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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1956)
Sheep Growers WilloApprove Beck, Hoffa to Dodge Union Ouster Meet DETROIT ( Dave Beck, president of the Teamsters Vnion. Mid Saturday he does not plan to attend a special meeting of the AFL-CIO executive board set for May 1 to discuss possible ouster of his union. Beck told A? her Lauren, labor writer for the Detroit News, that "previous commitments" would keep him away from the Wash ington parley called by AFL-CIO president George Meany. James Hoffa, Detroit and mid west Teamsters chief who was honored at a $l00-a-plate dinner here Saturday night, said he doesn't plan to be at the meet ing either. The two Tamsters leaders made the statement in an interview be fore Beck left by private plane for Seattle. Beck and Hoffa spent the morning, in sessions with Teamsters council officers who had attended the Hoffa testimonial affair. . . , Beck said the time of the Wash ington meeting "will have to be adjusted if Meany wanta us to meet with them." Hoffa added, "I certainly would not attend if the general president of the Team sters does not do so." At issue between Beck and Meany is the Teamsters' mutual assistance pact signed Dec. 2 with the Interflnttnnal Ijinachnrmon'. Color planning In a home must ' tration is a built-in shelf which any ' Assn. The AFL has excelled the perform double duty to. provide good home carpenter can add. It , jla on charges it was dominated Bert's eeraer la ike dee which the sheepirewers of the Willamette i auey hwi uae. u wean aa vrer-au carpel nm i in per teat wmL The shelf la eae which any good heme carpeite r can halld. Warm Pastels Top Carpet Colors for This Season both beauty and function. This is gives extra space for the tele particularly true of carpets and phone, a bit of writing and a place rugs, covering such a wide area to keep the magazines. of the 'room and being to import ant in the color planning. Warm pastels currently are tops in home fashions and in carpets these run the gamut from sandal wood to nutria. True bluet aqua, turquoise and gold are newer col ors while the green family con- segment in 1958 carpet production. Popularity of tweeds is contin uing to Increase in carpet pat terns. There is a new appearance to traditional carpets, too. Aug menting the traditional florals, which are enjoying a resurgence with the return to elegance in fur niture, are abstract and geomet ric designs that provide new charm to decorative settings. There is a trend toward better Dualities in floor coverinn. Traf. fie and activity in most home is miles inside a tncreacintf with mnra hnura at i t the Kaiser Hopes Fade For Buried Coal Miner 'SUNNYSIDE, Utah, I - The search for a buried coal miner continued late Saturday, but no sign of life has been detected. Hopes faded for crew foreman Joseph Dtterstrom, 98, of Sunny- side, one of four miners buried in a Wednesday cave-in. Three were found alive Friday. The four were about three mountain tunnel A ' . l I - - A . , ii me itaiser ion u. no. i home, larger families and renewed "" "? milc southeast of Salt annhul, n kn.niUllln nA ..I.,. 111). taming there Garden Paths Tahe Planning 'Presidential Stature' of Johnson Cited By JACK BELL WASHINGTON i - Virginia's Democratic senators Saturday plugged Sen. Lyndon B. Jonsoa Statesman, Silem, Ore., Sun., Apr. 22, 'oS (Sec. II) 15 Actress Day Might Quip Way to Osccu . v"' kV - '". -. -- m by gangsters. Beck said at a news conference Friday be .would go to court if necessary to ' fight any' ouster move against his union. Later he told the 2,800 banquet guests, who included trucking and other busi ness representatives, that "no one wants a peaceful solution more