Funeral Set Mother Who T . in nescuc Attempt luttimu Xtwt Ifnrtct the river. McElroy LAFAYETTE - Services U1 body. Artmciapiration V thV MuUn Cou y n u unu in fuiauu, unid., tin wrt " "v vw " for a 37-year-old mother who Survivors include Jhe widower Amt.,.A -r .. . i- anI fruir rhilHron- f-o rv it- i t -it . i . !Ch.Mii 14. Dk me lamnm river as sne iriea w . . . '. investigation, made the charee in " .C ! S r'tLLV- Jft le..-jo the. governor. theTsso" vidrjr l puuoi m saieiy nu ... -..-o.KK.. men ran nearly a mile to summon -v " w ' s. help for his mother, Mrs. Frances, company to family to Miami. Ray, who could not swim. r Mrs. Ray wife of Burton Ray, - . was housekeeper at McMinnville; IVAiiliat General hospital and the family' l CUUCI , had lived at Lafayette, about three miles from McMinnville, for last month. Z SavsAluminum Mrs. Ray and Mrs. Raymond Hopkins had gone with their chit WorkStiflecI . dren, Gary and Janice, both 11 years old. for a walk near . the Yamhill river bridge on the Lafayette-Hopewell road. The river bank," steep at this WASHINGTON berger (D-Orei point, gave way and the children Monday that aroppea mm me nei, u"5'" w,-u. iw.njps per- investigation. If not so, why was to Glen Macy of McMinnville, manently, the expansion of the jt necessary to release It to the Yamhill county coroner. i aluminum industry in the North- prcss" The two mothers, neither of west. , "The facts will besought out by whom could swim, jumped jnto. New aluminum industry pay. a avaibble mcans at my com. . 1 a. . iu. mils in t ho Piifin ?Jsiaikikt . A . ' me river iu rescue ic , ..iu mand and fuy prcscntcd to (ne "?LZ tfiS. ! JStL X i jury regardless of party io taicy iiiu im'ii ciuvu uaij w i the bank. Mrs. Ray disappeared. verse power The two children ran for help. State police were contacted. Mean while two Lafayette men, Lloyd McElroy and Levi Fitch went to ent national administration. The industry Mrs, Truman Packs Rolling Pin for Bride cost power in the Northwest. . . "Furthermore, our relations with Canada have so togged down under the chairmanship of Ex Gav. Len Jordan of. Idaho on the International Joint Commission By RUTH COWAN INDEPENDENCE, Mo. A rolling pin is among the wedding presents Mrs. Harry S. Truman will be packing off to daughter Margaret and her new husband, who will be In New York after their two-week Nassau honeymoon. The 32-year-old daughter of for mer President Truman was mar- pacts with Canada, arc fast evap orating. "Jordan, as Idaho's governor and in his present position, has been an outspoken foe of federal power development in the Northwest." Governor of Pa bdluiuuy lu ctllion uaniei ir 43, assistant to the foreign editor of the New York Times. j - The ceremony at Trinity Episco-1 ' pal Church was attended only by members of the families and close friends. Truman and his wife relaxed Sunday after the hubbub of the wedding and the reception after ward in their big old-fashioned home. In keeping with Margaret's wishes, things had been kept sim ple. But Mrs. Truman admitted they were a strain. "Now," she said, "I've got to get ready for our trip to Europe. I've got shopping to do." 