I) SM!f$man, Salem, Ore., Sat., Apiil S, 08 SATURDAY OHOADCASTS (rfliinr'i mte: The Statesman uHnes I rx4 fall tht ajrofram mi liiti- as previa? fame an TV ililil. kt tfrauie eruimn .e prncrsmt ere rHanir wllhout eMlflcatloa tills Htipaper Mt re -.ponueit lor Ui accuracy keieuv) SATURDAY'S TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS KPTV SATURDAY'S RIGBLIGRTS (CHANNEL Z7): t:0 .ra.-Man to Wan "A Religion That Grows"i faith is more than 1 set of rules; it is a process of growth. f:3S a.m. Playhouse 27 Mark Stevens stars in "Confession' '."tfory of a man almost cured after medical treatment for a nervous tsreakdown. who witnesses a muraer out isn 1 quite ur u 11 was wV halhlrinstinn or the real thing. . 1 ll:N .m.-Bowling Time-Pat Patterson, St. Louis, versus Don Ellis, Houston. JSOIN TV SATURDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL I): 'I- II: N a.m. "Garden Soil Improvement" conducted by J. F, 'Sprowls, Multnomah County Agent, who will demonstrate the proper - aMMint, .r rrfiiiee ta ucj in email earnpn dims. :: !: a.an. Pittsburgh Pirates vs. The Brooklyn Dodgers at Ebbets Field. p.m.-Showtlme on Six-'The Jungle": Rod Cameron, .Cesar ' Romero, and Marie Windsor, " KLOR-TV SATURDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL U): S:M p.m. Gardening for Fun Dean Collins discusses care and feeding- of spring blooming shrubs and how to make-sure .of ' good Mnnrru next season. ' ' ! ; 7:H JB.-Acadcmy Theatre-"Magnifieent .Doll" starring Ginger , Sogers. David Niven and Burgesa Meredith. A colorful story based on early-American history and the Life of Dolly Madison. II: Jl .-Cinema Showcase "The Scarlet Web" starring Grit ' fith Jones. Hard Court and 3na Marshall. The atcry of an Insurance Investigator who gets himself sent to prison to gain confidence of a convict. SATURDAY'S TELEVISION KPTT, IHF 17: KOIN-TY. VHF I; KLOR, VHF It HOUR : : ' tt-.U t"KrTVi i "7i '. i ' " ; KOINI CHom Tim ICapt. Mldnite (Opt. Midnlt If! KPTV Pinky Let ' IPInkjr Lee Chtlan' CoperlChllani Corner J il KOINtm HtnrtTS frett Ktnfen IRFD IBasehall n"ltPTVIrttiT rury Water." Birdie IWtteh Slrnl IOLV Bteehtll B.b.11 fBasebtll IBtsebtll f 9 KPTV1 Hon Optra tHorw Optra IHorn Optra tHorst Optra 1" KQIN" BeeetiaH - (Benall IBasebtTI BeaebtlI 1 KPTV Hon. Optra fHort Optra W BIIv - IWt Bellev KOIV Baseball BseM1l BiehII Basehn tKPTV' Man U Man entry Campus Breadbasket fBreedbtsket KOIN Look School , Look School Armchlr Thei.lArmehilr Thai. .'. KLOltTesI Pattern (Test Pattern !Pub. Interest 'upermn KPTVl Mr. Wizard IMr. Wizard Ut i Ltarn ILIvt Uain . , KOIV Armchair The lArmchalr Th.!Armchlr Th.IArmehlr The. . KLOKfTflA ITBA tC.ardenlnf , Gardtnlnf RPTV'Zoo paradt IZoo Parada IBufflo Bill. Jr. (Butric Bill. Jr. 1 VAIVI . . . .... . . 1.. . . '.' KLOR SpotllttTtitat Ppotlltt Tbtat SpotllU Thta. gpotlltt Tbta. 5; KPTVIsk, Kn( pkjr Kln( Wlld Bill H'ck IWIM BIU trek ; KOINlKld Critics jrtaturttta I Big Plrturt iBIPlrtur ' ILOR gpotltta Thta. Ppotlltt Thta.- Btara TowrrSrWIart Tomoryw t ; KPTVlMoirteCriito (MonttCrlito IPIavhoiint V IPIaytioua J7 KOIN!K. Murray She K. Murray ho Bfat Clock IBrat Clock . V H.ORIOiark JubllM "6ark Jubnt ,TthI Si Athart fthrt ft- Albtft ; KPTVlTroubltd YouthlTroubltd YouthlBII Surprlat Blflu'rprlat . . KOINI Talent Scouts ITaltnt Srouti Mn Called X IMaa Called X KLORlAeademy TbM.iAeademy Tbta Acadtmy Tbtt.lAcidemy Thta. KPTVI Parry Com ShIPtrry Com SkiPtrry Ctmt IhlParry Como Iht KOINI larkla CUaannlJaekla Claaton'Staf Show ISUft Shew t'KLORi Aeadamy Thta lAradtwy Tbta I Acadtmy Thta tAcadtrny That, flKPTVlHl(hwayPaBl (Hlbway Pitr Ulmmy DurantaUlmmy Durante ' KOINI t (r Monty H lor Mont lArwayt iaa lAlways Jan aVLURlLawrtnrt WelkMwraaict Walk tawrtnet Walk Mwrtnca Wtlk 1 1 KPTVl Oaoraa Oabel Klaoraa Cabal lllit Pared Dill Pared KOINI Gunimoke KSunamoke ISan Juafli, IShowtlme on -KLORl tMerl' Chantt IL1fetl,t Chance pntwa Shaw pntma Shew 11 SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS I TV rlltor'i : Thu Statrtm&f pnbHhe In t4 faith lh prrra a4 ttmt ki Bi-avldrtf v rrti tn4 TV stations, but Mfiui tht rogrtmi r rhaiii:r4 MHt notiftf tio this rwtpaprT rahat M rrpiisitiift for arrurary lurrlft ) SUNDAY'S TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS rttnnei 4- KPTV SUNDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL 27):. 