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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1956)
i c I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tluir., Apr. '56, ATeiT Girls League Officers at Dallas Valley News rstgiman Newt Swrvict Principal M. II. Deal Leaving N. Marion Union High School SLt'MUt Ntw) S.rrlrt HUBBARD Resignation of M. H. Bra is superintendent of North Marion High School at the end of the current term was an nounced Wednesday. I Beal, who ha I beet tuperinlendenl at North Marion tinea the arhool wai started six yean ago, will become principal of the Dew, Reynold High School at Troutdale, near Gresham. 11 will assume his new duties July 1. Cliapin Wins FFA'fJ, J iV,uers()n!I) Student Body Posts Filled On Campus luitwi Newt lervke MONMOUTH Lionel MiHcr. junior, St. Helena, has been chosen by student ballot to serve as Stu dent Body president at Oregon College of Education next year, tht collect reported Wednesday, Lionel succeeds Pat Holman, sen ior, Maplcton. . . Jeanette Spinner, Junior,, Bear ertoo, wu elected first vice-president Jeatmetta, who has served as second vice-president during the past school year, replaces John Davis, senior, Idanha. The offlco of second vice-president went to Kiy LeFraneq. jun ior, Xtilwaukle. Shirley Ripple, Junior, Yamhill, replaces Phyllis Seid, Junior, Portland, as secre tary. Selected to servo as yell queen wert Wanda Stevens, freshman, Coot Bay, and Bill Borinf, fresh man, Salem. They replace Lois Smith, Junior, Independence, and Dennis Chamberlain, sophomore, Columbia City. Bob Lady, freshman, Idanha wu appointed financial secretary for the student body. He replaces Dan Rempel, senior, Dallas. Beal was superintendent of schools at Jeiiemon for 10 years before taking the North Marion as signment His parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Beat, live at Jefferson. Mrs. Beal will teach in the ele mentary school district at Trout-dale. Beat's successor here has not been selected. Other changes on the North Marion faculty this fall will see Mrs. Louise Kelso teach home economics, replacing Donna Kenyon who resigned. Mrs. Kelso recently moved to this area from Arizona, ..',',.. Harold Byers win return here from Silverton Union High School as band instructor, and Jim Hale of Mill City will succeed Ruben Balsh as football and wrestling coach. .i ' V. V ""tj-N a Regional Speech Contest at Boise Buttimaa N.wi Servlrs PF.RRYDAI.E Roy Chapin of Perrydale lliub School won the regional speech contest of Future Farmers of America at Boise, Idaho Monday night, defeating con testants from 11 states. Chapin, who was elected Oregon state president of FFA recently, is now eligible for the national contest in October. Dies, Service Slated Today Slalom. New. S.rvlre Stateimu Ntw Setrlct DALLAS - To Mr.' and Mrs. mA... I V L. CH I.I n..i DAIXA.IrlsUaweef ' Births At Valley Hospitals year. Kay Writs, president (seread from left), reedurU planning session with Nancy Kleeman, vice pres ident (left); Kaye McWhlrter, treasurer, and Janice lleoge, secretary (light) PUBLICATIONS BANNED QUEBEC tfl Provincial police ed near him, McMinnville Tot Hurt as Family Car Overturns (lalrMua Ntws Servlct McMINNVILLE N In efeen-month-old Charles Rice was re ported ss "feeling some better" Tuesday at McMinnville Hospital where he is recovering from seri ous foot injuries suffered in a one-csr - accident -en -a country road near McMinnville Sunday. The child was in a car driven by his sister, Msry Jane, 19, which overturned while round ing a curve. The young boy was thrown from the car which land- STRONG BOY ACT SALEM, Ore. IT As children will, an unnamed 9-year-old here boasted to playmates that he could pull