NewTrcalraent'',.,"wTnkV n rorinsforlligli lilood Count 101 AV.I 111 ( Tha ifl if !f tUV"rul"lt" ' Mrttine.-.i,,, ,,,,,,, It pic,., ' "" J.y M pw.lli! surgtial (;lniiil nf Sun rl.tlms high blood j frettur, A group f nlul Uivruu ! I TV f 1VW1. -ri, fcr..M by I. Y.I. JiA-l) llCl JlTI) .11, dilord thai Ox grafting' . ..... - . lor K sat dun tuirriafully mi animalt I Ih t'alvmily at houlhara (. tlurnia fchool e Mrdtiln, U Ih eioeriinent, section at th Inlrttln wai it Mil th eqlalit Ih kidney. ( a frv Wraks, blood Vrtarli from Ih Is, letlln grew Itte In Iiiiik at Iht kidney and (dt4rftimlr th Clf tulalioa tat thai orgse. 1 f i k k blood pretaur la eom pa tient t tt caused by th Bamming f Ih vlvry whkb tupplir lh blind U tin kidney fur Mreilim, II th artery la narrod r ; logged, pr citurt build up la Ih 1 circulation system la puh th ! blnnd through Ih narrow opening. Th 180 fiprrlmmti promis a ! Be rireulatloa system la Ih but- j K.l lh,, kn..,l.l IKl auw.lrL,44 artrry and rrtormg aormal blood erruur. COOO CorrrE HOt f.HT iWKlrmi record boktcr Mar TOtlOVro What maitilMwalfcld. Calil, (uitomrrf look (or flnl In a rr-1 Th oil I U gravity, b laid. Uuranl la good coffr. tay Ym-, lubing prmurt 1 309 poundi gen C. Lauhry. prrndrnt a( nd Ih c.ung p r ( I i a r I U0 Ih rolfr brtwlng liutlttit al poundi. Kr York. II told a rrwvtlng ( HkhardxM and Baa brgaa drill Canadian rntaurant ownrra a Ing lb U avff on year ago and urvry of 14 mail todlng Mlb-i fcnt dowa la H.579 teH. It cert an lnhmrnta ahowrd M per rnt paltUmatrd t2.400.OM. and la owned Ironiied rntiurant bwauM al by Frerport Sulphur Co , and Joha Ka coIm. mm I ldl.a'IIHJ r:i l-sv icc i:j tv AT A K2tt ion PLX3 on2AVf:::n LO-COT tmZm bMM IWm t kwt wkt U 1 1 llll I l MVWl li Mtiartl Mf w awe- ! t taoftwbutr wMa TTt am h tan I Ho vMkatw Ibkw4 ttataft tf ilU-Uw arw IrairMwICaBniBMarl Regularly 349" Now Only 0 1 Year Guarantee on All Parts 0 FREE SERVICE FOR 90 DAYS 0 S fk II GREEN STAMPS On All Purchases NO f.lONEY DOWN $3.50 Per Week Guaranteed Service On All Makes Opon Monday and Friday Nighh tU 91 365 NORTH COMMERCIAL ST. i.htiim r itniM In I-iinr lou lit y i t u .r. u - twi hiii a t l IM l-ao r ... - ii . p.,. Mid th flimM I, ((f lh. KUt biH through j,, , n.k4. , Well Yields Black Cold KrW ORLKANH if - A four milov vrll I 1iumlnrt Parlta trauntyl Moadiy gavt la du atluo U uld brfwn th urldl oWpra ail produtvr. J. Urnin IliB, k prnUVat W the ft hard and Bail, told lh Timee PKevun by trb-vhort from Karth Worth. Tes , tunAty night that IK well beg an Saturday la IW mud and oil. Th rll, Louisiana Land and Fpluritoa fa. So. I L. la SI nUr brio New Or Irana m Ih t h.ftk tl ill lllMUlllwl Hlf Hill taid Ih U la prrforatrd al Jl.tU 11,44 fret. Tut la thas 1JO0 (rrt aVrprr lhaa Ih IMrrom. III.Lt il 'li f rp Lenin Tribute Designed to Erase Stalin trillion Ry tsM;t, riii-m Ix-f of II AiMllri 'lt tlnfl in Muwmt, hit rrluinfd Ifwn a trip la Ml.n ilalf bl t.t.rt III br rnnlitilt Ih allllwl In aid lulia la Mumow and, la (iruf gla I tf HOY ritOTAI MOM'OW - TH luviH t'a Urn ptid hotimrt la Miin in ih grand mannrr bundarHHl In Kih anniftrury ( kit bilh, Thla rapiial diVid nk nt. Nri(tperi trried luur roluma pklurtt and lung, lauda lory Kfounia Inia, lurk