'The Trumans are leaving In May for several weeks abroad. Return Flight Sunday morning the Trumans drove Daniel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Daniel Sr., who had been their house guests, to the Kansas City Municipal Airport for their return flight to Zcbulon, N.C. Truman picked up a number of out-of-town newspapers to read ac Oklahoma to Give NW Talk OLYMPIA, Wash. ( - Gov. Raymond Gary of Oklahoma will address a statewide meeting of Democrats here May , party leaders announced Monday. The meeting, termed a cam paign strategy conference prior to the June 29-30 state convention in Tacoma, actually will consist of several separate meetings of Democratic organizations, Meetings have been scheduled for the State Central Committee headed by Henry Carstenson, the state Board of Young Democrats, Democratic members of the Leg islature, and a general meeting and a banquet for all Democrats. Governor Gary will speak at the banquet. ELKS SLATE SEASIDE un counts of the wedding Durine the day nciahbors called i"7Y.".. ..j . i. nt ih. c,c anu uie yiiuuv mug m iu. uu, ...i. , Trumans were waiting for a spe cial call. It came late in the after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Daniel Jr. reported they had arrived in Nassau. Margaret and Cliff will make their" headquarters in New York. They will live in her Hotel Carlyte " apartment until they find a larger place they like. His work is in New York and she is continuing her concert and radio-TV career. Albert McClcery, who produces NBC's matinee theater, said she is ! to appear June 6 in the role of an old-maid school teacher in "Au tumn Crocus." McCleery said she took the script with her on her honeymoon. Among the wedding presents were cookbooks. Margaret's moth er hinted her daughter could ue them. Rave Table Silver The newlyweds have table silver to set 12 places plus the extra serving spoons and other pieces in a "bead and scroll" pattern. It was given them by the Trumans and other members of the bride's family. Their china, imported from Aus II tria, was the gift of Gov. and Mrs. Averell Harriman of New York. From Mrs. Terle Mesta, Washing ton hostess and former minister to Luxembourg in the Truman ad ministration, came a set of an tique English pearl handled fruit knives. The gifts and they were numer ousincluded a variety of table linens, towels, blankets, an espe cially handsome silver tea service, rare china plates, clocks, books, salad bowls, a fine antique wine pitches rare Bohemian glass. Mrs. Truman wouldn't say who tent the rolling pin. Gorn.Gallous Bunion Pain? NO AIM Oxrtdirf torus, Calwiti Dr. RrhoO't lmfmto Mt mIt hal nIM IM rm, mf I'M. callni, W- Im. Umtt IfnU Uw al ii ii cana, aaaapaa aaa at lha virUal mmn kanva San ImlarUl Ul aaa laaair. OPEN A . w i m a for iThornton Says Died ?lilincs fnler Vice I robe ' (Slorr alsa a pa? arte) j Atty. Gen. Hubert T. Thornton brought up the u. nrJ, ,- V'. ' ligation. Thornton, who has been directed by the governor to conduct the 1t. .