The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 22, 1956, Page 8, Image 8

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    (SfC. 1) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., Apr. 22, '5U
it II it L. I 1
imii' v rtfli. iiiuii) noil lilur
JEJiMflMiBfll C
: mm
i IT' - 1. , '3 t
7.93 marquisette, easy-care
30x54". J)
Double nifties, brinht mowy white. 50x
84 reg. 9.98, 4.77; 72x84" reg. 16.98,
8.771 J' reg. 22.98, 13.77; 144x
84,,;eg.M.98, 19,77. '
Draperies, lower level
5.95 Eigelow good quality
carpeting ;
iq. yd.
Thiclc,'hevy quality cotton carpeting
in 12 widths. Beauty colors! Rose, tur
quoise, sandalwood, beige, blue, grey.
Buy and save now, pay later.
Carpets, lower level '
twin or full, guaranteed, box
,14.95 handy no-seam steel
reg. 59.95
1 .98 5-pc. place set pottery
510k'oil mattress with pre-built border,
vertical stitching. Scientifically balanced
springs, handles for turning. Heavy
. stripe ticking. 26 lbs. belted cotton. '
For use in the garden now! Finest sturdy
wheelbarrow with no-seam steel tray,
tubular handles, reinforced legs. Alumi
num finish, yellow only.
Garden shop, lower level
n,.,i .,f.
k Jerned pottery in new coup shape, fleau
1 4iful table settings, so practical at this
. low once-a-y ear sale price!
China, firit floor
Furniture, lower level
W -M 2
1 5.98 straightline or rotary
clothes dryer
Plastic lines non-rust, wipe clean easily.
Safely latch easy-opening. With indoor
stand, reg. 18.95, 11.95. Buy now at low
sale prices!-
! Housewares, lower level
3.95 needlepoint kit, 1.49-1.69 "needlepoint 3.49-3.98 needlepoint 69c nyloma yarn 75c sweater yarn 1.59 pillow cases 1.19 maypole yarn 79c mirella yam
Pattern, frsme, glass, yarn O OQ Fill In background. Part 1 1Q mSd HttoniVdMiM 2.69 3 ply l-oi. skeins. 50 wool, A 4 Wool sox and sweater yarn. 44 Fine muslin. Stamped. 1 1Q Big 4-oi. skein. Worsted. 7Q 2-oz. skein. Popular eolors. M
to complete picture .L. h' worked. Msny shapes, sizes -L1 ground. Elaborate designs. 50 nylon. 30 colors IC 2-oz. 3 ply. Medium weight Hemstitched for crochet. xly 100 virgin wool. 50 colors ' 5 wool, 50 nylon
"... ... t'i .' ' Pr. now ...
' aeedlewerk, second needlework, second needlework, second needlework, second aH needlework, second art needlework, second art needlework, second art needlework, second
3.95 tumbler set; 1.75-2.25 shakers j 2.95-3.95 pictures $3 tumblers $18-$20 crystal 6.95-9.95 clocks 9.95 pictures 8.95 clock
Bpe. by.Ubbey. 12V4-C 1 QQ No 1 1 it Assorted crystal QQ For groupings. Small gems, 1 QP Libbey's basket weave de-"I 7Q Hand-cut crystal vases, QQ" Brass desk alarm clocks. A Q" Robert Wood ' reproduc-C Q- Black and brass Electric. O
Gay fish on frosted back- x,y' ult, ptpptr shikeri, many subjects, eolors, 1,:'J sign. Weighted bottom compotes, e a n d y dishes. 7,JO Leather travel alarms. 4 tions. 3 sizes, three prices. "'' other electrics, 8-day, 8.95- vm'v
ground. chrome tops. . Pr. styles. dot. safe-edge. 12-pc. set 1.79 Handsome! types..' plus tax 795,13.95. 9.95. , , . ,
glassware, Hrst , , silverware, tint pictures, lower level glassware, firs! silverware, first silverware, first pictures, lower level , clocks, lower level
2.25-16.50 gifts 5.25 ea. candelabra 2.50 salt-peppers 4.95 floral art 6.95 wall bracket , 2.25-15.50 trays carpet samples 62.50 mirror
