Kremiin Twins', U III. Oir , Jitjii., ,Ajn! 21, '.71 (Src. I) 3 nn n n , f, , k . pm n Assassination Plot Blocked t irosAnn i.rifiKirM JINDON iA-islt p,ni.h W lli lali said Baltuitay mil ikiiiiiu W.U 4 plullrd I . lnnl I'rim Mlnl.lif end )W H Tiny K Mil Khruih n r nrr-:r7U , i i ' i u u v J chev Airing Ihrir kul concluded 10 fly vi.u I Itniain, Und -r(rr, ( flrt In iwta in nary, gave N I d r fly Of account said a aarrrt irtU'ommunUt band drew Mi on wght la ctao t drill man lr 0 wtuinallMi attempt which Would hlff rocked th world. Th BrtlLh officials said tori of tb pW reached Scotland Yard and arl titramciy light security maaaufN, A BrHUh government enure aid a aaaaaatnatioa pint wae ar ranged by mm believed la repr wit I amall organlialton of emlgrea Item eatlera Kurope, Om las Brttale "On of !h Mf anltatlflfit u reported la be centered on IK ton tinent," the aourr Mid, "and In ether la Briteia." British security mm watched IK porta and checked an visa applica tions la keep out all known antt Comm unlit extremists. A foreign (lie epokeemaa aaid local poller alto took "logical action against tha tarf number of peopl boa til t lit Soviet) regime." Kvea th moat far (etched and rnelodrmaMe of th tip rrachlm Scotland Vard wr checked. In addition to Ih uiual bomb from theroof and polaonlnlhe pudding reports, there wrr went more In-trk-at and detailed, like th plan to mint In River Thame outside London. The mine wer tuppoaed to be placed In Ih path of a boot brlniuif th Soviet leader on a visit lo Greenwich. ( keck Mad Thai report art off a close check n former Naval men from rant em Kurope and especially on whit Russians who aerved In the Ciar'i Navy before the BoUheviki took over. But throughout the 10 tiyt, noth ing moro materialited than a few firework act of! by British prank ateri and a few Intuit burled at the visiting Ruaalan by some out tpoken crtUc. British pjollce round ed up even those on a Justin-case bait. They were hustled off to court on disorderly conduct charge and let go with a (tern warning and (mail fines. With Bulganin and Khrushchev now en route back to Moscow, se curity men tonight enjoyed their j nrsi real relaxation, uini Ad miralty reports said the Russian leaders' ship was safely near So viet home waters. 1 cJ. I n I lyj O HARDWARE AND PRICES ATHUIR BWSS k :! I H 1 1 If 7 CBf ..JaTTrfpf, f.r.r.A.Jr.V.0r Nrjiywi Trt.B lr- " I I MA H(-HAR(.R IT yljdJ lpriel Need. lSrTC Of ! M.d -Cr I J OnHearlBevaMaglharg i?r't eit . . . rant JlCj,'!) "ears Ka.y Tayaseat Man. J 0- Vs X SjJ? s0jw...l'd aad Out Cjf Atk Any aleaaaaa Aawwt IL 1 -naaHaaawaHwaaiBiB' .aav .v a a .ajw' -W rVv A GUAM ANTII 1 O.ft. I 1k I Kt (' isittli Pilots Shaken As Volcano Talfe Bacfe . ANCHORAGE. Alaska (II As though awakened by the noise, a aleeping volcanic peak belched a tremendous cloud of smoke and cinders Friday just at It was be ing buzzed by two curious Air Force Jet pilots. The startled and thoroughly shaken up pilots, who buzzed out of danger at a 300 mile an hour clip, were Capt. Lloyd Kelly and Lt. Harry Krebbt, both of Elmen-4 dorf Air Force Base. Neither they nor their T33 jet trainer plane were damaged by the incident, which