11:01 .m. Princoton '36 "The Problem of Integration" is topic discussed by Professors Julian P. Boyd and Robert R. Baker and John T. Bonner, as they look at the desegregation issue against the broad background of social change in history. I!:, atta Wide Wide World A "Sunday Driver will (to aloft in an old-fashioned basket balloonrmbariton a -"symphonic sight seeing tour. 1:31 p.m. Drew Pearson Drew reports on the heated battle over civil rights inside, the Democratic Party. I:M p.m. Alcoa Hour Pans and Mrs. Perlman , starring Gertrude Berg and Claude Dauphin; story of a widow from Pitts burgh travelling in turope who sees a glimpse of the pleasant life she never knew. KOIN-TV SUNDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL l: 11:11 Lamp Unto My Feet "The Commandments Today": The 10-Commandments in modem American life. 1:M p.m. "Out of Darkness" Orson Welles is narrator with Dr. William C. Menninger, Medical narrator. Drama depicts the private world of mental patients 'and mental hospitals. ' 4:JI a.m. Telephone Time Away Boarders : The world War II capture of a German submarine a Navy task force forces a Ger man sub to surface and boards it. 7:M p.m. Ed SullKan Show Kate Smith's 25th anniversary in show business. 10:00 p.m. First Run Theatre "We've Never Been Licked": Robert Mitchum, Martha O'Driscotl, Richard Quine, Noah Berry, Jr. KLOR-TV SUNDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL 1): 1:15 p.m. How Christian science Heals frayer can Heal Serious Cases'". I:N p.m.Famous Film Festival "The Man in Grey" starring James Mason. Stewart Granger, Margaret Lockwood and Phyllis Calvert. The story of a young socialite who befriends an irresponsible schoolmate. 1:01 p.m. Coronet Theatre "We Two Alone" starring Walter Chaiarl and Helene Rcmy. The story of a young man who becomes discouraged at having lost his job and desires only to be alone in the world with his girl friend. 11:M p.m. The Christophers "How You Can Reach the World". Gene Autry Climbs To Top With Guitar By EVE STARR I tidy little peratleas, Aatry alu HOLLYWOOD - STARR RE-" slnei people refer ta PORT: It never pays to discourage ; "erteanlva holdings" la U and a young feller from picking op a nai e". "waalag ke a guitar and driving the family-to M kolh- Me als waa a radi distraction For and TV station. one thing, tt's Picking at a guitar is much easier to learn beUer lhan Kln on 1UI1 o1 than the piano. " makes soothing music and is For another, it'i 1 completely lacking in ulcerating not quite so suspen.se. And it pays consider excruciating on atl'y more. Last year, for instance, the nerves as a11 ll?e Tv .ui timvs together vinlin And for a P'd out only 8.770,800. Autry third, a f ellerimake almost that much from named Gene Au-! llin toy 8un' lon " with- try heads up a company called t c ln f'10" Flying A Enterprises which stands , So next time your youngster to gross in the neighborhood of Pl "P . Wi ar and Starts cater $59.Q()0.ono this year, give or take i puling 'th it. leave him alone, a million e may slttln? on top ol n I bare no horrendous Hollywood;0'1 cU secret in making the statement j THERE NOT BEING ENOUGH that Gene Autry not the greatest ,llne prrpjlr( fUm MOMMY 1 HXS rnnffW "Killing him? I'm just trying to cut his fingernails'" SUNDAY'S TELEVISION KPTV. UHF 87: KOIN-TV. VHF ; KLOR, VHF It HOUI KPTVl" KOIN! MM M:li 0:31 0:45 (Ch'rch tn H me Ch'rth In H me KPTVl Princeton 'H KOINI IPrlnceton 'M I It Person C'n Do Your Trouble T t KPTVIfalth Today KOIN wt Believe IFaith Today I We Believe 1 9 KPTVl wide World IWIde World KOINI Lamp to reet ILamp to Feet KLUKI ITestPittem IThiabLItt IThii.li Ult BUI Hlrkoll BI11 Hlckok IWidt World iwidt World I Adventure Adventure fcla-nted Wind'w Llnhted Wind'; IPTViwide World TWlde World KOIN' Out of D'rkn's . Out of D'rkn'aa KLORlTnp Secret IChrlifn Sc'nct (Two Grand (Industry hOut of D'rkn'ia Out of D'rkn'ia IPIoneer Plyhae IPIonetr Plyhae KPTV'Dr. spock ror.jpaci. KOIN! Lone Ranter (Lone Ranger KLOilPlneer Playhie IPIneer Playrwt lExt Telec'ne Ext Telec'rte ITBA . TBA llmperlal Theat. Ilmprrial Theat. actor in the world. There are. to the contrary, experts in' the field who will tell you that Autry comes close to being one of the ' well, shall we say least electrifying. He's not an actor, let s put it that way. What he is is a guitar player; with an uncanny business sense.: He has combined the two talents to such a fine point" that every time he twangs a simple major chord, six $o0 bills automatically; come floating down from the near est chandelier. , r Flying A Eaterprtses consists el a lumber of things, not the least af which Is a serlea of mer chandising tie ips whose profits aloae ma Int the millions. Mer chandising Is the faacy name for that Gene Autry cowboy suit r gua or hat yoa bought for your wa youngster aot long ago. There are als the endless persona! ap pearance tours . f Autry. Gall Davis and Dick Janes, the seem ingly endless TV film series turned out by Flying A Productions and the practically eternal Gene Au try radi show, which apparently went a the air three days alter tbe signing l the DeclaraUoa tl Independence and Is still going Strang. .Quite la addltioa t all these series lor next seasaa, Desl Araai Channel Chuckles B BIL KEANE 9 KPTVl TBA ITBA ITBA ' TBA w KOIN Plraaure IPleeiure Your Career (Your Career KLORIlmperlal Theat. llmperlal Theat. llmperlal Theat. 