The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 26, 1956, Page 32, Image 32

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    IV) .'!.
l'.tilANAf'Ot.IS Twenty nli ef l lid drivers who bivs
t' i I la 1ii0,unuH,!n toonuLa tula races time World War II havi
6.1 '1 In actum nvntly on other traits but d-0 young men real
a t to Hart rookies' trill when
Tit r,it eealiliia ef prscllce
fiini and dilvcTi' 1rt alii try
out t new. presumsbly tilt as
ilii;t mrfiu t on all but II Ire-
d '.. nnl brick etrelch of U main
A'.:!ioiiLh U'l presumed U be
lafrf became there will b Uu
artatioo In handling en tha four
turns, tha 47; tar -old track alio
U bt faster.
IlUeslef Na4(rd
Driven ttixlouWufly wW speed
Dp mouss to contimia Budging
disaster, at 1 their Mlurt, eic-
Ltt!y la tuning p for rart that
will pay out a quarter -million dol
lars in prizri May K. The W en
tries Kill I whittled to M tart
an in Umt trials May 11, 30, M
nd 27.
Tha work available foe m
driven generally ba't due ta re
tirements. But aorna vettrint ta
recent yeart hart managed la do
that Cliff Bergere after 17
aiimorlal Day racei, Rum Brrw
bargee aftar 11 and Ctorft Coo
or after it
Stay ton Win
Led by Roy
ETAYTOM - (Special) -Jiaytoa
Hih defeated Sdvertoa hero Wed
nesday la a track meet, (3 St. High
point man, ai usual, was Bob Hoy
f Stayton with Hi, points. Tha
lad has led nearly every track
meet tttaytoo baa participated la
tlUs year,
l!a won first! Wednesday la the
d.acus. javelin and shot put events,
and wound up la a three-way tie
tor Cm in the pole vault. He also
was oa tha winning relay team.
The meet also law twa school
records fall. Frits Sklrria of SJ
vertoa set a record for bis school
by winning the ISO dun la MO.
The avo relay victory, whtek
clinched victory la tha meet for
fctayton. was woa la l:C.l, else
record. Results:
M H i lit RrUHll IBID SnS lovta
(Sly) t Hmlort (Sl.Y Milk: 111
ii: lit Brrnorit lfil Ji Smiik
(8 il Sid isili M.rk 114
knl; lit Mor(t IRUy) li Smilh
tS.rl Ird FuniiM I Sill Mark' 4 111
Q: lt Dhii (SUy) tnd Srhmull
tSill Silt Kvxnd hilt Mark 111
LH.: Irt Tir Ibun lnt Hoitnrl
tsi.,1 Sid Brhort Siil t Mirk 14 1
in Irt Smiln Kill Snd Brrhant
ar abiw (ijf Mark
S- lit P. tklrrtn (Sill tad J. Iklr
win (Sil) Ird Avatra t4 SUrki S.IS
tarlwol record)
BJ! let Brhmldt (gill tad Ufflar
(Si Ird iMrhorit tSill iwUrk IS' I '
Me ! let Roy intev) sad Riehaa
(S I) lid Apple (Sill Mark IJT 4"
H J.t 1t Brtimlrn (Stll Fletrr
(;l. na aouil (itiajr) Mark: a' S '
V.ultr let Rot fSttyy Snd PolU
i-i v( ana wneeuiouaa (Stay, Urd.
Urk IV S"
'lot: let Rnf (t,T tad Rlchee
isiij ara oim (Buy) Mirk: 4J 4
Jev.! let Roy (S1iy) Snd WIHUms
loin aa Btnrj (saj Mark US
sat rel: lit SUy ton Mark l.UI
(acnool record)
Wats Houea Ko. t Lrarue raeultl
Wednewlay: Forsatry ProtecUon (41
Tn Commlistoa 10); auis Police
ID P.U C. (I); Keep Oreon Green
(11 Hlrhway ConaUurtloa lilt Hiri
ay Materials I J) Fainrlew Home
(U; SWreUry af Stats (I) Dlvuion
at Audits (li; Hlihway Aecouiiuna
til Trains Enf Ineen No. 1 (J).
