(Soc. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thiir., Apr. 2fi, '56 n ovict, British Leaders Close Conferences in Somber Mood " tr RICH ARD K, 0 "M ALLET J Communist Boh Nikita Khnish LONDON kT-So iet and British chev tramped grimly out of No. leaden Ddel their London talki! Downing St.. artrr final em in a aomber mood Wednesday : WJ meeting. Prime Minister night. But there were indications ; En. standing behind them man- fcolh ill hail the conference Z " ' "TW: ilat Denies Romance With Ava Gardner Bombproof Army Warehouse. Plan Under Study War Debate Splits Zion land's most famed ballerina, dunce , te"u Mr. Mmlh w "Swan Lake," a Russian favorite. ! magazines' have been picturing as VUM to Edlahargh I the possible next husband of film Thursday they pay a flying visit ttar Ava Gardner. HEIDrXBERG. Germany I -iVAllltllIltl U. S. Army spokesmen disclosed British Judge Fines Russian7 For Drunkenness IrviRg Berlifl Donates Show LONDON n A Russian NEW YORK ( -Songwriter Ir-! allies will go to augment the ving Berlin has given hi. musical ! '"!' revenues from its ownership ' show "This Is the Army" to one of ?" " " official who a 1 1 e n d e d Tuesday vorite philanthropies - the I . . b B ROME. Italy tf-An acquaint- Wednesday a plan to replace most j JERUSALEM, Israeli Section I night'i party at Claridge'a Hotel "God Bless America" fund. hin ai a contribution to the military ance Wednesday identified a mvs-' overseas 'rebouM 'tn bonlD- -Wednesday's session of the 24th I ' S" chief,1 Bulganin and; The gift, announced Tuesday services during World War II. It Mr Smith- mkr. v.. . Zionist World Conzresa had to be -r . means tnal au penormance roy-,as prriurinru uj ynnr - -....... ......... , ..,. nmci ainmij un ir - isiraifi a f ill in iMisv nn nmna 1 J . I. - . . (T uimnuuu ivmiv "'T' . . . . . i , Dfi rounu uie WUI suspenoea occause 01 a siormy , chafe. Spokesmen at the Army's Euro- debate over whether Israel would pean headquarters here said sup- De jiisimea m I preventive war. LI: . L J 1 . L" a iIted sucs,V;.rd R.ch.rd Butler. was red-faced and lmocl : Friday morning. Then they j, SrfE? St" to Kdinburgh and return in the A rfporter JeC0gnized the man Pllf" ould flown to forward-! Menahem Beigin, leader of the evening. They plan a news con ing world ten'ion. ! Premier Nikolai Bulganin and net around the world. Berlin set up the "God Blesi America" fund in 1940. Since then ! a total of $232,500 has been granted inr iT rimr l or rn Gcnnady Vladiminovich Klirikov.i ,.,,. , 27, pleaded guilty to being drunk' KLALA LLMPLR. Malaya on a North London street at mid-, The government is urging Malay- to the Boy and Girl Scouts. Thert D'8ht. . I ans to eat domestic fruit instead has also been a gift to th Camp ThT.S" .T w W ? "" dollar, a girls. ; , tiiiav Itw mnnlam irrinaa itrannaf I j tut iui fit. 3, ft ava, vi ani 0 Gradualism' Ovil Rights PlaB Rejected area supply dumps directly from Nationalist opposition in the Israe- tklHelv crattend U.S. Storehouses, li nsrlinmont hMm tho rishiila looked tense. will got to Portsmouth, board the n . Di,,...i i Rar-rea udd1v bases overseas hv idlmo tk nwcrKt thai "in trade delecation A Slword British communique soviet cruiser Ordjonikidze a a d, ciK.JU ' rk: , lh. ..i "'like those at Kaisers'. Lantern. ! renei the enemy not wasinc a I asked. sad for borne. w.. k-. 11. h.ii.iIh ih. rn. I Germany, and La Rochelle. Bor- war of aezression but a leeitimate Klirikov grinned. "Yes I was From the start of the talks, ' manlic report. He explained he deaux and Orleans. France, are defense of a nation threatened in , Claride'g Tuesday night." gnoTuy aiier io iwo aoviei irau- had siven the name Smith to poiemiai aiom oomo larxeis hs very existence. 1 ,. ,1,- ..,.. .. 