Yankees Again Top Boston! of- Third Straight Victor r KovjIj .nils first VJin As Boilrjcrs Rap Guts Yankees' Shronon Saved By Quick Dive Bach to Base Eugene Raps Salem 1 -i a t r : 'A J aken by Senators Szekula Shines With 2 Homers Br AL I.IGHTNER Statcsmaa Sports Editor NAPA. Calif.-SpeciaI)-The Eugene Emeralds, No. 1 tormen tor of the Salem Senator! last icaaon, started put anew here Sunday by clobbering the Salemj 14-10 in their ipring training ex hibition baseball clash. But the three-hour melee wasn't as dreary as one might think. Now in the final process of determining who will and who won't make his ball club, Uncle Hugh Luby came up with I defi nite "will" Sunday in outfielder Frank Szekula, the young out fielder on option from the New York Giant organiiation. "Zeke" parlayed his big day of Saturday against Spokane into another whopper Sunday, blasting two .home runs, a double and two sin gles for six runs batted in. The ' Ducat Sale Starts Tickets for the Salens Seniors Northwest League opener with Wenatchee. Saturday will go sale today at four local establish ments. The tickets, priced at $1, may be obtained at Wicklund's Sporting Goods, Stevens k Sons Jewelers, Oscar Enger Insurance or Waters Field. Season tickets are still being sold and persons wishing to be Included In the drawing for the free trip to the Hit World Lories must buy their tickets by Saturday. These tickets may also be purchased on the Installment plan through Stev ens k Sons by those who have ac counts there. FBI's duplicated his production of Saturday against Spokane, when he collected four hits in five trips, Including two four masters So the lefthanded lad has in two days banged nine hits in ten trips, including the four home runs and a dozen runs batted in. Besides this, he's a fine outfield er, who ean go and get 'em, and has a throwing arm like the rifle owned by Jack Dunn. ' 13 Hits for Salem Szekula had five of the 13 hits Salem got Sunday off three of 'Manager Cliff Dapper's hurlers, not one of which was with the Emeralds last year. But while "Zeke" was having his big day, the Eugenes were doing some feasting themselves to the tune of 21 hits off four Salem pitchers. The four Mar ion Cowdell, Keith Bowman, Gary Espe and Ross Rugne, in that order had a terrible time of it. Cowdell was wild and gave up seven hits in three innings. Bowman has a sore arm but stag gered through two innings. Young Espe was treated roughly for his two frames and Rugne. fared no better in the final two panels. In all the games thus far played hy the Senators, only lefty Jerry Cade i and right-hander Andy Georgf both rookies, have looked sharp. Luby feels that additional work will bring the others around, eventually. Ems Get Outfielders The Ems had been hurting for help until Sunday when both out fielders Bill Girdley and Bill East burn checked in from the Port land Beavers. They were with Fugene last season. Girdley got five hits Sunday, including a home run and a double, and Eastburn smacked two safeties, one a double. Shortstop Ray Webster's tre mendous hitting streak was con tinued in the game as he picked up a single in three trips. But the Salems' lusty run-making was overmatched in its bout with F.ugene's attack. Both of Szekula's homers were long, high drives to right field, clouts that would have escaped the Waters Field arena easily. His other.three hits were, solidly kissed also, so were the triple and double biffed by Lynn Costa, the second baseman who looks like a hitter but who isn't much afield. He did get two double plays un (Continued on next page) Hiebert Wins 35-Lap Main as Hollybov1 Opens By CHARLES IRELAND Staff Writer, The Statesman Dallas speedster Ray Hiebert won the big race at Hollywood Bowl Sunday as the 1936 auto rac ing season loomed into Salem. A record opening-day crowd es timated ' at near 3.0QO watched Hiebert win a close finish in the 35-lap feature of the Capitol Rac ing Association meet. There were no serious spills as 30 Salrm-area pilots driving "stock hardtops" limited to S200 In value roared through one of the closest 35-lap races in Salem history. Barely three seconds sep arated the first four cars at the checkered flag. First Leg oa Trophy In winning. Hiebert gained a leg en the new Paul Tatterson Memo rial Trophy which was presented to him by State Treasurer Sig I'nander. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Mon., April 23, '56 (Sec. II)-9 Seattle, Wins Pair Beavers, Stars Split In Shutout Victories HOLLYWOOD ( - Portland and Hollywood split shutouts in a Pacific Coast League doubleheader Sunday. The Beavers took the opener 5-0 but the Stars came back in the nightcap to win 1-0. In other PCL Sunday doubleheaders, Seattle pounded out two wins PACIFIC COAST LIAGUI W L Pel. W L Pel. Valtla S 4 .M7 Sit Fran S .900 Skwii B I Mb Holvwd S 7 .417 Lot Anf S S .571 Portlnd I I JU San Dirt ' -MS Vancvrr 4 S JOS Sunday I remits: At Hollywood 0-1, Portland 5-0; at Sacramento 4-7. Vancouver I-Ot at San Francisco 3-5, oLs Anselet 6-1; at Ban Diego 4-1, Stattli 5-7. AMERICAN ItAGUI W L Pet. W L Pet. Nw York 1 .13 W.hitn 1 4 .420 Chlcaio 4 1 SCO Clevlind J 4 .M3 Kn City I I .800 Detroit I 4 .3.13 Boiton 3 3 .SOOBaltlmr I ) M Sunday'! results: At Cleveland 4-5, Detroit 4-3; at Baltimore 7-1. Wain lngton 3-4; at New York 13, Boiton 4; at Kansas City (, Crncaio 3. NATIONAL LCAoUl W L Pet. W L Pet. Mllwauk 4 t .SS7Nw Yrk 3 3 .MO Phllarirl 3 I .(MO St. Lou 3 3 .900 Brooklyn J I .IKK) Plttbeh 1 4 .3.13 Chicago 3 2 .800 Clncinn 1 4 .I0 Sunday'! results: At Philadelphia 3-7. New York 1-9; t Chicnio 5-1, Cincinnati 4-1; at St. Lnuli 10-5, Milwaukee 4-13; at Pittsburgh 1, Brooklyn 4 . . , Pilots Divide With Gonzaga PORTLAND (JT "The Univer sity of Portland divided a base ball doubleheader with Gonzaga University here Sunday, winning the seven-inning opener 4-1 behind two-hit pitching by Ken Winch man, but dropping the nightcap, 5-3. The Portlanders scored all four of their first-game runs in the sixth inning, after Gontaga had tallied once in its half of the same inning. Wally Panel's double was the big blow for Portland. Lenny Brooks allowed Gonzaga five hits in the second game but errors cost him the game. Gon zaga's Ralph Aspass hit a two run homer to tie the game in the seventh and the winners scored three runs in the eighth, two of them unearned. Gonzaga 000 001 01 2 0 Portland 000 004 x 4 6 1 Cossette Armstrong 171 and Koentoppe; Wischman and Bloe del. Gonzaga 000 000 235 S 2 Portland 100 010 013 7 4 Ball, Sullivan (7) and Gustin; Brooks and Williams. Patty Berg Takes Win in Playoffs DALLAS, Tex. W - Patty Berg sank a 10-foot putt on the first hole of a playoff with Marlene Bauer Hagge and Betsy Rawls Sunday to take top money of $1. 350 in the $7,500. Dallas women's open golf tournament. Miss Rawls and Mrs. Bauer split second and third money. Miss Berg, Miss Rawls and Mrs. Hagge had tied at 291 after 72 holes. Maxwell Golf Victor HOT SPRINGS, Ark. UP - Billy Maxwell of Odessa, Tex., fired a pressure birdie on the 72nd hole to win the Hot Springs Open golf tournament championship' by one stroke Sunday. He had a 16-un-dcr-par 272. Hiebert won by wrestling the lead from Stan Dietz as the two sped past the bleachers to start the final lap. Diets had led the race virtually from the start. Fin ishing third in No. 10 car was Les McBcth, and Dale Collie was fourth. 1 Only 2 to 3 car lengths separated each of the four leaders at the fin ish. The rest of the field was far behind due to a series of spinouts and other hard luck. Wheel Rams Fence I Most spectacular action came when "Duffy'' Weitman threw a wheel which sailed clear out of the bowl aitef jamming a bole through the east fence. i Collie winner of the opening Capitol race meeting last year won the l.Vlap class B main event as well as placing fourth in the A main. . . . over San Diego by M and, 7-3 scores; Los Angeles won the first game from San Francisco 5-1 but lost the nightcap 9-1, and Sacra mento took two -from Vancouver 4-2 and T-0. Portland's Rene Valdes