j I IS (Sec. II) Statesman, t"0 Menlsanulf 455 I'mne Goods for Sail ,tr. THntrnr-B used furni ture A IIM'lialUe. THE llilliriY WAY CO JUay lerma al wutiDBvs thrifty I sl l) rUH.N. HI f. ( urn I Pn 4-3311 1MB. wood electric Monarik ranre. l.ll Dining table It 4 -hair. 117 50. Ph 4-1X127. LA1D linn, II St per to. yd II U Elfstrom Co , luO S. Lib erty 'L. , RIGIDAIHE clnthea drvr, no vent type. Jit modal. In. 4-9.HI. J JOl'BLE bed. beauty rait mat tress, box annua, arm chair, hand tiller. Ph.1-1022. :FFRIGERATOR nearly 10 cu. only 1' 89115 mad to fit the smallest sin kitchen only 24'i Inches wide. Th newest thing In refrlgertnr It ill oy you to see thl first. BAT- bourn home auto, mm State St. 1-9482. f YOU need a aingl Ham or tomplet household of new or used furniture or ap phinc, buy now on our " term Woodry t Thrifty Used Fum 111 S. Com I 8t Ph t-'-lll I Block 8of Ppr Mill - TrOrr Rr-V trM spe- CIAL thlt week IW9.77. MONT GOMERY WARD. MOVING. S-bdrm. ulte. dav. ' too. Cold Spot refrig . Cedilla (ront txl. Fruit jir. mine ttemi. Ph. 071 ' ' 140 Nlltri, . 'ITRBY rieaner wMrh. perfect ' rood. eW Sea at WO Thompwn Ave. ifterl:30. RDR5Liult. refrig . wood ran'ie Reasonable. 940 ti?'"- 1 TOR SALE-Used clean mattresa 15 (XI. Maroon over - atulfed chair 115 00. Zenith wsblng merhln. 115.00. Ph. titer 130. 1-5567. ISFD WASHER BARGAINS ABC with pump '; nmore Automatic a : Ia Spinner .... a n Autnmatle ' u.. I4 S Kenmort Deliiw M2 Whirlpool Automatic . SW-M EASY TERMS GOOD HOUSEKEEPING, INC. 47 Court St ANTICJUEJacobeari. heavily earved. din. room aei, n'u.i. orv uble. ildeboarrl. I aide ehalra, I boat chair aV I liquor cabinet. Excel. fond. Ph. I-" DRYERreTecTrange. nd ttblet. day bed. tniac. It ma. Ph. 4-47M. VACUUM CLEANER Rcrwueneed Ktrtiy.- av.ovr 100. Aaaum balance of eon trait 11.31 per week. Ph. 4-7 1M tDlr.l 456 Wonted Housa Gootft KEFRIG. In oo4 eond. I ft. or laner. Prlv. party. Ph. Sky. line 7-W21. -Trii""aH-'tiH'a oRNiLUl' BOAT. ISO. Se at Pumlllt TmrCA;pPl.TrNrWCBIorkrSupTTT t'SED MERCHANDISE MART r S LIBERTY PH. 4-37l Need t One Late model I - Apo!Unct. Pay ranh premium for HI Orad Elctrlc Ranret. Refntreratorf. Automatic Waahen. Drlert It Latt Model med rurnltur. Ph Clen Woodry S-SUO rlht Now forJPIeaalng ReulUIM "we need furniture Valley turn. Co.. l-7a 1 t.d.o ond TT RltPOSSID T. V. lr Ret. 1M IS Balanr HI3.I7 good ruftomer miv aaeume halrtnr tl down. 15 9 mo. EATDOPF't HOME It AUTO. 1420 Stat St. Ph USED TELEVISION -tela and tppllancet. Red tag apaclala rem In and check, our price but hurry I They can't Wit Ion. Manter Service Stallone. Mi N. Commercial Green S&H Stamp. 458 Building Matorloli FEET!!! (Thmmndl go in and mrt HKREII Flrrrt com. FIRST aerved OODLES of PLY WOOD 4x1 Int. or ext. THOUSANDS Llttler pc. It "Littler' 'prlcea. Cuttom ri with "Littler order! iretlv nprerttrd. . wiirrs paint, on gai.. a 4x1 reject hardboard, 11.75. reg. 12.00. t4 4rl WAU.BOARD. 11.44: SCREEN DOORS at laat year low prirei! Speciallrlng In low coat aluminum ecrreni. , 4x1 Rough Plywood (clear fact I for underlayment, H'jC ft. U Sxt! MAHOG., II aheet PANELING.1 (running ut our ra AGAIN I) tt real tavltf. See then). OAK FLOORING In healed room. CEDAR BOARDS. Pine Shelving. I2',c ft. PINE PAN PANELING. 12' ,e. ft. Sdg low a ISDM. Fig . I3S M, Beautllul weather to fix uo our beat Inveatment YOUR OME-do It now I Wa ll do very thing ponlhl to malt your Job tnjoyabt. i T OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY Portland Road Lumber Yard M4S Portland Rd. Ph. 4-443.1 StIO.OOO r'EET New. freth-mllled old k terand (rowlh lumber 1x4 to Ixli in lo 14-font lengtha Delivered price Salem tm oer thou minimum Ted Muller a-ttoa. E . tr painted eedtr shakes nn n t lxll S I S 1 E. dry erdar Loarde Il!tl00 M 1 RL fir cjfing .4c lin ft I Iron roofing tin Ml sq Cedar shinelet -HJil sq I No I 111 lb - Comno roofing I Cheaper No I RL Oak Fig CI7 06 M Ko t RL Oak Fig H23IW M .xl K. D Cedar Siding .... . 1133 00 M "f "4x1 ,-! ""A ITtdt Birch ply. t ft. I "A ' fradt Birch Door .I7 7 at. I "A" grid Maho doora ... H 51 et "A' grad Beech , doors I" M ea 4x1 pltsterhotrd II "I ea 4.v ,-m r'v lite y ea 41 'Mn, pl tlfg. 13 0" ea 4 4x1 sa.in ply ahtg 13 45 I Odd sue plywood cut to your order No txtr entrg. OPEN AIX DAY SATURDAY C & K Lumber Yd. Lanettter and Center Ph. Stlem 1-1500 tverhcad itesrt fare go aonrt with hardw art. S'S 34 In. stalled MM : 'Ivanired vt trough 12', per EPPING LUMBER CO. . . J74U SILVERTON RD. PH. 4-6123 CIRC, wall Heater. oft II" a 32" link con.p 143 95 Garbage Di'oosaL V Fibr pipa. 30e at 34c ft 14-1 Loom, ex. 4 ft Door ehimes. JO-. off. l?-2 Loomex. 4' ft Liiht fixtures. 25 off Otit let boxes. 25c. 1 pe bath set 11.15 52 gsl elee witer heat, tr. SSI Wt threw) Pipe tnd rnt Getgrr Counter nex Fleetrte Plumbing. 1411 Broadwmy. Ph. t-iita. Opta m avaa. lil ttll 1 Salem, Ore, Wril., Apr. l."0 Merchandise 458 Building Moterioll 12-1 wire, roll at 4'ic t) Cedar shingle :i 00, St. 84 Galv. Irun loot . - C HEAP 1 tah rooi., low t prices. Naila par keg-8 i 4" rait anil pine 7ic ft ', al pipe Ue. V-16 I '" Ic. I1," 3i.e M-0 gal. ""I eep tank 151 Ml Hit gal Ural aap. tank 139 50 4" black aawer pip Joe. 3c. Door lemlii, good sort. 12 75 Rlrt na oar 1110 1 ft. 1215 libra fax blanket. Ini.l - CHEAP 4vl planar board 1 40. II M li ti , Celling tile. I0r q. ft K ialrr mo d. at nf Irnalil. UK C.araia door. all tl'aa enaan Barb wire fai rda 13 Jn 4S Oilaida h.t paint lal 13 Mi Oak rir'lnk H length cheap New window aaihaa 15 "0. W atrip cryi'al winanwa llx.1 kitchen alnki cheap. Shower e.ibineta 114 M Toilett Wieatl ID 50 ' New hath tuti coinnl te 143 M Strictly Ceih - U-Haul Cloied Sunday Monnnyt C. t. LONG & SON'S I Ml N Kelrer - Ptl 4-S0SI NEW SUPPLY LOW PRICED lx IX Short Siielvirit 5c ft Loom 111! Cork Innul... II 2 ack Used Kllrhcn Sink 14 ai up ITsed Tolleta, compl. IIS Uard Tuto a 117 SO 1x4 Oak Floortnr ...! per M ,2xi Shorts, 1x4 RL . . 