fanfar ardinarily la r trd lor annivtrtariri In round aumlxrri M, loa. t. A ohtrrvrr rommrnltd: "Any way you look at ll, M It not a ry round aumbrr. Bui II da fit In handily with In pre rnt ramp alia I rrplaro Italia with Uma," Th prriidlum al Iha Commu lat party turned aul n matt at th Bolthol Thtaier lo torn memoral Ih orratlon. Dmitri Ihrpllo. edilnr of Pr da, lauded Lenln'i prlnclplea tt collectlv Iraderihlp, II aald Stalln'i omaa full of iha Individual "a grott vlolalion al lovlrt demorrary" and mutt b Uquldatad. Thla atatment wai greeted wlik applauso Iron Iha puked audience, la wet(holnf In Ih. moll I tKuu.' rrtl i a . t I... I,., i bouaea of TMn la Kalln'a nativ .i.i. f r i - ThUdo'ary ha. aaed! Stalin i rol from blitory. Stalin appears twice (or cou ple of aecooda. strictly at an alto ran among ether lower ranking government officials. Saturday night, each tlm Stal ln'i lac appeared briefly on th erreea Ih Georgian audirnr ex ploded with deafening applause. Scenes of Lenin's funeral la January of 1H4 Immediately were followed on th screen by pic tures of th Kremlin, Nikila S. Khrushchev and th collective leadership. The JO years of Soviet history which Stalin dominated vert skipped completely. Recordings of Babies9 First Cries Offered LOS ANGELES III A new souvenir idea for new parent a recording of the newborn baby'a rirst cries-is offered by th Cali fornia hospital Starting this week a recording will be mad which will Include comment from th doctor as each baby la delivered. The idea la a development of the hospital's system, started aeveral years ago. of a closed-circuit broadcast from th delivery room, with the doctor giving the anxious ly waiting papa a play-by-play re port. WANT TO TRY AN RCA VICTOR MARKS 3-9201 CALL 2141 S. Commercial fji ra ,M rviT(riTra IERVICE STATIONS, INC. 4 (J REIUILT si mm gawawai ... i ii ; B fMwawrli B NjaW jfiZp Q Sir Vaisr U Jl. Jx Compter) with 7 Attackmtnin 2-JV. Service Gvor. FREE HOME VI71A0 REBUILT AND GUARANTEED BY THE 2007 FAIRGROUNDS I0AD MOMMf "I kind of lik this bltmd well wlih iht on our tola'" Catholic Church Cliief in Hiingary Has Operation l VIENNA. Attitrla lA-Th Hun garian nwa aifnry-WTI an nounced Monday Arrhblihop Cyula Cuplk, acting bead of th Roman Catholic Church In Hun gary, underwent an operation In Budapeit lut Thurtday lor a at rtoui itomacli ailment. II Ii tt. The Catholic primal of Hun- i . t I' I I U1.J...HIN iirr ii jiwi muioii iiiuiiii "M "rm b Communltt court at a 1MQ trea- I ton trial, wa Utt reported con- " ' v"" " Two Illinois Towns Fight Segregation CHAMPAIGN. ID. (-FuIl page advertisements bearing 1.300 names of residents and affirm ing "our faith la an tmsegrcgated community" wer published in the two newspapers of Champaign and I'rbana Sunday. Th ads In th News-Catett and th Courier aald "the plight of Americana denied human and constitutional rights hav shocked ua into re-examining our own practices.'' Specifically advocated wer a famlly'i freedom to choose Hi place of residence and non discrimination in employment. A group of about 50 residents of the twin communities raised th money by solicitation of on dollar contributions - through churches, but spokesmen said it waa not a church-sponsored ac