1W . ci'mivcr 'lays Policies of ICisoiiliowcr' w 'Place Ceiling on Development in West' If nTl.AV: u !U, t slai ' etnmn fund I pT d.l jtry'l grlh faquir. "pU-iily afjf.ifttt tinihrf In fWhet . 'u. t..;t Ymg lien I emrH tloliif xirf at Ih ! po ' I firm W IhlrtMtwl to III .ta W (rf a gat da? eiM ' It look wily few rmntiill frl. Ai4 h Ih nwl . kr Ilia In mining II t!i.l "u l i..!,f J and tried k tt Ih pa for liouf .ja-r at Ih kmrat rl ril bj"ahy en earth h vr 1H that U'NI, If Hi fxlurra In lit firldla W'Kr I ril ott Ih f red i prod .4 Wily by pulilit mM.dnl g through?' f. f vjr( dtlirinnl, has put dara l lldlt linjoa." k.'uvf I thm mutt nl"jH malhndl thai) And h laid, I'M. fwiM Vallon- rt It pigr.i at the .aid ' WI Ih 1t af Ih North III prmlm Hi most tf lh ' aught I lik Mi KlT ") ! t may l g.neretlon ta pari Ireal,,," j hails iht histlfiii opening up ; Kf.f rain ! Ihlt power . I c af Ih mi caJloui it ,,dmtrlal growth, h laid, ran ! nr ly ery wildlil rrlgg I Ih f.,nftoi rf 11 I aaarrh i;'h hitl !' fontiM only K power t ell Campania." rrllt Wfpwt foe kit fl'W ""'." . (kept low. iVMary Iml candidly. In lb leal W hlvM'f OKI "It ) going In U I K.lawver prtdMtrd Dernm-fet- prepared imaiti ha assailed! klurt hat be ttrong erllle I lim." h Mid. "I makt up luf i (, viftorv n Hi UII, n4 tiiec !af rxxk lh aall4 partnership Ih mlsiakn and failure! of iTee-i., j ( interview h rofill H'7 d W rdral rfjWn Mrnhf and iJouiTn j j, ttould grt Ih ftnmlnillo CsfntnlMl'M iranl darn ptfmU U ldh lnr ( . al 1U11 Can- yon m h Inak Hi nr. llixw (arnrt a frdaral dam thrr. Kffauvar iild h di not b llrr thai P"ff oujM In h ( fv tnmrnt monopoly, but Iht roun- M(tai U Kaf, Ih rnlfrtfd If tif W Ih Interior, and pf ald It, Win Uotm, ;Mi Kay rtilfwd U Hk lh H-p-ib!i wiiinia; I lh Iknal aaat tat huk Mura rk rtnonv Idaikm a Dtmorral. Orf 14 aft ' Krrauvtr, tllmailnf 1 mtlft' f.UH day thai bn al 4 a p m , ki Mnia f Ihauff ramarka m tvMnl'a farm Kltf "A hard, erual blow" In farmer etpw ia.'ly Ih I m 1 1 armr-h railed It. ; III ptfard Iwl rnflfanlraltd 4 powtf raaourr and lh Mora U ka fli M mitt lham. Ml aaid hMd Ih ppl tt.Mlnri r(ttrd 1 I Minloa klKr la lh (Kid M rtaourc drvaliipfnffti," Krlauvaf ipok e( lh Al laran mini, mint palanti approvad by Ih (kpartmrM ol Ih Inlark an Art Mt Kay and auailfd by Drm rraii at I ii away U aallonal Editors Agree 2 to 1 U.S. Losing Cold War WASHINGTON" lit Nwipaff I TW-vir aharad to Saturday that Ih I'nllad Stair I loainl Ih fold . But they alt afraid vmM aa hll K wlv A.I thai a hot MtKay Inltrlor IVpartrwnt ar I Ira likaly la lh lliht of m".lf" ttftttMrj that Ih admlnlitralion rrcrrK drvrlottrrm In KuaJaniP?" Mori. Orafq uld aak MrKay "bo M li that ht 'parlnarihlp' poliry baa flilad to drvalnp linfU kilmall f t'reirie bor. II Waa pronnunrrd dfgr by uU from official and cwiirnikmal quarlm altradinf hraakfaat ftvra by inma Drlla Chi, pro fnaional Journaliam fralamilr, lor bociny of rw aaounrrd It policy of aupporlini ; furrifn policy and rrpiidialloa of a combination of privai and gov Nairn, Answers to Crossword Puzzlo Ulfl 'utiA'ef Ilia P:A mi ifH w a a kii r TiT k iP "0. 