Sweeping Changes Urged for U.S. Vele ran Benefit Program O , WASIIINOTOV I'rnMrnt ' wimM funilitmeiiiiilJy c-hwiga limrgi-i now m $ nil M only umirr I'lienhuwiT'l CoiiiinlMliin im Vet- many lif Hie beiielllt nw being cerium conditions. "' llenelila Humluy recoiii-' t anted by I do e rrrinirnt Id Ilia 1'ul liiluit polar brnetila sole mrnilrd that vetrrana' nrimiona nallun't 12 million veterans, In- ly on III limn of need lor readjust h "minimized and gradually film- ulurilng ilmithillly roniienlion, 1 ment lu civilian life, and nhnrlrti dialed" by tiring llirm In with Widow I pennlona, (.1 Insiiram-e, ! Ih llin of eligibility fur tu-h re social trciirlly payments, ; aurvlvurt benefit, and tt ndjunt-' ail)iilmrnl Iwnrllls. It detailied the Idea ol runt In-1 ment payment!. I The American Veteran Com- liing Hit penaioni a! "weak'' and ' Tim rreimimrndiitloni rr nll- lAVO railed the rceom "barkward looking.' Imaila la the I'realdent In l 4I.V nienil.illiini "t magnificent con- Th pennon recommendation page report on which Ihe nun- trihution In brinumg annily and wat ant ol 70 which, l( adopted, numion, headed by ien. Omir realism, lo the naimn't program 10 Ma rinc - A" is A- v t r L . N. Ilradlry, spent mora lhan year, Impart Dadcd The romminalon made lilll at trnipt to chart the actual Impact ol lha many changea it prooed lur veierana, terviremen and mrvlori number cut out many ol lha pay no being made. For eiumple, tome I'd .001 ol the mora than 7oo,ooo veleran4 now getting pension! alo draw aorlal security payment!. The commission's recommendations include .deducting the aocial e curity paymcnta from the pen alnnt ol some veterani. ol vrtcrint , nona." benelllt and pen- Czech Leader l, but it appeared that t T J of them would lower or TOPAC lV many of the paymenti lllH Red Criticism ' VIENNA. Auatrla 1 - Alrxei , Cepicka, defense minister In the Communist Ctechotlovak govern-1 ment. came undit new crlticlml v JXw ,r , , nunaay. Thu bolatercd belief ' " Jh', Pff'"l-L h'rn here he la about lo be removed. I sharply with the benefit programs, Prague', Mlada Fronla. organ of I ' -T" rRaf alln"' lh - CW'h Communi.1 Youth J I rt bound to "r u' controversy. ,.. w ..,.,. ,n ,,.,, tioni hud any ImmediflU com-, TK- 'mm -(,11Mlft mM - , men.. Neither did oIUclul. of the J "" ' 4 rl. M l Randal.;' 7 MaTor Palnia " - e ia. if Mr. and Mri llarold) The major rerommendalion,. If ,1 D. Bum. Balem Route 1. la'accepled by the Preaident and " he . ,nrtlvl?"s'' . ' 0 man aervlng with the ltt Marine pafd by Congrew. would: , ,.hip: whlt,h ' In Ongrace DIvIiIob'i Ilk r.nglneer Bat-, Tie wxlnl aecurtly paymenti up , ,in'f "'""nciation of Stalin. Ulloi it Cam PeodlelM. He ilh vetrrann pensioni o that a! 1M1d ,Fr"nl "M ,n wm- Mlered the aervlee in mi . veteriln would not get more lhan """" lne t-wcnoaiovw Army, after- graduation from North a total of $70 a month from both "J1"'' Cepicka, wai not linked aourcej If he were tingle or $103 'y mown wnn we people. At If he had a dependent wife. th lne. Ihe Ccech Army Set up entirely new eligibility , Papr Obrana Lldu charged the retirement for veteran pen- army had been damaged by Ihe mum. including lower Income lim-' practice of the personality cult in ila. it leadership. Itevine the method of payment The I'rsiiue preaa also did not of compensation for disabilities re- list Cepicka among government celved in service so that those officials attending ceremonies hon veterans with minor disabilities oring Lenin'a doth birthday. Ce would get lesa compensation and picka is aon in law of the late those with total disability would President Klemcnt Cottwald. who get more. i has also been posthumously crit-1 