Tomorrow's Sunday .. Aetri of Special Church Activitia in Salem md the Valley Presbyterian Groups Studying Building Plan New church building plans with various alternatives and estimate? art being considered by the con gregation ot Tint Presbyterian Church at a series of divisional dinners, the first two o( which, or those living north of Center street, were held Thursday and Friday evening. The fifth divisional dinner Mr. and Mrs. Eber Kitpatrick, majors will be held Monday evening at I SO in the church social hall, for all members and friends liv ing in West Salem, or south of Hansen-Peace streets. The basket dinner will be followed by fellow shop singing, entertainment for the children, and projection of the church plana as presented by Dr. Paul Poling. Sunday evening the Senior High Youth Fellowship will be guests of the Federated Churches in Cor- George Fox Choir Plans Concert Here Highland Avenue Friends Church -wilt be host UHJuaker meetings in the greater Salem area when the George Fox College a capella choir is presented Sunday at 3:30 p.m. Prog. Ross Stover, graduate of Westminster College, will direct the George Fox College 32-voice choir to which the public is in vited. " The formal program is divided Into five sections. The presenta tion opens with several typical examples of early sacred choral music including the most beauti ful works of the masters of the area: Brd, Hasler, Bach and Handel. The second group is from the Romantic era ranging from a meditative motet by Johannes Brahms: "Create in Me" to a rous ing chorus by Edvard Grieg "God's Son Has Made Me Free." The third group is Russian mu sic including the popular recent translation of "How Great Thou Art." The fourth section contains a group of notable anthems of the Easter season by contemporary composers, and the fifth section is presentation of the lighter side composed of Negre spirituals. The conceit win close with the tradi tional choral benediction by Peter C. Lutkin. Mission Couple Guest Speakers Ititnau News Serylee SALT CREEK - The Rev. and Mrs. Howard Roth will be guest speaker at the Salt Creek Baptist Church on Sunday, April C9. The Roths are returned missionaries from the Cameroon of Africa and are members of the North Ameri can Baptist General Conference. They will speak at both the morning and evening services and m the evening they will show pic hires of their work in Africa. APOSTOLIC JMl'S NAM! 445 Center. 11 a.m., I p.m. ASSCMRLT or GOD Crntral Cotust and Hood. 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. tvanselistlc Temple Park and Market, 11 a m., 7:45 p.m. The rhapel Fairview An. and Bluff St. 11 a.m., 7:45 p m. BAPTIST Bethel Cottage and D. 11 a.m.. 1:30 p m. Calvary Liberty and Millor. 11 a m., 130 p m. Capital Baptlit 3004 Lansing. Sun day arhnol 9:49 a.m. Service! II am., 7:45 p m. rtrrU-Libcrty and Marlon. 11 a.m.. 7:30 pfn. Immermrl Haiet and Academy. 11 a.m. and 7:30 pm. nest Salem Ith and Rosemon, 11 a iru 7:30 p.m. CATHOLIC St. Joseph's Winter and Chemeev Ota, S. 7. S. :15. In M, 11:45 a m. St. Vlacent 0 Paul Mrrtlt and Columbua. , 1, S, 8:15. 10:30 and 11:43 am. CHRISTIAN Court SU 17th ana Court 10:50 am, 7 JO pm. rtrit Cottar and Marlon. IMS S m.. 1:30 p.m. CHRISTIAN AND M1SSIONABT Alliance tth and Camea. 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m. enram or christ centra? Cottage and Chemeketa. 10 50 a.m., 1:30 p.m. wrsT SAt.CM rni or christ City MaU. 11 a.m. 7:30 p.m. cm Ren or Christ, arir.NTis? rint Liberty and Chemeketa, 11 a m, S em. ....,., CHt RCH or con rirrt Lancaster and Glendalo. 