The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 24, 1956, Page 8, Image 8

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V.';:r.:n . . . V:xz. . . Fcshicns . . . Featrr:$
8-(Scc I) Statesman, Salem, Ore, Tties., April 24, '56
TRAVEL TALK . . . Departing
Monday on a European trip were
Mr. and Mr. Albert Wiesendanger
. . , they fly today to New York
City and tail Thursday (or Franc
... their itinerary Include Pari,
Rome, Switzerland, Germany and
England . , . While in Switzerland
they will vlait Mr. Wiesendanger
relatives . . . this will be his first
visit home since he wa 19, at
which time he made the trip with
his mother ... the traveler plan
to I away two month .
Entraining ... for New York
1 May will be Dr. aad Mr. Paul N.
Paling . . . At Lake Mohawk, Dr.
Pailag wlO attend a-sweeting ef
Ike Beard af foreign Misdeal ef
Ike Pmbytertaa Caarch . . The
Mrs. Dnrld Paling, la LeRoy.
N. T., aad la PUIadelphla wlik
their ether aea, rkarle. who I on
Ike faculty af George Schaal
The Paling wlU retura la a fart-
Bight ....
Being welcomed . . . home from
a winter' vacation are Mr. and
Mrs. C. Lester Newman, who spent
the past twe month In Palm
Springs, Mexico, Tucson. Arizona
, and Saa Diego , y. ea rout home
' they (topped la Modesto to visit
their son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mr. Donald Well .. .
Xetarniag , . . ta Oregaa Monday
freas a Iwa aad a half manths stay
la Washlagtaa, D. C. was Mrs.
Deaa H. Walker ef Independence
. , , she ha been taking aa In
teraeshlp at the Natl anal Training
Laboratory af the Nattoaal Eda
calla A saw la (Ion . . . May 1 she
take aver her aew position at ei
lenilon specialist la granp develos
aaeat at Oregon State College . . .
Friends ... are saying u revoir
to Mrs. Robert Hutcheon, who
. levfj FridaxMSpokantlo make
her home . . .her new address
will be 3301 North Center Street
. , , Mr. Hutcheons will reside
near her son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Higgins and
their daughter, Margaret' Susan
, , . Mrs. Hutcheon also plans to
spend the winter In Florida with
her two sisters, who live In the
East . . . A number of larewall
dinner and luncheon parties have
been arranged in compliment to
Mrs. Hutcheon prior to her de
parture ,
Invitation ... were la Man-
la;' aaail I carte for
Mr. aad Mr. Danald B. Brai
wOl be haals aa Saturday, April U
their Falrnwiat Bill kerne between
19 aad t o'clock . . the affair is
Msg arranged In compliment t
their, daughter. Mis MarUya
Dunn, and her fiance, Thamas A,
Beach of Wenatchee, wash. . , ,
Coffee time .... Thursday morn
ing when Mrs. Leo Reed and Mr
Jame E. Morgan entertain at the
latter' home on Cherry Avenue
for the pleasure of a newcomer In
the capital, Mr. J. Dwight Russell,
who moved her from Wttser,
Idaho ... the Rev. Mr. Russell 1
the new pastor of the Westminster
United Presbyterian Church , , ...
Guest hav been Invited to call
between 10 and 12 o'clock to greet
Mrs. Russell .... Assisting the
hostesses informally will be Mr.
8. B. Leslie, Mr. Lee Hunt and
Mrs. Burch Judson.
Club banteMe .... Mr. Walter
Kirk entertained at luncheon Man-
day afterMM at ker Morningsld
home la honor at member ef the
Gaiety Hill Garde Club ... Mr.
J. N. Bliboa nnd Mr. W. Well
Banm presented the pragram . . .
Mrs. Robert Herrad will be hostess
lor a bridge luncheon today al ker
home ia compliment ta member
of her elub , , . Mr. Leon Perry
WW k an additional gaest .
Mr. Wayne Hadley ha Invited
member at ker elub to a dessert
hrldga Thursday alght ... A guest
Will be Mr. Bordetie Owe . . .
It' boy , . . , for Mr. and
Mn. Frederick Kauffman (Sally
jiugnesi . . . the lad was born
Sunday at the Salem Memorial
1 Hospital ... he tipped the scales
at ix pound, eight ounces and
hat been named Scott Frederick.
... Hi grandparents are Mr. and
Club Calendar
Social Afternoon Club ot Ch.dwtrk
Lnapiar, uta. Maionlo T.mpla,
.ov p.m.
