The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 26, 1956, Page 40, Image 40

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o,f, 7ir., Air. : ': 1
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try t ry
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(.'.': ! 111..
t: ' ' f ': 1 r a M a
Ainniianl thai It WflM 01
(ir a4 tl iarlm ! It.
1 hat eoe re!" Ur"re able la
lbt hi torn 1, Bililwa aollar
erf 7tr tltreaah tlrlMf fetall
aa H'.Um iwladlta. Here 'I
hew asfs af Urnt eperale ad
he Tea IM prelect yearKll.)
Af NVWretore STrller
WASHl.NCTO.I" i Chief hv
ftetter Buln bureau fininHid
over w mi11'"" ''",
year with many ef limn Involving
ummU-rrd 'lint' and phonry
"The kind of charllr fund rala
log campaign we don't like and
art flihtmg all the lima la where
they hart paid promoteri," ha Mid
"We've lound that la moat Ceeea
onl ) or it oar rant of tha money
goes la charily.
ih bait charities ftt along M
tutor David Slephent of Iha UJ.j.i, w ,ighl per rent lur
l'ol Unite Orpanmeni reao ina eipena, of Was.
teletype mage (nd shook hit McCarthy aald tha National
head wearily. Uaso. of Better Business bureau.
U i a vicious ra let . . . vicious. , MnprofU roup established In
Tha wondrr U lhat paopH art KlU.itM, recently luurd warnings
falling lor It. about new outfit which cUimi la
Tha mewage cam from Chlcage. i hrlp vrtrrani art employment frra
It ioia tow poetai inspector! nao ( charge.
arrested i iwtmller woe preyed Thrvre eendinf out I'a mil-
H atores af bereaved famfliee by; Hon ballpoint pain at It apiece
amding them cheap moiri eaare-. Mint vetrrans and a ai ao-
ad to tha deceaaed-lor tl C.O.D. !pal," h laid. "Every time we
Bui tha lineage inooent u jum ... (, informalioa about their
drop ia tin nationwide bucket 'oprrationt. they Juit eend Ul an
aa the fast buck boyi, charity
racketeers, mail-order gypsteri,
"Boiler Room" crew and ether
fly by-alght eperatort fleece the
America public aut af mUlioni of
dollari a year. ,
la the charity field alone, the
Better Builneu Bureau eatimate
at leait 1 million dollar! fella
lnie the bande af charlatan! and
order blank saylnf 'order more
"However, we found out they
seed mo.QOa for expenaee before
a aickle foes toward belpini nt-
Oa af Werat
Experta aay eoe ef the worst
rackrli la the "boiler room" ap
proach la which high-preiaure
get rich-quick promoteri. A total , Mleamea. manning a battery of
of four billiaa dollar! ia contributed telepbonea, keep the wlrea hum
annually to legitimate UA thar-jmrf vnh appeal for money for
"That meant 1 millloa dollan
la going Into the pocleU ef rack
et eera which ihould be gouif to
aid legitimate chaiiUet," loapedor
Slrpheni laid.
Kle Iwlaale
la lit Chicago "Bible riu&t,"
Ike culprit watched obituary
noflcea pub Imbed ia newipepere
and mailed out 100 Bible C.O.D.
la the Bimee of the dead pertoni.
furvivori assumed the deceaied
had ordered the booki and paid
fur them. The reported $3 Bible
cost i apiece.
Police bunco aqtiada and pottai
authorities are coutantly ea the
alert for such "hearie chuera."
a these pariah of tha andenrorUl
art known. Around 1V millloa
American die annually. That la
the fdra hirreft they feed oa.
."The Bible swiodl la aa aid
trick." Steven aai "I recall
eaaet at lea yean age, and
youth center, orphanagee, hoe-
pitala, (ummer cam pa, and to on.
A New York legidaliva commit
tee, which lnveatigated charily
racket la 1KI, beard testimony
from detective who hired aut u
"boiler room" aaletmea U collect
evidence. Witnetae aaid they had
been butructed to pot aa print,
rabbia,' doctor, lawyer and city
offclal and to drop big name In
making their "pitch."