Hlfh team arrlea. Hifriway Mats
tlala I.7IW; hlsh team lima. hih
ay Matertala 1.001; blfh Individual
aenea, Jos Miller of Hlfhway Ac
counllnl Wl; hull Individual fame,
Lyla Lrtifaard of P.U C. 4. Other
"h i acorn- aertea: Ertiiaard 501,
Ruaks mi. Storm 171, Luke 114. Zil
inwiti In, Praia M3. Callaeher tei.
run 45J. Camea: Storm 145, Roaka
1 A, Miller 131. Gallaiher 222. Luke
111 and Wl. While 11. Bob Blenaly
at Traffic Inclnsars nicked the s-1-10
split. Oddities, split eonvsrtlom.
ate: Stale Psllrs cinched the second
halt crow a sa the last nlfht and will
flay oft for tha rhamplnnthip of
tats Mouse League No. 1 wild Hifh
ray Aeesuatlns, which woa tha tint
Malor Lea rue results Wrtnd.v
Sarc-lay'l Broiler III. Karri II); Mar
lon Hotel I). Bcotty'i Stores (1);
Jaytona (4), Wait Salem Machinery
(01; University Bowl (3i. Lena Ave
nue Sen-tea li); Jewel Baa il), Csr
llnfer Carrier 111.
High Team Series, Marlon Hotel
I.0M; Hlfh Team Gams, Marlon Ho
wl, l ww; uiin individual Serin
Id tVllkalla of Marlon Hnl.l am.
High Individual Gams. Terry Gannon
t Scsty'i Stores. MS. Other Hiah
ceres: Hank Land Is W0, Pinky Hart-
wan a, lorn -rancisco ail.
Tide Tablf
liles lor tare. 0 rates
(Compiled by 0. B. Coast and
Geodetic Survey. Portland. Ors.l
Hlsh Waters Low Waters
lime neimi
April ft.
a 11 a m. SS
I Jl pm. It ,
St 1 01 a m. 1 1
1 4 p.m. 4
M I .1S a m. 4 4
1 11 im, 41
II t il a.m. II
1:14 p m. 4 4
St I IS a.m. I t
4 II p.m. 41
Time Hslfht
1:N in. -11
1:1)5 p.m. It
S ot a.m. .11
11 p.m. I.J
I 41 a.m.
I H p.m. 1.1
1:31 a.m. -ts
10:01 pm, II
10:11 a.m. l
1 11 p.m. 1.1
sViliaaatasaayil lewtslj
Uwrsnce tn Ec:!$
S:!:s izi Service
Ccrp!s?f fishing Gsor
.'i Sell Fishing Licenses
-cn:i su::day$
Cizztfi Spcrlinj
1201 S. Commercial
fh. StS050
.i! iii.Oir., T Jitir.. Apr. Cfl, 7i
ill '500' Track
Lcr for '56 Race
the speedway efieni Saturday,
D cavers Whip
Padres, 2-1
Tr rltr, Ky Shore
Lead Wlnnldf, Effort
(Caa'd frasa preredlag pagtl
Tha Pedret got twi mora mea a
baia la tha Inolnf aa a ilngle and
a Portland error, but Bob 1'iher
Died out ta and tha frama.
faa Diego had another chanrt
in tha alnlh when It got twa mm
an villi only ana aul. Harry El
liott iiaglrd and Earl Happ gut
a walk. At tnli point, Shora cama
la ta pitch. Ha struck out pinch
battar rVTd llobinaofl ana got
Clarence Moors ta roli aut ta rod
tha game. ,
Saa pleia
a N 0 A
Sftellrf Mil pdraffl 4ltS
Mrrma.l I I I t'wiercf Mil
Itrliik r dlia Killed I 4 I I I
Mklen,t 4 IIS a KaaakJ III
Itaaeal lit Raop.f Sill
n.inU I dill Macks I I III I
Cldrofl a 4 I 4 I Moore III!
IJtlrellJ till Alarrd.8 I I I I
4 t i Joeme I I I
aiton.p (rauii.a lies
m a me v a v
dHoekna tilt
aMeraoa lilt
i a a
TeUU nunM IWata a"l IT IT
aHafa a error tar Knurl hi atflila.
kKaa for Arlward la eifhlh.
d Ha a tor Meres la eiaiiut.
fllrurk Ml for Macko In ninth.
