, f)rf.,JVt,Apr. 21, H1 an, r..i:. rn Pin: ::' i J mines -.II)!' ' AND SAVE - Dot. W! 1 - , Apr. 24 py V - ') If 1 I ton 11 I BUY NOW UP I AO. If V Inlo Complex Fronlicr Issue 9f WIUOV WYSM DAMASCTS, SrU HI - U. N. flrcrrtary (irrwral Dag Dammar aVH'l Monday plungnl Into hnt tnr be tit mm4 complrg frontier tit.l.-m Hint ht will fact on hit 1irtitt Kt mission. Tht itrrrtarjr rrx-ral nra after chain of succrtses In his U!ki !ih KfyplUn, (uracil ind Leba nese leaders In hi efforts t MI minate border shooting! which have rrtd Uvrat of tutrlM T. Wilhla la hour of lamllnf tt Daman-US airport from Beirut, he and his aides e rtotrtrd with (iyrlaa Premier Said Chaul and Other officials. The first session 1 tt d two hours. Hammartkjold refuted to comment afterward. Syrian offl rlali Immediately went into a closed sesikwi of their own to dis cuss their conference with tht U.N. , en-etary feneral. Maj. Cen. Edaon L M. Burns,' rWef U.N. truce observer, Syrian Defense Minister Rashad B armada and Syrian Army Chief, Col. Shaw kat Shukalr, joined in the confer ence with Hanunarssjold and Chatzl. Wins Plrdfes Before cominf here, Hammer skjold won from the Egyptians and Iwsclls scaled pledge to a (um fir along their border. The Leba nese also agreed to cooperate In reducing tension. But there have been few Incidents along the Lebanon-Israeli frontier. The Syrians, however, said some thing more than a simple cease fire Is needed to ease tension along their border with Israel. "Aggression consists of more than simply firing across tht de marcation line," they said. AfSjetslaa Defloed On the Israeli Syrian border, they added, "Aggression may con- j list of digging a canal In a de militarized zone or driving a fish- I Ing boat too near tht eastern aide of Lake Tiberias (Sea of Qattlcel." I ; Tht Israelis discontinued digging on a project to divert water from tht Jordan River for irrigation purposes when serious border fighting threatened to break out: The Syrians charged the diversion would alter the frontier to their; disadvantage. The U.N. got the Is-; raeUs to halt. tht project pending! the negotiation of an agreement with tht Arabs on a water utilize-1 tion project hy which both Syria; and Israel would share. j Mo agreement has yet been reached, however, tnd several months ago the Israelis announced that after waiting nearly three years they would not delay digging ! indefinitely. Tht Syrians, backed , by other Arab slates, , have de-1 elared they would oppose resump tion of tht diversion project with force If necessary. Young Welder Questioned in Triple Slaying CHICAGO m Police Sunday! night seized a 22-year-old welder; they said fired Xt caliber bullets Into the ground at the feet of three young boys, demanding: ! 1 "Either you sing and dance or ! I'll blow your head off." The welder, Lowell Werner, of Suburban Dixmoor, and another i young man picked up earlier were ! being questioned about the un solved killings last October of ' three Chicago schoolboys. Both denied knowledge of the slayings. Police said they also were ques tioning Werner about Ihe slaying In Michigan last summer of 12-year-old Peter Gotham of Evans ton, III., because the Gorham boy was shot with a .22 caliber bullet, the same caliber as Werner's pis tol. In the six months since the naked, strangled bodies of Rob ert Peterson, 14, John Schuessler, 13, and his brother, Anton