allowed the Stars but seven hits in the opener. Valdes was bolstered by two former Stars Jim Baxes and Tommy Saffell. Both belted home runs. Baxes' sound-tripper was good for two runs in the fourth. He also tripled in the sixth and scored on Valdes' single. Saffell, playing his second game for the Beavers, picked up two singles. He blasted his homer over the right field fence- in the fifth. - In the second game, Ben Wade threw a neat one-hitter to shut out the Beavers. Portland's Bob Alexander budg eted five hits nicely but the Stars (Continued oa next page) Chiefs Down Seattle Twice WENATCHEE tin - The Wen atchee Chiefs of the Northwest League won both ends of a base ball exhibition doubleheader from Seattle University here Sunday. The scores were 7-4 and o-J. Seattle's Paul Dempsey hurled a t-hitter in the second contest, but erratic play by his teammates cost him the game. Wenatchee scored three unearned runs in the seventh and the winning tally In the last of the ninth came on an error. Seattle U 002 100 1004 I 3 Wenatchee 000 105 Olx 7 t 2 Kearns, Magnifier (6) and How ett; Roberts, Farrar if) and Lundberg. Seattle U 001 040 0005 12 5 Wenatchee 010 100 301-4 5 3 Dempsey and Romeo, Howett (5); Newlirt, Shortlidge (5), Mar shall (7) and Lasby, Brown (7). MONDAY (Collete Baseball) Llnfleld at Willamette (Men School Track) Sweet Home. Dallas it Lebanon Stayton at Central ShrrwooS at Kitacada Canby at Molalla Tt'ESDAT (Celine Baseball) OCI at Portland State (High Sehoel Baseball) Albanv at North Salen Lebanon at South Salem Redmond at Bend Scio at Halter Jriferion at Cairado Dallai at Central Sandy at Canbv EUaraSa at Molalla Sllverton at Salem Academy Dayton at Perrvdala Yamhill at Gaston (Collese Trark) Portland State at W illamette WEDNESDAY (Collrte Baseball) WiUamette at Portland State (Hih School BnebaTI) Central at Stavtan (Hlrh School Trark) Serra at Cascade Chemawa, Sublimity at Mill City Gatei, St. Paul at OSIt Sela. Amity at Jefferson (Huh School Baieball) Serra at Sllverton (Hlrh School Trark) Vawama League Meet at Llnfleld Sllverton at Stayton Grrrali, Woodburn at North Mar lon Parrl.a at Leilla I Collie made a strong bid to take I the lead in 'the big race on about the 25th lip but locked wheels j with Dictz as he attempted to pass him and was forced back. ' i Powder Puff Derby" I I The program was climaxed by a "powder puff" derby which sawj I Barbara Weitman beat a field ofj I six .women drivers in a six-lap i race. Rosella Patterson led briefly1 , during the final lap before finish-! I ing second. All of the drivers were i members of the Capital Racing Association Auxiliary. The inaugeral program opened with ceremonies in which . Mary Bolton was crowned as queen of the Capital Association. , ; Other results; 1 Trophy Dash 3 laps: 1 Rick Simons. 2 Ralph Asbury, 3! Fay Ladd. (Pports d)late is NEW YORK Yankee first basemaa BIU Skowroa dives bead first ' Into third base U beat Ug of oncoming Bottoa Red Sox third sacker BIU Klaus after verrnalng bag la fourth of Yankee Stadium Woods Dovjsis C3oilc!; voi' Meyers Wins First Flight .Dusty Woods, McMinnville's gift to the ldcsl golf circles, de feated Barney Hodak, 8 and 7, to capture the 1959 Elks Golf Tournament Sunday at the Sa lem Golf Club. Woods shot one-undrr-par golf to obtain his lop sided victory on the par-72 course. When questioned, Bunny Ma son, pro at the SGC, admitted' that the result of the champion ship match was the most one sided victory ever posted in the 10 years of the annual Elks tour ney. Meyers Defeats Hitler In the first 18 holes of the 36 hole match, Woods wss even par and Hodak was five down. Woods shot 39 on the first nine in his second 18 to stay one-under oar. He also gat a par on the 10th and the match ended on the 11th. In the first flight finals match, played as a foursome with the championship pair, Kent Meyers shot one over par in defeating Dick Hiller by another one-sided score of 6 and 5. Nine Others Finish Nine other flights finished their finals matches Sunday