Aluminum trays, I TO 0 Qt Crystal, by Cambridge. S 9 AQ 2 pr. crystal shakers. Pol- 1 A Q Wide, white modern 9 Q Walnut and brass. 12'jx- AQ Hand painted tote trays 1 "I Q 2x3' size. Also 27"x54". gl Libby.Owens beveled m OQ
casseroles, ice' AAtow' prUm top, scroll bass. Es. ' Uhed chrome tops frames. 1212" pictures SxWi" shelf to drama- In varied shapes, sizes AA7up Larger, $2, $3. Handy for V ro r. 36x60". Venetian "-'
pails, chafing dishes ' , tize setting. doorways. styles. Others. -
gifts, tint girUtHrst gifts, first ( pictures, lower level pictures, lower level . gifts, first carpets, lower level pictures, lower level
8.95 hostess cart decorator lamps 2.19 sprinkler 19.95 tote tables 69c glad bulbs 3.49 sleeve board 4.95 laundry cart 17.95 fire screen
King lite, rolls smoothly. C OQ 24.95 vslue. Ceramic b 1 1 Qt Crewent' founUin sprays 1 IQ Folds easily. Acld-resisU, O OQ Guaranteed to bloom this Met-l-top. Fire, warp-proof. O QO 2" casters. Standard cloth O QQ Brass or black frames, and Q QQ
Swivel casters. 20 xH". v,ow pastel shade. Cuml-xxJO over half-circle area. . ' stain and rust proof. year. 10 colors or mixed. O'tp Extra covers at no extra bag, clothes pin pocket. matched mesh. 38x31", JtJS
wsy bulb. Seats 8. 100 bagged, S2 ' dc cost. modern,
houseware!, lower level furniture, lower level ; . garden shop, lower level housewares, lower level ' ' garden shop, lower level housewares, lower level housewares, lower level housewares, lower level
$459 sectional .179.50 breakfront 49.50 dinette set 11.95 barbecue 31.50 fireplace set . 129.95 power mower 9.98 priscillas 2.29 curtains
3-pe. fosm rubber. Custom-COQQ Mahogany. Other mstched QO 5 pc. glass top table, 4 cov-1 Q 18" bowl adjusts. "Char- f. OO 4-pc. all brass. Poker, 10 Qt 4-cycle engine. 21" red 70 Qt 50x84" fiberglass. Dip 'n t C" Heavy duty muslin. Tiers, 1 Oi.
msde Quality. Many fab- v"'' pieces, Corner china or buf- V ered chairs. Black ateel. v-l-' koler." Other sizes too. 'ou brush, shovel and stand. x'' cutting blade. Automatic dry. White marquisette. X'"J" cafes. 30" size.. Now a low A,w
rics, eolors. let, 99 50. Now save! clutch. Smooth. Other sizes. - -
furniture, lower level . furniture, lower level , furniture, lower level housewares, lower level housewares, lower level housewares, lower level draperies, lower level draperies, lower level
""" mmmmmmmm imMMBaaaMMaMBH mmmmm
4.98 priscillas 44,50 table lamps 4.95 metal chairs 6.95 Revere kettle 10.95 hamper 8.95 tree board stainless steel 4.95 shopping cart
Heavy duty muslin. 42x84" 9 (L(i Bristol glass. Brass fin- Fold for easy storage. Use O QQ 5-qt. teakettle. Copper-O OO Self-ventilating. No posts, 7 QQ Hardwood carving board. fJh 39.95 value. 52 pc. service OO OQ Sturdy, heavy gauge frame. O QQ
size and others. Lowest . ,,,uu ished metal base. Wsih- In or out. 5.95 with pads. JJ chrome-plated. Rust proof; ,),0 beams. Blue steel-ribbed. I,tw Tree design. 12x19". Give ,fM7 for 8. 4 serving pes. free. 24xll1,ixl4'. Rubber tires. yo
prices. able shades. 3.98. Save! or keep.
drsoerles, lower level - lamps, lower level -- housewares, lower level housewares, lower level housewares, lower level - housewares, lower level . housewares, lower housewares, lower level
. , ... - . . . .