Portland ana am aua-l
Saa biea . M tlt-l
B-Menimaa. Marks. RBI So.
kswikl, Mirkslso, Macks. SB fed
rroff. -Sorkowakl. UU Macks. 0-
Uther. Kaiak. DP Moors, reaerorr
artd Macks; Baass. Baalnakt snd
Mirkelaon S. Left eaniasd t, Saa S. Wsla I SO-SrauH 1
Waria 1 Shore L HO Wsrls t la
S l-S. Krautt S lo S. Celt.l S la 1.
Shsrs t la S-g. R-M-WSTla l-t.
Erautt l-t, Csuel S-4, Shors t-t. W
Werls S-l l-Eratttt l-S. U Mulart.
SmlUl and Sletaer. A-IJU, 1-4 SL
Vaneoavse . , in Sfs) V- Iff
Hollywood el nil So 4 t I
Van Cuyk. Funk til and Real;
Raydoa aad Onuaks.
Saa Franclse aot tit 11411 It I
arils .out ana aia l a a
R. G. Smith and Sulitvan; Bscsear
kl, Brenner Ml. Blrklwtsr (II sad
Ortelg, Robsrtasa (II.
Yawama Loop
Romps Today
Tot annual Yawama League
track aad field meet Is scheduled
for today at Llnfield College la
McMlnnville, and all seven mem
bers of the prep circuit will be
The member schools ara Salem
Academy, Willamina, .Sheridan,
Dayton, YamhilL Sherwood and
Banks. ' '
Preliminary events will bt run
off early, with the main portion
of tha program act for tha after-
No distinct favorite has been
pointed out for tha team cham
3 Women Lead
Oak Knoll Golf
Three women won honors yes
terday at Oak Knoll Golf Coarse
in women i croup action. Minnie
Hitter and Juanita Groom tied at
11 In play based on guessing the
correct number of putts needed by
a player over nine holes.
Edna BagmH placed nearest to
tha pin oa the number nine hole
to win another event.
Today's Pitchers
Brooklyn at New York (nlahtl
Crsi (1-4) vs. Worthlnfton (0-1) ar
Antnnelll (1-1),
Only fame scheduled.
New York at Baltimore Byrne
1-01 vs Wilson 1141. Waahlniton
st Boston Brodowikl (0-1) va
Brewer (l-t).
Cleveland at Kansas City Wynn
vi. Kretlow iO-Oi.
Only gsmss achsdulsd.
University of Oregon Medical
School 8, OCE 2 (Wednesday).
Rent on
We Have a
Fine Selection
ef Motors to
Rent by the
Dsy, Week er
Month All ia
Tep Shape
' Lowest Prices
Cascade Merc.
1230 I roadway
Open Evas, 'til t
f They'll Do It Lvcrv
urs T5LK- rr
r Out Tvt u s toi
f fcUV5-LtT& LilO
ptTcurfj Aif7 cor
v CJ6H"M kVoCK
Dodgers Take
National Lead
(Caa'd trees praeedlat; page.)
eluding home nil, double and
single by Gil Hodges and two-bag
gers by Jackie Kobinsoa and Pee
Wee Keese. Jim Hears, tha first
of four Giant burlers, was tha
loser. Robinson thrilled the crowd
of 21.171 by stesllnf home aa tha
Dodgers' first ma. Reese was su
perb la the field, handling it
chances, several af them dillicult,
la flawless fashion.
Held under 10 hits for tha first
time this year, tha Cards made
good use of their seven safeties
to hang tha first defeat af tha
season upon the Cubs' Sam Jones.
Twa hits snd twa walks paved the
way for three Redbird runs In
tha first Inning. Stan Muiial dou
bled la tha first run and scored
tha second on a two-bsgger by
Wally Moon. Rip Sepulskl banged
twa hits and drove la two runs.
R wii Haddii' first shutout since
July II of last ytar.
Wlaalag las
frank Thomas greeted relief
pitcher Jack Meyer with sev
enth inning single to drive in the
Pirates run that broke a tie.
A wild threw by shortstop Willie
Miranda an a potential double
play ball in the seventh Inning
opened the gstes for two unearned
runs ta break a I t tie in the
New York Baltimore fame. Until
then, Erv Palica had dueled on
even terms with Whitey Ford, who
turned In a six-hitter for his sec
ond victory. Gil McDougald
opened the Yankee scoring with
a borne rua la the fourth.
Home runs by Al Rosen, Vic
Werti and rookie Rocky Colavito
accounted for all but one of the
Indiana rant at Cleveland reed
Bobby Shantt ia tha fourth.
