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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1956)
' Statesman's HOME anorama j(Soc. 1) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat., April 28. '56 Around Town . . . y JLRYMK T : ' SOCIAL JOTTINGS . . . The date kas beta et for the Kotton Koffee Klatch fivea annually by th WO- tamette Valley Panhellanic . . . (he affair will t held Saturday, May 26 atlhc Fairmount Hill home ei Dr. and Mrs. C. Herbert Smith Mrs. Clara Jaeksa . . . Ibt affair ,' . . hours will be from 10:30 to was keM at Ihe Alwaads' Mili(- 12S e'clock . . . Bidden to the aide tome . . . Over eigkty at tie koffee are all senior high school tosleases' classmates at Baatk 8a- girls to Salem and neighboring lea Hlgk were larltH to tbe partr igh schools, who plan to enter . ... daaeiag was eajayed ia Ike' college in the fall. . . Mrs. Wilmer reereatlM rwaM aad reresfcmt 1 H. Page and Mrs. Myroa Poguejwere serod Uter ks tke eveelag. t ' fcave been named general chair-A atak, klae aad 7bil eelac ' men ( the affair. . "plTn. for the aebe-e ... leaded 1. tke .W event were made at the monthly , atiew. ...... toffee meeUng of the P.nhelW A a.r,rtae paHy . . . honored on Friday morning at the home of Prof. Donald Gleckler Wednesday Mrs. Stanley Cro.fnes. on - Bluff evening when member, of the Vil Street. . . , Umctte University choir arranged A gala . . . tolwrmal warty Ik a picnic and boating party at Wal- ., - . Now Dancing Association Organized 'The newly formed Mid-Wil lamette v alley uancers Associa- tin will mm! mi TitMjtav Uiv 1 at l: p.m. at the West Salem City Hall for their monthly busi- Res. meeting and dancllnf. Jess .i-itio, -vi., aecretary-treasurer; are the newly -riveted officer - vira vuH.riS. ;Tbi. coup ot dancer, and caller. ire representative of square and are representative, or square ana round dance group. In the Mid-, Willamette Valley. Salem, Dallas, McMinnville, Willamina, Dayton, Sfverton, Stayton, Jefferson, Leb anon and Abany are represented. The newly formed M.W.V.D.A. ! was host to over 120 dancer, and caller., representing dancing Rtotip. and club, from all parts of Oregon, at the kaak Walton HaU The newly formed M.W.V.D.A. III Salem. At this time the "Oregon Slate Federation of Dancers" was organized and the M.W.V.D Arwill represent the Mid-Willamette Val ley In the Oregon State Federation. The purpose of forming a .tale federation and local associations i to promote and enjoy square and round dancing and to bring new life and enthusiasm to narticinat- leg dancer, and caller, and to get ra-.wpeop imeresiea n im. en- joyauie lurm m recreation. The M.W.V.D.A, wlU meet oa tita first Tuesday of each month at the West Salem City Hall at 1:30 p.m. An dancer, and callers from any group or club in the Mid-Wil lamette Valley are cordially In- vued to participate. Sojourners iuncneon Thursday "Members of the Snlmirnen riuh - . - . ml .1 Ik. c !... w At..i.' " "uiiioin iiuii W mursaay tor their resular meeting and Card party. It was William H. Stelwer Jr. af Fessll ; title first meeting (held under the ... Mr. Stelwer aad Miss Brad direction of the newly elected of- ford are eaaslaa ... the Stelwer. fieert, Mrs. Elton Blatler being are already la Portland, having tlie new president. , i down to lake part la the are- .:;:Apra 8him .m Snrlnd Flow.' Wf"" ' ' ' was thu demp uut inn.l.l. irOf rf a lar Janancse umbrella and blossoms nf Jenonese qu've to decorate Ihe db-onm. The tables were centered with minia ture asorted colored umbrellas Lucille Wonderly. pianist, and tucked In gay bouquets. Jim Newberry, organiat. pupils of "A salad luncheon was served hy awk will be presented in . - t hosted committee. Mrs. Austin recital Sunday afternoon. April 29 i'msihi oy Mr., v, t.