than I do." The teamsters have given finan cial support to the ILA in recent months. Hoffa aided in working out the pact between the 1.300,000 member Teamsters and the 100,000- member ILA. Jusf Friday In Washington the Teamsters and the ILA signed their first joint contract. Beck said the pact with a steamship firm covers sea land coastal freight service and involves the ILA and the Teamsters' eastern, southern and central conferences. .... At V- - ; V . . By JAMES BACOS HOLLYWOOD lit Doris Day. a singer turned dramatic actress, could be the first girl to ever quip of Texas as a man "of presidential j her y academy award. stature." They said he is likely Now that Grace Kelly has to draw support from all areas . moved out of town, Doris has be- of the nation for the Democratic . come Alfred Hitchcock's favorite presidential nomination. feminine star. Miss Kelly took Sens. Byrd and Robertson said over as a Hitchcock favorite a tier tn a joint statement that as Senate Ingrid Bergman moved out of majority leader Johnson "has denv I town. onstrated ability. comprehensive Hitchcock has a way of pilot- Ing his feminine stars toward Os cars. Doris' association with the famed director in the unreleased "The Man Who Knew Too Much" stems from quip at party three years ago. Hitch went up ta Doris, like any fan. and confessed that she was Then he knowledge of government affairs! and outstanding tact and skill in reconciling and coordinating dif fering Tiewi. "These qualities of Sen. Johnson clearly indicate that he is of presi dential stature and we predict that when his name is offered to the Chicago convention as tn favorite;, favorite star of his. son of Texas be will draw support 1(f(j Garden paths such as this canght In one of Salem's gardens-only ceme about through most cartful pUaalag. Birch trees make an excellent foD for annuals and perennials aleag the path. Their shad is light letting in sufficient sua U let the hleoma eeaturae. (Statee- maa Gardea Photo). U. S. Arctic Commander Says Russ Withdrew Base Request Shown in the accompanying illus- Garden Calendar... April tt Mt. Angel Primrose Show. St. Mary's School, Mt. Angel. April H Labish Meadow Gar deners, Mrs. Nelson Adams Host ess. April Z7-2t Salem Lions Club Home and Garden Show, State Fairgrounds. aVnsHl M lAtk nnlirtaif ah fir.n. M.n' r.ri.. ri..t. ,f the cave-In. He cut off the tip of lerence. Mens Garden Clubs or.. ,k P.. Threat of another cave-in slow ed workers today as rescue crews buttressed-up the tunnel walls be fore digging further. The six children of Otterstrom maintained their hope for finding him alive. But his wife was placed under a doctor's care be cause of the strain. The three saved after lying pinned under the debris for some 40 hours were LaVell Golding, 42- year-old father of four, from Wellington; Joseph Archuletta, 43- year-old father of two, from Dragerton; and ' Lloyd Allen Heath, 36-year-old father of five, from Sunnyside. Heath was released from the hospital today. His injuries were minor. Golding had two cracked vertebrae. Archulctta's finger and thumb were amputated. They 'were pinned to a fallen beam by American Northwest Region, VMCA. Salem. April ti-ti - Coos Bay Rock Show. April U Rodent control demon strations, 10:30 a.m. Liberty School; 1 p.m. State Fairgrounds. May t-5 Annual Victoria Spring Garden Festival. May 7 Salem Garden Club. J p.m. Salem Woman's Club building.