Jr., 11, were found police have ques tioned hundreds of persons. Police said they had concluded that Werner had nothing to do with the triple slaying but that he would be held for further ques boning. Later, however, Lt. Thomas SI korski said ' the investigation showed Werner "never was in Michigan and bad nothing to do With tht Gorham case." Milk Truck Kills Boy, 3 TACOMA W A three-year-old " 1oy was killed just east of the city Monday when a milk truck backed ever him. State patrolmen identified the boy as Tommy Fleming, S, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fleming of northeast Tacoma. The boy apparently ran into the path of a truck driven by James A. Lambert, 36, of Buckley, the patrol said. Lambert was not held, MEXICO COFFEE BUSINESS UP - MEXICO CITY Wi - Mexico's coffee exports are booming, says the national coffee commission. Exports to date are 559,000 bags as against 1,366,700 for all of 1953, which set new high. Itching Torture FnertPW relieved A doctor's formula soothing anti septic Zemo promptly relieves the Itching, burning of 8kin Rashes, Ecsema, Psoriasis, Ringworm and Athlete s Foot Zemo stops scratch ing and so aids bl-7PtT1 n isg of initaud sunXi ayili If i Sv. sU0 f WMA PLM, I1 vWm&im f 7 17 I V)l A PAY LESS HAS ALL THE 7 tCV flEr LI AND CAMPING NEEb AT A SAVING r"?n Jl IP U r" V -llsfef Yoyr - Rtglster Your Noma end Get "fmfhh'mgCulittookf WHiu out turnv uirt T4t t4tttt4 iMi otmS m! Sy mrf Ht r 'jtt Offl hwey Eudget Pay Pisa CCr.X BAIL FLOATS ... 15c US LANDING KETS . . . 88c a.. mifi ne. y wm nuh riiiRi . . tosvih 60c FISH STRINGERS... 49c . . . ..... V.V'i i.io run riin . . . c US FISH KNIFE . . . 98c ok swa A IIAAMf Ji 1 4 . U i4,JMIiiMiMpiiMiiuiiiipi f r sjsjsjstMsshtMMM ii ii Mmmmmmmmmmm Snelled Worm Hooks 617c tf SNAP SWIVELS ; . . Doz. 39c ANGLERS CLIP . . . 9c Reg. 5.95 TACKLE BOX 3.98 fi4W v-rr, AUTO ICE CHEST . . . 9.88 link Sw"-I.s U M Reg. 2J5 Picnic Basket 1.99 Reg. 4.95 Gal. Picnic Jug 2.88 Sba fcf AawhM Hot C wMfc TYNEX MONOFILM M' FISHING UNE ''-wi-sV - . j ' las ta.. 104 4fwt4 100 Y4. r.4 100Y. I r.w4 77c lot Yes. -V AQs 59c ICO NySciTCcsting Lin. 77c M t, II . , atatnw 20c Fishing Lir.s 1!ZLk.. 9c irt,M'vM(jWi Deluxe Woven CREELS 4r iMirtiliil Imw ...tmiik Sr It hck rwkr Hp Plfilbi prwk ttr S MS V.lv See and Buy This Beauty Now Ventilated CanVQS CREELS RvbWln4 Unb !."!J 'IV Vf, $ 08 v.u Swlu JtMl ARMY KNIVES Mr n.J Reg. $) 83 Ovtdw , J o fy Aluminum 11 l CAMP KITS W A wmUr. 11 pwc. 1 t gJhf i..kiis .4 w iy Jk'r hr i mi II . , fV I Jl sarrrlH akt Salmon I I P5' I A'H. - ..- I . I M I IS I I f S I l K .I I A.. ItJ I I !J-4m l'"'r HANDMADI FLIES f fMn4 r ewH I8d Dm Am. au4 tpttUltf twt, (Mie WMMM M im fttk frwn Mr MM Mr SEE THEM TIED HERE IN OUR STORE SMAUSPIAai IIM M0NOF1LM THI WOSIOS SINIST FISHING LINE . a a, ist rat. a .. im r. $i it 88c ' S5." 77c a a, too Y. to Ik, loo rat. Z 69c , 98c UVIt WINB Costing Reel 1.88 SSSs. t Ml!, WW y 0 V REGUIAR $42.50 ECONOMY UMBRELLA N.tWn.1 i i ha- i a I ! S 11 7,ytsyM7A JI)r& JI iflNNINb SPIN REEL JL Yf REELS a.khiK. im X r,J i - ii S77.SO sMW-rwiwi -V k 88 j " "Your Oiffing Pals" I IVERSHARP SCHICK M0DEL ISi - U fll A ' ! IS SPIN REEL I LJ I ... ..'-1 lANTlRN .w,Wu - Y, SrM III I JM"",; : STOVES tf'nS .-"JV G U' .wyHj. ..j -uj j' ul a. I w.i... S fl 1 IOI r. Aii.,.