1c lin. It : D.vl It a rrt hn tA WxlOO- , II Mint. Helect 4xl-:'i partical board. I nod I aldet W nt 4" black Drama; Pin ... 30c ft. y oood ft. No. aV btr. inert lumier . 115 per M WE ALSO HAVE Doort, Wimtnwf lc El. r4 Portland M. Ph. 4-Ktll 4 ml. No. of Salem, 'i ml No. of Totem Pole on WE Open all day Saturday 459 Do It Yourteir U-Fix-It-Garape Repair your own ear Phoi 4-KHl Mil h Com l 462" Soorti Eouipment trbottwlth oan. 145. Phl-1594 1J FT. bout, 1100. Ph. 4-294 after I. GOOD bitntlnf & flahlnf trail er. 4020 State. 2-7001 tfter I p.m. DUE to other buiinei Inter it muit aell Champion boati In itork tt wholeaal prlcea. Call 1-72.14 to inquire GOOD II ft. boat. 7i HP. mo tor trailer mmnlete wllte pre frrr, 90D7 Broadway, Pli. i-im. ' ' 14 FOOT boat w H. motor r trailer. L. C. Edward. 4749 Silverton Rd. RUN thoi't motor Ik trailer Fee at 1261 No. Cottai alter t p.m. Folding Boat Toot It Cover SALEM TENT AWNING 72t N LIBf.rlTY PH I-47N CASH paid for uaed tuna mod em tnd antique Caaradr Mere.. 1231 Broadway 12 FT. boat It trailer, wonder- ful buy.JlSOtSO HaraenAve. 10 FT. Cedar car top boat it currier, tea to appreciate, 160 Ph. 4-5KC. KIT ileeoer trailer with pro- pan itovt, 1230. l.Jt't N Church. FOR SALE: II' redal1 planked Reinell boat, motor, practical- Ir new. See everlngi, W. H. lr nc Bell. Stay ton, or. 470 For Sola, Misc. BARGAINS Kitchen Cabinets era s m Mi m ;lff RETAIL PRICE V ON FOLLOWING ITEMS Hudson Hand & Pressure Sprayers It Dusters; Garden Tools; Lawn Sprinklers k Soakers: Plant Foot".-: B.iirboo Plant Slakes; Poultry Water'crs, Feeders, k S'tnplies; Chick Brooders. fafo llllllll t: RETAIL PRICE ON FOLLOWING ITEMS Ferto-Pots: Wooden Flower Bed Border Plants It Fruit Baskets. Special on Is. bales Peet Moss H 75 ea. Pert Moss Plus . $3.50 ea. All Sale Final GENERAL MILLS FEED STORE 4930 N. RIVER RO. (KEIZER) PH. 2-3279 For the best professional popular experti. Wi'SIINdHOIlvy Vond'v Furniture tn ' tm'' Ph 4-gl II .1 imio ; " CAPHOl Bedding Me'tlres! novaiori New mattresses 3.4ii6fi MtH.l.noING Bulldoilng. clearing road pond D-4, D-6 rarrraU V Huakey Ph 1-3144 CRAM W'ORS 13-ton Ur.in mote crane Ss lem Sand A Gravel Co 1-246I FLOOR tliVKKINCt NOHKIS- WALKER 'pifnPtfo FliHir-envering. Division Uual. Ity Installation. Linoleum, As phalt It Rubber THrWsU Ul Free stlmtt 4-2271 MAC HIM A WELDINt) llouart welder! It rod. Smith cutting enulD. Accessories. Glob Macninc Works, lino N Commercial St. Ph. I-921. PAPKRINO A PAINT1NO Psir.tini tnd tree eetsmate paper-hanging pis l-ll PERRY PAINTING Co l-ltll Bnish tprty Free Estimate In paper-hanging fr painttsa, Jtrry Johnjoo, pa. 25, '50 l."0 Iprrlianl!ne 462 Sport! Equipment FOR SAI.Fr New diving lung, with weight belt harnra. Mm been te.ted. I'0. liula prndrnca llJ. "OREGON'S BEST" BUYS . IN BOATS MOTORS & TRAILERS AIM convertible topa. firing brldgei, outboard rrpnlra Free trial on the river. Manv ex ' Ira eervlrrn. auch aa moorag. Hit proofing. prl. 7 DAYS A WEEK FISHING LICENSES See the new molded boati, the are the bnrt be'itiful A prac tical boat on th water. SALKM BOATHOl'SE 100 CIIEMEKETA. PH. 3 9303 464 Bicycles ri.AT bottom boat A trailer Ph. 2-3160 tfter I pa, 468 For Rent, Mite. FOR RENT or MM, it wr houn apart cen. ent floor brick bldg . downtown In oulre H L- Stiff Furn . 470 For Sole, Mite. TYPf WRITERS tiding ma rhlnea. eaah regntert duolt. catora. detka, chaira 'ilea nip. phe Hoen . 456 Court J-177J TOP SOIL PH. 4-2463 OREGON Agate, morn St Jaaiier. beach Et. tumnied or raw. 2490 BroadwayPh. 3-320 RECAPS Wflxlt 170x15 Exch tun. Ln Jfrt Man . REPOSSESSED, "logger truck tlrea. 00-20 heavy duty truck and bua. All traction. Call Dirk. BATDORF S HOME k AITO PhoneJ-BJI12 TOP SOIL Phone 2-I37S. 2-fCIOI 2 WALL cupboard, well made 110 It Neat oresaer aia Round coffee tabl I lata try top 110. 1525 State. Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIL. PH. 2-4310 WEAR Chester Comfort Shoe. Geo. Master Work untlorma. Sport Wr Ph. 4-527J FLEXILOGS, A advertised In LIFE 4541 wbb Av. rn. "4J31S: ' USED truck tlrea. Lytl't Tlrt Mart, IZOb N. Com l. TOP Soil & Pit Run Gravel. Ph. 3-5S3 . . ' Top Soil Orchard Loam River Loam Oial 3-1740 Prompt Delivery Keizer Sand ai Gravel to. STEEL, rimmed wagon wheela for al. aou 8. 211 Ph. ''. CEDAR poit. bean poit ihed Pit, all typtt ocrrj ir, h 4-3CI1. RICH TOP SOIL DEL. $1.13 A YARD PH. 4-2463 S SHELF solid walnut what-not. Large floor type 4.7471. Garden Pal Service Ph. 2-M16 FOR SALE, rent A; repair, re modeling tnd tilling. 6nEL "tavern or restaurant counter with I (tools, good hap Ph. Stayton 4861 TOP SOIL 1,000 yards river bottom top soil. $1.23 PER YD. 5 OR 6 YD. LOAD PH. 2-4310 470 For Sole, Mite. i r?r? itsri wrvices, call otie of tlittf" SVI AND GRAVEL 1AI EM SAVIJ A GtlAVIX CO Hcr.dv mix crif.-rrte trml.f d ind rroid gravrt snd and top soil.. 1405 N Front St 2-2461 WALLINO SAND ANT) GHAVEl 1625 McGllrhrlst Crushed quarry rocks A gravel A;l aires for roads, driveway! tnd pirlrmg-lota READY MIXED CONCRETE Girden sand, bull-dorlng. shov el ind drigitn work. 1-9241 VALLEY SAND A CRAVEI 'CO Crushed A round rrsvel Sand A con mix l-4iil SEPTIC IFRViri HOWARD'S Roto-Rooter. tewert leptlc ttnki cleaned. 