- . his thumb himself. Rescue crews hacked off the other caught fing er, using a chisel and hammer, in order to get him out on parliamentary development and the willingness of Democrats to cooperate. The Rules Committee will meet Tuesday to consider the appropri ation measure, which is expected to come up for a House vote on Wednesday. The Democratic majority of the tniiien t.. B u.i..'nouso Appropriations ommure, May lS-ll-Jlst annual national hM wo the battje of ' which approved the money men. Woman Defeats Gly Group in Battle of Color , GOP Drive For Soil Bank WASHINGTON Wl Republican strategists began efforts Saturday to tie into a single bill both the authority and the money for Presi dent Eisenhower's farm soil bank program. Rep. Hope IR-Kan) said in an interview he would seek approval by the House Rules Committee of the plan to hitch authorising legislation onto a $1,200,000,000 ap propriation bill already headed to ward the House floor. Authorizing a program and pro viding money to operate it norm ally are handled in separate bills. not only from the South but from other areas of the nation. The statement was regarded as particularly significant because Byrd did not support the 1952 Dem ocratic presidential nominee, Adlai E. Stevenson. President Elsen hower carried Virginia by 1.000 out of more than half a million votes that year. Byrd and Robertson were among the signers of a recent Congres sional Manifesto criticizing the Supreme Court's ruling for racial Integration in the nation s schools. . Johnson did not sign the mani- ICO Said Deed In Pro-Stalin adapted the cowboy code you; ii flrPAC 1 AT can kiss the hori hut not Ihei Vl -Vk3 X 11U i. girl to the jungle. Then be went on personal ap pearance tours in department stores. Leadlag Lady "Invariably, he says, "the By HOT ESSOTA.V) TIFLIS, Soviet Ceorgia W-Re. liable Georgian source said Sat urday that up to 100 Georgian may have been killed when troops kids, even iiitle ones, would ask i P11 m. -k. i w, . demonstrators who tried W seize looking leading Udy fhad 'suci ""J Tm Ust I'd love to make a movie with you someday but I only make thrillers and you only make mu sicals." Said Doris: , "Why don't you make a musical thriller?" . Jest That "The Man Who Knew Too Much" is just that. Among its key scenes are the crashing of cym bals in a symphony concert and a song by a famous singer at an embassy (presumably Iron Cur- and such an episode. "I figured that kids are more hep nowadays. They don't want mushy stuff but they think the hero is a little odd if be doesn't show some interest in a good look ing dolL" - His new aeries la called "Knight of the South Seas" in which Hall plays a sailing skipper who trav els in the romantic South Seas. av va iviiieuivc wuwy The sources said the city waa an armed camp for days after the rioting. Troops and tanks pa trolled the streets and a midnight curfew was clamped on. This telephoned dispatch from Tiflis was interrupted at this point, apparently by censorship. Easoyaa is one of three W estern correspond ents permitted ta go to the Soviet Georgian capital on April IS. the tain) party. ust.k u. rt.t. festo, whierr called for lawful re- i,,, . -;.. ..k.. k .Ii k. ii. Dut M Jives other reasons why verial of the court's order. He explained that he was not asked to do so because Its backers did not want to involve the party's leaders In a move that had no official party sponsorship. However, Johnson has said that the integration problem is one best left to the states. Contest for Central The Senate Democratic leader currently ia contesting Gov. Allan Shivers for control of the St-vote Texas delegation to the Democra tic National Convention. Johnson, who had no immediate comment on the Byrd-Robertaon statement, has said ha Isn't un iting for the Democratic presiden tial nomination. He has made it clear he won't become a sectional candidate if that Implies any threat of a walkout from the Dem ocratic convention. The vlewi of Byrd and Robertson obviously parallel those el ether BOSTON l The commander ' from the Antarctic expedition of the icebreaker I'SS Edisto said "Deepfreeze," the Edisto logged Saturday on returning from the 28,000 miles. 