Booster Club Organized at Woodburn IIS lutrunu Kcm Sirrtct - WOODBURN The past week at Woodburn High School contained many activities, among them the election of the new Booster Club for next year by senior members of the club, headed by the presi dent, Barbara Mouser. Sophomore members are Bar bara Blevans, Shannon Blomberg. Ruth Buhr, Betty Loo Burt, Diana Obrist, Judy Reed, Florence Rice, and Janice Relling.' Junior mem bers will be Janice Colburn, Ger aldine Kotka, Barbara Paulson, Marilyn Roberts, Nancy Soaton. Joanne Barry. Laura Lee Edwards, Pat Gain&fnrth, Darlene Greenin ger, Jean Hayes, Lorrayne Heide, .leanette Hemshorn, Carol Ann Livesay, Loretta Sanford, and Marie Frye. J The Girls Athletic Asociation. 1 advised by. Mrs. Lloyd Craft, held an evening dinner and initiation for the new members of the club Initiated were Barbara Blevans, Judy Bonacker, Doris Bright, Bev-' erly Bubak. Ruth Buhr, Betty Lou Burt, Janet Carter, Nancy Corn well, Arlene Ficek, Pat Gains-1 Torth Ruby Gordon, Lavon Heidcn, ' Dclores Hemshorn, Diane Ket chum, Donna Lantis, Tamara Ma jors, Shirley Marks, Diane Obrist, Judy Reed, Janice Rt'ilingrT and Joan Jackson. - The Junior-senior prom was held April 20 in Woodburn High School gymnasium. The theme was Moon light Serenade and music was furnished by Ken Knott. Patrons included Mr. and Mrs. L. Sterl ing. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doerflcr. Mr. and Mrs. H. G.. Wadworth and faculty and scheol board mem bers. j Salem Heights Scouts Camp j On Week End ' Sutrtm.n News Irrvln SALEM HEIGHTS Boy Scout troon 19 of Salem Heights spent, the week end camping near Silver Creek Falls State Park. The group left on Saturday after noon from Salem Heights. The patrols did their own cooking over n uuen lire. inevTicia a council fire on Saturday evening, with songs and skits presented by mem- ' bers - of the group. On Sunday morning they went on a nature hike through the park area. On the trip were Gary Greer, John Meeker, Ctrby Hann, Kraig Anderson, Wesley Harmon, Tommy Welch, Billy Folk. Larry Rector, Allan and Gene Frickey, Lyman Herb, Lester Margosian, Dick Schramm, David Neilson, Leslie Peterson, Bobby Juran. Gary Mor ris, Larry Potts, Dale Meyers, Donald Miller, Jerry Burger, George Robb, Jack Sanders, Ed Bacon, Gary and Jerry Lee Wash burn, Steven Steivers, Stanley Kay ler, and Johnnie Varah. Troop leaders, -Verge! - Jreer, John Kinney and Wendell Ewing, Transportation committee, Sam Robb, George Steivers, George Kayser, Bill Sanders and Wilbur Varah. Births At Valley Hospitals STAVTO - To Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Stifrier, Mill City.- a son, April 2.1, at Santiam Memorial Hospital. To Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Heavnnr, Lyons route 1, a son, April 22, at Santiam Memorial Hos pital. - To Mr. and Mrs. Paul I. Alban, West Stayton, a son, April 21, at Santiam Memorial Hospital. To Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Klrsch, Stayton route 1. a son. April 20, at Santiam Memorial Hospital. Valley Uriels (lalnnua Irrvln Ilaiel Green The Hazel Green Sunshine Club will meet Thurs day it 7 p.m. at China City for a luncheon meeting. A business and locial meeting in charge of Mrs. Dorothy Zielinski will fol low the meal. Both old and new members have been invited to at tend. Turner A speaking contest will he held Thursday at 8 p m. in the gride school luditorium. Anbut 