n Miss Webster Married at St. Vijkent's Exchanging their marriage vowi at 4:30 o'clock ceremony at St. Vincent dePaul Catholic Church on 1 Anril 11 aver Misa luit Filee-o 6 (Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed., Apr. 2556, Webster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. i rtoy n rower, ana junn neirm Statesman's HOME anorama V.';r.:n . . . V::v,z . . . Fcshlsns . . . Featrr:$ Wed ct Ephccpal Rih Around Town . , . By irll ME tJ(.fJSB Stubblefleld. an of Mr. and Mn. Howard Stubblefield. , The Rev. tatell Blackburn offi ciated at the nuptialt. Wayne Meu sey played the weddini music and anf . ! i For her weddinf the bride wort , SOCIAL JOTTINGS ... Tea lima kne. , . Mn. CUtea Mied was a a floor length gown of white lace ' thii afternoon when tha trustee hacheea bailees Taesday la keaar and net over tatin. fashioned with af tha Salem Public Library enter- ef members at ker Drama Class. . . a low, round neckline and long L tain at the YWCA social room in Pre-Mptial aartiee . . . lor miss sleeves, ine net ssiri mmnllment to tha Oreiron Library Dorolhr Morse, who will be mar-'hanced with rowi of lace. - Trustees, who are here attending ried to David Cooke on May S. . .icap outlined in seed i-th Tm.t. imtitut . . . Presid-, Thursday ninht Mra. Harley Cor- her fingertip veil in . ik. t.. ,-.. win Vim Mn !Hry will entertain with a dessert carried, a bouquet Hugh Morrow and Mra. Stewart supper and miKeilaneoua shower j hlt r centered with a whit Johnson. . . Aaiiitlnf with arrange- i in honor of the bride-to-be. . . The i orchid. . , was en- ATtce pearlt held place. Sbt of-wdbXnd menti for the affair are trustees j Women i Society of Faith Lutheran nd wives of trustees of the Salem . Church entertained in compliment Public Library . . . including Mrs. j to Miss Morse with a lines shower Frank H. Spears. Mrs. Chester A. J and buffet supper. . . Downs. Miss Mabel P. Robertson. Celebrating . . . kla eigklk birta- lira Ha!nh F Piirvinev Un i.. . M t..i Charlaa HelUel and Mrs, Lester 'm. mm af Mr. aad Mra. Raevrtl Sister Oaly Attendant Miss Shirley Webster wss ber sister's only attendant. She wore a mist blue organdie dress and car ried a bouquet of pink and white carnations. Robert Webster, brother of the Barr. . i W. Garmsea ... a grata af kla bride, served as best man. Junior Opea baase . . . teaifM at the yaaag friends kave beea Invited la Kauti wu the usher, name af Mr. and Mrs. Janes Tin- a ksackeea at Ike Falnrteejnt Hill ; The bride's mother chose a two all a Cnlnmbla Street la baeer Urn at kls narrate ... later tke piece brown suit trimmed in beige af atemkere af tke Hnllywnad Lbai gnnp win make as a Dae party (and corsage of pink -and white dab aad Ancillary . . . gnests kave t tlx theater. . . Paul a gaeste la-1 roses for the wedding. The bride keea swaed to call fcetwaea 1 aad ekede Bobby Lleta. Mlrkael Sklaa, I groom's mother w a r e pecan IS e'cleck. . . Reeeivlag the gaeste Kagev RHckle, Owea Miller, Ckrla ' brown suit with dark brown accea dartag the evealag wQI ke Mr. aal Haag, Daisy aaa Jakaay Kraa-j aories and corsage of white roses. Mrs. Tladan. Mr. aad Mrs. Cecil rtw Ricky VaaWyagarwee. Neff Ktttta at Wearier Heme Laala aad Mr. aad Mra. Harold pawefl. Nanaaa Merrill. Deaf Me- , ,. u ClUetple. . . Serrlag win ke Mrs. Matlea aad Mkkael McCermack. . . L. V?'0" f . .i . !! OUa Eagdahl.. Mrs. Vera Ba.' Bel., webbed ... to Salem ! p,, 'P"0'?1!? 2? r4 :,Se7TC mil v. MmN.w. iimysj pm utium ib rucuwv um.c ..i.. d --- .... n-ui:- . tti . t..