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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1956)
J i. ';: t Vs. Saxons . . ..L-Yc;) felt, Dascbll " !jics Full Scfcdtib E.lcm i Nwth will be tgdnit the South In buih habll and track '. week, highlighting ennllicr lull slat of prrp tlaslir In both sport. .,7ha Nottliera Vikimi will ittrmpt lo make tt lw In a row oyer ihc '.Milhsidrrs I their Tuesday artornoan bill gam ( Watera flrld, and Senators' Win Warmed Niffht Hook WlllUnu Hrro - UI uvcnime i irtory T'.ffauae4l rrww estlg Ml , 101k rraladed a el the bit irf ( ' Yeklaaa ; erartd fr Umrt la the too Iht loth aa fcraie Briair la kail aa rae, aad thea (ilra rr4 right kxk far five Utile lad tba ball gaa. II ! , . . Wiaalag the latal eeeaer bat aew far the geaatart kr eay teas. They've tried II tine am lb year, aad have wea 11 af . . . ra were happy to w Aady Gaarga, the rataad rlfbthaader fraai WMasaelie eaase bM Vila the tlctary, laa. ..... . ..A L- ..a .llrk.j """..V'.T-T.-lcad Se"!2l fart kil-hU KoUa fllanera Jurlaf laa arla camp la tallfarala ... Surter ftaaaia auaf M gaiai alaaf la faad abaaa. bit am weal laa aad aa bad la nUtn after faar beat. If aaa Wert la aa f ibaw af baad by taaaa aa laa Kaleaa rlnb wba aara slllaf pikblaf arai, Jtut abaal arery aaa wauld ware Klaf, Walab, Cawde II. Bawaiaa, Saullch aU j vlilt Traiaer feU Cklaa rtgw lartv Tba ralarful aad laaaaelaa Fda Vaaal aimed played aart af tba epeaer, telllag uat aa aaa ta, becaaaa al Iba aiaay injur lea aa at alaa. Bat I at la llagk Laby aad yaar truly aeraea Eaa f aclag overcame by aa aid baaa baU aalady 4hal af baiag aa abla ta reit Ua thrill af alar lag tfila. Vaaal aa "rtUred" fran baaebatt acre tlaae thai wa kaaw af . . . I Kraaaa ak ked aa Meat af tbc j aaenlag alM prla lja raaaded P ty orr waaa, aaa avarpi - b !JV::.- 17 tTS ahape, wUh Mr Seatt, wlaaer af , tbeVraua tkket aelllag eaatert tattiag tba flrat pitch. She' aa creea tea al Ihi baaeball aal evea lb playlag al M. Sbe threw a (trlke. Sa did Jaba lb' Chaw wbea H-Ullaaw wa baltiag it 11:1J pja. Race Director lSacks bantee NORFOLK. Va. ill The diree- tor af Saturday night' Norfolk , Virginian-Pilot relay aald Sunday official of the meet "da not feel that the AAU bad any Jurisdic tion" over the tpecial "military mile" la which eoatrovertial We Santee competed. 1 Before the mile race climactic event of (he relay program the Virginia AAU track and field chairman, John Core, appeared with a telegram from national AAU aecretary Dan Ferri and personally warned .competitor that anyone oppoiing Santee would be barred from future AAU event. At a mult. Lt. Walt CUrkion af Camp Lejeune, N.C., withdrew a mimi kalnra tha rapa alartait and Santee - who' been de-! eUrH a nrniM.inn.i h i ha AAU - was deprived of his toughest onponition. Santee posted a Ume of 4:12.6. ran uauiiura, airecior 01 uic i meet, said Sunday night relay : official felt the AAU had no juris diction "over an event which wa entirely closed ta military person aL" . Amrriran Isame Pint P llimor .. line II 401-t 1 1 W-ilnTlOT ' om 10.1 0014 11 I "onra, Frrr (11, Kuvcrlrit 17) and Imllh; ftobbi. Grab (7, ChH. (In ill. Clevanltr III, ttwrt () ard BcrbaraL . f Second (am: ' Pillimort ait lot one 4 I Wn'hinstoa IM lot 101-4 ( I Wilton, Zuvtrlnk III and Smith. Triandoa 11; Wlnlar, Chi kl lea (4), and Barbcrat ! Plnrt fama: Cleveland aril em 11 1 t Detroit .... 000 000 001 11 1 1 Srnra and Hen; Hoeft and 'mill. . Aecond fame: nv'-nd , HI Ml tftt-l 1 1 Detroit OM 0l oil4 7 1 tamon and Narn(on; Rlark, Miller Truck! 