1 tknt Ik. Dilation, t I . i l,i . ramnMlll vjhrfk VJrAlllri nuuiiiui mat uic ivnoo.o.ic ; tler lmvai meaM JUDliani re- "-". in. . - . .. ! aiut U -till 111 lh. ninnlns "grace'ully withdrew" their wish union. with families, sweethearts like lo rally around Johnson's bam ! r UUMl" ",1"mn in ..t.kiik . k... i...ti., -i ik. j . .L ... i k. mum iu. thm trie wary Marun roie in tjnisu a ra uiiwiij a. .uc ana mcnos ior many oi me tiis- " i.icn.,,1, p.,iii. .,.ik i. r ik. Unit.. . . . . ... .uuu.-.a.m.nt aouin rociuc. be chose Doris for one of the top dramatic roles of the year, I knew this girl waJ a great and sensitive dramatic actress even when she was emoting in fluffy musicals. Xove Me or Leave Me' confirmed my belief. In the picture, Doris Is married to Jimmy Stewart. Traveling in French Morocco with their email son, they become innocently In volved in a political assassination plot. To keep then) quiet, the son Is kidnaped. Build Ihkm From then on. Hitchcock builds suspense as only Hitchcock can. Doris Is called upon for scenes that one were strictly the prov ince of the Barbara Stanwycks and the Bette Devises. She comes through, Doris' emergence as a drama tic actress doesn't mean that she will give up her singing career, She's in "Pajama Game" at War- "You can't Mil out there tn that moonlight with some beautiful na tive princess on board without a suggestion of romance. A guy's got to be odd te think only of pearl diving and navigation In such setting. Hall, who ia financing the pic tures himself, has come up with a novel plan. They are filmed in half-hour segments and in color. Three of the segments fit together for a fun length movie feature. if the television price lsa t right HOLLYWOOD Director George Sidney believes that the motion picture Industry is mis using television as aa exploitation medium. Sidney, president of the Screen Directors Guild, comments: The current and widespread practice of telecasting clips from pictures Is lust a feeble imitation of the theater trailer and. instead of selling tickets, it keeps prospec tive patrons from buying them. "Nc TV set can do Justice to selected scenes from a motion picture, because you simply don't get the Impact of big screen pro jection In your living room. Sidney recognizes that personal appearances of atari plugging a picture on TV can have advertis ing pull but u to film clips: "It's a complete waste of time, effort and money." reporters after riots were set off ia Stalin i home state by the Soviet .. leadership's downgrading of the dead dictator. The figure of up to 100 killed Is the highest yet reported. Pre vious reports from diplomatic wm mhi nine were bcuctcv to have been killed. A London disoatch ouotina? ouali- fied Western diplomatic sources oa April II said 300 persons were injured during the trouble in whiclr rioting students were said by these miHiil In Kiv. trtrtii.ltif f.kMft over the city for five days. Essoyan's first dispatch front Tiflis on Aprfl IS said the city waa then calm, though armed troops patrolled the suburb. The first persons he attempted te In terview, he reported, were reluc tant to discuss the events that began March 7. He quoted one Georgian as say tng of ine oemonsiraiors, au they were doing was shouting glory . to Lenin, glory to Stalin, There was no provocateurs. They were only children and students. Young boys and girls." south pole in view of the United to's crew of 360, who had been encouragement. States' prior bid Comdr. Roger W. Luther of Kirkland, Wash., said the United States will establish its base next autamn as part of Its participation in the international geophysical program. The first Naval vessel to return j Salem Obituaries Mr. Drill Gatnttr Bta Lata midtnt ot 4MS Silvtrton Rr., Salem, al a local hoaplUI. April SI. Survived by hiuband, Dan Clyde Becaon, Salem. Announcement, of tervlces later by Vlrftl T. Golden Co. Paul E. Bramble. At a local hoipltat April M. convention of Men's Garden Clubs of America, St. Louis, Mo, , ure in a surprise move Thursday, .k;Hi.. til. k.i.k.. ......i- aa.a Mid ample authority for the pro- May n - Greater Portland Iris' . .,,. ,h.i, fram.'