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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1956)
IV) ian, Salem, Ore, Sun., April 20, 53 t Ui Returns to Hollywood Bold Saturday Night; Midgets to Make Debut Khrr k weekend H!!ffw, hauser powered eara which la la the Midtet Auter Raring At t Zoning Ih 13it opener of April put seasons have brea M match aociatioa. Over Ji of the Ford M, aula raring return, to Salem's for the lord powered machines, powered tin are now available .. . ! iL. lui. .Ill k aixn, fne K-llna aad Hi I srnini- the fir,t aisht tard of the afw tioe. ' " " w.wa. Nisht raring It I. he held Ail eiplalned. " of tb ... iChl thr.ugheut to wm kl r,rdl , ff ,,4 lh, Aincclatioa'a alock bard Th midgets make their debut 0((lMi Tbg iuffr pup berauc torn, and the weekly ahswa will f aturiiT. Vilify Sportt promoter diarwuraged because the nore ei- atrrMte betwrea Ihoae, the anld- Kaa Ail an una am But racing pwalve aad laater Offles were ,fta lht iooped-ap hard tape aad f... .ill to I. tar a we for grabbing all the win. 8a the Of- the late made I stocka, with aa at- 2" iS ..'miai! N.V? " , " , I trU wemiiud to ran are the OHca- The ware hat Installed acw Ufa la. Bctlts Loed First Gnraa to Idaho -9f Bailey Sets Meet Record Vandals Edge n In 4! EUGENE. Ore. (II - Idaho Oregon, the defending Northern Division champion. Us defeat of the Pacific Coast erence baseball season, -, Saturday. The visitors came from behind score three runs in the seventh driving; Oregon pitching Stan Dmochowsky from the and added what proved to the two winning tallies In the handed North first Cone here to Inning, act box, be SEATTLE Alttoagk raaalag agalaat gasty wtadt, Jim Balky at the University 4 Oregon breaks the tape la wta the anil, ran la 4:11.7, aew Oregaa-Waahtagtaa aaaet record. Tba eta retard waa act hi UN at 4:12.4 by Ralph Bin at Oregon. Oregat waa tba aaad. (AP) Oregon Club 6-5 Tilt The Weather Jmt Wasn't Coojicralin' I- "' ' eighth. Kaadall Harls Victory Doug Randall, a sophomore from Lewiston, allowed only seven hits in pitching the distance for Idaho. He struck out eight batters ilthoueh he was a hit wild, walk ing four, hitting one and uncork ing two wild pitches. Idaho s winning rally consisted Jim Crlsman s safe bunt, Jim Howard's double, an error and Ray Copeland's double. Crismsn and Howard each had two hits. Dunae Moore batted home three Idaho runs. , Plftor Tap Batter For Oregon Jim Pifher and Jer r Rota each had two hits. Pifher, who bad triple, batted in two runs at did Dick Schlosstein, who banked out double. Idaho now has a 1-4 record in the division. Oregon's is 1-1. Idaho 000 010 320-4 1 1 Oregon OOO 102 0205 7 3 Randall and Howard, Arnone It): Dmochowtky, Whittaker (7), Olsen (I) and Bowen. f I The ftoh were tew aad the raladreps maay daring Saturday's epealng el the 1K4 aagllag seaaea. 