- etcher, i Xtrs. Bernard Steward. Mrs. Robert Ittstetter. Mr.. Allen T. C.rlston and Mr. Felix L. Dilcer. , n'- I .Guests were Mrs. James John- AT Lulay. and Mr,. Harry ' Smith V". ir. ninr wonocnex, Mrs, San Diego, HAP ir u-e '!Pr.jin By , :'urcu ELLIOTT PRAIRIE - Colored Mvr Fret'en .. i ?.. . ... . Dedman In Canby, ; Plan, were made during Ihe bu Ines. meeting for a ri'mmaw snl,- and sp'e to be held on Mrv Ond I at the old postoffice huiM irfjE In Woodburn. Part of Ihe prbceeds will go to the Newell jlbuse protect. Tentative plan. wt made to entertain the three high school girls from Woodburn, Nflrth Marion and Canny, whi v;re chosen a. Good Clli'cnship . pill by the organization, at a tea aJ the next meeting. Mr.. Grace Engelman of Butteville was ap- , pointed chairman ot the lei. PEO Croup Feted :WOODBURN - Mr.. C. K. Mc Nary read a paoer on the Soc'al aid Cultural Achievements of the S;andirav'?n countries at the meeting ef On'er J. PEO SiJtrr. hind ft the C'-n Scbwenke home TjHirsday evenin?. The program ; wji one of a r?re in a sturlr ef tf!e pen nstdar ntion. Mrs. How ;d Butterficld, and Mrs. Wa'ter Searboroush will develop the nil me by telling of the art. of the Fandinavi."n countries at Ihe May 14 meeting at the Lloyd Froom, home. I pKturea oijrtnfijolv Lands and Av Mm. .. 1 , rrn. arhuiwrt parti of aouthern Europe were!km'M Kre smrituai sjown by Mr. and Mr.. Rav Glart!jS r aar.areW.SSi n. Woodburn at the meeting of Jim Newberry DAR It the home of Mr.. Bertha tucillt Wondtrly and Lynn. Amrin. ENGLISH the teea-ast eMtiaxeat vat g1e Friday aighl by Jady AtwaM, daagbter W the Ralph Atweeds. 8e WOseo. daaghter ef Mr. aad Mrs. Rakeri W. WUsm Jr., aid Sat Jarksaa, daaf Mer el Mr. aad lapa KmrsT . aTfllfHUfir lalaTKIPr is director of the choir. . . Over forty attended the affair and Mm. MarsnaUi Mrl. Winifred Pettyjohn Gleckler was a special guest. , Mr$ m s Tyler Jr. i.f"W2'B!H,r Mrs. Tyler. Mrs. Hunsaker and Miss Martorle Becfce Xeaday after-,. . 1,1 .. nn -k.. mi.. n,r H.ii .i.. ! Mrs. Marshall gave reports on L . . 7 WT.W!Lk!''Sappenfield told of the Marion tor Rayd Coart .rtmert to-;cy redfr.tioll convention at ? T '.'the Children's Farm Home in Cor- Jm faf tfpt. . . skc IB to i . ii tu4 thrf wl ..j , mt men ,;er,Ue. ?p.l. -U. Miss Bke., wle .,.,, ; Mr, . a reviir . . . conee on Aionoay whfn Mrs , Joh u. Hann. Mrs. Tk.. w n....k:n ..J if., i. I i iiuiiio. n , VMUIV.1HU suu iiiia. nr i nomas w. tDurcnui aaa Mrs. Ar- w n -v p.m,t-.r and Mrs thur Sprague entertain at the or.j""0MLnFna'm,teer home on East Hoyt Street. . win..?. mef - , home on East Hoyt the honor guest will be Mrs. J. B. Beck, who i. soon leaving for Tei a. to make her home. . . Bidden to call between 11 and 1 o'clock are friend, of Mn. Beck la the Salem Branch, American Association of Branch, American Association of Lniversity Women of which she has been an active member. . .j Mrs. Wilburn Ankney will preside at the coffee urn and Mrs. Robert - .n ,c,m . . AMvinv. . . tw tke enpftal Maa- dajr hr-a rtli-wtn to Wit aad party given by the Salem Daugh Mrs. Lleyd R. Miller ef Cavlna, f. ' , ,u. wiu riuh at the Seott- --II l. . II. . . w- vein., wm win mm annul m mr. Miller', brether-la-law and .later, Jasttre aad Mrs. William C. Per ry . . . Visiting ... at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Jones is their longtime, friend, Mr.. Douglas D. atewan ot uiaastone. Mien. lh, witt u hw, , wtek w mnr( Mn, Stewart formerly resided In Salem and has beea spending the winter ip Fresno, Calif, with her son and daughter ln law, Ma jor aed Mrs. Douglas Stewart . . . la artlaad . . . this aftenieaa will ke Mr. aad Mrs. Ranald E. Joae, wke will attend Ike ed 1. 