8aln BPW elub dlnnaf maatlnf,
wuiuan rncaaam, a .mi p.m.
Moral Neighbor o( America Sew
ing nun wim Mra. Margaret Willi.,
toft 5th St.. 12:30 ialad luncheon
Wednesday Afternoon Literature
i.roup witn Mn, Raymond Watah,
13M N. Summer St.. 1:3 rj.m.
Charry Court, Ordar ot Amaranth,
covarea aim ainner, n:JU p.m. ficol-
uia wia irmpie.
Salem Sojourner, at Salem Worn
an'a Club, i p.m. aalad luncheon.
Town and Gown at Willamette Unl
vanity Muatc Hall, 1 p.m., tea iol-
lowing ai uuianna Hall.
Merry Time Club with Mra. 0. C
Craig, 1445 Abrami Ave., 1 p.m. dri-
aert lunrneon.
Salem Woman" Cluh meet at elub,
riouiia, t p.m, board maatlnf, pm.
lanaet laarylbif
1141 Parry
Statesman's HOME
Mrs! Robert A. Hughe of San
Carlos, Calif,, who are arriving also were, awarded Mr. Paul Van
today to greet their first grand- d'Velde and Mr. Elsie Day, Mrs.
child ... and the baby' great- Wallace Armstrong and Mrs Paul
grandmother I Mr. Anderson M. F. Burris Mrs. Roy H. Tokerud
Cannon of Carmel, Calif., formerly Mrs. Melvin H. Bedsaul. Mrs.
of Portland i Graham and Tom Kay, Mr.
. , ,',,., j France Parker and Al Cramer,
Welcoming . . . their seennd M w G Rog , nd Car.
daughter are Mr, and Mrs. Gordon ., F j
White ... aba arrived Sunday at , " , , .
,k. .,.' ... .,.., .a In the Elks Duplicate Bridge
hM hr.m rwhin a.
ker lister I Deborah Lynne . . .
The baby' grandparents are Mrs.
Jant Rector aad Mr. aad Mr.
Eart Vletke ... aad the great
grandparents art Mrs. Nellie Wil
liam aad Mr. aad Mrs. H. 0.
!WW . .
Mrs. Ashford to
Head Unit
Valley, Lincoln, Zena . Extension
Unit met at the Community Cen
ter on Friday,-; ..
Business of the meeting included
a" discussion of the Homemakers
Festival to be held at the Dallas
Armory on May II. Ladies of the
club will model two piece dresses
they have made, take a plant for
(he plant sale, and furnish a num
ber for the talent program.
Mrs. Bruce Howell volunteered
to attend the program planning
meeting to be held at Dallas on
April 27.
Project leader for the meeting
wa Mr. Earl Johnson. She dem
onstrated how to finish unfinished
furniture.' .
New officer elected were: Mrs.
Ward Ashford, chairman: Mr.
Bill Towery, vice chairman; Mr.
John Cox, secretary; and- Mrs.
Ernest Gresham, treasurer. .
New Chairman Elected
Gardner wa elected chairman of
the Liberty-Salem Heights Home
intension meeting held at the Sa
lem Heights Community Hall.
Elected vice-chairman wa Mrs.
Ernest Free, and secretary-treasurer
is Mr. Georgia Lee Frank
lin. Each member brought her
favorite salad for luncheon. Mrs.
Ralph Maude, chairman of the
program planning committee, told;
01 tno project lor next year.
Is Staged
Thirty-four team participated
in the first combination senior-
junior duplicate tournament staged ,
by the Elks Bridge club friday
evening. Because of the success
of the affair in bringing the older
players and beginner together, of
ficials are planning another in the
series late this summer.
Winning pairs were Mrs. Wal
lace Wilson and Mrs. Arthur W.
Binegar, and Mrs. Mona Yoder
and Mrs. Kathryn Luti. Points
master point last week, win-
ning teams Mrs. R. D. Hutchin
son and Glenn Hall, both of Cor
vallis, Mrs. Arthur L. Lewis and
'Elmer 0. Berg, Mrs. Paul r. Bur
ml 9. a HUI W . ui .
r.s and Ellis H. Jones, and Carl
Ruder and Al Cramer
Point also went to Mrs. Leona'
Taylor and W. M. Cline. Mrs. d
B. Bentson and Mrs. R. I. Mc
Kesson, Mrs. E. E. Roth and Mr.
