II) Statrnman, 5U!-rn. Of ., Tiim., Apr. 2133' rly in Hot Spot . . QiLLiCl'iIiinrj Control Br i ir frh tuos CAKLAND lVS!iil boxing Investigator Jirow Cot developed leniimony Hmutay shewing hid nhertv' clo matchmaking con trol In ban rranriaco bay area basing. fromotor Johnny Munro trMlfled at lh (tut boslng Investigation at rUhrrty "actually runs ' tl (ornia boilnf enterprises. Indrr California ruin, a manager i"t supposed to bi connected wllh pro anting fighls. . Flaherty manage Carl IBo Olioa, former middleweight champion, and IW itabla of lighter. , 0er aymeat Admitted Munra. matchmaker for Cali fornia Bo.lng Enterprise at Rich mond and Oakland, aaid Jim Nor rla. International Boxinf Cub president, and Trtimaa Clbaon, aeeretary at lh 1BC, wa ihare bolder In CBK. Under Cos" questioning, Munro acknowledged a gio.ooo overpay ment, beyond contract percent Ccnlral Wins 3-Way Meet Held at Night CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL -(Special) Central captured tri angular track meet Monday night by running up U'4 polnti. Taking aecond plr.ee wn Slaytoo with M'4, followed by Dallai with 19. Bob Roy waa th big acorer for a?ea, to (W pura la 1JM Staytoa and took high point honori lam l-alaea flrtit. la th meet with 10 polnti, Roy Cox aiked whether Flaherty, won tha dltcut, high jump, pole would hav ta ask CBE approval ; vault, toot put and javelin. for rearrangement of fight card I "fata. Munro sal M, Three Central atbletei were next high la the point column. Vern Munra a!d tha fight club he .Lovelace and Bob Brant each tal- operate la Oakland awl Rich-! lied H't point and Jim Travl mond wer part of CBE and that ( had Wa. All throa ran a lei an ne wa rtr uenroo rorot arena - n winning Central relay team ib eaa arancuco aiw waa. Ta Keef flgalere Baiy "All tha money go ta tha cor poration," Munro aaid. . Befor tha CBE wu organized early la IKS, Munro aaid, Flaher ty bad guaranteed to underwrite any loaie la boxing (how pro moted by Munro. II explained that Flaherty "wanted ta keep hi fighter buirr," Munra Mid. Cox asked If that watal a da ilrabla arrangement lor a promo ter. "I thought It wu wry ale," Munra answered. Befor the CBE wu organised. Munro acknowkdf ed payment to Flaherty ever and beyond fighter and manager ihare for booking help. On $2,000 payment repre sented half of tha promoter' har of television payment for a tsooo uiaon-oann tamer ugm. Each of tha fighter alto wai paid a M.000 television fee, Flaherty Cela Split Under th arrangement where by Flaherty absorbed loiwe. Fla herty received a SO-SO split of any profit from a boxing show. Cox questioned Munro closely about the number of Flaherty managed fight appearing oa his Richmond and Oakland show. A Flaherty fighter waa a mala eventer la all show through 1H1-HUM. Cox laid five Flaherty fighter wer oa on tight card la July, 19&. 11 asked whether Munro wu awir of a state regulation requiring written trrmisioa from th (taia t Mil j to,., million for mora than three of a manager' fighter appearing oa a tingle carl , ! Net Cfoeallaaed Munro (aid h gv th boxing commission dvance notice of the fighter on th card, but did not (pecifically ask written permi inn oa thi or any other occasioa.j Tha commission atvtr raised a Question, h uid. Munro said Flaherty had the best fighter available for boxing how. "Sid Flaherty don't tell me what to do; he