1 1 (W 11) St.i(Ma;n. S'-lcin, Otf., Sat., j.iil 21. '.71 , 'l."0 Mr r( liarullsfi 473 for Sot. Miic. I'll IAI r XI ft e.l.n.l,, fad. Orr M W. I'lUV 4I I all UtiS lilAMI'M out I, eie.r C oun ter ..r asis, in l... krunt tale T W I'l.uriiult, 30l I'l fmrrf Tru.l ItKlf ih M' r'l.ll .!" ,h tn B4J ylie l Tlra Marl Top Soil Crrhard I nam River Loan. ial I-I74S Pro il Delivery beier bend Gravel ( 1 1 I ri. rimmed we..n whe-ia for iila, .. I. Ilal fn. () il l)A pial.' kaal post" Bhed al lynea Ikiiji wire I'n 4-:u.sl. Pit Run (.ravel TOP SOIL. PH. 4310 CTrAM f l,ataH'nmfurt Rhttal (..o iloi.r Wota I'nilum. IAI.IM Bualna rnan wtnla PlMtrll Ml 4-S771 ilHIKt IT M( H find uranium MimI'I III arlnllator. I Uian i, pftr I'h 4-7. m " TOP ROM. PH. 4 Ntt T0I' SOIL Ftnew Mrt, t-KWI TOP SOIL, RILT DnUVEItKD. PH. IXH GOOD 'TOP SOIL DllrH. fhotw l-WI, jHt ;ilf4 Aaala. mnap it )UI. Iwatri Mat, luml.lad or raw. I4MI Briwfwtr. fh. J-J2" iWThola")iif7V-Uia. In mntrar. httuainld artlrlti . tlhry. fh. J-7Ja. lT"pr;wrH Utimor. J4 Cut p rifln 13" bieyvla. MW tlraa. 114. I'h. 4-UiW fl.rxiux:., Aa adwrtiacMl In I irr. M4 wcoa va. rn 4.r..nl. rLmriEaiat ilurr. C.ao. t. T'.mklna, 1140 W. Ida. (Uyton. Ph. 4.IJ4. ;i PORTABI.I ouldr nif bov Rarrtarua alactric apil Uwd Iwica. Prka AM Call l-ii 1,1 Hizr. aroodir. Ill V 4 aWa. I butk. huUhra. II). M Ph. 1-77 Jl. CI KAN uaad brick. 4c aa. Ph. .-.77JI. f)OTPOINT lLua ranira. Gib. ton rafrig. Mapla bunk Drda diil. bad. drtaaar aV rhatt. All rural, ntnd. Hcaa Ph. J-7IM I) lN.ronaola T.'V. I yr."old. 171. Mirror 1'. fl i'a fl . ii Cirl a Bika. III. Ph. 4-1044 TOP toil A Pit Run Craval. Ph. 1-I5.U foR RALI atumpafr. kalwaan 70 0(i0 aV loo n ft R. A. tn pun. 411 W. Oak Hilabora, ora. ar ph. 1)41. '471 Wanlad, MiK. tOG WANTTO - Toe arVaa paid 4-ln. la aa-la ajiamatart In l-ft ar multipara at t-n. alia buy tumpaaa Burn. land Lumbar Company. Tur- rr. Ora. Ph. Turnar 1IJB tvanlnya phona Turoar 2304 at Ralrm l-7I'4 fHP. dP wall pump. Ph. 4-4 alter lam. fut Van a. Boona Rd. SaBYBUGGY In food condi tion. prWrrama Thayal 4-2ail WANTED arvaral Ihoutand cordt of wood, all apacMa. Pa. -T731. Nlfbl. 474 MiKilloNMut Furniture Refinished By Expert8 Va taVa all tha finiih off k t. flntah your furniture Ilka naw. Call LAWRENCE IIS. 4oN Utile 81. Ph. J.IWI Prospectinp Supplies Celeer 4a Rr-lntillator countert, Riinerallrhla Mercury de tectora. (rea Information DECTRfiNICB INC PH lw Lancaiter Dr ADDING marhlnea. eh rent t ClaryJtn rairireunda. I-S.I7J DPNTAI. PIJMe'REPAIR t-Ua SERVU-R IN MOST CASFS BR BARRY SFMLEW. Dentltl Adolph Rirlg.. Ilatr A Cnmi Ita SALEM PH. J-JJ1I 476Fv7rJ" Old Fir Wood, til -Ph. Silverton 1-8 mi. Wulchlng Sawduit WOOD I IV H Green Stampa Pn. 1-I5.TJ )iiw Broadway West Salem FuefCo. tiwrl ut, blower ar eurh out planer and Pond Lillet SPECIAL Bemt-Dry Block 6 Slab 1121 Ediewa'er h. 4011 WANTED aeveral thouaand enrda or wnocv an tmeciea I'H j-1721 Nlfhtt, 4-M.11 HIGHWAY FURL CO. BAWDl'ST WOOD 4-44I4 Capitol Fuel Co. SAWDUST FOR MULCHING Choice ilib and block mlxrrl 1420 Broadway ?.n?:l7n SAWDUST lor aali. J unit load. ?uh out, 111 Ph. Cerviia 211 ANDERSON'S elabtaood. I-7J4I or 4-1154. . , Ph 500 Bus. & finance 510 Monoy to loan n.ooo.ooo.m Cnnatmctlon Money now available for PHA, CI or kini term Conventional Mnrtynee Loana anvwhere in tha Wil lamette Valley. Money alio earlly available for exlitiruj home loam. Call 3-.1IM STATE rlNANCK CO,, ' - I7 So. Hih Rt.. Salem, Ore. WE HAVE cah buyera tor real aetata contract! and tnd mart fea ' Ohmart A Calaba. Realtor 477 CourtBt Phona 1-41 IS fbLONIAL tnvratrneatCa Ural Property Loani Contrarti Purchaned 4R7 Court 4-J?n FrIVATI money to loan buy contract! and mnrtiravea 341 .- Chemekela St Ph .1-W41. $1500.00 Mow you ran ttorrow 11500 from ua, on furniture, autoa. trailer houae and equipment. We ara happy that after m yean 1 we are able to exlend this , additional service 10 you. 1.17 S. foml Salem, Oregon General Finance CORPORATION PHONE 3-9161 LOANS 190 00 lo 113000 Buy What You Need Con'nlidale your hills. finsnre tnrojgh WIIXAVTETTE CREDIT COMPANY IM f Church SI Ph 1841 PRIVATE money la ion oh Real Catata. t Iniarut Ph. 500 Bin. A finance 600 I'tupToytiirnt 310 Money Lean Wil l ri tour n.ntia.t r l..d muiie.fa ee iMtiiienl fiit lutiMtia jt it par it. netting alto ,1 r, "' Blue a i,. a J buim. home. 4 BI.4I tTi to $27)0 Pacific Industrial Loans III Jihnr ph Rawlins Realty Co, kU. 4-01 I, JT2 Loam WanftT h,,"o H Ml pi '. ; H'nar M nwt Iti dal 4-111. Aflar IIP. I-IIUP. f00 Employment 602 H.lp W.nua1 farm H.jmav Tnrv.Un .. ii .., iv i t tt in,, ri won rtwtK. In paprrlrwa pa aaaittanl rititapa Matron. t-Man rap- atla if aa rvlna; pa fnttd buyvr A rommiaaary manaprr a Man aapariaiu-pd In farmlrf pa (arm aiaialanl. rtalialtia middla afrd rouplra prvfvrrvd Mual riava an undvrttandinf nl rrilldrrn A lllln tn llvp In rullaff with II nr M txna or piria I'h. I'laia 1-tuZI lor aepolnimfnt ( Olll'l.t la rara (or alm Mo. trl. max b amitloyad. Wrlta tvt pni ptataanian-Journal. APPUCATIOM art no aainp laprn fir Dlatriman atrircia routrf Aavaral routva pMll ba apan Applicantl moal ba aa aontpantad bp lhair paranuj ar hava lhatr arrtttrn pa rota tion Apnly al lha rirrulatlon Dapartmant af lha aValaaraaav Journal CAPITAL FMPLOYMKNT AGFNCY Phana 1-44. M N Wlnlar Adlominf praabrtarlaa church araa aarklna la rrar axciu ana liitnut aa all lypat p,WANTm lo rara for child In amptovmant mjr homa. Ph. 4-MHt. j-p ' pQTATO SORTERS AT ONCE. PH. 4IK3. 