14), PoyUck (7, Maai (S) and Houm. rm i si T'O I 7 rtla 1)U T " H 1. ST eral limit and near limit catche worm drifter. -The Metollui wa swarming with it usual opening day crowds of fly fishermen. Although dry flies took a few fish, the majority of the good catche went to the angler using nymph. Below the dead-line where bait la legal, (ingle egg fishermen made fair catches with soma large Dolly Varden falling prey to the bait anglers. Coming Week May Prove Better Yet latti lake was belter thai a let af aagler had bapei far bat Bat atiltc a gead a other bad baped.fer. Best lack a SatUe wa by tbaae wba flskrd eery deep either with trail ar with ball. The flik aeemed te be a far down a Ike aagler eeeJd flak for them. With the weather holding better f!.l,inar foe tha enmine week look . . . . ii , im l..i irom gOOQ la rxccuem iw st-a.-n will unprova with tne season ana tne remainaer m mo n in:i ley water will improve lowIy. Best bet for the coming week-end hould be the Deschutes river above Bend. Trolling or fly fishing will produce fish to those wanting la travel east of the mountain. , ' Salrin. Orr., Moil., April .10, TA ion rridajr the noum aaiem ira and (1(14 force visit Olingrr rtrld lor dual meet wlih the ViUmi. Other Tuesday prp ball game flr Corvellis a( Albany, Sweet llama (I Lebanon, MiU City at Chcmawi. Philomath at Itufcllrn- Hy, Amity at Jefferson, Utaytna at Caacade (7.JP a'clork ntuhl lam and a noe-counter la tha Lanital Conference!. Central lli at Sandy. Eateceda at Canby, Banka at Salem Aradrmy, Sherl daa at Daytoa and Yamhill at Sherwood. Tha Capital Conference if la bold Hi annual track and field meet Wednesday, with prelim ftartlnf at ! a m. la McCullorh Stadium bera. Serra Catholic, Caacadt, Slaytofl. Woodburn, 8U verton. North Mar too, Cm ail and perhaps Wt. Angel will compete, WVL Meet Thartday Tha Willametta Valley League' meet, Involving Pallaa, Central III, ". v., --7 - - I booked for Thurdy on field at Monmouth, with it 7 Leli "l Prrlb bv nother ouaj mm an murxj.j, eui at 1:30 a'clock at Parrith. Thura- day'i prep baaebal) round put Seta at Mill City (night game). Canby at Central and DalUi at Eatacada. CorraDi k at Albany and Sweet Horn at Lebanon for Friday track meeu. aiong who ina norm South affair. But moat at in ac tloa Friday will ba aa lb baaeball diamond. la Junior high rank tba Blue and Cold play at Lealia. and tba Gray and Card at Parriab. Via Play Cerrallla North Salem la at Corvallii and Albany at Lebanon Friday. Jef feraoa play at Sublimity and Cbe mawa at Amity la Martoa B Lea- gut final. burB ajjOirtoB at Stayton, North Tha Sera Saner art at wooo- Mtfloi ,t Caacade and Gervai ML Angel for Friday Capita! ' , .' at Central HI and Molalla al Sandy ; u wiuamein vawj kiiw "-i misnca. Final Yawama League game bav Salem Academy -at Sher wood, Yamhill at Bank, Willa- mina at Sheridaa and rerrydajc at Daytoa, the latter not a league mix. of courae. Bend High' Lava Bear vinlt Water Field Saturday for aa al ternooa doubleheader with the South Salem. Willamette' Bearcat play at Piirii FrW rternaoa. and then uu M u Idlbo brre Sat- urd .tt. The Oretoo Col- lege Wolve have a game with Portland U. la Portland Friday afternoon. Forfeit Looms On Race Issue NEW IBERIA. La. Ill -Ray Mullln. president of the Evan geline League, (aid Sunday night he probably would declare Lake Charles the winner by forfeit of a game called off at Baton Rouge Saturday night. Lk Crle claimed the vie lory after the game wa post- Pifl because of a Negro player , eo 1IW " vnaries lineup. lTh Cl,y ' Bat0B Rou own -- v """" ."-a.