Mggests," Munro uid. "Mostly 1 follow what he sug gest. He doa't tell ma. He not that type of fellow." Cox asked Munro to explain a $59.71 payment to Harry Fine, now manager of Sacramento light weight Joey Lope. Munro uid th money wu paid for Fin'; "exnensea" an a Irin ta a An.1 ffalea In tin tin m Li FimhrM I Nunu Randle bout In May, 1955. Cox thowed Munro record in- ! Lovelace bad first la th high and low hurdle, Brents woa th broadjump and high jump and Travl took both prlnt ovent. Light failed oa th track mid way through the meet and several event bad to b completed la the dark befor th Djhti cam back a. The summary: M. H lit Vera Lovalara in. A Uia Sr Boyl (li. Mark: IB. lot: lit Jim Travla iri. ( iui, ara quiring (ui. stark: Mlla! jrt Jim Marfan (). tnd mnn iai. ara iniram ici. nark wa iui, "o fiton iki. Mark: as J, L. X I Irt Vtm Lovtlar in M Hwiof (). rd Maah (Dl. Mark: lui. art luurnrin (L. Mark: 1S T. tal ((! Dnhen (Dl and Mnr. faa (ll, Ira Infram (CI. Maik: l:l.l. B. 1 ! Bob HrvnU ICS tonA Uc (CI, J4 Ptlrek (Si. Mark: III'. Dlte.l lit Bab n iri. inrt tr.it. drachl 101. r4 McCormlek (Ql Mara: 1U' H J : lal Brand (CI ma rti.i nain ui ana t. ooH (C). Mark Vaunt la Bob Mo 11. tnal nrtnn (1.1. ara wnMihauu iai. Mark: II' (". nel! lal Bob 8T (ll. In Band C. r Naak (Dl. Mark: ' 1". Jmw la mk ftt.M III -J aww ur ' I "-J ami- toa (C), iri Bona (C. Mark: 14S- Ralav; M Canlral. Travta. Cuta. Irlh, Branta, Lovalace); Ind, liay- North Salem'g J V Club Tops Albany bcnalors Heading For Home league Opener Here Saturday (CeatUaed fraa prered. page) Henry Monday, sanding th In fielder bark to th Sarrtmento club, II still has a long way to go befor being up to Claa B baaeball standards. "Th rest of this week will ha spent on that pitching Hall," l.uhy told Monday niiiht. "They're just not In shape yet, but they will be. Their work it cut out for them." Both Mel Krause tnd Jack Duna likely will participate la some of the week' drill at Sa lem, t Luby expect to us both la th opener Saturday night. Adding Insult to Injury, Pitch er Red Whltson reported to th Salem ibout 10 pound under weight iftrr long bout with th "flu," and figure It will take him torn tlm befor he ready to go. Having th 17-game-win-ner of last tetson oa the shelf (I thl particular tlm Isn't good, but h may com (round fast. Get The Ticket Baseball faa ar remladed that ticket for Saturday p ealag gam a re new oa sal at fear local igearle, Wlrkliind Sporting Coad Store, Stevens 4 Sea Jewelers, Oscar Eager laauraac Agency la the Cap ital Snapping Ceater, aad t Water Field. Alte, Senator Fruldeat George Psalus agaia argea th who bavo pledged far tea ticket ta secure then thi week. Tb teitoa ticket ar ivailabl at tb bill park (paea 4-1311). Spokane ... 1U lt IM-I 1 I l-m 10 OOI 400 t I ( Bill Young. Bill Boitlar (7) and Jna Rnaal. Jarry Cada. Ron King (1) and Bay Zarl, Marv Koapf (), W4x-rT6ltOULOES COOOrORTLE4ST FIPTV POIMTS-I" I W4Do;MOfJii:yio PJJV4LL I COULD 6ET- Kl 60T TISM ,H4K'tS' I!lciLP0 !t EvCry Tlmc By I'mmy Hitlo Cosmo, the W4ll sr. custom cw' M4M.SQ4PS HIS CUENTS By TELLING tM TWEy-Et SO RICH 4N0 Hc5 50 POOR f ifjt Watyttt 9ffrif9 k, m iwitl Mr fyjT VWlf-N MlS TDU7C0 STOCK'S TUMOLE, MB 7CLL5 THE CUSTOMLiVS HOV tASY THEY GOT OFF COMR417tO TO HIM DOWrt THrVfl oauw. I'M OUT"" PMMMaMtfaWaHBBaM. VDU GOT rtCfTHiH' TO klCK 4 BOUT, P4L-LOOK4 Mi- bH4KC 2 WKNI POR-FIFTEEM WOJ&4NID BUCKS I'M OUT If AWVCHniR" 1 TWO J4UNDNED ' . ! ' i V -,J t TO I6-7H4T I r ---: I l Tllfa I", irJI J I "N- . - . D , - ..,,' '.