-,4 n ..... t . reported. Thornion wrote that the gover nor's statement to the press Satur day nijht brought politics into the afiair. In that statement, the governor said he was advising Thornton that if the "investigation is preju diced by partisan politics, or :( it in used as a medium of political propaganda, I am prepared to call a special session of the legislature to authorize the appointment of a special prosecutor." Thornton wrote the governor: "It iivmi in m that hit orpr V CP Sen. Neu- told the. Senate mihlie statement vmi h. lr.,Hv administration poli- brought partisan politics into this f n-u; . u u .. vl di politics," Thornton's letter stated. "The guilty must be convicted .1 iL. : . i t policies or the pres js now turning to' :J j the Ohio Valley, he added, for ad-1 f i , , , " 33 , ditional plant capacity "because ess tf.y?ttAt',m ' Par 1Mn Pl" the Republican regime has turned ' t'cf',? ,nt1end,,ll0 ca;ry ou' ,my, C,0" away from policies which ha; 'onal oa'h and my duty to the created supplies of abundant lowipeople of thls s,a,e' Coos Workers Approve Mill mai an ihmjc ui jiiujewis like iai- t a V I ya. usinr diverted Yukon River ( fff g UHCl" COOS BAY g luimber and Sawmiu i workers of the Coos Bay Lumber Co. at Coquillc Sunday accepted a company offer for a wage increase and vacation changes. . This completed negotiations by the firm with employes in its plants at Millington, Bunker Hill and Coquillc. The cj'itract raises the mini mum wage 4'i per cent to ft 93 per hour and re'!uc?s the em'iloy- ; rnert . time jfcesf ary.-for vaca tions. Firc-Jinxcd Mill Hit Again BAKER t The Baker Lumber Mills Inc., known locally as the fire-jinxed Old' Shannon Mill, was damaged again by fire last week. The mill has burned completely twice and firemen have been called at least 20 other times to put out minor blazes. Damage from Friday's fire was estimated at $15,000. . GM fiJfcHB fifafll fop tMg? MEET The Oregon ........ w lo "um n 1 rxr??G7r7ttttri r n go? o3B i) i n i v. as low as- II I IK "l0 tvpirler rlof moutt IM( ljt VOIUMATIC, "Kmlmm" cif. Mdl3?4(6lr3-12(li STATION FINDER , FH virtually any car ,'TvSS-::i. , T M Hw Mirad Iraiwtter flwr it! ''''-- f plm SieMo-fltr ftut ftkt f I I n i ' Iwitollyl Twin torch kirt. I I IkiVj TI trald Melorel xmJ ticivli.i M.iQQ QC Only 2.51 Wk. Ty,7Jj DOWN TPAYMENT! WE GIVE ZrfC GREEN STAMPS MliliiJiLiU MONDAY I FRIDAY NIGHTS TIL 9 365 N. Commercial St. stripe towrls .... 