When a prospect balked at con
tributing, the caller would aay
"Jurt a minute, tha mayor will
apeak to you." Then another aalet
maa would take over, poaing a
"the mayor."
The New York committee found
that moat of thee glib operator
were greedily practicing the pre
cept (bat "charity begin at borne."
The committee (aid at least three
per cent of the 750 million dollar
give to charity annually In New
York-or 22't million went to
It probably (oei back long before fraudulent or questionable fund
that. Nowaday w get a lot of raising acbeme.
variation ea the tame theme." The committee noted the cat ef
Stephen, whose nationwide force a Detroit promoter who mailed out
ef 1.0CS postal Inspector investl- 1.000 crisp new II bill witti an
gate thro-the-mail Crimea rant
Ing from extortion, fraud and forg
' try to mtU theft, aald the charity
racket k the most lucrative ef an
the mt riid trip baited for kind-
hearted hut guUIMa eitlien.
A recent case, be aaid, Involved
an ouUit which billed Itself as the
"Department of California Bandi
esrptd War Veteran" Implying
Xiuu official atate agency-and
o.icited fund for alleged hospital
car of veterans.
tn,K far 'jExBeaeeo'
la three month, he said, the
promoter took la 1M,000 and
pocketed $37,000 for "expense."
Tea firms were Indicted for mail
appeal to help build a "National
Cancer Hospital of America" by
returning tha eriglaal dollar plua
another dollar or mora.
The promoter, it wa testified,
raa hi g.OOt up ta 1430,000 and
charged 1433,000 ta fund-raising
expense. .
Evea some legitimate charities
fall Into the hands of tha promo
ters wh pocket a much as K
per cent of the "take." . ,
As aa example, the Better Buil
nesa Bureau ys the "Cold Star
Star Wives Service Foundation"
collected 12.500 000 by ""'lin- out
punchbeards, cheap wallets, reel
ing cards and Lord's Prayer me-
fraud and conspiracy after postal dallions, but got less than KOO.OOO
inspectors cricked dowa.
Ia another case, Stephen said,
a PitUburgh maa aent out ltt.OOO
letters a month containing cheap
plastic, erucifixea along with an
emotional appeal for It to aid
Catholic charity. Ha was raking la
II J00 a day wbea postal Inspector i
tapped oa hi door. He ia now un
der mail-fraud indictment
Stephens aald the post office de
partment it now getting many
complaint about so-called charity
organizations and outright swind
lers flooding the mail with un
ordered merchandise ballpoint
pens, neckties, cheap wallet.
goodiuck pieces, "guaranteed"
family coats-of-arms and other glm
cracks. Usually it la offered on
"10-day approval" terms.
As long as the trash isn't sent
C.O.D. and doesn't violate pottai
regulation tgainst fraud or decep
tion, there ia little the Pott Office
department can do about It.
"But we caa warn the public."
Stephen said, " and we Investi
gate all complaint."
; Chairman John Dowdy (D-Tex)
said his House Post Office sub
committee it making a itudy of the
entire situatioa aa a basis for
possible new law to curb un
ordered "Junk" sent through the
mail. The lawmakera mar also
consider legislation requiring char- dier.
ny luna-raiter to aubmit detailed
report on how much money 1
raited and how it ia used.
Lot Angeles now haa aa ordi
nance setting rigid standard for
"Truth, honesty and integrity" in
chrity drive.
-: "We're just beginning to get the
facts lined up," Dowdy said. "It's
a serious problem. People think
they are helping charity and all
they're doing la filling promoters
pockets or paying money for worth-1
less merchandise."
Leland S. McCarthy, managing
director of the Washington Better
Business Buresu, offers this ad
vices "There la absolutely no legal
obligation to return anything you
didn't order, even if it's accom
panied by stamps to cover return
postage. Yoa caa keep the (tamp
r giw then ta aome worthwhile
"And you caa do what you like
w ith the merchandise, without psy-
Ing for It, unles the sender cells
after "fund-raising expenses."
Kaew Charity .
How csn generous-hearted Amer
icana guard against falling for
fake charities? Experts suggest:
I. Know your charity ia authen
tic before you give;
1 Don t be fooled by big-shot
aame or fancy letterhead on tp
peals for funds. Maybe they are
authorized, maybe not.