..-. .nrf 8m "-eady exists under a 1935 diiuw. mi. acuu Lommun v nou.v. ' , -. ti,. nn... . - apdi uncut anu nun, hiuic ucviutu 1 lu IV p.m. she wanted the color to be Chesa May n leet of r lowers, De- peake green. poBay- I St. Louis City Art Commission June i-W Rose Festival, Port-'had to be consulted because the land. I building was near a park. The June 4-1 National Convention commissioners said no green, use ef American Rose Society, Multno-1 white instead, man Hotel, Portland. Mrs. Moise was more persistent June t-l Portland Rose Show, than the commission. The commis Civic Auditorium. 1 sion gave up Friday, a month af- June I-II Corvallis Rose Show, ter the dispute started. June I Molalla Audubon Gar- Said Mrs. Moise, "I'm glad its den Club Spring Show, Molalla over with ... we were almost Union High School, 1:30 to p.m.,''eat'y to ,ear down the building." June 10-18 Federated Garden Clubs of Oregon annual conven tion, Ontario. June a-tJ Salem Rose Society annual show, Meier A Frank's Auditorium. Aug. 11-1! International Glad iolus Show, Portland. Aag. lS-lg Clackamas County Flower Show, Canby. Aug. ti-H Polk County Flower Show, Rickreall. Sept. 1-1 Oregon State Flower Show, Stale Fairgrounds. Proud Peacock Snarls Traffic VANCOUVER. B. C. W A peacocs wim a pencnani ior pur-!fincd $, m on a cnarge o( suing peahens was banished from h i a k v HWaiiv runninsham the fold by other jealous males ln!mad! the purchase from Ince last Late MiiH.nt ni IMa N 10th street Salem. The Success of the maneuver to Survived by wife. Mn. Beulah combine them appeared to depend: Brambi. Saiem. Daujhter. m. John Bramble, Sjlem. Granddauf ti ler. Dcbnrin otcR. Helena. Moni. Mother. Mn. Rebecca J. Bramble, Salem. Servlcea will be held Tun- day. April 14 at 10:30 a m. in the Vlrlil T. Golden Chapel. Committal. Vancouver, Waih., at ID p.m. with Rev. Lowell Holla offlciaunf. Caraeliut i. Jackie At the reildenre, 10S5 Catcide drive, April 21. Survived by wile Mra. Mary (Nettlel Jackaon. Salem Son. Albert Dale Jackaon, alto of Salem. Niece. Mra. Sarah Cole, De' troit. Mich. Nephew. Canon Jack, eon. Detroit, Mich. Service! will be held In the Virlll T. Golden Chapel Monday. April nil I pm. inter ment Belrreit Memorial Park. Or, Brooks Moore olliclaUng. Bant Peter Palleaea At the residence. KM Portland road. April W at the ale ot 73 yeara. Survived by wile, Mra. Sarah Palle ten. Salem. Four daufhteri. Mn Helen Fed, galemi Mra. Bertha riik Great Falli, Mont.; Mra. Anna May Gravea, Medford. Or.; Mra. Joy Grace Nobel, Arcada. Calif. One eon. Harry L Palleaen, Blue Lake, Calif. Announrementa of aervicea later by Howell-Edwards Chapel. Mrs. Franret D. Spelbrink At the reeidenre. S1I N. 10th street Corvallis. Ore.. April 30. Survived by husband. Perry Spelbrink of Cnrvallia. Daufhter. Miss Susan fpelbrink, Corvallis. Son. Rohert pelbrink, Corvallis. Mother. Mrs. J. L. Douehtv. San Mateo. Calif. Sisters. Mrs. Kenneth Mundt. Pata dena. Calif.; Mrs. Arthur Andreaen. Biirltniam. Calif.; Mrs. Lewta Hm ellev, Lon( Bearh, Calif. Announce ment of servlres will he made later py the Cloush-Barnck funeral Horn. iee raunrr In this city April SO at the aie nf 70 years. Sons. Joe Zauner, Jr.. Sah Francisco. Calif; Nick 7,auner, Haynrt, N D. Sitters, Mrs Barbara Srhank. Sacramento, Calif; Mrs. Betty Demar. Sacramento, Calif Three brothers, Nirkolas Zauner. Aurttra, Ore : Casper Zauner, Sacra mento, Calif.: Nick Zauner, Lodl. Calif Also survived by IS (rand children. Announcemeni of trrvires Kill be made later by the Howell Edwards Chapel. away six months. She sailed from I this, her home port, last October. Among the first up the gangway was the attractive wife of the Ed isto.'