c. II) m, Salrai. Ore., Fri., April 27, "53 Fivo Gcncrclicns v'-t'J UvilkvJ On Wcskcnd Calendar ' By FLCSS1E 1I0DCE Statesman Cerrespeadent Cap and Gown, senior wom en's honorary, is expecting I vis ltor from Mortar Board, national women's honorary, oa the camp m this weekend, lira, Robert Ie Fleming la bert to evaluate Cap and Gown and iind out if 11 is qualified to become national. A very nice compliment wai givea by the Salem Mothers Club to senior art majon, Don Bunse and Frank Dobbins, at the Rubin stein concert Monday. Don and Frank now have their senior show en display in the gallery of the Fine Arts Building and they were honored bjd the Moth- e-s uun ai me wienussMoai w fee. Gay Kent was named coed of I the month by the AWS cabinet ) In. a recent election. Hue &ent wis selected for the leadership qualities she has demonstrated during her four yean it Willam ette. Resides being president of her sorority. Alpha Chi Omega, the April coed is a member of Cap and Gown, senior women's honor ary. She has been active in de- and is secretary of the executive Members ot John Turmage t Tmiiy gamerea ai ms nome in ertnmitteo for Democratic Mock Convention. Miss Kent la senior political science major from Deadwood, South Dakota. Dances aw Weekend Slate fit's Spring!" according to the jiembers of Beta Alpha Gamma and Sigma Alpha Chi, sophomore men's and women's service hon raries, who are planning their annual soring dance around this theme. Alumni of the two hon oraries have also been invited to attend the dance held tonight Irom to 12 it the YWCA. ."Bridey's Blast" Is the theme chosen for Doney Hall's dance Saturday evening from 1:30 to 11:30 p.m. Couples are asked to "come as yon were" in eae of your previous incarnations. Cotton candy will be aerved at Lausanne Ball's dance, "Carou sel," to be held on the porches of: the dormitory Saturday eve nig. A bright red, wink, and white color scheme will predom inate. . The Law School spring dinner i.ijice will bs held Saturday eve three-day meeting. Mrs. Lawrence C. Merriam Jr., also of Salem, AAUW state his torian, told delegates that the AAUW files have been reorgan ized in the 'archives of the state library to facilitate expansion. The files were begun about ten years as by Misa Eleanor Steph ens, state librarian. Adapted Legislative Program During the convention dele gates adopted a legislative pro gram favoring education, im provement of library service in the state, educational television and the appointment "where ap propriate" of qualified women to state committees, commissions and boards. The organisation voted to con tinue study of p re-school and day care centers and to arge the state board of education to include in its budget funds for a full time kindergarten and nursery school consultant AAUW became the first state wide women's organisation to join Community Television, Ine, by authorising a $23 membership and the appointment of a repre sentative to the corporation. The state division voted to dis continue . contributions to the Margaret Sitell Fellowship Fund, begun in 1923 to honor the founder of OSC's home econom ics department, aince the endow ment has reached $52,877. Thia will guarantee an annual $2500 stipend. The organization con tributed a record $6,007 to fellow ship thia year which will be used by deserving women for grad uate study.. Keynote Speaker ' Kpvnni aneaker at th FriHav SILVEBTOJUSpecial gucsta and 10 at the Euegne Field School audi- banquet was Judge Lucy Somer- official members were honored torium at Silverton. Ramona Chap- j ville Howorth, member of the Tuesday light when Ramona Chap-' ter will visit Salem Chapter on AAUW Survey Committee from Salem Women Take Part in AAUW Convention Program., Mrs. Robert Y. Thornton, Salem, member of the national art com mittee of the American Association of University Women told delegates i th ,. . MRUUt,n i "nrurva thir individuality through ! creative experience." Mrs. Thornton spoke at an art program during the state conven tion April 19-21 at Oregon State College. Corvallis. which was called j by Mrs. R. Willard Duncan, state