11 yea think aat, ask these foar kids, wke tried their luck aa Mill Creek. From left la rtgnt are. MicMa Leaaey, Strva Aahtaa. Dale Malllcoat aad Michael Sammerfleld. They blamed the ralay weather aa the scarcity of the fish, aad Inalat the I.0M Ireut planted la the stream by the -Game Cemmiaeioa "moved away Fri day." Other kids reported good success aa the stream, which Is cloaed to all but teea-agers during the flailing aeaaoa. Statesman-Capitol Alleys School Names New Coaches Pilots Snare Four Way Track Meet at Linfield; 0CE Fourtl McMIXNVILLE - (Special) - Portland University won a four-way track meet here Saturday by running up 47 points. Second was Lin field with tltt, followed by Eastern Oregon with 52V4 and Oregon College with 24'. : Eaalern Oregon placed second by nabbing three first places a flock of seconds and thirds, Eastern Oregon winners we Frank Good in the Jow hurdles, I Bill West in the high hurdles and Annual Doubles Bowl Tourney Set to Open Registrations are now well underway In the annual Statesman- Capitol Alleys doubles bowling tournament. First round in the tour ney must be bowled by May i. Three rounds and the finals are rolled during the tourney. One-third of the original entry Bearcats Lose Doubleheader Beavers Defeated In Track Cougars Snare 73-58 Victory Pullman, Wash. UPl Washing ton State broke the discus and javelia marks and showed sur prisingly strong in the sprints to take a 73-51 track win over Oregon State Saturday. 1 Sophomore Darrell Pearson, who took only four throws because of a bad leg, shattered the javelin meet record by more than 13 feet as he unloosed a toss of 223 feet IVi inches. r- Frank Brown set a new record of 14 feet 7V4 inches in the dis cus. Wraley Point Galaer The Cougars John Midtbo turn ed in an endurance performance as ht won both the mile and 2 mile races. High point man was Sam Wes ley of Oregon Stale with wins in the 100 and broad Jump and a dose second in the 220. The most thrilling race of the day was the one Wesley didn't win. Floy Richmond, whose best time this year was .3 of a second slow er thsn Wesley's, beat the favor ed Beaver sprinter to the 220 tape by an inch in a clocking of 21.1 seconds. i Summary: Mil 1. John . Midtbo. WSC-. 1 Unrn, OSC; 1. 'Klrnchiw, WSC 4:301. 40-l. Bob Dunran. WSC: I. Tn noy OSC: 3. HiMhl, WSC. :50 4. High hurdlca 1. Elwood Brown. WSC; I. Entle OSC; J. Kirk, WSC. :1J.J. SSO-1. Tx Whiteman. OSC: I. Duncan. WSC; i. Zecben. WSC. 1:57 -J. Z20 1. Flnyd Richmond. WSC: 3 Wtiltjr. OSC; 1 Hayn. WSC. :11 S. J Pol vault 1. grntr-prtjdvTWSC and Foley OSC. bed; J. Young. OSC. u itci incnei. Sbotput 1. Burl Grlnoli. WSC: t r. Brown, WSC; i. Laird. OSC. SO (wt i'i Inches. l-mlla1. John Midtbo. WSC; 1 Radar, WSC: 3. Lanrn. OSC. 0:43 T. Low hurdln-fl. Bill rrfdtrlcki. OSC; ' I. Infl:1- OSC; 3. Toomty, WSC. :J4.4. Javtlln 1. Darrtll Pearaon. WSC; 1. Hlttntr. OSC: 3. Clay OSC. US feet l' tnchea. ntw record oM rec ord 113 feet lnchea by ChUrch, OSC. 1953. Broad Jump 1. Sam Weiley, OSC: I. rredencka, OSC: I. Richmond, WSC. 23 feet t inrhet. Diacua 1. Prank Brown. WSC: 1. Smart. OSC; 3. Grtnola. WSC. 14S feet 7' lnchea. new record old record 14S feet l'i Inches aet by Morse, Freeman vs. Donovan in Main, ' 4" 0 to Sliov; At Armory on Tuosday The mighty mites of the mat - the ultra popular wrestling midgets make, their annual visit to the Armory Tuesday niRht to highlight Matchmaker Elton Owen's weekly card. The powerful little guys, etch under 100 pounds in weight and all around inrea I feet in height, will appear in . a IT Mighty Ivan (Continued from preceding PgeHh'JLp-i. Lowell Xolbaba, who pitched the Javelin 17S feet I inches. Linfield't mile relay team con tinued unbeaten this year with a 31:34.1 clocking. Two University of Portland per formers were double winners, Wendell Wamsley in the dashes and Jim Senko in the mile and two-mile. I R. H i 1st West (CO). nd Good (EO). trd Stewart (Ll. Mark: 1ST. - HM: rrt -Wamsle Pl, 3nd Good (EO). 