1. i- era arrived AprU 18, the British : Italian DhotoeraDhen to avoid and should be eliminated, they . Implying that Israel should seek! anything might have happened rJ V.V" ' rang dowa the curtain on further bargaining: "The final stage of the Anglo Soviet discussions was completed Wednesday afternoon. The results will be announced after the re turn of the Soviet leader from the visit ta Scotland tomorrow eve ning." Word spread In diplomatic cir- Vila urn. m . n v . ....rvu..v j , ment will report no sweeping; ""'"T F;T , and pears thai come mainly from 1 at 11.1 1 . 1 , laiuurnid. Aiaiaya pruuuvrs una- ; i'w..n' na and pineapple crops but lot of achievements, but claim advances P"'. . f1 ,a"B fl'- and Russians have been at logger-' nublicitv - iiaid. ' to enlarge its political boundaries, j there. Pay five shillings (70 cents' heds. . j "There is Just nothing to those The spokesmen called the new he declared "the JewUh people , Please. The outbursts by Khrushchev magasine stories," SUvestri said. ! pian "The Modern Army Supply have right on the land of Israel midway in the visit seemed a, "Ava and I are very old friends.' System." They said it came from 'n " historic entirety." barometer of Russian disappoint-' She often comes to Rome, and ; the Pentagon, Army headquarters I The uProar Droke oul 'BeB 'he ment and chagrin that what started ! when she does it is natural that ' 1. u'ashinEton and would be tested Dext speaker, Jacob Hassan, lead- see eacn by the U.S. 7th Army in West;" . ! W.ASIIINGTON I A group of in several relatively minor Ne?ro leaders has rejected "grad- spheres. D.ilism. . .as a way of achieving , PregreM Made iivil rights." I For instance, there was a rumor I- After an all-day meeting Tues- prowess had been made on ruble Jay. the conference of nearly TJ exchange rate. The Russian! now fersona issued a statement saying Peg the ruble at four to the dol- hiat quite some progrers" has wr. a ngure unreauuKauy nign teea made toward imolemenlinf on tl world market. fce Snpreme Courts decree! Both sides are likely to repre- 2ainst racial segregation in the wot the conference as having re public schooL But, they said, "theivived the old "spirit of Geneva" pace was considered to be toe in a minor key. low and the progress inadequate." But testy public outbursts by ; Accordingly, the meeting-held P11"! mJy , a vU" Under sponsorship of the National hd tlrt demonstrated facing Assn. for the Advancement of Col- f"" y ,lld. rfeme,rt red People (NAACP.1 appointed , he, 1m'or '"J rf d'erence k steering committee to push for 1 7th Mldd EMt- f" run' innAi,. 1 w fication. disarmament and East- this committee was Kheduled in Xew York next week. The confer ence also called for a big NAACP membership and fund railing Urive. - Named bead of the steering com Jnlttee was A. Philip Randolp chief of the Brotherhood of Sleep ing Car Porters. Randolph told a pews conference the new group Would try to arrange a meeting kith President Eisenhower for a discasslon of what Randolph termed "the nature of the prob lem of the present civil rights fsrisis." '.Randolph said "gradualism was rejected at a way of achieving pivil rights on the ground that alt-el- almost century following the Emancipation Proclamation Ne- Jiroes are still victims of discrinv nation. . ." lie said the Conference recom- Itiendcd that Negroes should hold themselves "politically uncommit ted" in the coming election cam- West trade. After a day which saw two long conferences, the two Russians took box seats Wednesday night at Co- vent Garden Opera House and watched M argot Fonteyn, Eng- AirTankerV Explodes; Six Airmen lulled ABILENE. Kan. An Air tanker plane, with at least I men aboard-, crashed - and exploded Wednesday about 10 miles north east of Woodbine. . Witnesses said at least six bodies were seen in the burning wreck age. Planes of that typerKCT7. normally carry a crew