! captain, Comdr. Luther, and their four children, Stephen, 14; Laurienne. 11: David, I, and Glenn, S. As far as weather was con cerned, Comdr. Luther said he often felt sorry for the folk back home. It often was better thah back in Boston," he said, "with the temperature usually ranging from 28 to 32 degrees, and almost 24 hours of sunlight Jor nearly two months. Of course there were times when the weather was treacher ous, and it was touch and go, and much colder, but with cold weath er clothing, we were very com fortable." Secretary of Agriculture Ben son has insisted new legislation is needed. Otherwise, he contends, he cannot spend the money even if it is voted. He reiterated that contention Saturday after confer' ring with Eisenhower at the White House over a series of proposed adminisrative boosts in. price sup ports. Hope, senior Republican on the House Agricultural Committee, said the combination move, if suc cessful, would give Eisenhower everything he asked for in a soil hank program. Including author ity and money to pay farmers this year for taking surplus crop land out of production. Judge Dismisses 'Ridiculous Case' Against Newsman C0RTF.Z. Colo. -"This is the most ridiculous case I have ever hoard." Justice of the Peace H. W. Murray said In acquitting a Duraneo, Colo., newsman charged with illegal purchase of liquor. art.. . i.i..r , ; J Cunningham. 30, managing editor ',TZZ.V.rZZ of the Durango Herald-Newa, was f,ri"?M ' . ,Z t i i iu. p... 'apparently intoxicated. His accuser was Mrs. Nettie Bartenders Lose Right to Refuse . Liquor Service ALBANY. N Y. Urv-From now batenders in New York State Bishop 82, Weds Nurse Mother, Jailed For Hiding Tots, Gains Freedom LOS ANGELES uTI-Mrs. Gloria Chapman, who went to jail rather than tell the whereabouts of her four children, has gained her lib erty. And she hasn't informed her divorced husband, Marvin, where the children are. The 24-year-old mother was re leased from Jail Friday on a writ from the District Court of Appeal, returnable next Tuesday morning. Under a lower court order to turn the children over to her ex husband, Mrs. Chapman was Jailed Thursday for contempt. CHICAGO l - Aa B-year-old retired Methodist bishop was mu ried Friday to a U year-old nurse who served with him in Belgian Congo missions. The Rev. John Springer, a mis sionary In Africa tor nearly so years, was married to Mist Helen Everett, or Westwood. Mass., in the First Methodist Church. Some 100 persons attended the ceremony in a small chapel of the skyscraper, church in Chicago's loop. Their only attendants were the Rev. Edward I. Everett ot Colfax, lows, a brother of the bride, and his wife. Dr. Horace G. Smith, president e m e r 1 1 a s of Garrett Biblical Institute, an old friend ef Mr. Springer, performed the cere mony. . They are spending the weekend in Colfax where Mr. Springer will preach a sermon at the city's Methodist Church Sunday. They plan to attend the general confer ence of the Methodist Church in Minneapolis next week. Bishop Springer and his wife plan to return to the Congo next year and live in the bishop's home at Springer Institute, a school for Methodist teachers at Mulungwlshl. Bishop Springer s first wife, Helen, died in Africa la IMfl. But what Doris