6"04 Hl7WtTrilrMir WANTTO: Slan Writer ao. Giva qualification. Wrlta Bos P7) atalaaman.JournaL WANTED Aoprentira Slan Writ- rr. mutt ba alile to learn (aat Boa 17) Rtateaman-Journal. tXP. Radio-lalrvlaion ter-h- pirlan, rat Mitchell! 140 State. ACCOUNTANT under 41, food poor, (or reaponalnie man. with Initiative At ability lor F.A. office, write full quail (Iratlon. Box I la la an tan - Journal. WANT aeveral wood eullrra Apply Capital Fuel CoN JlrM It. mrtr Kd. IU H.lp Wonrao1, Loo1) BEAUTICIAN Wanted. Apply LaVern I Beauty balon. toa 44. Capitol. HOUREKEPPER wanted: 4 chil dren. da. weak, live In. Ph. I-43M. rVIX TIME baby titter wanted In mj home, must live near 1943 I). 14th. CaU evenuiff l-)4. WANTED a teneral office (trl. anuet hava expertenca in fol lowing: bookkeeping all ac- ' rounta, pay-roll, preferable banking 4i typing. 1 ta st yra. old. SUtaaasan-Jaurnal box 7I WELL ESTABLISHED National organization need experi enced girla lor filing, typing. aienographic and general of fice work In Portland. Accept able employee will have perm anent employment with con aiderable opportunity (or ad vancement. In applying, pleaaa give age. education, name, addreaa and length of employment with previoui employer!. Write Box No. 174 Staletman-Journal. WOMAN (or general houae work.. Nice home, 1 ladv. live In. Call morn. f3 N. Liberty. EXPERIENCED accountant with knowledge of general ledxer it Income Tax pre ferred. Box 1)0 Stateeman Journal. 610 Sole. Help Wontoo; AUTO SALESMAN j New DeSoto-Plymouth dealer ! haa opening (or two experi enced mrn. Sell new and ueed. Commiiaion bait!, op portunity for advancement. . Lebanon Motor!. Inc., Leb n..n. Or.ph. Al pine 1-4424. WANTED: Agnreealva Saleaman. On Commiatinn. Prw. 1-WS6. or ee 1S0N. 4th. ""sales representV'tive'" NATIONAL manufacturing con cern, leader in Its (lcid, need! aalea repreaentative to head quarter in Portland and travel Oregon. Rell both direct and thru ettabllihed diatribufeira. Good aalary plus bnnua. ex pentei and new car (urniahed Requtree I mo. training at headquarters plant. Prefer man M-.ll with wholetal Bell ing experience, married. col Ice graduate and ABLE to call on top management. Send resume and qualifications to Box 17 tStatesman-Journell. . Interviews will be arranged. All replies confidential. Our -. personnel know of jhl!.. ad. Sale Personnel Wanted Phlllipa Appliance Co., 39S Cen ter St. Apply between 1:30 1:30 a m.. Mnn., April 33. EXPEHIENCrbman." Fine o7 flee. Lots of adwrtlilng. Ram aey Realty, 431 Ferry. , EXCELLENT opportunity in Public Retatlnna with ft growing Fralernal Orgamra tion Muat he bondable. Good Inrome. pemlnn. etc. Rush In ouirv with brir( background tn Dtvliinn Mrr , gth floor, Jnrl A Pin Bldg Seattle, ' Washington. MAN to distribute A pick up Fuller Bruih ratalnga H'Ki weekly romm o atari 1-1.1.1) Busy Season Just Ahead Wa need ambitioua young man (or our S.ilra Staff. For par ticular! inquire Ma'thia Bros. 3041 Slate St. AUTO salesman, npply Val ley Motor (0. in person. Only experienced men need to apply. 111 u 1 u 1 OlZWork Wonted, Men Cr ssleimsn. 10 yrs. exp. A I 41.. Sober, reliable. Consider TV appliances. Writ Box 1)1, Statesmsn-JoumaL ROTOVATINO work eve, week ends, J. Hathaway Ph. 1-3821. PROFESSIONAL upholstering rraa Guaranteed. Free est. Pick-up, delivery. Ph. 3-4290. HOME building . remodeling" house framing or any line of carpenter work. Ph. 4-S2)l. ROTO-TILLING. 30-ln . II H P. Roto-hoa, ph. altar I la., I-4W.L 412 Work W.nf.d, Mtn yilllNn Kfnn talaiani tlilm I'll. MI I all alter I p in oai men. lit e.i.ili lam. Iieva wlls lovm.iit lit be es I alilluieu t It 4-V44I av.e Ph ItOTOTII.I.I.V; WOKK t to par hour, Ph 17144 lOUNG msrri.d itiaia amies work Ph. 4 4uul CIINTOM plowing ft disking teavonshle Call 1-2 ul PAINTING - rr Kullmaln Haaattttahla th P'AI titt rimrrtu a. i.i.i.,. - lM r hr fh. I-1 IK HllTOHV Tllllnf-iMpnf tlllarl nrldi fn.aat fn 4-4J4 ar 4-144. Trwm paliniaUa. flnf anU4 hyUndr ih 40441 ..."a. t...ri- i.. Tit LAWN Mow Andaraon. DKI.IVm row A hr (ami- lar Hvia Ullln) Caidana. fa Misa In lldWANU Riiluvallnl. (ardana ii paw Mwna pirtrao ijittn n,nvrlti br. 1 COOIIML -KN, 4-4WII. "'AHPrWf'V0HOlV mnlrrttt I-I44I or I-I4W, KOTO-TIlilNO Pll. 4 M.-4 1 7717 NKW UWNS DulB, w.,,. ,.. 