J. Beware of sending money to
post office box addresses. Legiti
mate charities usually have well
established permanent addresses.
4. Never promise to send money
solicited by telephone.
I. If sa unknown collector comes
to the door, tell him to return to
morrow because you wsnt to check
up oa his sgency with the local
chamber of commerce or police.
Chances are you II never see him
again not if he sees you first 1
Authorities aay these five life
guard are the best defense against
larceny-minded chlselcra, bui it's
(till human nature to be gullible.
Some hurried citizen don't even
bother to think twice about the
purported charity they are asked
to help.
That' why a fast-talk artist was
able to collect 111 la a few hours
brazenly soliciting fund to aid
The widow of the unknown sol-
College ind Betty Coed ire
still working their way through
college. During the last fiscal
year, 11,313.965 was paid to ap
proximately 7,000 student who
worked part-time at Michlsan
Sue University. Student worked
on all typei of jobs from baby
sitting to griduate assistantshipi.
KNOXVILE. Tenn. Wl City
Welfare Director Jimmy Walls
suggested a solid fence be erect
ed around the open-air amphi
theater at the municipally-owned
Chilhowee Park. At it la now, he
laid, eventi it the imphlthealer
ein be both seen ind beard from
the aidewalk. Cuts down on paid
id missions.
tion of the song "Monte Carlo
FU!::::::3 ttd ;
I . -.1 1.-1. .laa Tl I I ill
Sear.""., - ILULM Mil
Iyour "" ia a I
o.t ar aWif !" H r-Vt
y,M, For 1-rtKar U- tX
formation ' "" ' zZ?
V Vertical Grain
Fir or Birch
Nrlea Sean
rew in snare) lis ana? types than ever
9 Ail era are-auembteel, reaety la install
lido panel includee.
f teiy ta lntri Save en ipeniva
lobar cetts Da-ft-yeurtelf.
-ff r '
' iUJ
' Pouring
v . , x
Bag '
- (even 25 Se, PL :
J ItlCbtS (MP
New Improved, top quality reck we1
itreeaely easy ta ia stall and handle.
Will net eettle or pack.
Permanently fire resistant.
Will atop ap to 15 af heat wherever
it Is Installed I lachee deep.
Adjusbbls Railinss
Adapt ta Any Porch
15 Off
tuy to ImuH adds safety and
biuty. Can be cut prepar
kngth with hackaaw.
No othtr til gives both btauty
and durability at iAch a low prict!
Can Wa Installed' over both wood floors and
concrete in direct contact with tha ground.
9x9 inch sixa. .
Attic Stairs
Disappear into Ceiling
Only 39.95
Two aim for 7-fl. and t-fl. cail
Irg. Strong, liohtwi(ht ... aa
Wirt amy accaM Sa attic without
low af floor apace.
trfYvr? am wit TogeTVy
VMl kwiowaaiT I
.s:.v. i
' Mi a 1 3
Shsalhsd Cable
Won't Rot, Absorb Moisture
Leu thin Ac
EJecfric Skillet
Auto. Table Top Cooking
& T 11.88
Matt lighlina circuit wira far aN
Indoor wlrino. laaupa i-wlt in d"P for allurpow cook-
any. wTSTtneiiiB, nayeji iiif aeray
Irv outrio.
Il l III WO CoJk. Udaj TKm U h. favltntmi V4 .tO0
" 1
E f
CHOICE y ach i
U.-.H aasaaai aa..(-L tl.
at your borot In pertoa or sends - tk, 1 L
and agent to collect it with!. JM'irs Z
dayi. Even then you caa demand fri.rM niivi. w.t.i
storsge chsrges for keeping the'thi, ih jt, , Knt ibout ,hj
,,rc" . . t . .. , G"c Kelly-Prince Rainier wed-
"My advice ia that If you donU 1 diniI.
want the merchandise, throw H The words with music by Mrs.
en top of the trssh csn. Maybe William Burns were turned out
' the garbage collector can U" 'I. within 38 hours. Although neither
Otherwise, let your conscience bt Miss Watson nor Mrs. Burnt ire
your guide. If you use It, of course, well-known song writer it wis
ynu should piy for it." iccepted snd published wlthia a
licCsrthj said tha nation's 100 1 week. 41i SdUer says.