-, P'ayer. I got the report on the matter from Lake Charles by telegram today," Mullins said. "It appears there Is no other possible action but to declare it a forfeit. How- ever 1 11 have to get a report t ,.. ! ... .1 i- iran me umpire. Deiore mere la any official ruling. Chief umoire Joe Powers the final ruling to Mullins. left rirlf Tahlr- Titos far Tan, Ortfoa (Compiled bp O S. CotM and Ctodetlc Burvev. Portland, Or. I Hifh Wat Low Witera Tim Heiht Tim HtiM April ft. ft. IS t it a m. I ll p.m. N I 55 a m 4 1 n. May 1 I:Um. KI7 p.m. 1 HI a.m. i:M p.m. 1 4 S7 4 1 11 a.m. 10 at p m. 10 II m. I ll t m e i -e.t it - - . Vr - Ss Jt V- --v-j, . "Vr.- 11 11 Mam. en 4 7 llfl p.m. t 4 1 II SI tm 11 I were made by fly fishermen andi' Pewee irl-Kathy Daw- than an angler could hope for, the " The coast should remain briehteT. M. mam umiV Del roil reiprvnir "7--'" huuly Eyes New Mile Record SAM FRANCISCO With araae fabied aad a sertee eiaresaUa, Aaa- iralla'a Jaba Laady aaswer ejweatlaaa al lalerrlew arUy after arrival Saaday fraat Mrlaaara. Laady, balder af Iba aiUe record al eeaeeded a Might creek bla reeard, glvea perfect eeadl Uaaa, B race Salarday agaleet Otegae'i Jim Bailey aad BIU Del- Hagrr. (AP Wlrepaaia). Landy Arrives For Mile Test fCaallaaed free areeedlag page) while preparing for hi trip. Landy alaa put aside as nothing the fact that he ha a blistered toe on hi right foot. Always Ha Blister "I always have blisters." he Joked. Asked about the Russians and their prospect in (he .Melbourne Olympic thi year, Landy said "you must expect some tremen dous performances from them." "They are particularly good from meters onward, take their training very seriously and bav a strong program," he add ed. He didn't teem too concerned about Russian competition in the mile, but mentlonedJhat they have been working hanf at de veloping track and field perform er! capable of winning the Olym pic. Fare Dark MUert At Lo Angeles Landy will run against two fine, University of Oregon mileri, Jim Bailey and Bill Dellinger. They get down aroupd 4:04 or 4:05. Loo Spurrier, an unusually good half miler who used to run for the University of California and lately ba been competing in special events, also will run at Los An geles. He turned the mile in 4:08 in New Zealand and Saturday at Stanford did it in 4:12. Landy had a busy first day in the United States, facing a bar- rage of camera and sport writ-1 er from the moment hi plane landed at : a. m. at San Fran- Cisco International alrporUJut he took everything in stride, answer- Ing questions and accommodating I the ohotoirraDher rieht ud to!W lunchtime WnlfT'imnlt a Nilia Pin Championship Wolgamc4t's Texaco bowling t"m won tnc championship of , The Capitol Mercantile No. 1 for 1 ijo nranun oumiaf ai tha ranitnl Allevt hv Hnwninff' - - lie Diur irfiac "-arum uy score of 2818 to 2707. , WolRamott; twk an 11 pin lead in the first game, added 38 fiore pins Ifl- the second game nd swept the third by 62 pin. to win easily Kures lur me winning i"i members were: Ted Rutherford ; Scores lor the winning team 176-310: Lea Moen 175470 Barney Schuyley 174 4S0; Lloyd Nargeli 178-495, and Ray Elliot 170445. JablxTwalkies Hold Chili Shoot on Sunday A club shoot was held- by the Salem Jabberwalkies archery cluh Sunday at the club' course on Princle road. Results of the various events were as follows: Men' instinctive Louie John- son. Vern Bennett, Leo Dumler; . .... ,' ., . ' mens instinctive wreva Mob- 1 r. n i ai. BuiTner; junior boys Dennis Dumler, Jim Hoxsev, Gary flem- an.. n.AU... Inlm. son, Murry Thompson, Ie Wat- PCL Line Scores First gam: Hollywood 200 001 1017 19 I Los Angeles . 210 000 0311 13 1 Sawyer, Danglets (61, Naranjo (01, Murray (9) and Onuska, Knback III: Pleretfl. Hrlclnak 17), L Grot (I), Anderson (S) and Hannah. Secand gam: Hollywood AM IMS A 1 f Los Angeles .043 on II t Nelson. Churn 13), Cirunwaia ill and'Ominka, Knback (Si; Cohen and Fanning. First gam: , San Diego m 000 om lit 1 Seattle :oi ois to'-ll is l Mesa, Carmlrhael Kl. Kerr ran (71 and St. Claire: Hudson and Or telf. Lohrk III. Second gam (7 Innlngsl San Diego 000 000 I 1 Beeltl on 0I 4 7 1 Erautt and Aylward; Lombard! and Orteta. DIGESTS GRUBWORM TIPS A r-iNt tie' THREAD t ? 