- , c.i j.. .ik .... . ... !r. rmiiuia 101 mi, nuuiu , . . . uiru uiaiiMi Jtu aj(v wx ; will be Mr. and Mrs. Frederick January. . . Mrs, Eoff la the for ' Lamport, who have Invited a few mer Karen Eremeef of Portland. , friends to their Ben Lomond Park!. , . They have purchased home ! noma. . . Bridge will be la play at 3290 Crestview Drive and are ; following the dinner hour. . . ! moving this week. . . Mr. Eoff, a Eatertaiaiag ... at dinner and former Salem resident, is with the bridge tonight will be Mr. and Mrs. I Eoff Electric Co. Wallace H. Bonesteele. who have! Visitors ... la the capital far a Mc.Millen and Mrs. Luther Billings. Assisting were Misses Joyce Mc-, Millen, Marceua Crick. Wanda Billings. Mrs. Stanley Fitts. Mrs. Jack George and Mrs. Michael McBride. For going away the new Mrs. Stubblefield wore a pastel blue tafleta dress with white accesso- V 1 I t ' - t " . Mr. and Mrs. lea Jay Farm (Norma Hope Edwards) who were married April 18 at St. Paul's Episcopal Church. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Hopa Edwards and Mr. Farm is the son of Mrs. Nila A. Farm of Olympia, Wash. The couple will live in Salem. (McEwen Studio). Union Hill Club Elects Officers bidden members of their club and lew days are Mr. and Mrs. Law- ries. The bridegroom is stationed UNION HILL Mrs. Donald at Fort Ord, Calif, with the V. S. Jaquet entertained the members of to trace Tattle ef Washington, D. C wke are guests ef Mr. and Mra. Rebert H. Baldeck . . . tkey kave to ike West Caast a a va cation trip. . . It'i a bay ... for Mr. and Mri. Thomas R. Olson fLeta Jones) a group ef additional guests tneir home on Hughes Lane. , . r.ursts will he Mr. and Mra. Frank ; Burlingham, Mr. and Mrs. Robert U BaJdock, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Phillips and Colonel and Mrs. Maylon Scott. . . Club kMteaaee . . , Mrs. George the lad arrived Monday at the Sa i Weller wffl amide at a bridge lent General Hospital and Honed i hnckean today at ker Caadalarla the scales at seven pounds . . . Ladies Encampment Auxiliary, ;kme la eeaipllmeat to ker clnk, J the little boy has been named j Williamette No. 2 met in the 100F . . Mrs. Keith Brewa, waa kaa. Thomas. . , His grandparents are Temple Friday evening, for a no- . Joal retaraea With Mr. Brewa trans Mr, and Mrs. Willis A, Jones and, heat dinner with all branches ef Army. His bride will remain in Salem for the present at the home of her parents. IOOF Branches HolcLDinner the Union Hill - Woman s club at her home. Mrs. J. C. Krenz, Mrs. Raleigh Harold and Mrs. Eldon Jaquet were guests. Mrs. Harold of the Harold's' man concludes the year's activl- Nursery in Mayton entertained the members and visitors by demon- Concert to Be Given at Leslie Tonight Tonight's concert by the Salem Junior Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Dr. William Swett New Citizen) Welcomed in Four Corners FOUR CORNERS - A trio of little girls and one boy are the newest citizens of this community. Felicitations go to Mr. snd Mrs. Fred Matthieu (June Craig) on the birth of a son born April II at the Salem General Hospital. His nsme is Brian Alfred... , There is a sister Annette, and two broth ers. James and Daniel Grandpar ents are Mrs. Velda Craig and Mrs. Jennette Matthieu, both of Salem. Great-grandparents are Mrs. Elena Vaughn, alse of Salem, and C. W. Craig. Tacoma. Wash. Lona Rae Hershefelt was born April 19 at the Salem Memorial Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hershefelt I Viola Mattsonl. She weighed seven pounds, ten ounces. There are two sisters, Linda Lee and Mary Ann. The brothers are Harley, Danny and Donnie. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mattson, L'aGrande, and great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. M. C. McGuire, Parma, Idaho. A first child, Nancy Lee, waa born April 20 at the Salem Me morial Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Smith (Phyllis John son). The little girl weighed eight pounds, six ounces and the grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Johnson, Spokane, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Smith, Tacoma, Wash. Great-grandparents are Mrs. Jennie Dalbert slso of Ta coma, and Mrs. Laura Brown of Spokane. ' . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wallace tCleone Lulay) greeted a daughter born on April 21 at Salem Me morial Hospital. The little girl has been named Debra Lyn, and she weighed six pounds, twelve ounces. She has a sister, Sandra, and two brothers, Robert Wesley and Dennis Allen. The grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lu- Civic Leaders Will Appear On Panel- A panel of well known civic lead ers will present the program theme of May Fellowship Day, "Who Forms Your Opinions?" sponsored by Salem United Church Women on Friday, May , at 1:30 p.m. at the First Congregational Church. Dr. Wayne Green, minister of the First Christian Church, will act as mod erator with Robert Cangware, city editor of the Oregon Statesman, I. Walter JEJSnydor. superintend ent Salem schools, and Judge Jo seph B. Felton, Marion County Court, discussing various phases of this pertinent subject. May Fellowship Day Is sponsored nationally by the General Depart ment of United Church Women of (be National Council of Churches and is observed in over a thousand ! communities' in the United States I during the first week in May each year with emphasis on some as pect of family responsibility af fecting community life. Locally, Salem I'CW has ar ranged for an afternoon program which will include, besides the panel discussion, worship conduct ed by the Rev. Julian Keiser, host pastor, a group of solos by Mrs. Wilbur Martin and installation of ' new I'CW officers with Mrs. Julian ! Keuser, retiring second vice presi dent, as installing officer. Miss Moray Announces Betrothal Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. Morey are announcing the engagement of their daughter. Lynn, to Priv ate Phillip A. Webb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Webb, all of Sale. Both Miss Morey and her fiancee are graduates of South Salem High School, where they were both members of the rally squad. I Since graduation, Miss Morey has been employed at Salem Rec l ord Shop. Private Webb is now home on leave following his basic j training at Ford Ord, California, and will be reporting for further : training in Alabama, j No definite date has been set I for the wedding. lay, Salem, Mrs. Elsie Busch, Alsea, and a great-grandmother, Mrs. Anton Lockner. Jordan, Ore. A House arming JEFFERSON Twenty five' friends snd relatives surprised Mr, and Mrs. I. R. Gross of Tal bot wtth a housewarming party Thursday night. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lambert, Mr. snd Mrs: Milburn MoClellan, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Brahton, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gross, Jup, Tom, Jr.hn and Joe, Mrs. Either Tickle, airs. Lena Bursell, Mrs. Bertha Jorgenson, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ziogss, Chsrlie, Eddie and Stella, Mrs. Willsrd Hatmaker. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Newton, Terry and Randy, Mr. snd Mrs. I. R. Gross, Joyce and Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bradford and Mrs. Ella Bid WILLAMINA Miss Darleae Page was honored at a bridal shower Fridsy at the Christian church. Mrs. Hazel Harper and I Mrs. Verda Fetch were hostesses. : Guests were Mrs.' Mary Page, Mrs. Mable Osborn, Mrs. Mary Busher, Mrs. 0. J. Mammons, Mrs. Hazel Page, Mrs. Merle Newbiil, Mrs. Bill Barrett, Mrs. Carl Stroschine, Mrs. Ruth Harper, Mrs. Helen Hammoni, Mrs. Iris Ilutton,' Mrs. L. E. Page, Mrs. Paul Hedlund; and the Misses Carol Mauer, Sue Ham, Myrna Dickey, Janice Os born, Barbara Green. Betty Fetch. Nancy Fetch, Judy Hedlund and Gretchen Harper. I Mrs. C. A. McClure will be ef 'ganist and Mrs. Sidney YanPyke, il'CW president, .will preside. An j offering will be used to assist in the summer migrant ministry in the Salem area. A fellowship tea, arranged by women of the First Congregational Church, will follow" the program. Committee members planning this annual affair