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. tHI RCH OP COD, The 40 I. 22nd. 11 a m, 1:43 p m. Chi rch or 6od or pwophrct 1M0 B. 20th. 11a m, 1:45 p.m. CHtRrw or jRsrs christ or LATTER RAT SAINTS - 5ih and Madiaon, S a.m., 30 p m. COMflltrc.ATIONAL riral Cottage and Marlon. II am. Knliht Memorial- 19th and Terry. II a m. IPISCOPAL St Ptnl't S. Liberty and Myers. 1:30, 1 30 tl a.m- ; ........ .... ... IVANcrLICAL AND StrroRMKD ethaay Capitol ana Morton. II a.m.' tvANOTxrcAL CNTnro emcrmtN Eaglewooi I Tth and Nebraska. II km. I SO p m rirat Bummer end Marroo. lt:M a m., I'M p.m. PAtTII TABRimrLt . 1303 N. Sth. II a m, 14l p m. t-oiasqt'AM 4M N. 19th it a m., 141 p m. rant METitonisT Winter and Market 11 am, 1:30 pm. rnrvoR ' inahlajU Aveaao Chunk, aad awVmL aax, 1 p m. S a 1 e m CIiu relics vallis. Cars will leave from the church at 5 45 p.m. The Men's Club terminated Its regular monthly dinner meets last Tuesday, untu fall, witn tne pre sentation by city officials of their plans and programs for tne May ballot lookinf forward to Salem becoming city of 130,000 within 30 years. Newly elected omcers of the club are: Eugene W. Croth iricnt: C, Clinton Weeks. vice president; Roy O. Girod, sec retary, and Don J. Macason, treas urer. Official From Linfield Plans Talk in Salem L. Earle Shipley, assistant to the president at Linfield College, Mc Minnville, will speak at Calvary Baptist Church Sunday morning and evening. Shipley holds his bachelor of arts degree from Linfield, his mas ter of arts from the University of Pennsylvania, and his bachelor of divinity from Eastern Baptist Seminary. Before returning to Linfield he pastored churches in Southern California. At San Luis Obispo he worked with court probation cases, and at Atascadero he waa associ ated with the religious therapy program of the California Men's Hospital. Last summer Mr. and Mrs. Ship ley traveled through 10 European countries and hi Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and Israel, Denomination Merger Plan Talks Slated- Wednesday at the monthly no host Fellowship Supper of First Congregational Church, at 6:30 p.m., two outstanding speakers will present opposing views on the proposed Union of the Con gregational Christian and Evan gelical lc Reformed Churches. The speakers art Dr. Ray Walk er, chairman of the National Executive Committee of the Con gregational denomination, and Paul Biggs, attorney from Ore gon City. Dean Robert Gregg will moderate the discussion. In the business part of the ev ening the congregation will con sider whether or not it wishes to re-vote on the proposal No Sunday, in the It a. m. wor ship service, Dr. John Keiser, pas- tor, will preach oh "The Secret of Worship". At S p.m., the Pil grim Fellowship will leave from the church to go to Corvallis to share in the program of the Pil grim fellowship there. Nliilth graders have been invited to share in this and all remaining I High School events of this year. Sorrth Salem Commercial and Waehinfton. 11 am., 130 p.m. rt'LL C.OSPTL PENTECOSTAL Calvary C hapel - 1143 N. Liberty 11 a m.. 7:45 p m. Pull Goipel Minion SOI N. Lib erty. 10 a m., 7:45 p m. Jeiue Name PenteroataJ 117 Lewia. U a.m.. 7:45 p.m. JEHOVAH S WITNESSES 1&90 Mimon. S p.m. Sunday. JEWISH Broadway and Madiaon. 7:30 p.m. trndayl. RINGWOOT) fllRI.E 11 9 film a-IK . . iA-aa - ., Tpr.m-. ... - n.. Lt'THFRAN Central Capitol and Calnea. Sun. day arhnol, 3:45 am, aervicea II a.m. and 7 -.10 p m. Cbrlit IS'n and State. 8 30 and 11 a m. Sunday School at 9:43 a.m. C.rare Lutheran Laming and Sun nyview. Sunday achool 43 a.m. Services II a.m. St. John's 11th and Court St. 10 :m am. St. Mark 343 N. Church. Sunday chool S:30 a m. Worahip 11 a.m. MENTAL SCIENCE .178 Kingwood Ave. Classes I i n. Friday. METtlOWST I'lrit -Church and State. 