3rd Strons tL). Mark: 103. Mile: 1st Senko P. 3nd Eddy (ipi, 3rd Berreman (OCEl. Mark: 4s: 1st Marhamer ID, Ind Hllfsrd (EOl. 3rd Lund lOCF.l. Mark: US. L. H-: lt Good I EOl, Ind Stewart (L, 3rd Stmton I EOl. Mark: 26 4. 0: 1st Wamsley IP), 2nd Btron (L), 3rd Htllyard (EOl. Mark: 33 J. 1st uower tiK-Ei, zna ue- (Brooklyn Tops Pirates, 5-2 'Continued from preceding page) fine relief pitching by rookie Dave Sisler paid off for the Sox. Vern on't 400-foot shot scored Billy Goodman ahead of him for a 4-3 lead in the seventh inning. Stengel Protests Game Gene Stephens, running for Dick Gernert, who had walked, scored all the way from first on Jim Piersall'i single later in the inning and Sisler protected the lead for his first major league victory. He is the son of George Sisler, for mer St. Louis Brown slugger. Yankee manager Casey Stengel played the PORTLAND ID Three coaches from the Portland school system Saturday were assigned to. Wood row Wilson High School. hich will. OEfO here next fall. 's They are Frank O'N'eil, head football and assistant track coach at Roosevelt, who will become head track coach and athletic di rector at Woodrow Wilson; Bob Sweet, assistant football coach at Lincoln, who will become head football coach at the new west side high school: and Bob Web ster, also of Roosevelt, who will become head baseball coach. The basketball coach it to be appointed later. Sweet coached at Baker High before coming to Portland. O'N'eil was at Ashland High, and Webster played baseball in the Boston Red Sox chain before joining the Port land system. list will be eliminated by the end of rounds one and two. Eight doublet teams will enter the finals. Round two runs from May ( to May 13 and round three from May 14 to May 20. - Finals are scheduled for Saturday, May 26. An even larger number of en tries than last year is expected. Reservations for alleys and addi tional information can be obtained at the Capitol Alleys or by calling 3-3575. Rules governing the tour ney are posted at the Capitol lanes. Averages for handicaps will be determined by scores up to May 1. Pendleton Team Leading Bowlers SEATTLE ( Teams from Se attle and Pendleton, Ore.,' took early leads as the month-long Northwestern International Bowl ing Congress tournament opened Standard Time Play to Stay NEW YORK m -Four major league baseball cities will remain on standard time when the others turn their clocks ahead an hour to daylight saving next Sunday. The .Detroit Tigers and Cincin nati Redlegs will continue to start their games on eastern standard time and the Milwaukee Braves and Kansas City Athletics will use central standard. The Chicago Cubs and White St. Louis Cardinals, the game under protest' k... c,...a... -it t , . , ... . i hci c auiuiuav. urr rang anve ov Mickey Man- r i d...i -v. - ? .... ic tnastua io. 3rd Eaenant (Pi. Mark:, ue oit the top of the center field I raced up 2,863 pins to take first only other teams in the a l.t 1st Carpenter looti. Md ' J?" Tl' '!! 