6MUB IP MOO TO HOOK'S J END ' A euewoftM tTys on youn. 1m?w HOOK CTTKSt DURING A CAST wwn rr rs two om as shown. AND, A TCD-OH 6RU8 I LrV UER THAN IMPALED ON THC HOOK. THUS, ANV SIZE 6RUS IS USASLK WITHOUT LOSIHO ITS RSH-APPEAL .WHICH MAY HAP PEN WHEN rri IMPALED. K US' IMG TINY 6RUBS, OU MAY PINO IT EASIER TO TIE THE THREAD ABOUND &RUBS FIRST, THEN Tie thread to the hook's bend. Grubs arc larvae op var ious BEETLES. THEY'RE POUND AROUND 6ARDENS, M ROTTEN LOGS, STUMIS, ETC., AND M MEAL. THEY'RE CHOICE BAIT FOR MOST FRESH-WATER SAME FISH. Eugene Splits With Spokane Broncs who scored In all but iwo un"i8 - ' The ronc iumPd to a 3-0 'art In the first inning, saw the am "P ' th toP of the hlrl ent ahead again in lneir hW of 'he inning, this time !lay Lewiston' Mac Schmidt held the big bat for the game as he i Portland who won 12 last aeason !""T1!!,'? 'th ?Jth uiw01? onlwith champion Eugene . . . tripled in the sixth with the bases v loaded and doubled in the first with the bases empty. Vince Moreci was Yakima's only long ball hitter of the evening as he homered in the eighth with none on. me oronrs nearly uroppeu me attorninn Hlf iKav ... - " jeaa going iniO tne SCVCnin inning dwindle away as the Bears ex-! pinded (or three runs. I Lewiston reliefer Jim Benton came on (0 stop tne Ya,jma rany d keep tn. Bronc, out , fron Lewiston runners stole five i . -,i,. i., c...- ..L? U" Sum,ner- Spokan JSLm 101 301 11 I Eugene . too 000 024 10 I Burnet!. Planum (9i and Rnaal; I.ewle.i. Currv I4i, Galnei 17), Gray III. Marten IS) and Ciuthir. Semnd fame: Spokane 000 100 4 t I (I Eugene .. . Kit 200 4 t Young and DeSouza;' Lojr, ' Cray (71 and Cauthlrr. First game: Yakima . r... ion loo .wy-5 I 1 Lewiston 110 220 00' II 7 I Alderman, Thtirman (51, Ksralero '7' ""d Summers; Watts, Benton (7) "v".".... Second garni: ' Vakl,n; ? ' J LewiBloo. 301 125 01 x IS I 0 Good. Eacarla (5). Thurman IS). Downs (71 and Summers. Tomb (7); Agn, Loepo IS) and Donahu. Look and I .earn By A, C GORDON 1. What I the actual width of a ! column of mercury in a clinical; thermometer. 2. Which is the highest mountain in the Appalachian range? 3. What great early American in vented bifocal lenses for eyeglas ses? , ' 4. What South American country border the Isthmus of Panama? 3. Who said, "Render unto Cae sar that which is Caesar'"? ' ANSWERS 1. About the width of a human hair. J. Mt. Mitchell, in North Caro lina; (.684 ft. high. ' 1. Benjamin Franklin (1706-90). 4. Colombia. t. Jesus. v ScilttlOrS Rack Up 3rd Win Spokane is Next At Water Field (Caatlaeed frmw areeedlag pagt) 17-won record compiled lait aaaaon. tolled the flrat all Innlngt for Salem In fine faahlon, blank ing the vuitora. Don I.undberg'l bluop triple lo right field, driving in two run, wa the flrat bit tha Chief took from tha tyllh red head. But In the eighth they got through to him, with doublet by larlnghaut and Larry Segovia ending hi Hay. Vaaal llila Double I Lefty Jerry Cade took over and managed to get the aide out fi nally, but Jiily after Vannl apankrd another double for the i Uat two of the five run acored in tha uprlalng. Having bad little iprlng train ing and Mi of "flu" a abort while back, Whltaoa aimply ran out of ga. But he showed definite lign of hi 193J effectlvenet In the early going. Cade went out for a pinch hit ter la the eighth and Lefty Rom Rugne finiihed thing up, pluck ing the win tfter blanking the Chiefa the laM