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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1956)
Senators Opeii 1956 Salem Senators Ready to Open Season lere Tonight With Chiefs eague Campaign . Willi Qiieis ioMgM 1 jf.'V.j. , 4 : x - V V Roanta Kim, Bill Whltaaa, f BIB Walsh, RelUs Bawaaaa, f Jerry Caae, Aady Cearaa. a Rasae. 'jN Haryey Koepf, t Kir Zarl, t B. Easlerbrooh. lb rcsDnentatesraau.n o m ral Set At Waters Park; King on Mound Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat., April 2$, 56 (See. li)-9 Solon Vets Set to Go Again B. C. Williams, Ik Lea Carta, la Bar Weastet, Mel Rraase, la Maraano Retires As Heavyweight Champ Family Rated Bal Swansoa, Ik Hrol4 KeU'ey, af frank tiekula. af Bin Martin, af t ,v "- M. Cawdrll, a N'Westloop Set to Open Run Tonight While the Salem Senators are Rotting their portion o( the 1956 Bosox Still in Slump . . Ahead of Ring Undefeated King Quits Without Loss By JACK HAND NEW YORK I -Rocky Marci ano retired Friday as heavyweight champion of -the world, unbeaten in his 49 pro fights, to spend more time with his wife and baby daughter at his Brockton, Mass., home. K Rocky can resist the Jure of WUiams-less Boston Red Sox remained in this dismal slump. Chisox, Yanks, Tribe Hold to Winning Ways By JOE REICHLER Associated Press Sports Writer ' Chiraeo. New York and Cleveland, runnini one-two-three in the I American League, continued their winning ways Friday while the Ted i : a comeback, he will be the only unbeaten heavy titlcholder ever lo quit without losing a pro fight or even boxing a draw. Gene Tunney made it stick when he stepped down in 1923, but he had been beaten earlier in his career by Harry Greb. Jim Jeffries, a non-loser when he re tired, tried to come back and was knocked out by Jack Johnson. Joe Louis also failed in a comeback attempt. Still in Good Shape Marciano The White Sox, who have lost only one game in six starts, took t -t jiugiest from Kansas City -7 I to maintain their first place per- J ccntage lead over New York. The Yankees detested the Red Sox 5-2 for their fourth straight over the Red Sox and Cleveland edged j oui ueiroit v in w uiiiiuks. i nose were ine oniy games played in daylight. Pierce Staggers i rf la Billy Pierce, despite being slugged for four home runs, out lasted tour Kansas City pitchers 1 ,r-: " l' i : r (! I By AL LIGHTNER Statnmaa 5 ports F.Jilaf Weather p?rmilt;PJ. the 19' Northwest League baseball season leaves the barrier tonight it Waters Field, same leatunrj tT long time rivals, the Salem Senators and Wenatchee Chiefs, and following the usual pre-opener (anlare. The ceremonies, including flag-raising, speech mr.king. promises and introductions are tabbed for 7:30 a'clock takcolf. The game itself will get under way around eight, after some high state official, totting lor Gov. Smith, casts his opening pitch. The inausural will be the 14th tor Salem Senators baseball here. What it ill draw is a difficult question, and to answer doesn't appear to be even closeiy related to the record for opening nights. snappy 4,856 established in the first year of pro ball here, tack in 1940. Competition from the opening of the fishing season, the local Horn Show and, possibiy the werther man, alor.j with the colons' poor spring training reco'd will un doubtedly keep the bar park turnout below anticipation. However, Uncle Hugh Luby who is about to embark on his sixth campaign as skipper ot the Senators, has a young, eager out fit to display, one that should prove interesting to Salem fans who have voiced their approval of. the "youth mo ement" at Wat ers Field in the recent pasi. The Home Openers Lost hy Bcvos Record Attendance Fill Multnomah . PORTLAND, Ore. I,.