1 Mm .1 u... f il. feed aad 8am.el.Wke.k.r. -kick Wii: h k. J al Ik. Taara Tlnk at I e'cleek tellewlag Ibelr marriage I Jl . i 5. . . umy arairra m utw immmi- j ... ate family will attend tto after-U were Mesdame. Claude E. neea rite. ... Mis. Bradfard fc, Henderson, queen of Nydia Tem tkt daagbter ef Mr. aad Mrs. Den-; Pl. H. R. Crawford, junior past aid Bradfard. wto kavt .flea vis-j queen. J. H. Powell, Carl L. 1...1 i- ik. ......I . m j.k. 1 Anderson. E. G. Swink. Haiel B. r... -in .u. .' '.n..rfi.. ik. , ... mmn wiu mww t: ...i.. i-i .. . . . . . . nxcpimj mmm wm jma aer wn-im law and aaarhter. Mr. aad Mrs. ' ' OrgQIl Cmd PlCWO rt 'a I a KeCitdl SUnQaV - " i. ,., M"rnA- ' Z vZ ' at the aecond piano. The program will Include the following numbers: ?,0nnPu.u.n lrtCMew,r..M,"rtiMarrV,,l?,lie.hChTh Arthur L. Brown ! Contra' rnnc Ludwl v. Brtthoven J c..ri behold officiating She rc- KSltal. op. 4. Norrcholceived Ihe name of Paula Marie Luciiit Wondtriy land godparents were Francis and t-.1 HC"idv.r. a. . N"dlln,,rMnr-nrct Tracer of Mt. AnRe!, i riowrr Schinurji une'e ad mmt of the baoy. ifKBi c rirtia . l nnmai Kotirnai a. mm (ft The Only Glass Lined Heater With 20-Year Tank Warranty Fashion Shov Presented For Club A fashion show, featuring suits, summer cottons nd afternoon dresses, "as presented to mem bers ot the Salrm Woman's Club, by Lipman'i Friday . afternoon. ' Joan Ross was the commentator and Miss Ruth Bedford played throughout the show. Mrs. Theo dore DeLooie sang, accompanied by Mrs. A. A. senramm. j The modeli included Mrs.; Georee H. Swift. Mrs. Helen Goodenough, Mrs. Floyd White,! Mrs. John S. Tyler Jr., Mrs. Walter , Spaulding, Mrs. Kerby Johnson, j Mrs. H. K. Mazloom. Mrs. Howard; Hunaaker. Mrs. Albert C. Cragg.j all senior club members. Miss , Betty Jean Bergner. Mrs. Wallace Hoc kef and Mrs. r red Joehnse ot the Junior Club. Guests attending were Mesdames c. H. Ostron. Karl Hammerbacker, Jennie C. Bartlett. Laura Arpke. a. A. Gueffroy, Edward Majek, riorence A met and R. C. Tandy. CtnMaM RfMrti - . fci-,.iH.,. ".J-S tt,J1alt 'ci 'ZX tjj?T rldSi X 'Zl pa next week will be Mrs. SaDpenrieid, club president. " - . ' r "i,"' Mr.Vr.nk Mrs. H. P. Grant announced a beneW coffee or P' Jund L Z ?J? May I between W od 12 o clock .j r,. c.. Pouring at the tea hour were Portland Nile Members Here n f. pQT Derie it , .j ( Djughters f ,hc N)e memhers drove down , port and Krinay (tDjrticna ,K. ,nni,.i henefit dessert bridge ish Rite Temple. Over 800 at ' " v - " tended the affair and proceeds will be turned over to the Shriner. Hospital lor Crippled Children. 1 The hall was festive with bou quets of lilacs and potted ger aniums. May baskets nuea wun soring blooms were arranged on the entrance doors and stairway with a larger basket on the piano. . Special prizes were awarded to Mrs. Harry wenaerom, airs. j. Dallas Enloe, Mrs. J. D. Davis, Mrs. Robert E. Nickens, Mrs. Frank BatscH. Mrs. Paul Stege; Mr.. E. M. Hein of Portland Mrs. Robert Armprie. M V W uuicau ' 'aepy- " . Port and Nile members attend- Krue2cr. Ethelwyn Gcer. Agnes - . , . n - nn . T.Bwrenrn Lister. Jack - --- - . i-oem-, t. w. oircic, . vw., J. O. Fisher. H. J. C.rswell, R. W. Slater. E. J. Heiman, K. Redmond, C. Kiag. R. Duncan, J. O. Tellefson, Charlotte Mus chalik, V. G, Osborne, Karla Cook, Karen Larsen, GJenn Lucas. R. M. Batsch. lva Rauw, fcstnor Heln. Lillian Smith, Grace Alex-1 ender,-Geneva Dsvis. Florence, F.nloe, Eleanor Grsnt. Thlma Wood. Mary Fern Nowton, A. R. M.