Frances Parker, Mr. W. M. Clin
and Ray Ward, Arthur L. Lewis
and Leonard Kremen, Mrs. Elsie
Day and M. A. Beyer of Mt. Angel,
Mrs. Percy Miner of Corvallis and
John Pugh of Shedd. Mrs. Kathryn
Luti and Mrs. Donald Duncan,
Mrs. Jose Moritz of Corvallis and
Ralph S. Dannen of Brownsville,
Mrs. Harold Muhs and Harley
Hoppe, and Mrs. E. E. Boring and
Mrs. George Rein.
In the Elks Club monthly play
off for junior players, top scores
were made by Mr.- A. 0. Mueller
nd Mrs. Paul VandeVelde, and
Mrs. E. W. Hughe and Mrs. W.
G. Rogers. ' Points also were
awarded Mrs. Wallace Wilson and
Mrs. won mcnaruswi. mra. rri.n;
Ward and Mrs. Victor Collins,
Mrs. H. E. Rohland and Mrs. E.
A. Guenthner, and Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Charnholm.
Many member of Salem dupli-
cate club are Planning to goto i
rrVr L:"
CIIU IUI Mir ll(Ufu .i.tiv4V evviivir
u E i Lvl hU,s.The baby', grandparents are Mr.
H. Jones of Salem.
The Anmsvllle Wemaa's Club
met at the home of Mrs. Kenneth
Purdy on Friday for a dessert
luncheon. The business meeting
was presided over by Mrs. Purdy
and she appointed the nominating
committee for officers for the com
ing year. The next meeting to be
at the home of Mrs. Harvey Way,
May 11.
YouorecotdtoUv -
SShowofthencestSp, .
fQsKlonsTuesdoV,AP4- '
.hows hove been
rorwenience to shows
Club Remembers
Day of Founding
Salem Altrusa Club recognized
Founder's Day at a dinner mint
ing held at the Marion Hotel and
the 39th birthday of Altruna Inter-
national celebrated at a party
planned by Mrs. E. Alexander
Tueuki, program coordinator
Altrusa International now has
clubs in the key cities of the
United States, Mexico, Porto Rico,
Canada, Bermuda, Guatemala and
Hawaii, the latter established with
in the month, 1
Violin solo were preseented by
Mrs. Charles Sawyer. Accompanist
was Mr. Walter Hartley.
The program wa a panel dis
cussion conducted by Miss 1 Flor
ence Cameron, John Versteeg,
Mrs. George Redden and Dr.
Martha Springer.
Betrothal of
Duo Revealed
At Party ;
The engagement of Miss Edith
i4 unhl abb oi I'm
colm Peeler, son of Mr. and Mr.
John H. Falk, was announced
this weekend. No date has been
set for the wedding.
Miss Doss and her fiance are
graduates of North Salem High
School. The bride-elect is office
secretary t North Salem High
and Mr. Peeler is with E. if. Bur
rell Automotive Electric Service.
The . news was first told to
members of the two families Sat
urday evening. Sunday morning
Miss lioss and Mrs. S. F. Hart
man arranged a kidnap breakfast
for a group of their friends at
the later's home. The betrothal
was disclosed when the "cat was
let out of the bag" and a red
heart with the names of the en
gaged duo was tied on the white
cat. . .. . , - '
tm o fii ii. viDti in wiiii' ma-
Kidnaped for the engagement
breakfast wereMrs. Don Clark,
Mrg. Koger ueaDaucr, Mrs. Dale
Sheridan, Mrs. Bill Bishop, Miss
Angela Hartman, Miss Marilyn
Isaak and Miss Leona Tibbetts.
new subv
Apri, 21 , Jnd u and Mr,
E of Arlington,
Va., was a son, named Harold Ed-
and Mrs. Harold F. Phillippe of
Edlaa Lane Heme Etteaslea
Unit met Thursday in the home
of Mrs. Maurice Walker. New
officers elected were; Chairman,
Mrs. James Gorton: vice-chair
man, Mrs. H. A Biskie; and secretary-treasurer,
Mrs. Henry Singer.
The May meeting will be a picnic
with a no-host dinner.
, , j Qn attend..
scheduled.. .o GCCOm-
be served end door
oroud indeed to be one of
ASP :th..1(250,tobnng
chosen fro. n
To Head Amaranths
' ' !
I I K )
.K ' '
l i '
Newly installed officer of Henna Rosa Court, Order of the
Amaranth are Mr. Paul Gilmer, royal matron, and Ralph
Harvey, foyel patron. Grand officers of tha Order of Amar
anth wert hero for the installation ceremony.