to bring to an end the month-long tournament. Other flight results were: 4th Raloh Mapes over Sam Tnsti; 7th Harvie Waleren over Russ Helterline; 9th Ottis Berrv over Ward Merrifield; 13th Ralph Gordon over Jim iMnty: 14th Sid Schechtman over Roy Maltby; 15th Dan Gassner over Dave Hillerick; 16th Ray Howard over Al Cowen: 18th Jack Wise over Leonard Ahsenmacher and 21st Grover Hoffstetter over Jerry McCallister. Ills Bothersome To Martin, Byrne NEW YORK I Infielder Billy Martin and pitcher Tommy Byrne joined the casualty list . of the New York Yankees Sunday both visiting Lenox Hill Hospital! for X-rays. i Byrne has a badly bruised left hrnd. as a result of being hit by s Mickey. Vernon's batted ball in Saturday's 14-10 victory over the Boston Red Sox. Martin's left elbow is swollen. WATER SKI MEET SET LA PORTE, Ind. (AP) The National Water Ski champion ships will be held here Aug. 24 through 26, says Hugo Bicrsach, secretary-treasurer of the Amer ican Water Ski Assn. The La Porte Water Ski Club laid out the slalom course spudded holes ; through the ice to set the buoy anchors. -- t 1st Heat 6 laps: 1 Ten Howe, 2 Leon Kelly, 3 Morris Gil christ. 2nd Heat: 1-Dale Collie, 2 J. Erp, 3 LaVerne Davis. 3rd Heat: 1 Stan Dietz, 2 Harlan Jackson, 3 Glen Sherirk. 4th Heat: 1-Ray Hiebert, 2 Red Weitman,' 5 Ralph Asbury. Collie Wins ' Main Class B Main 15 laps: 1 Col lie,2 Erp. 3 Ted Howe, 4 West Smith. Class A Main 35 laps: 1 Hie bert. 2 Died. 3 McBeth, 4 Collie. (Results of the A Main were not official but were be lieved to be correct. Results be low fourth place had not been determined). No action Is scheduled at Hol lywood Bowl this week. The next meet will he Saturday night. May 5, when the fast fiiHjrace Hard Tops invade the bowll By DON HARGER , With trout season now only a few days off (Saturday, April 28) we'd like to give out with a few. hints which may help you defeat the high, milky water of the snow run still wearing A few anglers, etc. We must the fishing a lot will fight the Don Barter V In the early season these little waters are most productive to the garden hackle angler. A can of good old worms, a short rod and a 3 lb. leader will produce fish. The short rod is easier to get through the brush. The 3 lb. leader may be a bit heavy to some standards, but you will have little room to play a fish and in most cases it is a matter of hoisting the trout out right now. Not too far from Salem one will find Mill Cr. (Polk Co.) and Salt Cr. both emptying Into the Yamhill. Balk of these streams offer some good early seasoa cutthroat Milling on bait. Salt Cr. Is brushy and small and hard to fish but the fish are there. You Fish Larger Streams, Try This The Luckiamute is better known and. although a good producer at times, is generally crowded on opening week end. Rickreall Cr. at times produces some good catches although It is another of the brushy, hard to fish creeks. If you must fish the larger streams your best chances will be with worms or single eggs. With high water it will pay to fish close to the banks in water which ordinarily would not hold fish. Fish the eddies and slower water where trout will be resting out of the main force of the high water. Detroit reservoir will draw thousands at anglers as II did last year but we doubt very much If the fishing win be anything to rave aver. Best chances will be with bait or with slowly trolled flashers in the shallower waters. Although the Crooked river in central Oregon will be rather high and muddv there is a eood chance that the bait fisherman mav do WCU if he works hard at hisfishing. A few of the large salmon (stone) flies should be in evidence now and they make excellent bait. (Continued on next page) L - IKDOOt MOISTURE DAMPKESS WATER WILL ROT YOUR HOME! "HOMEOWNERS" CORONET MAO. TERMS HUMIDITY NO. 1 ENEMY Blue Book Says CONDENSATION CAN REDUCE YOUR HOME VALUE BY THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS Check These Conditions in Your Homa In Spaces Provided and Mail Ad Sweating Windows Rotting Sash Sills n Water on Sills Excessive Fuel Bil's Wet Spots n Walls Mail This Advertisement for Complete FREE INFORMATION on How You Can Halt Humidity and SAVE YOUR HOME! WITH CLEARyiFW BREATHERS SIMPiE-EFFECTIVE-ECONOMICAl EVE.'