-I 1 irww-u'-w-w 1WI me- ncP Balling Averages Tricky This Early in The Season By JACK HAND too, o that h ha made only ;vw vnnir im D..IH.. .oJone error. ,11. r, Villi Wl WMlllllg PT' erage ar tricky at thl at age of th season, running th Kale Card Heal llllter Although III Yankee have rap tured th Imagination with their Hbbson Quits Post at Yale (Catiaaed froai preced. page.) teaching la numeroue basketball clinic in thl country, be ha been engaged In aimilar work in Japan, Korea, Germany, Finland, Egypt, Chile and Italy. Team Take Trip Two of hit Yale team wer the irat to play outiide of thl coun try-Puerto Rico, 1950, and South America. 195J. , -,, He wa graduated from Oregon la IKS and hold both master and doctor degree in physical education from Columbia. Hobson'i ton, David, wa Yale basketball captain during the 19M- iS campaign. A highlight of hi coaching ca reef here, said Hobson at the end of the past season, wu that hi basketball teams won 14 of 11 con tests with traditional rival Har vard. Bevos to Wear New Bright Red Shirts SAN DIEGO UV-Only the weather now stands between Portland' candy-stripped pitcher nd opposing Pacific Coast League batters. Manager Tommy Holme said his pitcher were free, starting with Monday' gam with San Diego,, to wear their red tweat shirt ind white-striped sleeve. But it It's cold," he added. "they may want to wear heavier shirts. Bob Hall pitched for Portland Monday slight and wore the heav ier shirt without the stripes. Th weather wa cloudy and cool, tail arm a presetted Manager of torn other clubs Today's Pitchers NATIONAL I.BAOIB Brooklyn at Phlladtlphla lnihl) Erikint i4 va Boauvin l-n. N.w York at Pnuburrh - Worth infinn 10-1 1 va. Kiln l-m Milwaukta at Chlci0-Buhl (1-tl va Harktr 10-11 Cincinnati at 81. loull fnlfht) Rianlltbury !-) va. Mliall (1-01. AMRBICAN LIAOl'l ' Waahlnfton at N.w York llobba (l-Oi vi. Kurka (l-l. Bnaton at B.ltlmort Brtwer (M) va. Wilms (Mi. Detroit at Karual City Cromak (t-li vi. Ihanta U-ei Only famaa achadultd. PIGEST HOOK SHARPENING TWCXa snJt.TU.7M-- from Ted Williams' glowing .714 ouluri, Hln-i th Boalon Ked to Jos Valdivlflio's .000. I'nlll goi, th real hitting club of th 19 or 20 game and enough "t b(Tt" lo mak sent, th aver (get reflect only who I hot or Cold at th moment. Figures through Sunday' games ar rough on th rookie corps, l.uls Apariclo, th Chicago Whit Sox new shortstop, It way down ther tt .143 and Cincin nati' Frank' Robinson I strug gling at .IM. Jerry Lump, the New York Yankees' rookie short stop It hitting .330 but ha been guilt of four orror la tlx games. Mantle, Berra Balk Hat Th big muscl men of the first week ar Mickey Mantle and Yogi Berra of th Yankees. Msn tl top the major with four homer and 13 run batted in while Yogi ha hit three homers and driven in 13 runs. Ray Ja blonnkl, Cincinnati's third bane man, has hit four homer and Is tied with St. Loals' Stan Musial at eight pin batttd la the Na tional. Jablontki, incidentally, I mak ing a fine comeback after hi tad experlencet of last season. Acquired- from St. Louis after th KM ctmpiign Jsbbo wi expect ed to add power to th Redlrgt last season. . Instead, ho foun dered at the .220 level and wai thlpped off to San Diego In mid July. Hit