of six. The plane, based at Forbes Air ... .v,,,... ,iv..vi. , disc ei jupena, wn rrvuriru vn paign. Judging the opposing Demo- a routine training mission. cfrats and Republicans on their civ-1 Henry Obermeyer, a fanner 1 rmms posiirorai ana ineir recoras planting corn near the scene, said British experts said they felt the talks bad been worthwhile any sometimes we might other for dinner. "But it is not romance, and, these magazine stories about a' Germany in July. way. They feel they were given possible marriage are just plain !r00D STO"1- ASKED a chance to assess and measure the trend of Russian policy which has followed Moscow's recent de nunciation of Stalin. ridiculous. Nobody should be able to build a dinner once every few months into a king-sized rumor like that" WASHINGTON I - Sen. Mag- nuson (D Wash suggested Tues day the government should stock pile food for use in an emergency.' the Israeli parliament, retorted that '"whoever preaches war com mits a crime against his people." Beigin's adherents called out that Hassan was a "Moscow agent" and a "traitor" and prevented him from continuing his speect. The session was then suspended. Natural gas is now the sixth largest U.S. industry, says the Na tional Geographic Society. FAST RELIEF for Cold's Pain 101 TABLETS to rot for lack of buyers. How To Hold FALSE TEETH Mort Firmly in Place Do your fals Math tnnoy snS m barrmja by slipping, dropping or wob bling whrn you eat, lane n or talk? Jim aprlnkl a IHtw FASTEETH o yoiir platea. This alkaline moo-aetdl powder holds lala wetlt mora firmlf and mora eomlortablr. No lummy. notr, paatv taata or fetllng. Don not amir. Check! "plate odor' (drnture breath). Oet FASTEST today at ny drug oounMr. Work, Sleep, Play In Comfort Without Narrinf RaclucK Nariiel kataxiia, aaaaacaa. araiaaralaf bIm aaa pataa BMreMaeea witkexr-ann tina . eaKHtoMil upMta ar r t ear atran an atraia. Aaa folk, wa aal a4 eriak aawlatly eawtiave aalfrr aiiM alaaaar IrriUtln ..vwilk that reillaal. aaanaferUali tatllna. If roa ar atiwiabla mm4 wan aet aaraiv tt IhaH diMoaaforta, Itaaa'a Filla af Ma kl k thir aaa nlwviae act Ma. ay laelr aaata bit eitKt ta mm alaadar irriutiMk aa4 e IMrailMdlarMkaeliaatliTaaa-ktlMkMaara ta kMiaaat la eaitai at tat M I m.u a LmIhm tuka. Sa If aaegiaf aeckaeaa eukaa 9e faal 4raifH-aut. miMrabla. wltk reitleai, alaa U aij hti.doa't wait, try Daaa'a Pllla. aal the aaine haper rallrf milliaaa kava eaierei fnf aver M raara. Aak far aaw, larva, acaaiaay aiet aaa a aaatf. Cat Daaa'a riUe tadajr I M that score in this congress. Study to Probe Koad Reflectors OKLAHOMA CITY Ul A prom inent psychiatrist will attempt to learn whether light reflectors lin ing the Turner Turnpike lull mo torists to sleep. The Oklahoma Turnpike Authori ty Tuesday authorized Dr. L. J. West, head of the University of Oklahoma Medical School psychia try department, to conduct a six month research program. ' - Dr. West said he will attempt to determine whether the reflectors tend to ''hypnotize" drivers, and re thus a factor in accidents on the M-mile toll road between Okla homa City and Tulsa. he thought the plana was going to bit him, so he jumped oft his tractor and ran. He Mid one engine was burning and the craft explod ed after rt bit the ground. Wreck age was strewn for a distance of a quarter of a mile. The wreckage was burning for three hours after the plane hit. 1 Mrs. Paul Hansen, who saw the crash. Mid she did not see any one bail out f the plane. Graphite pencil leads and dia monds are two forms of carbon. The State Highway Commission will sell at public auction on the property described below at 10:00 a.m., May 11. 