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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1956)
! . ,. Oin, I II, A;ul 27, ':;) Si.iI.-mii.iii. S..!. ms Orr.. Til , Apiil 27, ':. ! ('., !!D :r 0 7 .: A. ( 7 ' j Chicken at Top of List Of Flcntifuls Br;lrf ftyrf tli'w km r If plentiful xk1i lirt Dili rionlh. hik fi thauM mk haify. HiW kr ftl elwr be dim vt the frt Aiwili M U"T lies, a-hrilirr H U fried. brotll. bii-HWfl. r rid. And la this mdrrful rwVr aft H II pawl li! U n-y Iheaf dtlx 'km. Irlf briillrf tfers Ihe year arouno, e.thcr I'rta ar qukk It mm ftullrr complement tha OVIUale f1var of foung fhkkea to pf ledum, and assure crUf l"Wa crtit so many prefer. Thia two acllrluuilr different chkkee recipe OWrvt a lavored pnt I ymir euilectkW M renpes Chirkee Rosemary Da L Is fompsny srwctal hUh will drs qukk compliments fram year guests. VatJiat Barbecued Chk-kea la almaat a good se that barbe qued ever (ha open coals, and. as a malt of ad. thi fipk-y Bar ter fisur la equally taaty aa nil door barbecued rhlrkM. tllH KE ROSEMARY DC UK I frying chickens, cut ap aad pepper rw H rup boiler 31 cup Wmoa iatra rnaamary HMOS lAl'CC BOSXMAJir I small ckwa garbe I Itifxxm tatt 1 caa canoed ar quick frotaa Irtnoaj )ure 'S tup) rua melted butter 4 Ubletpooo fratad ooioe 1 teaspooe black PTPT 1 teaspooe rosemary Salt, proper Loi (lour chlckrn brewa la butter. Cnuh garlic In a bowl, add ether tngTedlenU, blend writ. Pour sauce avrr clurkea. Cover aad sunmor until trader. Or bake la ra at to oVrree about 1 bour. Remove chukta to hot pUtur and aow sauce ever. Serves (. IULLIT SARICCVXD CIIICIXN 1 frying ehkkee, col wp Flour, salt and pepper H cup butter Spicy Brbecua Sauce Season chlckrn with salt and pepper, flour well. Brewa thlckra In buttrr. Pour Spicy Barbecue Sauce av rr brownrd chick ee. Caver and cook slowly antil tendrr, about M minute. Emwl cover and conk U mlnutr more. Servt chicken with taura. Serves I ar 1 11'tCT BARB tat BAtCK Combina hi a uucrpan; Vk cup tliced amoa ' 1 triooa ialt ' " 1 tahlrtpoN ttaaftf ' ( I Utilfspoon autar . 1 Ublespooa WortaattnblrB ' tauca H trTooa jxrwdrr , ,. H t aspooa black BPV H cup eaUup cup watr ' ". . - f limmcr U mimitaa, ( 1 1 J. J V J : ex jv . ii I . I in--1 ru.nW'l " ftvoriti. Kfitif it quality. i j ff L a .aV1 III I0T tuility, tuttttfldirf I J vtlu. J-AX ft - . " 'L CfPund friik sNS " Vfonoarhi at.hf. NSJ laJ1 t X- ltn,tiM)tf. -r - tWtrut I a '1 I " ' eiiucli Roasf St m Rib Roasl ., W Ground Beef ., 39' Round Sfeah 05: fK3h him 1 ; j fiuiui) ii i a Glenn-oiro whole sections Lalan! Hawaiian fancy quality young-tender early garden peas ' Duchess brand, old fashioned flavor 303 cans 46-oz. can No. 303 can quart M-D Brand IS 4-RCII cjim 10-CZ. . Fkg. CM ii Toilet Tissue Strawberries Tuna Fish tSUSu Orange Rolls Pl, 28' Cheese Food Yin Zee Orange Juice l Marshmollovs 2-lb. Pkg. 5 IS' 1-lb. )tol Pkg. These are good to have on hand- 9 A1.: st Hints for Winter Meals Pork loin roasncedi a moder ate (ISO d(rtet arrn and 10 minute per pound. Alwayi make aura pork la cooked through. It'a a good Idea to we a rack hea you are preparing a pot roait; this wy tba meat vool atick to the bottom oUh pot Stir a iitl butter and curry pow der into hot cooked rice; add toasted chopped almonds and cur rant. Serve with curried Iamb ar chicken. Fun for young folk: Place frankfurter in a folding wire broiler and toast aver an apea fire. Split frankfurter roll and spread with soft yellow cheese: serve with the frankfurter and lots at pickle or pickle reush Ground lamb may be seasoned and