fielding hat Improved, EvEtrV 1HUAAM SHOUtO CAB y A HOOH-HAJ)WtNlr3 WTONB TO KEEP HOOKS NeCDU-tHAIIP AT ALL TIMrS. Mfi WILL Ml SO lti TRIKl AND FLV FISM ' IRMCH CAM HT A HOOK IA,lt!M WITH LHS SU9K Of BaiArtlNA A LIADCSCS f-trai TlPPf T. Above, ihows uu oa trout. om cxrrtio ow Moort point (mot useru. on small hooks, ISPCCIALLV HOLLOW eXHKTS). M tASV AMO HONI UGMTLVl HOLLOW tPCAtt rQiHT POINT Hon Ajcbo5 svnio points, USIrta tTONCt aURFACf. indi CATBO. HONS LKaHTLV ANO DO HOT M0UCI BAPiS. early trmnn hat brr lh St, I, oti i ('.inlini.lt with I tram e erK uf .32 Ken lloyer, th ('anil' eoml yrir man at third !", t"p ' eryixxly In botli lengiirs, except Willlttim, with a ,V) evrra.e, 13 hit in 21 l ball. As Willuiii hit been up only seven limea ! rau ol hit leg Injury, 11 o y f really shoat lh way. Mm Balllag .Hi Wally Moon, lh Card.' firnt baarman, la bulling .iU and Bill Siirnl, lh No. I catcher, has a ,311 minx. Dun Hlatlngiiitie, who teems to nav uxm over in thurtstop Job from Alex Gram mas, . has I .3M averagt coin pared to Grammas' .200. Dee Vondy of th Clilcaga Cub aUo has been hitting th ball at a fancy UX) clip, beat on the club. Hub! I.andnlh, acquired from Cincinnati, is hilling .too. And Monte Irwin's comeback ll progrennlng ata .311 level. Kunkiis City ht been hitting like crazy with Joe Ginlerg, up from Seattle, hitting ,W7. The vet eran Enos Slaughtrr 1 hitting .3S1. ' lidr laltlp TI4M far Tfl, Ofaa iComplkd bt U I Coait and CtoOt'ii- urv, Corlland. Ora I N.fh Watara Low tVa'rra .lui.a H' ht April a 24 II II p m. MM pin. M I.Upm. MUM 7m. I p m. 101 am. :7 ft IS as li ts so t lima Haifl ft. (Nam. I 51 p in. I M am. t .11 p m. I am. 1 M m. I 0 a m. it I 4 w It -I UNIVERSITY BOWL Clitsle League tetm results: hsd objected lo use of the atripel , "a.r1JT,aB'" leVtTl ,A' f?" sleeves, part of th Portland uni form, by th pitcher. They maintained tb stripes might dts- Oil Co. 0. Double Col 4. Sslem Hardwire 0. Crown Princ Bowl ing Shirt 4. Barbs Sporting; iifBiiittBiircui mt iym auiai, user-1 n trct batter. They wer backed 01R!'?I, vtn? S' up by umpire. jRiche Electric 1. Boyc Te.m But a directive to umpire Mon-i- ,r.r"V "o1"" . rta from laaaim nra.lrl.nt ttlul "Igh tem erie nd gam. M. O'Connor declared "there 1 Hartman's Jeweler 3027 ind nothing In th. playing rule which I1073- ?"dividU.I serie. aad -hiK?.. -i .mm.- ime, Bud -Ostrera of Double -Holme. ..id h. w. plea-d; ' "fl ? with o Connor a directive. Other high Koret: Bunny Bun- w. t.,., .a ... "ell 612, Lyle Anderson 630, Klve. u7 h. Mid 'Vt we tried Dick Morri' Dick phiPP Ballera DtKt't Object 8.28.? o m 1 Tha Port and manager aa d he ". v" - I hid not heard of any complaint by opposing batten. I Due-Many" nlteik.. mKA iJ' ' I W UtiUU imillCI WUII tWIIU : a-.. a ta at l ( a red jersey igainst Hollywood , I . t' , .' "I 'FF ... a. ... , VB 800 League tesm results: Kinnier Motor I, Team No. 5, O. ' Chuck' Service 0, Simmons ALBANY - (Special) - North Salem's Jayvoe blanked th Al biny Jsyveet, 44, la a baseball gam played her Monday. Albany collected six hits but wu unable to put them together for a run. After scoring once In th second inning, the North Sslem cored An Important meeting for the three mor. in th. fourth off an Capital Auto Racing association error. Hal Cowea' doubl and Jim ind it auxiliary will be held to McCafferty'i lingl. night at I p.m. at