wants to do more than anything else is a real love story. I never get to read any love story scripts and I think my nuraano is responsible. Her husband is Marty Melcher who U also her agent. "He always says that my son, Terry, would be too embarrassed seeing his mother making love on the screen to handsome leading men." HOLLYWOOD tfl -' Jon Hall who spent a five year kissleu period In television, is embarked on a new venture but with ro mance this time. "And It's because the kids asked me to," he comments. Hall had made his screen repu tation as a lover with such lead ing ladies as Dorothy Lamour tnd Maria Montex. Then he went Into television as "Ramar of the Jun gle." The show was tailored strict ly for the kiddy trade se Hall Former Wife Asks Estate Of Late Actor Stanley Park here Friday. The peacock, whose success with the femmes aroused the Jeal ous wrath of his brothers, took to enchanting the traffic streaming along the busy park causeway aft er he had been eliminated from his pursuits of love. ..The traffic 'was enchanted and hopelessly snarled until a Gov. Averell Harriman signed Kill Caf,.rtf .wltul. IK : Talcott Woodward, a sister of Sam tron must dmd ..,ctuall ii t mnii,. i T i.ii i .mi ,n1 apparently" drunk before a Jf.. "-JriiSJi drink may be denied. The old law permitted bartenders to refuse service if the customer! was '"actually or apparently" in-' toxicated. Democratic Assemblyman Louis Desalvio of Msnhattan, sponsor of the measure, said some persons had been denied bar service be cause of a florid complexion or other physical characteristics that led bartenders to believe they were Intoxicated. January while investigating illegal liqu sales here. LAST TROLLEYS NEW YORK I - The city will discontinue its last two trolley car lines, both in Brooklyn, In the fall. The only trolley line remaining in operation after that will be a pri vately operated one that goes only across the Queeiuborough bridge. LOS ANGELES UFU&reea Ac tress Anne Baxter has Informed Superior Court that she will claim all the $23,000 estate ot her former husband, John Hodiak, for their daughter, Katrine, 4. The actor died last Oct II, leaving no will, so his property ordinarily would go to his daugh ter. But his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hodiak, sued for title to their present home, claiming that in 1944 their son Induced them to leave their home in Detroit, prom ising they would have a home here the rest of their lives. The property was purchased for $14,500, the parents contend, and they say they have spent $10,000 of their own money in Improve ments. Their suit was brought against the child and against their own daughter, Mrs. Anne Suva, administrator ot the actor's estate. Off irar Find if ; r ! ST. JOSEPH, Mo. ur-Some 401 children Friday night upset a jo vemle program designed to create . respect for law enforcement. . , The kids went to police head quarters for a scheduled lecture by Edward C. Burke, assistant , chief of detectives, but became restless and finally so noisy Burke cut short his talk. The children took over the elevator, tied up , nhone and aenerallv worried the lew offlcera en duty. The aeries el programs, ""know your policeman", will not be re sumed until larger quarters art available.. - u. ... . - RADIAtyT VLASSUEAT ' Bv rentJneatal The Saathlae Beat" e Ne Fire Baterd e Ne Noise e Ne Dirt ef Oder e Ne Maintenance The enlv full? automatic leal faaraateed bv CeeeV Housekeeping Fee Free Estlmete rheae 442:3 IMI ralrgreaniU Id. Sales New York City Banker Succumbs NEW YORK ( - D. Semuel Gottcsman, 70, banker and in dustrialist, died Saturday after a brief illness. For more than SO years Gottes man was a leading figure In the world woodpulp and paper .'in