tivity. Th committee said It asked that only persons with legal resi dence in Champaign or Urbana contribute. University of Illinois campus covers parta of both cities. Specifically exempted were students whose homes ar not in Champaign or Urbana. After paying for the advertise ments, the committee said It would give the balance of the money to the American Friends Service Committee, a Quaker or ganisation, for us in areas of racial tension. Th committee is disbanding, spokesmen said, because it was organised for this on activity. Russ Land Team On Arctic Island For Research Site LONDON OB Mowow radio said Monday a team df eight per sons has been sat down on a float ing ice island in the central Arctic by airplane to - establish a new drifting research station North Pole i. The broadcast said "a consider able amount of material is now being flown in." Similar stations established by the Soviet Union in the past year have been used to gather weather and oceanographic data. They keep injouch with their home base by radio. ILECTROLUX I . I 111! D 'SEUIUG CEI1TEQ y THf MOSUIM ihoda? If ahootd itrowtxrry jam Fired Teacher Denied PJea By High Court WASHINGTON ID Th Su preme Court Monday denied II a bearing to Harry C. Steinmeti who was lired ss an aasoclat pro fettor al the San Diego (Call! ) Slate College becada he refuted to anitfer two questions about Communist psrty membership. Sleinmeti contended his rights under th U S. Constitution wer violated by th Califorms State Hoard of Education when it fired him. Th questions wer siked Jan. 28. 18M. at a board hearing, held under requirements of a Cali fornia statute known as th Lurkel act Th act requires pub lic employes to answer questions about membership in subversive groups. Steinmeti said be hsd lot at any Urn sine Sept 10, IMS (a date cited in th art) knowingly been a member of th Communist psrty wheo to his knowledge it sdvocsted violent overthrow of government He refused to answer these questions: "Ar you knowingly a member of the Communist par ty7" and "Hav you at any time sine Sept. 10. IMS. knowingly been a member of th Commun ist party?" The California Supreme Court upheld the dismissal of Stein meti. It aald he was not lired because of membership In any organisation but becaus be re fused to answer questions about matters relevant to his fitness for public employment Justices Bl.rk and Douglas said they favored hearing th esse. Chief Justir Warren dis qualified himself. The court's de nial was announced in a brief or der which gave no reasons. Kremlin Duo Give Tat' to British Baby MARHAM, England un-Soviet Premier Bulganin and Nikita Khrushchev got within patting range of a baby Monday for the first time on their British visit They made the most of it. They patted away in traditional political manner and seemed de lighted at the opportunity. Unlike Georgi Malenkov, Depu ty Soviet Premier, on his recent visit to Britain, the Kremlin lead ers thus far have bad small chance for baby kissing. But on a visit to this English airfield they walked right into the act with two-year-old David Raymond, son of RAF Cpl. John Raymond. With his mother, Ella, and 5-year-old brother Ian, he was waiting at the door when Bulganin and Khrushchev