two innlnga. Teke BUat One a The Senator' first run came In the aecond Inning when "Zeke" Sxekula powered one of luring haua' cait over the right field barrier, a well authored ahot. Salem won tha aecond game the eaay way, on a pawed ball by young catcher Jake Laabey, with Ray Webiter on third bane. Right hander Gene Sbortlidge wa pitching to William, with the bate loaded and nobody out in the final beat He cut loose a fast one thai almoat 'hit the first seeker, and Laaeby only deflected it off to on side. Before be could run lt down and get it back to tha plate, Webster wa In. WUdaeaa Harta Walsh Big Bill Walsh, lame arm and aU started for Salem in this one. He wa wild but got by the first two Inning. In the third be walked three and Luby replaced blm with Lefty Marion CowdeU, another of the Senator holdovers. CowdeU had been having his training trouble also, and when be delivered a three-run double to Segovia, a walk and a run producing single to Bill Can-abba, it looked as if he were to join Walsh in Trainer Pete Chinn'i headquarter. The Utah oortaider (uddenlv found himself at thi point, and went on to blank the Chief with nary a bit the next four stanzas and earned himself a victory. William Hamert Agala The popular Salem home run wa evident in the nightcap also, and it was Williams, batting baro of the opener, who smacked rfce four-master. It wa Salem'f fourth run.' coming with two out in the third.-. Earlier, catcher Ray Zari made hi debut an auspicious one by rifling t two-run double to center bit first time at bat. This was in the second inning. Webster' tin gle, in error and Mel Krause't single brought across run No. 3 in the third, and after Szekula bad popped into a double olav. Williams conked one of Short- udge's curves high over the left field wall for the second homer Hor the kid in two days. Sunday' crowd wa 1,394. Not counted were Mr, and Mrs. Jim Fleishman, the league prexy and hi wife from Portland . . . Ron nie King has gone on the injury list with hit ailing arm, and joint Keith Borman there. But coming off the same list, and ready to pithc in Tuesday's game is Ad Satalich. the heavyweight, from Blossom Day: Wnutcke (7) (I) Salem BHOA BHOA Sef'vla.m SSI 0 Dunn m 4100 nivat.i Vannl.l 3 15 Wbster.i 4135 1 1 0 Krause.l i 0 4 7 III Szek'la.l 1111 10 0 Otbrk.r 4 111 1 12 1 Wll.mi.l 4 1 14 0 1 4 S SwnsnJ 3 0 3 3 3 0 4 Knepf.c 5 1-3 0 t O 1 Whtsn.p 3 10 4 011 Cade.p 1000 0 1 0 x-Kinf 10 0 0 Rugne, p IO00 xx-Mrtn 0 10 1 Lndbri c i Carabi r 4 Andrsn.i MmwrJ 4 iThVu"p 4 ci ;.i I Roberu.p 1 ToUt 43 15 it 1 Total M 11 30 11 X Filed to center (or Cade In 8th. xx Ran for Koepf in 10th. ' Wenatche 000 000 150 07 IS 1 Salem : Oil 000 031 18 11 1 Pltchln summary: ip lb k t er to bb Isrtnghaui 7t 29 10 I I I 1 Roberta 2', 7.--I 1115 Vv'hltson 7 . 33 'It- 4 5 14 Cade 1 4 21 10 1 Rugne 1 1 0 0 0 0 "Winner Rugne Loser Roberts. LOB W. II, S. II. Errors Williama ill. Rugne, Roberts. HR Szekula, Easterbrook. 1BH Lundberg. 2RH Dunn, Webster 111. Whil.on. Isrtng haus. Segovia. Vanni. RBI Szekula. Webster. Easterbrook IS), Lundberg 111, iaringhaua, Segovia (2, Vannl lit. 8H Swanaon. Mounger, Web ster, Kraus. Ruge, Dunn. DP W4 wn ravu naofnra, nraua-weD-. ster-Willlama. Umpire Clark and How. Tim 1:47. . Second game: Wenatckee (4) (S) Salem BHOA BHOA Castls.l ill ODunnm 4110 Rlvas.2 I 0 I I Wbster.s 110 1 I 0 Krauw.l 113 1 4 ISzek'la.r 3 0 11 3 0 Wllams.l 1 1 10 0 0 Martin.) 