1 UVU.l) ar lanuxlrl. fraa (all. main PH, 4M CatMP-NT Worl-'Ph. 1lldV. oalka, pall.4, rat all. a rafaa, bamla. Proa am.nalaa R0T0-TILLING BirHAKO RA. PH. M)ll HOWAHDroiovat'.r" erk. Ph Hill Brvrna 4-72.1. Iraa aarvlra Ipray. lop. pinf. pruna. rablini. 4-4.WI. rvi'rnT ..ni. ...m..1 all kiada Cablnai work rraa. to inwhra. exliaa 1-7011. . , Duaanu roinvaiina, lawn moln( U-rm-lt. Caraia I am. Ill I in. a lua. Ul t p m. ph. 4-uel. PHUNINU, apraymi. letpplna ra moval L W taudla. 41441 TILLING t Howard Roiovalor. Ph. 4-2J171 or 1-JJJS. Na at plaaaa. 614 Work Wontodl, Lody ' coon boma manaaar cook. drive, mid. age Ootid perton amy. Box Ifil BUteaman- Journal. EXCELLENT CHILD CARE Myhoma.W.JIalem. Ph. 4-WJI CHILO'CARE wanted. Alfagea My homa. Relerenrea. MS Hic kory after I p m. Ph. 4-442. CHILD car, my homa. Canda- laria Dim. Ph. 4-3740. BEAUTIFUL oil Unling of aiotner a Day pnoioa. rn. 4-094 EXPERIENCED woman will rara lor a red lady in my noma rn. ma a-UT uallai, Oregon. GENERAL houaawork by hr. Ph. 3-3147. EXPERIENCED Drug atora clerk tinea permanent employment. Heferencea, 4-7i4. CHILD CARE, my home. 3 yrt. over, rn. i-r, Ja. 1M4 ferry at WI1J. care (or 1 children In my noma oymonin. e-z.ra. TAILOR made flip coven mad In my home. Bertha Handler, formerly of Roberta Bra. Ph. 4-44K1 7M Highland. - SCHOOL girl wlibea baby lilting Jnoa. rveningi. ana week encli Experienced. Ph. ar 331 w. Brownmg Ava. pTAIN aawing. rhildrea'i clothe tpecllty. 4-4707. QiONLNG WANTED. SOc HR. PH. 4-M82 CHILD rara J yr. ar over, my homa. IMS Trada. Ph. 4-M61. UIMEOORAPHIXG. typing Mr. Poe. MS N. 14th Ph 3-M43 SEWING Dranmakiag. in my noma, an lype. rn. x-kthx WANTED Ironing In'Vny home llll N. Ith. l-llll . 615 Situations Wontod CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Framing .remodeling, lounda tiona, retaining walla, cement or pumire block. Free lill matea. Ph. 1-420. WPERTpraypainTinir Nel Kin, I-I4M, 1-M43 (free t 8HICK and block work, guar- Ph. 4-64.il LIGHT crawler dozer, leveling grading. 3-7041 L. Kurth BTANLrY" FAGO. cement eon- uZlW"' MAN At WIFE wiah tnanageraent or Motel. Excellent reference!. 4-7740. PAINTING, brush Ar spray. Free caumsicB. rn. 3-oZ3. CUSTOM Ruio-hoeing. Phone a-iui. ROAD GRADING- Roy Ilancocli. Ph. 4-8353 DOZI NGHklLEVELrNG-" Fh I-OHII D. PANTOV1CH LAWN MOWER SHARPENING COMPLETE REPAIR C & S EQUIP. CO. M Edgewster, W Salem. 4-IMI PAINTING. pspcrhngtng7your paint or mine Res (res st., termi, Nelion 1-1483, 1-KAi. PAINTINarpairrngrFree esti mate. Don Lucero. 3-SM2. - SHEET ROCK Ejr pertly japed. pn. 3-4.147. NEW Iswns complete, free ast 3-1443 morn., 4-2H41 Eve. BULLDOZING .TeVTnG I.ELAND C SMITH Pb 3-4M3 WEiMALS day nursery. Lie. & State. inspected. Supervlnnn A Individual training. 1-9019. IMMEDIATE SERVICE. PLOW- JNU AJJISCING. PIL3-.KI0. CARDEN A lawnwork wintrd wllh rstovator. Vincent Kremer. 2190 Laming Av. 7 Ph. "Ml so. -; - . CUSTOM plowing. 14 per hr. I acrea tv up. rn. -imi eve. Bruce Gordon, 1279 Byram, SC H A RFF BROTHERS Installation. Repair Sewer, Septic Tanks, Drsln Fields. Power Ditching, Backfill. Ph l-SMI or .1-9072 PAINTING it decorstlng. low r rices. 21 yr. in Salem. Pll. 7.WI. LAND CLEARING D-l Hr. L C Mitchell Ph. R-S3.17 CARPENTER work, any kind real 4L'4(l Marlray Rd. 4-9!Wl CEMENT""fTnlhlngs. freetl matea. no job too amall. 4-0V.V1. V1NCENTC.N EAL Excavating Co. Excavating Grading. . .. . Ph. . 3-1444 ... CARPENTER Joba; new A re modeling, reae. 4-1424. l-2!19g. PLOWINOdlclng DTMar- shall, M.143. . EXPERT horn building aTV modeling. Phone 4-1971. 4. '1. a yd shovel, cisne. roe. org. nns. zvton mobile cranes. D4, D7 cat, rarry all rlear Ing blade Rental eonlract ar unit prices. SALEM SAND, It GRAVEL 1401 N Front RI Ph 3-1441 Lawn Mower Service Ph. 3-744) 4. V. Shaier, 1220 N. list ,00 Krnl .N 702 Sleep. Rooml, loarcl 707 Houial For Rant UrM TV dn pvl a., I, 9 N ( ai.lli.l I'h 4 II IIAM.MINT ai.i .'.t N llir'i Ml IIV (urn. front fm. I N Wmiar IIOMK Sway (loin home, I'a. k lumhea Mrn ir. N lh. ll.t AN warm rma TV eluse In 111 Winter I-1 IK WAMKU-Maa la imn anil rrrl l N CaplM gl'IKT. nrr llala Ml 4a alitip in , in priv. I-W. ... . . Till W.-a-J ' w . nm.. ami M( f 4-rm (urn apt. ItJI H i ullaia. Cfl. .7U. 70S Anarfmaiild fa taaai wAPwmtnt r or Rant U.... . Nrwi.V daior. (urn I r, fin v biii, ru. -a-!4jf i DM. Iii i n. Apl, Nalr dac., rlt.aa Ilal WlU Hn. .4VI. NKW liar 4 lr.,ar Ulllv" lata Will, ia. i.nra, aaid. hu. aw i tun. 1-214), r.l.M (urillahad J-rm ant . privata bath, 4. Ph, 4-40M ar J-ami. 1-HnRMfurn. Ilaothnrna Couit" aimiti. Aouna. rn. 4-4 Of 1-74M f-HMHM. aol. ranaa A rafria (urn Salvador Apia. Ph. I-M4I lURN. or unfurn. l-hdrtn! apl , iin. am, uiii. pd. mi i. laih 1 RCK)MS,priv halh aV antr! Hfri , utiliiiaa iurn. Adulu. 70 . l.llh. I-HM. (urn. pvt. bath. aril. alii. pa. pj. law rarrjr. 