- The Sacramento Solons spoiled Port land's opening in its new baseball , -average age on the club li 22 part Dy winning oom enos oi years, high . scoring day . Bight double- ;E, , HoW;m header here Fnday. M u the Lub , M hod from inning .(ternoon opener and 10- in the msht game. jfi11 . ,K. ,h.. ,JM i,h i.j. Friday nighi's record crowd or " , 17.521 erased the afternoon mark recommended by the Sa-rament. o( 16 929 and bettered the previ- San Diego Coast Le.gut. ous a: Pacific Coast League at- dubs, and the New York G.anU tendance of 14.401 set at San organisation. Only f.v. veteran. Francisco earlier in the season. rt allowed any league club, Elsewhere in the PCL Seattle nonnwesi loop ruie. Jtrk Dunn, af South Salemsi Nab Oval Win rAcinc" coast leagi'B who admitted he will .iti ii s s7 sn rran s .sss Northwest League baseball season be 33 on Sept. 21. said he weighed l a io - sm Hywod J . as he staggered to his third vie under way tonight with the Wenat-; only 21? pounds, about 23 over his " dTo s ." vim'r s u jfj'torjr without a defeat. The little leunanaer nau ine Dencui oi n hits behind him including a home run by Walt Dropo.' Thebig Chicago hitters were George hell and Minnie Minoso. Trainer Pete China, left, aad Mauler Hugh Luby, who came ta the Senators as a team hack ia 1951, will, embark their sixth cam patg lth the cluh lonixhl at Waters Field. They've aeea Bioay yaaag start cam aad ( la the laral ball yard. fUoo Thipf nt Waters Field, four fintrtinff weight. He in-, rndav'i resuln: at Portland of the other five circuit members j sistcd physical condition had noth- JXV'.i,,". San'owio will also be getting in inaugural ig to do with his decison to stop 3; ,i vtncouvtr 1 SanTranrtKo a. licks, i fgh'ing. m r.ugcne, wnere me cinerama , am retiring because 01 my w L Pet w L Prt. won the 195.1 pennant, tonight s wje an( Mary Anne this 3'j year Brooklyn s t .750 cnico j 4 Kcll cracked three singles and starter will put urn uappers ue- .o d dauchleri." said Marciano at : i : i '?;; drove n a run? Minnie banged a . fending champions against the j a hastily ca'led news conference NW York 4 4 'soo cincmn 1 i .m , single and double and batted in poKane inaians, uu.wu ) :,nn his wife, Barbara, already rriaayt wsuiw: ai ew three tallies. rwh T. r.ncif.nn'. Smilh 1 Kossi. Ana ai Lision. wnere haj rppasprf ih news to V c Du Salem High thinclads had to wait , "Ml lyne is . again the manager, B()is sports of ,he Brock. until the final event to clinch i 'he Broncs wiU p ay host to the m Enterprise "Actually I feel their victory but they camelVakima Bears, skippered by Hub, good , sU haye Mmt good (ightg through with a first place in the! K,,''e- , . 