180 children took pirt in the semi final contests ind 48 hoys and girls will take part on Thursdiy night. Five judges will rate the children nn the xradinj " system of Excellent, Superior, Good ind Average. Prites will be awarded by the PTA with a Iwtnl niAmhr nrptfinl li, Ahhil with the presentations. Willamina Neal Mishlcr, son of Mr. ind Mrs. Harley Mishlcr, is home on furlough from the San Antonio, Texas. Air Base. He will report for pre flighl training at Moldrn AFB, Missouri ifter his furlough. Turner Victoria Chapter. Or der of Eastern Star, will honor past matrons and patrons Wed nesday at 8 p.m. This is the fifty fourth anniversary of the Chap ter. Euclid ind Chidwick Chap ters ire invited to itlend the meeting. Roberts -- Pictures taken dur ing trips to Mexico and Europe will be shown by Lee Byers at' 7 30 p m. Friday at . Roberts Grange Hall in a benefit program sponsored by Roberts Mothers Club. Proceedi from I "small admission charge" will be urd for the school, sponsor) report Liberty Street -Court Street WEDNESDAY IS THE DAY! 10 FREE GREEN STAMPS GIVEN FOR EACH BOOK (LIMIT 5) YOU BRING TO OUR GREEN STAMP DEPARTMENT, THIRD FLOOR. EACH BOOK MUST CONTAIN AT LEAST TWO PAGES AND NOT MORE THAN 39 PAGES OF STAMPS. SORRY..'. NO MAIL, PHONE OR C.O.D.'s. 1 ' ft Rag. 17.951 lined FAILLE COATS to A scoop buyl Beautiful faille in black or turquoise, tuxedo style with adjustable sleeve. Sizes 8 to 18. SECOND FLOOR . Boys' Denim Pants Regular 2.99, if perfect. Assorted $044 colors. Sizes 4 to 18. Boys Mai Floor Boys' Poplin Jackets Completely Washable. A selection of $o98 spring shades. Sizes 6. to 18. m Boys Maia Floor Boys' Polo Shirts Multicolor stripes. Nylon reinforced JTt necks. Sizes 4 to 12. Reg. 98c. Boyt Mala Floor Boys -Sport Socks Assorted sport patterns. Nylon rein- f)Cf forced heel and toe. Sizes 7'.i-10lz. J Boys' Denim Jeans Double knee style. Heavy 10-ounce $l59 Sizes 6 to 12. style. Heavy 10-ou Boys Mla Floor Men's and Boys' Hankies Reg. 29c ea. soft absorbent cotton. All white and colors. Tiny flaws. Men's Mala Floor 10c Men's Dress Shirts White and colors. Fruit of the loom. $99 Sizes 14 to 17'.'i. White, colors. I Mea't Mala Floor &6 $11 ........ nrpr- -, - - - , I I r-Z . . 1 - I fifty 1 ii ft.nn ii i a i hi t ,. imtx&saiEztiBSZZZZZl. -.TL: "'TT'j I " M - a' 'l 'II W REPEAT OF "A SELIOUTI SPECIAL PURCHASE! MANUFACTURER'S CLOSE-OUTI REGULAR VALUES TO 10.95 SPRING AND SUMMER KTS A huge purchase by Roberts of a famous northwest manufacturer's close-out facket numbers is today's fabulous newsl A tremendous selection of gaberdine, washable Dan Rivers, sheen gabardines, cross dye and novelty fabrics in a galaxy of color elections! All perfect quallty-Valuei up' to 10.95-Popular zipper front-2 slash pockets-Size selections 34 to 46! These tremendous jacket "buys" will amaze you! Shop early for best selection. MEN'S MAIN FLOOR Ladies' Rhinestone Bracelets Regular 3.98. Popular "stretch" style. Clear rhinestone. Accessories Main Floor $98 Reg. 4.98 Jewel Boxes Large, jumbo size. Ivory, rose, blue, $4)98 and green. Collapsible tray, satin lined. Jm Accessories Main Floor Ladies' Nylon Hankies Regular 65c ea. Dainty, multicolor floral designs. Accessories Main Floor 39' Reg. 1.98. Girls' Pedal Pushers- A Red letter plus value. Sizes 3 to 1 4. Si 00 Asst. color poplin with multicolor trim. I Girls Downstairs Reg. 3.98 Ladies' Pedal Pushers A selection