36c fl 10.95 Uv-e ubk cloth, Mx-Q' 5.66 3."5 waiter rugs, 2U3o" 1-96 19.95 swing-arm brass lamps 11.95 I1. unporttd peel love it it ..3.95 8 9 Mulby plastic super flo hose .4.49 2.75 5-pc. place set dinnerware 99c 1 49c ra.-nipnotstery fabnc striates . . . . . ; 5l I.59 full size sheets, limit 4 ea. f 1 2.99-5.99 women's casual flat shoes fl 2.99 women's poplin pedal puJirrj ...... H 1.98 Sanfcraed hoVjen. 2-12. ' tl Jl 1-19.95 wV..v- 49c easv-clf an i"c nne musinrn..rr .95 standard size Dacron pillow .... J.66 4.95 sculptured 21x26" sf ler rugs ... 96c v a 2.98-4.98 cotton knit smart T-tor fc. 1.99 3.95 farm us male snort shirts 1.Q5 '65c -85c wear-resist mrf! sox D 39c5c.TVinnOJ 1 nylcnired I jfarii 2.98 boys' bluLf ufllj 28c large box b 1.98 hand-rolled silk scarfs . . .. 4 '35c absorbent Zee toilet tissue 89c lb. chocolate bridge-mix . ., 20c Zee rolls household toVrls, 99c white, pastel raven panties . , ..29c 89c lb. 59c .. 89c .. 59c 6.98 gingham dusters, eyelet trim 3.99 2.50 famous-make stitched hr.js- .... 1,59 3.75 dcz. Jst quality pinked diapers ' 1.99 1.49 fitted-corner rib sheets ?9c 5"c-1. 49 yd. 3(" wide cottons 25c 79c sturdv 'n handv blouse tree 2fl ?5-lK7.50-JllO fine billfolds ........ 2.99 n n ?1 yal. costume jewelry n l-l.'O variety stretih gloves Atrf' I I Cjlamorous no-seam stockino jT. 39c at cost, white anklets jf' 6.98-14.98 lamVs wcol f 6.50-8.95 firm fcundat f- y y famous bras, L.ya lounger 1 8.98 terry cloth I l .ng,(A ..ill. m I I i.yo-3.)V coooier aprons v r M 2.50-53 brassitrrs in nylon, cottof . PI 10.98-14.98 new ..ummcr dresses II 7.93-525 sumnifr fashions 4.95 sailcloth pedal puvhers , 5.98-7.98 cctton, D.icron blouses 6.50-8.98 cotton skirts . . . ... .-. . 6.50-7.98 fancy pants 5.95 strapless "contour" bras . . , 3.50-$5 pantie girdles ........ 2.50 nylon or cotton garter belts ..... 1.49 12.50-16.50 girdles, panty girdles 6.99 ton l.nWofrrijJLlf roDtV", 2i 7 i t . ,'J.99-4.99S ..... 2.D7 j 3.49 ' , 2.59 1 Q110-119 luxurious cashmere coats .. f7S , . .! nn JJ5 wool rayon spring suits .... it. I I75 to 89.95 completely lined woo! suits 79.98-39.98 snrins stvle cav dresses . f 19.95 linen-weave rayon coati. 29.95 wool short coats 22.95 cute ravon suits, unlined 8.95 trimmed nylcn slips, gowns 1-1.75 luxurious panties Tailored or lacy brief 6.98 nylon and cctton 6.95 no-iron nylon tricot pajai 3.98-4.98 cotton p.j.'s, shortie J75 lined wool suits, all size A0OR.QOQ8 Desioner oricinals, cowns 89.95-250 famous label originals 10.95-12.95 spring, summer straw hats 15.95-J35 sample designer's hats I 3.4' t.... 19.90 n69clw wtvies ..... n7e gownsi,VV Off 6.69 9.85 Fine quality nvlcn hose 6 pts. 5.75 1.50 dress sheer nylons 1.35 walkii.g sheers, service weight 1.50 stretch sheers, one size ' . I. 65 Kanlrun stretch sheer nylons . II. 95-12.95 Air Step summer shoes 10.95 little heel jacqutlmes ..... 