AAUW Croup to Sleet
The Art and Home AAUW Study
group will meet tonight at the
home of Mrs. Harrison W. Elgin,
1M0 Urban Lane, at i p.m. Mrs
Arthur T. Gallison is the co-hostess.
Reese Merrill will give a de
monstration on cake decorating.
Officers Are Installed
WILLAMINA - Mrs. Gary Han
son of Dallas was installing officer
for the Willamina VFW Post 4211
Auxiliary. New officers are: Pres
ident, Mrs. Ray Mawhirter; vice
president, Mrs. Fritz Lenaburg;
junior fice president, Mrs. Eugene
Ritner; secretary, Mrs. Ray Mor
rison; treasurer, Mrs. Harriet
House; chaplain, Mrs. Arne Wah
us; patriotic instructor, Miss Bea
Curry; guard, Mrs. Dorothy Kra
ger; conductress, Mrs. Max Ras-'
mussen; flag bearer, Mrs. Arthur
Soules; banner bearer, Mrs. Earl
Mc.Nainar; color bearers, Mrs. Al-
Parrett; musician. Mrs. Reed;
trustees, Mrs." Rasmussen, Mrs,
Ullrich, Mrs. Reed; publicity, Miss
Curry; scrapbook, Mrs. Morrison;
poppy chairman, Mrs. Lenaburg. ,
Mr. aad Mrs. L. K. Lawrence
and Mr. and Mr. M. J. Millett
have just returned from a three-
weeks tour which took them intoi
II states. While Chicago they
visited the Ray Yocoms, who form
erly lived in Salem.
Engineer's )N ve$
Meet in Dallas
Members of the Cherry-ette
Chapter, Refrigeration Service En
gineers Society Auxiliary held their
meeting this week in Dallas at the
home of Mrs, Leonard Schwager.
Reports were made by those at
tending the convention In Canada
in March. Some slide of the trip
were shown.
Mrs. Freda Peterson of Dallas
talked on fact pertaining to legis- U5. On July 16, the Pentacle Play
lature. The next meeting was an-1 eri win display their dramatic
nounced for May 17 at the home , talents in Death of a Salesman
of Mrs. Lowell Hann, 4120 Garden by Arthur Miller.
Troop Entertains at Tea
Queen of Peace Troop, Junior
Catholic Daughters of America en
tertained at a tea on Sunday at
the home of their counselor, Mrs.
James Lies. The affair was ar
surprise' gift5- At
presented with
surprise gifts. At the; troop's last
meeting Roberta Meusey was an
nounced as "girl of the year." The
girls have made 25 favors and a
centerpiece for the table on Rally
Day, May t.
Cherry Court, Order of Amar
anth, will hold a covered dish ip-
per at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday at the
Scottish Rile Temple, not the Ma
sonic Temple as previously an
IWINf IYNN, Um feihion coniullent, who ll
completing a nationwida tour of lant itorai,
will bring you tha Itteit In lanz faihiont
for Spring and Summer. Sha will be plaaied
to unit you with your ityls problem!.
Wedding Planned
For Lato Juno
Mr. and Mrs. Noel Schaberg
are announcing the engagement of
their daughter, Miss Ona Mae
SchaberS, to Richard E. Rrahnnen.
A late June wedding is planned.
The bride-elect is a graduate of
Salem. Bible Academy and employ
ed at the Pacific Telephone Co. Mr.
Brahnsen is a graduate of Salem
schools and employed at. Stevens
Equipment Co.
Players Open
Season on
June ft
Mr.- Alfred J. Laue, president
of the Pentacle Players this, sea
son, will preside over a general
meeting of the group on Thursday,
April 26 at I p. m. In the Social
Room of the YWCA. She has
stated that the extended schedule
of production this summer neces
sitates a larger membership and
invites anyone interested in par
ticipating in Pentacle activities to
attend this meeting.
At a recent meeting of the execu
tive committee of Pentacle Theatre
it was decided to present five plays
during the summer and run each
for six consecutive nights. This
expansion will entail the services
of three directors. Mrs. Murco
Ringnalda and Robert Putnam,
both member of the Willamette
University faculty, will direct al
ternate plays and Carl Ritchie will
direct the musical at the close of
the season.