1:30 and 11 a.m. Jaeoa Leo Winter and Jef'enon 1:45 and 11 a.m. Leslie Commercial and Meyeri. 11 a.m.. 7:30 p m. Mornlnnlde Methodht Church Sunday School t:45 a m. and service at 11 a.m. each Sunday. Writ Sate-3rd and Certh. II k m and 1:30 Pl NA7ARENE Elrtt 13th and Center. 10 50 am., 1:30 fjn. orrs ritBt.E standard 1232 N. Commercial. 11 em, 1:43 p.m. ,- PM ORIM HOLINESS 2283 Carlton 11 am.. 1:30 p m. PREBBVTERIAN Tlrat Winter and Chemeketa. S 43 in., II am. REORGANIZED CHCRrR) OP JFSCS CHRIST OP LATTFR DAY SAINTS 17th and Chemeketa. II a.m., Ipm. SALEM WHI R rRt'RCH 2a miles east on Center St., II a.m. and 1:30 pm-. - - SALVATION ARMT lit State. 11 am, 13 p.m. T SEVEWTW-OAt ABVtHTlST i Snrmmer and Rood. II a at (Sat urday!. I srntrriAi isT-rmt i 1320 Madison. 1 34 p m. nt'TII CENTER 114 Court St Sunday School 10 am, worsntp ii a.m. tNtTARiAN mtowswrp one N Cottage St. 10 30 am. L'NITED BRETHREN Ptfot YWCA. ID S3 tm. WESLETAN METBODISt ' lattt ana MIU ft 11 ajat. and Ipm. Profcssoi Dr. Eddy Asirvatham of Madras, India, who will speak la Salesi Sunday awning. Unitarians to Hear Speaker From India Dr. Eddy Asirvatham of Madras, India, will speak Sunday at 10:30 a.nvat the Salem YWCA -on-the subject, "Is India a Secular State?" Dr. Asirvatham is being presented under the auspices of the Unitarian Fellowship of Salem in cooperation with the Portland Regjonal Office of the American Friends Service committee. Dr. Asirvatham is professor rof political science - at Nagpur uni versity. Prior to his present posi tion he was for seven years pro fessor of Foreign Missions and Christian International Relations at Boston university. He has trav eled and lectured widely through the West and the Orient. Dr. Asirvatham, having just ar rived from India, will be speaking on current developments in that country and the role India is try ing to play in world affairs. His current lecture tour of three months will take him to all sec tions of the United States. The meeting in Salem is public. Native Language DES MOINES, Iowa CP) Iowa officials weren't able to help Dallas. Tex., school girl with her Latin class project. She said her class was seeking to prove Latin isn't a "dead language, and asa ed a cloture of the Iowa seal "containing r Latin motto." Gov. Leo Hoegh sent Marcia a picture of the Iowa seal, but it didnt help much. The Iowa mot to, "Our rights we prize and our liberties we will maintain," is in English. Suburban AVMSVTM.B i leihel auBtiat Sunday arnooi in a.m. Services 11 a.m.. 7:30 p.m. Sun day. 1:43 p.m. Wednesday. Wetteyaa Sunday school 10 a m. Services 11 a m, 1:30 p.m. Sunday. : BItOOKS Assemhlr of Ool Ha f bloc aoutn nt arnooi. ounaay school S:4I am. Services 11 am., 7:43 p.m. Sunday; 7:43 pa. Wednea-; day. CLEAR LAKE EvanceMcal rHd rethrea Wheatland Ferry rd. Sunday achool 11 a.m. Service 10 a.m. Sunday. EOl.A Community Sunday achool :45 a.m. Services 11 a.m. Sunday. roc CORNERS Baptist State and Elmo. Sunday achool 1:45 a m. Services II a.m., I p.m. Sunday. S p m Thursday. EOI R CORNERS Methodist Elma and Durbin St. Rev. Joe A. Harding, minuter. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. ERIITLAND Evangelical United Brethren Sun Amy arhnol. 10 am. Services. 11 am. 7:30 p.m. Sunday. 7:30 p.m., Wed nesday. GARDEN ROAD Christian Chore Bible School 45 a.m. Worship 11 a.m.. 7:30 p m. Sunday. Bible Study Wednesday, 1:3Q p.m. HAVESVII.I.E Halbrrt Memorial Baptist 4290 Portland rd. Sunday school 45 am. Services 11 a.m . 7.30 p.m., Sunday. 7:30 p.m., Thursday. HOPEWELL Evanirllral t'nlted Brethren Sun day school. 10 am. Services II a m, S p.m. Sunday. S p m. Wednesday. KEI7ER knrrh of Christ tOM Dearborn. Sunday school. 10 a.m. Services. 11 am, '130 p.m. Sunday. 