4-4H7. TVHN. l-rm. apt. with pvt. bath" omn only. t'M U. Huh. ATNACTtVE 1-rnnm apl Ranja, ra. ar araa. Ph. 4-M7a. CLrAK (umlahaal 4 rm, Apl. f"'- IHnri SU Adulla. a w. Ph. I-SA10. CLOSE. I Iga (urn. rma . car- Peledflrepl., 1'iOTU Marlon FUHN. apt. aleam heat, poena. waahlng fanntica 4-aoll. CLEAN 1 rma. (urnTbua, garage. 50 S;l2th; " 1 RMS. (urn., pvt. bath, near Memorial Hoap. 44 Slate Bidga. mill. FURNISHED Larga bdrm. court apl. Very nice very deairable. 464 lull N, Church. J-4574 alter I in, CLOSE in. nice mod. furn apti Call any day ejr.pt Sat Ad ulla only. Ph. J-llW. COURT apl., exlra nice. (urn.. a rma. oath. IV Idry . park ing avail, inq. 1.11a 1. izth FURNISHED bachelor apt.. 111 rairgroundt d. 441 par ma Ph 3-31.14 be(ore I p.m. ar a-vaeu aner a p.m. NICE, neat 3 rma. dim., ground nr. Aaulia. i'n. 1-4174. 134 ti 1 apnou 130 to MO furn. 3 rma.. ovt. bath.AduJt. 107S J4. Capitol LARGE; (urn. lrms. wulllltle. a. rn. 3-737. VI.RY deairable unlurn. apt with view. Larga living room. x Deoroom, strictly modern M0. 3132 S. Com I. Ph. 4-MJ9 EXCEPTIONALLY nlc quiet 1 iwiiri iurn. apl.. irg laundry. a r. n . oaicm. .-a. 14 . . FURN. I bdrm. apt., vt bath. FURN. ant Hollywood Diet. Will oaoy ell for working mother. rn. i-iz CLEAN, (urn. 1 4k 3-rm. apt. Jj earry. 1 RM. A I (urn. apt, all uUL pd- -iova. eh 1 n. i.ipariy. 1 rm. Apt, (urn. newly dec, utll pa. in. Herd Apt. Ph. 1-404. 1 OR 1 bdrm. tun. court aota. mi uiii. iurn. weekly ar monthly rate. Ph. 3-1723. LARGE 1 RM. FURN. APT. CLOSE IN SO. PH. 4-3661 COURT cottages living room, bdrm.. kitchenette bath. Laundry (urn. 440 plu UU1. tii Trade. Ph. 4-7471.. CUTE 3 rm. furn. apt, real. 1853 court rn. i-gzw FOR employed lady, 3 rm. furn. rioaa in. Z-4XJ3, 2-1373 eve. UNFURN. 1 bdrm. court apt. Range, rer-lg. luBurb. 3-290g, NEWLY decorated 1 bdrm mod em furn court ant 451 W Salem. Ph. 4-4171 ar eve l-743. CLEAN 3-rin. front apt Ground nr. reins... nova & utilities (urn., pi IV. bath. Ph. 3-7149. CAPITOL PLAZA 1 BDRM. UNFURN. 11H Chemrketa St Ph 3-M30 RM. APT. unfurn. for rent with garaf A basement. No children, like new. IS73 Court. FURN. APT., priv. bsth A ent utll. pd. 4-Ki. Ph. 3-MU1. CLEAN 3 room court apt. Kini- wooa courts. 3rd St. W. sa . lem Laundry facilities. Ph. 4-4914 morn, or eves, slter t. I BDRM. unit In 4-plex. range. refrig. Laundry facilities. 1467 Hinea.l49. Ph. 2-7S2I1. COURT FURN. 17.90 week, 30 - mo. lHI Lee. Ph.4-813. 130. Newly decorsted small apt., close In, lady prefer., util. paid. 445 Ferry, COURT APTS -Ha prlvt Ar modern down town ants Frnm 4M) lo Ml Ph. 3-7440 Inquire T9 Court. 760 N. CHURCH 1.11 to 4S. Attractive, clean. amall furn. apts. All utlls. paid. Call 3-)S3. EXTRA NICE Near WU A Capitol, unfurn. 3-room. Rendix wash. A dry. yard, creek, barbecuse. Adulta. Ph. 1-.S24, FURN. 3 rni. garage house at 4-Corrters. Ph. 2-U3Meves. 3 RM!" utll. tnc. ISO. MSOsk 3-R12S between 0-9 p.m. Pl.EASANT.T bdrmTprlvnuith A entr, elec. range, refrig , util.. store, off street park. 1-140), 706 Duplexes UPPER bdrm. flat part, furn, new decor., emp. parties. 1141 . 8 I3'..v NF.WLY ' dec. 4Vm. apt 170 Union. 4-RM. unfurn flat, garage A basement. Oil heat no chil dren. Very nlre. 1473 Court. GARDEN ipot. I bdrm"" duplex. very nest A clean. 1.19.50. Ph. 4-1904 or 4-3712, 1-BDRM. DUPLEX I'H. 3-HMU7 NICE 1-bdrm. duplex, W. Sslem. Tile floors, 2-2.'il4, 3-404). 1 BDRM. unlurn, side-hv-aide, f ar, yard. Neat. Ph. 4-3253. I BOOM unfurn. flat, l" block P.O. Inq. J94 Ferry. 91.10. I Bdrm. unfurn, auto, nil heat, near Capttnl Shopping Center, Thon 4-1(43. 707 Houses For Rent MODERN l-room house about April 11. close to North High School. Ph. 1-4.10), FOR RENT. 1 bdrm. housewilh option. Ph. 3-3444 after 3:30 p.m. ' 1 BDRM. unfurn, older tvpe home at 1)93 FalrfrmimfS Rd Ml per mo. Ph. owntr 1-J4I4 or 3-4IM. 1 BDRM. I yrs. old. plaaterrd. Invul , att. garafe, Enslewond dial, clr-e to bus A ch. 130 CaU 1-1971, 7CK) Krnlalu I IIIIMSf Ir.r- hral. Ml H in l I ft 1 4V rolt IAI K i.r Na.il I U., li.itiaa, lhUra vraa 1141, k ?iiu1 ! i"i at mararla i .. Uf I to H,.sa, la.4i IMii.n, I'll I ami. I fllJUM nnli, in tiua H"ll aviMHl plat i'n. 4wi,l LAMi.C aV .a, luua I Him uitliirn Inta iif rliiavl a.a A. built'iita AUatiirfl f. I.li Maikal VMAI.lt I I.Uirn t.ua. laiiK. ralnj, ulll pi, f I - I'l tllu a tuttm f.,t.i I t.t.lltl J T.-.- piiautao. ll.ia nuia. l-all. I nM, 11(11 HI Pllarhad laiafa 4-4 nrnaia Dial 444 l J.T.i fJ'JT ' w Aum - BKIIM. nm, tulo hl. ,,, ( . ,,, ft( JM 1 lantar. I'n 1-4074 I-4D74 NM'R amall pnm fur nlilr i.iupla. I'h. I-U73nr I-4IMV F" Hr-.IHIIKlM"'hcimlua In, (70 llnmn. Kl Avallablt now. Ph. 1-iHA CI PAN 1-bdrm, oil nrf, 49 XII Ar.drmy HI Mill. 1 1 kadrnnm III" Nrhraika. 