-, Wi Caststi m am . . . . u ... k.. sat ttw. ar bob w i a ar eas" ji .b w i a t v rnttar esasos ater .,., ninnraraici i n tcmiw n-.J " v i'.i i i i ii r it irk i i im i ' i s i 7 i r v.i rz i IK1 2) Q O? Wi v.i. V sr X' - ' s "i V ,," -h:.;':. ,A lf 5.oo ,i.y ta . k..... V lA rnM V . . k..i f...r , . LIFE VESTS v S9HBaaBaBaBHBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBassaHSBssHBasHSHBBHBsaBiHiHSMaHHMKj st ;ii ni inn t. V y iF 1 u- ' SHAKESPEARE 12-0-9 TAPERED FLY LINE Reg. $3)99 $4.95 FLASH BAITS Reg. lit PAY LESS HAS BIG NAME BRANDS IN AND CAMPING NEED AT yJJX-,l mypr- 6x30 Precision BINOCULARS CHl but, m JJSJ My sifilrt im. I tj jo vhM 7 " Sportsman SUNGLASSES IWvty whx .aw '.. r , o Dtluxe SERVICE REELS is - Iml W4 ilw DrH l.f. 11 50 PFLUEGER ROCKET REEL Hmm Siw Dr.l 88 it PrwoiM v k. w . whk.1 i y VV . tin a.- Vv W A, 9x9 TENT Famous Mitchell SPIN REEL No. 300, 1956 Model, V 1199 29.7S sm-etM i f r h nfi sea; r 1 - . T.;' It ftl. jTJlsafflsasT ..ksiai aaaas. tuftftefl ' V M saaaaaatsssssssssssssi Big II Foot by 9.2 Foot ( - AH.IOVS " Now S)88 I ii hM -.Jktf 1 - ALL THE FISHING A SAVING I i - v. 1 ? .M t ..II".,, See Our Huge Selection of CAMP FURNITURE YACUT TYPE CHAIRS Slardr built frsme 1 1 r bul .19. I RftliS VT" I BLING OIAIRS colorful raavss hack Ss seat 1 ifym Rrf. tist Keg. 12.51- CAMP STOOL sturdy built frsmt. 00 Kcf.lJU' . CAMP COTS Fold up Type 00 lug. .$- D . T " i .JBH Irmmi. Mtwfcr. CAMERAS T. an pi rbbdiMd whit. - j isr Usv jC if i ir hac i,wM, 't,. 3S mm r . M,rv. r.i8s "W-SP0RT" X, SPINNING REELS , NO FINER REEL MADE! SPLIT SHOT In Handy Plastic Tube 11 (PI s a Tit i w n I ill (ill it; it k v y SHAKESPEARE AUTOMATIC FLY REEL Tube W0m V Two lags Zip n II Together teMake Double led a-8pclal 8c.ur tUMf bMk I 2? SLEEPING BAGS Owlrf Mam stM SMaaasmJ AftfaMtAal SsSsA DI Mlr.ii.tlrr mvwt t pmmi wm! fiHUf Www HmmI Um4 just tn wnHour mesa uaws llirsh. CI CEDIkJf"? TiAfl Wrist D? 44a WmI RMrit 101 Zip le)0Vt4l9il foMtHTM Jff WM-Mi St. n A in MATTncrr jen rnrm X' .Nrnr ir". iuji If.UGINE! Movies Ja95 for Just KODAK BROWNIE .MOVIE CAMERA 11m F1.7kM it Hrtn 1tS4 Now $29'5 45 Only r..Hr tl. kit! 1 J2 KODACHROME COLOR FILM Exposure ! Movie Mag. Movie Roll I mm o37 167 mm Ales I Rea.4.&S 4 Retj. J7J Hey Mloi look BASEBALL SUITS TOU SUN N' BUG CREAM BOB-BET BAIT BOX Reg. Reg. $1.00 " mace it vi';::u STAG 40 Inches by 10 Inthet FOUR POUNDS OF snovY white xmm ..4..hw Md ww tW-flHlf k Deluxe Sharkskin Covert Double Mattress Pockets rinetf Quality Lining .ining i Re fftfl SoUbr tai less In fully Cuaranltti OwSry ar. Uof PUUIK all Himta FREE win Par Itn Ilrvg Slit lt . s, yy j Reg. 13 95 $J88 mm Reg. 52.50 SlICTIIC m WIIDID 88 fiiATTRESS (Plastic) Im. 4 93 J is -1 11 il j ir j Pricej Slashed on All Favoriti Quality Makes of Fishing Rods SAVE UP TO 40 1 liquid Leiloa That Makes ( Lt L-i i.-J Comfortable KF ai sflnn a" fl JIL-tr r J1UU A II UIC ui ....T.I . ELACK SPIN ROD tLM.88 SHAKESPEARE,,,. 7.88 s SHAKESPEARE,;,. 8.88 ,7, SIR HARRY sPr,w . .-. . 6.88 looo H-l PIONEER 7.88 H-l SPIN ROD C,1ZZ 2.99 SHAKESPEARE wZl 1.88 BOAT R0D 3.49 Too CASTING ROD ,r . . 2.88 CASTING ROD 99 SALMON ROD Sjfc tL. 7.88 MILL CREEK SPECIAL FISHIN' OUTFIT kttw rtiM iw v.lv 4A. I'm rtttinf r4, mkI ml with cknttr ftte.dowkrMk Km aim kMks Sinkers m4 Iwm. DiluiS MN Cmk FISHING OUTFIT 450149 Val. 4 Aduk 6.88chiW 3.88 BOAT CUSHIONS Life O 00 Preservers w.UU COLGATE TOOTHPASTE 2.43' 17c Sir. L D D D 0 D D