.REEN BUILDERS SUPPLY 7327 N. E. Sandy Blvd. For Free Information Name Address '. City ....'. game Sunday. Klaus Juggled Jerry Lantpe'a grounder, allowing Skow roa te advance from second. At riant Botox ahortato Doa Baadla. Yanks won their third straight from Bottoa, 114. (AP Hlrepkoto.) - off. The larger streams of the state with the exception of the Metollus and upper Deschutes in central Oregon and a few of the coastal streams, will be up to our ears and roily. We can expect little of them until later in the season. - Take yourself back to the days when you were knee britches and get In and dig your way through the brush of the little creeks. so Inclined, can find some fair fishing in the early season in creeks such as Battle Cr.. Beaver Cr.. Clagget Cr Croisan Cr.. admit that the going Is tough and different from big water fishing But the cutthroat are there and the angler who brush will find some nice trout. SEVERE DAMAGE FOUND IN HOMES LESS THAN t YEAR OLD FROM MOISTURE Q Presence of Mildew Cold, ( lammv Floors O Wet Wallpaper ri Paint Peeling O Floors Buckling - CO. Portland 13. Ore. on Moisture Age of Home State EIIls Title Bearcats Face Linfield'9' Willamette University's Bearcats will get a chance to make up for the double beating handed them by Linfield Saturday when they take on the WildcaU at McCulloch Stadium Monday afternoon at 1 p.m. The Wildcats overpowered Willamette in their doublrheador two days ago by scores of 14-4 and 20-1. Willamette pitchers will have to be a lot tighter with the hits they allow If they expect to stop their Nortnwest Conference foe in to day's clash. Saturday the Lln fields banged out 32 hits in obtain ing their 34 runs. Willamette was able to get six bits In the first game and five in the second. The Bearcats used four hurlers in the Saturday pair Gino Pier etti, Jac Fowler, Brad Lucas and Harvey. It is not certain Just who Coach Johnny Lewis will start in todays contest. Oregon Stale Crew w ' Defeats Stanford CORVALL1S OB The Oreeon State College crew defeated Stan ford by one length over a 2.000- meter course on the Willamette River here Saturday. The OSC shell skimmed over the course in 7:08. Stanford was timed in 7:15. In the lightweight shells, Oregon State was a three-length victor over Stanford in 7:24. 30 hp BIO TWIN S Vm mt tew an. !lu! taut) aMI iM! UMUnt ma. Mnt aa r is hp FASTWIN Ehctrk Un. tiKlnc torn iaM AmtKU'l IWrtl "IV" Horn tuiuaf to aMrKatlntV $467.00 7' hp FLEETWIN fnwm tt r'ar.t tamily tn hthi"! trtali Qunt, iifirtt?. Um ffOttlflJ h) I? wpi,, $249.00 Pta" 37 'V 3 hp By JACK HAND . AMlMri Pmo Spent W titer The New York Yankees have turned bark the first challenge of the youthful Boston Red Sox who came into Yankee Stadium with a perfect record and It H Sunday night with three straight deieats. Jittery fielding hurt the Red Sox who fought back both Saturday ; and Sunday to overcome long Yankee leads only to blow the games in the late stages. , Despite a grand slam homer by -pitcher Don Larsen of the Yanks ! irt the third, Boston came back to tie the score at M in Sunday i game only to bow is-t when the Sox were guilty or nye errors. Berra flltt Home Run Mickey Mantle's two-run double and Yogi Berra's two-run homer put the crusher oa reliefer Frank Baumann la the seventh. Three more Yankee runs scored la the eighth on only one hit a sin gle. , Billy Pierce turned In a bril liant three-hitter to shut out Kan sas City W and win a tight duel with Alex Kellnrr. It waa Chica- go s fourth victory in five games and a fast recovery from Satur- day's crushing 15-1 defeat. Nellie' Foy hit a home run in the eighth fot the first run of the afternoon. 