4t I'lONFfR THt'T IO. Ph 1-JI.H 0 ta I lIIIIMM,llov, "refill, tinn ulilltiea A gar. loan N. loth. VERY nu a I bdrrn, walova & rrfrig, gaiaae, oil he EnglewoorJ, Hi Ph 1-MoO VERY CLEAN I bdrrn. unfurn bae. llrauliful yard Near Haveevllle ahitl al 2U34 Blue- mrn Dr. Ph. 1-047, FOR RHNT nlia, ilcaa mm (iletely I urn. I bdrm. home tua by dour, rlrtaa to atorea a hooia 4 churchea. lAM-ated North. Alaa. I bdrm. unfurn home with full bum I. Ph J-.io.il ar I-4ML ZeetHj Real r.atate, GOOD nr. new. I BRGar . it f nuourh water ax garb, pd, aeo. t-n, eauj I RM HOUSE. I22S Uth 147 JO. fall 4-1.114. I Mil I 2-DDRM. (ireplare. baamt.. m neat, iiniiywooa iiiit.. I'D t all 4-WI7S. CI.EAN one-bedroom houae in Woodhurn for rent: oil healer, floor covering!. Phona 1-4614 1 ICE bdrm., all electric, util ity, mower, ja. j-jow NICE clean 3-bed room Rome with acre of garden, barn and poultry houae. at 3040'. Kapp bann Rued, quarter mile aeat of Highway o. about one mile north of underpaee. Available May lit. Phona Doug ar Ted 3-41M. COUNTRY HOME. hdwd. fir. modern except neat Ph. 2-2i, CABINS, prtly. furn., 3 rm. I) wa., a rm. iu. rn. x-114. 1 BEDROOM modern houie In Courts. Stova 4a refrig. furn ished. I'iO 'i block from bus and General Huepllal. S13 aaon nt. CLEAN 1 bdrm. etovea, Sarag vei mm. rn. -auup. CLOSE In, 1 bdrm. unfurn. cot- tag 181 N. Church. 1 RMS. part rent to right couple (or car of court SUtetmao Journal Box 7 FOR RENT. Modem Trailer house. At tha 4-Corner Trailer Court. 4040 State St., Ph. 3-771. TWO BDRM. House. Eaat. bath. largc room. Ph. 1-241. UNFURN. 1-bdrm. house A s- iage,mW. Salem, 3-7947. 1-BDRM. hsa. 00 Skyline Rd. rum. 144 mo. 3-mg after S. 1 BDRM. partly furn. closa In. rn. J-4.LU, or a-iaira. NEWLY redecorated 3 rm. rot- tage. walking diet Ph. 1-0303. RM. (urn. modern cottage, yard fenced, garden priv ileges. IMS Hlway Ave. Ph. 1-4414. 707-O Furnished House 1 BDRM.. sub., mod., re-dec, beautiful lor., view. Ph. 3-1337. SMALL 3-bdrm.. wtcr. far- bage. no garage. 111. Prefer dull. 141$ Jefferson. SMALL mod. cabin, fur, msn. a-u. zieu ssyriie Ave. 1 BDRM. fum. houae. no pets. garage. 1320 n. iin. SMALL HOUSE. ADULTS PHONE 2-3414 -BDRM. HOME. If. fenced yd.. dbl. gar, on bua 1 blks. to sin. and church. Ph. 4-7201 1-BDRM. house. waterA gar! inc. 140. 399 Mapla Av. h. 1-9429. FURN. 3-bdrm. houae. 1901 Cen ter. Ph. 3-4421 after I p.m. 1 BDRM. Cottage. Different: Cloae in. Adulu. 147 H. 13th. ' 3-3:tOT. NEAT 1 bdrm. furn. cottage, M9.Ph. 3-7097. 171 Garth, 1 BDRM. House, completely furn. Incl water A garbage. .is mo. No pet. Ph. 1-IOdl. 1740 Oxford. 1 BDRM. home. TV Antenna, utility rm.. ll util, furn, M9. 4010 S. Pacific Hlway. Ph. 1-4490. LITTLE old houae by creek. Lots of room, furn. prefer quiet elderly rouple, no drink ers. Ph. 3-S484. IBM Court. 708 Forms For Rent SMALL FARM with home and other building!. Ph. 3-9747. Farm Acreage for Rent Will rent or iharecrnp I A. of tillable cleared land. Near Orchard Heights Rd. Ph. 3-B.I91 or 4-3WC. M ACRES, no bldgs. S mi. 1. Salem. Ph.4-45)lafter 4. 30 A. with bldgs. Inquire station, list A Market 7 16 Wanted to Rent Hies RESPONSIBLE party wishes to rent 3 bdrm. home with option to buy. Prefer SnUtn. 3.B9H), 3 nr 3 bdrm. house, wired for waiher A dryer, garage A fenced yard. Suburban, fine. J-SH84. UNFURNISHED house In West Salem or rinse in North. By reliable middle-aged couple. Steadily employed. No chil dren Ph Dallaa, Ma) (air ' 3-44)3. Collect. TIT Business Rentals WE'LL EXCHANGE Offire ipue A facilitlea for your business fur answering our phone A maintaining of fice houra 9 to 8. See Mr. Richardson Mondav am. 329 F.. Bush tofl So. Com' I. STOHE ROOM "for "rent" 2N Hlgh. Ph. 4-9391. DOWN lowft office space, store rmi A wrehouse. 3-4114. 4-CORNERS Community HaTl available. Ph 3-1251. tl8 Convalescent Home ELDEREST Nursing Home. Pri vate rooma available. 24.10 N. - Church. 3-9410. COTTAGE CONVALESCENT HOME. 353 N Cottage 3-7020 780 Moving 4 Storogo LESTER DeLAPP LYON VAN LINES LOCAL OR NATION WIDE Movine & Storage PH. 2-1750 OR 1-4966 jTOO Rental: 780 Moving, 1 Slerae WAV(I.(JMIR Movinir nd StoraKO mi. oiih CAPITA!. CITY IKAN'SKKR l.nnnif iraiialfr Mwata Tompta aipvinf aarvlr Alaa atei.la tin IIIKI.MM Nallun wma Mnvan Hh 1JMI I ui .ru .. . ia I ai,.t a-" "" ""- aa run furnllurp La 1-IIU. !iJ00 Kfal Mtale t1 . - , (01 ly,),,,,, Opporluo I II , FOR RALE In Toledo. Ore pool riNirn, I tallies, I ar enonker, aorta ItMintaln. slainiraa st"el. gull, (ira.le A leit, I lur nierted apt, upataira rent for 11.141 per mo, building la M by o ui 11 in 14 furmer awn. er s deal hforree sale Will sacr'ifir (nr !; Mai. Will take small Home l.'iooo tn SMxjO nr .XXMJ ai down payment, Bal anre eay terma al 1 . Inl Write I. C Ranford Otter Rock, Or,, or rail Depoa Bay ;oa. 1 """"MUSTSKLL I working ahar Fori Vane. Ply 4j per, hr 4-dJv waek. 7 MM dun or 114. loo rhj t.i.a wv, ttimraitiBii-.itui nat WE'LL EXCHANGE Office spare farlllllea (or ymir buaineaa (or anawertng our phone At maintaining of-fii-e hours I tn I. See Mr Hirhardaun Friday m, 333 E Buth luff lom'li. Financial Security Require lew hour per weak. Dan or evening!. Delivering ronfectlnne and clgaret'e to commercial and retail ae. cnunli ABSOLUTELY NO SELLING, All account! eitab llihed by our field men and turned over to you Steady profitable Inrome fh leer around. Want party capable of eainlni IM to lux) month ly. Will finance additional expansion, but minimum ol ! rath ifnr Inventory 1 needed for Immediate atari. Fullv secured. Money bark guarantee. For personal In terview, Hale age. model of car and If raih available for Immediate start. Wrlta Box HQ. ntatriman-Jo4irnal, Tremendous Opportunity Requires lew hours per week Liavs or rveninga. delivering mnfectmns and novelties to commercial eirl retails sc coinU ABSOLUTELY NO BKLLINil. All -'-.urU eslab li.hcd bv field repranentatlvea and turn.o over to vnu lor se.