. Cudy New Grrfc&j iivk rriiMiT iiKi ro HiiU'tliig permit! ware Issued Wednesday lu t alllornia I'sialnf Company, Id reruof i tannery at iro Mill hi , M.o, MiHrr i I liartmenl Kir, la trrwil t ware house l lot N. I.llrty W , $4.0; Joseph (Wy, la alter one story hmiu ! 1M h M , M0; Annt llelgerud, la rtrwil t one story huut it HJO N. Mk to , put. Turn lrmkwalr, la rron( on. story apartment et UttH ' WuhUmd Ave , Mathli RriM. revolutionary Johni HUNT All! HITfl IIOMK (My First Aiilinin Molvln E Unguium, slwt p (of Wink Wednesday with palih of his fur.ltt-ad. )'e" mid h. bumped II an hit car door and treated tlx (aili with lit aid u( Ilia tint aid ku h alweyi carriii In the rr. TI1K MIDCKT MAtKRT IS out aniiionh WE DO NOT IIAM4.K Pack aged on rnoxr.s mkati We buy from the farmeri, do our own curing and invoking and r.perate i.or own aauaage kitchen PUC Order Halts Freight Hale Increase Pul.lio Vlllltles foiniiilssliincr Chati.a H, llrllrl Wednesday signed an OfriYr suspending III' of I per cent in Intrastate rail rrright rain, Hearing will be held here Tees day, May I. In Iht officii of Hie CulllllllMllitlrr, Originally Ilia railroads filed larllli for a 7 per rrnt Increase Intrastate In Orciion. Thru tariffs M.iiullla en,.!.... .ki.ul.. aau-M ill.ie roilrlemil meal rnll.ra ar.'0 Pr Suspended by the Ullll ...... i tl.ra In ..I.I v.ul lit Ihl. I Commissioner. Ttummsge in la over Greenbaums, we art able lo bandit a amid' at ma interstate lommrrce grade of meet al reasonable1 commission flscd a per cent sinswnrtn tti. k hat.,! prices MIIMirT MARKKT, 151 Apr. 27 4 2lh., 130 am. lo STATE STREET. UNIX l4l5. 30 pm. ladv.) Ham dinner Marlesv Grange hall, Kun , April 2. 12 30 to 2. Arlulla II 00. Children 6oc. (adv.) BINECAM HAVE ION Mr. and Mrs. Ola P. Blncgar Jr., formi-r Salrm rnklrnii, art parrnti of aim born Wtdrwwlay morntnf at Frndlrton, whrra Diry rnlda. Both Dinriur and Mri. Biwiar, lha ormrr i'alrina Tin dall, ailrndad W'tllamrtlt I'nivrr tily, Grandparrnii includr Mr. and Mri. Ola Binrgar Sr. of Salem. !llur ic, f alio. Carroll Jo ba(. Hhubarb se lb lirddlna; plant. rarmrr Jonn Market, li-ndJRd. YOUNG BEEF ROASTS Vk LEAN BACON BY THE J'IF.CE 4V lb. WE MAKE OUR OWN HAMS AM) BACON. MIIMIKT MARKET. 331 STATE STREET. SINCE 1015. (adv.) Mahogany dlninf rm. tabl 4 6 chain. To. 4 22bd. (adv ) SOCIETY MEETS The Salrm Camclla and Rhodo dendron Sorlrty mrmbna Turiday nifht heard Walter Barkui give -talk' on the planting, rare and inter itorage of upring (lower bulbi. Kay Huntington. Salem Lindrapc architect, ahowrd color ed slides of hii recent trip through European countriei. rri.. S 30 to 7. Adulti SI. chil dren SOc. MeninRside Methodist Church. (adv.) Summer fcomt for tale I ml lei above Me ha ma on the little North Fork In the Santiam (adv.) BICYCLE fOt Nl State polite ofliceri In Salem art trying to locate the owner of a rereol model red J, C. Iliggini bicycle, The bike a taken lo Ihe local elate police elation on State Street alter It wai puked up with i mlimng itaie Inatitution Inmate. WIENERS S I.B. BOX FOR II 50 TAKE A BOX AlAiNO ON THAT, Hate traffic FISHING TRIP. OUR WIENERS, LUNCH MEATS AM) SAU-I SAOES ARE ALL MADE FRESH DAILY IN OUR OWN PLANT. MIIXiET MARKET. 