4iT aEtA-fvrsriTjtFvf ; if r- i E j a. r r ntTr iENCf CIA Ri I it CREM A'T fcl PKtnkviad hy Xi4 r(r Iradkcat Waahlnftoa attramaa In Ih frn- Irrruly alas wrr rrcordrd ai frH ln that a hot ar la Itm likely but that Ih toiled Bute It loalng lh cold var. The wr lh qufftiou la the breaklaat poll I. Do you think th recent re port ea tha o . Sullnliailoa Ruaala, and Ih recent devclop merrit la Bovirt (ori(a policy. ln dudlni th official travel oi It leaden, mak World War III mora or lea UkelyT 1. Ii Iht U.S. winnlnf or loalng the -cold war"? Then wert th reiulU: Th edltori voted 11 that World War III It lea likely and J4-17 that lot VS. if lotlng the cold war. truntav who urUKXd memlxTi of tht Suprtm Court Congreu. th cabinet and Whit Houa alaff. head of fovernment agenclet and military Itadert voted 48 that war It lent likely and 43 that America It loainf the cold war al Ih Chir tonvenllva, II laid h wai tHU a bit be hind Adlai ftvnoa to Oalllurnla but' laid h wai pliking up atrwrtfth ery day and tip1t to in that ilal. Kalauver tald h hat good f fanliatlonl at Work to t''et hat national rontenlloa drl lalet ar rhoaea by alate ronven llimt, apralng epclal tonllr drnr v rt Ih Uluallon la Iowa, Xaruat and North Dakota. OreyMi'l il deteftte will be chon May II and will b pledged ta th rtndldat getting Ih big geal number f wrll In vote. Both Kefauver and Sttvenaoa ar ginltallont art artlvt to urging I heir candidate name be written la Neither candidal It en Iht ballot. Cloud Seeding Benefits to WestGtcd PEXTICTOJi. B.C. IH - Rain making operation! la Waihtngtoa, th-egoa and California could b worth t20.ooo.0ot to IM.ooo.oo0 la economic benefltt, a reaearcher laid her Saturday. J. 8. Barrowi of Miuoula. Mont., mad tha atatement to tha annual meeting of tha w eat era now conerenc in thi interior BritUh Colombia city. Barrowi It chief of tha lira research dirialon ia Montana. Ht tald the economic benefit! from " cloud tecding would com through an Increase In rainfall, a j : I L. -. t ., ..j - I that war ia leu likely and, " " Mo Lucy to Wed Today in Dallas, Texas DAI.I.AI, Tm u Mi. An ttwrln iff, 28 yaar nld N'agr ha iIUd linm Ih t ut aniiy of Auhamt after her al Undtnr ll lh III hlt rauud rimpui rii.ti, ill be mar ried la a formal reremnny hat Sunday, After I brief h"fteymn ah plana I mak a alal lila qr fr Ih National Aaaiarlaima fr Adtinremeal of (olorad faopla. Mill Lucy, a 4ulttakrn Mr mingham, All, aerretary, will b married al I m (CRT) Sunday I lh Bee, M f. roater. 1 at denl mmiiier n Jfitf- j u Trill, Th raremnnr wil be la the SI John Baptlai Churrh her with Ih pa.inr, lh Bey, t. C. Cilell, nlllrlatlng Miaa lujry laid her bridal gnwa waa hit illk with t lar bodir and t cathedral traia. The brldeimaldi will wear rilnbow eolnred ballerina length gownt. Th mea la Ih wedding party will wear tuiedo. riv hundred engraved Invi tation wer lent la whito and Negro frlendi (of th ceremony, al which no aegregatioa U planned, Mm l.ury tald tha rminle would mik their hnm In Tyler hut It might be aeveral monlhi before ih aettled down In a life af domeitlrlly Beginning May ihe will ip pear it NAAC memberihlp cam paign Millet ia Tyler, Feaqmnnt. San Antonio, Auilm, Waco, Dal it i tnd Teiirktnt. Aflpeirlng with her wjlt b Cut Courta. a former Miaalulppl grocer who aald he wit i hot In whit tht NAAtT tilled "in illempted aaulnitinn becau he refuied to Hop leading hit peoplt to regla lr to nle." Mut Lucy alio aald thit the hopet to contlnu her effnrtt to reenter tht Unlvenlly of Ala bama, if tha ci n't b admitted to Alibtma Mtat Lucy tild the had eonildered entering other out hern univtnltlei. including tha Univertlty of Txu. 8 be had tild in wantt to eim a bachelor of telenca degree la Lbnry td enc. ' Prctvnt Vrom lh and K. N r 1 s . V -,.