of new spring shades in Sf)99 assorted color poplin. Complete sizes. A Sportswear Second Floor 'Bestform Brassieres Famous name quality. Satins, nylons, Si 00 cottons. Complete size selection. I, Foundations Secend floor Flour Sacks Bleached white. Soft absorbent cotton. Large size. 4 for Iomf.if-.I)owftUirf OPEN MONDAY A 4 T A truly fabulous sale! 1 00. wool fabrics, boucles, hoptaclc ing, tweeds and many novelty fabrics In beautiful new pastel thadeil The amartest styles yet. Sim 8-18. FASHIONS-SECOND FLOOR JACKIE S65)99 Kitchen Towels Rayon kitchen towels. Multicolor rt stripes. Reg. 79c each. L for Domestics Downstairs Terry Wash Cloths Assorted colors. Soft, washable terry. Values to 25c each. 10,,$1 Domestics Downstairs Dacron Pillows Multicolor floral nylon cover. Wash- $1)99 able. Dacron filled. L Domestics Downitaira Mattress Pads Twin bed size. Waffle type. All while, $1)19 Washable. Double bed s?e, $3 19. L . Domestics Downstairs Reg. 7.95 Chenille Spreads Thick set chenille. Assorted colors. . $ J98 Double and twin size. 4 Domestics Dow notairs Reg. 14.95 Cannon Spreads "Heirloom type." Fringed edges. All $788 while. Double bed size. Domestics Downstairs Men's Canvas Oxfords Reg. 4 95. Blue and brown. Sizes $ 6 to 12. Thick rubber sole. Shoes Downstair 1 00 1 1 ft AND FRIDAY 9:30 A.M. OTHER DAYS ;30 TO 5 30 - REG. 59i YARD Cotton Chambray Rag. 4.95 yd. 20 1 99 yd. yd- Fine ctismbrty Ideally suited " for summer dresses and sportswear brcaue it washes and Irons ta easily. 36" wide; wonderful selection f.f striprrl pattern Limit 10 yards to a customer. . M 1 S I V V J w W X V It km Specially purrhaed! Whit e, pink and red. Soft nylon fleece In aborted length pieces. Sold by the piece. Wash ahl.r Fabric Merranine RAY0H LINEN 12 glorious color. For summer sports e..r Compare 9Hc arl FLOCKED NYLON " as Hejutiful n w-pas-trls ortty flick design Statesman," S.ilrm. Ore., V1., Apr. , 5o (Src. I) 0 TO 9 P. M. ' NEW SPRING SHADES! COMPLETE SIZE SELECTIONS! SPECIAL PURCHASE! v ramous Make-Keg. l.DU NYLONS Ti7 ' . 1 v (6pr.3.50) A tremoundous Koop purchatel Sheer 60 gauge, 15 denier, 51 gauge, 30 deni, In alt sizes 614 fo 11. A fabulous, hosiery event! Slight Irregular ities that ere hardly discernible-all wented col. on! Made by one of America's largest mills! Stock up today- HOSIERY-MAIN FLOOR SPECIAL PURCHASE! NYLON SLIPS 71 ; REG. 3.95-4.95 A fabulous value! 100 ny- . Ion tricot, pretty nylon lac trim white, black end r pinks. Sizes 32 to 40. MK scrapie Irregulars. LINGERIE- MAIN FLOOR SPECIAL PURCHASE! v REG. 4.95-5.95 LADIES' BOUFFANT SUPS A spectacular Red letter Day aales event! The most b taking selection of petticoats And at tiny, tiny price! Novelty trims, solid colon . . . hosts of styles! All sizes. Values to 5.95. LINGERIE-MAIN FLOOR O DLTCQ u II v'IaB VV r 11- 1 n n VJU o MEZZANINI REG. !9(-9lc YD. Dan River Ginghams REO. S9c YARD Plisse Prints -591- yd. Miike colorful dress es, b iiisecoats, play cluthes of this easy care cotton plisse washes in a Jiffy, re quires no ircminf. Brijjh. new selefr lion of printed pat trrni. Limit 20 yds. to customer. Wt 1000 )ards at "Dan Rivers pop ular ginghams with with the special vir tue of the exclusive Wrinkle - Shed, pro. ces. Check, plaids, stripes, plains. 38" wide. CRISP TAFFETAS A wonderful color election for for mai. blouses and dresses. FANCY SAILCLOTH 1, Beautiful be sprint, Satteins. Multtrolor ei!r. D