331 STATE, amr.M, M.tr. jvia, caav.) Incrraae fur Intrrntate rate In lead of T per cent Ihe rallroadi filed the new tariffs In Oregon for I per cent Increase In Oregon, llrltiel laid aumer out proteati to tht propoard new ratrt bavt been received at hit office. The Portland Grain Eirhange haa requeated the public ulllillei commluioner to allow rail freight ralei Inlraalale on grain and grain product a lie made uniform In Ore gon with Ihoie applicable on Inter- Salem Man to , ai port-1 ' ilT' HI I 1.0VJ Harn dinnrr-Mornlng,ld. hoo IVlSlt MOIiaCO , .. Leaky f.uccliT Sluggih dralmfi Judkoo'i. Ph 3 4141. (adv.) A ilnglng lergeant from Si- SOc nit Frl. 4 Mn. at Y.W.C A. lent, Specialiit 2 c. John I. Mini Rudgel Shop, HI S. Winter.; fie. will be in Monaco next week, Open 10 to 5. (adv.) hut not lo serenade the new Princeia Once. John, ho it atationed In France, will spend Ihe last week of hit two-week furlough vliiting hit great grandfather, Dr. Wil liam ('. Minifie. and t great aunt who lives In Monte Carlo. The 22 year old machine accounting Rummage Sale: Ptanti. baked ipecialiit will come from t week food k coffee. Jawn le Church, i In Holland where he and I cou- N. Winter 4 Jefferson, Thur. 4 ! Pi of trmy buddies obeerved the Fri. (adv.) CARFIELD HAS NIGHT Gtrfleld School will hold Ita an nual "Achievement Night' tonight from 7 to I o'clock at the school. Class rooms w ill be opened lo Ihe public and ttudentt' work displayed. High Student, 1- Jill Caaimlags. North Salesa High aeniar who ea fear-year Ulliaa arkalarablp far leaching reeeratlea la cellrge. Scholarship Winner Told The North Salem Tarent Tearh era Association picked Jill Cum mings as winner of Its annual education acholarshlp. Jill is Ihe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cummrhgs, 1311 U St. The grant wil pay four years of tuition .lur-Jill .ati)i i-iiun suit College where she will major In elementary education. Jill includes among her many activities being vice-prrldcnt ol Nancy Gormnen Horizon club. treasurer of National Honor So ciety, a member of 1-atin club. Civics club, Rhoda McCulloch Y- Teens and Girls Letter club. She was also "Girl of tht Month" earlier (his year. Deal. Claims Mrs. Cook, Slate Pioneer Mn. Ollle Cook, 1100 S Liber IV SI , an Oregon pioneer, died Wednesday at I Salem boiprtil. She wai 13. Mn, Cook traveled to Oregon with her parents. Mr. and Mri. William Stump, when ihe wai small child. The family niidr 'the trip acroaa the plains from ! lows, where Mrs. Cook armi knm net. 14, 1803, and settled In the' Dallas area. For the put 23 yean Mn, Cook hi i mdi her home with her daughter, Mrs. 8. G. Stevens. Mn. Cook's husband waa the lata Milton Cook, She waa a mem ber of the Methodist Church. Survivors Include .he daughter, Mrs. S. G. Stevens, Sam; three grandchildren, Mrs. Raymond Busick and Glen Stevens, Salem, and Virgil Riggs, Black Rock, Ore ; six (real grandchildren and three great greaf grandchildren. Funeral aervirrs will be held at the Virgil T, Golden chapel Friday at 10.30 a m. Interment will be in Belcrest Memorial Park. County Courts Study Plan For Secondary Road Aid 'Statesman. Salmi. Orr., Tln.r., Apr. 2fl. '0 (Srv. 1 -5 Marlon County Court nirtiiliert attended I meeting Wednesdsy in Nxirt of rminty courts ot !)! triil I, This was one o( a series of nieellngs arrou the atale conduct- Joh IMacciiK iits OpcninH (l!inl During Monlli Both placementa and Job open ings Increased during March and have Jumped even litora rapidly thia month, Ihe State t neinploy merit Compensation Commission reported Wednesday, Referrals last month reached 7,234 of which 4.22 were placed on non-farm Jobs. New applications fur work barely balances these liKuree. Farm work look lent per sona which waa Ihe highest num ber an far thia year. Unfilled openings reported from all over the slate continued to ei pand from the 1211 counted at Ihe turn of the month. ed by Ilia AsuxliiUon of Otrimi Counties lo review various a'-ls of stale and federal ll cuninn Ing cmuily government County Juil.