down a utility pole with his bare bands. He tried and the pole went crashing to the ground. Embarrassed power company workmen said the wood en pole had rotted off at the base and was Just waiting for a strong boy to come along. To Mr. and Mrs. Joe' Mayei. Falls City, a daughter April 23 at Bartell Hospital. To Mr. and Mrs. Guy R. Hehn. Monmouth, a daughter April 22 at Dallas Hospital. To Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stogsdill. E. Anderson, SS. will be at 2 p m. Thursday at Meridian Rood Trin ity Lutheran Church, east of Sil verton, with burial in Valley View Cemetery. Anderson died Tuesday at the (Silverton Hospital. Born May 1, 1900 in Minnesota, he had been a resident of Silverton for 16 years. Survivors are the widow, Esther Anderson, - Silverton; two sons, Arden, Seattle, and Alton, Rose burg; three brothers, William,! Olto and Albin Anderson; four sis ters, Mrs. Jennie Neal, Mrs. Selma Watkins, Mrs. Minnie Edhcrg and Mrs. Clara Miller all of Louiston, Minn.; and another sister, Mrs. Annit Anderson, Silverton.3 Benedictine Home Group Dissolves Sl.tramia New. Servlrt MT. ANfi PL-Members of Bent- .. . , a. iti 1 J II .1.. t.'.. u,KA k hr.H fill' M IIC VIIIMKC. "V, 'uiiu auie- Wltj XMlMl I1C VII" IV Wlll'l H ll7 SIMM ' II be, to? mors than two week, re! day M covering from Injuries suflered ' ur " " 1 flkimjiti Imam tha vpriviiri u 4n Kecoveriii" From Traffic Injuries McMiN.WIIXE Dr. S. II. Shumway, prominent McMinnville physician, hns been brought to SILVKftTON-Scrvlrei for Carl McMinnville General Hospitul from in an auto accident near Kuijcnc April I in which his wife, Mildred, was killed. He was reported as doing very well and is allowed to have a tew vinitors. He was brought to Mc Minnville by a fire department smbulance. He has fractures of both legs and a fractured Jaw. Liberty Girl Hurt at Seliool IIiIimii Ntwi Strvlrs LIBERTY A fall from "monkey TWAVMTlts. Ainrn NEW YOBK II) -The Travelers'" " M" j fa'diworkln Aid Society helped 64,003 dis- h" hoe,!all?fd ishes. tressed travelers during 1955, Liberty Vhool fourth grader, with was reported at the organitation's I Mttnal inJurl,, l iberty annual meeting. The number set a ! Elaine was Injured during the , daughter's the church, less the property on which the church heating plant stands, to the Benedictine Art Shop. The land on which the parish healing plant stands plus two feet to the south of the building Is to bo deeded to the parish S. Mary's Church. The remainder of the four-acre plot will go to the Benedictine Art Shop, a corporation which makes handmade religious articles, which assumes the 94.845 mortgage. With the dlsolution of the Bene dictine, Village the hope and plan of the cottage-type home for the aged which had been the dream of Faiher Hildebrand and a group of parishioners, van Dallas Route 3, a daughter April record for the society's 90 years noon hour Monday, according to pilal It at Dallas Hospital. I of service. . her mother, Mrs, Gilbert Bayliss, I good. Rd., who said her condition at the ho Wednesday was considered Extension Unit at Clear Lake" 1 Holds Election SUUsaua News Service CLEAR LAKE ' Mrs. C. D. Fields was chosen president of the home extension unit when tt met en Friday at the home of Mrs. Nellie Chapin. Other officers elected were Mrs. Jottn Guy. vice president; and Mrs, Nellie Chapin, secretary -treasurer. Clear Lake folks apparently Bke so eat, as food projects were still the most popular choice for next year. In a surrey made by pro gram planning leader Mrs. waiter Oldenburg, projects on yeast rolls, low-cost meals, and freeiing foods received (be majority of rotes. Flower arrangement was demon strated by Mrs. Fields and Mrs. Edgar Sawyer. The next