Staff nan, Salem, ()ir, 1 1 ur.,Apr. :a,'C3(c. V) 'I : r Cypnij Joins Hale Willi Politeness Mr Wtll MCKlNtEf NICOSIA, Cyprus (Jl Cronii Is ttraniely contraitinf nitre of po!llcni and hate, of tea and terror. Since March I It h Wi kind at politic) no-man's late1 aitln (or lh nt blf move . 1 new, violent offensive against (h BrltUh et lonf aouht peace. Indications art there iU be lonf wall. The . British governor af (hit itratrilc aatt Mediterranean la. land. Field Marshal Sir John Hardlnf, deported Archbishop Ma- karloa oa March t, charging; kt wai supporting terror and trie- If net In tha Greek Cypriota' cam paign lor unloa ltk Greece. Ha hopta that after trrorUm baa heee etamped tut art, mod erate Cyprlot leaders will coma la tha fore and that nr negotla tlou aa aelf government (or tha Uland caa ba returned. But rany Creek Crprlott tar M aw leader will coma forward.- e would never negotiate with out tha archbishop." says Nirna Kranldlotlt, secretary of the Etk ntrchy, tha ruling Creek Ortho dox Council which Makarioa head ed. "Tha only poaalbla solution la for aire ta ba brought back." Na Middle Croat Other Greek Cywlota tar there It practically na middle ground. Makarioa claimed ta represent moat a( tha It per cent af tha SO00CO CyprloU who ara Greek Orthodox. Tha church It natlonal Utic and right-wing. Tha remain der af tha population la Turkish, and oppoaea unloa with Greece. Tha an) ather arganited group It AkeL tha outlawed Communist- party which climbed aa tha tnoa la (union with Greece) bandwama bacaute It uturaUy appoted Brit- lab military baaca here. So there u deadlock. Meanwhile, there it tha mixture of politeness and terror. , I'adeclarad War On recent Sandar suave Cyprlot attorney, apeaking In flaw leaa English ia the lounge af hotel crowded with British offi ce, tald aver kit tea. The British must understand. yoa know, that this It aa unde clared war. Unfortunate things happen la war avea II it la un declared. ' At dusk an tha same day ana of thoee "unfortunate things" hap pened muet west of Nicosia. Three men In black hoods shot' dead a fellow Cyprlot suspected; of being an Informer (or tha Brit--ith. Moat CyprloU lay anti-British' feeling bat multiplied since the expulsion of Makarioa la the Sep chelie Islandt la-the Indian Ocean. Nationalistic CyprloU claim ta per cent of Greeki here back Eoka. (he secret erganliatlon which wages (he campaign with gun and bomb. "The other 4 per cent work for the British," the explain contemptuously. Dni Kale laaporUace But the British are not wash ing their handt of Cyprus. Te the British, Cyprus it an air and naval bate of first rate Import ance, the last piece of British ter ritory in tha eastern Mediter ranean area, a springboard (or action In tha troubled Middle East. Britain hat about 11,009 of her beat aoldlen here, ready ta act ai "fire brigade" anywhere In the Middle East. BrltUh leaders tay Cyprua would not ba secure base if these troopt were here under noma kind af lease arrange ment even though Makarioa and ather church leaders ara thoroughly anti-Communist. The British are expanding their faculties here not pulling out. A big new air base nt Akrotiri it under construction. A new Mid dle East land forces headquarters it being built at Eplskopi. A British-sponsored development pro gram of civilian building It at the highest point ever. Thanks to the construction program there ia virtually no unemployment. The narrow streets of the cities and towns are crowded with shoppers. N Femes Killed British force en the island Is overwhelming. About hall the Is. 000 ar? engaged in security op erations. With such force, BrltUh officers say, there is virtually no chance of a major demonstration getting out of control. But since Eoka went inte action en April L. IKS. nearly n persons have been killed and some 400 wound ed. Harding and his staff say that as few as 90 . "gangsters" may : form the hard core of Eoka. But aiding them are large numbers . of youths infUmed by anti-Brit- ' Ish propaganda. When pressed, Harding esti mate! that Eoka will be beaten in six months. British leaders feel that without Makarioa, Enosls has lost its political sense of direction. The acting elhnarch, tha Bishop of Kitium is regarded ss a weak leader compared with shrewd Ma karioa. The British think they are mak ing progress in blockading tha flow of arms and ammunition to Eoka. But on the other band Eoka ap pears to be making more efficient use of what it hat. Terrorltm can be an acquired skill. AID CdEics 3 ( 1 ' . 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(luck hat a pile of an estimated 800 horns In hit front yard, col lected in hit patrols over t peri od of about three yean. He ex plaint patiently to tourists he didn't shoot ill of them himself.