Dates Announced
Pentacle' first production, The
Lady Not for Burning, a comedy
by Christopher Fry, will open un
der the direction of Mrs. Ring
nalda on June 4. This will be fol
lowed by another comedy, Bell
Rnnk ant PnnHI hv Jnhn Van
; rimten hirh will nrn nn .tun
Craig Wife, by George Kelly,
which is comparable to last sum
mer' The Silver Cord, will be
I'enlacle's fourth production of
the summer, opening August C. As
a climax to the season, Pentacle
will present on August 24 the
satirical musical comedy. Of Thee
'jVmrj1 SitigeorieSauimannd
Morrie Ripskind.
The productions will again be
presented in Arena style at i'enla
cle's barn on the Dallas highway
near the Oak Knoll Golf Course.
hB I DCDItt Cnstom Mide
lrtMrLlvlU ia
Our Shop
rift r.iilmiti f)T ar Nliht
Cornlra Boarda (Up Covers
Valanrts - Travtrn Bodi
SEE tlkiCn THE
fn. I73t (Tumi) S7 Caatat It
Rotarian Women, Oregon Stato
Mothers Elect New Officers
Rotarian Women elected Mrs.
ili rmnln nr at the iroun's
afternoon at Lipman Cherry Room. Mrs. Charles Hvlttcl ha erved
as president the past year.
Other officers elected to serve
C. Perry, first vice-president; Mrs. Robert Ebersole, second vice
president; Mrs. Dale Parker, sec-r
retary; Mn. Roy Mariana, treas
urer; Mrs. Edgar T. Pierce, Mrs.
Reynolds Allen and Mr. George
11. Grabenhorst, directors.
The women made plans for the
annual party honoring their hus
bands. The affair will be held May
9 at the Marion Hotel with a ship
board dinner the theme of the af
fair. ' '
The program Monday Included
five minute talks by the winner
in the high school public speaking
contest held recently in Eugene.
Mrs. Erleksea Elected
Mr. BJarne Erlcksen Is the new
ly elected president of the Salem
dub, Oregon State College Moth
ers. Officer were named at the
dessert luncheon meeting of the
group Mondoy afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Kenneth Waters.
Officers serving with Mrs. Erick
sen will include Mr. R. L. Porter,
vice-president; Mrs. Hugh Morrow,
recording secretary; Mrs. D. W.
Burroughs, corresponding secreta
ry, and Mrs. E. F. Klrkwood, trea
surer. Mr. John Terhune is the
outgoing president of the mothers.
The last meeting of the season
will be a covered dish dinner with
the Dads on May 15 at the YWCA.
The Past Presidents af Capital
Unit 9, American Legion Auxiliary
will meet Thursday night for a
no-host dinner at Marshall's at
6:30 p.m. The hostess committee
includes Mrs. Frank Marshall,
Mrs. Helen McLeod and Mrs. I. N.
Bacon. During the evening mem
bers will make paper flowers for
the Wheel Chair parade at the
Portland Veteran's Hospital.
Open Monday and friday
Evenings for Yovr
Shopping Convenience r
11 17
409 Court- Street
Claude A. Miller as president for
monthly luncheon meeting Monday
with Mrs. Miller are Mrs. William
Shower Given
For New Bride
A ihower at the home of Mrs.
Harry A. Robinson Thursday night
honored Mrs. Edward Bender,
the former Marilyn Dyer. Host"
ess was Mn. Lyle Braff. Dessert
was served following the opening
of gifts.
Present were Mesdames Wy
Dyer, Brooks, Harry Foster,
Woodburn, Ruth Dyer, Independ
ence, Glendoris Dyer, Dallas, Bob ,
Dyer, Portland, Fred Bender, Jo
Bender, Adam ; Bender Odell
Mason, H. Hayden, R. B. Eyerly, 1
S. T, Braff, Ronald Johnson, Rich
ard . Miller, the Misses Ruth
Chandler, Joan Robinson, Jose
phine Bender, Dollie Canfield, ,
Lebanon, Sandra Eyerly, Norma
and Beth Braff.
Miss Miller to
Be Married Soon
Miss Virginia Miller, daughter
of Mr. and Mr. Leo Miller, who
will marry James Bast, son of Mr.
and Mrs. William Basl, ha an
nounced her wedding plan. Th
ceremony, to be olemnized by
Father Blackburn will be at St.
Vincent de Paul Catholic Church
April 28.
Miss Jeanette Miller will attend
her sister as maid of honor, and
the groom's lister. Mis Loren
Basl will be bridesmaid. The groom
will be attended by Jame Hewe
and Lee Toepfer.
the Shasta
serves the
best hamkurgen
yoM ever
$14.50 K $26.30 W