1 u . P''' place in the open division. jtime xone, will operate pxiett (EO). 3rd Harmon ieoi. - . j umpire r.a The Winshin Oilers. Pendleton ' light saving. New York, Senators Cop Starter, 8-7 (Continued from preceding page) Walsh will be on the firing line for Salem. Mgr. Edo Vanni's choices are Glen Isringhaus and Gene Shortlidge. Both Williams and Krause bad three hits to lead the Salem at tack. Koepf had two. . . . The clash required 3 hours and 12 minutes to run out, which doesn't match well with early newspaper deadlines. doubled for one run in the sec ond and then four more Bearcats ; scored in the third off a double by Frank Caruso, singles by Jer ry McCallister and Reed and a triple by Patton: , A run in the sixth and another in the seventh put Willamette ahead 7 3 but Whitman tied it in their half of the seventh. Wil lamette got another in the eighth when Caruso belted a triple to score Ed Lipscomo who had tin gled. With two out in the last of the eighth. Dean Lodmell svne Moss. OSC: 3. Minlcke and D. Preedy both WSC, tied t feet 4 Inches. 100-1. Ssm Wrslev. OSC: t. Rich mond. WSC; 3. Fredericks, OSC. :I0 1 Relay Won by Wshlnton Stat (Richmond, G ribbon, Ruehl and Dun can). 3:23.3. T i t - li -i - - it: Pioneers Top PSC Ovalists special tag team squabble. On one side will be Ivan the Terrible, t whiskered M pounder, and Otto Bohman, who has ap peared here before. On the other will be the dynamic Tee. Wee James and Tiny Roe. The hilarious mites art full of fight tnd action, and have never failed to please local fans. Three Regular Matches Owen hat t regular card of three matches lined up for Tues day also. In the main event will bo the powerful Merbie Freeman and "Red" Donovan, the latter the rough and tough brother of "Dirty Doug" Donovan, of the Montana Donovans. ' "Dirty Douglas" himself ap pears in the semifinal, against Irish Jack O'Reilly, the arrogant Australian who ia just at villain ous as either Donovan tnd will be glad to demonstrate at most any time. The opener, at B 3q o clock, putt Boise Bill Fletcher against Al Warsawski, 203-pounder from Detroit, Mich. This will be a tin gle fall mix, while the other two are labeled best-two-of-three. Freemen Going Good Freeman hat been making great progress here at a topnotch grap pler. He's big tnd powerful and last week knocked over Pedro Godoy, the South American nasty. The younger Donovan went to a stormy draw with Larry Cheno on the same card. There will be no advance in prices for Tuesday's extra-speciaX Senators Eye Fish Program On Columbia PORTLAND - Lewis and Clark swept over undermanned Portland State, 111-20, in a non conference dual track meet here Saturday. Lewis and Clark per formers broke seven meet recordf and tied two others in the one sided win. The winners placed first in every event, although Lewis and Clark's Dave Jeans was tied by two Port land State athletes. Rich Green and John Dukes, in the high jump at S feet 10 inches. Deane Moore of the Portland 0f the river. Track and Field Club, not an of- The possibility was suggested ficial entrant in the meet, turned by Sen. Dworshak (R-ldahoi and in a 1:33.3 time in the 8110-yard readily acceded to by Chairman run. Lewis ana LiarKs Lynn