1 left in me." 880 relay to do it as they nipped I The Tri-City Braves managed ( M mother never did wgnt me Eugene in a dual track test at the j by Don (Ducky) Pries, do not open , .. ' ,. . . R . .... d . Saxon Track Friday afternoon, un .1 Monday at iakima. . - , much t i Phildlphia 3: .at Brooklyn 7. PiU ' burth 2; at cinrinnatl . (.nicago : at Mllwauk-St. Louil. rain. 63 'H to 58!3 The teams split in first place I ' performances, Eugene taking aeven, including the relay. South Salem had one double winner, Bruce Patterson, who took first in the high and low hurdles. Eugene easily won the jayvee meet, 89 32. Summary"- H. H.: 1st Bruce Patterson (SI. 2nd - Stuart (El, 3rd Moore (Si. Mark: 16 2 100: 1st Jark Scott (S. Jnd Oite - (Si. 3rd Wlkr iE. Mark: 102 Mile: 1st Loren Blaco I Si. 2nd Wy bert (El, 3rd Berry (El. Mark: 4:47 440: 1st Polndcxler (El. 2nd Oatei (Si, 3rd Lntanhill tSa, Mark: 529 U H.: l!t Patterson IS), 2nd Pow all (El. 3rd Stuart (El. Mark: 210 220: 1st Poindexter iSt. 2nd Scott (Si. 3rd Walker (El. Time: 23 3. WW: 1st Scholti (E). 2nd Starrett (Si. 3rd Wiebert cEl. Mark: 2:08.2 B J : 1st Dan Moore tSi. 2nd Scott (Si 3rd Patterson (SI. Mark: 2V Disc.: 1st Kruger 'Si. 2nd Willener IF, Irrl Ru.han (El. Mark: 14fl' 10" H J : HI Mn III. J. ,l.nsnoili i Srrt Hni.-olm lEi. Mark: 5' 10'' i, U...I. l.t UnMii.m iFi 9nd Tie. . (O ing games, new series start on Monday for the other units also. Spokane will be here at Salem, Wenatchee at Eugene and Tri-City at Yakima, as mentioned. Lewis ton will be idle. The second series will exist through Monday, Tues day, Wednesday and Thursday. Bearcats Off On Road Trip The Willamette University Bear cats are in Walla Walla today for a Northwest Conference baseball doublcheadcr with the Whitman sion puts her very My father always liked boxing but he's happy to see me quit. Stranger to Daughter i "Barbara has been after rhr to quit for some time. After the -Don Cockcll fight (in San Francisco, May 16,' 1955) we spent a month together in Mexico. She did a lot of talking about our not being to gether and how I had to be intro duced to the baby every time I went home. I never spent more than two weeks in a row at home. ""Even before the Archie Moore fight (his last match, Sept. 21, 1955) I was thinking about retire ment. .After the fight I really be gan to consider it seriously. I think I would be taking advantage of my family if I tried to fight anymore. At nrsi, l was single. didnt make any difference Missionaries, two of four games i Coach Johnny Lewis outfit will ,,, ,h. ko1w m.t,.i , in f !play on the road trip. j A.,,pn... On Monday the Bearcats move successors Named Caldwell. Ida., for another, ,. ... ,MnV uM Jer.-h.nn-s,. McAin.ter ,E. Co, ,ei j double dip with the College of Ida-succefd hjm gs cnampion7 Rocky shot: 1st Johnson (Ei. 2nd w.iner n!'I'i'!.M u'iM'oi. h iw named three men Archie Moore, e ." .M"? U? . Sl: h i, Floyd Patterson and Hurricane Fi. 3rd Stewart .Ei. Mirk: iso' j'," ;iast WPei,end are on the same Jason-as possibilities, iffid'c Ring Magazine's latest ratings M. Donald Gates, Mark. 134 J, Hy rnore at ' rf ,0P 0CHt,,Dnd,er Ml Whitman Monday. , lowed by Jackson, Bpb Baker of f III f nt It Si I Having now lost four conference i Pittsburgh, John Holman o Cht JU llll III .1,. nreni. nr. facori cago and Johnny Summerlin of " ' v "-" ., udi t I.. . with winning all four road games uemm. me nan if they are to retain a chance to repeat as champions of the circuit. After picking up a pair of un earned runs in the fifth inning A . - . i nj c . i AMEBIC AS t.EAGl'1 a aUe lU ",rCT! nlU . error' lne w l Pet. wLm. vanxees icea ine game in me Chlcaio I 1 .S:i3 Boston I J75 ,ihth ,k.n (Tlclnn Howard wal. Nw Yark l I sno Detroit 1 .37 I nen tiston nowara wai- cievind t 4 .5.W Kn city 1 i .333 loped a two-run homer. Wthtton S 9 SOO Baltimr 3 1 ..asi 1956 Oregon