have been Mrs. C. E.1 Jaque, Mrs. W. A. BarkuS and Mrs. V. J. Osko. Women of the churches in nearby communi ties are cordially invited to par ticipate with Salem church women in this national observance. A nursery for preachool children it planned. Friendship Night For OES Chapter Guests were present from Stay ton, Scio, Lebanon, and Falls City at the Friendship meeting of Trin ity chapter, OES. Honor guests were Ronald Gil son, chairman of the budget com mittee; Mrs. Margaret Carlson, grand representative, District of Columbia: Mrs. Ruth Tate, matron of Rhododendron chapter: Mrs. Robert Hobbs, matron of Marguer ite chapter; Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Myers, matron and patron of Cedar Chapter; and Mr. and Mrs. Verny Scott, matron and patron of Acacia chapter. , The Trinity social club will meet April 27 with Mrs. Harry Phillips at 1:30 p m. Invitations were ac cepted to Independence on April 24 and to Stayton on May 1. The chapter will sponsor a rummage sale May It and 12 over Green baum's. Mothers will be honored at the May 4 meeting of the chap ter. The refreshment committee in cluded Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Eby, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Phillips and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Phillips. r'"'."'"." 'I''W! my ;';.' tjJMiw 'i mi 'y-yy r h i ; rKcfc i I UKt-blDE PARK P ING FOR OVER 1,000 1 CARS OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 1115 TO f P.M.-OTHfR DAYS 9:30 A.M. 5:30 , a winter's atay k Palm Dessert, i Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Raymond F. f wffl ke a gaeaL . . Mrs. Roger M. Olson ... and the baby'i greet Rckacn eatertaiaed ker bridge elab 1 grandfather is D. B. Bradshaw of at a dessert esaeaeea ea Taesday ; Oklahoma City. . . arteraaM. . . Mrs, Richard L.I A grain ... at Salem Credit Cealey baa iavlted members ef her Wanea'a Breakfast Clab members eta to bridge and I late sapaer to- reva to ParUaad Taesday to be atght at bee Nertk Cottage Street gaeste at Ike aaaaal ttossee break fast at tke Partlaad Credit Warn ea'i Breakfast Ctak at tke Con gress Hotel . . Attending trem kare were Mrs. Jack Hayes, dis trict II presldeat. . , Mrs. Law rence Fltxgerald. presldeat af the Salens Clnk. , . Mra. Lleyd Myers, Mrs. Jobs Ckamkertala, Mrs. Canter Caskiag Jr- Mlsa Delpklae Savage, Mum Myrtle lagraaa aad Mra. r arrest Ecklea. . , I Odd Fellowship and friends Invit ed. Several visitations were made by Mrs. Lora Groves, Chief Matri arch, and officers to Eugene; of ficial visitation of the Grand Patri arch Pete Stoliig to his own En. strating and telling of the different dower arrangements. Delegates to the County Federa tion of Women's clubs to be held 8iven at The Children's Farm Home li Corvallis are Mra. Guy Scott, Mrs. W. J. Lensman, Mrs. Marion Hunt, Mrs. - Ray Johnson. Mrs. Henry Tate, Mrs. Maurice Heater and Mrs. Verny Scott. Election of officers tor the corn- ties. The program, second this year, will be given-at Leslie Jun ior High School auditorium at $15 p.m. The following program will be Club Calendar WMKISDAV Royit Neifhbora of Amerlra daw- mi Club with Mn, Margaret WIUM, SS Sth It., U S0 aalad luncheon. Wedneaday Afternoon Literature Croup with Mra. KaymoiMl Walah. IJM N. Summer St., i M am. Cherry Court Order of Amaranth, .(ovcred di'h dinner, I.N fjn, Scot tun A.ie Temple. I TBinSDAT - Salem Sojourner at Salem Wom an Club. I pm. aelad luncheon. Tewa and Gown at Willamette t'nl verutr Mueie Hail. I p m., tea lol tawine at Lauaaaa Ball. raiDAT Merry Tim Club with Mra O '1 .iaa i e eampment and Auxiliary: and vis-!1" resunea .a-wrs.