Transier the World War II and.iclzed for nurturine the neriuinaliiv DAILY A(R0M I I'urlliu 8 tllrihe with Hit hand t K"illl Amrri'tn nvtr Km lma. 12 ll.'ipi 13 Mutii al inatrument 1 rroun Wtler IS Cam for m'licaliy It The lilting t'ir-thr of a totirt 1$ Tantalum. iiym.) 20. Wffp 21. Source of sugar 31. Talk; 26. CaUgory IT. MaiM 2. Pals 2 Overhead SO. I'nfriendly 34. Staamboat builder 3T Nrgative vote 3. Aptitude 39 Mothtr-of- Pearl 41 Keeps . ,42. Chilli and ' fever ( post. 43, Infrequent 44. Stripci DOWN 1. Aromatic seasoning; I Bulrushea CROSSWORD i 4 , dun mrd ) Itunian murey 8 l i,,.. i Leaininj 7. Mawrad I Urge. ' 111 dih I. a rrd bull i:rypii II Having a handle 1!) I'layihing 17 Hrrutinite IS Vf 21. flexed 22. Half an em 21 Khufrirl 24 t o,. mn 2S. lirliium lym 2 rurl, 2 (itllird 30. A quad ru.rd 31. Itnng upon oneaelf 32 Unman -houae goda 33. Organs of tight , 33 Volrtnie rock .Sfafrsmaii.'S.ilrm. (he, Nfim., April 2). '.Vi (S. (. 1) ;) alrt'l Aaaatr 34 One of several row 3t Krlte 40, Mmlem till ' :v- r"'. e WJUM----Z I " gT . IIIIIlI n i li Tfy jm zztztim jT t"T T X 7T- Calrai High School. Military Roundup Salem Sailor On Carrier Shangri-La Pacific Fleet Peter Paulus, airman, I'S.N, is aboard the USS Sharigri I- which is on its first lour of the Par East after com pleting a $00 million overhaul. He is Ihe son of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Paulus, 866 Oak St:, Sa lem, Ore. ' Fort Carson, Colo.M'vt. War ren S. Gray, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey B. Gray, Route 1, Aums ville, Ore., is receiving basic combat training with the 8th In fantry Division at Fort Carson, Colo. 1th Dl Korea Army, Pvt. Richard L. Lawrence, son of Mrs. Wanda Lawrence, Lebanon, Ore., recently became a member of the 7th Infantry Division in Korea. Fort Carson, Cofo. Receiving basic combat training with the Ath Infantry Division at Fort Carson. Colo., is Pvt. SanfordJ! Budeau, son of Mrs. Edith Budeau, Woodburn, Ore. Korean GI loan programs to the 'putt Federal Housing Administration and extend the World War II pro- RtM VISIT PLANNED gram beyond the July 27. 19..7 . ., . deadline so that the rights would' T"K "AGlE A I?-" ....... , lu Dutch flower delegation will fly Kiuui.tiM r..nv Vri IIIC IUIIUW- , , i . u- J J I i hi niuM-uw iift imc frunray. I They will carry 7,000 tulips, 3.030 hyacinths. 300 azaleas and other Negro Group Lauds Court In Alabama , inj! two )ears Insurance Procram Eliminate the sale of govern ment life insurance after a serv iceman is discharged, except lo, men with service disabilities which would prevent them from buying commercial life insurance at standard rates. - ' Put a deadline on how long vet erans with government term life insurance would have to convert to permanent Insurance, and give veterans who can't now convert a certain length of time to do to. Give more liberal benefits to peacetime veterans, Including the same level of compensation for service disabilities now being paid to wartime veterans. it servicemen under the social security program. Simple System Develop a more compact and simple system of benefits for sur vivors of servicemen and veterans by using the social security sys tem as a foundation. Revise the eligibility require ment for pensions to widows and children of veterans; payments would be based largely on need or disability. Discontinue benefit eligibility 'of all men given an undesirable or bad conduct discharge from serv ice. Veterans receiving such dis- spring flowers for Moscow's Gorki Park. , Navy Seeks 'IdeartVife' LONG BEACH. Calif, I - The Navy It looking tor Ihe ideal navy wife. A contest lo find ' Mrs. U.S. Navy of 19H" will wind