-rtin, Msurice lonweti, Maae- )ine Anderson. Evelyn Myers, Vera J. Hayek, Patty Llewelyn and Hope Arstell. Poula Stuckart Is Baptized MT. ANGEI-The infant daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Slu-ka-t o Cnrva'lis was ntiptizea at si Arwil 21 with the Rev. Father ylTr, Stuc'-art is the former Monica Trae-er. daiiEhter of Mrs. .. r' .. ... Grace and the Inte Anthony Trae ger of Mt. Angrl. Mr. Stuckart is attending Oregon State College. The baby was born at Salem General Hospital April 18 and has an older fitter. Fl neia in iaieni! i j I Hoffman Food Service and Cascade Meat Inc.-1 !j I have cooperated to bring you the finest U. S. J ! ( Govt. Inspected Beef at a Low, Low Price! Buy J j now while supplies arc ample and prices right. 1 LiUj Cascade Keel . .b. 32V I & .t.iSaujZK U ... Cutting end Wrapping FREE! HOFFMAN FOOD SERVICE St YTp l'sPJ ... i 1 We'd c Church Rife: i ; . .. .... L - i i Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Schelske (Teresa Jean Vose) who were married April 20 at the Marion Lutheran Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and . . i fa. -Jk, At rtll'rlcu4 HTi-, .mil. i v w i u Ihe bridegrom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Schelske , schelske of Marion, and Mrs. of Marion. (McEwan Studio). I Lldon Russell. May Poles, Baskets Come From Old Days By MAXINE BUREN Statesman Woman'. Editor The first day of May, with which we associate the May pole, baskets of lloweri mysteriously materializing on the front door knob, and pretty new frocks, is also known as the first safe day to plrnt tbe more delicate fecdlings. But May Day originally was a Romrn festival, dedicated to" Flora, the spring goddess, who in Greece "is called Maia. England's celebrations- of- Js ay-Day- became- quite -elaberateand--when Christianity'. . Whitsuntide replaced the celebration to Flora, it was easy to continue the pleasant old custom of May poles and dances on the green. Even the New Englanders, under solemn Gov. Bradford', very nose, had a May pole and the young folk danced band-in-hand around the pole, in the manner of their forebears. The celebration was slightly altered to fit Puritan decorum, but it still remained a festival in which flowers played an important part. : OLD CUSTOM Perhaps the pretty custom of children weaving baskets of strips of paper or raffia, filling them with flowers and leaving . , them on the doorknob of friends or family, has almost died out, but it was a happy way of welcoming spring. It was often the first time spring Beauties, Trillium, and Johnny-jump-up. made their appearance for the year. Parisians drink May Milk, supposed to be better than that of other days.