-vice. Want parly carablr ol earning uo ro MvO rncmhlt Ful in expansion cart he (I-p.rn-td. y ninimtii hrrtt menl o( IxMoo (for inven tory) needed lor immediate atari. Fully semred. Earn.ngi commence Immediate'. upon being leierlel and es'abljmrd Per parwnal i.itervtew with (arlory representative stale age, model of car, marital eta tua and If caeh available tor Immediate start, writ SFI F SERVICE MERCHANDISER, CONFECTION DIVISION, BOX 114. Statesman-Journal. FOR BALI or Trada: Country grocery store, attractive liv ing quartan. Bw (71 State- man-Journal. VENDING machine route (or sale. Call in person t 4410 Garden Rd. ICE CREAM sandwich shop. nraoy 10 go Modernistic, vented bldg Good location, all equipped. Buy now lor aummer buslneas. 12.700 full price. Ph. MeMinnville 1-1323. FOR LEASE: Service Station. S 12th ii Hlnes. Inquire 3330 a airgrounos no. On. iu.JM. . BUlinetS rfOporfy 7T FOR less 10 yr. or longer, Mx ion downtown business lot 1199 mo. with right to remove bldg. Box Ml SUtesman Journal, v 803 Suburban FOR SALE BY OWNER 10 acres, view property w'l bdrm. modern house, 4 ml. So. otSalcm.Call4-B2.il. 1 A.SOUTH, new l bdrm. hue. unfinished up, 110.900. 3-339). 806 Housei For Solo WHAT A MESS! Just rederorsled inside A out. IT STINKS! Of suburban charm. IT'S ISOLATED! Inches sway from school, stores A bus. IT S POLLUTED! With extra features. IT'S HIGH PRICED! Just 13500. MUST SELL! In one week IN FACT! Tha only hope for this attrac tive 2-odrm. home la a retired couple or imall family looking for real buy. Price effec- tivethla weekjmljr Prt3-2363. BY OWNER 1-bdrm. home. Suiet district, new condition, il furnace, attached garage. S) S90. 490 dn. Sea at 2240 Electric. BY OWNER: 1 bdrm. home near St. Vincent A Highland Sch. 2005 Laurel. 1-6901. SMALL Houae,. close to shop ping center A bus, one bdrm. down A two bdxms up. real ne&t house on concrete foun dation, total price S4.290. amall noun, owner will finance. Fh 4-7240 after 4 pm. FOR SALE or trade privstrly owned 1939 Chev. (spt. cpe.i and 1952 Buick hardtop. No down psvment. Call 2-H2).or 4-4449 or see 1030 Wallace Rd, Salem. BUY my equity In Manbrin Gardens home. 1 hdrma. or 1 bdrms. A den. F. A. heat, frpl. A patio, 11.190 dn. Ill - S50.S33 Msnbrin Dr. Ph. 4-2493 JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR Let us solve vour home nerds To Buy. Sell or Rent Cell Ph. 4-374.1 i 1131 Edgewster Ph -'l?4 1710 So Comml 1 BDRM, dining rm, basm't wood lumace. M.300. Six) dn.. r.s per mo. Ph. 3-M2 after 1:.T0. EXTRA well built 3 bdrm. home -plastered, frpl. oil heat, fenced yd. attach, garage, le. lot f)3 Claremnnt near KSLM. BY OWNER "Small" clean I B R. home, drive bv 3414 Wllllama Ave, but DO NOT disturb oc rupanti 19)90. good terma. Phon 4-22'i.1 Mr Klggln. C V KENT A COjRLTRR. FOR SALE: I bedrm. home, llvl Ing rm, kitchen, tiled bath. (Ireplare, unfinished upstairs, attached garage. 7 years old. fenced in back Vard A frvod ' garden apot. SUM down, total M7.W. 2111 Vaughn Avg. Ph. 4-4293, , ' i Bedrrn. Fireplace 4000. 250 down. 141 mo. Lsrgs lot riose In. Art Madsen Realty I3H Stsl. Ph. 3-5M0, 3-1403 FOR SALE or trade for large duplex, 1 bedroom English style home in F.nglewood dis trict. 1.143 N. 19th, Ph. 1-4HH9. 1 bdrm houe. fireplsre. garage. price 19490. Ph. 4-9074, ,00 Krai f.lali. 0 Hauiai for Sola CFRVAI. I t)HK HOME suitable fur rental profi.iiy f an he purrb4 reaattnahle t loilalMl Inl, an na v.. I Blreet Taaea 2.1 T'u I-year-aid hutne haa l-ltdrm down I up 3 7 vi fall Eiho Yeater, Ev .47, FRINGE OP f ANDAI.ARIA Neel home on rarner Inl, I line in to grade aahool II. a aana lata dining room lovely (Inura, na-e wardrolie rtoaau. Hin-ti kitihen ruriiMtarUa. ssw Call tryde Feulk. 