f i president from Klamath Fails, lis a Some 250 members of 28 of the 5P2CIGl MSSTinCJ .state's 29 branches attended the ' r , .. Celled to hear Lebanon on April 15 to celebrate his 85th birthday. Five generations of his family art pictured above. Mr. Turnidge is holding hit three months old great-great grandson, Carl lee Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miller. Standing in back art the baby's grandmother, Mrs. Joseph DiFilippi, his great grandmother, Mrs. Leon Hansen, and his mother, Mrs. Roy Miller. Special Guests at OES Meeting ter. Order of the Eastern Star held May 12. its meeting, presided over by wor- i A comedy skit was presented by thy matron, Mrs. Austin Sanford R. A. ,Flsh and Perry Morrell in and worthy patron, Harry Riches. Included ta the honors were Mrs. Dale Lunar, Grand Adah, Mrs. Earie Denham, grand treasurer, and Mrs, A. L Beck, grand repre sentative to Tennessee of the grand chapter of Oregon. Also honored costume, honoring Mrs. F. E. Syl vaster, who has been treasurer of Ramona Chapter for 18 years. Mrs. John Lalicker waa soloist for the occasion. During the Good of the Order, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lamar presented a wall directory for the was Mrs. waiter Meet, wortny loony ot tne masonic lempie ouua matron of Laurel Chapter of Can-) ing, commemorating their year as V.. ) wainntltM en at mm strut tunctkn nolrnn Bj, i wui m v sua vi uu esiru ftviviij iau wi, - - g- y- , Mrs. Sanford Announced that Ra-f Following refreshment, in the status of women chairman, Port- Passenger Car Output mnna fhih wah14 mt TiiesriflV dining roortl Washington, D. C, board member of the association since 1941 and former general counsel for the War Claims Commission. Honored at the banquet were Mrs. Psul L Patterson, widow of the late governor, who was named Education Citizen of the Year by the OEA. Speakers included Dr. A. L Strand, president of OSC; Mrs. C. D. Winston, North Pacific Re gion vice president, Ashland and Mrs. Creccne A. Fariss, national Tax Measures A a t c t a 1 meeting has been called for Monday. April JO. It 8:30 p.m. at the Salem Woman's Clubhouse to bear speakers on the meaning of tax measures. Mayor Robert White, Hugh Morrow, city librarian, and Walter Wirth, park commissioner, will speak.-A dis cussion period will follow their talks. AH interested are invited to at tend. Those In charge of arrange ments for the Salem Woman's Club are Mrs. John Carr, legisla tive chairman. Mrs. Winifred Pet tyjohn. Mrs. H. P. Grant, Mrs. W. W. Chadwkk and Miss Kate Dick- Local Sisters at Silverton Meet A large group from Centralia Temple, Pythian Sisters attended the District 2 convention in Sil verton Tuesday night Mrs. Har vey Kaser of Silverton presided and a special guest was Mrs. Har ry Bryant, grand chief, of Ore gon. Mrs. Laura Johnson of Sa lem acted as convention excel lent senior, and Mrs. Hubert Gatts was the delegate. Pythian Sisters were represent ed in the district from Albany, Corvallis, Eugene, Scio, Inde pendence, Dallas, Silverton and Salem. Attending from Salem were Mesdames L. B. Hixson, L. V. De catur, O. C. Harris, Harry Wil son, Laura Johnson, C C. Schultr, G. W. Oatman, A. A. Possehl, Tom Romaine, C. J. Nor ton, Nora Pearce, Ralph Willcox, E. O. "Burke. Herman Bergner, Emma Solie. H. H. Gatts, W. J. Peck, Claude Murphy and Mia Betty Jean Bergner, grand man ager. Mrs. Burke served on the resolutions committee and Mrs. Murphy on the law comimttee. The 1957 convention will be held in Dallas. Red Plane Hits Berlin Church; 3 Persons Die BERLIN urv A twin-engine Sov iet plane scrapped a church ateeple in dense fog Thursday and crash ed in aa East Berlin suburb. Three pasengers were killed and three others aboard the aircraft sur vived. The official East German news agency ADN said the plane, pre sumably a Soviet military trans port, damaged a house, two stables and a barn without injuring the residents. Coiirt UdIioWs'8 I)eslr0"1D China Cemetery 1 I VATICAN CITY Fides known. It added that "these tt Ryan's Term i C91il8ICIIt, in iiic - Cordell - Woodall Wa ning irom Until 