- .... I i ' ' V.'iv ' ' ';. ; ' r--.ri, ... . . ' . ; . . . , ! " . " ' . - ........ . .v. vr, . , , , : , . LONDON Tkeae to hto ateed ar peeaeau ireaa (wvlei leader Nltiatol Balfaala aaat Malta Khraab ekee to Ik BrIUea rayal family aad tin a prewaled darlag lb ewreai HM af to Raatoat la rag bad. ('arh gre rto Ih aeeaea at r.aaaaa ttablet ef Ceeege farW. Brtllah Veterlaary targea. Al lefl It Melekaah ll'aeieMl. a galaVa belgt batae, aad rlgM I Zaaua, a gatdea belg any. (AP IrraWe) White peliranf hive a Ting, ipread of about 100 inchet. Embassy Reports Sale of British Arms to Israel LONDON t-The htttU Em bury aaid Stturdty an bracli cargo ahip bat left London with a am ill cotuignrocnt of military equipment purchased in Britain. The thipment wai Mid to have Included two or three antiaircraft guru, a quantity of exploatvei, some -radar - equipment,- aearch- llghtt, aandbag and tmall armi' and ammunition. 1 London Mayor In New York 574 that war ia lent likely 17 14 that the cold war it being lott SdIgiii Tont and Avnino (o.1 1 SERVING SALEM FOR 30 YEARS NO RESERVATIONS NEEDED iiii 0:r Sun Rates ore HcnsCiiSyiD Umbrtlla Type-Wall Conctsson or Circus " typt Tints Siztsfro8'xl0' to40'x80' RENTAL PERIODS W..k.nd W..k or by the Month 4-Dey - 7-Dey Sizts8'x10' Weekend Week Month 2.00 3.00 6.00 Six10'x12' Weekend Week Month 2.50 3.50 7.50 . Six 12'xl4' Weekend Week Month 3.50 5.00 12.00 LARGER TENTS ARE RENTED IN COMPARISON TARP RENTALS Yen may need torp for windbreak, lhada ar trailer cover, Siz.s from 7'x9' to 20'x30' 1 REASONABLE RATES Additional Items Fcr Camping (MP a ana. a COLEMAN CAMP STOOLS COLEMAN LANTERNS PEERLESS CAMP STOOLS UMBRELLA TENTS FOLDING CAMP COTS FOLD-AWAY CA TABLES STOVE PIPE SHIELDS, Get Your Items Custom Made! They Cott No More Boat Covers Tents 9 Folding Camp Trailer Tops Duffle Bags Pack Sacks 9 Tarpaulins Trailer Awnings 9 Store and Residential Awnings 9 Outdoor Furniture Covers I Pads 60 Patterns to Chooso From If If Is Made of Convas W. Will Molt. f 1 Scileiii Tent and Avnina Co. 729 N. Liberty St. Ph. 3-4788 He aid that in December. IKS. retultt of feeding 1.000 atormt with tllver lodid thowed Increav rt of t to 17 per cent ia precipi tation in the Uvh Pacific Coast ttatet. Th committee conducting tht experiment alio found evidence that th frequency of potential lightning-producing ttormi may be reduced by cloud seeding. "By tha tame analogy." ba aald, "and (or the tarn technical reitont, cloud seeding at tht prop er time should alio be able to re- due the frequency of hail. "The reasoning it that a poten tial hail-producing cloud will rain itielf out before retching hail-pro- ducing proportion!. He taid there ar eo reiultt available yet from other aren. In the 12 Western ttatet, tbout 1.000 forest flret are caused an nually by lightning. Socialite Weds Best Friend of Princess LONDON (Pi-Colin Tenntnt, Myeirold toclilite and frequent escort of Princest Margaret, wai married Saturday to on of the Prince' belt friendi, Lady Anne Cokt. Princest Margaret