meeting win be on May 17 instead of the regular meeting day, since that is election day. Carnival Saturday At Orchard Heights '. Stattoaaa Mtwt ttrvtce ORCHARD HEIGHTS A carni val will be held Saturday, April M, at 7 to 11 p.m. at the Popcorn school, five miles west of Salem en Orchard Heights Road. It Is sponsored by the Summit Metho dist Youth Fellowship. There will be fun for everyone playing blng, darta and various other games. You can also have your picture taken and fortune told. A clown will give free bal loons to the children. Benefits will go to the MYF fund. bsve received orders to seize copies of 122 publications listed as obscene under Quebec's law against Immoral literature. Most are published in the United States. facial injuries, Seven members of the family of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rice. Route 3, McMinnville, were in the car. Naomi, three-year-old, suffered SETKiniEVY HUE SALU I9ILI Homemakers ball the snild refund offer indkatet that many drteaiiif , "Praise'' at something western families welcome the op sew in the salad world which portunity to become acquainted earns their praise. with "Praiae," the all-purpose All the members of the family : dreteing. praiae "Praise," acoording to the A Tbe special cash offer will con leportt coming m daily. tlnut for only limited time, Response to the "Praite" cash " however. I m&tm I buying a now ear? enjoy ajdriyohom Let tht freight savings help pay for a vacation! Ask your load dealer to arrange factory ''delivery, fly there on United and enjoy a drive home-what you save will cover much of your entire trip! For full details phone your local United office or send coupon below. cau s-1441 ot sun wis coorom IWMdAirUMS 7lyiaerfys4M. Hie , Clfy- f lUCJUTSBj... I V ' " ' T' ' '' ' ' I j Mm. rAn C3H CDS JJ ReQvlarly us limited tine only mm VITH EVERY DELUXE FEATURE.:. DELUXE QUALITY WESTINGHOUSE licks old Centtr-Post Agitator Problem! Old ctnttf-pott THI UUNDKOMAT agitator problem. NEW WAY TO WASH - A Vaiy harsh lit The old-fnhioned Center-Port ((itstor wshet with jerk-jerk motion. Clothes in the center (hsrih action tone) frt rough treatment; clothes " in the lair outiide sone tisrdly move. Wertinghoote etmoved1 the Csntef -Port entinre ... put ' emootb (fitator -vents at the outside of the weak basket. At the basket revolvtt, thtse rente agitate the clothes by lifting, fuming, flushing through rooty water SO timet a minute. Every piece it wsthed tit the time, thoroughly, equally well. LAUNDROMAT FEATURES Welin-teS)ave Deer is an acnial scale... shows weight of bed , . . where to set Water Sever. Water Savae aatMnatically measures water for small, medium or regular loads. Saves np to era Btlloas of i water per load -detergent, too! Handy Uuindrotlle, built right into back panel, girts directions for wsshiog all fabrics. Ueae only half aa much dattretntl Directions OH pscksge say only half the amount for Laundromat rl-Claanlnf . . . bo mop-op of tub, agitator, lint trap. When cycle is completed, Laundromat is clean. FWa-year fluarantee on tranamlatlanl DRYER FEATURES Dtreot Air Plow S)yeam uses leu electricity , . . dries clothes fatter. "" ------ .,...---.- Leek In Leadlna Deor provides ltiy-to-ntt losd nnloed shelf. Slsnt-front ends stooping. Dry Dial automatically turns dryer of ... eliminates guesswork. Heat toleatoe glret you choice of three temperatures. $gnoo Save Vosiiachouso Laundromcl Regularly '31925 limited time. onJ J$239'5 s5000 Vestlnghouso Dryer Raaularfo limited OOQ95 " $.f?Q95 only IO j!r TWO YEARS TO PAY 411-44(4 fefe Iks wmm S S w mm mm u u V7 375 CHEMEKETA ST. OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TIL WE GIVE AND REDEEM TRADING STAMPS PHONE 4-6835