1-5327. MIKE'S Septle service Tanks cleaned D rooler clean (ewers drain Phone 1-1461 Hamel'i septic tank eleined. line servire Cuaranieed wart Phoa 1-7404 or 1-0771 t ntr siRviri BRENNAM TREE SERVICE at -allow page phnnt book. 1 Phooa 2-37M ir0 MrrrlianfliHe 470 For Sale, Miic. I'SED TIRES THICK PASSENGER Lytle's Tire Mart J.UiJ N. Com'l. Ph4-f13.1 FOR SALE White.' traple Willi length formal. tle 14 worn once. Make uler. 2-4737. CHICK-brooder, iron bed w n.nng It mattreu. Ph. 2-2MH). rOR SALE 24 In. lawn ewreper It ring House Both in perfect cond Ph. J-I3!rfl. 120 YD.c!ec."hot water hetr. W. 2-SIIKi. ROYAL quieriieiuxe ivpewrlter. original ribbon. Brit oiler takei. Ph 4-1540. VACUUM CLEANER Thia beautiful Flectrolux left on our hand" with t -'4 VI bel ame Tak over for II per week. Pn. 4-7102 (Dir.) ' 472 Wonted, Mite. TWIN banv bugey. Melvln Tuf tcikog. Rt. I. Bo 303, Silver ton. U)GSWANTKD - fop prlcea fmd 6-in to 50-ln diamrteri n l-ft or multiple of l-fl - W ll btiv ttim'i Borll land lumber Company, Tur ner. Or Ph. Turner 1125 Fvenlnn nhon Turnr 2502 oi Salem J-7I12I. WANTED evrl thounand cord! of wood, all ncit Ph 1-7721 Night. 4-3433 474 Miteelloneou H.ive you gotten wour FREE cotfe andor l.i"es from tie FIRESTONE-SHELL GRAND OPENING? Sl!0P AT Cenler It Liberty PhJ-Jtsi Prospectins: Supplies Geiger It Scintillator counter. mineralifhta - Mercury - o tectors. fret information DECTROMCS INC PH 2-k0r Jal LanraalerDr ADDING mtcnine. rsh regi Clary. l7t Fairgrounds I-5.I75 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-Hft. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER. Dentist Adolph Bldg.. State It Com'l St SALEM PH 2-3311 476 FueT FOR SALE: Otk. walnut, fir. prune, cherry wood A cedir post. 412 Hrubeli Rd 2-2:32. OREGON FUEL CO. Mulchin? Sawdust WOOD Stamp Ph. 3-31.13 3067 Broadway West Salem Fuel Co. Sawd'ist. blower or push out Plan and Pond Uliet. SPECIAL Semt-Drv Block ttd Slab. I52J Edgewa'er Ph 1-4011 WANTED several thousand cord of wood, til inecict Ph. 1-7721 Night. 4-5633 HIGHWAY FUEL CO. SAWDUST At WOOD -W44 Capitol Fuel Co. SAWDUST FOR MULCHING Choice alab and block mixed 1420 Broadway Phl-7i7l SAWDUST for salt. 3 unit load. push out. 111. Pit. uervaii 2211 Old Kir Wood,"$ia Ph. SHverton 3-8481. ANDFRSON'S iltbwood. Ph 1-7751 or 4-Z694. 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loon WE HAVE eaah buyer for real estate contract and 2nd mort gage! Ohmart A Ctlab. Realtor 477 Court St Phone 2-4115 COLONIAL !nvetment Co Real Property Loan - lomracis Purchased t7 Court 4-2213 PRIVATE money to loan, biry contract! tnd mortgages js, Chemeket St Ph 3-8841. LOANS tWOO to 11300 60 Buy What You Need Contnlfdnt your hilli. Ftnmee throjgh WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 111 8 Church St Ph 2S457 PRIVATE monev to lon on Real Eitatt. Ilk interest, pn. J-07M. , $23 to $2300 . Pacific Industrial Loans 111 S Liberty Ph. 4-2203 Rawlins Realty Co. Real estate loan, construction tt permanent loans 101 Cha- meketi. Ph 4-6I7J. 5T2 Loons Wonted u'.s.wn t. SI AAA I- ""'i"' "','' as rmn Wl line In nav eood In. Ctatmn.Jnurnal Roe SALEM Btislres man wants to borrow 8 500 at IT-: Repay - 1200 mo Ph dayi 4-9161. After p m. 2-2109. 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted ELI)VRL nun In Woodlnirn, oflfis to share, modern 5 rm. home Li responsible couple in e::ihane for meals It lielit dometlic dutlei HefereiK-es re quired P, O. Box 7794 I'ort land 12. Ore. CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phone 2-0136 1M N Winter Adjoining Presbvierian church Eree p.rking In rear Exclu we lisiinia aa ail type of ' emplovmenl 1 Hi'l.l' WANTED ! Chlldrens rarm Home. CorvalMs. Or Roiius 1. IWomen with conk, ing experience as assistant cottage Matron, 1-Man cap ahle nf aervlng al food buyer A commissary manager. 3 Man experienced In farming aa firm assistant. Reliable middle aged couple preferred Must have an understanding of children It willing tn live In t otiage with 15 or 2n boys or girls Ph. I'laa l-027 for appointment. l COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Since IIMt-SpeclallsU In Office PlaiVmenta F-Tvpisl 21-35, so wm Open F-Secy, 24-30 slithnd. anUs) wm. evr work con . Open F-r;en. Olflce, 21-15, respon- aihle ... . Open M -Acrnfnt. Tt exp. ales person ..... - Open Rest Way to th Best Jobs tM Stale It 411 Oregon Bldg 4-UI1 600 Employment 402 Help Wonted APPLICATIONS tr new being taken for Mateman blryi-l roulta. aeveral routet will be open. Applicant mint be c coinpanied by their parenta or have their wriitrn perinU eion Apply t the Clrrulailon llepartmenl of th Siataaman Journal COUPLE til car for Salem Mo tel. I may be employed. Writ Box l Statesman-Journal. RTHelTWonted, Men 2 CAT SKINNERS WANTED IMMEDIATELY MUST BE EXPERIENCED uitu r.Hanr si npiNf: PK SIl.VKRTON 3-3371 OR 407 , OAK ST. EXPERIENCED radio, teleeiilnn tr-hnuian. licference. Mttrhrll Radio Ai Trleviilon. 1M0 State. ACCOUNTANT' under 4Jgood nponr. for responsible man. with Initiltiv A anility for P. A. olflce. write full quail-fi'-aliors. Box H Statetman- Journal. YOUNG Man"qiVaHfld In pub lic ri'latiorti tnd managerahlp for po Miion aa execullve-man-arrr, Chamber of Commerce, Jul memhrrn, cUv of 5000, "S-Iry 14. am. ' with all facil- - Il ea provided. Present man err Iraving th iai but will remain to onrnt new man. Armnge for Interview or further information by briefly itrtlng quallliraltona in firnt lettr to Wm K. Eat on, President, Box 121, Foreit Grove, Oregon. WANT rever.il wood cuttera. Annie I'flmtnl Fuel To.. 3000 N, River Rd. . . i. ZfiZUmrWmA LisJw w 1 j. RELIABLE woman wanled for general housework for elder ly couple, nice nome at gooo salary. Permanent. 