th home of North Salem JV ..610 300 t-4 t 1 1 club president Red Weitman, 3840 Aiony jv too ooo 6-4) 6 Hollywood avenue last week, without beine asked There had been no objection from the Hollywood club. There hat been no complaint from San Diego. On Padre pitch er commented he wa more con cerned about the itripe on Port land batter' tleevei distracting him. O'Connor taid In his directive that It would be rescinded if other manager' could present convinc ing tvidenco th itripe wer objectionable. Capital Auto Racers Set Important Meeting Kelley, Harm (I) and Darling, McCatlarty (4); Willed and Darid- lex. Weitman ha requested that all car drivri, owner and sponsor be present for the meeting. stealing thl payment was charged to th. account for "fishi er' pune." Munro laid ho wu lurorited that the record showed this. He said It wa a "mistake" and should bave been charged to "travel expense." , In earlier phases of the investi gation, Cox has struck at deduc tion for manager expense out of iigmers' purses. Kiag TeUs Paraff Jackie King, Sacramento pro moter, testified $857 00 was paid to Flaharty a a half cut In the gat of Sacrimento'i only tele vised fight between Maurice Har per and Al Wilson. Kin exolained Flaherty put him in touch with Ray Arcel, fight television book ing igent. t Fred A. Pearl of Sacramento. laid that on certain Sacramento ahowi, iport writer Bill Conlln of the Sacramento Union wai paid m per cent cut for writing publicity itoriu for "th country piper. 1 1 a I a ii nai....,, a.i ,. , .,. ; . ir rt jt h i vi i i i t j i n nil MO'J riWI l I I'M I Ibl. II ll.'IN (Continued from preced. page.) wlU eaaUy recall aU the kallahala Kiltie a ted U create when pitching there wllh Bremertaa. Salem wasa't th only club that Insisted he did everything to th ball but bit tt la iw before ervlag tt ap t tb batter ... Luby'i visit to San Francisco the other nisht In talk hnalnesa nh Jerry Donovan of the Seals, may have been a jaunt in vin. Hugh wnt th new Boston Red Sox farmhand to stop over in Salem lor a Sunday afternoon exhibition game in July, when the Senators are scheduled idle and when the Seals will be en route from Vancouver wher ther it to bt no Sunday baseball. But Klamath Falls, of all places, has already put in a bid for the Seals on that particular date. A K-Falls temipro Outfit Would DlaV 'em If Dnnnvan aovnti tk A.I. Luby is arguing that same Seals will do much better financially if they take the Salem offer. Donovan is thinking it over. While atending the Seals-Los Aneeles came the other nlM we were treated to a rare item, one of the longest home runs we've ever Schedule Told Of Boat Races A schedule of (even intercity boat races wa released Monday by the Salem Boat Club. First race of the season will be May 6 at Cor valli. Salem will be the host club for a race dated her July 29. This year all intercity races will include' a new junior division of ...... In. un.i.d.l.P. Jmum at Im 1 m.a.B.a ... 7P. a ut ago. The complete schedule which fol lows does not include the OMBRA races planned for May 27 and July 4. The schedule with the sponsoring club and the lite of the races: May 6, Corvallis at Corvallls; May 20, Lebanon at Corvallis; June 10, Corvallis at Corvallis; June 24, Albany at Albany; July 29, Salem at Salem; August 28, Corvallis at Corvallis; September 9, Albany at Albany. Beaver Bowmen Field Tourney Held Sunday 1, Taggesell Pontiae 1 Cadwell uu t), itepine runt a. I High team series and game, j Simmons Fuel Oil 2563 and 898. 