daring won Sunday' opening game, and agaia it waa a wet-eareo rooai wno played the heroic role. E. C. Wil liam, tho lt-year-oia uauana. Cal., husky won Saturday night s mix with nil two-run oouoi in uo 10th. Sunday It was fleet Bill Mai tin, a San Diego Padres optionc who came through. Not with bis bat, but with his feet. Martla Stoala Hoax Inserted into th game In the 10th to run for Hani Korpf.' Mar tin eventually got to thud base where be waa perched as all sacks were populated, two were out and Frank Siekula wa the batter. Frank had a 12 count when Bob Roberts, the Chier Dinger who saw service In the Saturday open er took a trifle too long with his ntwinduD. Martin lit out lor the dish, the Ditch was ntgn ana ine kid from San Diego was safe with a stolen base and the Sena Inr'a iccond atralsht win. . Salem came back from a five run elchth Inning by the Chiefs In this one, a blast that put Wen- atchce ahead 7-3. riairfcrik Homer -M" ' V. n Veteran Bob Easterbrook took much of the sting from the big enemy rally in the Salem half of the eighth, when he parked a 1-1 nltch by starter Glen Isringhaus far over the right-center barrier, with two runners aboard. This made it only 14 for the Chiefs, and broueht about Isringnaus De parture. Easterbrook also drove across the tlcing run In the ninth with a ground-out, after Salem loaded up the sacks. And earlier in the game he ent In Salem'i third run with another grounder. Bill (Red) Whltson, making hit debut for the campaign and hop ing to do some elaborating on the (Coat, page II, el 11 "Qualify of ffi Inf 4 - t louart Salts eed I pert Cert laJolla Slocks lancet Sport Shirts - otsrmcTivs stairs SEVERE DAMACI FOUND IN HOMES LESS THAN 1 YEAR OLD FROM MOISTURE lj Presence of Mildew 0 Cold, Clsmmv Floors 0 Wet Wallpaper L-J B Faint Peeling Moors Buckling .Age of Home. Stale . 9 i " Littler Wins Golf Tourney LAS VEGAS. Ne. (A - CalW fornla'l Gene Littler hit t second ' Ul auiiul .ul alia. rnt VIIMW Coff. Littler, winning this vent for tha second straight year, fired A ne under par 71 lor Tl nolo scort f 3tl. Pour strokes back earn Middlecoff after a gallant but losing struggle la catch and pass his 13-year-old rival. Middlecoff fnhioned a 70 for total J t and H.X priia mos- BKTST RAWL1 WINNER SPARTANBURG, 8. C. I Betsy Rawla fired a ano-oier-par 71 her Sunday to win the iS.Kh) Peach Blossom-Betsy Rawla opes) Invitational golf tournament villi a 71 hole total of tn. Miss Ra't, hometown girl, pocketed fm. Youn Exciusivi ful'di bar stretches skirl tlgtrt . stops blade bltil (vwihrp-sciMB hwinntsi-gnp - guide bM smooths akin down- pops whiskers up and gives yes clour, smooth, Mftf ihtvttl Hydre-magic Raror, 24"Gold"kisds and tnvsl ci. EVERSIIARP SCHICK HYDRO-MAGIC INJECTOR RA20S : I 1 i ax i - i - (ill mm n