'Imperial Theat. KPTVl Roy Rostra Ro Roiera ITBA ITBA KOINI rrirnd JUcka JTrlend fllcka ITeleph'ne Time ITeleph'ne Tlmt KLO R I BuptrCircua SuperCircu ISuper Clrotn ISuper Clrcua ' KfTVlMeet the Preu IMeet the Press (DrewPearjon ITBA KOINYou Art There You Are There Lassie Lass it KLORlD'g. Falrbanka D j. Falrbanka IQral Rohertt IQral Roberta KPTVlGreatUfe IGrealLlfe IFrontier IFrontier KOINprlvate Sec'y IPrtvate SeCy Whafa My Lint IWhata My Lin KLORIu Asked Tat lit IU Aaked Tor It iramoui Tllmi iramout rilmi KPTVIcomadr Hr. IComedy Hr. IComedy Hr. pomtdy Hr.. ' KOINlEd Sullivan ted Sulllvin -EdSultrvan ld Sullivan KLORIyamoua Tllmt iramoui Tllma iramoui fllmi lfamoui Filmi KPTVIcnampi laawl'l Chans. Bowl'r ICkampt Bowf! Cham . Bowling KOINI Shewtlme n t IShowtlm on I IShowtlmt tn Ighowtlmt en I SATURDAY'S RADIO ;-ML um loco im koai iin torn n kow at lit im PMi Mtiaeytltt KOIN 11.1 X KOW IN t HOUR M:M M.IS Una Tlmkpr RSI.M Ntws KOCO KAI ialut t Sat KOIN Ntwa-Amer. KOW Mutta for Sat Monitor SIS Sewi-Kp Time Keep rim M: ' Mua. Tlmkpr. M:4S News Strut t Sat Salute to Sat Salute New KOIN Klock KOIN Klock KOIN Kloek Monitor (Monitor Ski-Keep TtmelKerp Tim RSI M Hemlnrwav Break Gang Break! Gang KOCO Co ta Town Early Worm Iarly Worm KGAI Salute to Sat Salut ta Sat Salute to Sat KOIN KOIN Klock KO.W Monitor . SIX Sewa Newt Monitor Keep Tim Gone Newt WthrvMonltor Keep Tlmt Newt Early Worm Ixten Senr Conium News Monitor Keep Time C U B. Tlmt Haven of Real Haven of Rett (Local Newi IFarly Worm Early Worm Snlute to Sat Salute to Sat Salute News Rbt Q Lewis Rbt Q Lewis Rbt J Uwta Monitor , Monitor . .onltor Keep Tint Keep Tim ...tp Tim SSI.M Bible Hour KOCO Sport Shot! . KOAt salut It Sat f KOIN Story Master .-,K(VW Monitor s-.KSX Keep Tlmt . . 111a t u ak aara. a. u . d.... ..11 r KOCO Newa-Sportt Early Worm Early Worm 'KC.At lalute to Sat Salut to Hal, Salut to Sat - a KOIN Nfwi-Story , Treat Show Cunsmok n tt m(miT"T ionnfw . . atnniuar . . 1? - No School No School ' . Moppett Mel'd - j Ml M Newt Music I Barialn C'nfr Early Worm Salute Newa Gurmoke Monitor Moppen Mefd." KSI.M Hkki Music H S. HI -Spots H. S. Hi-Spots in 11 newa-opons tinaa snow nnaa nnow Road show SCAB Damera Cluk School Salut Salut tn Sat Salute Newa KOIN Newt News-Drake Galen Drake Galea Drake - KOW McAnutty Mua. MAnulty Mui McAnult Mutl". .if . nt KSX Start Tomor'ow'SUra Tomof'ow Start Tomor'owlSlari Tomor'ow IHomt Show ' uiuta 10 at Salut ta Sat Salut to tat Salutr gat 'wa-oci ninryaiatter Music Still GUI Kr.W MeAnulty Mut McAnulty Mul MrAnulty Mua McAnulty Mua. ' Festival Festlval FeiUval Ireitlval KSI.M Tee Tub T'aalTetn Tune T'nlHom Shew" ' antrro Newa-sporta Road Show Road Show Road Show 11 KHLM Seott'l Blka torn World Newa KOAI News-Hits KOIN Noon Newa Newa Sat Matinee Sat. Hits Weath'r-Farm Top Tradea Sat Matinee Sat Hita Garden Gat KOW Farm k Home Farm k Home Monitoe 'KtX Festival IFestlval 1 IFestlval KSI.M Record Go-Rd. o0 Newi-Sporta KI1AI ill HIU KOIN Newt of Air W Monitor KEX Fritival Record G-R'd Sat Matinee Sat Hi't-Nawa Firm Facts Monitor (Fritival Meriy-Round Sat Matinee Sat Hita. Newt of Air Monitor Fritival . Merry-Round Sat. Matinee Sat Hita Way for Youth Monitor IFrstival Booster Show Sat. Matinee Newt-Hita Way for Youth Monitor IFeitival ' II M D -J 1 1 B I . . r. .. . 2 i.ni-n'.uim mrriy.nuung wprry-nnuno nooatpr snow m o Newi-Sporta - Pat Matlnet Sat. Matinee Sat Matinee KOAI sat Hits Sat Hit! Sat Hiti ' Hits k Newa KOIN . Kid Critics Mrm. Ha'dlcap Good Newa iFrature .KOW McAnulty Mua McAnulty Mua. McAnulty Mui.iMrAnulty Mua. ',; Ntwa-Conrad Rua Conrad 'j""""!" Rum Conrad I' KSLM Teenaf'n USA Teenas'ri USA lt-enaf-n USA Booster Show 'Tm' Newi-Sport Sat. Matinee Sit. Matinee Sat Matinee ' fK(lAl Sat Hits Sat. Hit Sat Hita Hits-News .JKOIN Sat. Chaie Sat. Chaae Treasury Show Treaaury Show taWTlGW McAnulty Mua. McAnulty Mua. Monitor .Monitor Kk X Newi-Conrad Run Connd Ruat Conrad Runs C nnrad . KS1.M Guttt Star " Newa '" Bob Croehy BoosterShow m o -;-Sporta Jrny int Jan Jrny tnto Jan Jrny into jam KOAi Sat Hita Sat Hita Sat. Hits Sat Hita OIN Klrkham News Danrcr Ahaid Man Bitot - Man Bitot -.T" . aiKGW Newt-Monitor Monitor Monitor Monitor ' Newt-Blkhm Bob Blackburn IBob Blackburn ob Blackburn 5 SLM Newa ova toorts KtiABSat Hltl UHN Newi-Waathtr Kim Monitor KKX - Newa-Blkb'rn Country Style Jark Klrrlah Pop Timet Pop Tunee Sat. HiU Sat. Hita U N Record . . Harmo Spte.. monitor Monitor Jack Kirrlah Wally'a Sports Sin Off Goas News Monitor Bob Blackburn Port. Hlh Time Port Hiah Tlmt Hawaii Callit Western Sera. Wetern Sera. rop lunat . Nnytnmairei Rhythmairea KSLM HawU Calla Kot o Newa xniN. Look to Skit Round At I'd Ft. Laramie Ft. Laramie utim Unn Im Mai.Ha. f - 1.1. . , , , " TKI!X Bob Black burn i Bob BlackhumlBob BlackliurniBob Blackburn .jrwKSI.M Wet'n SerenadtiWes'r Serent IWea'n SerenadtlWea'n Serenade KOCO Rhythmairea Hhvthmalrtt Dane Party Dance Party KOIN Indictment Indictment Jimmy Wakely Jimmy Wakely KG W Heck Harper Heck Harper Heck Harper Heck Harper SIX Adklna Show Adkint Show Bob Adkint Bob Adklnt , 0 KSI.M MM (I KOIN KSX f' .KSI.M jKoro MOIN Jr,w KSI.M ; j not o .