1950 ;, A parrel of land lying In lha South halt of Section 1, Towmhlp t South, Ranga 1 Went, W M , Marlon . . County. Oregon, and being a portion of that tract of tend deicrlbed In thai rartatn deed to State of . Oregon by and thru Its Stale Highway Commleaion. recorded in Book 464. Page M of Marlon County Record! of Deeda: the said parrel being that por tion of said oroperty lying Nortneaiterly of a Una which begins on the Norm line of said property at a point Which la 147 feet Nortneaiterly of I when man ured at tight angles tol the HW centerllne of the Poitland-Salem gxpreatwiy al located and rum thenre South S ir tut parallel to said J4W centerllne US feet, mora or leat, to a point opposite station L4W , 1MJ4JS W en said centerllne; thence Southeasterly 400 feet, mora or leas to a point an the Easterly line of said property which point Is SZI feet Northerly of lha South wait corner of that tract of land deerrlbed In that deed to Albert Lengrea recorded In Book IK, Paga 120, of Marion County Deed Record. The located centerllne referred to above la described ' at followi! Beginning at Engineer's eentrrnne Station L4W 1S444J3 11. said Statloa being lit 1 feat North and Sill feet Weal of tho Boutheait corner of the John M, ; Push D.LC. M Townahlp 1 South. Ranga 1 Watt, tS. thence South W tr Eait 111 II feel: thence on . a iplral curve right (the long chord of which bears South XT 41" Eaati i feet; thence on a Mil 7 foot radius curve right llhe long chord of which bea t South H" 11' tail) Ml 14 feet; thence en a iplral curve Tight (th long chord of which bears South II II' IS" r- laatl 111 tee to SUUoa lieJI.l..w.... ,,.., ,.,;,... The parrel af land to which thla deacriptloa applies contains I II acrea. 1 ie property it s part of the former Mart H Saury prop erty and Is located on the aorlherly title of the Portland Salem IxpreuwlT )ut beyond the Hayaevllla Interchange, ' The property la No. 11 171. , The minimum price which will be accepted li tl lMM. The properly will be sold on lha bam of non-liahillty nl the State for highway embankment alldet which may an eroach oa the property. Conveyance will be by Bargain snd Salt deed with com pleto reitrtrtloa of acceaa to the Portland-Salem Eipreii wwy. The dead will contain condition that the property Shall ner be ucd tar lha placing, maintenance or dupliy ef any (dvertliinf llgu. bill ar potter, wilhln view af the Portland-Salem Expreeewer, eicept auch .thereof aa may edvertlee tfia uae to which tht property conveyed la de voted, or for the a la er Itaat at aaid property or any portion thereof. TBRMS Of SALI: Cash at tint ef ule. Tht right b ra aerved to accept er reject any ar all bull. INFORMATION: W. M HASKIN OREGON. STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION STATE HIGHWAY BlILDING SALEM, OREGON AprU II. M, May I. II, II Dunions fl) Jal teaieajick ealief. Uta J ! lamn.annlkal. Uek I V tasa, peatacla the aaaaltln J aaAaklartaiBoaaaataa. I fHlW.Ttry,(,7n OPEN STOCK EARLY AMERICAN BEDROOM PIECES AT SPECIAL IHTBOOBCTOBT PRICES! llJ Tho BLUE GATE GROUP is th GREATEST VAtUE in Hi prict group ftofviring SOLID ROCK MAPLI TOPS and SELECTED HARDWOODS A EXCLUSIVELY AT WOODRY'S A --4st, - . Mi r "raT-"Ta1 17 he- r. 'mm i 11 BOOKCASE BED with HEAD. BOARD, $49.95 $Jfl93 Now )7 IAVI tlS NIGHT STAND, $1 i9S $19.9S, Now .... W IAVI tl SALE STARTS TODAY Imagine authentically styled Early American furniture at this low, low price: warm mapie finish over all hardwood-, SOLID ROCK MAPLE TOPS, "Duratijed" for long life and lervict. The beautiful Old World maple finish specially applied in 5 lepanie coats. The authentic brass hardware snd other fine detailt add a lux urious note. NOW. CHOOSE ANY OF THE PIECES SHOWN AT ONLY $39.95 . . . half the price you'd expect to pay for this quality. Our special sale prict , , . while ihe supply lasts. Regardless of Sale Prices Every'ltem Doubly Guaranteed ' ' By Woodry's and The Manufacturer STORE HOURS " Daily 9:30 to 6 Fridays and Mondays - Noon 'Til 9 El