7:3 p.m. Wednesday Community Elizabeth and Church itu Sunrlav school. S:43 a.m. Serv ices 11 am.. 7:45 D.m. Sunday. 7:45 p.m. Wednesday. ralth Lutheran 450 It. River rd. Sunday school, 3:45 a.m. Services, 11 a m. Sunday. 7 pm. Ttreeday. Natarene 4S55 Bailey. Sunday school, 3:45 a.m. Services, 11 am. 1:45 p.m. Sunday. 1 p.m. Wednesday LAhllH CENTER Cera salinity I Evangelical United Brethren! Sunday school, 10 a m. Services, 11 am., 7:41 p m. Sunday. S:3tl p.m. Wednesday. LARISH VILLAOE Bethel Assembly Sunday School, .0 a m. services. II a m.. 7:45 p m. CemasiinltySunday school. 10 e m. Services, 11 a m, S 30 p.m. Sunday. LIBERTY ' Liberty Chore of Christ Skyline rd. Sunday srhool, S 45 am. Services II am, 7 30 pm. Sunday. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH " K1MISTI8S: WATME CSEENE CUPINa FUQU1 ' MARION AND COHAOi 9 45-Church Schoor 10,45-Worship Sermon: By Mr. John Boosinger NOSTHWfST CHRISTIAN COlllOf 40O-o:30-Youth 7:30 Evening Worship' Sermon! "Cruel Vinedressers' Ipesiel b the Toork Choir Ground-Breaking for New Church Sunday Ground-breaking eeremoalci for the aew weatmiasler laited Pres eyterUa Chares en seeth Liberty Read are scheduled at 4 p. m. Saaday. areordiag ta aa aaeaae eeneot from Rev. J, DwigM R linen. A great tf church aad lay leaders win participate ta the ceremonies, whirs. wlH be the ia Ual step toward eeestnscttea f the M! J8S edifice. The new bant ing wll nil need caased by a growing ekarrh membership la the area. Dr. Jeh C. Nevia, Portlaad, superintendent ef miuteai at the Oregon Presbytery, win Bver the featured address at the grMnd-breaking. Site of the pro ject Is ea tlx acres of land oi Temperance Give Talk SILVERTON Dr. I. G. Roddy. church relations director for the Oregon Temperance League, Port land, will be guest speaker Sun day morning- at 11 o'clock at First Christian Church. The Christian Youth Fellowship will have an Afterglow program at the parson age following the 7:30 evening service. Monday night the Christian Men's Fellowship will go to Liber ty Christian Church in Salem for the District 99 Men s Rally. Tues day the Northwest area for Chris tian Churches, of which the Rev. I. M. Nelson, of Silverton, is pres ident, will meet at Lebanon. Thursday night the Christian Wom- CT-rfellowship will hold its oth-4 World Peace Hopes Topic Of Address "Is World Peace Possible?" will be the subject for discussion Sun- dav afternoon at the YWCA in a public meeting sponsored by the Baha'is of Salem and Marion County. Marvin Newport of Eu gene will be the guest speaker. , For the past 19 years, Newport has lectured on the Bahal Faith before service clubs, high school, college, and church groups. He has taught and lectured at many conferences and summer schools. This year he will be one of the Oregon State delegates to the an nual Baha'i National Convention which Is to be held In the world famous Baha'i Temple in Wilmette. Illinois. The recently completed Baha'i Temple has become one of the show-places of the Chicago area and is featured ia many sightseeing tours. For several years, Newport served as one of the carefully se lected and trained guides at the Temple. At the present time he is engaged in business in Eugene. The Sunday afternoon meeting is scheduled for 3 o'clock. New port's talk will be followed by a discussion period. . , Churches MACLEAT Cosmamlty Schoolhouae Sunday school, is a m. MARION Friends Sunday school, 143 am. Services 1 lam. and S P m. Sunday, Calvary Lnttieran Sunday achool. 10 a.m. Services, II a.m. Sunday. MIDDLE GROVE Community Schoolhouae Sunday achool. 