Pedro Ramos permitted ally
three Red Sox hits and tanned
eight as Washingtoa tagged Bob
Porterfield, is ex -team mate, with
bis first loss.
Church Softball
Junior Chtrreh Softball results
Wednesday : Frultland Middlefrova
ia. Balera HeihU Bapuat I, f irst
Baptist IS. 1m manual Bapturt S (call
sd an darkness ); St. Marks Lutheran
II. First ConsTeaatlofial 1: First
Presbyterian 1, First Christian t;
Hlihland Friends It Enilewood
E.U.B. S. Senior drvtslon play Thurs
day at OUnfer Field: Enslewood
0.(1 B. VS L.D S : Turner Oirtatian
vs Grace Lutheran: First Baptiat va
Capitol Baptist; First Chriauaa vs
First E.U.B.
..Aw l fZ- z-ZL::-. '
a nuvw
741-kS A (QOO fUMg
ax Amu evxcy
tV'Mfl UtS
f an
MM awwti i
Salem Duck Unit
Meets on Monday
Salem's Sprig chapter af the
Oregon Duck II tint art' Associatioa
will tneet Monday at I . m. at
the baak Waltoa Clubhouse, It was
arioouorad yesterday. Movies will
be shows, dealing with tha bunting
of ducks and geeae.
Ia addition, member Ma C Ut
ter will provide local film, show
ing the trapping af geeae aa Clas
sen iwwerty. bueata ara wet-
come, according to president Bob
Deaf School
Wins in Track
The Oregon School for tha Deaf
topped a three-way track meet
held yesterday at the school. The
Deal School racked up il points;
St. Paul. M; Gates. 29. It was
the Deaf Scboal'i first win of the
season. Results;
H. H i 1st Kir S), tad Chance
(Gl. Ird Buckley tDi. Mark: 111.
loo: 1st Hiller ISP), Snd Upton
(, Ird Colley (DSl. Mark: 10 7.
Mils: let Herroa 1(3), Snd Frith
(SPl. ltd Goodtnf HP). Mark: -
440: let Hiller (SP). Ind Colsanaa
(SP. Ird Vila IC. Mark: M4.
U H : 1st Blxsl IDS), tad Chance
(Gl. Ird Caudle (DSl. Mark: V.
: let Uptoa IDS). Ins) Hiuar
(SPl. Ird Colley (DSl. Mark: Ut-
an: 1st nerron ivi, ana trim iri.
Ird Buckley (DSl. Mark: t SV
n. i : lit Upton ID. Ina Kocn
(SPl, Ird Elliott (DSl. Mark: 17' S".
Diae.: lit mompeon turn, ma aem
(SP). JrS Moors iui. vara: lira
H. J.! 1st ThocnpaoB (DSl I
(Gi, tied. Snd Koch (SP)
s- r'.
Vault: let Blast IPS), Snd Blllott
IDS) and Cawlla (OS), tied. Mark
ISPi'. ard Moore (01. Mark: 1111-.
Shot: 1st Colley iDSi, and Cum
mins (ST), ant mu tsrj. aaara
ir iii".
Jay.i let Frith (SP). tad Cummins
(SPl, Ird Herroa iG). Mark: ni l',
SW rearr 1st Dewf School, Snd il
Paul. Markl 1474.
Lwlif, Parrish Vie
In Relays Program
The second of a series of relays
meets between Leslie and Parrish
Junior High Schools is scheduled
for this afternoon, on the Leslie
oval starting at 1:30 o'clock.
In their only other relays ses
sion this season, the Leslies ran
off with most of the laurels, and
will be again favored today.
In the first dual meet of the
season between the two rivals last
week, Parrish came through with
a narrow 57V4 to 554 victory.
mil1 t
15 y limmy I Jjtlo
i ii.i it ivji
ur$ ue-wrs
L4wvR - i.rnt
TUB 64Merj
t. -'-
L pa ra ma 'w
? 0VW-2Sd anal
Jeff Snares
Gnder Test
JZ1TERS0M - (Special) -
Jefferson woa a three-way track
meet bold here Wedoeeday. The
lions racked op M 1-1 points;
Amity had 27, 1-1; and Scia 11 I t.