10.95 Jress shoes by Jacqueline 9.95-12.95 spring and summer casuals 14.95-16.95 Marquise dress shoes . n n 8.90 8.90 8.90 ' 7.90 12.90 n P P 18.95 platformf- n 14.95-28.95 A. S ft i t It I IT I. n 3.98 Rhoda P 14.98-17.98 bulky knit wool sweaters m m ml -m m mi r J nt VjT sweaters 1.99 rn . ? t' ii i 'Tff U m wu"fM'J drrs leather handbags , UI! rt qR , , . , p p 3.98-5.98 cotton Vmt 1 sweaters 3.98-4.98 fine coi P 5.95 nylon, tricot fl 79c -SI ravon Pan P 10.95-SJ5 sleek leather' handbags fl $5 $10 imported pearl tings P Simulated (xarl neck M Rhinestone pmsfJolf II 7.95 8 95 new shWita PI 1 95 Vaniean rrxk narden P J5 Saratoea Duo French purse n 1 95-2 95 sample i P $5 SprinPtime P Snecwl! Mcms fl R95 a sear cotue i i plus tax n 7 95 ri, rrn Pillow. Man 'ard IH 16 95.25 95 famous w.-o! blankets fl 10 95 wc.nderwe.ive blankets fl 1195 oomr-Wn Pillows . - r , aaial ' j PI I 49 luted rnb sl rl 7 98 4 98 toddler P 7 98 tonner sets P 2 98 bibv si?es r P 3.98-5.98 colorful 8 M 2 Q8 prnlm row i P 4.95 children's M P 3.95 canvas wash P 7.95 sirls' slioes P 1095 sturdv shoe1 P 398 firls' pedal pushers . . P 5 98-8.98 rirU' drtvses 2.50" VMS ' IHtt-f ....( 11.tH t' IU It Mi Ut tm f IMIHI i i 1.29 linen weave fabric yd. 88c 149 trxture weave (AnC id. 1.09 69c hand waJiaWe tafff U ...... 2 yds. M 8''c-l. 29 washable cotton croup )d. 35c 10.95 sq. yd. wool carpeting ......... 8.95 12.95 q. yd. Masland carpet .. 1095 sq. yd. wcol twttds ..... 5.95 sq. yd: cotton carpet r. : r, 16.95 wool braid rug, 9x12' . 40-oz. farptt padding 119.50 wool hooped, rug Rug samples, 2x and 27x54". I19;95 4-cvfIe engine mowtr . . 12.98 jtraijilitline clotlies dryer 11.95 18" bow barbectle ..... ......9.95 ..... 8.95 46.50 q. vd. 60c ...79.95 ....... n ...72.95 8.8S .....7.88 18.95 screen, 38x11" .'9.95 Pf"9"69-9 Noritalte rhina 52. .50 50 50 88 .V TWinet jTNon; t .88 PI 79c l4.95 iinporte3 brass eifts 25c 9.95 .. 39.95 . 5.95 1 W-'O Venetian mirror, 360" 2f I M 9.95 Robrrt VC'ood pictures . . . m 2 s-rs. fv.rva -r 1" M X m -.AN. n r i Mm 1 1 ID .4Vr ft. i i k.n' mu it 'tt hi ...... a l. t . M M.95 noseam wheelbarrow 8.88 n 4.95 all-metal folding chairs 2.99 n 6.25 5-qt. Revere tea kettle 3.88 n 10.95 self-ventilating hamper n 6.95 tree board for .carving 3.69 2.95 4.95 1.19 1.99 4.4S 22.83 36.81 ,2.98 ,.1.49 4.49 1.95 ji "Terrace" tumblers do. 17 VA'cmware .'. . ta. 3. Si'al gifts , 44 19 Mirella Gcmiw 59 yd. chintz in colors 5.99 nvion pin-dot priscillas . . . . i . - 3.50 P 1.49 Sunlo vardape yd. 89c P 3.98 waffle cloth cafe curtains ..... pr. 1.77 P 2.25 fancy pillow cases 96c P 4.95 54x54" Belpian linen cloths 2.96 P 2.98 towel sets for gifts 96 P 79c nylon net yardage 2 yds. H P 1.49-1.98 miracle fabrics, 45". , 88c P 2.98-4.98 yd. 54" wcolens 1.99 n P 59c $1 assorted button cards 225c "71 25c:39c yd- rlylon val laces ........ V, 15c P 10c rickr..k pay trimmings ... 