were shown around the Raymond home. Said Khruschev: "It's a beautiful home. It's a great pleasure to be here. We have lovely houses just like this in Russia. Japs lo Ban Visits To Commie Countries TOKYO ( The Japsnese government will ban all visits to Communist nations by Japanese delegstions to attend the May Day rallies. The decision was reached at a deputy ministers' meeting Mon day. 1 . The government has 200 appli cations for passport for Com munist nations, including 43 for Peiping and three for Romania, apparently lor the purpose of kt tending the rallies. 71 service A "light meter" test has prav ed that G F, tubes and a tune- Jip can make your old TV bet er. Call mi See for Yourself MITCHELL'S RADIO TELEVISION For Service 3-7577 We Give &T Green Stamp ' ; 1110 Stat St. lnnub TV CBS Video Pioneer Built Programming r M K HAM llfil I.VVttMJlk kTAIIft ItH I'tiltT; Vwi v ptuUMy rr hfaid f Harry Aikennaa, but I think M l liiti Ih public I' Is know I III lit Kxiirlhitig about bun. la my book, hr s Ih mn h bad Ik nwnt I da With making HIS TtleWtloa What H la ludy, Fight yrars ag Arkrrmaa gat up U ptetidenry at kadi a g ad- r 1 1 a I g agency I bun CM a brad of radi programming In Hollywood. Mor Very long he found hiniMlf mov. mC- . , ed ever into trlevisioa, at tlm wkl beading up a network! Holly wood TV programming waa akia to being King and Emperor of three acres of dVaert. His firtt firm dcruio was t agre wlih Lucille Ball lhat ker hutband bandleader named Deti Arnas, could get away with playing th rol of Lucille's hutband In a situation comedy show they bad dreamed up called "I Lev Lucy." Arkrrman, and nobody el, was Ih network executive who gat behind that show and pushed. (Footnot: On Ih afternoon that th papers broke th atory of Lurlll Ball's alleged Com munltt Party membership, it waa Arkerman who got on th phone and told Lucy h was with her loo per cent, long befor b knew of any positlv proof of th com plrt falsity of the charge. AH he had tu faith. Few people shared It with him. but Acker man la a man of convictions.) Slwly, bet earely, Arkemaa bwIM waa! beeaate Ike k4 rwrk of CM arsfruamlaf halt-br tUaakW cwatedy, filmed aad Ire. And last when tt began I appear that the tall bwsr eeastdy waa the ealy tklag k knew aayiklag abwwt, b qat etly gar a bl network vlr prealdeaey aid loak ever the i mt ereallag aad prederlag the netwart'a ftrat eerie of aswetae lara. "Fard Star Jablle.M U la a mailer al record that "Ja blle baa nt ealy ptanetrsd la ariglMl, afl-beat praframaaiag 'bat baa tspaed Ma NIC eapasl tita every alagl Has wtth Imo esreplkta Mary Martla's "Peter Paa." ... .... Last week Ackerman an nounced his plana to leave CBS in June to bead up his own com pany, Ticonderoga Productions, which will package and film ahows for CBS. He is going to be missed around Television City. He is a quiet, soft-spoken, al most shy man. He la courteous to a fault. He bends over back ward to give credit to everyone but himself. He la, in short, a gentleman a rare breed border ing on the extinct Hia first series far his new rwmpaay wU be "Trail Blaser," with Steve Cacbraa etarred. I bH It win be a eeasatlewal smash hit Harry Ackerman de serve natkiag great vlewlag pabUc, whether tt Creek