-Russians ( where permitted I suppose) decorate birch trees with streamers and flower, and a German custom is to plant trees on May Day. A traditional breakfast is: PEASANTS BREAKFAST 3 strips bacon " 1 egg 1 boiled potato " Salt and pepper Chives Cut bacon in small pieces and fry over low flame. Cube potato and brown with btcon. Finally break in egg but do not beat it, stir slowly to mix and when done, sprinkle with chives. Baptist Bread is an old New England dish, which custom decrees is especially good for May Day. M is made of dough, pulled from the bread dough, patted into balls and fried in a pan and served with maple syrup. Asccntion Thursday, another May fete day, falls 40 days after Easter and is therefore sometime in mid-May. It cele brates the day when Christ disappeared from view of His fnl lowers. Though it is primarily a day of religious meaning, there are superstitions connected with it. too. In parts of France, children begged for flour with which to make apple fritters, a great favorite with them. BF.IGNETS DE POMMES . 2 eggs - 1 cup milk i teaspoon salt 4 apples 2 ryps flour Work the egg yolks together with salt into the flour until thoroughly mixed. Add milk and stir until smooth. Beat egg whites until stiff, fold into batter. Peel and core apples and cut into thin rounds. Dip apnles into batter and try from 4 to S minutes in deep fat at 375 degrees. Dust with sugar or serve with a soft custard or vanilla sauce. Anricou, peaches, bananas, pineapple or plums are good made this way. too. Giicago Agrees To Fluoridation CHICAGO-The city of Chicaso; Fluoridation will start May 1 In plnns fluoridation of its water sup-'the souih side end in 23 suburbs. plies bv July 1, it was announced Friday by the office of the mayor rTiwBigfl Beef "SailTtorj:: i Freezers and Lockers Ever I iiiiii i lo ; uscaae ueei . . &r 1 , 7 V.4 Mrs. Dixon Vose of Marion aid,"' petz Remainder of the city will be af fected by the first of July. Teresa Vose Is Bride of Mr. Schelske JEFFERSON Candlelight rites on Friday, April, 20 united In marriage Miss Teresa Jean Vose, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Vose of Marion, and Ar nold Schelske, son of Mr. and .Mrs. Godfrey Schelske of Marion. The double ring ceremony was read by the Rev. Betker at 8 30 in the Marion Lutheran Church, i Mrs. Gilbert Looney sang, ae copanied' by Mrs. Leonard Mc Caw. The bride wore a gown of en broidered organdy, with bouffant, Foot. made hil cof)lmpn, in rf, floor length skirt. A P"1 ! sponse to a query by Chairman El-brwd-tiara held her ahouldor , jemior- irj-Lai prior to his testi , length veil. ihe carried an 01(1-;, jn , rt o( appropriation fashioned nosegay of white car- (or nood ,,., aBd na ions and sweetpeas and blue ; A , , uv:iiiiuausii. The bride'a attendants wore blue organdy dresses fashioned alike. They wore crowns fash ioned of white daisies and blue ribbons, and carried crescents of white daisies. Karen Vose, sister of tbe bride, was maid of honor. Loretta Schelske; sister of the Broom. wa. bridesmaid. Janet Kirscti of Sen. Dworshak (R-ldaho) noted Stayton wa. flower girl, also in that Army engineers more than a blue, and carrying a basket of year ago recommended authoriza white daisies. Dixon Kirsch was i tion for construction of Bruce's ring bearer: Lighting the candles Eddy and Penny Cliff dams for were Margaret Bover of Turner. power and flood control on the and Gloria Huber of Marion. Attend the Bridegroom Attending the groom tr! Howard OChelSke Ot Marion, a rothT V e6?1 mV"' n , Diti.ll Coin m Ftu Uallar Al Russell of Salem. Fay Wells of. Marion was usher. - The reception was held in the grade school at Marion. Cutting the cake was Mrs. Howard Rowie of Albany and serving the ices was Mrs. Earl Huber of Marion. Mrs. Charles Han, Jr., and Mrs. William Hart poured, assisting were Mrs. Leonard Meyers, Mrs. Mrs. Howard Mrs. Schelske chose a blue faille dress with white accessories for their wedding trip to the coast. They are at home in Mar ion. Both are graduates of Cas cade High