6 pigs. 49c P 1.19-2.49 Radiance Cannon towels 86c-1.66 P 89c-1.59 Lvric Cannon towels 56c 96c P (9c-1.19 Tweed stripe towels 36c -66c P 1095 lace table cloth, 54x"0"' 1 I 6.95 tree board for carving . . , P 4.95 floral art pictures P 6.95 walnut 'n brass bracket 5.66 3.69 !.95 ii P 2.25-15.50 Nash's "trie" trays 1.19 .y9 P 3.95 8 pc. I.ibbey tumliler set . . Bovs' T-shirts, briefs .49 TuiiMiitsrii 2.98 gills' pedal pushers 2.29 girls' cotton pluse p.j.'s I I 4Y floral art pures . n3sVTAW)ivV.. 9C-M.') nn fi'ix fcwlww I A .-., ?ki,V"i -fJJvnel blankets .. I niX (.(mi i i c Art : x. ...5.99 r-i .J V . 1 . v Mm t j - bwl'JJJ urn i-a ... I. IV 1.49 i . n nrfs. T-slm.s, if perfect . . . 48c Q W M"U Ham. 1 : ,,,,'! l t'irns cotton t shirts (9c All shoe rrpairuii! 20' ;. 3.66 12 - 66 6 66 S2-2.40 1 Iclama stretih gloves 98i Assorted irwelry l f.,r S 1 ; j l.''B silk cirpe scarls, i sq. r t..i:..' ...... t ; 1 - 1 1 ...... r .W 1 t'.i .ri.iii?iaaaira.i taan rfi-iBiir - P 2.50 cotton, nvlon btas, 32-42 P SI 1.50 cotton bras, 32 42, ABC cup P 3.50 stretch girdles, S, M, L P 3 98 cotton house diesses . .... . P 4.98 cashable dai'iers p SI 1.29 cotton aprons " P 9Kc ho.s' polo shiits, 28 .. P 3.9H men's washable sport shirts P l-H g''l' ar (in P""",-" P 3.95 men's white diess slurt . . P 4 .95.5.95 new sprt shirts .. I-! 4 95 men's w ivh ible f nlr,l si 11 1 1 69c tl 1.99 2.9') 3Sl .9c 2.8H ,fc 2.59 3.79 2.9 $ 2.49 4.99 Statesman, I 219.50 3 pc. mahejany bedroom set 169.5() PI J2"9 3 pc. triple drrsxr set 199.50 PI 8 95 rattan baket chairs 5.50 PI 79.M) 18th century tablet .... 44.50 2 95 f-tO handx-me costunv jewtlry J J Off 5.'5 llvrapeutic vitamins 3.19 7.95 Vitamin A, 100.0CO units 4.69 3.5 Vitamin A," 50,000 units .:".7.Tn. 99 3.35 Vitamin Bl,50mg. ...1.69 5.35 Vitamin Bl, 100 mg 2.99 1.49 Ascorbic Acid, 100 mg. . 79c 1.09 4.99 1.29 3.99 3.99 2.50 ,1.50 9H 9H 1.95 Multi Vitamin Hi-poiency 8.49 Therapeutic 2.50 Vitamin Bl2, 10 mg. ....i 6.95 Mmvex 7.5 Geriatrics 4.95 Bin icaps 2.95 Mary Qiess toilet water 2 '27c chiffen colored tissue 14c bath size Cashmere Bouquet PI 10c hand size Caslimert Bouquet ... HM PI 3k Fab laundry soap 4M fl 2. '25c Aiaxcler . 9 I I-! 2-5 Enulillt..! t . ..... ev 1.39 . 1 .m ",fJ lb. 1th rviibch 5-V , T I IL .11 i-j(5 prcttv labile );loves PI 65c $1 ladies' hankies PI 50c large assortment hank ies 39c PI 39c-65c men's TV hankies ....... 29c PI 1.35-1.95 famous nylons ... off 2r;o PI 3.98-498 lone, smart umbrellas ' 2.99 n 4.95 6.95 kid glovej 3.99 PI 6.95410 umbrellas .". 4.99 n Siwcial mice mirror 1.59 ri'50c initialed hankies PI J2-3.8 atom'wrs 25c 1.29 1.95 Fl 3998 famous Storkline de luxe Crib 29.99 fl 2198 padded-top bathinette 16.99 D 16 98 cak plav prn, 40x40" ( ... 12.99 fl 1498 hardwood hi chair 10.99 ri ii i 98 pre-teen P 24.?'? Pre-teens') n 2.98 bovsVX'estern j P 5.95-6 95 0 I I 2.50-2 98 bcyTport : PI 2.98 3.98 bovs i fl 14.95 reversible I P 75c bovs' favoritd COttctV P98cbovj "PI, ll 1.69-1.98 kni 1 I 3.98 sport irts I P 2 08 bovsluf denims T Val. to 14 95. desk accessories I"! Val. to 7 50 pipes P 108 imprinted stationery .... PI 1.98 ceramic nifts fl 4 05 fl 3.25 pen w::h holder . 