2630 Market St. EXPERIENCED waltresa wanted The Spa. 302 State. WANTED, woman for housework and car of elderly lady, live In Ph. 4-45M. HOUSEKEEPER to ilv in T care for 2 school children. Ph. 4-6137. H J WANTED a general office girl, must htv experience In fol lowing: bookkeeping, all ac counts, pty-roll. prefertb'e banking At typing. 25 to 35 yrs. old. Statesman-Journal box 173. MIDDLE aged women to do housework. Ilv in. Mrs Ken neth EIU rtirftx 1-2527 Jef ferson. CIRL for afternoon It v. work. Aoplv before I p.m.. Vtn Kleeik'i Coffee Shop. BABY "litter wtnled 'l dayi week for Motherless horn. m ti. Com l. EMPLOYED womrl with I yr. old child desire room It board with child car. Statesman. Journal Box u. . rOLDEH girl or Woman lul house- keeper good home. Must live In. Nict pnv. rm.. good salary. " Ph. 2-1729 or 1-3632. IMMEDIATELY. Udy to cr for 2 children, my horn, U tfur I p.m. 2-06O. CIGAR" CANDY SALES Under 30. lom night At Sunday work. Apply In person only. I a m. to 12 noon. Owl Drug. 400 N. Capitol. EXPERIENCED accountant with knowledge of general ledger It Income Tax preferred. Box 970 Ststeaman-Journal. BEAUTICIAN Wtnted. Apply UVern't Betuty Salon, 105 N. Capitol. WOMAN for general h o u a Nic home. 1 lady, live work in. Call morn. 693 N. Liberty. 608 Pickers Wonted STRAWBERRY Platoon organ izing 40A. Near neuer. i rana pnrutlon by but. adult It children over 12. Register by mailing card to leader Mr. Ken Rnhinaon, 2490 Wooddale, Ph. 3-S633. o.O Soles Help Wonted BEST SALES OPPORTUNITY IN SALEM If you iren't making 1100 per week ma minx you can qualify PLEASE CALL . 4-0363 Mornings to 12. Wedneadiy. Thursdiy ind Monaay. AGES 21 TO 26 Nitlonel concern needs 1 young men free to trtvei i loasi citiei tnd resort treu. Neit tnd ilngle. Avirige W5 per week. Gutrinteed 1225 per mo. drawing tccount. New cars furnished. Mr. LeVene Hotel Marion. 11 I m. to 1 p m. tnd 7 to I p m. Fridiy only. A FINE product A 1 repuUble Compinv. Lirterai rjonus 01 commission. Pleasent working conditions, olua advancement Make t very lucntlve tilary nositinn We need 1 good Mies- men. Call 1-3639 tV tak lor Bob Mitchell. CAN YOU SELL? Can You Learn to Sell? AAA Th Oregon Stile Motor Association, hn opening In this tret for representative. Raslr wale It liberal com mission under new plan. Ex- -. J j,in 1,. n ns 1 " 7 . . Ph.2-3701 for appointment r.' '" : Part or full tlm Work, tub- Stanttai weersiy earninxa. i" col'ertinn or dellvene. ear A telephone necessary. Apply In person rm. 338 Senator Hotel Thursday 10 t m. to I p. m. or Fridiy morning. 9 men wanted for May 1st Salem area, 25 yrs. or older HI school graduates. car necessary, direct advertising n fom A bonus. See Mr. Rrooks Marlon Hotel Km. 415 5-6 P.M. 7- P.M. Tuea. A w'd- , WANTED: AstirreMlve Salesman. On Commission Ph. 1-W85. or set 1509 N. 4lli. EXPERIENCED man. Fine of- fk. Lolti ol advertising. Ram sey Reilly. 427 Ferry. MAN to distrlbut It pick up Fuller Brush catalog tloo weekly comm to tart 1-6337 Al'T0siilcsnian, apply Val ley Mnlnr Co. in person. Only experienced men need to apply. . 6i2WoTk Wonted, Men GARDEN PLOWING St DISC ING. PH. 2-51Z3. w. Fl.EMME 1561 LANCASTER DR. YOUNG man, 12 yri clerlcil experience, desires perman ent position with future. Rt 4 Box . Salem. PROFESSIONAL "upnolsterlng reaa Guaranteed Free est Plrk-up.jrJelivery:'Ph.J-42fK).- HOME "bulldingremodellngT house framing or any line ot carpenlrwor2p4-275. ROTO;tlLLlNG,'30.ln. lJ H.r" Rnio-ho. ph, fter I p.m., 1-6691, YOUNG Koren veteran wlshe permanent employment In Sa lem. Hive wife St I children. Ph. 4-9241 tve. CUSTOM" plowing It disking, reasonable. Call 1-2348. ROTO-TILLING .PH. 48253 600 Fmploymfiit 612 Work Wonted, Men1 CUSTOM ROTOVATING ford equipment, Lawni, g.-ir-dent A, orrnatdn. Ph. 2-M'U. ilHKNNAN T R E E 8FRVK F. lelling, bucking, land clear ing, etc. Hive 3 rhain aawa St uperatora. Ph. I-3,4B. DFI.IVFR cow It hnrMTfert'll Irrr Roto tilling Caidena. Ph. 2-27SH PAINTING - Frre Estimatei Reasonable. Ph. 2-K3.il evei. ROTOHY "Tllllng-iMng tilleri world 1 fineit. Ph. 4-6.183 or 4-5401. Fre eatimate. LAWN Wowing wanled byAlruiy Anderaon. Ph. 4-044.1. HOWARD Rolovatlng, garden Jl new lawne ptapared. Lawn mowing hr, or contract. 2-50M. 4-f;iil. BUILD or remodel. Free atl male Ph. 4-CI40 CEMENT WorkT Ph 4-3.1"side"-walks. patirn, ret. wall, ga rage, bxmta. Free estimates " ROTO-TILLING RICHARD RAS, PH. 1-4711 HOWARD" rolovatiir work. Ph Bill Beven 4-26. LOU'S tret servire Sprny. top ping prune, cabling. 4-8501. EXPERT "ctrnenter. remodeling til kinds Cabinet work reaa ' go anywhere, Exline 2-7011 HOWARD Totovttlng, - 1 1 w n mowing U-Fix-ll. Gtrage I am til I in t Sun. 'til 1 pm. Ph4-5.1. TILLING' Howard Rotnvttor Ph. 4-2K or 2-U3S. No rail Sat please. ROTOVATING TIL 1-1763 LAWN""mower harpen'lng, low !2 price, work guar. Ph. 4-Ponj, "WE DO CUSTOM "WORK Hv wheel tractor It 1 crawler. Full line of farm machinery. Call 4-2032 at noon or 4:30 p m EMPLOYED man wants Satur day farm work. Experienced. 12H6'i N. Church. "CARPENTER WORK, day or contract. 2-l642or 2-1430. NEW LAWNS " Prepared. eedin. Roto-hoelng Dun Wolrott. Ph2-I127. PRUNING, spraying, topping, re moval. L W. Caudlt. 4 1461 6l4WrrWontedriody BABY lilting day Vicinity ball parkafter I. 1-7.151 EXCELLENT CHILD CARE My home. W. Salem. Ph. 4-I3.1I GENERAL housework by hr. Ph. 1-2167. CHILD CARE, my home. 1 yr. over. PR. 2-173. 1304 f erry St. WILL ctrc for 2 children In my home by month." 4-23(1 TAILOR mid dip cover made In my home. Berth Handley. formerly of Robert Bro. Ph. 4-6402. 