12 OCIOCK at . " " , " " ! thawed alidet taken at Mr La. the America Lesion HalL ae- May 1. at 1:30 p,m. at the home of M ' f J" 7' TO RECEIVE DEGREE , ...... matr'a ravantijfl rnmnriitte fnr (Haft cording to Alex Byler, vice pre- fH' ' " nooaarV T'eMoini hided Refreahments ident "ot the student body and bers of the Star wer, 1 a so, r"" "7, imral fhiirmia. icq m cuuuuuw union i dc mi. n. . n. rwtmj, imm. Honored guesU witt Include P1" toUwl t May 8 meeting. Vts. Ray Smith, Judge Joseph nd of the Willamette Valley Mat- FeHon and Mrs. Felton, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gunner, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Carson, and Mr. and Mrs, Rny Lockenour. , May Weekend Events Planned The final schedule for the fif tieth annual May Weekend fes tivities planned for May 4 to 6, was set recently, according te Dixie Ruud, publicity chairman. The weekend, which is keyed to interest visiting high school sen iors, will commence with the cor- f- on)tioo of the May Queen at 4:00 Friday afternoon. A barbeque will take place directly after the roal crowning and a performance, of; "Kiss Me, Kate," will be given t 8:15 p.m. ' Saturday morning activities be gin at 8:43 with a new program, the academic preview. The pur pose of this preview Is to inform the high school guests about the various academic' departments, the traditional Campus Sing, which stresses competition be tween living organisations, is scheduled from 10 to Saturday mornig. At 1 p.m. the Willam ette track team will vie against the Whitman squad, followed by WU-College of Idaho baseball game at 2:30. The May Weekend Dance at I o'clock that evening will climax the activities. rons and Patrons meeting en May Pattern a i Needlecraft t if "Ml I y fy mm emm Pif li John Towel, Mrs. Alan Weisner and Mrs. Merle Anderson; decorations, Mrs. Norman Dodds; hospitality, Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Grodrian. FLORENCE, Italy - Ber nard Berenson, American art cri tic who has lived most of hi! II yean in Italy, will be given an honorary doctorate in letters and philosophy by the University of Florence May 8. He is an authority oa Florentine Renaissance art. Shows Slight Increase DETROIT. Mich' - Passen ger car output thia week will total 130,035 units. Automotive News reported Thursday. Last week 129,- 793 cars were built The trade paper estimates truck assemblies this week at 22,933 com pared with 23,167 last week. Fisherman Sails From Hawaii to Philippines f MANILA Iff - Filipino fisher man Florentine Daa reached the Philippines Tuesday aboard his boat Lady Timarau In the first solo crossing of the Pacific from Hawaii in 32 years, Philippine News Service reported. Das. 37. landed at Siargao Is land off the northeast tip' of Min danao Island, a message from the mayor of Numancia town on Star gao reported. NEW YORK t-The Federal Appeals court reversed Itself to day and upheld the six month prison sentence of Joseph P. Ryan, VATICAN CITY KiuVs known. It added that "these mute News Aacncv said Thursday Red , witnesses were no doubt embaT" Chinese autlionties have ordered Peiping'a ancient Chala Catholic cemetery obliterated and have be gun to open up its lomos ana re raising" to the Communists. Chala Cemetery dates back to the 17th Century. In its oldest tomb is the Rev. Mattco Ricci, 1 Division of The ' Vegne of Salem y r Wry r, 1 move tne oeao. . .,'Ralian Jesuit priest who brought The Roman Catholic agency said 1 in . dunatch Irom Hona Kon2ie CathoUc faith to China. He 72-yearHold president emeritus otithat reasons for the action are un-ldied at Pe.ping In May, 1610. the International Longshoremen s Assn. (Ind.). He was convicted Jan. 24. 