I! I; lUSvc. II) Statesman. Salem, Ore, Frl, April 27, 5fl diool Board Calls Special Sessions to Consider Bids on Classroom Additions I back at the ft'iurst of biduVrs for' fleeted 13 new Icachrrs for next: Buses Drop Segregation LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (-White and Negro Dassrniirn rode to. Others elected Thursday night t-ether on front Kali of tome city I Ducs nert mursday. ro Incidents I were reported. and Mm Reaa Adell Fletcher. Ss- Citlwns Coach Co, which oper ates buses, here and in adjacent North Little Rock, said Wednesday it was ending segregation of racra on ita vehicles. The decision wai made, it said, to comply with Monday's ruling by the U.S. Su- ialcm School jjjudget Vote Due May 25 t (Stery alse page ane) in the Salem Sch n..u v n.,,i. ni.n. preme Court. (IllvuBlf ItlWI tricu jiuin the rear and white passengers from the front of buses. Arkansas is one of 11 southern states with laws requiring segre- THOMAS G. WRIC.IIT. JR, v aft Writer, The Matenmaa more time to get quotations from school year. - were Mrs. Gwen Bales. Mrs. Mary iwo special sessions of the Sa- sub-contractors. I Leave for the balance of the Bradley, and Richard M. Kemper, ,f n School Board were called ' The second addition, a four-room school year was granted to Mrs. all of Salem, Lloyd L. Craft Jr., h uirsday night to open bids on wing to Washington School, will be Nellie Yung of Keiier for reasons Oervais, and Mrs. Vejda Hedge- '..'itions to elementary schools up for bids at 7:30 pm May' 17. of health; military leavt for 15- coke and Miss Eleanor Jackson, r ded to handle increased enroll- The addition would bring the Wash- 57 was granted Donald A. Bennett both' of Klamath Falls, for ele- !j T-rit next fall. jinijton classroom total to It. 'of Hoover School; leave for health mentary assignments, Mrs. Vera . p ids will be opened next Thurs-1 Two other special meetings of reasons was granted Mrs. Mary Cochell, Salem, senior high school, y at 1 p m. on a proposed five- the board were confirmed at the Peterson of Richmond School, f m additiftn to Morningside Thursday night session. Boar I Hesitations : liool. Opening had' originally members will meet again Mon-j, Resignations for next year ac- Mont., Junior high school. .Irn wit for am but was moved day morning with the citizens bud- teptcd by the board were from Other Actios . . . .get committee In its final consid-'Mrs. Merna Pert, Parish Junior! The board also: "Ar "k ,'ir k ration of the 1936-57 district bud-1 HiCh School, Mrs. Jean Roth, Bush' Authoriied an agreement with I .-S f l.'nhiAl mm U'k I. SI. I . J ' . I . .. I - H. iiik niiiir, i.rj- uir gnirr.ii riension umiun ui ga,jon i. -,- . ...kl.,. ir,nb Mutaal Prablrms he Junior High School, and Mrs. , the state department of higher ed- portation vehicles. . : Mutual problems of school ached- Virginia Carver, elementary teach- ucatjon tor the adult education' ' uling and seasonal harvest work er on leave this year. i program by which the school dis-',f . tlF.D for pupils will be considered at the Election of new teachers Includ- trict receives $4.'i0 from the div- nT. m.. mmni ..her special smioo of the board ed Iwo hand-wif. team. Lloyd i.ion for servkes J.rSng .l?7h?S Thursday morning with Salem P. and Mrs. Rayma Beerman of Authorized Clerk Connell Ward ;of Comn MHT rtfd tne orif!ill5 area cannery managers and can- Dallas, and Alfred P. and Mrs. to write off I3J6 in bills from 1M- 0f tne 140 boli banned from Can nery union representatives. Helen Lois Crist of Bellingham. 1 49 as tincollectabte. 1 4al last year on grounds of im Cannery safety, opening and 'h. Both Beermaa and Crist will j Heard reports on activities of morality or Indecency. Three came closing dates of school, and com- teach at the junior high level while the Curriculum Advisory Commit- (torn India, one from Germany plications of pre school football their wives will be assigned ele- tee, and the Business-Education and M each from France and the ' T.,nVva in the Salem School practices will be discui-sH at th mentary substitutes, I Day. I United States. District will voir, may m on a ". umuir imcmug ui i3i60,!iS3 tax levy to help pay schools now closely coincides with br 1956-57 school operations if the normal droo off in cannery an estimated budget is approved ! operations in the fall, no move by a eitixeni