-aoiN -Qkgw Baseball Newa-Sport Mitch Miller Today-Tomor. Adkint Show jBaarball Dance Party Mitch Miller Todar-Tomor. Adklna Show IRaseball Da ore Party Mitch Miller Truth or C'ntq Adkint Show IRaseball Danet Party Mitch Miller .Truth er C'tnq, lAdklm Show Baaeball Newt-Sport Rock St Roll X Minus One Bob Adklna I Baaeball Dane Partt Rock At R"ll X Minus One Bob Adkint KSLM KOCO KOIN SOW KSX Dane Party Dane Party Newt-Sports War Pr: Sat. Final Good Evening Dane Tim Ounce Ttm Dancing Party Danceland "Woody "Show Woody Show Newi-Sporta Danct Party Nrwi-Muale Mua. Mldnifhl Danct Tiro Uane Tim Denrtland Danceland IRaseball Dane irty Hasin St. Jazt Dane Time Mankind Wayt Dane Party Otic Pari Good Evening Dance Tlmt Dunceland Woody Show pane Party Mua MlrlnltM Dane Tim Danceland IRaaeluill Dance Basin St. Jars Dance Time Mankind Wayt Dance Party Dance Party Good Evening Dance Time Danceland Woody Shaw nance Party Mua MldnlsM Dane Tlma Danceland 0 KPTVl Alcoa Hr. AleoaHr. AlcoaHr. Alcoa Hr 1 KOINtO I Theater 0 C Theater AH. Hlteheoek lAlf Hltchcockl KLOKlTed Mack't Hr. (Ted Mack'a Hr. ITed Mack't Hr. ITed Mack't Hr. 9t KPTVl LorettaVounf ILoretU Young IMonteCriito MonteCrlito KOIN! 14.000 Ch'H'nf I64.0M Ch'll'ng ICIty DetecUvt Clty Detective KLORI Coronet Theat. ICoronet Theat. ICoronet Theat. ICoronet Thett. U KPTVItBA ITBA IBowlIng Bowllnf KOIN lit Run Theat lit Run Theat tat Run Theat Hat Run Thtat KLORI Coronet Theat. ICoronet Theat. lEurnpeCruc. lEurope Cruc. "imiTBA Tr i ' ri KLORIchrittoohert IChrittoohera IChrlttophert Chrltophen KSLM im 3M KotO nrMTlleiai SUNDAY'S RADIO HS KGAS ! KOIN KGW 13 KEX 119 HOUR eiaeyelet KOIN III I I0:M M:1S KKX I3.3 KOW 10S.1 M:M M:4S KGW 1:3 Church Hymt KOIN 4:3 Church of tht Air KSI.M Melody Journ'y Melody Journ'yIMutie Church Belli KOIN Inv. to Learn Inv. to Uarn Salt Lake Tab. Sa!t Lake Tab. KGW Radio Pulpit Radio Pulpit Bqntist Hour ' Hour KF.X lame Com. American Leg n ILIght : Lite ILlaht Life Back to God KSI.M Cont'v Baptist Salem Acad. KOCO Sun. Muiie KG A B Waffle Club KOIN Music KGW Mus for Sun. KEX Bible Study 9 KSI.M Bible Clan KOCO Mut for Sun. KG AK Roberts Orsan Roberta Oraan KOIN Feature ITopofWeek KGW Scandlnav. Hr. Scandinav Hr. KF.X Juaker Wur tiiiaker -rHt Back to God Nazarene Ser. Mut for Sun. Wattle C'Iud Waffle Cluh IFor. Af. Rept. IJewlth Faith Mus for Sun Mut for Sun Christ. Action IChnst. Action Voice of ProphlVoice of Proph. Orian Loft Druan Loft Waffle Club Waffle Club (Pleasure Pleasure Scandinav. Hr. Scandinav. Hr. Choaen People. Homt Bem'tt f . Christian Set.- IFrank sTErn'tt'Paur Ford PrekOHenan Manh Mel Snnsi to Rem. Hit tevue Hit Revue Hit Review Symphonette IPhllharmonlc 'Philharmonic 14-HCiub Waffle Club Explorer Mua for Sun. Bible Study "Bible Clan Mus for Sun. KSI.M Newa KOt'O Presovterlan KG AK Hit Revue . KOIN Svmohonette KGW Music for Sun. Mustc for Sun Muric for Sun. Music for Sun. KtX I'ewi-Rranch Branch Branch Branch KSI.M Join Navy KOCO First Baptist KG AK Talvary Bapt KOIN Philharmonic KGW Church Serv. KKX 4ewt-Branch Concert Mln'tr First Baptist Calvary Bapt IPhllharmonlc Churrh Serv. Branch First dethodist' First Methodist First daptut Ftrst Baptist Calvary Bapt IPhllharmonlc rhurrh Sen. Branch 1 KSI.M I KOCO 1 KG AE I KOIN ' KGW ' KFX KSI.M KOCO KG AK KOIN KGW KKX News World Newa News Percy Faith Hr. Newt-Mnnitor Revival Hr. Well at Work Sun. Matinee Sun Serenade IPercy Faith Hr. Monitor IRevvttllr'. B'seb'll B'ndstd Sun. Matinee Serenade News Monitor Prophecy iB'aeb'il B nefttd Sun Matinee Run Serened ISHenre Monitor (Prophecy Calvary Rant. IPhllharmonlc Churrh Serv, Branch IMennonltes Mennonites Sun Matinee Sun Matlnet Run Serenade Seren News IPercy Faith Hr. IPerry Faith Hr. Monitor Monitor IRevlval Hr I.Hevlyal Hr ''Baseball IRaseball Sun. Matinee Sun. Matlnea Sun Sri mad Seren Newt IWnrld Affalra . IWorld Alfalrt Monitor Monitor 'Greatest Slnry 'Greatest Story Baseball Sun. Matinee KSI.M Baseball IBaseball ;llasrball KOCO Sun. Matlnet Run. Matlnet Sun. Matinee IGAB Sun Serenade Sun Serened Sun Srrenaoe Sun Serenade KOIN Philharmonic IPhllharmonlc IPhllharmonlc Philharmonic KGW Meet Press IMcet Presi IMnnitnr Monitor KEX Hr. of Decision Hr. of Decision- IHerald of Truth IHerald of Truth Bawhall Teenaee Timet Sun Serenade