High point mas was Jim Rob-
bins at Jeff, with three firsts and
two seconds for 21 points. Ha won
tha high hurdles, low hurdles and
broad Jump. Results:
H. H : Irt HobMat (7) tad Harry
(Jl Srd Fuller (A) Mark: 17 1
Its: 1st Fletcher (Jl tad JtsbMaa
(Jl Srd Sims tJl Mark ill
Mile- 1st Harries ill tad Llnd (Al
Srd Wilson (J) Mark IMS
49: Irt Wood (Al Snd Brews (I)
ard Cuds (Jl Mark: M t
L. H : lit Robbina (Jl Ind Fuller
(A I Ird Harry (J) Mark: Sit
SM' 1st Fuller IA) fad Shlllliur II)
Ird Fletcher (J) Mark: SS I
MO- 1st Hsrht (Jl tnd Harry (J)
Ird Hart (Jl Mark: 111
B. J.i 1st Robbina (Jl Snd Gambit
(Jl Ird Boenrer I J) Mark: IS" I'"
Disc: 1st Marlett (Ji lad Gambia
(Jl Srd Han Ul Mark: 1ST I'
H J.: let Spencer Ui Snd Bobbins
(Jl Srd Harry (J). Marlatt Ui and
Casteel (A I. tied. Mark: ' t"
Vault: 1st Spencer IJ) tnd Casteel
(A) Srd Brewsur (A) Mark: la- I"
Shot: let Gamble (Jl Snd Horn.
apsler (Jl Ird Marlell (Jl Mark:
M' r
Jst lit Slml (Jl Snd Marlatt (J)
Ird WUrox (A) Mark: ITT J"
SM relay: let Amity Ind Jsffertoa
Mark: 1:411
Healy Heads State
Legion Ball Area
William E. Healy ef Salem has
been appointed American Legion
Junior Baseball director for the
southern Oregon district, Eugene
Qrr of Medford, district Legion
commander announced In Salem
Healy, who is a member of the
Ashland Legion post, said teams
would be recruited ia that area
from Ashland, Grants Pass, Med
ford and Central Point.
Triangular Track Go
Set at Gervais Today
GERVAIS-(Special)-The Ger
vais High Cougars will be tha boat
team for a track and field meet
here Thursday afternoon, one in
which the Woodbura Bulldogs and
North Marion Huskies will also
The Capital Conference affair
is scheduled for a S p.m. start.
fn Meet
SCC Ladies Lnd
1st Hound Action
Mrs. Rich ird C. Nelson and
Mrs. Scth P. Smith I'Vped the
championship flight In Salem Wo
men 'a Golf Association play yes
terday at thi course, which also
saw the first round of the annual
spring handicap tourney com
flay was based la the regular
day'a action en tha moat fours us
ing full hsndlrap over II boles.
Mrs. Nelson and Mri. Smith each
carded 11 fours.
Class A flight was led by Mrs
Sidney Hoffman, with a 10; Class
B Mrs. Kenneth Vollmar. with 10;
Class C-Mri. William Edwards,
II; Class D Mrs. Pete Bennisoa,
Leweat Net Scare
Johnson pnie for the lowest Bet
score of the day over II holes went
le Mrs. Bennisoa and Mrs. Ted
Ogdah). each with a 70.
The Nine-Holer Club was led by
Mrs. Carl Steelhammer, who card
ed four fours over nine boles.
Meanwhile, the second round In
the spring hsndicap tourney Is to
he played between Friday and
Tuesday and if a mutual date can
not be arranged between the paired
players, the one wishing to play
on Friday will be declared winner
by default.
Tkb-d steaad Dae
Third round ia the tourney win
bt played next Wednesday. First
round reiults yesterday:
Champ flliht: Mrs. Ralph Hamilton
aver Mrs. Reynolds Allen: Mrs. Har
old Bualrk over Mrs. H. A. Sim
mons: Mrs. Lelsnd Plank over Mrs.
Arthur Ericsson; Mrs. Charles Gray
ever Mrs. James Howsrth: Mrs.
Donald Woodry over Mrs William
Edwards; Mrs. Psul Silks over Mrs.
Kenneth Buchanan: Mrs. Seth P.
Smith ever Mrs. Morns Cro there,
Mrs. Ivan Marbls evsr Mrs. Edward
Second flight: Mrs Chsrlsi Mc
Devilt over Mrs. Kenneth Pot la;
Mrs. Orvsl Lama aver Mrs. Mss
Flaruvery; Mrs. Harold Olinatr evsr
Mrs. Oscar Bpecht: Mrs. t H Cowsn
over Mrs. Kenneth Vollmar: Mrs.