School, Mrs. Schelske Also graduating from Capital Business School in Salem. She is bookkeeper at the Jefferson Woolen Mill and Mr. Schelske is employed at MiM plant in Albany. Mrs. Magee .Federation President The semi-annual convention of the Marion County Federation of Women's Clubs was held Thurs day at the Children's Farm Home in Corvallis. The hostess group was the Children's Farm Home board. Over 113 atteaded, repre senting 18 clubs In the county. ine guesi speaner was itonaia Hewitt, superintendent of the Children's Farm Home. The women were taken on a tour of the home following the meeting. Newly elected officers of the federation include Mrs. M. M. Magee of the Macleay Woman's Club, president; Mrsr Roland Wall, Jefferson, first vice-president; Mrs. Paul Stapran, Salem; second vice-president; Mrs. Ho ward Gardner, Salem, secretary; Mrs. Clarence Blundell, Salem, '. ton participating in the dedication treasurer: Mrs. Guy Scott, Union of the new Umatilla County Court Hill, auditor; Mrs. C. W. Stacey, house. Salem, and Mrs. R. L. Anderson, I On the followine Monrfav the Woodburn, directors. Mrs. R. L. Anderson, who h?s served as president the past year, presided. Mrs. Fred Dentel, Aurora, a past president oi me federation, installed the new officers. Chapter Makes Plans Xi Upsilon Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met Wednesday evening 1 at the home of Mrs. Lldon W. Lindhorst. Final plans was made1 for the Founders' Day Banquet to be held at Lebanon on April 30 and for the state convention at Astoria, May 4, S. and 1. The program was presented by Mrs. William Habernicht and Mrs. Kenny Hill, A surprise bridal shower honored Mrs. Pauline Hillpol. DRAPERIES Custom Made In Our Shop Valanep. Nndt C.rmr. Board! .lip t avert SUfc ELMER THE RI.IM) MAN Hit at Ni.hl UVi I 'enter SI a a trr fi.tmat. e Tll? iTrraiii Wl Certain to 4Have Serious Flood Attack' WASHINGTON' -CT-The Pacific Northwest is '"certain to have seri ous flooding at various spots throughout the Colombia River basin" this spring Brig. Gen. Louis H. Foote, North Pacific Division engineer, said Friday. He told a Senate appropriations subcommittee,' however, he was "not at all certain weU have flooding in the main sections of the lower basin the Oregon, Washington and Idaho area. " ' He said the snowpack in the region is "as much as -200 per cent"- above the average of the last IS years. "We don't have anything ap proaching adequate flood control works." Foote declared. iroi on (in- Clearwater River, a tributary rf ""- . T V the Snake. He said the proposal received the Marcia Hill Schol was now before the Stnate Puhlic nrvhin tn the University of Wash- Works committee which will begin uwin l hnlrt hnarinpt nn an nmni. i bus authorization bill. Ellender said he felt it would be A r,or,n Mlem mn acnooi graa "a benefit to the entire nation" ; Miss Baker majored in his to build the additional dams which ry at Willamette and for the past he said would firm up power,' year has been tn assistant in the generation at downstream plants and provide additional flood con' trol. Home Building In NW 'Hums' SPOKANE I - Home building is humming in the Pacific North west, the Federal Housing Ad ministration commissioner said here Frday. The FHA has written more than $1,300,000,000 in home mortgage insurance In the state of Washing ton alone, Norman P. Mason told the Pacilic Northwest Home Build ers' Assn. He said the FHA was also work in up a vast "trade-in-hoiiFe" program. ien....KsteAJKciaiiver.J.IlJ!cnnJ. who also addressed