Fishing Season Gets Started The 195S Oregon trout fishing season got under way this morning, and thousands of anglers were up and at 'em throughout the state. Most of the streams and lakes available for fishing were reported in "good to excellent" condition for the opener. Oo the local scene, hundreds of kept its spot atop the standings with a 9-3 win over San Diego, San Francisco exploded in the ninth inning for two runs to down the Vancouver Mounties In Manager Edo Vanni's Chiefs rolled into town Fr day and made ready for the opener. The colorful Vanni, long t popular item with Waters Field client! their Canadian opener. 21. and """"Y " ' " ' Los Anqeles blasted Hollywood 'it, but has built a nucleus around 104 In their sc. lei opener. " reeognitable holdovers - at- The two-gamo total attendance! John (The Cw Marshall and of 34,450 also was a reeord turn- j Rob Roberts, pitcherf, and Tony out for an opening doublchetfder. i R'v Ditk Watson, Infield Portland took two-run lead 'rl- . r In the nieht fame when Jim Ib Bad Good Record Boxes singled in two runs in the Luby " ' ined tonight', third inning. But the Sacs came i Pning mound chore to Ronnit back with a five-run outburst in the fifth with a triple by pitcher Contrpage4a,"Col,-li King, one of his veterans. King worked mostly in relief last tea -T tCont, page 10, col. ) Fnday'i results: At Boston I. New York 5; at Detroit J. Cleveland 4: at Chicago . Kansas City 7; at Wash ington S, Baltimore S. Pacific Tops WU Trackmen FOREST GROVE - (SpeciaD Pacific University defeated Wil lamette in a dual track test here Friday, 75-56. Bob Gaytas posted one of the better times of the meet, clipping off the 100-yard dash in 10 flat. Gaytas also won the 220. Don Miller was the chief gath erer for Willamette, winning the 880 and mile. Dale Hartman, Wil lamette's ace half miler had a pulled log muscle and didn't run in his specialty but did win the two-mile in a creditable 10:48. Avlla Belts Homer Williams, still sidelined by a foot ailment, lined out as a pinch hitter. Bobby Avila's two-run homer in the 10th proved the deciding blow Benson Makes Drake Finals youngsters are expected to be fighting the annual battle of Mill , Creek r which Is closed to lishing to all but the "small fry." The Oregon Game Commission stocked the stream with 2.000 legal site trout recently,1 and the kids arc expected to have their annual fun and frolic trying to hook them. The Commission only recently completed a major stream stock ing program around the state, pro viding the many anglers with good opportunities to catch legal size DES MOINES Wl - Dean Ben son, NAIA hurdle champion from Willamette University, -Salem, for Cleveland as Detroit came Ore., qualified Friday for the 120- back with one run in its half on yard high hurdles at the Drake a four-bagger by Earl Torgeson. Relays. All runs but one were home runs. Eight men qualified for the high fjh vic neru got nis mira lor ueve- nurdle finals, ine Desl limes were land nnH AI VTalinA anil Tharli :- k.. 1 k. wJm. Ar rlti Maxwell reached the seats for nois and Les Stevens of Iowa .t!nsult ,n Angling Synopsis 14.3 seconds. The other qualifiers are Joe Savoldi, Michigan State; Ken National League margin over idle p?; Northwestern; C h a r 1 1 1 Milwaukee to a full game, defeat-. M";,Uri; R n' ?' v Ma huh iti n at m, miu iuii iuui, Houston. ' Detroit. Dodgers Widen Lead Brooklyn widened its first place -iCont. page 10, col. 3) Anglers are again reminded to i for current rules, regulations and 'some stream and lake closures. In Grid Drill , Golf 'Retirement - nt'y-n it i? i five candidates turned tut Friday . DCll IlOgail VAHIS as urcgon oiaie vuiicgv, suinac second-place team in last year's Coast Conference race, opened spring football practice here. The turnout list included 15 hold over lettermen from the 1955 squad. Three other veterans Sam Wesley, Leon Hittner and Gerry Laird were in Pullman for bal H. H : 1st Criie (Pi. 2nd Hartman (Pi. 3rd Rav (Wl. Mark: 14 H 100: 1st Bob Gaytas l Pi: 2nd Se- Hurricane 3rt' Anderson 1W1. Mile: 1st Miller (Wl. 2nd Hart man (Wi. 3rd Warren (PI. Mark: 4 49 440: 1st Roe (Pi, 2nd Williams P. 3rd S-heafer (Wl. Mark: S3.7 . L. H.: 1st Craig (Pi. 2nd Shatter IWl 3rd Hartman 'Pi. Mark: US SSS: 1st Gavtas (PI. 2nd Anderson (Wl. 3rd Kcheafer (Wl. Mark: 224 880: 1st Don Miller (W). 2nd War ren l PC 3rd Rowe (P). Mark: 2 0S 9 B. J.: 1st Adams IP), 2nd Duma (nlla (Wl, 3rd French (Pi, Mark: 22' 8" Disc.: 1st Dale Creelee (W). 2nd French IP). 3rd Adams (PI, Mark: 13?' 9" H. J : 1st Adams IP). 2nd French Pi. 3rd Thompson (W). Mark: 5' ' Vault: 1st Richmond (PI. 2nd Poo- Marciano delended his title six ?r3.,0"L'ip,,,,rS;.nL,!i Oregon Blanks Vandals, 4-0 PCL Line Scores San Die0 002 010 000-1 11 t Seattle 201 112 100-1 11 0 Carmirhael. Peete (SI. DKkey (II and Jones: Shallock. Atkins (Si and Orteis. San Francisco Oral 000 0021 I 1 Vancouver 100 000 0OO-1 I 1 ! Harrison and Neal: Osbom, Henry ID) and Sullivan. ings put Jackson behind Marciano followed by Baker, Nino Valdes of Cuba with "honorable mention" to Holman, Summerlin and four others. They rate Moore only as a light-heav y. K narked Dowa Twice NEW YORK i - Ben Hogan times after winning it by knocking r,p 3 1 Vid iwT Mai"' 7,' Dase ana " d0U' Jav.: 1st Helnrlch (PI. 2nd Miller . u- "t """V U5S Dl'CK NETTERS BOW SEATTLE ( - Led by their female team member, Janet Hopps, the Seattle University ten nis squad squashed the University : H( onn 000 mo- 4 11 1 of Oregon, 7-0, Friday. Los Anneiet out 003 22x-io 11 2 Miss IloPDS drubbed Oregon's NaranR Green (SI, Churn 111. EUGENE, Ore. Of -Undefeated No. 1 racqueeter, Rich Butler, 6-1. 2?u"" ,!,.,.DS"1.,'! t,l,2d 0nu'1.1;: i Oregon posted iu third straight 6-1. : , " I "h 'r- "". rsonnern Division baseball vie-1 tory here Friday, shutting 0 u t Idaho 4-0. Oregon's pitcher, sophomore Don Lane, allowed only five hits, struck out five and walked only one. Two of the hits off him were by Don Braden, both singles. Loser Ken Church walked six, struck out four and hit one bats man. He was relieved by Jim Branom in the eighth inning. Oregon's first run came in the second inning on a walk to Terry Relay: 1st Willamette (Anderson. Thompson, Miller, Scheaferi Mark: 3:42. ended retirement talk Friday and out Jersey Joe Walcott in the 13th took aim at the one great objec- round of a thrilling bout at Pbila tive that has eluded him in an dclphia, Sept. 23, 1952. illustrious golfing career his : Only six opponents went the fifth II S Onen rhnmninnshin rniile with him in 49 nrn fichU urday dual track meet with Hogan's entry for the 1956 Open ! He was knocked down twice, the Washington State. Only one transfer, end Jim Bur rlght from San Bernardino Junior College, turned out for the open ing drill. The Beavers have 20 practice , for the 1955 Open title and indi-' it was believed, his purses totalled ors Friday as the Pilot golf team sessions 10 worn into a i-oay pe- eaten mat ne never would make 'about iijon.noo, before manager s defeated Portland Air Force Base (Pi. 3rd Hsriett (Wi. Mark: iso' rt .The Ducks added two more in r?l!!n!'D,1,L5M1"?w?M'Y.,'in!llthe third when Ken Bond walked championship at Rochester. N. Y.. 