-e Km Hartley and commissioners Fd ltk't''i and Hoy Hue heaid outlined ne develop, tnenti In fedrral aid lo seiondaiy road programs by representatives of Ihe U. 8, Bureau of Itoads and the Stale Hiihway Department. The progress being made In a survey of county government by the legislative Interim committee on hx al government waa also rs plained by cummitlee rnrrtihrr A similar meeting It lo be held today at Tillamook. Rummagt sale Wed., Thur., Fri. to S. Dresses, coatt, shoes, misc. 933 Belmont (adv.) Fast efficient roof aervlce. Cascade Roof C Ph. J4823. (ad.) FINGER TREATED tkvfwwiai inaata .faa Jnaneet4ntl wwwv, ' i" t' i imkiii nint pru iinm irvtFit switt tirdays and Sundays. Ph. 328 Welles. Corvallis. tor linger la weekdays. W. F. Browning, 110 ceration received in an elevator S. 21st, Salem, Oregon. (adv.) Donaldson to Head Lions Daryel Donaldson was elected president of the Hollywood Lions Club Wednesday to succeed Wil liam Bliven. Other new officers named in clude Carroll Mecks. Clarence Greig and Raymond Gates, all vice presidents, and Mark Capps and Claude Cumming. both directors. The new officers will be in stalled at the club's meeting next Wednesday noon in the Lions Den. door in a Salrm store. He wai taken by his mother to Corvallis fur sutures, first aid men laid. Unsightly facial hair safely, termanently. Beauty Salon. removed Price'a (adv.) annual tulip festival, Minifie, the ton of Mr. tnd Mn. John D. Minifie. 2248 Mill St., it tlso a member of his Army unit's 23-msn choir which recent ly won first place vocal honon In competition with other Ameri can troops in France. The chorsl group it now competing In an all Europe contest, Mrs. Minifie, the toldier'i jnother, reports. Minifie has been stationed lit Trance since November. 1954. He is scheduled to return to Ameri ca In June fur discharge, after which he will begin his college career, the mother Mid. NEW TV ANTENNA A new antenna for the county Denial platee repaired while you' juvenile quarter's television set wait at Painless Parker 12i N. Liberty. Salem. W hat doei POISON fluoridei do to man 4 rati? Find out Thurs day, April 26, 8 p.m., at West ern States College, S. E. 63rd 4 Foster Blvd., Portland. (adv.) Dentist, waa installed Wednesdsy which will provide reception lor all three channels. Formerly the "rabbit ears" antenna was used, which could receive only one telecast. The set It used in the reception room of the Juvenile section of Marion County Jsil. Police Tow Four Vehicles Four can were towed from the railroad track in the 300 block of Trade street Wednesday lo permit parking of a freight car, city police said. Car owners were listed by pol ice as A. Franciscone, 2015 S.W. 4th St., Portland; Frank Toney, 3964 Pleasant View Dr.: Morris A. Yaw. 364 Hood St.; and Mark D. Hclvig, 638 Brcyt Ave. Owners are liable for 50 rents bail plus towing charges, police laid. Births ROBERTS To Mr .and Mrs. Gerald Roberts, Aumsville, a son, 'Wednesday, April 25, at Salem General Hospital. BALEY To Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baley, Sweet Home, a daughter, Wednesday, April 25, at Salem Memorial Hospital. FREDERICK To Mr. and Mrs. Karl Frederick, 860 E. Street, a ton, Wednesday, April 25, at Salem Memorial Hospital. PeLAFP To Mr. .and .Mrs. Floyd DeLapp, 3500 Garden Rd., a son, Wednesday, April 25, at Salem Memorial Hospital. FOOT RELIEF GUARANTEED - Or Your - MONEY BACK! IT lthl t wetks wear jot art not tomplrtrly sslUtift lorn SIONKY WILL ' , Ht aKFUNDKD rr Ifen. Women, laid Nstloa- IIT. VlVs-Sol Arch Restorers r a complete new approach to ward loot comfort and ot ta be confused with any other arch lupaort jrou mar have ever worn No stiff leather, plastic, cork or steel dnranteed on Appllsntt Onhr II you ie suffering from Arth ritis, Bark or pains', hun-.