FJiender D-La Friday alter WASHINGTON ( - Becausa money isn't being spent fast enough, a Senate appropriation! subcommittee may recommend that the lower Columbia River fish sanctuary program be ex tended to the upper tributaries Bevos Select Rookie Hurler PORTLAND Uf-Manager Tom- singled after Rrarl I.uras Ih. re-1" noimes. trying w una a win- li.f h..ri.e k.A , ning combination for hit seventh- give the Whits the tieing d i PJJ, "S" winning runt. . "f uV . . . er to pitch the first game of Sun wiiumette (3) (it) wkitnu day't doubleheader against the Sacramento Solons. The Beavers dropped their open ing day-night twin bill to the Sacs ! Friday, bowing 91 in the after Rousing Start: in Moore.m t 1 1 BeckerJ Nelson.3 3 O t Psfe.l Ztefelmsnj S t 1 Kllckerj McC'lllster.l 4 t t Deebsch.3 I Lipscomb, r t t I Johnson. m ! CsrusoJ 3 10 Smith. r Reed.l, 3 1 3 Lodmell.l Pstton.c 3 1 0 Belolws c Pieretti.p 3 1 1 Aronson.B Hnlt.p 0 0 6 McKrin.p x-Burdf 1 0 Mobly.p xx-Msicoim O I IMP B R H J 0 J t 2 2 t 3 3 3 1 1 4 S 3 2 0 Romagoux was the official winner in that event. Clarence Duke won both hurdle races and Bob Mitchell captured the mile and two-mile. Pommel. Gerry Coleman, Mirk: 20' S". Dise.: 1st Moore (P) 2nd Vender-; hsri welled m.nrA Pm r.i .... etlerinf P. trd Reynolds L). ! PM HOred from first any- Wrk: i2fioM. i how, but a home run would have n. I.: 1st oienn (Li, ana tnei, Blokkord E0 and Johnson (Pi, Delsner (P) and Armstrong (P. Mark: I' 10". Vsult: 1st Hints (LI. 2nd Urban (OCt l, 3rd Thurmsn (L). Mark: II'. Shot: 1st Vanderwetterlnf (Pi, 2nd Glenn (LI, 3rd West (EO). Mark: r I',". Jav.: 1st Kolbatu (EO) nf 'n elds ID, trd Daitett (lOf. Mark: 3". 2-Mile: 1st Benko (P), tnd Milter (OCEl. 3rd Stewart ID. Mark: in 01. Relay: 1st Lintield (Slrona. War ren, Davis, Marhamer), 3nd EO, 3rd PU. Mark: 1:34.4. h0 moved into the Commercial divi-1 Brooklyn, Baltimore, sinn leadership with 2.672 pins. phia. Washington Idaho Tliinclads TrimWhitworth Empire Bowl was followed by Cleveland will use Eastern Portable Equipment Co.. of Glad- Jight time, stone. Ore., with 2.(89. and, Columbia Bowl, Portland, with ,2681. Second place in- the commercial division was held by Hart Plumb ing, Seattle, with 2,650. Lake City Bowl No. 1, also Seattle, was third at 2,649. Vikings Win Doubleheader Wenatrhee (T) (I) Salem B H O A BHOA Setvla.m 113 J Dunn m tile Kivas.z 4 110 Webstr.s S 1 1 0 Vannl.l 4 t t 0Krase.2 1 3 4 3. Lasbey.c 1 1 14 1 Srkula.r 4 0 0 0 Can-aba. r 1 2 3 0 Keller I 9 0 2 0 Andran.l I 1 1 0 Wilami 1 13 11 Waston.s t 1 2 4 Swnsn.3 4 10 3 Vounirr 3 3 0 0 1 KoeDf.c 1 2 11 Roberts p 4 3 t fl Kin p III: Castas! 2 1 1 OCade.p 10 11 Marshll.p 1 0 t t Estrbk x 10 0 0 George. p 0 o t J Totals 43 12 28 I Totals 41 12 30 11 x-riied out for Cade In tth. Wenatchec . ... 100 112 100 17 It 4 Salem 00 tie 301 3 4 11 1 Wtnnlnf Ditcher Georee. Losinef Pitcher Marshall. Pitcher Ip ah ho r er so bb Roberts 1', 31 9 9 3 7 Msrshall 14 3 3 1 3 2 Kln ,4 IS 9 2 1 3 3 Csde 2 10 4 3 2 1 t 4 15 3 3 3 5 Hit bv oltcher: Mounter bv Kine Swanton by Roberts. WP: Kins. L; W 15. 8 14. E: Swanson. Rlvas. K-ause 2. Moungers 2. Anderson. HR Knenf R va Willi. -ni I ,hv Pittsburgh and 3BH. Krause. 