committee next toward changing school opening jjonday. ' ' dates is anticipated. Some modifi- The five-man eommitte, mee catjoB of ,he two.gKjay tootm hi Thursday in i'ny"' . drill Khedule before schools start w'!.h lh'i a . Z SmMtJSm T mar come out of the session, ajid school district administrators, .k- m v ir... 3edded to continue its study un-J Board Member M. E. Gus iir Monday on tht voluminous . Moor who is arranging the aes 19 070,899.75 total budget. sion pointed out that an estimate Except for minor items, in- 1.300 to 1,500 Salem high school rjuding $500 the h001 students are employed each year tact's share lor a winter season cannery operations and make music director for a junior y"-! up a large portioa of the seasonal phony, the committea found 'staff for Salem food processing Quarrel with the oversll budget nIan(j and approval is expected at the H(rf Jlondsy session. firowinf pain, ,t Librrty '! "in Previous years, cost of "l" tor employment of another Instruction for a growing Salem teacher there, got board attention Mhod enrollment will take the .Thursday night in the hiring of bieeest bite from the taxpayer's Mr. Marilvn Eastridee to teach rJocketbook. The total bill in mis a combination 3rd and 4th grade t . o oin m. I i r-- i- .1. . ... . kiass. uruwin ui me mn icraae class to 39 and the 3rd grade to 37 prompted the action. Dr. Wal- j ter Snyder, superintendent of Sa lem schools ssid. ' In other personnel action the board approved three leaves of absence and four resignations, and 3epartment runs to 2.wa.i Which is 1375,725.75 increase vr the current year s ?! Of this $304,154 is scheduled for teachers' salariea , incresses,, an other 140,419 for increased sal vies for principals, $131 for office assistants, $13,795 for su Rervisorr and $8,305 for aubsU- PUnt operatloni Which Include Janitors' salaries, cost of heat, 1,m .nl water will run an esti- ipated 1361, 1 8 nexi year, n , FlSlLoans Okelied district workera. - M.inimanra and repair la up (rma tn tus.OSl desuite a de- wi.n tn th furnitur and equip- nient department Auxiliary veaeles hold a budget of $161,- 870, up $17,108 largely due to iocressea costs ot transporuuua and the recreation program. t I rixed charges including public ernDloves' retirement contribu tions for stste and social security I ... MA iAI I M T1 1 . snow a u,wi w til Most of this increase is due t. salary boosts and aUff in- Capital outlays for building Ires, alterations, new furniture, supplies, books and grounds im provements will furnish one of Vie few decreases in the new 'budget The $214,735 total is down $3,548 from 1955-58, most f the drop coming in the ex penditures for new building sites. Jaor Alteratle-M - Major building alterations in clude installation ot 200 new lockers at North Salem High, re fcodeling of two basement rooms t Leslie Junior High, and remod els of kitchen and Installation ( new kitchen equipment at West Salem. . v Funds for continuation and ex MMinn of the exnerimental gift- Sit rhild urogram are provided in the new budget. Some $815 . was budgeted for science cquip- Tient . for the : new program tarted with the current school 4resr. 1 Th rest of the district's ex penditures will to to pay off 554 Disaster WASHINGTON I - The Small Business Administration has ap proved S54 disaster kiana totaling M.MS.UI in flood damaged areas of California, Oregon, Washington and Nevada. The areas were made eligible for the loans as a result of floods last December and in February. Of the total reported to House appropriations subcommittee as of April 4, California had 480 loans totaling $4,010,518. There were 300 business loans totaling $3.214 838 and 180 home loans totaling $795,- 680.' - ! Oregon had a total of 42 loans totaling 8399.387, including 23 home loans amounting to $81,363 and 19 business loans totaling $318,024. ! Eighteen disaster loans were ap proved In Nevada, four home loans totaling $5,840 and 14 business loans totaling $82,900. Washington had 14 loans total ing $49,473. including three home- loans amounting to $6,350 and 11 business loans totaling $43,123. GREATEST QUALITY LUGGAGE SALE IN OUR HISTORY Deluxt Train Case Johnson Has Checkup, Found In Good Health WASHINGTON UB - Sen. Lyn-' don Johnson 4D-Tex) had a physi cal checkup Thursday, was pro nounced in good shape, and pro ceeded to toss ji couple of verbal