occurred over what is believed lo have been Mt. Trident in Alaska's famed Valley of 10,000 Smokes, 300 miles south west of here. But. said Kelly, the pilot, "It was the oddest sensation I ever had." c Tht Original Eyt-Ievel Ovtn with THERMAC03 the bilt-in Electric Range Only tWti ! VM Biiikitity . titckt Oil. M rll fctflr vm lit kack unit laval kiM. C Iraw HirM fMlinf la m4tlu A44 kill-la wwiaiDfl en r griMI. Witk TKtmaar y a t w tfliiltmy Ik f(nMl anibM ttopt , ..krt Hw Wly pnf MI I kllMt llltt k Win Ik tMlMM, axm to tMTMiMW Wly vlaiIH alvk Mua. r 0 Th. Phillips Co. 3SS Cantor Sf. Phena 34139 Opaw Man, end Frl. TH p.m. "V Hot Ur.d k . J J I A rwntr ay wv I polf1Nn( P enA.iaf-ii.a 7 Ivoey rowl forad fraea !e a a an piotta tor rwst, y foerosioii protection! V m Ii Of knton ' b ft from dftlvo naifiol ae workmamhlp, Any tool that falls lo V lv lmpll satis foclioq will bo "5 rplacd wlihowl , ihorg. I , lbwk ana) Ca. NCH DllVf SOCKn$ 716 o 1-INCH I' Vt faojiy 11, STURDY WflLs L.-.W-... SiV NwTj DRIVS SOCKET SET - all. Ill ! J w '"" ' 31 i UMEI9I) llaticnally Famous Craftsman SOLD ONLY BY SEARS ROEBUCK Cr CO. as mm 5 PIECE OPEN EN0 WRENCH SET lo -INCH 11 new, mrM &sm MBflsy TOESIQII 8BU8 I .. I l Ml' W . I 1 lTTi5i ONLY $10 J ItarR Down v SOt OM.T tt MABS, tOttUCH MO CO, A terrific prica for a taw this tizel Do your repair work and save! Has miter gauge. Rip fence locks at both ends. 27i304nh samt-ataal taw topi Precisian tealoel ball bearing Cuts up t SH-Jnchot at 90 Reg. 74.95 . . . 8-invBcnch Saw . . . 61.50 CRAFTSMAN 4Cu.FI. Reg. 13,95 r I : It Regularly U " ', :--'?8te Cik& j Bivt sootn set -r - LJ I , -; .-; il,!-- . yf &&& JS t-J V- v ' :;.. .v.,TM. 'fm-JWfr 5S wtwews with i '::::::rW ): .. -X. .W. -T-. VIK. -iV . , rrfeaTaW rill 1 I I ITA ' a-Maaagfa - 1 " " ' .wMiaii i H-..-II-. m v-.a . i -i -HwawaHwmnBMBlMaMai J V A. a. i aaaaaTSSaMaWailMBHBBaaaBaiaVaBaaiib Ovriiza 1 0xaJS-lnch tirt." Ball Jjearingt for easier rolling. Heavy gauge iteel frame, tray enameled green. FREE With This Mower I Gallon Gas Can with Flei Ible Spout 2 Gallons of Gas. l'i PlnU of Oil. 78.95 Value 18-Inch Craftsman Rotary o)0S Weighs -Just 44 .pounds but packed f with power for near ly effortless cutting. Easy-starting Power Products, 2-cycle en gine is miserly with gasoline! Automatic governor control maintains . constant . mowing speed. Cut is adjustable. Only 6.00 Down FREE own Tool Catalogs, Tardilkkj, During Sears Kalional Hardware Wrt Reg. 59.95 Dunlap ROTARY rotary at a fabu- I I II ce! 2ycle II rnrlurK eru Nowl A rotary mower loui price Power Products en gine 88 Only S.00 Down r-i 50 Foot Roll of Lightweight, Flexible Craftsman Plastic Close Replaceable, standard lite solid brass couplings Extremely flexible, yet resists annoying kinking So lightweight, 50 feet weighs only I pound New, pur material make It transparent With stands up to times average rily water pressure. And this SO ft. length is the ideal length for the average lawn. Regulory 6.9S s FULL ' ) INCH Inside Diameter Regular 9.9$ 75-ft. 1 ft Roll ef Hose '" UUL ft ytxto maey faai" M 550 tl. (apilol Phone 3-9191 r.U. I 1 '2 1- A f ;: i ..' v t 4 ai 'M4 Mm eWa jaJI mVs. A '- aW A. ,