2BH: Roberts. Anrf-r- snn. Krause, sesovia. Williams. RBI: Carrabbaz Vanni. Williams 4. Koepf 1 Hivas. castas, swanson. Lasbey. S: Anderson. DP: Segovia to Lasbev. T: 3:12. U; Ted Howe and Bill Clark. A: 127. central iGe"r. on day- Boston, Philadel- Day- Sookane uR Idaho took 10 firsts and showed even strength in beating Whitworth 75-53 in a track meet Saturday. The win came despite a gallant 17-point performance by Piratt Ward Woods. The husky football plafrr won tht high and low hurdles, the high jump and took third in the broad jump and javelin throw. Key winners for the Vandals were Don Seeley who took the mile and 2-mile races and basket ball player Bill Bauscher who wat first in the 220, second In tht 100 broad jump and a member of the winning relay team. tied the score, Gilliam Slews Homer Junior Gilliam started Rrnnk. lyn't big inning with a home run, tieing the score at 2-2. Jackie Robinson walked and took second on Duke Snider't sacrifice. After Roy Campanella flied, out, Gil Hodges was purposely Jpassed and Furillo made the strategy look Dad With his bit blow, fharlev ffontinneH from nrweirlins naoei fAo"" " UP by ,inJ,ing Cdltral High Nips bill from Bend Friday in district brNeYork'.' a"? Ti- Molalla Cilia), 6-5 ! I" the first game .he Vik, scored . 1 "b ,: rnend pesteo New )orks Antonelli for, 7 ifour runs in the third inning with d-ii and Law u-21 vs. Drysdaie u.e airaigni time, ! MOLALLA -(Special)- Central the help of Ed Syring's tingle and' 'T.X,. " , Crowe, honed Frulav n nhl k . j , . .. , ,, , i.- . t i.-l, ... I rniiaaeipnia ai r ,...,,. iiisn arieatea .nioiaua, o-s, in a "" Liammera uuuuie. jaia iMy lha fan mmmA t. . . j ' ... ...... ,., ulmj .(eaa as Willamette Valley League baseball belted a triple in the same inning. ii . ?T thrMrun hom" 1" 'game here Friday afternoon. i The other two runs came in the nr 1 a-Kob'y'shl III William Ilagen of the Fish and Wildlife Service testified there would be $300,000 in unobligated money remaining as of June 30. The program it set up in coop eration with Washington and Ore gon agencies to handle Iisn prob lems arising out of dam construc tion on the river. Hagen said the Oregon fish commission was the "slowest" of the cooperating agencies in obli gating money because of difficul ties in obtaining land and engi-, neering assistance. With disclosure of unspent mon ey, Ellender said he wanted to "put them on notice" that if any money remains unspent at appro priation time next year "we're go- ! ing to cut it off." Dworshak then suggested that ea eat sail atn at ttM MAnau lak 4 i 1 a o'soite the disaooointinf results thele8hl nit- ,nd committed six er-vprM, inlo UDD.. tributariasi r " J team attracted a record Pacific i 1 a 0 0' Coast League one-day attendance! Cougar rightfielder Ron Overbyj ' ' 1 rof 34.450. - i homered in the third with two on v o o WSC Def ears Huskies, 18-1 SEATTLE (Jf -Washington State College's baseballers pound ed out an 18-1 victory over the University of Washington Satur day afternoon. While the Cougars got 17 hits, the Huskies couldn't score until noon game and 10-9 at night. De- the.fih!h inning- Wa,!VK,0!, had Total 33 1 9 Total 37 10 11 x Popped out for Holt in tth. xx Walked for. Nelson In Sth. - a Errored for Smith it) Sth. , Willamette 000 041 000 1 1 7 Whitman 102 030 04 10 11 1 Pitching summary: Ip ab Pierettl 7", 36 Holt i, 1 Aronson 4 13 McKean 'i 3 Boby s, 1 Rew 4 13 Winner Rew. Loser Pierettl, Johnson. 