the builders' convention, said that big firms are gobbling up small ones until now .1 per cent of the corpora tions own 57 per cent of all the corporate wealth. Mason did not discuss a recent announcement from Portland that homes built with i-inch sheath- I ing, used by most western build' would not ,ccrpted bv tht ' Supreme Court Members Plan Dedication Rites Members of the State Supreme Court will spend today in Pendle- : court will open a two-day session there for hearine cases Annp.tti'H from eastern Oregon counties There are 10 cases on the docket. ; one room in the new courthouse has been assigned to the Supreme Court which holds sessions in Pen dleton twice each year. i , Opan Rhododendrons Vulcan, Blue Peter Mme. I)e Bruin. Betty W orm. Id Nice sturdy plants 275 3 for Each 8.00 Rock Daphne in Bloom Only . T125 Each BUY 3.00 BEDDING PLANTS AND RECEIVE UB. MILLERS BOOSTING POWDER FREE Thlt Weekend Onhf tig. Price 50c I See Ut For Lawn Seed 75c lb. St A I'remium Mixture SEE 0 Free Delivery Winner : L i Winner of a library study scholar ship is Miss Nancy Baker of Salem, above. Nancy Baker Wins Library Study Grant Miss Nancjr Baker, a last year'. j.., u.mi. i- iT;r.ii., UnB,on ,chooi , lihrarianshin next i'Mr I .imi i a University library. Presentation of the scholarship will be made today at the luncheon meeting of the Oregon Library As sociation at the Senator Hotel. In another announcement from the university here. Mis. Patricia Jones, assistant in the language department at Willamette, has re ceived word that she has been awarded a $500, scholarship for the French Study Tour at Grenoble this summer. A Willamette graduate, Mis. Jones, attended Duke University graduate school and then returned to Salem to teach. She will leave j Montreal on June 22 for Europe. 8 Elixir de ... beauty from the bees in a nw travel mt Infused ilh vitalizing rosl jelly, this golden lotion beatowi amaing benefits on the dry, mature skin. A rich, complete trratment that helps to lubricate and moisturize your .kin, makes il glow with a dewy fresh, youthful radiance. Travel sise$a Many months' supply, $15. plu ta ' CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 State St., Corner of liberty We Give Z'tC Green Stamps aason on Large Dahlias 20 Varietie. From P i Which to Choose GOING FISHING? O) O 3 Open Sundays 10 A.M. to 2 413 S. High Jet Plane Pilot Missing NAH.V. Okinawa t-A pilot of the 51st FiEhter lnterceptor Squad- i ron was missing Friday after hi. F8fiD Sabre jet crashed int the sea about a mile north of Nana Air Base shortly after midnicht. The Air Force said the Sabre Jet was returning from a training night with another F86 of the 16th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron when the weather closed in. So far neither the pilot nor the plane has been located. The Air ' Force said the search will con tinue throughout the daylight i hours. The name of the pilot was with held. SHIFT PLANNED ' , TOKYO -The V. S. Air Force announced Friday about 300 men in its big administrative center in Tokyo will be shifted to Hawaii in June. No defensive units will be affected. Far East Air Force headquarters .aid. Priceless COMFORT Anyont Can Afford NATURAL GAS is - CLEAN SAFE THRIFTY For Free litimstes CaH . J4355 Salem Heating 1 Sheet Metal Co. er Set a at the SAIEM HOMI SHOW April 27. 21. 29 5 MarkolT Shrubs Azalea Mollis Budded Plants Ji Each Arboruitae The Best (or Hedges r U 12- tall t 3.50 Each Doz. Want Real dood Fertilizer? Organic Morecroa 80-lb. i95 Bag FIRST! P.M. Free Forking