IF.daar Rereen Monitor Hi-Fi Time KSI.M KOCO KG AK KOIN Kr;w KEX KSLM KOCO KGAE KOIN KGW - KfX ksi.M KOCO KGAE KOIN K;w KEX Baseball IRaseball IRaseball Teenage Tunea Teenaee Tunee Teenaee Tunet Sun Serenadt Sun Serenade Sun srrenaoe Fda ar Bersen IFdrar Rerten IFriaar Rerien Meet the Preu. Meet the Preaa Sen Neuberg'r Hi-Fi Time Hi-riTime Mi-rn ime Baseball IBaseball iBasehall 'Haw-hall Teenase Tunea Teenate Tunea Teenaie Timet Teenaee Tunea Puhl Service Sen Morse Sundown Sere iSunrinwn Sere. Muslclall IMualcHall 'CBS Newi ICRS News Monitor Monitor Shlrlcv Thomas Shlrlev Thomaa Boh Scott Show 'Bob Scott Show 'Boh Scott Show IBoh Scoft Show Baseball lit Never Know1 Lutheran Hour Teenaee Tunea Teenaee Tunet :Teenae Ttinet Sundown Sera Sundown Sert. Sundown Sere. Our Miss Brk t Our Miss Brk a IT wo tor Money Newt.Monltor Monitor Monitor Town Meetinf Town Meettnf Town Meeting o.ran Hour Teenage Tunee Sundown Sere. 'Two for Money IMnnitor Town Meeting 6 KSLM turn KOAI KOIN HOW KEX Walt Winchell Teenage Tunea Sundown Ser, Gene Autry Blog. In Sound Drew Pearson Font Paee Boh Conldine Teenaee Tunea iTeenage Tunet Sign ftffv - ' fiene Autry C.unsmoke Blog. In Sound Blog. In Bound Jimmy Fldier Many Tningi . Newt Teenage Tunea IGunimoke Blog In Sound llere't to Vett 7 0 a,. Ksi IsKO 4kg KF Memory Room Pearson iTeenage Tunea ITeenaee Tunet iMaiter'a Mel dy Juke Box Onlnlont Mus. Festival fTravel Talk Growing Paint KSI.M KOCO KOIN KGW KEX KSI.M KOCO KOIN KGW HEX KSI.M Newt TJava Hon ' Peace In Valley' Peace In Valley "is timnarno Tim (.ombardo Ttm irace Nation irace Nation w Music rest Muite rest Meet press e- Mrss X Kath Kuhlman Kath Kuhlman lrael Message Israel Mestate Memory Room Teenage Tunea Master's Mel dy Ooiniona Industry Mutle Teenage Tuna Juke Box Music Fest. Mnn H'dllnea B Cunntnfham'Newt ITeenage Tunea iTeenage Tunea Jllke Box Young Ideal Music Fest Mut Fest U of 0 ForumlU of O Forum Music ITeenaee Tunet Juke Box Mui. Festival jGrowlngPilna "Well at Work" ITeenaee Tunet lYoung Ideal Mus Fest I Faith in Times KSI M Music K()IN Sun Nite Ftn Mm Memor, Music KGW Rich Reporter Vetf Newt KEX Final Edition Flnett Mual Wlngt of Hllng'WIngi of Hllnf Church of Air Church of Air Cath Hour t'ath Hour Revival Tlma Revival Time KOIN Mutlc Muilc KGW Newt Nlghteap City Cminefl KEX Billy Graham Billy Graham IMutlc Miiilc City Council City Councfl Paul Car so a Paul Canon (Si-' i -i SXaS Dynamite Shown in Trial Of Accused Bomb Slayer Lemay Says Russian Air , Power Gains Br GORDON G. GAUSS DENVER l-Two sticks of live dynamite were introduced into the courtroom Friday at the murder trial of John Gilbert Graham as an FBI expert said dynamite wrecked an airliner last Nov. 1 and a coun try storekeeper testified he had sold some .to Graham in October. The 24iyear-old defendant is charged with killing his mother. Mrs. Daisic E. King. 55, by placing a homemade dynamite bomb in Tier luggage before she boarded a United Air Line plane that exploded near Longmont, Colo., with a loss of 44 lives. Testimony about the dynamite IPtctare a WlrrphoU Page.) WASHINGTON UP-Gen. Curtis E. Lemay, head of the Strategic Air Command SAC), said Friday the operating efficiency of the U.S. Air Force has been "slipping" for the past four years while the Rus sians are "probably improving" in that respect.- Lemay told a Senate Armed Services subcommittee the Red Air Force is a "more professional" body than this country's in term of personnel. And he said the U.S. position threatens to grow worse unless more trained men can be kept in the Air Force. 4 "I consider the lack of skilled manpower to be my most critical deficiency." said Lemay, whose long-range bombers would e the nation's first line of defense in the event of enemy attack. PregTeai Dtatarbiag In another Senate hearing, Ii. Gen. Uonald L. Putt said "we couldn't help but be disturbed" about the progress of U. S. air power. Putt, deputy chief of staff in charge of development for the Air interrupted by' another nervous Force, made the comment with laueh which was stilled by the'out elaboration in testimony be bailiff. ! fore a Senate appropriations sub- Magee went on to say that the committee which is considering a sticks were crumbling and this af-iM.5.ooo request for aircraft de fected the hearts of some individ- veiopment and research. The general's statement followed a remark by Sen. Dirksen (R ill), who said he is concerned over re ports unfavorably comparing U.S. air power with that of a "certain country." s Lemay testified at an open ses- uals. "We need no extra precaution?" Judce McDonald asked. "It's not explosive?" "Oh. yes. Sir." Magce replied. N Cap r Fuse The dynamite was left in the courtroom but was wrapped and I sion called by Chairman Syming was set in a small padded box. ton (D-Mo) in the Armed Sorv. It had no cap or fuse attached. ices group's inquiry into the rela Magee told Keating that one of tive strength of the U.S. and Rus the brands of the two sticks could 1 sian air forces. went into the trial as Charles S. have caused the airplane explosion, , Seconal Seisloa Vigil, one of Graham's three court-jtne otner couirj not. Symington announced the SAC nust-e. assistant cniei oi me commander will appear again physics and chemical section of the. Monday to answer in open ser -ion mi in i' u : t j l j ..... . . .. , . "aauiiiKiuii. saiu tie ex-, some ultimate questions invoiv aminea wreckage ana louna sev- KVAL TV, VHF 13 and Orson Welles have trreided t g with a half-hour series, , with Welles ta tnra tut three ar four hour-long specials while he's at It. And further, Desl kas decided t uphold Lloyd Nolan's beef about appointed lawyers, drafted a writ- j ten objection claiming that Gra ham's constitutional rights would be violated if FBI agents were : allowed to testify about statements they obtained from him 12 days after the plane wreck. " Statements 'lavolnntary' Vigil contended the statements were not obtained "in conformity with criminal procedure" and were involuntary. He demanded the motion be heard outside the presence of the jury. His co-counsel, John J. Gib- ELGENE: kval-tv, i nannei 11 ..r..i. .. vu.i L i.u. ..i.. .1.. .ij (Saturaay): i.W SalurdJw Matinee! """ aniy nrut luiraea juons, uusm uno mc smuu uuuuS neater leaturet sjnorvi l-ainrn, peina cnanrro i a atrial worker t ine BDsence 01 uie wtrir uit u aiiu Cniii Williams and "Allalial in Gas itory aM will look for another five women hirers. V ! House Kiua Go west ; v-wi-Biars on ini.. .i,k ... tne Western Hange: J;Jjr- WatchjPBsor willing t g tilth the Mister izani; i:w Siial era- original. Which makes eminent eral residues "obviously foreign" to the airplane. "In my opinion," he declared, "the residue on those ports which I have examined originated trom exploding dynamite." On cross examination the defense got him to say there were many brands of dynamite and also he couldn't tell the exact one which caused the blast. tuiette: :: Cunbut Cltmera; stoo. Look & Listen: ua:-inaui try on Parade; J; The Lawrence Welk Show; S: - Caesar s Hour; : People Are Funny' :J Fa mous Playhouse p r e I e n t a "Step Lightly an attracuve aanctng stu dent Uvea in the apartment above a hard-working ttudent;!: The I Show: i;j Your Hit Parades. UyS - Request.. PJay. house with "Oriental Evil" an American airl toes abroad to find her brother I murderer ana ptcomci involved In a dope ring. EUGENE: KVAL-TV Channel 13 (Sunday); It : Oral Roberts; II M Lighted Window; ll.taChampion ihip Bowling with Herbert Borman against Carmen Salvlno; t2:t Wide Wide World taket an around the country view or Tne sunoay Driver ; I:3v Your Career; 2:e Kit Carson: J:3 Disneyland pre. senta Desnev't eiolanation of "The Storv of Animated DrafVing":3:Je Thia.U tht Lite: 4:-l-What One Person Can Do; 4:3 Now You Know: : Meet The Press; 5:3 Rnv Rosen: : It's a Great Life: :3 I Spy; 7 : Comedy Hour: 8 00 Famous Playhouse- S:3 Water front: I: The Loretta Young Show stars Loretta Young In "Casebook " the ttory of a young woman tuffer Ing from an obcewion; S:3 Four Star Playhouse with David Nlven In Touch and Go ; lt:o Telephone Time with John Nesbitt. presents "Awav Boarders t World War II ttorv, recreated with the cooperation of the Navy:l:3f-Sunday Showtime with George Raft, Coleen Gray and Enro Staiolo in 'Lucky Nick Cain'' an American gambler in Italy. KOAC, 530 k.c. KOAC (Saturday!: 11 a m. The News and Weather: I:1S Especially for Women American Medical As sociation: "Superstition or Science"; 10:3ft OSC Rnundtable: I:4S Storv Time; 11:0 The Concert Hall: IM The News -and Wtatheri 11:15 p.m. Noon Farm Hour; 10 Voices of France in Chorut; I Baseball Orreon vs. Idaho- On the Up beat: 4:45 Working for Oregon: J:M Childrens Tlitaler Mori" n Stuff: S:3 Over the Back Fence; J:4J French Prns Review: : The News and Weather: :IS Life time of Mental Health The Future for the Hard-of-Ilearlne; S:45 The Best of the Wek: 7:15 Grand Opera Tonight; S:4S The Newt and Weath er; S:0e Evolution of Jar7; :45 The Newi and Weather: I: Sign Off. , , A W SEE...Kr Phil HITCHCOCK answtr your quesh'oni MONDAY EVE. APRIL 30-6:15 PM f4 AtK. ! MkNtM km Ml Winn. Can. good tenser "WORDS ABOUT MUSIC," the Oscar Levant panel show which has been- causing to much talk around Hollywood, apparently isn't causing much talk among the local, non-pro citizenry. The show is in trouble from a rating stand point and may not stick around much longer. AH talk of. its going network as a summer replacement has been abandoned. Which is too bad. Any time you have ad Jibbing between Levant and Elsa Lan- chester you're