1.49 98c 5.95 M 1.25 cud t.ible cover 1.99 mrn' Orion sweaters JTLl?('ii I 2'99 R ii n(( ! , SI mm s t roadiloth ""-TT.Ita 1 11 Uikcr slious , . . . 6' nsi mens cotton knit briefs ... I I 1.25 nvlon boxer shorts 69c 88c "Tli'rVatrra revs 1 ji a 11 a 1 aiai.MK ,.rtir I I 1.95 Dacron Kixer short 1.19 8Hc , I ?2 ravon and silk ties, all new off I I 3.05 men's ravon sport shirts 1.95 P 24.95 autnnatic blanket, twin H.66 Joubte sir blanket 16.66 dual contn I. double blanket 7. 19.66 . aMaia aauaUk,a'M maaAwwii m , . v i 1 j iv imisnn sneets, vnxH'o .t p 319 muslm slieets, 90x108 ' 2.79 P (i'V I'eqiu.t Plus cases . 36c 'P 2 4') Pacific contour twn sheet 1.66 P 2."9 dovble if contour sheet 1.86 fl 2 09 P.-ifir twin perrale sheet 2.46 fl 3.19 double criitivur percale sheet 2.66 P 7.95 colli n plisse snreads 5.66 n I1 9 hnrliom bedspreads 6.96 n n Simriins f imotu "f it ilinii " m ittress Sl9 fl 19 95 !Ani'ri' ana' he;tWin bed pread 11.66 59c i .yy trTiWEaTTi I 1-99 r aaV t . . m,ncJ' I :.h99 h...iV 1 Ml i i ; n ni i i. ........ Y fSSfmAl i 2.99 v f ii- I '": & 11 I unlN i . we .n79chX . : 59c PI 3.75 doren p!h. diaprrs 99c .T?kT 4 98 Iistron ouilt blankets 3.99 fW . 1V -rib t&r . ' , 4 yfVf I NJI w '"ak. r r fn mm ... aw I . law Ail 1 aarf - , -1098 teen , .. i rv; ri,98 Pre-teen . V V a a aVVtr aT w .W" J N M A fcr-rrpcii . ' . U (port ' uVmeTyiT'aaBj n'Vjkets 8. m r. i oi-s 2l UXt IfrielsX J. cottonT-shis 21.39 i8 tovs mt-col il- sliirts1 v." 1.99 rew-neck jiirts ...s. . . M s 1.19 2.79 IzOff 1.98 ........ M . . 69t n. .n pan n Mil IBH'lipi V aa(altaa-. Salem, Ore, TV., April H, 3 (Zcz. I3 fl 2-t 95 autrmaiic Har.tet. twin M flit 25 dxible nit blanket h.. 16.66 32.95 dual contri.1, diXibie blarltt .. 19.66 4 g8 Cannon percale print sheet 2.96 ' 5S Canncn print 81x108 sheet .... 3.96 1.49 flower print cases 96c 2.59 Pequot Plus muslin sheet 2.16 I 2.79 mushn sheets, 72x107 2J6 ! 2.99 mushn sheets, 81x108 2.56 i 3.19 mushn sheets, 90x108 2.76' i 319 muslin sheers, 90x108 2.79 j 6c Pequot Plus cases ............ . 56e 2.49 Pa ific contour twin sheet 1.66 2.79 doibte size contcHJr slieet ...... 1 .86 2.99 Pacific twin peuale slieet 2.46 3.19 double contour percale sheet ... 2.66 7.95 cott.n plus spreads 5.66 I fl 12 9 heirl oom bedptead ......i. 6.96 Fl 59.95 mattress or box sptin? 29.95 i I"! Simmons famous "Citation" mattress 39 ' D 19.Q5 'Amerk ana' heirloom bedspteaj 11.66 ' I I 12 95 acnlan comforter 8.66 I 1 i i ,yj UMtt !Io viJarJ 3.66 12.66 6.66 j 7.66 8.66 10 06 27.06' ' 2 1.06 39.9$ 7.99 43.99 Tl 10.25 0 ivjMw 1 blankets eaveijnkets , twn r-j )aci2iiedsPreiJs luopas-e. all sizes fl 39 95 two-suiter lugae-e . P 32 95 cmnanion case for men fl 84 95 Paul Siro'iens solf Kt fl 17 95 frldin? polf cart n wh! , P 3196 Wilson set of 8 irons ..... M 110 tndish Bromford balls P Jl 50 individual pocket bags ; P 64 60 ladies' set; 4 irons, 2 wood's 39e 18.9S 33.39 11.95 44.9$ 47.9$ 6.9$ 9.9$ , 3.99 . 