2BH Page, Deebarh. RRI Moore 1 3 1 . Nelson. Pierettl, Page. Deebach, Johnson (31, Kabayashl. Second fame: Willamette ,... 014 001 11-1 IS 3 Whitman . ....... Sot 000 22 1 1 Fowler, Lucas (1) and Patton; Mobley and Bellows. so bb 3 9 I 1 1 1 0 3 0 2 0 3 3BH The rookie pitcher is Darrell ; base. Vt SC catcher Bill Rich got Martin from Bell, Calif., whoi've singles in five trips to the hooked on in the last stages of P'a,e. 'Parking four separate Cou spring training ana pitcnea live creditable exhibition innings against Seattle. Holmes says the youngster it fast and has a good curve hall. gai rallies. WSC 315 432 000-18 17 1 UW 000 000 010- 1 I Bartow, Freeman (8) and Rich, Whiting (7). Peterson, Mullikin 4), Punches (7) and Brady. in Idaho for fish studies. Asked if the program could use "a couple hundred thousand" for the upper tributary work. ' Hagen said it could. Dworshak then sug gested the committee could ear mark something for Idaho thlt year. " RAIN HALTS GAME PORTLAND A scheduled Northwest Conference baseball Lewis and Clark was : postponed. B?5?0?1 . - Jony DeMarco DeMarco Wins Bout because of rain Saturday. The games were rescheduled for Mon day afternoon. Tide Table DICK NETTERS BOW SEATTLE I - The University of Washington tennis team blanked Oregon, 7-0, Saturday. Wachinoton'tt Vf 1 tl at! rVnt'la ADfll reruns, trouncea uregon s men- 14 p.m, ard Butler, -0, t-i. Tides far Taft, Oregoa (Compiled by U S Coast and Geodetic Survev. Portland, Ore l High Waters Low Wstera Tuna Height Time Heignt t. rt. SI 131 a.m. -0 8 4 10 OS p m. IS 30 2 SS am. 17 10 1(1 am. -0 3 4 il p.m. 4 t :10 p.m. 1.1 stalked, boxer1 and paced his way to a colorless but effective un animous 10-round decision over ring-wise Arthur Persley of Red Cross, La., Saturday night at Bos ton Garden. . . DeMarco weighed 148, Persley 140. RADIANT GLASSHEAT By Continental "The Snnshint Heat" a No Fire Harard No Norse o No Dirt or Odor No Maintenance The anlv full automatic heal guaranteed bv Good Housekeeping For Free Estimate Phono 44263 154 Fairgronndt Rd. Salem Famous Motorola the first inning. American League Only three players on tht Cin cinnati Redlegs make their home In Cincinnati. They are Ted Klut tewiki, Gut Bell and Charley Har mon. .... Eddie Joe Buck, a catcher get ting a trial with the Boston Red Sox this spring, holds a degree In agricultural economici from Okla homa A M. w Philadelphia , New York Roberts and and Kalt. Campanella. tsifl 001 104-t t 1 020 000 000-2 10 4 Semlnlck. Antonelli Gordy Detzel hurled the victory, seventh off Ed Kitchen't double, limiting Molalla to five hits and Syring's single and Bob Jantze'i striking out 13. sacrifice. Oscar Hatfield got two of Cen- North Salem scored twice in the tral't four hits, both singles. Cen- fourth inning of the second game tral's big inning was the fifth when 'and once in the fifth. Ed Kitchen Mike Turner Irinler) u-ilh one nn hit a single in the fourth for the ... ... . n:i.. i.. -f ii.:- -i.. j ! and Hoeft 10-01. Pittsburgh , ono not Mfl 1 a . . 