10 10 1 1 SwnsnJ 1115 1 4 Zari e 1111 t Walth.p 10 11 Seg'via.m 1 t Latbey.e 1 0 Car'bba.r 1 1 Andrsn.i 1 0 I J shtidge.p i o Farns.x-I IIII Co dell. p 111 Totals 1 111 ( ToUls U I sin x Walked (or CasUs In 7th. Wenatche 004 000 0-4 1 t Salem 021 OOO 11 I 1 Winning pitcher CowdeU. Pitching summary: Ip ab h r er so bb Shnrtlldg 1-1-13 11411 Walsh I'i 0 11(4 CowdeU 4", 14 1 t 1 1 4 Hit by pitcher: Rlvas. bv Walsh: Krause. Williams. Martin, by" Short lirige Passed balls: Lashey (II. ,Le(t on bases- W. 4, 8. I. Errors: Ander son. Williams. Watson. Horn run: Williams. Two-bas hits: Zari. Sego via. Runs batted in: Zari Cl. Sego via (31, Carrabba. Krause. Williams. Sacridre: Swanson. farris. Krause. 2arl. Stolen base: Segovia. Double olays: Swanson to Williams. Watson to Anderson. Time: 1:00. Umpire: How and Clark. Attendance; Ijm. HicVII Do It Every t- VOL! Kicwtf? rr, V .m 1 i . ' rrs hm Mg.iVi v Va, ' ' HOT WCRE-NOT i pJ J ' 1 , f . I W-VDU DOKT P k' KNOvV WWERR74J Well,t4tS a coco pesom fop Hot answering rr, wim- SELP"HE'S INCOMMUNIC40O 4 V tnas) traft'MM r,tff aa. Beavers Lose Two to Sacs (Ceatlaaed frani areeedlag page) splurge In the fifth Inning. Port liind Bob Hall walked the first two batters. Bob Alexander re placed Hall and fanned pinch hit ler Karris Fain, but Streeter and Jack Tobin singled, driving in one run. George Rislry lifted a fly to the outfield to score another, and Hal Rice aingled in the third run. Rlsley had a baseampty-bemer In the fourth. 2' w M1I0 Candiiu?ace Sacramento relief pitcher, . helped save the first game by blanking the Bea vers in the last two innings. He also relieved in the second game and pitched nearly three scoreless Innings, receiving credit for the victory. Saaday Crowd 11.1 U , The team played before a Sun day crowd of 10,112. Portland open here against Lo Angeles on Tuesday. . Both managers, Tommy Holmes of Portland and Tommy Heath of Sacramento, were banished from the field in the first game, along with Farris Fain, Sacramento player-coach. Fain and Heath were thumbed at, the same time after a prolongedrgument with" "fre Sunday April 22. The the umpire, with iH-ath claiming bua-buggie booked next Satur a batter had been hit by a pitched! day night are the faster (and ball. Holme wa ordered from the game after protesting an umpire's call on a pitch. Pint mt box: Barraratata (7) - - (I) PartUa . B H O A . . B H O A StrtetcrJ 4 t ( t SiM.m (14 bin.l J I t Mrrmn.l 111 TliileyJ I 1 i 1 Brkikir Jill) Rlct.r 41 M klui l 4 111 t V Jonri.t 4 1 4 Your,: 4 11 ZVMT. 1 ! ? .?,V'" I i J Maatiia.i iiii Lur.iu 4 t i anccs in an American Cancer So stnk.p ill aM'rtin.p J 9 j jjciety benefit exhibition at Fircrest u -yja 1 1 u pjiiir W w tiwtt a v v RJonn.p ( ( artdlr.p 1 ( 1 b-Crwfrd II Shore .p t Cindinl.p IIII Valdei.p t Priddyj III Id-Mrqux Till Lint.p ioi i -B mkl 1(11 Totals 35 11 17 I Totals 31 11 17 IS a Ran for Mantilla In Ith. b Homered (or R. Jonei In Ith. c Singled (or Martin In 51 h d Piled out for Valdea In S'rt. Panned (or Merrlman In th. Sacramento .. -.. 001 010 0407 Portland 000 oil JO0-I E Stanka. RBI-Bright. Streeter. Mantilla, Merrlman. Buxei 111. Bor kowskl 111, Young, Crawford 141. IB MirkelMin. HR Bright. Street er. Mantilla. Baxct. Borkowjkl. Crawford. DP Borkowakl, Young and Mlckelton: Llttrell and Young: Lint, Calderone and Mlrkelaon. BB Stanka 1. Martin 1, Fiedler 1. Shore 1. Valdes 1. Lint 1. SO Stanka S. Candlnl. t. Piedler 1. R-ER Stanka 4-4, R. Jonet 1-1. "Martin 3-3. Pied; ler 1-0. Shore 0-1. Valde 4-2, Lint 0-0. Candinl 0-0. HO Stanka In It',; R Jonet 1 in 'V. Candinl 0 In I: Martin I in 5: Fiedler 1 in I'll Shore 0 In "i plus: Valdei t in 1; Lint 1 in 1. WP Stanka. Lint. W R. Jonea 12-01, L Valdea ll-ll. U Yuhagc, Pelekoudaa and Ashford. T -1.3J. Second game' (7 tnnlngi): Sacramento .fx) 1.10 04 I 0 Portland 002 000 6 S 7 0 Mroztmkl, Lnvrtch t5i, Candinl Hi and afiirh. McNamara I5i; Hall, Alexander (Jli Waibel (7) and Bott ler. Four Alabama players Harry Gilmer, Ed Salem, Dixie Howell ! and Clell Hobson have gained i more than 1.000 yards in one X- . .k.. .;., t;a. r:i ' season for the Crimson Tide. Gil-,, mer did it twice. ' Ccr..cnd.'Soo - ' ' .' ill) . .