780 Highland. SCHOOL girl wishe baby anting too, evenings, tnd week ends :xperlenced. Ph. 2-1931 or 255 W. Browning Ave. jn.:iij - . li' , '-T".T - ri Tin I uiunusvi nnn 1 cm avs, nn 1 PH. 4-518J CHILD car 3 yr. It ovtr, my home. 1545 Trtd. Ph. 4-386. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing Mr Po. 65 N. 16th. Ph 3-343 SEWING Dressmaking. In my home. Ill type. Ph. 2-9.391 WANTED Ironing In my horn. 1911 N 5th 2-1111 PRACTICAL nursing, house work It baby lilting. Any.tlm. 2-9540 615 Situations Wo nted SPARE tlm gen. remodel, cab inet wk. reaa. 4-4073. EXPERT ipny. brush -ptlntlng. paper hanging, your paint or mm. Free est. Term. Ph. Nelson 3-8493, 3-1243. GENERAL remodeling St cabi net worst rei. Ph. 4-4073. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Framing .remodeling, founda tion!, retaining wans, cement or pumice block Fret esti mates. Ph. 1-6280. SR1CK and block work. guar- Ph. 441435 LIGHT crawler dozer, leveling griding 3-7042 L Kurth STANLEY FAGG. cement ton- trictor. til work guaranteed. Fret estimates. Ph. 4-190I PAINTING, brush It iprty. Fret eauriiaics. ru. -oo.j, T)6Wg" k LEVELING Ph 1-0952 D. PANTOV1CH PAINTING, papering. Free etl- mitei. Don Lucero. 3-55(72. SHEET ROCK Expertly taped. Ph. 1-1347. NEW lawns complett. free L 3-1445 morn, 4-2941 Ev. BULLDOZING it LEVELING L ELAND C. SMITH Ph. lfsW WE1MALS day nutaery. Lie. It stltt trupected. supej-vision It individual training. 2-5015. IMMEDIATE SERVICE. PLOW ING or DISCING. PH. 3-9300. GARDElsl-A-lawnworaj wanted wiih rotovitor. Vincent Kremer. 2130 Lansing Ave Ph. S-3110 CUSTOM plowing 14 per hr. 5 actei r up. pn. t-iwi eve. Bruit Gordon. 2279 Byrinv SCH"ARFFBROTHER9 Instillation. Repair. Sewer, Septic Tanks, Drain Fields. Power Ditching, Backfill. Ph 1-5.H.8 or 3-3072 PAINTING It decorating, low ? rices. 23 yri. In Salem. Ph -7552. LAND CLEARING D-l Hr. C Mitchell. Ph. 3-5337. CARPENTER work, any kind teas 4240 Madeajr Rd. 4-5911 VINCENT "ONE AL Excavating Co Excavitlng Grading. Ph2-16M cTrPENTER Jobs: new It re-modellngreas.-HM. 2-S8 PLOWING A discing D. Mar shall. 2-1343. EXPERT home building It re modeling. Phone 4-7377. h. as vd shovel, crane, roe. drg line. 25-lon mobile cranes. 04. 07 cats; csrrv all clear Ing blnde Rental contract or unit price! SALEM SAND & GRAVEL 1405 N Front St Ph 1-2461 T".;:. r...--- CiiTwtiFi- jemZ!Jr ,IV- '"ii. iiiuupn., ntnu. m "7 .7""."' . :.'".r-.""' V. ill I Bin, I..U t. tint - LAWN MOWER ..., SHARPENING . COMPLETE REPAIR C & S EQUIP. CO. 904 Edgewiter, W Salem. 4-1541 ROAD GRADING Roy Hancock. Ph. 4-8353 700 Rrntala 702 Sleep. Rooms, Boord CLOSE, lovely rm, lidy. 125 Prlv. non imoker. 765 Marlon. SLEEPING rm. for "l or l. Ph' 1-4:135. J90 N, j:hurch. MEN.'TV. den 'pvt.ent 1501 N. Ctpitol. Ph. 4-1134, NICELY furm front rm. 539 N. Winter. HOME eway from hdme. Pack lunches. Men. 1093 N. 1th. CLEAN, warm rmt In III S Winter T V close 1-1 722 WANTED - Man lo mom and board 266 N Capitol QUIET, near slate bldg. a, hop. dit, kit, prlv. 1-144. - rr""" . 700 Rrnlals 702 Sleep. Rooms, Boo rd I1F.AS, ttlractlve rrm. clou In, pnv. nil 3-74111, 4-7MTJ, NICELY furn. rtn. with private ahower It ent. Emp, man. Cl'e ahop center, ktate bitlg. 1'h. 3-rxiM, 145 Marion. 703 Wonted Rmi., Boord ROOM And Board In return for hoiiKework. 3-&HH7 bv atudent. iK t 4, furn. apt. 1431 N. tultag. Ph. 3-I7U. 705 Aportmenfl For Rent FOR employed tndv, .1 rm. furn rlnae in. 3-4501, 2-5172 evra. CLEAN 3-rni. front apt. Ground fir, refng., nlnv rV utlllliei furn . pnv. bath. Ph g-TI4ra CAPITOL PI.A7.A 1 BDRM. UNFl'RN. HAS Chemekeia SI Pn 1-K130 FURN. APT' priv. bath Atent Util. pd. .IO.Ph. 2-51155., CLEAN 1 room court apt. King wood Courts. 3rd St W. Ss-li-m Laundry facilities. Ph. 4-1314 morn, or ves, after, I. .k). Newly decorated small apt , rlns in. lady prefer.,, util paid. 143 Frrry. BASEMENT furn. btnek to Cap pllol Hlilg. util. pd. Adult t.W Ph.2-e254. I BM furn.atl. with rarage, i -UlllltiH pd. 47 5073 10. NICE 1 rm. furn. ant. 1223 I Chemekete. Pb-J-7M. 4 RMS. furn.. 3 rmi turn , het. light It water. Ml N. Jiign Ph. 2-4HII. 1-BDRM furn. Hawthorne Court. liNM) N. Capitol. Adult. Ph. 3-1300 or 3-7464. It 3 RM. Apta.. nicely turn.. private bath laundry lac ill ties. 30 A 133, util. pd. HO K"CmmwttliF. 4-5231, 1st FLOOR furn. util, cloat in. 131.50. Ph. 3-9639. PLEASANTrturnishedTbdrrrT. prlv. bath It entr.. elec. range. refng.. util.. store, off street prking2-H07. UNFURN. 1 bdrm. court apt. Range, refng. iuburb. 2-2901 NEWLY decorated 1 bdrm mod ern furn court ant 159 W Sa em. Ph. 4-6173 or ivt M743. flDRM. apt. range A refrig. furnSalvtdor Apts. Ph. 2-3141 EURN. or unfurn. 2-bdrm. apt., prlv. ent., util. pd. 363 S. 16th. i""R60MS.prlvrbath"V entr. Refrig.. utilities iurn. Adults. 733 S. 13th. 3-RM. furn., pvt. bath. ent.. util. Jd.30MS20 Ferry. 4-1157. FURN. l-rm. tpt. with pvtfbith. women only. 691 N. High. FURN., cletn It pretty for 1 or 2. No. 38. Also 2 bdrm. family ap14J348 N. 12th St. FURN. tpt., steam heat, pnone, washing facllilira 4-8061. CLEAN 2 rm. furn. bui, garage 9.19 S. 12th. J RMS. furn., pvt. bath, near Memorial Hop. Is Statt Bldg. 940 Mill. CLOSE In, nict mod. furn. spt. V .... - ... -- call tny .flayxrept Mt. AO- utt only. PhTS-HW: FURNISHED bachelor apt , 2131 Fairground Rd. 143 per mo. Ph. 3-3136 beore I p.m. or 2-9580 tfter I pm. 130 to MO furn. 1 rm.. pvt. bathi. Adults. 1075 N. Capitol. VERY dealrnnle unfurn. tpt. with view. Ltrge living room, . 1 bedroom, strictly modern. m. 2152 S. Com'l, Ph. 4-5339. EXCEPTIONALLY met quiet 1 bdrm. furn. apt,, Irg. laundry, gar. W. Salem. 3-8.147. FURN. 2 bdrm, apt, pvt. btth. Ph. 3-6434. 