'first time in his first match withiCt'BD PACF.S PILOTS June 14-16 reached U. S. Golf , Walcott and: the last time in his i PORTLAND 1 Bruce Cudd, Assn. headquarters Friday, end-; final bout with Moore. ! t h e University of Portland's ing speculation that began after ) Although there are only esti-i Walker Cup golfer turned in a laano n won one ana lost i he lost to Jack Fleck in a playoff , mates on some of his early bouts. ' four-under-par 64 for medal hon- Jnnfprenc ame'h' season' and advanced to third on a dou ble by Jim Pifher. Both runners scored on Jim Pingree's single. In the seventh inning John Kel ler walked, stole two bases and came in on a single by Maddox. Idaho has won one and lost four rind. "Four ' Squat! Compete In Track at Linfieltl - MNFIKLD COLLEGE, McMinn ville (Special) Four schools arc to participate in a track and field rnoet here Saturday, starting at 1:30 p.m. Linfield will be the host squad and others will be- from Oregon College in Monmouth, Port land University and Eastern Ore gon College of Education. Amity Warriors Trip Srio Lowers 2 to 1 AMITY 'Special i A single bv Kenny Marks in the eighth inning scoring Doyle Butler broke up a tie game and gave the host Amity tram a 2 to 1 Marion County B League victory here Friday after noon. Ncio 000 010 Ofl-l 3 3 Amity . 000 001 01-2 3 5 D. Parker. Robinson (7) and R. Farker; Tolvi and Ehlcrs. another serious bid. cut and taxes. 12s to 54. Idaho ooo ooo ono-0 S 2 Oregon 012 000 10x-4 6 Church, Branom 8) and Ar none; Lane and Bowen: Here's Senators" Roster: St. Name PITCHERS: 12 Keith V. Bowmaa 14 Win. Jerry Cade 11 Marlon D. Cowdell . 2 Andrew nenrie . 12 Ranald A. Kins Ross A. Ruine 15 W illiam H Walsh IS William Whltson Alt Ht. Wt. B T Birth Data Home Town 154 Status 1S3J Record Wi ll (Yakima) 21 IS 31 l-e IS S-l II - INFIELDERS: 1 RnM N. Ss.lerarooh IS Flaert C. Willlems 3 Leonard J. Costa Harold Swanson. Jr. S Raymond ) Wraitrr Ot THKI Ill SS: Harold K. Krllry 8 frank J Ssekula 2 .lark liunn I Mrlvln A. Krausa .. William Martin CATt'HKRS: It Ifarvev Koeat II Rojr R Zarl Manaier: Huh Luhy. 24 S-tl ISt R R Sept. 24, 111 Bremerton, Wash-Veteran 23 S-lt ISt R L Sept. S. llt - Oakland. Ore. Rookie Semlnra (llralni 21 S-l - I7S 1. L Fch. 11, ISM Copperton, Utah Mm Sere. W 1 I. 1 s.l.m zo K h nor l. H3! Mt. Hope, New Jersey Rookie Na rem. R April It, lsJI Sacramento. Calif. Veteran W J, L I (Salem) I. Au. !, IMS Sacramento Cat l.lm. Sery W I I, 1 (NW Loon) R Jan. I?, IM1 Sioux city, la Llm Sery.-W It, L I (Salem) R Jan. 21,Tftj San lllfio, Calif Veteran W 17, L I (Salem) ; 21 t-t 21 1-1 IS l-l 21 t-S u 21 S-l I 1 1:s 2M 111 t-1 1M l:t is i:t ?? t-l - in l, 24 s-l I i;s I. tt S-lt I7t R 27 S-l I ISO R it t-l III R 22 t-t 21 1-1 tat r ISt R L Oct. It, 1S2S Teaneeh. New Jersey Vateran-jtemlpro kaft R Mar. t, Ull - Oakland. Calif Rookie Na record R Oct 4, 1M San Iranrlsre. Cal l.lm. Serv ,?SJ (l.nnihorn) " - "" s". ! mi,raiiir, tain. HOOHie HO remrd R Noy. IS, l:ia Brown's Valley, Cal. Rookie .3SJ (Salem) R Junt 24, H31 San Francisco. Calif. Rookie