Claims Beatty Child KLAMATH FALLS tfi - Melvin Frost, 7, Beatty, drowned Sunday when be tumbled off his bicycle into n flood-swollen creek near Beatty, 35 miles east of here. The boy was riding with a play mate, Rose Tecumseh, also 7, when their bicycle hit a rock and overturned. Melvin was thrown off and rolled down a bank into the water. Hia father, Russell Frost, recov ered the body after the girl had told him what had happened. KLAMATH FALLS UH - The body, of a 10-year-old boy. who had Been missing from his home here since March 1, was found in a pond on the outskirts of town Sunday. The body was that of Alvin Decker, the object of'an intensive search at the time of his disan- pearance. Bloodhounds were flown in from California and traced the child to the railroad yards not far from the pond. Sheriff Murray Bntton said two boys boating on the pond discov ered the floating body Sunday. Coroner George Adler said there were no marks of violence on the body, and that the lad apparently had fallen through the ice on the bitter cold night he vanished. .35,000 Present For Youth Rally CHICAGO Some 15,000 teen-agers Sunday heard one of their number declare: Ninety-seven per cent of to-4 day a teens are fine and respon sible citizens, but we must help the remainder and propagate the good name of our great major ity " . This wa the pep talk of 1ft-ycar-uld Danny Sigband, who spoke - nlonewle such celehrilie. an heavy weight champion RiK-ky ; Marciano and aotor-producer Rob-! ert Mnnlgomefy 3t the second an nual Chicago Youth Rally. Marciano, obviously as Im pressed by the turnout as the kids were by him, said: "Next to winning the heavy weight title of the world, this is the greatest affair I've been part of." sretrUti la ImH ar e4. It V.lf k la kit M. IT! 'ItA.TICAI.I.Y M f..r I'lnky la mov l Nrw mk la Ih Ull I mk kit In it hi (! ar pptran la a dutrn yrtr. Th play Will b a Wiuai rtl lanlaiy, ' Mr, Riiiiitile," be ing prnluttd by Paul Nun and Mitt blon-no !! alas vrnlur was "Top Banana" llh I'hd kilters, If lit deal gort through. Pinky will d b new erkly, hour lung TV show from New Yorkand kut when he l finiihed bis brand ar home la Beverly lliili! COLOR TV ss Wllaatag U SankaU, WNBQ la tlr U aw air tag aevte boars al rata a day, Mai arte la Ik rwaatry M wamaae aatl M.SM aad a aw art wid b a Ik maraet ka Jaa at lS. A ll iatk, las, A kill ever a year aia ya bad t par nrwaad lias la a I Mark sat aad tker Wat at mark ratar prHrammlag le a ka ya gat tL STARDUST: "Th Hardy Boys." with Tlm Consldin. Tom my Kirk and Carol Ana Camp bell, Is now la production out Chinnel CLucLlc ' Bv BIL KEAN'I at the Disney lot lor the "Mickey Mouse Club" aeries . . . Ar you in the social awim.'watchlng only the top-rated ahows? The top shows (or th first week in April, according to Trendex, wer "The JM.Q00 Question." "1 Love Lucy." Ed Sullivan, "Person to Per son," Perry Como, "Talent Scouts." "December Bride." "This Is Your Ult." "Flrealde Theater" and Red Skrlton. "Thia Is Your Life" carefully let the word get out that its show last week would be loaded with movie atari, but all it proved was that atari without something to do are for the birds so far as entertainment is concerned. They all trooped in, obediently, to