1 Lemon Hurls Victor Bob Lemon finally went the route for Cleveland for the first i tim ainr. lait Mav SA In vivo Cleveland a second game edge over Detroit 1-2 and an even break for the day. Al Kaline hit twa homers lit Detroit's M victory la the opener. I Baltimore and Washington. picked to fight It out for the cellsr In the American Lesgue.. split a1 doubleheader at Baltimore. Rook-: ,ia Fred Basana. with relief help. managed his first major league win In the first game 7-J but Cu. ban Camilo Pascual held the Orl - oles to four hits as Washington got even by taking the second 4-1. Newk Gels lint Wla Doa Newrombe got on the beam with his first 1956 victory for Brooklyn, a rain-shortened 4-1 de cision at Pittsburgh. Newk al- lowed onlv three hill In a ,,m.' called on account of rain early in the seventh. At first. Pittsburgh announced it was protesting be- cause the start was delayed S mlnutes when a drhule was fall- Ing. But later, the protest was withdrawn. '! Robin Roberts made It two In a (Continued aa next page) Two Drivers Die in Races PEBBLE BEACH, Calif. If! -Ernie McAfee of Los Angeles was killed instantly here Sunday when his Ferrari smashed into a tree on a sharp hairpin turn on the nrd loop of the 100-mile Del Monte trophy race at the 7th an nual national sports car rsces. It was the first major accident in the seven years of the sports csr races held here over the twisting drives of Del Monte for est. ' j McAfee wss the second south ern California driver to meet death Sunday In a race. Earlier,; at Vallejo, Walt Faulkner of, Long Beach was killed In a stock car race when his 146 coupe overturned, and George Amick of Los Angeles wss injured in an other spill on the Vallejo banked course. . , 30hBai J605.C3 IS ,! LET'S TALK TURKEY! Wl ARE OUT TO SEU 100 NEW EVINRUDES THIS MONTHI BIGGER BIGGER UIUULU TRADESll Got Our Figure on Your Old Motor NO MONEY DOWN I All YOU NEED IS THE INCLINATION How can you miss the biggest trade-in, the bast of aorvico and a season's guarannteo en your now Evinrudel CASCADE MERC 1230 BROADWAY Open Eves, til 9 UGHTWIN s I; 4 "raaa CHlf" IMi tlq $152.00 -ft si A I tauKnl ant. H . Ja' U i ! M It. a. . t i - ........ iRigney Makes Protest Plan BoUlf-Throwing Irks Giants Dors PHILADELPHIA OB - Bin Rig ney, rookie manager of the New York Giants, said Sunday night he plans to protest to National League president Warren Giles against the bottle-throwing actions of fans at lonme Mack iiadium Sunday, Some fana In the crowd of 34, 771 began throwing beer bottles as the Phillies came to bat la the ninth inning of the second game doubleheader. - . , Nes officiala were apologe- tic. Police Can Mentioned There's only one thing wt can do call In the police," said rrank Powell, director of proms- uon" ,or ln rm. "Slnca we da not sett er dls. P-t beer or any ether alcoholic beverage, we have no way at con. tolling either the amount er the ! manner of its consumption. Na orings k into tn pari in P'P"' containers, ! Beer Is sold In paper cups la n tnM' mJf 'flu P"1" cept Washington. Trouble Before This But, pending action by the Penn sylvania legislature, fans here must. It so inclined, bring la their own refreshments In skull-busting bottles and Cans. " Pn"U bl Mort- '. .' Last year-they nearly lost a 8me by forfeit because of sinv Ur wtion r '" . CI"0 "'ril ,r strongly org. ,n ,ne u" " beverages la PP s w we stadium ana a pronioiiion againsi me use at bottles or cans. Today8 Pitchers Chlraao at Clovtlana (nlMI Ranhman n. Scoro 0-l), Boaton at Baltimore tnlfhtl Pot Urflfld U-O) vi. Palica 10-11 Detroit al Kanaaa Ctty (nlM) Foytark (O-O) va. Portocomro ftnlT nmH trh1ul4. NATIONAL I.SMil S Brooklyn at PhilanrtphU (nliht - Drvsdala 10-0) . Olckanrt tO-ll. New York at Plttaburih tnUhll Worthinfton 1 0-1 1 va. LltiitiitlS (. ATTENTION Sltttwbirry Growtrs Wt) llotV) tatfafWatOTfy plaWll fa) Censelldsted Feed Processors, Inc. 1105 N. Front St., Salem Nwoa 1-M74 1-SUt 30 hp BIO TWIN EJocfrx IShp FASTWIN $326.00 10 hp SPORTWIN $224.00 $335.00 yZf I ,, V, amiw Hwakw na T "PL waiaaa SIM ! V C I VkawMaMaaMaa J LjCJ513.C3 .1 M " J MliAaiojbooaaaaWiAana 'nWataVMaiafllfcilfcaBahaAnaat