up here Sept. 15. Sponsored by the Fleet Roerve Association, it will oiler the winner $2,500 and a trip to Hawaii and several U. S. cities. The association announced that the contest la open to wives of en listed men and each of 34 Navy stations will choose its representa tive for the Long Beach finals. Each contestant .must write an essay, "Why I am proud to be a Navy wife."' The association Says the contest will be conducted without cost to the government and has the ap proval of Navy Secretary Charles S. Thomas. VATICAN STAMP DUE VATICAN CITY ( - Tha Vati can will issue (hit week a seriei of six stamps lo commemorate the 4'ifllh anniversary of the founding of ill Swiss Guards. PD. ADV. People 60 to 80 We Havt a Letter We'd Like to Send You ... but we don't want to tend it without your permission! It wilt tell you how you tan apply for a $1,000 life insurance policy V help take care of final expenses without burdening your family. -.And you can handle the entire transaction hv mail with OLD AMERICAN of KANSAS CITY. No obligation. No one will call! You can jtivt us permission to send this free information by simply mailing a postcard or let ter (giving tic) to Old American Ins. Co., 3 W. 9th, Dept. L430B, Kansas City, Mo. NEW YORK UP A Negro fra ternity group had words of praise Saturday for the courts of Alabama. The eastern regional meeting of Phi Beta ( Sigma, national Negro college fraternity, praised them for speedy action in punish ing four of the white men ac cused in a -recent attack on lin ger Nat (King) Cole. Cole, appearing before an all- white Birmingham audience. waK B0XXERS FERRY, Idaho or - Fire Strikes Idaho Town attacked on the stage by a group A stubborn fire struck the business .''i'.: ". here Saturday night tlicilinttTra ma nit nnrviB va ant white citizens' des troying a bakery and barber shop and for a time threatening an adjoining department store and pool hall on Main street. The fire started about 6:30 p.m. and was brought under control at 9 p.m. No one was reported Injured. The cause of the fire and pro- pro-segretation councils. Three, of Cole's attackert were given maximum jail sentences of 180 days as a result of the attack. Another man also was jailed: Two others have not been tried yet. gates to the fraternity'! two-day j b ".? , was not de,ermln" regional meeting also praised ther".' white audience in the Cole affair for remaining calm and for its "generosity" to Cole after the at- tack.- - - - The resolution was a substitute for one which would have con demned Cole and other Negro artists who appear before segre gated audiences, mis resolution was voted down overwhelmingly, a fraternity spokesman saia. Phi Beta Sigma hat chapters in non-segregated colleges as well as all-Negro colleges, and has a number of white members. mm. Soviet Limits Salmon Fishing LONDON UP The Soviet Union Sunday laid down strict rules on salmon fishing aimed at Japanese fishermen she accuses of threaten ing the salmon supply in Soviet Territorial Waters. Moscow Radio broadcast the new rules which provide also for special Soviet patrol boats to prowl her Pacific Coastal Waters. The rules provide for a total limit of 50.000 tons or 23 million salmon taken during the May 15 September 15 season this year. Fines, seizure of fishing vessels and expulsion from the fishing area are in prospect for violators, Moscow said. ENVOY HOME NEW YORK oil - Joseph Sat terhwaite, U. S. ambassador to Burma, returned home on leave Saturday and taid he did not think Burma would turn Com nuoiit. . intteiltenitniG as? See and Select a WURLITZER PIAII0 Thousands art doing H, you can tool I RENT or BUY for at little at $3.77 a week. lastont