2 rm. Ant. furn newly dec, util pd. 135. Hirel Apti. Ph 2-9084. For 2 bdrm furn court ipts. All util furnl Weekly or monthly rites. Ph. 3-8723 LARGE TRM. FURN. APT CLOSE IN SO. PH. 4-3661. COURT cottages-living room, bdrm.. kltrhenette It bath. Laundry furn. 140 plui util. 24SS Tnde, Ph. 4-7472. ESQUIRE PLAZA Furn, very comfortable, spa cious. 1 bdrm, individual court apt. Phone 3-5371 after 5:30.J951 N. Church. CLOSE in nrw:ly"drr" 1 bdrm. furn. apt. 570 Union. FURN. nice" walking dist. 115 wk. Incl. util. Adults 1 rm. furn. tQ wk. 118 N. Com'l . CLEAN, close tnTpvt. bath, ent , overlooklngjreek. 4S2 S. High 1 rmTfurn. apt, 1065 Madison. Pb-4-4754. VERY attractive clean 3 rm. furn. ground fir. apt: 1 blks to state bldg. It Capitol shopping. Ph. 2-7830. PICTURE window, furn 1- bdrm, pvt.. idulii. 4-soaB. CLEAN, furn. 1 It 3-rm. apts. 133 Ferry - NEW dee. 4 rm, near Univ.- State bldg, elec. Targe, yard, bus. 2!K) S. 14th. 2-2137. - THE LEE APTS. SALEM'S MOST DISTINGUISHED ADDRESS Bachelor unit available, unfurn ished. Pullman kitchen ind bath with tub and shower. t5.50. 585 N. Winter. 706 Duplenei 2-BDRM. DVPLEX PH. 3-8997 GARDEN spot. 1 bdrm duplex very neat A clean. 139 50. Ph. i 4-lMtiu or S-.H12. FURN. duplex apt, couple only. TV anten. 2.W5 N. 5th. 4-1407. 4-RM. unfurn flat garage A basement. Oil heat no child ren. Very nice. 1873 Court. UPPER 2 hdrm. unfurn. duplex, newly dec, close In. 431 S. Cottage or ph. 3-8747. 21100 N. FRONT. "Clean 1-hdiin. furn. duplex. Ph. 2-0533. V -DUPLEX furn." Adults. T V. aiil. -;ij N. 5th.-4-1-107. i IIIIIIM iiiifiiin . sidc-hv'.siiie, gar., yard. Neat. Ph. 4-32S3 i ROOM unfurn.fl.-it 1 block P.O. Inq. 656 Ferry. heaT. neS! Center. Phone 707 Houses For Rent CAIUNS. prtlv. furn. 3 rm. 17 wk... 5 rm. I0. Ph. 2-1248. CLEAN I bdrm. stores, garage" 947 MillPh. 4-4009. IJNEURN 1-bdrm. house""?"" ga-' llge. 143. W. Salem, 3-7987. CLOSE in. 1 bdrmT unfurn, cot tage 685 N. Churrh. 2 BEDROOM unfurnished house, very nice. Adults. References please. 7J. Call 2-5278 after 5 p. m. 2 BDKM. honie'Kelier" iist.""ph" 4-2643. fpi)R Range" "refrig. " 135 1 BDR 4 Plex Range, refrig. 155 3 BDH Duplex. clue-m . . 2 BDR Furnished :,.. .... too 3 BDR East 1711 4 Witt Suburban . . $110 3 RM furn. apis 135. 145. tM Cenler St. Realty Rental Serv, 1748 Center 4-6631Eve2-7812 4 RM. hou'r, atlch, gar, yard. 1415 N. 18th St. 150 MO. clean small 1 bdrm. w. beautiful fenced back yd. Adults varant. see 2024 Rlos urn Dr. Ph. 1-4633 between 6-7 p m. 2S MODERN 1 bdrm. hou, ii acre South, Ph. 1-1731. 700 Itrntals 707 Homes For Rent I NEW 2 bdim. unfiun. hoti (all 3-64.3 or iiimuii at tnU 1 iiotnpson, ALMOST new I bdim. unfiirii hiiiie. Elrclrlc heat. Venetian blinds, hilwd. firs. reas. lii'4r (,urrl Hoop. liSl Birymsn. AN OPPORTUNITY for couple to rer-eiv free rent of 2 ro apt. In exi-hange for carrtiiker a,rvlces. Mnn may work else where. Call Allen (. Jones, Realtor, ui No. High. I'll 3-5.'t Eye. 4-lcni. 2 BDRM. house. W. lease with opium to buy. Ph, J-.14116, CLEAN 2 bdrm unfurn. North. full basement, aawdust fur. SUBURBAN 3 bdrm. with ttove tnd arnall pou't "hmis! ! are Joe L, Bourn at 1140 N. Ctpitnl. 2 BEDROOM modern home. 3 mi. from town on S. Lancaster Dr. Henttlr tennt wno can look alter Irrigation of ad jacent land, one hour morn lna and evenings; this ser vn to applv on rent. Ph. 3-3712 pr-oiod. NEW mod. 2 bdrm. hae. Ideal for mmrlle age role, desiring quiet suburban life South. 160, Ph. 2-l.lM after 5 Nelson's Rentals New 1 bdrm. horn 190 mo. Wan-oliler-oupl to . jninafc aparlmenla lor 1 rm. fiee rrntal. Nii-e Sub. 1 bedrm. unfurn. hse. I11O 2 Hrdrm. unfurn N. 17 Verv nic 2 Bedrm. W. Salem 100. t bdrm. furn. cloae in apt. 135 1 bdrm. court unfurn. 1j4 1 bdrm. furn. apt. 5 I bdrm. furn. apt. garage Call Dorothy Deal, Eve. 4-M32 mi.SON NELSON. RTLS r 2-3ii lo9U b. Commeri'l.tl 1 BDBMThorner 1174" 37tli St. 170 mo. Ph. 4-6233. 1 BDRM. unfurn.. older tvpe home at I7H3 Fiirgrounds Rd. " ii5 per mo. Ph. owner 3-34S4 or 3-6106. l-BDRM. 5 yrs old. plastered. Instil. ntt.- gara'e; F.nslewood dr t.. close to bus It ten. 50. Call 2-8576. SMALL 2 bdrm. house, rang, refrig., util. Pl.Ph. 2-9830. MODERN 2 bdrm. hse. Inq. Max Wood. 2 mi E- Totem Pole. rR.MrtlOUSE.itlarhed garage 4-Cornera Dist. 143. See at 4.WS H.ieer St. or Ph. Aumi- ville 2382. NICE amall home for older couple. Ph. 2-6871 or 2-4663. l" BEDROOM home, close In, 170 Union. 50. Ph. S-6893. Ph. 3-68U3. CLEAN""2-bdrm . oil clrc... 13oT .123 Academy SL 2-3115. 1 bedroom. 1112 Nebraska. HO PIONEER TRUST CO. Ph. 3-31.H. 9 to 1-BDRM., tove, refrig. Some utiiilie & gar. 1060 N. 20th. VERY nic 1 bdrm. witov It refrig., garage, oil heat Englewood. 153. Ph. 1-30O0. 1-BDRM.. fireplace. bmt nil liesl, Hnllysviiiid Dial, Tfl Call 4-6675. 1 LGE. bdrm., all electric, util ity, shower. 133. 3-3694. 2 hdrm. partly turn, cloat In, Ph. 3-4332. or 3-s4!i5, FAIR MOUNT district 2 bdrm. partly furn. fireplace, garage, 169.50. Ph. 3-!l!S8. 42 M. 2-bdrm, Kelier. S&7, 1-bdrm, Keizer. L' 4 Mof'.I AI'FI.TV Affent 3,15 N. High. 2-M1L Eve. 1-6612 4 BDRM. house. J are furn, fas range, refrig, witer pd. 175. 1525 State. MODERN 1-room house about April 22. close to North High SchooL Ph. 3-4307. 707-O Furnished Houses 1 BDRM. home. TV Antenna, utility rm, til util. furn, IBS. 4010 S. Pacific Hiway. Ph. 2-6890. REALcute l'j bdrm. furn, quiet location, good TV reception, perfect for voung married cpl. Ph. 4-1580 after 5. 3 RM. furn. modern cottage, yard fenced garden priv ileges. 1963 Hiway Ave. Ph. 2-6618. 1-BDRM-hoiise. water It gir. inc. $40. 2583 Maple Ave. Ph. 2-5425. 1 BDRM. house, gas heat, near store It bus. Fin neighbor hood. Ph. 3-6488. 2 Bdrm. Home With Apt. Adults, Ph. 3-5393 FURN. 3-bdrm. house. 