Hush Ivis ever Mrs. Woodaoo Ben
nett; Mrs. William Whltmore over
Mrs. Thomas Hill; Mrs. Runell Kam
ever Mrs. Millard Fwkar: Mn. Rich
ard Chase svsr Mrs. Homer Goulet
Fourth flllhf Mrs. Sidney Hoff
man aver Mrs. Richard Nelson: Mrs.
J. H. MrAlvia ever Mrs. William
Lowry: Mrs.- Rea Adolph ever Mrs.
Pster Bennlson; Mrs. Merrltt Trusx
evsr Mrs. Vsl Sloper; Mrs. Clay,
bourne Dyer over Mrs. Vera Miller:
Mrs. Donald Huff toy defsult evsr
Mrs. Glen Stevenson; Mrs. Howard
Wlrklund over Mrs. John Johnson:
Mrs. Chester Los aver Mrs. Jerry
Sixth fllfht: Mrs Walter Clint,
bve: Mn. Eathtr Cmff, bvr: Mrs
Clifford tills over Mrs. Joha R.
Wood; Mrs. Frank Ward evsr Mrs.
Glen Stevsns: Mrs. William Ham.
mend s-ver Mrs. James Van Keuleni
Mrs Euene Kokko, bve: Mrs John
FickUa, bye; Mrs. Frsnk NlcaoU.
of Yakima, almost duplicated his
1955 victory over Ray Honsberger
Wednesdsy In the finals of the
Washington State PGA Golf tour
nament to' retain the title for 1951.
UPM 10-30
1 - I S- I I '1
I Beefing Hattcm
I Face ToiiI. Time
HAN FftANCI.-ICO OH pailflc
Cos at league I'rsBiuYiit lslis
0 Connor put new teeth In his
s(ced up program Wednesday by
directing that any bailer Who
brtfi more than St seconds ever
1 tailed ttrlkt shall bt put out ef
tha game.
Evan without that time limit,
he Is to be ejected and may be
fined If he Insults the umplit.
O'Connor rnadt his ruling lo in
open letter.
Serra Gains
Track Victory
--Serra High tupped a
three-way track meet held here
Wednesday. Serra notched U
points; and Philomath and Cal
cific tied with 40.
Bruce McKay of Serra was high
point man, winning the high hur
dles, low hurdles, broad jump and
high lump. Serra also woa the JV
event with MMi points; Cascade
scored H M and Philomath 22.
Varsity results:
H. H.I 1st McKsy (Si, Ind Conner
(Pi. Srd Bsker K I. Msrk: 17. j
lot: let Schmidt (Ci. Snd Funk
(Pi. Srd Nordone IS). Msrk: II,
Mile: let Reed IP), Ind Poole C),
Ird Fredrlrkaoa It). Msrk: lull.
44t: 1st Uuunan (Si. Snd Young
(PI, Srd Landed IC), Mark: SS S.
L. H i 1st MvKey (Si. Snd Haksr
(CI Msrk: S3
SSS: 1st EMlree (SI and Schmidt
(Ci. tied tnd Fesr l Si. Mark: It I.
SM: 1st Voft i P, tad Coleman
(Cl. Ird l.urero (Si. Mark: t 24 1.
B, J : 1st McKay IHi Ind Woods
(Pi. Srd Funk (Pi. Mark: ll'S's".
Disci 1st Dnufherty Ind
tchnauta IPI Ird ('nil,, IB. Uarta
H. J ! 1st MrKsv ID tad Snurlock
IC). Srd Funk IP). Voet l Pi, and
Cuimsn (S lied. Mark: I' t ".
Vault: 1st Fear. Sl tnd Funk (PI,
Ird Spurlork id, and Lucero (Si,
tied Msrk: 10.
Shot: 1st Dmifhertv (S). Ind John
dahl (Pi. Ird Colley (Si. Mark:
44 I".
Jav.: 1st Runlons (CI. Snd Dough
erty Hi, Jrd Spurlork ICI. Msrk:
14S' It".