10 tm, services, 11 a.m. NORTH ROWELU-CeaaaianHr Sunday achool 10 a m. Services II a m, S p.m.. Sunday, S pm, Wednes day. OAK GROVE Chapel Sunday achool. s:4 a.m. eorvieei 11 a.m., Sunday, r-RATi'M Immannel Mennonlte Sunday school :H am. Servlcea 11 am,, 7:43 p.m., Sunday. Methodist Sunday srhool 10 am. Service 11 a.m., Sunday. PRINGLE Encnas Baxter rd, west of pas;. Skindiy school B:45 am. Services 11 a.m., 7 30 p.m., Sunday. 3 p.m., Wednes day. ROBERTS Community Schoolhouae Sunday achool, 10 a.m. KOSET) ALE Friends Sunday achool 111 a m. Services 11 a.m., 7:30 p m, Sunday. PtALEM HEIGHTS Baptist Liberty and Meorona, Sun day school I. IS am. Services 11 am. 7:30 p.m., Sunday. Good Shroherd Lutheran 3825 8 Commercial. Sunday achool 3:45 a m. Services 11 a.m., Sunday. South Salem Naiarene SfS3 t. Ma- drnna ave. Sunday school 45 am. Services 11 am, 7:30 Dm, Sunday Southsldo Assembly of God Fair view Ave. and Cedarway. Sunday srhool t.ii Service 11 a m, 7:45 p.m., unaay. 1:49 p m, weonesaay. SI'MMIT METHODIST Sunday ir ifTnnd aad fourth Runrtivi ofUretta Toft are presidents. each month. SWEC.I.B , fiardrn Road Christian 40SS Mar ket. Sunday-school t :4s a jn. Service 11 a.m. Sunday. TAT.noT Community Sunday srhool 3 43 a m. Services il a.m.. S p.m, Sunday. S p.m., Wed nesday. tiKNrn Assembly ef Cod Sunday srhool 43 a.m. Services 11 am, 7 43 pm.. Sunday. 1:43 pm, Wednesday and rnday. Christian Sunday school 43 am. Services II am., 5 SO pm., Sunday. 1 pm., Thursday. Methndjst Sunday achool 10 a m. Servlres 11 am Seventh-Ray Advenllst Sunday school S:30 am. Service 11 a m. zrNA. Two miles west of Lincoln, day school. 111 a m. Sun- Salepj's Singini Church i. Beslder Kao0 at t?iS S. Liberty Street. A eaatrertfer approval of tat Irojert was seat to PHUWrei ad tb Board at Amertraa Mis sion af the I'aHed Presbyterlaa Cawrca. No efltrial aatHlreUea has yes keea received frees the board, but leaders here said they , were eeafldeat at approval. Lea Reed, thah-wiaa at the ekarrh a kaiMlag committee, wUI remove law first apaeVfol at dirtj Bandar. Others BartMaatlag the treaaa-ereakrog la addltloa to Dr. Nevks WlH be ArraHert Beajamla Cave, Contractor E. E. Battennae; Barrk Jadooa, eeere-tary-treaftarer af the aew rhareb's eaildine; committee; and Rev. RasseH. Official to In Silvertcfn er-Daughter banquet at Silverton, with the men of the church serving the meal. Welfare Speaker The Rev. E. E. Ramsey, Luther aa welfare pastor. Portland, will be guest speaker Sunday at Trin ity Lutheran Church. Tuesday night at 8 p.m. the Rev. Kenneth Larson. Corvallis, executive di rector fof the Lutheran Student Foundation of Oregon, will be guest speaker at Trinity Brother hood. Missionary Helen Arnseth of Madagascar will speak and show slides at Calvary Lutheran church at 3 Qm. covering her work on the Mission field. Geett Speaker The Rev. H. Holmes of Mulino will be guest speaker Sunday at the U o'clock services at Pilgrim Holiness church. Pilgrim Youth will meet Sunday night at 1:45 with Esther Nettleton presiding. Evangelist services have been set for 7:30 p.m. Four cottage pray er meetings will be conducted weekly in different parts of Sil verton. with the Rev. John Price making the arrangements lor them. The morning worship win be at 9:30 with sabbath school at 10:40, Saturday morning m the Seventh-Day Adventist church to give the pastor, Elder Kenneth McVay, time to preach first in Silverton and later at the morning service at Molalla. Archie W. Bovee will direct the Sabbath school at Silverton. Associated Missionary' Volunteers will meet at Molalla at 4 p.m. Parents' Day ServiceTold "Convictions and Compromise' will be the sermon subject of the minister, the Rev. Louis . White, at the 11 o'clock service at the Knight Memorial Congre gational Church Sunday. A group of members