1 High individual series, Onr Sac re of Tsggesell Pontisc S71. Hieh individual came. Al June- ling of Nameless Food Mkt. 228. I Other high scores: Bill Luke of J Simmons Fuel Oil M2-207. Bill Ringnslda of Chuck's Service 546-204. Ted Elllnger of Cadwell Oil converted 4-7-6 split BAB Alley ! Results Monday night In the B&B Alleys Mixed League: Tum-i bier 3, Goofupt 1; Fearsome Four 3. Pin Pals 1; Screwball! 2, , Five Spares 2; Satan Pins 2, Stinkers 2. j High team game by Fearsome , Four wtth 510. High team series by Tumblers with 1.399. High In-; dividual game and series by Jerry j Smalley with 111 and 495. High Individual game and series for, the women by Doris Teetx with, 147 and 371. ! Other high scores: Lorrin Beugli TO Harold Erendetr 165, j Marvin Swartwout 184, Gary Mann- j key 177 and Frank Dugger 162. CAPITOL ALLEYS Commercial League No. 2 team results: Martin Bros. 3, Team No. 10 1; Tip Top Tavern 3, Harger'! Sporting Goods 1; Burkland Lum- ber 2, Team No. I 2; Turn A Lum Lumber 1, First National Bank 3; Stettler Supply 3. Knights of Col-; umbus 1; Jones Fagg 3, Lipman Wotle Co. 1. High team game: Tip Top Tav ern, 1,048. High team series: First National Bank, 2,903. High indi vidual gam and series: Clem Hauth. 232 and 582. Capitol Commercial No. 1 re sults: Salem Steel Jr. Supply 1 Artz's Studio 3; Lawless Mssons j 1, Woodry's Furniture 3; Goldie's 4. Valley Oil 0; Spinner' Fiv 0, Salem Auto Parts 4; Orval's Used Cars 1, Rawlinsons Laundry 3; la Sacramento. Conlln told th AiaociaiM rrana -'trier is no mystnr about It. " "On certain boxing shows Jackie Xing and Fred Pearl em ployed m to write advance pub licity stories for out-of-town use which I did with the full knowl edge and consent of my publish ar." rIiits Pound Pioneers in 2 The Beaver Bowmen field tourna ment' was held at Dallas Sunday with the following results in the five division of the tnnrnevr Men's instinctive: Frank Larson, ! Knights of Columbus 2, Nicholson' Portland: Kill DrSalliet Portland- i Insurance 2. witnessed. It was blasted by Steve Bilko, the truck-sized Lot Angeles Sherman Spears. Portland. Men's1 High team game and series: Sa first baseman who has played in the major with the Cardinals. The freestyle: Ike Epoerlv. Eugene: lem Auto Parts, 1,055 and 2,993. WALLA WALLA fl - Whitman Combined timely hitting with good pitching and near-perfect fielding to sweep a Northwest Conference "baaeball dotibleheader from Lewi and Clark here Monday, - and ' The Missionaries pushed across t';;ht runs in tha first two Inning of tha epeoer and watted to Tic- left-center wU in Seals Stadium starts up some 402 feet from home plate. And il l over 20 feet high. Home runs in that vicinity have been rairwneijr icarce in an m nistory of me Dig plant, and Joe Brovia, lh oT Coast League riugger has hi nme enshrined on the wall! with an accompanying star for having blasted a four-master at that point tome yean ago. Al Lyons, another treteran PCL'er also ha his nam and star near that owned by Brovia. ' Webster to Keep Shortstop Tradition " r - If the Seals maaagetaent hasa't doae away with the ritual aeeampaaylag these gargaatalsh iwalt, the painter wlU be put (lag Bllka's moairker aad star ap alongside' Brovia' any day lew. Wkal