1906 Cen ter. Ph. 2-4421 tfter 1 p.m. 708 Farms For Rent LEASE, 6 mile South. 10 icrei. elec. fence, 4 acres plowed, Ige. chicken house, modern 3 bdrm, school but by door. Ph. 4-3243. - - 710 Wanted to Rent Hies Nelson's Rentals WE WANT GOOD HIGHER PRICED HOMES TO RFNT TO EXECUTIVE CI.IENTE1 E MOVING TO SALEM. WILL PAY RRNT TO 11?5 LIST YOl'R RENTALS WITH OCR WEIL ESTABLISHED RENTAL SERVICE CALL DOROTHY DEAL. EVE. 4-8632 OLDER couple want partly fur. mshed house. 1 bedroom. Ph. 2-5346 .. STORE mgr. wishes nire clean 1 hdrm. w-basmt. Ref. Ph. 4-6TO3. 714 Business Rentals GROUND floor office room Capitol Shopping Center. 1124 Center. St. Ph. 37935 ; STORE ROOM for rent. 265 N High. Ph.4-S.151. DOWN town office space, store rmi. It warehouse. 3-4114. 4CORNERS Community Hall available. Ph S-SJ.'il. 718 Convalescent Homes EI.DEHFST Nursing Home Prl vnte rooms av:iilublc. 21130 N, Church. 2-MH1H C O T T a"c, E CONVALESCENT HOME 252 N Cottage 3-7020 npitni 'snoppmrr780-Movina 8r Storooe- 4-1863. 2 farmer Transfer 4 Stfirnje Complete moving service Also ag-nts for RE KINS Nation wide Mover Ptr ,3I3I--. LOW .COST, tjra!eH L Stiff r urnltur - t o 3-mna 800 Real Estate 801 Business Opportun. BUSINESS property. By owner a A, grocery store service nation 4 hdrm. house til mod ern double enrage, 1 tin shop rents it 115 month. 'Doing good btislpest 2 blocks from s-bi.ol Will take house with ' i''teae in trade, loc it 5!KI S, Lancaster Ph. 2-5128. NICE llttle"wholesale biiiiiness. part time iccounli established, appr.1500 niontli Income. 12, 40(1 cash will haiirtle. Write box 984. Statesman-Journal, give phone no. General Merchandise BRICK Building with nice liv ing qtrsT land ind 116. otiO In voice all goes at 35 Ota). 19.15 breakdown sheet now avail able, take imall farm or good 1-bedrm. house In part trsde Eve. call Mr Davis 4-W17, dav 1-6680 ED Ll'KINBEAL, REALTOR. 4U N. aUla. H00 Ural Eslalr 806 Houtci For Sole NELSON & NELSON WEDNESDAY TRADE DAY AT NELSONS . . neoeriV WISHING PROFITABLE BURN IDF NESS OF YOl'R OWN. Chanr , ,. ,. r e-: o wor.1. Exreltrnt lorntrd restaurant WltH good ciKto nrr tralllc Booths lunch counter Parking area la r-.ir and ine. Corner location, tall Echo Yeater for detail, Ev. 3-4:172. MAMA It PAP. GROCERY WITH LIVING QUARTERS can ht hid for trade with home or other equUy. Newly decorate throughout, excellent neighborhood, corner location. Price In eludes ilwk fixtures. Good terms. Call Dorothy Deal, Eva, 4-a:i2. TWO GOOD HOMES ON EXTRA Po tl'inri mooertv Owner would consider home with e lot itiltnblt for building second home. Salem property makes good rental si .-I ow ner's home. 111.600 Extra lot can be bought fog 12,2110. Call Clyde Foulk. Eve, 2-381:1. DUPLEX IN PORTLAND lo be trtded for Slem home. DupleS is good rent.il property, li.VOfl each unit. Range. Refrig As wshr In each duplex. Owner anxious to move to Salem. Call Edith Anderson. INCOME COMMERCIAL, Rtril.'DING FULLY RENTED. Owner will trade for Residential Cuort- up m no 000. Building fireproof, concrete, srlf-operallng. Olf-aireet parking. Call Dick Schmidt, Eve. 2-7367. WE WANT EITHER A GOOD VALLEY TOWN VARIETY STORat OR HARDWARE STORE for our rllenl who has 7 unit newer re idrnii.'l court m Irade Court priced it I.MVOO0 Owner withra In hivt tctiv busines of hu own. Call Chet Nelson, Eve. 2-1360. NELSON AND NELSON, REALTORS 1.W0 S Commercial Ph. 2-3fV. 801 Butinen Opportun. 'FOR SALE DR SALE- Rrstaunnt fully eoulnued with Greyhound Bui niency. P. O. B'rf'71, Silverton. Ore. Ph. 1-5331. Bu Depot Cofe. Unusual Opportunity New In This Area A rinn 1, Rrsdstreet rated mn- ulaclurer of national repute has openinf In this local for factorv refireentailve of their product. This product la Immediately recounted, neeo ed It used bv every family daily. Top rated In Wall Street Journal. We Invite you to check with vour local bank or ask the Better Business Bu reau about this opportunity. A small secured Investment of as little as 12.475 will net ItiOO 1700 monthly with no selling Involved. Ftctory regional manager will Interview next week. Write within the next 3 dav giving brief resume of background St 1 local refer ences. Box 984, SUtemn- Journal. KIR LEASE: Service Station. S 12th c Hlne. Inqulr 2320 Fairgrounds Rd. COLBATH'S BUYS CLOSE, IN NEIGHBORHOOD TAVERN Designed for husband and wife operalion. Hal regulir yeir round customer. Good ihuf fleboird action, booths It tools. Good leas witn op- 1nn Pre "' tin"" " "lh" nterests. mult leive. Priced it 19,300 for quick isle. Call TOM FAGAN 4-4494, Ivt. 4-1193. I! REALTORS 517 Court St. - Ph. 4-4494 80TSuburbon 1 BDRM. uburbji home 1, liv. rm. din. rm, lrg. kit, full tsm't, nawdust belt, shade A fruit. 114.000. Ph. 4-1171. 806 Houses For Sole Daylieht Basement Right where you want itl Thil 1-year-old nome is real ciose tn McKinlev School. Lots of brick. 14x20 living room, en trance hall, 3 bdrms . dining room, birch kitchen with dish washer plus a iKrge bsmt . completely finished with full hnth, pirty room, nice laun drv room. 119 500. Ph. 4-7977. Eve. Ted Morrison 1-5046. Ted Morrison 2.-0 N. HIGH. PHONE 4-7977 $500 Down I.aree older tvne home In good condition, with dole, piumn, dble. garage, full lot, paved itreet, city sewer and water. A real buv for the man with 1 big family it I.WIO. Call Hov Goodwiler, Eve, Ph. 4-9570. Furnished Home Neat,, clem. 2-bdrm, horn on large corner lotr Separate gar. N.E, near 'oration of new Jr. high. 11,250. Joe L. Bourne. RH 1H0 N. Canl'ol Ph. 3-8211 ENGLEWOOD DIST. Verv neat 3-bdrm. home. Seml-familv kitrhen. living room with I w.