broiled. Brush tha lamb Bat tles with melted butter, then place them to they are about, three Inchr from the source of the heat. Broil until top side is well browned about S minutes; turn and broil other tide. Good with green pra and broiled canned pear halve iinea wiu mint felly. A two-pound bonelets smoked pork shoulder butt is a good choice lor a small family. Cover the butt with water and simmer a couple or hour. Drain and stick with whole cloves; pat brown sugar over tha top and side. Place in a hot oven t glass. Largs Limas Are Marinated Those who hsve discovered the magic of commercial sour cream. like its slightly tart flavor which adds sent to many foods. Here it'i used with large butter beans. They are marinated in tha tour cream along with all, vinegar and other seasonings. Marinated umas one of those double-duty dishri . that can be served as a relish or salad. -..,..'-.-,-.... MARINATED LIMAS I cups cook 1 large dry limas 1 clove garlic 1 teaspoons salt V cup commercial sour cream 2 tablespoons minced parsley I tablespoons vinegar U cup salad oil , . ' 1 teaspoon sugar . Generous dash paprika ' Drain limas. Crush garlic and salt together against sides of small bowl until garlic practically dis appears. Add sour cream, parsley, vinegar, ail, sugar and paprika. Mix and pour over limas. Chill. Serve in bowl or on buffet platter with rrlisnes. It will take about 14 cups before cooking to make I cups cooked. 46-oz. $1100 cans A Pineapple Juice JS 4 Ice Cream a. 0$ Fresh Eggs S-iV Collage Cheese Blossom Time Pint M& Pork & Deans K:f U' Lucerne Milk 33r M Mrs. Wright's BreadKllSlicli' Corned Beel !Xr 3 T ) v -if Give your menus a lift will. Mature, solid heads-peak of the crop Hero's csbbago cf a kindly quality . . . bright, chunky .-' Z ' ym.A. rkntan bv Safawav'a croduca buvars for your oatina ploaiura. Hoft a head or two and notico the solid weight for size. Soo how tht crisp loaves cling tightly around thj - fragrant hesrts. Serve esbbago this wookond, discover wonderful flavor and an excellent valua. DIb. (2) Whet yon serve pineapple rings as part of a fruit salad, you may have the syrup left over. Add a tableapooa of soy sauce to it and boil gently la a small saucepan until reduced hi quantity and serve wilk a slice of broiled cooked ham. , PANCAKE FLOUR GRAPEFRUIT JUICE . . 3,4 lb- AK 48-ot. w. Suunna brand bsg "tt'b Town House brand can AOC NIBLETS CORN REAL GOLD ' - - H-oVQ" " lot. 17- Whole kernel caa Fruit Juice bases can 1 C DENTAL CREAM BABY OIL Colgate vlue--f 4tubewC Johmon ' sit t7C , 1USTER CREME HALO SHAMPOO .Shsmpoo size $1.00 large sue 59c GILLETTE BLADES BUFFERIN Blue blades of 10 49c For pain relief tablets 53c fell CL?i sweet and tender golden-yellow kernels full crisp medium heads, garden-fresh from Safeway heads (pC Oranges "-J2' f f If IrizaMMarsk Grapelr I r. 53 Apples JO' Cantaloupes .19' BananasJ9r Pineapple 15' Asparagus1' T1oM4 ptit9 wUvflfatw JslHl . cImb) J sWjtlllJJa twtdn, Aprfl t, 0 thwt VH t. tr4t UH 14J CmmI St, tlU Cwitw s, ad 1171 I. It, 1W. W. imnl Tomatoes 35' Rhubarb d9' teg) (SS) M Cucumbers K 29' Potatoes "4 49' v.v.v;.::.v::t:.:yy:!:::"y.v.v.v. V.SNVVWaVWVWsVeVttVVwV. 7 VA v I ' '' 1 7" s x0 r .. . 