attended with Queen Mother Elizabeth to mingle with England t first rank tristocricy is Tennint wit wed to the pretty 23-year-old blonde on the Norfolk estote of her lath er, the Eirl of Leicester. Tennant it the eldest ton of Lord Glenconner, head of a Brit ish chemical firm, and it sched uled to inherit thit title. Mirgaret and the queen Moth er came by plane. Two hundred other guests arrived by t special train from London, with cham pagne and lunch served along the way on festive tables laid with pink and lilver dimask cloth. The wedding removed one more name from the list of bachelors eligible for the hind of the 25-year-old princess. Other past eli gible! listed by British news paper! had been the Mirquis of Blindford, Lord Ogilvy ind the Earl of Dalkeith, all now married. In addition there were Prince Nicholat of Yugoslavia, who died in in auto accident, and Group dpt. Peter Townsend, who was ruled out finally because of church objections to hit status as t divorced man. Only one still on the list but never highly rated by British newspapers is Billy Willace. He was one of the guests it today't wedding. Getti;:g Up Nights If nmrrtaut all.Mu aai l. .. . . . In irlnatlon) r llrotif, ciovdr - - . - . vraw, urinvi u it common KidiMf act aidttr lrrt. ooifortliif htlp A auitaa CvaTtX Ukitia f" ra pnrt Mftty an MUalMttoa m aMr-tMk uu aai. ARTHRITIS? If torite to Spain Chiro prtctiC Sanitarium and HotpHal, Denver, Colo., for Testimonial Proof of retuht In arthritis, can cer, polio, epilepty, rheumatic fever, multiple tclaroiii, cere bral palsy, muKjIar dystrophy, th-oket heart, liver, skin, stom ach, kidney and tcoret of other ailment. 1 The foreign offirt declined to The liver of a batking shirk Is' confirm or deny ord of the con es per rrnt oil. 'ugnmrnt of arm. Israeli sources NEW YORK - Tht Lord Mayor of London arrived Sttur dty for a 11 day visit In this coun trykeeping a promiM evan at the chance of making Ruiiia't two top leaden tore at him. Because of the trip here, Alder man Culhbert Lowtll Ackroyd wisnl on hind to greet Soviet Prime Minister Manhall Nikolai Bulganin ind Communist party Chief - Nikila - KhruaAcbttupob said the order w a placed several months tga ind at only recently authorized. I their arrival la Britain. The Lord Mayor said be thought the two Russian Chiefs might be "littl resentful of my not being on band lor their visit, but I had I promised IhU trip tU month! ago." He came here to return the visit of New York ! Mayor Robert f. Wagner to London last year. He arrived on the liner United Statet. Idaho Demo Delegation Ixfi I rcc ItftlnTO's. MU UP Me (itnxMialt rh ll.jt(Uy a JV mtnihvr uniniiiitd alrgii.. it th patty t nalUmal CRrnlioa la (nkaitAug II, Th dclrgalin ill b bHjnd, II It au four yran io, by lh unit rula II will hav II ViHet In Iht pretulanlial balluting At unrffifil poll by iwme ihoid lhat with very few tu-r llimi Ih OVlrgalal hatt H'4 milt op ihcir nndi ar at !! i I riitnmil IhrnurlvN M a prealnVaj. 111 rbuti. Only Gregg foMa af AnwrMat rati, liiaho rampaiga manajrr fur Ml, t Mri hrfauvrr l Tnn I, ail auiirmkenly In favor of the Trnomar prmorril, On delegat. 