bound to have en tertainment. . STARftDUST: Kathryn Grayson is getting ready to do her second "GE Theater," which has been re newed for next season. Her epi sode, called "Invitation," goes into production May 2 ... If you can tear yourself away from TV, take a listen to the Edgar Bergen show on CBS Radio May 6. It will be a salute to Bergen's 20th anniver sary on the air and will include tapes of such famous old Bergen bits as the Marilyn Monroe Charlie McCarthy debate, plus Mc Carthy with W. C. Fields, John Barrymore, Jimmy Stewart, Nel son Eddy, Rudy Vallce and Don Ameche . . . Universal-Interna tional has asked "The Millionaire" producer Don Feddcrson to use one of its new contract players, Rex Reason, to give him a chance to show what he can do. So Reason will do an episode, playing oppo site Frances Rafferty The show will hit the air in June. SHORT SHOTS: Jark Wrhb's third picture for Warner Brothers will get Bnderway late this sum mer . . . Bob Sweeney and Gale Gordon, troth featured in the "Our Miss Brooks" series, will co-star In the pilot of "The Brothers," t be shot at Drills May I. It's a projected series, f coarse, and bath Sweeney and Gordon will r available now that "Brooks" It at langer amongst the living ... The Burns and Allen show Is hiving a terrible time. Larry Keating (Harry Morton) Is In the hospital recovering from sa emergency ap pendectomy, and Gearge Burns is hobbling arund, all bruised, fol lowing a fall from an electric horse. Alan Ladd has finished the pilot of "Box 13,". but will not appnnr in any other episodes of the new series being filmed by his own company, Jaguar Productions. (Copyright 195S. General Features Corp ) five women jurors. For the first time in the 11 days of the -trial, sizeable cT6w"tfS"Ta11t ered outside and were unable to gain admittance immediately. The courtroom holds- only about 100 spectators and as persons would leave, others were permitted to take their place. Police estimated the waiting crowd from SO to. 75 most of the morning. . There was an Involuntary gasp and nervous laugh from the spec tators when Dist. Atty. Bert M. Keating handed an object to Dr. J. William Magee, FBI chemist, and the latter calmly identified it as a "stick of live dynamite." Word of Cantloa Pay-to-S ee TV Attacked By Official WASHINGTON i-A Columbia Broadcasting System executive told Congress Thursday that cav television would "gravely hurt, if not destroy, free television as we know it." CBS Vice President Richard S Salant said pay-as you see TV would do this by taking over many ing the comparative air strength of the two countries. At that time his opinion un doubtedly will be asked on a maior defense controversy whether tha administration's program of de veloping and building long range weapons is adequate for the coun try's defense needs. Lemay was aided tn his testi mony Friday by Brig. Gen. Horace Wade SAC's personnel director, who said the professional calibre of the U.S. Air Force is bein "constantly diluted" whifethe Rus sians "do not have the same type of problemr1- While this country can't get the trained air officers and men it needs. Wade said, the Russians maintain an efficiency level that gives them "a more professional air force." "Obviously they are getting the most out of their assigned person nel," he told the senators, adding that there always is a waiting list for vacancies in the Soviet Air Force Officer Corps. Uhnnnfili nf ft An TV nnl ku mi. A moment later he was handed hoRi . . . a Second Stick. star, thrnnoh ViirfW ealorl.. Testifying before the Senate Com merce Committee, Salant said there would be an "erirmous re sentment" among Americans if they had to pay to watch TV shows thov now see free. "I would like to say one word of caution here," Magee began when he was interrupted by Judge Jo seph M. McDonald. Is there any caution we should exercise towards it?" asked thf judge, pointing to the explosive. Magee began replying, stating that "some people are sensitive toward nitroglycerin," when he was Morse Says Red Chinese Threat to U.S. Operation to Transplant Kidney Near BOSTON (v-Testa began Thurs day at Peter Bent Bfigham Hos- L I" ' r. i. 'Pital to determine if the 20-year- me"n K d w II 'wind M sistp" '-m Oklahoma os nnv.ne.vnii u otrh s-iinnt '" undergo a rare operation to "The Ed Sullivan Show," major leag baseball games, boxing, transplant a kidney. Mrs. Edith Helm, of Sand u x u,i 1 1 Kami's, UUMI1K, e : . , . . . football, and other sports events. "i " " He told acting chairman Pastore ' T (D-RD: "Wc believe that families have made their investment in their tele vision sets on the reasonable as- :..-. u ikn.. ...... .1 .1 k. nui- TTZ ih about the operation but Mrs. to enjoy without further payment , ..,..