Relsy: 1st Serra, tnd Cascade
Mark. 1 441
Leslie JVi Win
KEIZER-fSpeciaJi-Leslie High
defeated Keixer in a Junior high
JV baseball game here Wednes
day, l-S. Big gun for the winners
was Delbert Sheldon, with a single
and triple. Keizer was held to three
hits by David Rosebraugh, but one
of them a home rua by Larry
Al Slaart, was auk re GOLD
FISH hi res. baa cease ap with aa
are called Ike HrXCY a arses
aad sets si el J-, aplasias
eetaauoa that looks atare like a
kelgramlte that a kelgramite
aaea. Al ears kis HELGY. catches
tare tea. beeaaae yea raa werk
M lee water sr deep aad a snare
tnM-eh brings a aeiy wiggle
that tarns lh lata BUeta.
Give 'era the doable whammy
with Al'a GOLDFISH and
HELGY. both al year dealer'e.
er send 1 to AX'S GOLDFISH
Syv I l JSj
LURE CO., Indian Orchard.
Mass. for special introductory
efTer (sent only aeee) af a
genalne GOLDFISH und a
HELGY plus Al'a aare Ire
booklet "FISHING TIPS" a
winning reenbtBsUea every tlsne!
SpeciaTciits engine
Tliis new kind of oil combines the free-flowing qualities
of a light grade oil with tjie protective strength of a heavy
pride to cover every range of motor oil performance
from SAE grade 10W through 30. The renult is less
"drag" between moving engine parts. And this means...
Extra usable power up to 15 more for hills,
passing, pick-up in traffic. '
Full-time protection of vital engine parts. Kree(
flowing "WM" goes to work the instant you touch the
starter. Gimpleiely lubricstes hydrsulic valve lifters.
We tiki better ciri if tour cir-with 5.0. prodicti
They Don 7 Come
Bach After 'Rock1
LONDON UR -Ones you'vsl Biillsh sports wrltsrs saw tha
ifouglil "The Hots," chances are
you re ai good as finished IS a
prlie fishier,
lion Corktll. Britain's tutiby
hesvyweight who ai knocked out
by htavywtlght rhsmpinn Horky
Marrlano last May, ( the lalest
to join tht rlub of men who were
finished by the champ.
Cocktll. of the bulging mid riff,
didn't fight for four months after
the Mart-lane mauling. When he
did venture Into a ring be was
stopped by Cubsa Nine VtUies In
three rounds.
Tuesday night Corkrll triad
igsln. Tht British chimp wsnltd
to prove be still wsi the gladia
tor who fought his wsy to the top.
Rut once again the 17 year-old
Briton crashed ta defeat. It took
leas than twa rounds for a little
known heavy called Kitlone lvt
from tht "friendly Island of Ton
ga to polish off Don.
The n year-old Lavs from tht
South Sea Islands dropped Cock-
ell for a four-count In the first
round. Corkrll ilso was down
twice for aeven. once for six and
s not her for eight before tht end,
midwty In tht second.
It Cl BIC FOOT C 7f 0
Hotpoint Upright . 39
Hotpoint Upright .409
Chapman Upright.... OQy
22CIBICFOOT tf4l01
Subxcro Upright . ... 599
21 CUBIC FOOT t; JT af0f
Subxcro Upright ..W
Revco cKett,.,; ::;.;;479"
drag to increase usable power up to 15$
Cas, and oil savings up to 1 gallon of gas in every 8,
oil consumption improved as much as 33 compared
villi light graJe motor oils.
More knock-free acceleratlon-"RPM" fighti
off cylinder-head deposits that cause knock, improves
octane performance.
Longer battery life because your engine turns over
faster and easier for instant stsrting.
Improved performance in sll srson, all climates.
Meets requirements of high-cornpression engines.
1 ghost of Marciane behind tha
Cw ktii ntieat.
tVkell was ordered to hsve aa
X f ay of bis brsin. He now has
been knocked out la his last three
Landy to Land
In UJS. Sunday
Landy, the Australian wha bis
repeatedly rua the mile la under
four minutes, will arrive In Saa
Franclict Sunday aa a Qantai
Airlines plant.
Tht Mrlbourne achoolmaslrr
will travel 11,000 miles Just to run
two miles.
He will run at tha Los Asgelet
Colueum May I in a special fea
ture rsct of the USCUCLA dual
track meet, ind on May 12 at the
ih annual West Coast Relsys at
Undy holds tha world mile ree
ord of J Jl and. on four occasions,
has been timed under 4 minutes.
PHONI 3-313