1 r i j i i i f J jl j J 1 f V- V- ,,v -, ,v' " i A T IOXC STUX Tiimmed forbtttcookinf, litinf. f; v V. i , 'xV . ... v ' " Inner. T-Bone Steak is Short Ribs 29' MAN, OH MAN GREAT EATING! GREAT SAVINGS.' Don't held back en this ene I Let your family enjoy beef to their hearti' content It'i the ireatett beef sale in many t month! Top oveniment ' a rla... trimmed of excess fat and bone... juicy aad tender... tuaranteti 0 perfect eating. And brousht to you at tab prictt! Com) in now, shop for delicious beef meals. Serve some today; freeze some for later. Take home freat ettinf, peat savings. It's the big one our Greet Beef Sale! and look at these meat values! Boneless Steak : .S.D.A. choice grade beef top slrlotn-aged for flavor 09 Beef Bump Boost : .S.D.A choice grade ged for tenderness, Ik 1 C Slewing Beel Corned Beel Swiss Steak Boiling Beel Fresh Fryers Sliced Bacon U.S.D.A. choice grade ' boneless cubes Choice grade beef, boneless brisket Choice grade beef, aged for flavor From the same beef as our choice steaks Young and tender, pan-ready, cut-up Morrell's Yorkshire, sugar-cured ib. 6 . if ,39 .. 1M X29 39 ,49 . Hi' ; lb, lb Smoked Picnics 4.v.olb Canned Picnics 3-lb. can Lunch Meat "ST Minced Ham Del Monto Franks Chopped Pork lunch most Ib, 59 Chinook Salmon XL'65 Meat Kw Bologna Corned Beef Tongut GEJVUJVE 1956 IBM OOXT HiM-iKS M TtNDIXNISS anal PUVOI 25 Del Monte or Somerset Ib. W 7 s, 39 Leg of Lamb Aged (or flavor Lamb Roast Shoulder cut Rib Chops Young, fender . Loin Chops Small center cut Lamb Chops Shoulder cut Whole Lamb or h.if Breast of Lambfor stew . 79 fc 55 ,b 95 S1C3 Ib. I '65 lb 49 ', 19 ii ' i f. LamD rns Any Family Sizo, Tasto DUcat ftavnr4 Umb is a fa Tortt irwal Sclcrtloa the rT , aruund. but II I u!ly enfular la Hiring hn lha wpp! oi ywirg Umb 1 at Ha prk. U om are one M the bnmrfnakrr ha ba .vrr " llaikrd tht trmlrf mrat, b. SUf M Intluda a fin "(pring Is hrr" Umb roast In your nest mrne ' pUn. You H have U'tle UJlicully ! Ing ilrl d lamb roart to fit ', family nnl. Riirt vary Irmn half Irji f Umb wrlgtung 4 to I pounds la full I irQ onrt Including the Hi Una porlUHi. Them Urir . romli may et!h R la ll pmiml. f'rohalily the nwt familiar Umb ' mast la the full kg that bal had only the wrl'Mn amtion remoM. The otight of nil roa u uiusiif from I to 10 pound, for a guxle la superior quality, be aura to se lect iamb roasts atampH flth ' alt iiwnra parkcr Jrarf. Umb la aa easy la roast aa beef or pork. The only pre preparation recommencV-O; U to strip all the paper like covering ealM the trQ before roasting. The fell may be Wt m II you prefer, but the roast 111 look prettier and be muck) easier to carve kf tha fa la re For added flavor. a skewer to snake S or small pockets bt ; the Umb and laaeet alivers of gar be before moating, or. roast the ' Umb "as to" and glass with mint , V-Uy about H hour before the roast la oW Serve your elegant springtime roast weft dsoe or slightly pink. but do be sure to serve K bot oa hot pistes for culinary perfection. Her s a reliable roasting sched ule for Vrf of Umb roasU, along with a tempting bhlever recipe fur 'Lamb and Rice Casserole. KOMTLNQ SCBEDIXX ' L To roast a leg of Umb. place the kg. fat aide up, oo a rack id ' i aa opes, low-aided psa. Do not add water. Do not cover. Insert a roast meat thermometer Into the ' center of the thickest part of the meat, ant touching bono. As the meat rousta. fte thermometer Indi cate the Internal temperature of the meat Check before removing ', the roast to be sure tha thrrmome- -ter has not been displaced. Roast ' la a slow evea tm degree) ao cording to the schedule below. Ma dium done la 17S degrees and well ' done 10 degrees Internally. LKQ OF LAMB Appro. Time Temperature ' I lbs S bra. ' med. S" hra. veil done . I tba hrs. med. est hrs, well done ' LAMB AND RICE CASSEROUC " iv cups cubed cooked lamb Ublespoons butter S Ublespoons flour ' H teaspoon salt '' lk cud milk i la.nwwui. nvnMui