" I
a. Iras Colonial Type Ceillnej Plxtwra
Artraclrnty etifne wt tntt4 atea ikaaa, Ww kaMar.
a. Wall light wttN Canvanlant Owtlaf ,
CaXajaajat wMla) aJkadaj, p9!Mwai 0liaMalajai pfieieja;( tjhfilgia
. tif, Aflraetlva Calllnej UejM
11 -1. m4t h 1wk W Tkm Im ar Uaa OrL
d. Iffklant, Khthaw Cattlitg ftatara
Waj t-)agj ylgajg gAdil wMM ftfM (4MI taMPiJFag1 bSMbMb
a. Coach Style, 1 -UaHf Wal Brasaal
Hiaaa BVaiaha OBJaaV - - -- - -s -
aytajaji fayisaji wiasi BBrejgaj agaygaaj naafa ajajajr ftejaaj BBaawv,
colli af 100, 230 ftat.
1 .
Sold formerly for 42.931
Kenmore Toaster
A Giant in Performance
. 10 07
Sale Price AUiOO Sale Price ' '
. . .... j . . . j ru"r automatic heat control givM
Automata Infrared waser brort-
r-or-ll bbu, bro.1..
grills, fries, broils. - 1-Keet twitch. Seval
Reg. 89c'Mercury Switch 66c
Reg. 35c Friction Tapa rfoT..., 2ic
Li U vA U V L -Jo
111 W ArWl rtX9V i Uprayer Cart,
WJtQ ItevK fVi ! ' ,H 1
IB MlaJ W VI rf .it'll 1 Tlrpatene. Beg. ISc
Ifi UJl l fV' l'l Air Chaei, leg. We
V Y 1 TOTAL 72.11
loPl ISl $0 ISi
lAiv-TCMiou caarrtMAN W-at.s. raet-riowiae) reomwoeiAi.
set ana cam lANK-nnsptATsa a cmucx ttpi rainTat
j. aaomoiN ,
Kegttlar ....HI J, Krglsr BI.M J ( vegttlar lie J tegular .....lie '
riski (r,i---0 fr -
3 EM IW1
aarrtMAN maiitt iiArrwA. iait-to-vm hahwt wa-sixt
vncoMMim suxie impottMa i j auscMa ia . j papob sat rert
(jteguUr.c pKegalw 13c Jj Begalir . 1.13 J) Jtegnlsr 8K JJ
Buy by the Case SAVE MORE!
gal. la 4 giL
ease lot
Thrifty frhen-up far forages,
fences. Goo' hiding, lonf wear,
s' house Vfy if y
X?' m save
Snovhite House Paint n . W
- -nwaasatj
All-Purpose Ladder
Lightweight, Sturdy Magne
sium woot 26.95
Uta ea ittpltcMer, on Hairway or
uneven eroundn, aa altnion Ud
der. Rubber feet. Braced. Pail
Caulking Gun
Skeleton-Type Lightweight
' 98c
VU.- JWs i Bill m
Reg. 1 83
Our beat lightweight caulk-gun.
Half barrel and solid front ta pre
vent leaking. Works imeothly,
easily. Duriblel
New Tirpolene
Economical Paint Condi
. tioner
Only .....-... 88C
Makes paints go further, brush oa
more easily end mate smoothly.
Mixes easily with all paints. Haa
very mild odor.
14 ft.
The best kiln-
inrieo laaaer woea
h ase1 ia Work
master. Light
3 weight, easy te
Handle, aU hard-
4 wire rust resist-
i, nl. Extra streag,
Check These Specials!
Roof Coating $ g.i,-2.88
Textyre Paint as its. 2.99
Paint Brushy . 3.77
Paper Drop Cloth..... 66c
Easy Glaze Putty a,., 98c
Linseed Oil i.w.c.iion 1.88
Brush Cleaner Powd.r. 19c
Wire Brush .... 25c
Hand Cleaner w...riM... 66c
lT LI ! jJ