- ..i. m f , kJ .12 machines in 1 MAKIS All HOMl W00DW0IKIN6 IA$Y r l " X I t "Z . as"" . ". . ". . s IrrTtt- " -Yi(-latf-r- -fr -f-' '-' Jafca&cgWsfc Time -0 15 WC ? TUa MlMUTE HIS srousc piocs rr up, he swots 4 REMOTE B&04DC4ST"" eti te-am titW'n In Non-Title Bouts Moore, Smith Fights Headline Ring Cards By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Light heavyweight champion Archie Moore winds up hi tune-up campaign Monday night In a non-title scrap with Tiger Gene Thompson but lightweight ruler Wallace Bud Smith bumps into tough opposition Wednesday night in n overweight tilt with Joey Brown. Hard Toppers To Race Next The souped-up hardtop, and not the midgets, will race next at Hollywood Bowl. The change was made Sunday by Ron Ail. Valley Sport promoter. It wa at first announced that the midget would appear at the Salem bowl next Saturday night, May S, for the first night racing meet of the season. But Ail has made a change and the highly- popular hardtops will run instead. The stock hardtops 'opened the cornier' iuii ruling lops. wiD announce the full Sat urday card Idler in the week. NW Gal Golfers Give Good Show TACOMA m -Four of, the Northwest' leading feminine golf- ?;er delivered creditable perform Golf Club Saturday. Ruth Jessen led the foursome with a 39 over Fircrest's difficult first nine, where women's par is 39. Pat Lesser, reigning u. S. women's amateur champion, and Jo Anne Gunderson had 43s, and Mrs. Edran Anderson Ihlanfcldt had a 46. All are from Seattle. National League Pint game: Chicago 011 010 lon4 I 1 Cincinnati 000 101 Ol'-i 1 Ruih. Lown 171 and Chili; Nuxhall, Freeman (7) and aBtley. Second gane: Chicago 000 011 010-4 It I Cincinnati : : .004 300 10- I 11 0 Jonea. Brminan (41. Valentlnetti I5l, Brtggt (7) and Landrtthi Fowler and Bailey. ' Pint eaiM: 110 Inning!) Philadelphia . 001 200 001 1 S I 1 New York 100 100 Oil 04 0 Rogovin, Mever ISI and Seminlck; Gomez. Wilhelm (10) and Weetrum. Second game: Philadelphia 100 000 000 t- 1 I New York 311 000 21'-l 12 t Simmnna. Llpetrl III, Negray (51, Miller (S) and Lonnett; Monzant and Katt First game Pittsburgh - 001 005 04010 14 I Brooklyn 000 000 100 1 S 1 rn.nrf anil fiheoard: Drvtdale. Hughes in, Kouiax s, Darnel) in n'np'"m,'- ' puuburgh "... 240 ion aTio n l I Brooklyn . ..ooi kw ooo 3 7 1 Law. King 41 and Shepard: Loea. Unm, Bwbuck tS), ubm a and Campanella. a Ocrr.c.istrcttcr., iJt Ua, U- w-a ae era : a. ae - i U V' b 1 U li hJ M tASY fJCIT TI&MS AaUNCCD ID,. Lf By Jjmmy lL.tlo CORW,LUStlvveaLL,VLUMvvEaf,Sl I WBS NaTW4lT- WM IS HE GOIH3 1 V VVH4'?HUMPeuTOTHa CCJVENTXJ? V X TV4CXJOWT- yfrtU. HIM TU4T STOCK 9rrL.mJrml I VV4S TELUN' HIM JjlFTri Jn eoOT IS UP TEN , jnzyfK POINT AM C ,,fW v HIM, ETC, ETC A I"t3s THAna amo 4 TiR oa WkVTji l5a THE H4TV0 UAT 10 'T dDlIVIuSIN MKS-J.D.4dUiUO, These are the headlmer on the week' national boxing program which also feasturr a Friday night scrap between France's able Cherif Hamla and Ike Chestnut and several good lightweight tus sles. ' Moore, the aging 175-pound king who also ha put in a claim for the vacated heavyweight throne, meet Thompson in a 10-rounder at Tucson, Aril. Archie says he is going Into serious training after that one for his title defense against Yolande Pompey in Lon don, June t. Wedaesday TV Bill Smith, beaten in his last two i . a a I starts by young Larry Boardman, aad ex-welterweight champion! Tony De.Marco. takes on Brown in a national radio television (ABC-TV, radio. I p.m., PST) 