ftemlpro (SK) I. Jan. It, 111? Lons Beach, Calll. l.lm Sery. .271 (Northern) R Mey IJ, ln Portland, Ore. Veteran ,J1S (Salem). R Feh.,4, ISil Portland. Ore l.lm. Sery. .Ml (Salem) R Oct. tt, ISIS Baa Dlese, Calif. Rookie Na record. R Apr, tl, 114 Salem, Cretan Mm. lerv. Ml (Salem). ' R May IJ, it Saa Fraaclsca, Calll. Lisa. ler..ij (0den) Coach: Ron Klni Vralatr: Ptta China Amrriran League Kansas City 000 300 10.1-7 12 1 Chicaio i 101 300 40" t U 0 Ditmar, Burlschy (4i. Harrlnston (Si, Cnmian 111 and Aatroth; Pierce and Lollar. (10 Innlnss) Cleveland oni 001 ooo 14 t 0 Detroit . .: 0O0 0i0 1 10 I 3 A 0 Garcia. Mosii l St. Narleskl 1 101, and Averlll. Hetan (101; Lary, Foy tack 110) and Mouse. , New York 010 020 020 S i 1 Boston 000 OOO 1011 t 1 Larsen and Berra: Brewer, Susce III au4 Wlula, Daley 181. Baltimore ooo 00.1 2(10-5 S 1 Washlneton OCfl 030 2I--1 s fl Besana. Held (Si. Pallca I7 and Smllh; Slone Brodowskl 161, Grub (71 and Courtney. National League & Philadelphia .110010 0O0J 0 New York . 0:10 WIS on,- S 1 Wehmeier LIPetrl el i and Sem Inick, Wnrthlnl and Westrum. Plttshursh 100 010 000-! 4 0 Brooklyn 400 020 01 1 t 1 Kline. Swanson (4, Munier 17) and Kravlli; Craig and Campanella. The "Hurricane" That Whispers! HE W tow Quiefntss SSmoofhntti NEW 5Se& vmi itT MARK 25 20 ksI.Arran.ra Twm IMHM . Ravaea (War VTX aad Nasm-a( $404.00 Clean styling, compact six, sizzling performance! .They're all vours in the magnificent Mercury Mirk 2 wnn its nign compression powerneaa, quietness ana smooth steady power, Dynt-rloat Suspension keeps vibration from your ,, bait. Available in four tyt-filling Merchromttic color combinations! Now's the time to trtdt up to a new Mercury Convenient terms. OPEN FRIDAY 111 9 P. M. SUNDAY, 10 A. M. TO 6 P. M ont 2-247 later SPORT INC N Smoother motor is built like a JOHNSON SEA-HORSE None! The manufacturer , icho has built more a outboard motors than any' one else, has more experience in building them better. Johnson Did It First! AITERNATI FIRING 26 ytart' ago ANTI-FRICTION (Ntodlo, Relltrr, Ball) BEARINGS . 21 ytara ago FORGED STEEL CONNECTING RODS 21 yoart ag STAINLESS STEEL (Undtrwator) .....27 yoart ago SHOCK ABSORBER DRIVI (Shear Pin Protection) 34 yoart ago GREASE SEALS ....14 yrt .gt DIE-CAST, WATER-COOLED CYLINDERS ....II yoart ago DIE-CAST ALUMINUM CONNECTING RODS . . .........H yoart ago UNDERWATER EXHAUST ...21 yoart ago SLOW TROLLING (Dual CarburoHon) 20 yoart ago ALT WATER PROTECTION tl yoart ago SYNCHRO-CONTROL (Spark and Throitlo) 24 yoart ago fWIST-GRIP THROTTLE CONTROL 21 yoart ago ItEVERSE (Full Pivot) 34 yoart ago AUTOMATIC OILING SYSTEM (Powor Hoad) Jl ytart age VACUUM-PRESSURE COOLING (No Pump) 21 yoart age ROTARY VALVES 27 yean age RE WIND STARTER 26 yoart ago LIGHT WEIGHT (35 Ibt.) . .....34 yean age COLORED FINISH 10 yoan age FACTORY SERVICE TRAINING (Dealor-Mochanict) 21 yoan age -rNTI-CA VIT ATION PLATE 34 yean ago 1EIEASE CHARGER (Easy Starting) 21 yoart age SEAR artlrT CONTROL 7 yoan age SEPARATE, MILE-MASTER FUEL TANK 7 yoart ago HYPOID (Oil) GEAR LUBRICATION . 7 yoan ago NEUTRAL CLUTCH (First on tho Market) .... 6 yoan age BERYLLIUM MULTIPLE COPPER LEAF VALVES !v 7 yoan age PRESSURIZED FUEL TANK 16 yoan age AlT New Models Now On Display at . . . GOODS 280 WALLACE ROAD At Entnnct to Wallace Marine Fark Salem Boat E'l Boatt . . . Motort . . , Trailers . . 100 Chomokota ouse , Marine Supplies Phone 3-9303 t