mniTirA ' T ' H cup cubed process cheese food S Ublespoons diced plmiento 1 teaxnonn rnimbled mint teavee H cup chopped ripe olives Melt the butter and blend lav r flour and aalt. Gradually add the milk, stlrrlag constantly until MIM la ktMJl til H tk, cheese, plmiento, rice, mint, and olive la the one-qusrt casserole and cover with the sauce, stir the mixture to distribute the Ingredl-' enu. Bake for 20 minutes la a bot ' (12S degree) oven. Maes 4 to S ' servings. v t : f, a- Stnck Your Cuohoardx With Thexe Bie Valuex! Low Prices Every Day When You Shop at SAFEWAY! , . r-N -wc ! t , aw T r-mX' hi I fc. I.r 1 t 'Y - & ' tit i f ii. V MargarineS'" Jell-Well Puddings While Magic . W Syrup IS'"" 24-oi. Each 3T Fresh Duller K? , ? Haa! Air! All Popular HUUI HIU Flavors pkgs. Fanr-u lA-sr Snnm By Hormcl Jitllll Luncheon Meal No. 303 cans 25' 12-01. mo cans ti Margarine Z 23 Tomato Juice T 29 "Best" Beer i.,..,. ' l 89 Nucoa pf, 29 Log Cabin Syrup, "t i 59 Western Beer ST T 110 Mustards. '?17 Instant Pudding p,y.i 11 Kool Shake Jt"d 5 ..29 Beef Hash L. 29 Baby Food ' Si 12 I1M Dog Foodj"oT;;- '.y69 1X1 Chili wi,h.. 4r 49' Baby Food tt' 2.n,25 Cat Food' mm 2c.29 . Pork & Beans Van Camp 2, 29 Baby Cereal Gerber , pkg. 19 Aerowax Self Polishing Qt. 59 Spinach Emerald Bay Brand Gropenuls No. Vi can lO'i-oz. Pkgs. US' ".W.WW.V. 25 VJV .ejsa.sffii! ).? WfWAfw.ffH I r. . .... ....... . ..... . ............ . ...-, v .: j. AW vaV aT JAV.'AV'.'.'.V.V.'.W, ,aV v.tgar ...m. '.SjaaaisWj .'.'.'.'.'.'.-.SBsssssssssjSsasfA'. . . . .iwjssr 'iV.'BjWjssv '". bsbbo v'.'.-.'bbbbbbbk'. '.SSRj ).vj.v:v.o.':v:v:o:'Xv.'A'.-:vAv iiwVwvvwtSTvVv.vvow.v 1 J Variety Found n Dried Fruits There axe a number of dried , ticulsrly reminded of the possi bilities during National Dried Fruit Week held In March. Here are Ideas for prunes and raisins. . . A spicy prune coffee cake with . a crumbly streuscl topping would , , ., be nice to serve for breakfast with , ' rilled bam slices and scrambled ( 1 ,' eggs. Try this kind of dessert for a .... change. Cook chunks of peeled Urt , apple and raisins in small amount , , of water pntll tender but i not mushy. Drain and combine with ... sugar to sweeten, butter and sprinkling of nutmeg. Tlace la , shallow baking dish and top with , miniature marshmallows. Baka ia ... hot oven to brown. . A raisin and rhubarb pie covered . . with a crumb torping Is indeed delicious fare. And while the rhu barb is in season make some raisin rhubarb conserve to serve as a special treat with meals later en, A in the year. ' ',. Use the last bits of a roast leg . of lamb to make a delicious curry. Be sure to serve rsisins, almonds snd coconut along with the chutney and whatever other condiment you choose. Flavorful rslsin pesnut butter cookies and fresh rhubarb make ' a delicious spring time dessert. Cut the rhuharb in 3 inch lengths ' and cook until barely tenner In a small amount of water. Add sugar to taste and stir until dissolved. NEW IDEA Toast xnlit Enclish muffin and spread with tomato sauce. Now sdd bits of tuna, whole small sar dines, minced csnned clams or canned mushrooms. Sprinkle well with erated rhrddar or Parmesan cheese and put under the broiler again briefly. FROSTY DESSERT Soread a thin flat sponge cake with softened ice cream; roll up, wrap in aluminum foil and freeze. Allow to stand at room tempera ture about an hour before slicing. T.0 EASY Mka cur thct the water in the nf vour double boiler does not touch the top part of the boiler when you are preparing custard sauce. Keep the water 1slromerlns sot boiling. - I