of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity of Willamette University and their parents will ! attend this service as part of the fraternity's observsnce of Par ents Day. Sunday School meets at W I. m, with rradfd worship ana in struction in the Bible and in Christian living for all ages, an- der the leadership of the sup erintendent, Hiss Mary Eyre. Discussion in the Pilgrim Youth Fellowship at 6:30 p.m. will be led by Trisha Perrm and Jim Compton, snrj the service of worship will be conducted . by Jodelle Jones. All young people of junior high, senior high and college ages are welcome. Youth Rally Wednesday Statramsa News Servlre SILVERTON - Young people from congregations of Evangeli cal Lutheran Churches in Salem, Woodburn, Canby and Silverton will meet for a buffet supper at Immanur! Lutheran church, Sil verton, Wednesday at 6:30 to be followed by a rally. This is one of two youth rallies scheduled for the Willamette cir cuit at which Dar Roa of Minne apolis, Minn, young evangelist for the International Youth Peo ple's Luther league, will speak. The supper will be in charge of the Luther Leagues of Immanuel and Trinity churches of Silverton of which Patricia Thonkildson and Teacher From Madagascar to Give Message Miss Helen Arnseth. recently re turned from a mission in Mada gascar, will speak at Central Lu theran church at 11 a.m. Sunday. A native of Kargo, N. D., Miss Arnseth is a graduate of Augsburg college and has spent the past seven years as teacher in (he mission at Madagascar. With her talk in Salem she will conclude a two-month sneaking tnur of the Pacific Northwest. First Church of the Naiarene Center st Thirteenth 9:45 Sunday School 10:50 Morning Worship "Personsl Relationship with Chrlit" "6:30 Youth Hour 7:30 Evangelistic Service "The Woman at the Well" . E. D. WOLFE, Interim Tutor The Public Is Invited Congregation To Observe Education Day John Rominrer. assistant to the president of Northwest Chris tian College of Eugene, will be the special speaker at the morn ing worship service at First Christian Church Sunday. His message is timed to the observance ia the church of Christian Higher Education bit which comes in April of each year, and appropriately North west Christian College is support ed by the Christian Churches of this area of the country and of fers training especially for those going into full time Christian work. . Booeinger, who was teaching and acting as counselor ia North west Christian College before be coming assistant to the presi dent, has. served the Christian Church in Sunnyside. Wash., and in Forest Grove, Ore. A special part of the evening service will be the worship number sung by the Youth Choir. Pastor to Tell Plans for Trip To Holy Land Pastor Lloyd Anderson of First Baptist Church will live a preview of his forthcomlnf trip to the Holy Land at the 7:30 service on Sunday. The preview. given In Illustrated form, will showrthe ltineTaTy-and visitations which will be made. Ron Esson, missionary from Bukidnoa In the Philippines, will speak and show colored pictures at the 7:30 service. Mr. Esson, a pharmacist, has assisted in medi cal work among the natives, as well as in preaching and evan gelistic ministry. He ia the sob of Mrs. Edna Esson of Salem and will spend the following week in her home. He and his family will return to the Philippines oa July 13, leaving from Seattle. Evangelist to Speak Sunday Sunday evening the Rev. Don ald McFsdden, youthful evange list from Portland, who has been conducting an evangelistic cam paign at Mission Street United past week, will speak again using as his topic: "And They Wearied Themselves to Find the Door". K chalk artist of note, ha draws a chalk picture each night Each picture