-ns, ealousrs, sore or achlnf fe.-t. you trv VelVa-Sole, the tentslional arrh support th.it Is making history Oar, $6.00 Pair Garden Club To Observe Anniversary The Pacific Northwest Region of Men's Garden Clubs of Ameri ca will celebrate its 10th anniver sary of the founding at Salem on Saturday and Sunday. The session will also be the regular quarterly meeting of the froup. The Pacific Northwest Region was the second such geographic subdivision of the national or ganization to be formed and it composed of all men's garden clubs in Oregon and Southwestern Washington. The business session starts at 1 30 i nt. Saturday at tbe YMCA. The big event of the twday meet will be the banquet Saturday night at the Senator Hotel, wjth ine puoue invuea. Hawaii Firm One Of Salem Plant's Host" ( 'lIslOIIHTH A Salem Industry's mmi Ml.Unl customer is becoming one of its largest customers, it appeared n eunesaay. FiftV 400-Dound harrela a' larrf (20.000 Doundal will tvo Irn.-k.i4 soon to Portland by Cascade aieaia inc., lor snipment to Love i Biscuit and Baking Company in Hawaii. The ihipment will bring to 100.000 Bounds lha aiianlil nf Itrd which Lore's hat ordered from the Salem firm. Man Bound Over to Jury Bail wai continued atlJ OOO for George Albert Burroughi, 2434 Abramt St., after he waived a preliminary hearing Wednesday and waa bound over lo the Marion County grand jury on a charge of forgery. The 44 year-old printer It ac cused of writing and attempting lo cash a 1112 check at a Salem bank April 21. He waa arrested on the charge Tuesday by . city police. State Agency Plans Record Timber Sale The Oregon Slate Forestry De partment will hold the biggest limber tale in Its history at Tilla mook on May 17. It will auction KJ7.000 worth of snags In (he Tillamook Rurn. The stand, containing W million feet, la located on the lower Nrhalrm Hlver, 10 mile east of Wherler. The block it broken into five unlit for bidding purposes. Ed Schroedcr. assfslant atale forester," said he think! the" lim ber will tell for more than Ihe ap praised value. About two thirds of the money received from the aale will go to Tillamook County. The rest will be used by the forestry department for administration ofstate lands. aitft .'44 45 t7i4 tl A4 Ml A J MA Jl a ni4i ji V J' t) '4411 ilia 221121 AM 1) iuir 1) fnim M.1P -fly CLAY K IwlUN- ' ni'f lo Ilia lie's To dovolm meiiogc tor Thu'ldoy, 'food wod (orrtr'Jnd'n0 '0 "s"'! Of your iud'Ot U'lh .gt I Gu4 )I'MI II To l-l'O U Ck4 I Art 1 The )i l Ad 4 I M'M i Owotlsa o4 e.n t t'ontly .H Cot li SAmy t maheM 4 lee M Use 7 V en )' Nmoms r ' t Ceo 10 II V I Mmi 14 Moke II ae.wl la The I? tulid II lunof 1 ) Se 40 41 Way 4 . 41 CX 4 Ta 44 Vvfce 4; Domesiie 41 It 4 te 30 ludvert V) Ctoee 21 Doy St CtifJ 11 1W aoMod 1 irnoM si 24 tMeiean V4 i AeowiM S )4 Cot 1 M SAoy Jl Se-lt M t-ld f ks I artfieMOMI l Dee Jo A 40 Akjcmy 40 heat f$)Cooi ()Aleeai t)sV.a a- n To 71 Dt 71 Vi 11 Ae.toas 74 Um , 71 71 Than i ' 77 iecuney 71 No n They W VM -II Uo t A I) Ve 14 IWVi l as t( IdftJeM tdjttsgt t M lawn XT 4 ( i 4 J44 OK I 10 71 -H(V 13 mail tAOlOOt 1 41 ' v 4 tAX II mj ur.A H7i77 X it nr SMiLlV bivjur-ar 1 L-j at 4 Damage Suit Asks $15,600 - A personal Injury tult based ea of wtgat, 1300 medical eipenae . a traffic colllsioa and asking f 15, too damages was filed Wednesday in Marion County Court, . - Loy L.