- nowara It to Salem Rebekah Lodge No. I Salem. ' Members attended the anni versary of Ladies Encampment Auxiliary at Oregon City. Mrs. L A. Peterson and Mra. Jesse Carter were in charge of the no-host dinner and Mrs. Clar ence Town send decorated the tables. . -j Rogers being elected as president; I Mrs. Donald Jaquet, vice-presi-! dent; Mrs. Robert Lierman, treas urer; and Mrs. Robert Humphreys, ! secretary. Toccata Kren-ohaldi-Klndler Sonate V for cello and tring orchestra Vivaldi John Gibber Cellist Piano Concerto No. S Beethoven Ronald Potti. Pianist Intermission Procession of the Melsiertingera Wagner Love Music Uom'":r"' : "Boris Godunov" ...Moussorgsky Anfrlus from Scenes Pittnresues" Massenet A Mnorside Suite Hoist .. The Merry Time Dak will be entertained at a 1 o'clock dessert luncheon Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. G. Craig, 3445, Abrama Ave. 3Qv7l51S with this amazing new instant ; Craig. S44S Abrama Ave., 1 sa. dtt- . ecn ruBcneon. i . Salem Womaa"s Club newt at elub- -kouae. t p.m, board eetla, Was pa. i I'm ,,,, umiiimaibj ppwaJ !"?'. ? Price's M id-season rj n w I l of Andy thinks it's nothing short of B miracle the way I manage to get til my housework done (nd still have time Tor the many thing! I really enjoy doing. The truth is, I've simply found faster, easier ways to do my work. Like wood floors. How I used to dread thai chore until I found out about , Bruce Cleaning Wax. Now it's almost a snsp because Bruce cleans as it waxes. There's no floor washing at all. And, honestly, my floors haven't tooled so nice in years. If you have wood floors. you really ought to try Bruce Cleaning Wax. I know you'll Lie it, Incidentally, r found other Bract floor product! help ml, fee. Thert'l truce floor Cleaner for cleaning and lifhier waxinf, Bruce Fasti Wax, truce AipJtell Tile Cleaner, tract 4phah Tilt Self-folbhing Wtx and fin new true Wom. Ye$ far fiaort Vl truce t iV 3S ' I "SIMMER WEIGHT DRESSES R EDITED FOR THIS SALE 2 Groups. Values From 17.95 Now Values From 19.95 and 22.95 a ODDS AND ENDS OF Shoes ' ONE GROUP VALUES .. TO 18.95 NOW 95 11 in .135 It. U8ERTY . WeCaTeHore-WeGiYeMore r . p ? ? ? I I I l II L t A delicious blend of the finest coffees that lets you literally drink, that extra weight right off your body! Now yon can redact , . . lose weight . . . safely, easily . . . with the amaeing JAVAR Instant Coffee Plan. No pills! No drugs! No tiring exercises! No hardship diets! Drink all the coffee you like. Enjoy the true flavor of the finest coffee blends ... and start hsinf weight fie very first ity. CONTAINS AMAZING JAVATOL JAVAR Instant Coffee brings you a choice, carefully selected blend of coffee hand picked from the (ar corners of the world . . , combined with Jtrttot, a fabu lous new food discovery that imparts an extra good ness, an extra flavor. It's a harmless legumen dis covered in Asia that acts at a bydrophilic that help atop those awful hunger pains . . . that help remove that desire to eat large quantities of food ., . hat lets you eat the foods you love . . . that lets you drink that extra wet'gnf rfm ot four body. You will enjoy the bouquet of this excellent coffee. Youll be delighted with its goodness ... its rich, full bodied, satisfy ins; flavor. And you will be oh! to proud ... and so thrilled as, day by day, that extra weight heat disappears. So, don't hesitate. Get JAVAR In stant Coffee today) It's delicious! Enjoy yourstli ... and start hsirtg weight the rery i!rjf day! NO PIUSI NO DRUGS! NO STARVATION DIET, GUARANTIED! Ysa axset ke completely satisfied with the results af the JAVA! Instant Ceffae Plan ar your money will be cheerfully refunded. Start till JAVAR fastait Coffee Plan today... start losing weight right away! cT) BaJaaaaA ' ... INSTANT COFFEE TOILETRIES-STREET FLOOR reg sizi $1.98 txonomy sizi $3.49 (aanatnetataaaMtasaaaaaaaaa. Meier & Frank's-Saiem, Selem, Ore. Please send me: art reg. size Jevar Instant Coffee if $1.98 jars economy size Javar Instent Coffee aet $3.49 Name Street ; . City ........ ..Zone State..... Charge C.O.D. Remit. Esc. Plus shipping coif to areai outside our regular truck delivery routes. Wl " "