is a gospel illustration highlighted by realistic black light with a background of spe cial music and authentic sound recordings. These pictures are given as awards to the one who brings the most guests In an ev ening. The regular pastor, Rev. R. V. Kilmer, will be out of town Sun day, speaking at the Overland Park Church in Portland, a church which he started in 1950 as student pastor. Church to Repeal Performance of Christian Drama atatessaaa News Service " The Conversion of St. Paul." presented for the first public per formance last Sunday evening at South Salem Church of the Nata rene, met with the request for a repeat performance, according to the Rev. James E. Kratz, pastor of the church and author-director of the. production. The drama is presented by members of the lo cal congregation. The presentations are scheduled next week including a Monday eve ning performance at South Salem Lchurch of the Nazarene following a short piano and organ recital beginning at 7: JO p.m. The drama also will be present ed at the Chemawa Indian School on Sunday, April 29, at 2 45 p.m in the school auditorium. The cast will be guests of the Sunday after noon youth hour with Chaplain Ad dison Talbot. Two out-of-town presentations are tentatively arranged for the near future. TOI R WEDNESDAY ROME vflTwenty Sicilian In dustrialists headed by Domenico Iacavera are off on a tour of Washington. Chicago. New York and Detroit. Their aim is to en courage American Investments in Scily. Foursquare Church 490 N. 19fh St. "0 Hove" P.M. "Ivikatiasie oael Reipensikility" Bey. ley L A fRIENOlV WIICOME AW A IT J YOU f:4S a. a teieawf f i:4S o. . Teem Service ( tl-Ovsm. ; OLD-FASHIONED REVIVAL Goes Into Second Great Week EVANGELISTIC TEMPLE MAIKIT AND CASK AVI. EVANGELIST MAYNARD S. OSS SUNDAY 11:00 A.M. AND 7:30 r.M. lets All Go to Sunday School-MS A.M. , MlfTINOS NIOHHY, IXCIPT MONDAY A NO (ItuSOAV 740 Saler.1 llczl Her far tao tstk aaaaal state eawyeaHoai at CtetsfJai beVovat-, aVrea ha tVkfites an sWa M tt raw la treat at Use rear) Mrwi CMstlaa Caarra aim rmay s aawgraas Was aela. rroaa mn as t!hi. they are Carol Gaylart, Jeaalaars Udge; Dun Stalth. Meaii Irwta 1140. Maaaaaata, aad Lea San Pwaraa, Redasaaal. Aaoat IJH persaaa Uva wgtatarad tat tae tearmUaa. (StaUoaaaa PaoU) 1,600 Register in So I cm For Youth Church Confab State officers of Christlaa En deavor, church youth group, will be elected at a convention assem bly at I p.m. today at the Court Street Christian Church. Offices to be filled include presi dent, vice president, regional rice presidents, finance secretary and treasurer, and ewpertntee dents ef membership, devotion, recreation, education, missions, Christian cili senship and Christian Endeavor publications. .About 1,600 delegates art regis tered for the annual stats conven tion now in its third day. This Is the first time the convention has been held ia Salem since 1948, Conference periods will begin to day at I M a.m. in the Court Street Christian Church. A 'con vention assembly will be held at 11:45 a.m. Delegates will attend a banquet at South Salem High School at. I p.m. tonight. Local banenjet eiurir- man is Mrs. Merle Sirnonson, Alger Fitch, pastor of the Mil waukie, Or., Church ef Christ, win speak aa "I Surrender All My Dinner Series Announced by First Methodist 'Members of First Methodist church will participate la a aeries of fellowship dinners based on the district and neighhohood plan with the stress oa "Know Your Church" and the . stewardship phase of the church program. Dr. Brooks H. Moore, minister, an nounced this week. The dates for the covered dish dinners to be held in the church dining room at p.m. are: Districts A and D Tuesday. April 