-Hawet filed the eom-4 plaint against George Sargent and a Jane Doe, who it alleged to be the driver of the car owned by Sargent. Hawet accuses tht driver of negligence in a collision. The plaintiff It asking 1200 for damagea to hit car, 1M for Joat 15,001 general damages, and $!'. 000 punitive damagea. Wlil1!'-!' tl . C'fi- 'If JHs OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P. M.-OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. JU. V.N. DAY LEADER NAMED Dr.' Victor P. Morris dean al business administration at the University of Oregon, wat appoint ed by Gov. Elmo Smith Wednesday aa state chairman for Oregon United NaUont Day. ii s Mies -m CARD OF THANKS We take thia opportunity to ex press our sincere thanks to our many friends, neighbors, rela tives, also employer of Oregon rutp as raper Co. Local 163 and 230 Independent Order ot For esters. SL Vincent Parish. Busi ness office of Pacific Telephone Co., Grace Lutheran Church, 4 Cornert fire dept.. 4 Corners Auxiliary and everyone who help ed and gave to generously titer the tire wnicn destroyed our home and poasessions. Again many thanks. 'William and Eileen Heaketh and family. OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY, 1115 TO PJv. OTHER DAYS-t:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. Expert Watch Repairs llow long since your natch was cleaned? Your watch needs cleaning and oiling regularly to give you reliable service. Save cost, ly repairs. Bring if In tomor row for a timely checkup. All of our mainsprings are guaranteed for life. lllplii km.' . TV m m . T-t a B-TS V OV.S 1 5. V Fine jewelry and silver repairs We'll resting your pearls, rex pair and replate your jewelry, let us resilver ydur tableware for gracious entertaining. We'll gladly stimate needed repairs Use your CHARGA-PLATE WATCH REPAIR - MEZZANINE FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING v FOR OVER 1.000 CARS GODS CD2 LIONS CLUB THIRD ANNUAL AND GREATEST HOME AND GARDEN SHOW The Greatest With the Latest ... and IT'S ALL FREE! 60 GREAT DISPLAYS STAGE SHOW AND EXHIBITS Twice Daily at 3:30 and 9:30 t. M. Featuring Tom Garry and Sherry Comedy . . . Hypnotism . . Mind Reading ; V U Y Xi3 V k V DOOR PRIZES! $300.00 in Merchandise Certificates 6 DRAWINGS DAILY S Each Afternoon J Each Evening FRI., SAT., SUN. April 27, 28, 29 (Friday 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.) (Sat. & Sun. 1 p.m. to 10 p.m.) STATE FAIRGROUNDS GRANDSTAND Free Parking -1 8th St. Parking Lot Simplicity prinitd pattern, 1558, 35$ sew it yourself with cool, smart AVOND ALE CHAMBRAY 89c 36 inches wide' yard and it cornea In a long list nt aolid colors with perfectly matched candy stripes for the smartest of summer separates. Crease resist ant: the smooth finish washes like a handkerchief, and requires just a mere touch of the iron. 'AVON DALE DENIMS ... 36 inches wide; Avonrlale pre-shrunk. The ideal fab ric for summer play clothes, in solid colors and matching multi color stripes. C Yard 69 WELLINGTON SEARS TOPSAIL COTTON . . . a sturdy weave cotton, to fashionable for summer casuals. Sanforized ihrunk, color fast, and lo easy to wash and iron. aolid colors 'J.19 " yard U9 yard FABRICS - SECOND FLOOR co-ordinated prints and atripes i - ; . -- . - .' 1 4 I ' ; 1' -i A v i-- S - i - uri-aatiaai' t- "-f LOWE'S FOOT AID SHOE STORE tear Hem A.M. H I M P.M. FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1000 CARS 14J N. Mia St. SIwm 44111 U"