Individual or group available) . . ; "1 m Phone , 2-5281 me flANO COMPANY 1280 State St., Salem, Ore. OPEN TIL 9 TONIGHT PenntyV-itatts them off with Savings! ,Bemm! SALEM, OREGON '-(f&O EASY- t's . A CARE- OR DADIES! Boon For Mom and Baby . . Penney's 3-piece TERRY CLOTH SETS! Baby tleept, eats, romps in Pen ney't tweet 'n muggy terry cloth sets! Sturdy, absorbent grand as baby's summer sleepers . . . as an all over bib at mealtime -as draft-defying playtime- 1 66 togs. SECOND FLOOR aizet to l'i 4-Jt Infants Floaty Light Nylon Dresses 198 JL Six Vi Penney's nylon dress and slip sett for baby't first debut , . . so very elegant with contrasting color slips peek ing through the frosty white dress. SECOND FLOOR 27;'x27" Cotton Flanl. JDiapers 029 Cotton flannelette hemmed H-diapers are Penney-tested to stand up under count less washings! SECOND FLOOR Toddlers No Iron Cotton -Smart-Alls 149 -'-Sizes 1 to 4 Double button suspenders adjust for another year's growth. Sanforized for last ing fit! SECOND FLOOR Infants Fancy Polo Shirts Smooth combed cotton to soft to wear . . . Yummy pastels or delicious brights. SECOND FLOOR 36"x5(T Cotton Crib Blanket ; . 279 r- Nursery patterns abound on our 3fix50 inch blanket en riched with S nch acetate satin binding. - ' SECOND FLOOR Muslin Fitted Crib Sheets 2 f,r 1 50 Stays rumple free while baby romps and tussles. Cornert are reinforced for extra long wear. SECOND FLOOR , Triple Crotch Training Pants ifi Double thick body, triple crotch . . . with elastic at waist and legs to prevent gapping. White; sizes 1 to 3. SECOND FLOOR Willi JlJI.Ir 'A JL v..."T i STORE IIOU1: Mondays and rrldayt, t it A.M. to I P.M. OTHER DAYS Ml to t ip A DEHLLIAUT ZLILZU in PAf.::iYi , q '1 ! Gs $een n i . ; i t , ;: ' i 'A j ' l 4 f V V:V -J I if.' aT T f j.'-v . f ill iV.'.V i ' ; Sf.S6A!L-A'Vf 16 a 1 1 1 . . ' .i if . , , , , , . - I . ! another ; .'.Penney';'-: a. the newest,' coolest sailclofh under the sunT j lk m fi at ym faol k mmv'i taptiraat f "Sail-Awili"l There 't a new-found comfort In Sail-Aweigh't breety light weight . . . a new-foond beauty in its tun-warmed colors! Pauling-to-conibin aeparaUt to girt you infinlta variety on a tmall budget . . . Impeccably ereasa- reaittant, Sanforiudf to stay fit, ref reahed with juat the barest kit of Irooinf . In perfact-match or daring-mix stripe and tojidat turquoise, black, fern freem, gold, periwinkle, pink. Siaea 10 to 20. taaaat aMakat 1.... . SECOND FLOOR Fashion doesn't cost a 298 bU" Shorts Bermuda shorts Tailored sleeveless blouse 2.49 fortune at Penney's! 2'" 1.93 2.49 v os seen in Life I , it i m i i r J La-0 ... - -S''" i PENNEY'S HALTER SANDAL . . soft, airtight, fashionable It looks so casual but it's that rare kind of shoe that can go practically anywhere! Pen ney's thinks so much of this wedgling we've put it In our big Life Magazine promotion on "Sail-Aweigh" cotton sportswear, April 23rd issue. In white, pink, ombre. .Sanitized. BASEMENT 4 98 f IZH I to I for the woman who wears the pant I . PENNEY'S OWN SPORTSLI? Pj f atMitt ... II MA X Saehiip... II , . M al TO at ; Th Mtural wmpaiilaa lo i PaniMy't all mw iciwalva laxrHllp MRty, aJiai alt in attal Kapt yoa free from "bareback banda" and "pack- a -boo midriff". Dainty noirba ambroid- red cotton pliaaa and cotton batiaU. MAIN FLOOR ... iMi Ji-J Toddler's Cotton Girl's. Nylon Save! Women's Girl's Denim Twill Smartalls Bouffant Half Slips Silk Headsquares Short Slacks Only 77t 0ly 1 00 2 for "Only 150 pr. Assorted colon Nylon Horsehair 33 Inch Square Assorted Colori Sizes 1, 2, 3, 4 Sizes 4 to 14 Assorted Colon Also Poplins, Twills SECOND FLOOR . SECOND FLOOR MAIN FLOOR SECOND FLOOR