Ena-iures -JTwi punches at Gov Allan Shivers. He bts and retirement of bond.' ...... . . ... ,ueY Principal and Interest on ; said Shivers has become frantic. bonds for the year will run an Jonnson new a news conierenee ftimated $608,183.75, an Increase to report on the checkup on his if $83,856.25. fctage Kevlsloa Longysought revisions for the kUge at North Salem auditorium appeared in the making at Thurs day's budget session when com Iriittee members asked the board to consider soma rental increases a finsnca the cost The altera tions have been urged by com munity groups using the audi torium. A suggested Increase In rent from $50 to $150 wss made o finance the project J Elton Thompson, carryover Riember of the committee, wss fleeted chairman at Thursday's session. Other members are Wil liam Entress, Robert Smith, Earl Mootry and E. Burr. Miller, filler was chosen secretary. health, but was drawn into talk' ing also about his contest with Shivers for control of the Texas delegation to the Democratic Na Uonal convention. Johnson was examined at the Bethesda Medical Hospital this morning by Dr. R. W. Gilford. LOW BID TOLD IPOKANE Ml Ruud Construc tion Co. of Spokane Thursday sub mitted the apparent low bid bf $123,930 for building a sewage treatment plant at Eastern Slate Hospital, Medical Lake, Wash. VhaofVf RECTAL OINTMENT i Soothes, Lubricates, Astringent Contains Chaulmoogra .Oil, Witch Haxal, Kaolin Relieves Pain Shrinks Hemorrhoids. SCIIAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Dally 7:30 a.m. to t p.m. Sundays, I a.m. to 8 a.aa. 1J5 N. Commercial i- 4ii - M. Villa M i EkXCXi NV- ll ,-;ii vq ALL PLASTIC AIRPLANE LOUISA Light! Handsomely Styled! 3-Pty Construction! COMES IN RAWHIDE, ILUE OK RUSTIC IROWM TRAIN CASE NO MONEY DOWN 25c'A WEEK 21 -INCH OVERNITE CASE, REG. 19.95 Now ! - NO MONEY DOWN ONLY 50c WEEK 26-INCH PULLMAN CASE, REG. 26.95 11195 Now JllOJ NO MONEY DOWN , ONLY 50c WEEK Sec this luggage for your If to realize what o remarkable ue it is. It is durable, beautiful, ght. L ELECTRIC TOASTER 2 Slice Pop-Up Gleaming chrome finish and has handy crumb tray. REG. 19.95 i.OO u r J FIRST) I ON THE WEST COAST kg i:::e repoushi::5 With Silver Shield Anti-Tarnish Silver Spray For All Silver Sproy on a light coat ing and your silver won't tarnish! Is nontoxic. 7TTTTTT - hr -r fiinqs o'rozftuu His i "ft a8dfef''" I osi wiitriiiB f lowiair tismi 1 j j w wwi pwwn . , . tow as sr wsw 1 f. V if'' ARYIN Adjustable All-Melal Ironing Table fkitt y Waffle Baker and Grill et-7 on UW-oOl 9ul.r.y 12.95 .00 I aa. ' . - " mW.' 1 ,0,,,,r " " in'chblt .t of IVC S & N0 M0NIY D0WN 25c A WEEK 1 ' ,,""eissssaasssaaaaaassaaaasasBaBaaas I . i ! S : nnn i lwtM. 3.1 M ORDER BY MAIL IJS.rtjr at. , Pln sand m tht following. Il.mi a. adv.r- nd will nd 305 N. liberty St. I am anrlatlnf I , r wk er I per month until tht tntlrt amount plus po.ta(t la paid. NAME PHONE ADDRESS HOW LONG CITY 1 ZONE. STATE ,. EMPLOYED BY-. HOW LONG CREDIT REE . . i (firm Namta and Whtr Loeattd) Uk:S rli. irN Stliltlre It (a JTM 14 k.rl.y. A-J atfrtvte' wHi. ' A v' 'S! '. '" AJHa tnm Prf oroted Top fL SH, , For Cooler . W. ' Fester Ironing , Iua JK" l is? 'are. Hollf ,. " 'r art J 'JalOUEY iJ D0VJ3 iiimmi w fN SOaBI taiiisrs id. e-iimtaJk dU 14 k.r.t tel,. 5 N. " " ' Nt ImntM m Crrii Om fr(j:x tm fm 411- 4imtrf itl. TtH Stlittll. I 1 Jitmtnt t.fij. 3 lid. d'itmtiHlt. lOOIitilSO00 ' n . rt . 1 - : &X& 1 ' " DESK LAMPS WITH 2 FLEXIBLE ARMS YOU CAN ADJUST v " f t'm.' 4li":,"r-rj An Ideal lamp for read ing, studying or for a drawing board. Flexible arms adjust easily into position. See them now. Reg. 16.95 0)(2)3) o h I. . AdimltUs o Httvy - - kaB tyfinf) YOUR CHOICE Choose Either Lamp At This Low Price! Either of these is ideal for the i living room or den. Can be focusv. ed for reading. NO MONEY DOWN ' Rhtrf Ue litd J-w.y indirtel Kghtini Spot SjM ' . Ht.yy A WEEK KO MONEY DOWN 25c WEEK " SMART MODERN CERAMIC TV LAMPS Your Choice See these interestingly designed TV lamps. Good looking ard throw soft viewing light. NO MONEY DOWN. PAY ONLY 25e A WEEK ,. 1 i .4 I SMART 14" TABLE LAMPS Base is of brass com bined with a color. Hai washable fiberglos shade. REG. 7.95 NO MONEY DOWN PAY ONLY 25c WK. jLlJk WWW? ( f III: A'itV .?Wt' ifiVMH 305 NORTH LIBERTY ST. SALEM OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS 'Tit 9