3v 3-. Iii NEARLY NEW HOME JI)T I Ik I I D, In gotttl 1 t,i. m in. canon Has bdrnaa down and rmrfhed in upttaiia lur I man rt.lr.nl A hlh fur. place, FA. oil heal Bus by donr, Huah erade at-In,, I . K. Call Fdilh Anderaon,, IF YOir WANT I.ARf7P RfVOM. -1HIR II IT Thla newar home Willi I bdrma , lireplart., I7'B30 living room.aap-rate dining room la on a nice alreet of gtutd homes. Clnte la bua Ilium (all Dorothy Deal. lt. 4-M33. Nelson & Nelnon. REALTORS IKaJ Bo. Com'l. Ph. t-3AM 20 ACRE FARM ONLY M'iO Good opportunity, 10 arres. good cultivated land. Fruit and berries. Older l-hdrm home with (IreoJace Lots ol pmaiblllties (or handy msn. Barn. Garage Owner anxious In eell. leaving slate. How much ran you psv down Call Johnson. Its. Ph. 3-J414. MISSION BOTTOM EXCELLENT SOIL 31 acres all under cultivation. Good Irrigation well Nice houae only year old Dhl. Rarage, machine aned, chlrken ouae. Well worth a.king re or e-e.aiAF. win conaid er trade for houae In Ralem. Ask for Hicks. Eva. I'h. J-4401. Reimann Real E.state 1U! SO. HIGH ST. Ph. 3-S703 1 A. N E , amall ha. Cloae to sen , iruii ireea. axe. garden apot. Bam. chicken he. marh. shed, good well. By owner. S4.M0 S.vm-7tx) dn. Bal. IU a mo. ' mt ph. STOPI LOOK! Baautlful Irg. ranrn aiyia view Roma. Every thing you could pcmaihly want. Owner trans. 1413 Narcissus Dr. Left off Wailara Bd. BUILDER New 3-bdrm. home, birch till. cnen, nook, din. room, large utility, ooie garage. 20 Northgate. Sea anytime. Ph. 3-41)1 1 BDRM. homa near St Vincent, hdwd. (Irs., ceramic tile bath. Inaitle utll. attach, gar. call 4-47(3 Sat. or Sun. BY OWNER: 11.900 dn. total Knee I13 UO0. 3 new 3 bdrm. omes. Included ara l'i bsths. playroom, birch kit. wdining area, front rm. wfrpl., all dewd. fir. F A oil heat. dbl. gar. wpatio, lot stza 13 x130', city water. Loans are on house, mov right In. Houaes re 1 blk. out of city limits North. 332S Mayfirld Place ar 131 Wllshire Drive. Sea any time or ph. 1-M33. The KELLERS C. D. McCARGAR, RLTR. NORTH ON PAVED HIWAY. 91 acre of the very fineit Val ley land obtainable, all under cultivation, gnoa Buildings. First time on market in over SO years. Owner retiring and will conildcr home In Salem in trsde. Call Tulliui, eve 4-508. OWNER IS CONE-House is y. cant. Lovely and spacious 3-year-old 4-bdrm. ranch u-n. home N. on 'a acre. Larse living room, dining room. 1 z batha, oil FA. heat, dble. gar., good well, close to school; nigh school bus by door. Move right In. Only 114.990: term Cull Martha Theuen. eve. 3-94U7. SMALL ACREAGE wfruil, nuts, berries A a good garden spot. Small home wllh living room 15x20; inaide util.: large bam with storage. Addition for 3-bdrm. started, lumber A material included in price nf 14)50; easy terms. Call ray Seal. Eve. 4-9384. IDEAL FOR FAMILY Lovely 3-bdrm. shake home, l'i baths, dble. garage, beautiful fenced vard. lots roei A shrubs, close in East. l.1.50 Call Fay Seal, Eve. 4-MM. 701 N. High St. Ph. 4-4441 DRIVE BY 1439 N. 17th. Thil close In home haa 3 bdrms, dining room, liv ing, fireplace, kitchen, bkfat. nook A bamt. The price ia only l50 with good terms Call 2-4971 or 4-9813 day or eve. and Sunday to see inside JACOBSEN REALTOR FOR SALE 13.000 equltyln2 bdrm. home, will discount, might trade. Ph. 3-BOM. BY OWNER-2 bdrm. home. . quiet dist. 3 yri. old, hdwd. flrifirep!ace. Plastered, ga rage. Also have 72 x 100 of an c bldg.jiite. Call 4-28811. Open house. By owner, nearly new.J Ige. bdrms. !rOregon. FOR SALE by owner 2 bdrmi" bsth. family rm. Inside util : oil furnace, frpl, lly.- rm. and din. rm, attractive kit. with eating spsce, carport. Ire. Int. pvd. street, city water, lots of storsge space garden space with garden house fruit anri nut treei. Price 8,950. 113 Edlna Ave. 1 BDRMS S yrs. old. Keirer Dist, 18400. FHA nr GI. Open Sunday 1-4 p.m. 4790 Harrourt Ave. 4 BDRM. home at 2630 Brook St., dble plumbing, dble. garage, 't acre of ground. Price 16 .000. terma. Call at, 2301 N. Liberty IN TURNERnmodern-) room hse. furnished. Large fenced lot. flowers, tool shop, garden apace. II.9U0 down. 1790. bal. at S90 mo. or less for cssh. Turner. Ore. P.O. Box 133. HOUSE. 38x30, full-basemenT. well drained; sawdust furnace, hot-cold air; 3 bedrooms, liv tdg dining room, hdwd.: kitchen, hall, bathroom, lino--leum; 3 largerrooms upstairs: psved street: ' A : well 96' deep, 1" welded csaing: ga rage 19x21, 19,790. Mil Sunny view Ave. BY Owner. 1arl bdrm trouae. near grade school, bin A tnre Ph. 4-3431 after 1:1!.. 2490 Sedona, BY BUILDER, new 1 bdrm. north, attached gar, F. A. heat, birch cabinets, pave ment, water, sewer. F. H. A. terms. Ph. 2-0104. 