shake handa with the principal subject. MGM's Dor Schary, and Ihat'a all you ever saw of them. There never was a star that a writer and director didn't make. SHORT SHOTS: Liberaee waata 1 pUy the iwle ef Dr. Lew De Fares! la. a marl based a the life f tk lather f radle and TV. I haw la n ea la my admlratiaa al Liberaee as a 'plaalst a s haw man aad a flae geallemaa, hwl I Just d at see him la Ike rale a Dr. Le D Fares! . . . Jaa Murray win awltck skew next aeasaw. drwppJag "Dallar a Sec- ad" la lavar tt kla awn new package, Treasar Cheat," qalxxer. lam netwark, aan lime. Dinah Shore now figures to do at least eight hour-long show! in the Tuesdav-at-t anot next season continuing her weekly Thursday li-mlnute show but dropping the current Tuesday quarter hour. Bob Hope will also do at least six shows in the Tuesday O-tn-I time, With Milton Berle, who used to own the time, coming up with four and the rest being filled in with Martha Ray and perhaps Jimmy Durante and Steve Allen. (Copyright 1IM. Central rtaturti Corp.) - KOACV 550 k.c HOAC (Tuesday): Il k s m Th Nawt and WtaUiar; H:lSEtpaclaliy lor Woman: l:M OSC School of Horn economics; 11:11 Oregon School of the Air Tht Bur Nril Door: "Vtrttlon KlUrri; ll:IS Th Concert Hall: ll.-S Th Ntwa and WnUitr: 12:11 p.m. -Noon Finn Hour: 1:S Mrlody Unt; l:IS Ora lon School of Ilia Air Tha Nawt wtirn: i:ia tiui".t Star: l:4S Rrad ins for Fun. sat feprcitlly for Womn Tht World It Our Affur "Adiiin lo th Hum of Human KjiuwitflKr:" :J-Mmoi-y Book of Murtr: l:S Oregon Srhool of the Air Whil't That Word? :SS-Oie-on Reporter: 3:IS Mmlc of Iha Maitert; 4 -Poetic Pttterni: 4 IS-r un iht I'phett: t:4J Broadway Showtime: S:t Chlldren'i Theater: J:Jt rrtnee tt Work; 1st Tha Newt tnd wetther: l:IS-Tom Rnb- ertt. Orianlit: I J -Window of the World; I 4S Delta Kappa Gamma Future Tetchert: J:IS Cvenm Ftrtn Hour: !: Muie of Crerhmlovakia: 1:1 Current F.venta Convtrtatinnt; l:M Mutie Thtt Endurei; 4S Evtntna Meditations Rey. perry Avery rtdarated Church: IS: Sign Off. KVAL TV, VHF 13 tir.RNr: KVAI.-TV. rkannel I) (Tuely: IN pm.-Stop, l.mik A l.utrn: ?;IS ll Fun lo Hlni-e. S JS-Fetiher Vour Nut; l it Mull nee Theater pienrnW Bonita (.ran- ill- and Don CaHe in "The Rmltv" man falla in love with the mnre virtuou nl twm siKtei. 4 IS M'Kl ein Hotntncei. 4 1S-4 M Date; S ta Bi Roundup: S 4-Tit New; S:M Sporli HraillinM; S -SiWeather He- rirr- I tMovie Mu-ieiim, I IV The lltla Raacal; I IBA I 41 The Road to Adventure: J;tt-Surnrme Theater with Such I Nice Girl." 1:jaTh Mtn Called X: I sa-Th Milton Berla Show; I U Flrealde Theater titrt Jana Wyman In -Th Hidden Peoole:" S I Dr. Kudaon. It at-Burnt IV AUen: 1M Th Gtm Comer; It'll famout Tlay houa. II IS Special Ftaturttta, - o I Mafrsmaii, SaWi, Otc . Turf , Ar. 2 1, 'M fSVr. II) I ' TUESDAY BROADCASTS ttd)Mm b4d fs w4 ji)iiflk tat fM let p ) ralad tkf Hs-st w4 aM sMi.. Iht a. ) k4 (.! kar4lftti4B (! t-4 iM feaibikf lVj tftp 0 TUCSOAY'S TttlVISION HICHUCHTS hlTV TtlMiAV HM.HIH.ItH KtlASMI. Til II B4M -Ml ktalim IWalrr-' Tin r.klit. " llnry of t w.fa lia ilixutrll twr huttiam) IntoHrittrtit ilh twMhrf aixnat la allalr lhal ii mutually d. td and all hut luiict, I M pm.-Matinr Itvatrr-' William lomrs U Tl," llarrlrg William Lraliam. I p at.