2.98 fire grate 7.95 benches 219.50 bedroom set 8.99 chairs 79.50 tables 29.95 lounge $279 hide-a-beds - 59.95 loungette
By Pilgrim. Sturdy con- AQ Wrought Iron, 19-ln, O Q" 3-pc. mahogany. Pbl. (A) Cn Rattan, shell chairs. Lowest P K( 18th century hand rubbed 4 4 IT A Aluminum chaise. Alum- 1 Q PO Simmons. Sofa, reg. $259, OOQ Sofa and full length bed JQ
structlon. Buy now and x' squires. Covered in chsr- 'Jt dresser-mirror, dbl. JV price ever. For patio ,,,JV mahogany. Top grain ' inum frame. Box edge A-,,tM' Apartment size, $219. VtJ jn one. iron framei mat- -'''
save! coal, coral, green. bookcase, bed. leather, mattress. tress.
housewares, lower level furniture, lower level furniture, lower level furniture, lower level furniture, lower level furniture, lower level furniture, lower level furniture, lower level
59.50 nylon chairs 79.95 TV chairs 35950 sofa simmons mattress 77-pc. china Nor.take China Noritake China 14.95 love seat
. ' . - . r , Re)? 67.75-69.95. 4 pat-
Upholstertd. Selection Kroehler swivel chairs. PTft English crescent, down O 4Q C A Standard or firm. 1312 steel Winton pattern. Service 4Q Kl terns. 77 pc. rTO S A C7 !() 77.95, 2 patterns. 77-pc., f A Indoor-outdoor peel. Fresh C (J
colors, fabrica in 100 CQ CA ComlorUble, six uphol- v filled. Matelasse uphol- " coil springs. Crushproof bor-V,)-' for 12 by Noritake. Reg. service for ""' ti " ' service for 12 Olntv impon a lowest price o( O.JO
nylon. t for stery fsbnes. stery. der. 67.75. 12. the year.
furniture, lower level furniture, lower level furniture, lower level furniture, lower level china, first china, first china, first furniture, lower level
49c fabric squares 10.95 carpeting .carpet padding 10.95 tweed carpet 12.95 carpeting 5.95 lamp shades 8.98 draperies 14.95 print drapes
Upholstery, drapery fabric tCI Famous make wool car- O n't 40kk. weight. Sold only iq. All wool in 8 decorator O () sq. All wool by Masland. Q (i sq. 8" vanity. Popular sizes, A QO 50x84" unlined. Solid beau- 4 QQ Sateen lined. Gold overlays Q OQ
squares for many low-cost "'V1 peting, 12" widths, JO yd. with carpet orders. yd. colors. Nationally ad- "'"yd. Two-tone weave. Green, J ' yd. colors. Also 20" floor, ta- ty colors. Lined, Reg. 16.99- 7" in modern patterns. Save
uses. Beige, nutria, green. Rugs last longer! vertised. 12'. beige, nutria, grey. Die lamps. 9.99 now.
draperies, lower level carpets, lower level carpets, lower level carpels, lower level carpets, lower level lamps, lower level draperies, lower level draperies, lower level
12.98 spread, curtains ,.19.95 brass lamps 1 . , 1.59, chintz , 5.99 priscillas ! 1.49 yardage : , 3.98 cafe curtains 37.50 mirror 1.98 curtains
Provincial ensemble. Twin O OQ Floor lamps with shades. " Many eolors. Printed !Qn Nvlon pin dot. Double dot. pn Sunglo in colors galore. OQ4 Bark cloth and waffle cloth. "I 77 First quality plate glass OO K A Dacron panels. No ironing I AQ
or double spread. Match- ",uu With swing arm. : xxJO plaids, florals. Popu- "7Cyd. Also, other sizes. ... For curtains. Pastels, yd. Modern, provincial prints 1,11 Venetian style 30 x 48 ". 42x81. ,1,JJ
ing priscillas. 8.88. . . lar. Many uses, " neutrals.
draperies, lower level lamps, lower level "draperies, lower level draperies, lower level draperies, lower level draperies, lower level mirrors, lower level draperies, lower level
IN THE CHERRY ROOM . store hours? 12 noon to imw p. m, mondax axd Friday - other days 9-m a. m. to 5:30 p. m. . on our parking lot .. .
t I .