5.9$, 6.9$ P JL'2 Wilson large golf bag1 P 67.50 Wilson's 3-w, set ...... ..i. PfS6 W.lson's 7-pc. golf set : ... P 11.50 Wilscn Pattv Berg iron P 17.50 Wilsrn's Patty Berg woods . P S3 Bobby Brooks flange irons ...... P 110 matching wocds P 10.95 Spalding Ardmcnt tennis racket P Record albums. 10" and 12" 79e P Long play 12"atbumi 1J9 M 3-speed record playrr " " P 259.95 Hoffman series 2 J ' lC't2i9.9J P 259.95 Philcc hi-fi playerVs ).93 P Heavy-gauce steel gym play K,,-a:4.95 f-4 xod sand Ix wnh canity 10.95 wading pool with shower 3.49 69c 6.9S 6.89 , 69c 1.19 . 69C aluminum tea set . 9H Vim bahv tio . 2:;w f t 7.98 ccllapsu.le dll f. 1 I plastic dish sev Aable 1.59 fiv octal mecluuical car ..a...,-? bve ri casuals" slioes 2.99 iiildren's play sandals ............ 1.88 7 Men's, bey' canyai oxforlls i ....... 3-88 99-5.95 famous make casuaH '.V I.V.T 2ST 93 women shoes 3.89 ring millinery 2.59 ttrr hats ................3.79 hat U' I . ll At. 1 dacron prisciuas ....... j.i print drapes ..... 6.88 Viscose Icx p rugs .,...... 3.88 12 cotton, nvlon tugs 17.88 ' irloom bedspread, irrrg .... 9.98 pillow special, bag , 2 3.49 white mushn sheets r I ofay garment bags l'C nhemmed flour sacks i... 19c . 1.39 nylon panels, 42x81 Tl 1R8 27x48" loop rugs, 1 P Wasluble blankets, 72xf 2x81 77 non-skid ....... tl x8V ......... 4.99 P 1.69 bath trwets, irregulars 98c P 2.49 contour slieets, 81x108, irreg. ... 1.79 P 2.79 percale sheets, 180 count ... 1.99 P 4.98-10.98 lace cloths 3.99-799 P 1.59-1.98 plastic curtain p. 88C P 1.49 famous net panels 59c Jl 10 08 washable nUn toppers 5.53 P 3.98 8.98 street dresses . .. P Val. to 59c jewelry pieces ... P 1.25 -SJ garter belts P Val. to 3.98 girl." d-rsset .,, P val. to 3.98 house dresses . ., P 2.95 men' dress shiits .. P 6 95 men's p ikirdme slail . tl 19c . 89c . 99c . 96C . M 2.79 10.88 8.88 lis 49c 40;; Off .... 2.99 ... 2.79 .. fl2 ... 7.9 ... t6 .. 11.88 .. 1.47 fl 1.65-39.95 hm-rrie fl Val. to 6.98 girdles . . ' ! S'nfoti'e,1 ho'-tm' rint . Pjf'-'E''fljirj .T'.T.'ritus.s fl l7 98-.,998 formal fl M9 bn.s shirts 1.99 3.99 1.94 2.77 n "1"" fl 5 OH9.98 uniform ...... 3 3.98-4.98 OS men's tavon hnen weave slacks 3.99 I-! ; oh men's vrt sliirts 1-94 I-! 4 OK mn' rl'nintS ' 2.77 I I . OH c. ou 0H.4 O aw tu- m m 'l m a. iiVi..i ,. ., - im 1 19.50 wwl hooied nig . . . , Rug samples, 2J' and 27x54"'. 119.95 4 cycle engine mower . ., 12.8 straijithrve clotlies dryer 11.95 18" bowl barbecue 18 95 screen. 18x31' 79.95 .... tl 72.93 ,. 8.88 ,. 7.88 , 9.95 67.79 69.95 Noriiake china 52.50 77.95 Chatham, I lelene 57.50 (7.75 Winton china pattern 49.50 8 95 Cal Dik's kmu sire cart ....... 5.88 P 21.95 all nvtal br.x.m closet . . 1 3.88 P 79C.4 95 imported brass gift 25c 9.93 ; IMS I I It " -."? riMaissi:prsc :.-".r..