-! f.lin. thi. phritis, and Mrs. Wanda Foster, of Chandler, were to enter the hos pital Thursday after arriving Wed nesday -ight at Logan Airport. Mrs. Helm was a bit apprehen- whatever signals are within range WASHINGTON t Sen. Morse ; of their set." (D Ore) said Thursday that the military buildup in Red China "is a growing threat to the security Foster expressed her feelings this way: "If she needs it, she'll get it." Prnnnnpnlt nf nnv TV have claimed they will give the public I TyP ' 'rwln better: programs than those nowr"1octors-"1l a v r-td-'tictcrminer of the United States and her in-1 offered. j among other tilings it tne sisters terests in the Pacific." They are appealing to congress, ' Morse, a member of the Senate to. proa we communicai un t.m. - - '" Foreign Relations Committee, 'mission to let tne pumic try ton, k- " said in a statement that "we are in a cold war with Red China as well as with Red Russia and our position in Asia is not improving." The Oregon Senator said ne dis agrees with a proposal made to chairman George D Ga of the Senate Foreign Relations Commit tee by James P. Warburg, former government official, that United Stales policy be revised to pro vide for recognition of Communist China so that a peace may be negotiated in Asia TV. Another witness before the com mittee, which is investigating vari ous television problems, was An drew J. Biemiller, lcjisUive rep resentative of the AFL-CIO. Biemiller, too, flatly opposed pay television. He said: "Estimate of the cost of paid television to the viewer run from a minimum of $100 a year to over $1,100." "Certainly," he said, "the 3S million set owners in America organ cannot live in alien flesh. If the operation is performed, the sisters will become the third pair and the first females to undergo a kidney transplant. The operation was successfully done for the first time in 1954 when doctors at Peter Bent Brig ham transplanted a kidney from Richard Herrick. 23, to his identi cal twin, Ronald, both of North boro, Mass. Futtrtion Impaired Mrs. Helm is suffering from a disease in which the capillary loops of the kidneys ' ?ome in- u.miM tw.l afinnnl Ikie HracttO shift urn: in me ...,v.i,m : without protest." or my Deing unaueramy opposeo : Mort F cnairrrian of i flamH and function is impaired. to tne recognition or kco. cnina th. Na.ionai Anoliance & Radio-TV i She said svmntnms of swrllin of Dealers Association, said pay IV the feet, ankles and lees, and would be almost like buying a .sudden flashes of what seem to washing machine and 'nving to drop a coin to make it work." service "L A "Tight meter test hat prov ed that G E tubes and a tune up cast mike your , aid TV bet ter. Call and Set for Yourself MITCHELL'S RADIO- TELEVISION SeHce 3-7577 We Give W Green Stamp 1S80 Start St. at the present time is because she has conducted herself as an enemy of the United States," Morse declared. But he added: "I recognize that there is great merit in the point of view that the free nations of the world must face up to the reality that Red China existsand must be reckoned with in the con test between freedom and totali tarianism in Asia." INDIAN FARE , . CHILOCCO, Okla. ( Stu dents at the Chilocco Indian School got to wondering just how tasty a dish wild rabbit made forwwtcrn intelligenee.ervici their forefathers. The boys went on a two-day hunt and got 17 rab bits. The girls prepared the meal. 1 SERVICE ITATIONS, INC. 4 Commie Germany Pardons West 'Spies' in Order BERLIN W Communist East Germany announced Friday the pardon and release of an unspeci fied number of Socialists con victed, as undercover agents of be "small pains" through the body. The sisters, whose trip to Boston was their first plane ride and first visit east, vere dressed in Identi cal outfits on their arrival and carried identical luggage. Thy do not seem- identical in appearance. Mrs. Helm weighs slightly more lhan her sister and her hair is lighter. The announcement by Ihc East German Interior Ministry said the pardons were granted by President Wilhelm Pieck. Thursday it was announced 83 political prisoners and 689 con victed of war crimes since World War II were being released. WANT TO TRY AN RCA VICTOR rAI MARRS WALL 3.9201 ' 2141 8. Commercial Sight Uncertain Fop Acid-Injured Labor Columnist NEW YORK UB - A hospital bulletin said Friday it is uncertain whether labor columnist Victor Reisel will see again. A thug hurled acid In Reisel'i face about 3 a.m. April 3 just off Broadway. Reisel blamed the at tack on his enemies he said he made in campaigning against la bor racketeers. . "His future vision is still very critically uncertain and it wil' be several weeks longer before any definite conclusions can be reached," said a bulletin Issued by St. Clare's Hospital. He has been under treatment there since the attack.