-lirrtiiW Tlvatrf'Th lluttlm Prtifl" Jan m twtflfAwa .a I nvflkh mutH h.H dmrnm hwh1, attlw la Ilia t! ft II I pa.-Vll Ul Thralrr-' ! I C.mtil Mk lltnrrl," tlarring Kan ItH liimiiwl and hVrnaitin llaymrt. KUIMTV TtrsilAV't HK.III K.ltIS HIIAVNr.L IH I I a a m.-AriiMhair Thralrr "Party IJne"! (iertnul MuharL I s p aa.-Nty Li.g-' l.rt Itaik IWmiwKow "i A Navy pilot urxief goes Ihrr days f Imof when b s shot aWa la a Pacific nle. IS pm.-Kig Tn-' Wairrfront," SlrM H ilton knvetligale nilllion dollar atrrlront Kandal. II. as o his "Womaa TroulU"i Ana alagnanl, Danl Magsia. ki4)ii tv it t.ioAfi nicm.K-im ichamni"L iih II. naaw-A'Irrnoun Film illval-"A Run Far Your Money starring Alec tiuinnrts and Donald llouaton. Th atory el two Wlk miners who Ink a y tuW I lnilon and lot Ihrir money. 7; pm. Warner Brothiri Pretrnta "CataliUnra,' atarrin Char In Mtiiraw. I N p aa-Dupont Cavakad Theater "Th Holm CrneraT star ring Reginald Drnny, John Abbott and Barbara BUUngiiry. A true rvrnt of Ih American Revolution la which a romanr seeking British) General met his downfall al th hanua of a beautiful America a patriot, 11:00 p mllnmHowa Theater "A Parlslaa Romanes" starring GIRert Roland and Marlon Shilling. TUESDAY'S KPTV, Uir H KOIN out MM Hli IPTYlTaaay Taay SOIM' Paa. fmnmt I O-rTVlTtaa. InU Taaa. Infla Ptathae Ntat FmUhi Mavt KOIN Vtlltat U4f rtav at Ul. SWarHI Tawaft Wll Ut II tTw Dt' Uml D Ttlawn (Ttlaraan 0IN rw. TroaWr Arwk. TaaaSw'As WafU TWti Warl T"r HIPTV W Urnm, ISM tHM T ROIN RoH 0 UwDJUH ft Les LlakkKar PV iLtekMSte PW. ELOB.I I ifua. ntaraal V rTt'C TWIN8C "nwaiNaC Mai Taaa.rtnc Mai ttn, i, r!. VW,u' T1 (VlalUa- TUa Baft Crasfcy Crtakf aVLOK rjlmrartiTttTllni Fwlivtl Tilm rmirtl Wlha rwtlvtl 1 IJ,!D' "'0 Ut H"- a Daf IQmm Da. a:I.!, "1,',W,D, '" rtllM a.u)R rjiarttiTai rn ramvti niw rmirti nim riTi I r',Whr, C",k'"rWK" Catkin M.tlna TkM. rMtttaa THaa. PJlm,KOm 0m r-ellautii RLOK U ti gufttft f pj,Li, f s)- nr ml . V KOIN Cairrv " n-m trm , - ' ffiVisi iirz Kliw il - ) :'J u. eVhv;?!!!. Ktnm. V ' U "V" PhU aVLOWtmr Bros. IWarnar I i"! -4? Oee Tkaa. riaywrlfht 'SS PUrwrt (hi m fi Al C-, ,Cod" ,lu4 BWtaliw' 1 P, fee Ptd Csrtl. That! CtTtla. TKaat 10 l'"1 lywrtfl MHurap. BtTaa.Ittrao C l'l'a S KOIN Big Towa Bi. Towa IDiana Jut in.- a tAJiatums DJ i gUm. 1 1 KPT VI ..... II KOIN aw . " Wl nO,Hmlwn That. H m'twa TUESDAY'S RADIO nsm in noc o im jsaij4jboi!j7 new six !!" rMlJIaaryclasKOIIIJIJJj KkX MirBOsTiaiT " Ntwt Brkftl Nan 0T m"- ROIN Klerk KflW Nki Htrsar Nawa n diia. aa Ntwt-Kp Tlma Kat?jiM 7S 11.14 Hamlnfwtr BrattT Ctn" KOCO Early Warm Early Warm aoaat Brk-Neak El" uir il.iiiM ESS Kaap Ttm ESI. Cliff Infle rwrdTFAlur KOAB Brk.-Noak Hrk Nook JOIN Contumar JrwsiVall Ntwt SOW Llates Keep Tlm Keep Tlm . an m K.m ' rr - nvs a m s J"'a.H Club's'ta, ch laiM O Newt-aportt I4M Tu", Bt I4M TutL a. V. ' EOAB Coffet-K W tt poffea Tlm, Ho?lI TrV m OKUIN (load of Lift Mn ParklB? Dr TJ.f C" M'-N"" SOW Wwkd.y iwiakdty w.'0.'OM U"?'B"1 1 S w-".?"-- vZZTlHL, Z.V!Z" "!. is?; i tst tradiv . aai.M Chron el Air Newa I kOCO World ettws Mldda. " aIAI Nawt tunchln Muneh Ta. T r.. ddty MuHa 4ROIN Macltod New, Conu ,ciT "Soui, pr,'. jh-Ktw, 2W Fanner Ntwt Dr. PrVa tI!lnea w.n.UU" fu EII.M Willi... u.. i,:. ..;;; -.