26; District! C. E. and F- Friday, April 17. The assimiliating committee of the church, of which Dr. and Mrs. Waldo C. ZeHer are chairmen, is la charge of the arrangements. India City Reverts To Ancient Name NEW DELHI (JrWIndia s holiest city, Benares, ia reverting ta its ancient name, Varanasi. Officials ordered the change made May S4 (hiring ceebratiofrs marking the ZSooth anniversary of Buddha's birth. The city strfnds where the Gan ges River reaches its greatest sanctity. It attracts over a million pilgrims a year to Hindu, Bwidr11.1t, Jain and other shrines. "SOUTH SIDE" ASSEMBLY OF GOD Old Fashioned Gospel Preaching -Singing A Friendly Atmosphero For Worship "- f' " " tooslaf Ickaol 10O0 MtaM0 1 Wenkia) :tf ,n0 " J- I leemiif J Rally -7 41 : " ( toss Via I I ' " MAl aUef A at I rh. 11177 frategiiq, S&!cru Or?.. Sit.. Apr3 11. t3 (5c I)-7 to Christian Youth Meeting Soul" at I p.m. tonight la the First Christian Church. The convention win end Sunday with communion service for all delegates at I a.m. at the Court Street Church, . FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CHEMEKETA AND WINTE1 "Call to Praytjr" By Dr. Felhrg Twe Services: MS tal 11 KOCO 1I:H a, as. SALEM TRUTH CENTER llt Oast St. aadayll a. m. S4jsday School 11 a. aa. Warship Metaphysical Lecture Wesley Fergusea Van day I p. aa. Stwdy Clasa In Spirltaal Law Mrs. Decs NeaMev Lsader . Wedaeeday I p. at. Prayer Clink rtaahrsieal Library Monday. Friday, 12-4 Sattm's .'.ETlIOCiST Church Jckorne You Jason U Memorial N. mater and Jefferaoa Eraeat Gaasder, raster Charch flehaal at t:45 WersaJa Service at 11:0 ft. Caajnerrial aad Keym Koaert MclTvaaaa, fassor Chareh ftehaal at Ml Warahla CarvVrs at ll.M Morningiid Community I2M 8. lStk Ma Manage, faster rhnrrh Rchaal at Worship RervVe at ll: Trinity ot Four Corner 59 R. Elma Ave. lae A. HardiBg, raster Church Jkhaol at M5 Worship Kervtea at 1:1 aad 11: a. as. Wtt SaUm d and Certh Oscar Olsoa, fastor fhnreh "chool :4 Warship Service st U:M a. as. Fint r- CSS fiUta - Braoks IL Meera, raster Charch School aal Warship, t:S aad 11 a. as. District BtrperiBteadewt af fialem DtstrVrt, Dr. George 1IN N. Bvwiawer. HEAR . . . Reverend Thomas Dciby Recefitty Returned Missianary frarn Maxka SEE .. . THI INTERESTING MOTION PICTURE "AIRMAIL FROM GOD" Saturday-April 21st-8 P.M. Special Weekday Sorvkaa Will Be Held an Tva. Thuf. Saturday and Sunday at I p.m. FAITH TABERNACLE Corner Sth and Gaines lev. Paul Cannon, Paster "The Plata Where Faith h Active" RUST fsSTKQDIST , aiurxH Ttti tau wwm ssun 1 l30arv4U.t9a.i3V. Tv;i::icn:i CHRISTIAN CMU5CJT torelsf, trvift fettar IrMdcatt, KSIM- IX0CKS N. MCCSl Mlnlotar ' tAtNTPAUlt EPISCOPAL Ll&afsfrtCJiltft tUUDAYV- 7t30 .rn.-HoJy Csxnmunloii :30 a.m.-famlry Sorvtca :00 .m.-Sar Vica-Smwi ST.HUVSMSION FAM11T tHVlCl tiC9 AJA. 430 Hooa Si. INQUIRES CUSS For Caofsrinariori THUKSOAT, MAt I lav. Oaarf K. f wifs, Rector Tha Iclhcrcn Chunk l SaVam V.TICOM! YOU IT, MARTI ft). U C.) Ml North Chaath (tenir H"H a. M. Baaday Ickoal :H a. ta. Ma L Ciablt. raster IT. JOHYI (UC-Na. lya.) 14th aad Caart Its, ervtca 11:1 a. sa. laaday htoeT:lS t. as. B. W. Great, raster GIACF. (E.ICI UN Haayvtew Aveaaa tWrrire 11 a. av laaday ftrteel t:4l a. sa. Uwa Bait, raster COOD IRErRERD (1). L. C) 1721 leath Commercial Service 11 a. sa. laaday Ichoal MS a. av ft W.Prlg1t,D.Pn raster rAlTB (U. L. C.) 4SM North River laal . lervlra 11 a. as. luaday Irhaat 1:41 a. as. Warrea W. fechaiSB, raster CHRIST (A. L. C.) Itata at lltb Street Servrras 1:1 a. as. aad 11 a. av Caaday School, :4S a. aa. T. M. Cekhard, raster CENTRAL U f. C.) North Capital at Caiaci Servlres 11 a. as. Ui 7:31 p. at. laaday Ickoal 141 a. av arald Crtadal, rastar