dustry, and for many years also was active in the investment bank ing field. SHORT DAY PLANNED UNITED NATIONS urV-Cxecho-slovsk delegate Josef Ullrich told the economic and social council automation soon will enable his country to institute a 7-hour work day. Czechoslovakia recently re ported to the U. N. that an hour, 1-day week was the standard. DRAPERIES STS Free Itthatale ' Bee r Plf M rernae Beat SU Cetera Valaares Trareree Be 8" El MFD 7118 . , ELriCK BUND MAN fa. tms (Tersas) MIS Cealer St, taxi driver loaded the bird In his cab and hustled him to curator Alan Best. He was back in the pens Satur day, still preening but more dis creet. - ef Salem DURATILE . mix wm iu Chrome Bathroom Arcesaorles Shewer Doors Tub Enclosures FREE ESTIMATES 1241 $. Cnml. Ph. 4 SIM JSSSS AWKIN6S rrth Nee PaU raven Caileaa Maes ia liar Snea Fre Ritlaaalea Dar er Nliht Ver Kverythlne I Tear WlnSeie re 31171 (Trrati) stis Center SI SEE THE RENT A TOOL De tt Tounelt It 1 Cheaper OPEN SUNDAYS talents Oldest Tool lental HOWSER IROS. tllOSw 111 H GAS HEAT IS THRIFTY HEAT PAYHOIinAI FOR EVtRf HOME... EVERY BUDGET i 1.1 A (CTU.l ( j I (Qtuci s;.: :s$ Cel Teeiy ff he Itnawles SALEM HEATING AND SHEET METAL CO. 10SS Metfwev rW I4J1S . 1 SOMETHING Modern and Practical Lawn. Patio and Ranch Fnci On Dispjoy In Full Site Panels at the Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 0a Display 1 Bays a Week Drive Over la Tear Ulsare Ties sad lee! Free IrtimetH 31 Mee. te Pay Ne Parklsg Problem . Dick Meyer. Lumber Co. (t Blarki Krtk i I'nderwMs One Blk last M tsaa) I isnii.i, ! I ( 'a . iV .. 1 i -' l 1tiofTWMeri-' y ;') I 1 1 teaatsists I t1 J 1 1 hi I laVaCataaaJ VTsJS&S Mr Af.k HMSI0H laeures a twit, rlppis-lt, mt V I Tk. krilna eail etaaa il ... It's I 1 aennf aaaeMt Wtsieei aaaata la paeiact tt Only 1 inrei bwtaH. C)t fiast . . . 4a I MurtiNf. uaa eaaMlf. aereoNi I 41s smtaan 4-sers I I See Hie New All-Aluminum I Smn!!!!!L'oiimi I I eTAlatmKlamalla t'. I SB 4 m r It's easy when you mskeSconrrst your working partner . . . just set the auto matic dial on the Scocts Spreader... fill k with Tvir Buildh in esry saunter to tire your lawn a strength ening meal. Another spreader trip with Scotts Lawn Seed and you put millions of husky grass plants to work Hiking your Lswn the belle of the neighborhood. " , Tout Choke el 3 speciTic purpose teeJt Scoffs "Deluxe" Picture lswn beauty, bluegraai rich ... sn!a lions of perennial seeds, greatest economy-- Touoeed so little. I lb $1.50 I lbe7JJ Staffs "SpecoT Fine blsded fescue predominsrea to produce sturdy, serricesble turf drier toils, sun ot shade, I Ib.llJJ libs. I.t J Scoffs "Ufllfy" Makes rugged turf of broader bladtd graaaes ... the can-tike-it lawn. I lb $ ,9S ilbs.$4.o5 Set the migic number . . . feed or seed in minutes with one of these hsndy end sturdy distributors. The Scotts Spreader auto. statically incisures area and minima. Tut milt ato ieICaiaeiMlOt-iee SCREEIi DOORS lesy te instell last a lifetime Adds beauty te your home Priced at low as . . . 37! aewiii teot ties iiwsn -ttu una aaiewui INN Imm tnfl O MSM vma nra 1 tire SIM I Cen'enMI Q t-79i WllUCI Binwatt S041 M CeeMS O e-earT win mm aiiewitt llll Kn O S-s lasfrrsamv a I moaui i c an mm a ii ST3 nsnest aewi i nM ,sTWWe iMiai newt o t-tMa YttaV ae.wTfceBsnV tftltej StOBsB Capital Shade & Drapery Shop 145 Fairreunds Id. Ph. 4 llil for Free Estimstrt feW Cms to lasting Iwufy ,Wk Tin Bctuita is a'Yfv VVVsrt.- ,,,,w 'aiVe tW" (vliW'T '0' ,h,t ,'r,'0P WnZq attongar, deeper VC Wo' lions. Com is so 1 Tier Bt'tton is the nu trient packed, veteran grase- thicker, rooted little per 7 lawn ... hilf st much Ttar Bliiora docs twice the job. 5W0 if ti-VSO Uft00it$.$7M ELMER a e BLIND MAN Phnnr S 13 1711 La.a Ave.