-. " 1 an, Arl Codfrey' AnXTXSS! ai.w Hwi-sporta W.dder Brats v... ""-.V'' EtX Newa-Conr.4. Hu ConrI? RSJiZi tpJ' Yeu.n ' 'iMr.uir;rmm?.- 1 S2S8 SSTftBS ." vw 1 11 asm. aaail KOIN A. Godtrty . . A Codfrty Good Ntwa' ffitlL ' McAnuL MualeiMeAnul. MuaJcl Mfnul ilrt, ultnlnf IU" asx Nwi-Conttd I Hum Canra iHutt tonrad Huat Cwre ESLM Willam. Mat. Willam. Mtt. rwillam. "Mat7Tefii7Ti ,OCO NewSport. Clarin. C.lllruIICUrlD. CslU...CllV?I r.m.. 1UAI rati rarior rait nrlor pat a Parloe u"" KIN Athtn-On spot G.l sd.r f.;; tf"? tlCW McAnully Mus. McAnuity Mu. Mu.!ialY L,",.Th',,.T. SIX Nawt-conrt Buit Conrad Buatonrid ,Bues Conrtd KSLM Fulton Ltwia Heminewae u... . a.. - - 1 4tKO Newt-Sportt Citrine Clarlna ClartiH (OA Pat t Parlor pat's Parlor . Pit t Parloe Pariw-tt. KOIN Kirkham New Eddie Fnher Newt a? Ale Iwl77I - ; Mua-McAnlte u. Jl.?..' r I KOIN (,W SIX New. Hlac.b r Bob Blackburn Bob Bltekbura Bob Blarlbur 5 "" sr "on it Ray aof'O Newa-Sportl Slow Dnvt KUAHIirattlC jamor. Train Jamhe. i . MIIN Ed K Murroti New, ,. Bporti ft'aua Goat Newe V(iW Mua-MrAnlty Newt JeVt Mtaoa r. oT7 ..X New. RUckb . Bb Bltekbur, 'Zl B lartb-r- SSTJESZT 4 .aSLSI Newt Uddt Fliher Dlnnr Con-is.ii.." ?f.? BPnr'i-Newi CandleUfhl RSX Bob Bltckb'ra (Bob Blackb'rn iBob Bla.-kh'r. iVSLT .7- 1 Trtas. Aft 'KOCO Nwa-Koarta KOIN Melody SOW Chet Huntley SIX Bill Stern 8 5 KM M Show Tunet Hdt O New-!imirtl .KOIN J.iik t'arion Kr.w World Newt KRX Adkml Show Atitma Kill M Newt Muiic iweel Si Swing Sweet Swing KCII O -N-ewa-Siwrtt --Track H rraek 1 4811 rrark im koiN Pevtreld Son Jeep (Ctmpaltn M 1 Believe Kt.W Giaelit McKeaJ Ciiaell MrKen. Hindeifnl KSX Adkint Show lAdkina Show IJImtnv Fidle Edw P llnrrln SSI.M Fulton Lewis Dane Tim aoi'O- Newt-Sportt Danceltnd aoiN I Stir Final" Brotherhood ar,W Klchfld Newt Track 14M a EX Newt Mime 1 EII.M Woody Show Sorts Newt-Sporta SOIM- Newe-Muae Iaow Panrt Timt asx Daneeltnd TELEVISION TV. YMF 0 it LOR, VMF II MM T4ar Vt pa, rfaaarwa Pa, n'taaftwi Wt. a. a . ww -rung wNrr7AnR1sf .Mlttf w. aieaa Carktaa Taaa piay dm, Dr ir.vanw.auw, Ttrt' "tin Tim Kom Time IN.t,U gr.ryla, Bros. l.n - r.. r pp., ,Hw.AlkV B,.-rirw-AArj n.,-. . T "'"'" l TIM mil Owl Tkaa. Thaa. H m twn Thaa. Wmfwa T Brkftt Nk plnnk-Nav KOIN SUoc Llilaa KOIN JUat S .Maa , Kp Ttia taaa Ttm nraaa (.an fi, Earlv a... i- m irk Kaak (iook-NewaT ktbbll Snatr K imnww apv jKaapTIm Kep Tim Btl Have, KH, Itarly Worm tarly Wan, i"" o.k.twt nhlly Banw Shellei Sera, ftiataa l.i.t Tlrn Keep rim Ptator t Ctll r.DT 5-s-jsi. rr' Z . l.'S.J"!". Vsll rirmrsH m rum Bob Green Bill Brunii Blow Drtvt win?! Ctndl.llhl C.nHi.r,- Treat. Ait Muaic Muaic Rhvt'm at Bluet Rhythm. Bluet Rhythm-Bhi Melody IBIn Crotby John DolUr Henry Ttrlnr Dragnet Dragnet Bob Gtrred .Vandercook Bob Adklnt Show Tunea Whotlln' Tunet Whlstlln' TunttT Bhvth -Bluet Bhyth -Bluet iRhvth -Rlu J'nfK Caraon Suapenne ,Suapene Ont Man'l Ft I Dane lime Dane Tim Miow Hi.rKiy, sheen Btthop Sheen Newt , , Sn'rta Hilitu Camput Chatt.lCampui Chart, t.ocd, Evening Good Evening Dane Tlm Dane Ttm Dancland Danreland Woody Bhaw Woody Sbaw Woody Show lllent I Mutte Mldnft Mual Miami Wutlt Iftditrba Danca Tlm Dtnra Tims Danea Ttma Danreland Danceltnd Dtnceltnd