19S3. of violating the Ta(t Hartly act by accepting S2.SO0 in 150 and 151 from a trucking firm that employ ed members of his union. Last July the circuit court of appeals upset the conviction, the Jail sentence and the accompany-' ing 82.300 fine. However, the U.S. Supreme court reinstated the case last Feb. 27. ... The high court directed the ap peals court to review the case again. The three-man court today unanimously upheld the sentence and One. Ryan has beep seriously ill for several months and is now in 4 hospital here. Long the president of the IDA, he was named its $10,000 a year president emeritus last year. . Ciftkest Year feet w I ftnt imar f wawosl P 'X Sixes From ' Child's St ' Growin, Girl's 7'i 3" . Also Available in . Solid Colors. Red, Light Blue, Blue and Pink. 39s THE JUNIOR DOOTERY 236 N.Hifh Open Fri. Til P.M. Jenetor Hotel lld. BUSINESS SALE! End-of-Mcnth ... 3 Day-Bargains Friday-Saturday-Monday April 27th-28th-30th Dresses CoHons And Other Summer Fabrics $3-$3-$7 tig Selections $9-$11-$1J-$M Shorts and Pedal Pushers $2.29-$2.69 Skirts $1M Jeans 1M Jackets flM Bargain Table Many-Items 5c to $1 29c Anklets 10c Men's Sport Shirts Tits - Sox Drtss Pants - Hats - Hants Shirts and Shorts -Khaki Pants and Shirts - And Many Othtr Ittms ... Vz to Vi Off Ladies Summer Dress Shoes and Flats $3.88 -$4.88 -$5.00 -$6.85 Open Friday 9:30 Til 9 P. M. 437 Statt Strttt h-f4f Figure flattering linM of this graceful winter dress are long, long torso of course! They're the newest fashion this season beau tifully adapted to this soft, femi nine style. And with jaunty collar, wide-whirling skirt what could be prettier; more becoming to wearl Pattern 435: Misses' Sizes 10, 11, 14, 1$. II. Size 10 takes i yards 39-incb fabric. This pattern easy to use, aim pte to sew, is tested for tit. Has complete illustrated instructions. md THIM I -ITVI cents la ealns tot this pattara Hi S emta for ach MtWn for Iit-clan m.lllnf. mi k AMNK ADAMS, car Ongnn luimin, 40t. Pattern Dept., Ml Knl 17th 8I New York 11. N. V Print putnl NAME. ADDRESS wltk S.ONK. 81ZK Uld STYUS NUMblH 1349 - Kasv crochet forms the pattern for this lovely clutch-cape. Tuxedo frpnt. gentle flare back-at fiatter injf to your figure! jPattern 040: Directions for cro rteted clutch-cape in sport-yarn. Admen's Sues 30-M; 4041; 44-40 Included. Easyl Lovely I , ' SWnd TWINTT-riVt CINf I In 'eoiaa for thli pattern 0 "nil i arh pattern lor lat-cl.ia m.il n. K.nd to The Orefnn StatHman. t i NMdlMraft rpt. P.O. Box 1M, Cid Cnl Station, New Yorfc II, hi Y. Print plalnir FATTM NCM f ' . your KASU. AAUIUOI aad ENJOY LIFE Eat what you wont, when you want h. SCIIAEFER'S Antacid Toblsts For Prompt lelief 60c SCIIAEFER'S D.1UG STORE Open Dally, 7:30 A. M. to Indiyt, i. a, to S s. wl 1)5 K Commercial f . i i - - V 1 tmid NEW SHIPMENT! - Valuts; to 6.95 - SPRING MILLINERY $98 Roberts "ont price" millinery department has a fabu lous selection of new hats! Large brims, velvet trims, loce straws, colors and styles galore! You'll be amazed ot the tremendous values. mm 111 North Libert j thi fabric with Spring's frish, cool look Womtn's, Mssts' and Half Sizts Magical blend of cotton and rayon yields a rich, pliant shantung textured fabric that shapes up into a lovely spring dress. You'll like the styling- square neck accented with polka dots, the gentry flared skirt. Navy, pink, oquo;'H-20; Wx-UVi, 40-46. MILLINERY. ICOND FLOOR FASHIONS SECOND FLOOR VJONDEZRFUL CAVIHGG COni-ANNUAL on lci . .... J A rent opportanity for KoMend eustomersr to stock up on their favorite styles, and for othert , to enjoy their superior beauty and wearing qualities; NoMend's, the stockings with personaliied" fit and more wear in every pair I All first . ejuality stockings, In new fashion shades of NoMend's "COLOUR VAfiDEOBE INCLUDED IN SALE ARE HOSIERY MAIN FLOOR Reiulerly $1.35 $119 . Now I 3Prt.$J.4S "Thrifties." Sheerest nylons, 15-denler, 51 gauge. Sheer nylons. 30-denier, 51 gsuge. Full-fashioned. Types 1.2. S- Stretch Deluae Sheers IS Dealer Tyse I tl Refularly $1.95 SJ69 New 3prs.S4.93 Sheerest nylons. Glamorous deluxe nylons Full-fashioned. 15-denier high twist 60 gauge. Types 1, 2, 3, 4, 6. 12-denler. SO gauge. Finest stocking in America. Feather weight, cool and perfect for warn weather. Types 1, J, J. RetutrtyS1.S $139 Now I 3prs.$4.0S' Very Sheer nylons. 15-denier, 0O-guge and Sheer nylons 30 denier high twist Si-gauge Types 1, 2, 3, 4, . Service nylons, 70-denier, 45 gauge. Types 2, 4, 8. Famous "giveable " tops in Types and 6.