0 lining to be aimed, was for Alli Mevenma llhnut reservalion, . ' (irorg Grewnfirld laying he putt II a delrt'tt and twit at til party rhairman and Grorit Iionart, Wriaer, ftvorrd Ktevenwa If h carriri Iht Calilornia and florida primarlei. If not, they ind, they will iwllrk ta support of Gov, Averell llarrl ma Pt New York, Th rest of Iht dVlegatloa tald Ihey "have no preferencei." "htven't mad up their mlndi." ar "want to look th field ever before deriding," firller the pirty memheri heard in appeal for unity ia an effort la unseal Ben. Herman Welker III Idaho In Ihe November elections. Sit Demorrati, Including former Sea, Glen Taylor, are seeking their US beef consumption for lfJ wii II billion pounds. A mouse heart beatt 300 or more timet a minute. Tht Wathlagloa Monument weight 11,120 torn. 1 or T I UaaJI O Or O ckaa.n B tt. CHA1 tad LAW CHINESE NATLROPATHS I'ptUlrt. til Coort L dirk, aaea aa'iirtii mi I. a ala;IL1ai (mi.allaiMa kta r.Hr. an mti9 ar. rrr t har. frnrttrrt tnr ill! Wnl in mnxli. atfi n r - it . , .MM r - .. . , , . (eTm1'' . ' rf hMhlk Buitk Civna t-fatl.rgf 4-Doar tyi.r mmssm (Have you tried Biridt's great new ride ?) MS Tim iwrrr way a 06 Buiclc rides on all sorts of roads is something you find nowhere else on wheels. ' ; ;;. " Capricious roads that twist and turn - unruly roads that rock and roll -tired roads, bartered and beaten they all seem to wear company manners the moment a Buiclc approaches. W hy? Simply because Buick comes with what it takes to put any road on its best behavior f he completely ride-engineered comhination of c7ia.wi, fiicine and automatic drive fwf it obtainable in no other car. And that's gosjiel truth whether you drive a new Special, Centvuyj Siteb or Roadmasteh.. No other car matches the firm, true tracking of Buick's own ride foundation buttressed by brawny X-braced frame and torque-rube drive cushioned on coil irwines and deep-oil shock absorbers. No other has such width of tread and length of nwIOW fjq H CWni la Ulk ak WOlCAWi COWOfHOWWO si heelbase within dimensions so trim and tidy that Buicks turn, park and garage more easily' than smaller cars, No other duplicates the assurance of steering, brakes and rear axle so precisely geared and gaited for the nimble handling that! a safety "must" in modern cars. And certainly no other name plate promises the soaring iweep of power that wells from the big 322-cuhic-inch V8 beneath every new Buick bonnet. Nor does any other automatic drive put power to its car's rear wheels with the swift, unruffled pace of Variahle Fitch Dynaflow and that goes double every time you "switch pitch" for whip-quick, safer passing. But why stop to "count reasoni-when results " are what you're after? Wouldn't you rather really feel Buick's new "sense of direction" on itraightaway, curves and corners? Wouldn't you rather relax in supreme comfort while tooling this powerful performer over roads you always hated to travel? Well, sir, we cordially invite you to drop in on us and do just that. . . , , Make it this week, won't you? Sample the ride that has charms to win any old road -and get first-hand figures on prices that make Buick. owning a more positiv e pleasure. New Aitaiu-rd Variahle Fitch DynaHow is thr nn Viinafimi) Buick build today. It i standard on Bnflffma.trer, Super and Century optimal at model extra cost on th Special tlsfgiJlM.( -wtajN itrm ajrroaioaaat ais airnt wkh wu MM! nfcw -e fit) 388 N. Commercial St. Salem, Ore.