1 mmsua ml "o-run " " aimimieu Kansas City at Chicago (21: Kell Brooklyn oio ooo 4oa s t o single. contest. nu enn iiiweu; jvewcombe and Centra 1 in IV) n a 1 a ?; -------- -- - - - mat Kamc. Molalli 100 20J 05 S 8 North Salem 004 nnn 1 7 1 New York III- Rognv.n lU-l and Simmons 10-11 vs Gomel (14) and Mon7ant (0-01. Chicago at ClnnnnaU I3: Rush 10- ti and Jones (1-11 vs. Fowler (0-1) and Nuxhall 10-11. St. Louis at Milwaukee (2): Pohol sky (O-oi and Dowers (1-0) vs. Spahn (0-0 and Buhl 11-01. AMERICAN LEAttl'l New York at Boston: Xucks 1 1-0) and Nixon lO-li. , Cleveland at Detroit Hi: Lemon 11- 1) and Score 1 1-1 1 vs. Black ll-Ol Chicago oi ono 0001 7 ClnnnnaU 430 001 20' I 10 0 Mlnner, Biiggs (3, Lown 19), Pik tuils (1) and Undrlth; Lawrence and Bailey, National League New York .... 101 010 110-4 13 Boston ooo 101 St II t Turley, KonsUnty (Si and Berra: Sullivan, Delock (t, Sjsler (7) and White. Detiel and Newton, Caffey (8); Moger and Myrick, Barnes (5). Baltimore Washington . Wight, Blrrer (31. Brown 141, Held (Si, Zuverink (I) and Triandoa; Pas (ual and ritigersld. CLB FANS ON THE RISE CHICAGO OrV-Chlcago Cub base ball fant are getting a high priority from the management of Wriclev Field. Eight moving-belt, passen ger conveyor units nave neen in stalled. The general manager of the Cubs, Jim Gallagher, says the conveyors will operate In two sec Prineville 000 000 0-0 2 8 Cobb and Jantze; Boyer and Loveland.- 1 Second game: North Salem ...... 000 213 .1 2 Prineville ..: 000 00-0 0 3 Todd and Jantze; Blackwood and Loveland. OCE NETTERS BOW MONMOUTH (Special)- Port- (MS ooi oifl-i j tiont of four unitt to carry baseball lana N, -eg uneaten uregon ner (1-1) and Kretlow 10-1) vs. Harshmann (1-0) and Donovan 10-0) Baltimore at Washlniton (2): W. son (2-0) and Moore 10-2) vs. Stobbi (l-l) and wiesler (0-2) Maryland's Laurel race track hat been the scene of two match races Hourlest against Omar Khayyam in 1917 tnd Eternal against Billy Kelly in 1911. "i"0 T.T'J'Ji'ant tnd other users of the ball College 4-1 In t tennis meet here park from the ground level to, Saturday. Akl Miloml was OCE t grandstand and from grandstand only winner. The doublet matches to upper deck. jwert not played becausa of rain. TRAP & SKEET SHOOTING SMMGVHCIVB mUCMlTlD Open 1 1 to 3 Sundty WORLD'S MOST COMPACT, MOST POWERFUL 6 TUBE PORTABLE! 95 Extra tube power plus Roto-tejnna handle gives you good reception wherever you go. Supurb styling in charcoal or tuntanl All in t set the size of an ordinary portable, model 661 Only NO MONEY DOWN WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS i ndtMM, d.M.Enmft i Open Mon. A Frl. Nightt 711 9 Cantor and N. Commercial PUBLIC NOTICE The Strike at Valley Motor Company hat boon settled and an agreement satisfactory to both parties hit been tigned. We new urge all Union Members and their families and frienda to patronize this Union Firm. TEAMSTERS LOCAL NO. 324 Ward Graham, Secretary MACHINISTS LOCAL NO. 1506 Mile Bolt, Business Rep, i 4 SOMETHING . ""W Modern and Practical Lawn, Patio and Ranch Ftncts On Display in Full Sise Panels at the ' Dick Meyer Lumber Co. Oa Display 1 Dtyt t Week Drive Over la Tear Lelsart Time aad let! Free Ettimetti ., . J Mot. to Pay No Parking Probleaa Dick Meyer Lumber Co. It Blocks N'ertk of I'tiiterpsss One Roek East .a Lata) Phone 1-49J ; 177S Ltni Ave.