10- rounder in Houston. Tex. namia, a -yrar-oiu who a zest for fighting, made a great debut in the U.S., by beating Carmela Costa, second ranking feather weight contender, on March 30. Chestnut, 25-year-old former all- Army champion, is getting hi 'Sharon Howell, third Daryl Pe first crack at the big time in this : terson and Judy Preibe . and coast to coast radio television! fourth Johnny Meech and Ellen (NBC-TV, radio, I p.m., PST) 10-'Howell. rounder. . I In the other network TV fight of the week, veteran Orlando Zu lueta take on young, strong Johnny . Busso of New York at New York's St.- Nicholas Arena Monday night (Dumont-TV, I p. m., PST). Ex-Lightweight Champs r Two former lightweight cham pions, Jimmy Carter and Lauro Salas, and Ralph Dupas, current ly the No. 2 lightweight contend er, also see action this week. Carter meets Art Aragaon of Los Angeles for the third time at Los Angeles Thursday night. On the same card, Salas, of Monter rey, Mexico, faces countryman Sonny Mendia of Vera Crui. i Dupas, speedy New Orleans contender, opposes free swinging Johnny Digilio, Bayonne, N.J., in1 a 10-rounder at Miami Beach Tuesday night. .r Personnel expert say the best salesmen are not the best talkers but the best listeners. 1 1 want the I'eryBEST ... and when you chooM irertvanc, voa will want to Join aver two millioei preferred risk" Arnerican who get tba BEST value and the FINEST Kmc, ai lower eoet, from ' ftt AU pr Inswwnce auto Ttucx rwti Osko & Osko Dist. Agents Ph. 3-5661 1465 N. Capitol St. Salem Brooklyn Loses 2 To Bucs Tunic's Homer Nip Tribe, 1-0 fCaallaaed tram areeedlag page) by St. Louis' Stan Musial May I, 1K4. Tribe Wlaa Serea! ' ? 1 Tuttle'i homer and Billy Hoeft't shutout pitching was about all Da troit had to cheer about, After Petrolt'i opening 14 victory, Cleveland teed off on the Tiger for an 4 decision In the second gam. Bob Lemon allowed seven bit and Ih Indian dammed five homer, two each by Al Smith and Vic Wertx and one by Hal Naragon, Baltimore and Washington split a pair at Washington. The Oriole (cored four in the seventh Inning, including a two-run pinch homer by Tito Francona, for an M edge in (he first game. Dick TetteU bach' (ingle with the base load ed gave Washington a M mar g la in the second. The New York Yankee-Bostoa Red Sox game at Boston wat called off because of wet ground and a scheduled doubleheader, Kansas City at Chicago, wa rained out. A a result the Whits Sox still hold first place by per centage points over the Yanks. Career Boy 8 Foot Mending LOUISVILLE. Ky. Wl -Career Boy's bruised foot appeared to ba on the mend Sunday, and barring a relapse, C.V. Whitney's dark brown colt is expected to be ready to take on all comers in the Ken tucky Derby. ...... Face around the Whitaey bars" at Churchill Down, where the mile and one quarter classic will be raced next Saturday, weren't quite to glum after Career Boy galloped a mile and a half, la aa early morning shower. Skating Couplrs Win fianr nf MnntYi Tt a aa v w va i'B vaaiaa vol Another dance of the month cnntwt was held Sunday night ,t Salcm'r Skateland rink with the first two finishers winning a trip to the state meet at Portland . next Sunday. The four couples competed In the progressive tango. They were first place winner Gary Sander and Barbara Meech, second Robert Claus and . World's best trout fishing! Do you want to know where a 10-lb. trout hardly rates as a keeper? Joe Brooks, , fly fishing expert, caught two that size (and lost several others!) in a few hours when be viisted this trout fisher man's paradise. In the new May Field at Stream lie tell you how to reach thi hot spot Get your copy and read "Boca Fever" today! m IU1INISS J A 1 X"