a poke that wai! F.vea I.by gagged aa hi coffee whea Ike ball disappeared far Into the parking lot behind the distant wall . . , No chance of the Senators felt ins Bill Diala hark aiain ihi irin Not at the present at least. The Sacs have sent him to the Visalia ciuo oi tne Lauiomia State League, by Dials' own request. Bill's tamer uves were ana n wanted to be near him , , , And Bud Francis, the hurler who asked for and got hi releas so that he "could make a better deal," is trying for a spot with the Salinas Packers of the Class C California circuit. W're told that Bob Roberts, the Wiim. pitcher with Spokane, Vancouver and Wenatchee I also with Salinas now, but we won ! believe that until we count nose on Edo Vanni's wenaicnee ciun next Saturday night when it opens the campaign it Waters Field with th Senators ... In keeping with the longtime Senators tradition, that of having an adequat ihortstop, it appeart that the string will not be broken thii season. Young Ry Webster, all 18 year of him. has looked better and better in cmp. not only afield but also with th hit wnd. He' wrprisingly powerful with the bat too. Luby like hi chances a lot and flguret th parent Sacto may have something real good in the yearling. If they do, tt wiU mean another ptgt In th Salem recording of hiving developed torn mighty fin horttopper over tho yean. Bill Smith Roseburg; Paul i'lnta rich, Portland. Women's instinctive: Doroty Bal- lou, Roseburg; Ruth Digby, Rose burg; Ell tan Brown, Dallas. High individual gamer H. Olingcr ; (Woodrys), 244. litgn individual series: Wet Blewett (Salem Auto Parts), 608. I Women's freestyleMarit Hamil-i .-r. . -. n 1 1 Ion. Portland; Fern Kpperly. Eu- T irst Lontest Held gene; Vada Wood. Portland. Junior, fl- JirJ Racing Uub Boys: Delbert KlUingzwortb. Sa- r,,.. L.. pi., lem; George Heppner,. Dallas; Dennis Dumler, Salem, - Jack Cassinl, Memphis manager, led four different minor leagues in stolen bases. In 1940 he led the Ohio State League, 1941 the Pio near Wague, 1947 the Texas The Cherry City Racing Pigeon Club held its first bird race over the weekned from Eugene. About 130 birds wer entered and the first place winner was owned by Macey Hadley, Hadley's bird covered the 50 mile distance at a speed over 1400 yards per minute. The club will hold another race League and 1948 the American . this coming weekend from Cottage Assn. i Grove. CONTRACTORS... Check our lowtr prices for a BETTER Plumbing Job Phone (or a . fret istinatt PL UMS INS mMt A TA9 anoMwaau twmn-m FEARLESS FEIRING (THE TIRE DOCTOR) SEZ: HAVE YOU PUT A PRICE ON YOUR FAMILY LATELY? No matttr what kind of a car you drivo you can't afford to gambit with lots than tho bost at f - tho fllMloi7...Sopor-Dosifjn All Ulai EXCLUSIVE, STRONGER-THAN. STEEL NYGEN CORD NEW HI-DENSITY RUBBER FOR TERRIFIC MILEAGE a 100 PUNCTURE-SEALING -PROTECTION No other tuboloss tire offers so much for so littles fi$V CIIAHGE-OVB! J . full list price for J) the tires on J your new car ) ) oti I every penny's J) J) worth of mileage (( left In your II VIU lll II UgewbraliJ V TIRE j Set Our Booth at the Lions Club Home and Garden Show Fairgrounds, April 27, 28, 29 Special Notice to OurCustomers For your convenience, our jervict ttition it now open from 7:30 a.m. to 9;00 p.m. daily, and Sundy from 9:00 .m. to 7.00 p.m. 15 u 710 Stote St. (Across from Elks Lodge) Phone 2-2459