-to-w. carpeting, fireplace. Aft. earaee. Sprinkllnt sys tem, fruit garden snot, shrubs, liw-n. 1200 so. ft. floor snace Terms Ow-n.r will carry own finnncine Anno ntm.nt heces- rv. For pa't'ctil'M ask for Mn. Lemm. Evenings 3-7191. Oregon Develonment rotnn (ReH.or5 1 31S N. Church Ph. 3 9236 Room fc the L!'l! to Roprrj I-P.rntiAT. home, living rm, klt-'hen, tileil bllh. fireultce. unf'Pihd i"it-;i-s. nttar-'-.'l para;e, 7 years old. fenced-in hsi-k'vnrd It food garden soot. SilSO'duwn. total Mil, 2115 . -Vaughn Avu-PlU-4-53 300 far BUYS mv equltv. Mod ern 2-bcdrm. home. 2183 Coral. V'I'AT A MI0! Just rrdrr-nrpfrri i'He A out. IT STINKS! Of ubiirhn rhrm. ; IT'S ISOLATED! Inches away from school, stores 'ITS POLLUTED! With extra feature. IT'S HIGH PRICED! .Tust SS0fl . MtlST SELL! IN FACT! Tb onlv hone for thl ittrac- tive 2-hdrm. nome is I retireo couple or small fivnllv looking for 1 real buv. Prlre effec tive this week only. Ph. 2-22S3v BY OWNER: 2 yr. old, 4 bdrm. home. Suburban. Immd. pos session. 800down, Ph, 3-35.I8. KENMORE "portable sew. ma chine, like new. 135. Call tfter lpm. 1489 Court. FOR SALE or rents bedrm home or dunlex Cor. 4th St Tavlne. Ph. 4-1243. BUYmv eViilty In Manbrin Gsrden home. I brlrms. or 1 bdrms A den. F A beat, frnl. It paln. 11.150 dn. I'l. 10. all Ibataia Or. Pa. 4-2(53 T.00 Ural EMate 806 Houiei For Selo lo trade In home or contrarl 1XE. LOT ran b traded fof Serene Englewood Don't He deceived as to sir nf thi lovely horn by "dnvinf hy", Let us how you through. There ire 1 nic bedroom, large living room, dining room, kitchen with eiting spice, uiil itv It bath. Also attached gr age, private patio It barbecu. Ihe prlr is lust 111, DM with attractive financing availabl. Evei Ray Mason 2-9M1 No, Fireplace But this little home has every thing else. Including 1 nice bed rnma with double wardrobe closets, living, dining, utility room ind t dream of t kitcheti Rlus alached garage with over ead storage tnd workshop and a patio. You could pay mora but you couldn't get more value for 19.000 Ivet Aileea Johnsoa 4-3755. Salem' Properties REAL ESTATE 367 N. High Ph. 4-0331, MS.U Living room, bdrm. Good kit Total bath, range and heater included. Labish 'Village. E. A. McGLAUFLIN, RLTR. 335 NHi,h.',.n.. J-MI1 NICE 1 bdrm. furn. upstalrsT fireplace, suburban. Owner 2-2137. 17.150. For Sale or Trade 1 Bedroom Home Urge bedroom with walk-fa closet, living room, kitchen. ' bath, large utility room, glaaa . heat, wired for wisher It dry er Ltrge front yard, cr, Keber District, hat own well. 12 500 equity trad for 1 bed room home up to 110.000. See at 1581 Alder St. or Ph. 4-5111. - NEW. BY OWNER Spaclou 1-bdrm. home. lie. rm, ' din. rm, paneled 12x33 keep Vngrm , closet St storage ga loreV dhle gar. Looker web come. 13 000 dn, Including pa per work. 401 Cascade Dr. MR OWNER! Glen Woodry will pay top prlc for your furn. It ippllince Ph. 1-51 10 1 A. N.E, imill hse. Close ta sen, fruit tree, exc. garden toot. Barn, chLcken hse., mach. ehed. good well. By owner. 14.950. 5O0-7OO dn. Bal. Ml t mo.. 6", int Ph. 1-7731. BY OWNER 1 bdrm. homa. quiet dist. 1 yrs old, hdwd. firs, fireplace. Plastered, ga rage. Alio have 72 x 100 nf aa tcre bldg site. Call 4-2863. FOR, SALE by owner, 2 bdrms, bath, family rm. Inside util , oil furnace, frpl, liv. rm. tnd din. rm, attractive kit. with eating space, carport, lge. lot, pvd. street, city water, lota of storige spat e, garden space with garden house fruit tnd nut trees. Prict $8 950. lit Edint Ave. JOE HUTCHISON. REALTOR Let us solve vour horn needs. To Buy. Sell or Rent Cell Ph. 4-574.1 1131 Edgewatef Ph 4-7174 1710 80 Comm'l. FOR SALE TO WRECK OR MOVE . House It Garage. 1234 S. Coml House It amall shop bldf. 1251 So. Commercial. Inquire 687 Court Ph. 4-2283. 1 BDRMS, I yr. old. Keller Dist, 18400, FHA or GI. open Sunday 1-4 p.m. 4750 Harcourt Ave. - Open house. By owner, nearly new, 1 Ige. bdrmi. 699 Oregon. BY BUILDER NEW 1 bdrm home near S, Salem n hooli St park. 2-7071. BY OWNER: 1 bdrm. horn near St Vincent r Highland Sch. 2005 Laurel. 2-6901. - SMALL 2-bdrm. house, reas, near gride school It bu. Ven. etian blinds, nice yard. Ph. 2-6874 after 3:1S p.m. BUILDER New 1-bdrm. home, birch kit. chen. nook. din. room, large utility, dble. garage. 25ri0 Nortligate. Set inytimt. Ph. 3-4572 ; 2 BDRM. home near St. Vtnoept, hdwd. firs , ceramic tne Darn, Inside util. attach, gar. call 4-4763 Sat. ot Sun. springspecIal Sparlom 3-bdrm. home with Hitr.fctr-W Al, large irncria yard, located corner lot. South. Entrv hall. 9x13 dining mom. Btlh with ihowar. Inside utility. 2-car garage. Health force alr. Shown by aimt. ONLY. till GRANT HOWDKH. Eve. 4-3909. Olfiia 4-3:194. If no inswer S-99.KI. 9 mil 18(10 FAIRGROUNDS RD. ENGLEWOOD district: truly a fine hnme, lrg. Ilr. rm. At Irg. dining rm. 2 large bdrms . til bath, full basement, 2 lovelf fireplaces. Sprinkling system, landscaped, restricted district. Ph. 1-8742 Sat. It Sun. Week days fter I Bargain, new 1 bdrm. home with ', A. S. Prlct 16950 00, 1-2709. MDTTbdrrn. ranch type homa In lovely orchard teltlng. Flagstone front entry, frplc, 55 ft. window wall. 17 ft wardrobe, ige, lot, llt.000. Ph. 3-7554. 1 BDRM. home, liv. rm. 16x18, Irg. kit., on bu line. By own er. 17,500. Ph. 4-1684. sTBDRMThomett 2630 Brook St. dble plumbing, dble. gartge, -'i icrt of ground. Prict 16.000, term. Cill it 2301 NLiberty. BY "OWNER: lYr! old, 4 bdrm. home. Suburban, Immd. pos session. 1800 down. Ph. 1-35H8. 4 RMrhous- 1 pumlre blk. garage, other bides. 2-0OxV lots. Sacrifice for 11,600. CASH Phone 1-1064. EAST Subtirban. 7 yr, old. 1 bdrm. possible 1 Flreplaca, . hdwd. flra. tttch. ftrtga. Nicely landscaped. Ph. t-auf