1 NEW 3 bdrm. homes just com pleted. Open house Sunday afternoon. N Salem ' ml. fi. ofTolem Pote. Ph. 1-9971. BY" BUILDER Excel quality, city homes. I bdrms, 13,900-ll.9O0. S-7071. ir.00 RroT I'-Matc 106 Houies For Sola I up and I down, living room, VOI R fll'ilt K OP 1WU IMAI I. II11MH f.rh ha I badronme. kill n.n and dinaiia h.ih floolB. elec basl a'tai'.atl ara I.H.ird nn N at. d ovaly Uttn and aii ruli. 1 to at hiM.la and boa f Iff with MIA. il i.r rttfltenltuiial BRAND NEW I.ISJTINU I NICE ririinixiM - Mrge living fmuy llliarlilrig av.llal.le, IvA.STOaV "D" STRF.F.T Cloae lo hn.pii.1 and Hoover a tiool, I badriM.tna, firepie. a. lee. heal, hdwd floora, Intlde uiiliiy. fenced In lot, Urge gar. 1. (mlv SIM down and easy payment, Abrams & Skinner 41! MASONIC BUILDINO REAL MTATP . INNI'R ANCE MORIGAGE UMNS fIFril'f 3JI) rVFR.47lr OR 3-7.11 COLBATH'S BUYS R E S T F V I. AND RO Nf AT - Rambling ranch ilvle .hdrm h..na wnh fireplace, dining room with Fiemh door opening on to pa 1 10 Itated in a cool, rutllr lattinx with treea on crniaan t reek Willi i'l '( i.M.i or will trada for larger 3 bdrm hone CALL MRS WEILS, days 4-44U4, eve 1-3)31. SHIP SHAPE MAKE A DATE lo Bee thli clean i'a 'iwim. name with living A dining rooms, b.th and utility. Plus a rented rent.l with income nf 440 ner mn Located rioaa to Grant school on buaineaa Inl Total price f'irav. ItlAJI' ir.naia, 1 FOR L t houses for the artce ol one Located on holiness lot north In Highland Dist. One home haa I bdrms . bsth. ul 1 il t v. . Other Is one bdrm I garages Price lor all aM. Terms prMiible UM down. CALL TOM FAGAN. day 4-444. ava 4-iiki TRAILER HOUSE WANTED If you have a large trailer houae and would like to trade It for thla well built 1-bdrm. home with hdwd floors, I luts. located in llifhl.md Dist. Paved atreel. ASKING PRICE I'l Son I'SE YOUR TRAILER HOl'SE FOR THE DOWN PAYMENT. WHY BUILD???? WHEN YOU CAN BUY OR TRADE YOUR LOT (or this new 3-bdrm. home with l'( bethrooms, dining room, large lovely kitchen, fireplace, oil real, x-rar garage. Located on North Lancaster close to atorei. Priced at 112 300 GOOD TERMS. CALL T. T. ANUERSON, day 4-444, av. 4-3714. an uu LAND CO., REALTORS 917 Court St. Dial 4-4494 $3500 OR TRADE Cood 1-bdrm. N E. with extra lot. 90x100, very easy down payment or would trad for unfin. or cheap house in need of repair lo approx. 13900. it ACRE KEIZER $6000 Almost new 1-bdrm, clean si any you II see. has well to Irrigate 4 acrea add , half acre could be had for 1790 or addi tional 4 acres with 7-year-old J-bdrm. house. Asking 11) 000 for ail or trade lor city houae. CLOSE IN SOUTH 1-bdrm. with bsmt. Could be 3-bdrm, large dining room and kitchen, very well built older house suitable for large family. Asking 19890. Terms or might trade for small sere e. a TO SEE THESE AND MANY U1HLKS AT ALL PRICES Phona 4-M92 anytime. CLIFF PETERSON. RLTR. CLOSE TO ALL SCHOOLS Attractive. modern 3-bdrm home, full bsmt., wparty room. hdwd. floors., fireplace, dble plumb, numeroua built Ins A storage space. Must be seen inside to appreciate. Well kept yard and shrubs, fruit trees. 80x100 corner lot. city bus service. 113.990. See at 1010 Electric Ave. IT'S TIME Take a look, call Ralph Maddy io see tnia 1 norm, home in So. Salem wa view. dble. Elumbiug. entrance hall. ipc. ath wlola of ceramic tile, daylite bsmt, wpartv rm , extra if. 3 car garage, close to new grade sch. Some one is going lo get a bargain. Owner wants offer. Be sure to call Ralph Maddy to see thia week-end special. Ph. 3-4119. eves. 2-3488. ENGLEWOOD District: 4 bdrms. J Dstns. dining rm, liv. rm, elec. dishwasher. Newly deco rated. Tyra. old. Ph. 4-2703. 1 BDRM. home. liv. rm. 16x18. irg. kit, on bus line By own er, ei.aou. rn. s-ims. BY OWNER: Will trade equity in house 9240 Sunnvside Rd. for trailer house. Balance on home 14.000 at MO mo. See anytime or Ph 2-0033. ENC.LF.WOOD district: truly a fine home, Irg. liv. rm. A Irg. dining rm. 1 large bdrma . tile bath, full basement. 3 lovely fireplaces. Sprinkling ivstem. landscaped, restricted diitrirt. Ph. 3-8742 Sat A Sun. Week days after S. ESTATESALE Dwelling at 431 Montgomery St. Wondburn. Ore. Makefcoffer to PioneerTruit Co. 5-31.16. MODERN 2 bdrm. Top-condition. IA. Varirtvrult, close In, room for children, a ponv or to build. Priced for ouick sale. Ph. Woodburn 2-41.19. Cloe In on Wallace Rd. Soa rintis lawn with trees, taste, fully landscaped. concrete patio, view, w-to-w. carpet ing, drapes, living room, din ing room, insulated weather stripped. S bdrms. A real bar gain, reduced to IWfA Own ers moving to Portland. Call 4-S4D8 BY OWSER! ono'dn. A itrac" ttve 3 bdrm. home Dlnmit room. frpl. hdwd. firs, fir furnace. 65190' lot. Near school, stores A bus. 7,950, Ph. 2-1696. WEST' Salem. T bdrm7home" hardwjood floors, bssement. Large view lot, fruit, treea. Ph. 4-3921. Bargain, new 2 bdrm. home with i A. R. Price M990 00. 2-2709. BY OWNER: 1 yr. old. 4 bdrm. home. Suburban. Immd. po aession. 3800 down. Ph. . J-3S3, ; $500 DOWN Out-of-town owner is here frnm Csllf. A wnts her home sold. This proncrtv is. located in Salem Heights, has exlra large lol. wfrult trees of all kinds., 3 bdrms.. city wster A cheap taxes. Close to school A bus. ImmeoT pni. Csli Ralph Maddy, 1-4113. Eve 2-34H8. BY OWNER: Suburban I bdrm inns risner Rd.' Nlre, fi. Ig. lot See to appre- only 14,790. Ph. 4-3102.1 jU)0 Krai ;,f j IQo Houiai For Sala naa I v.iy ni.e le.ua, i.m.i.u ga.l I'lenlv flowera atirulte si bousnl for 11 kiwi n.e I,,.. see call baaa ku.l, eve. tod RAM REALTY dining fitoiit rooil.luall'.n, inaul.ieil snq weatnar alripi.1. tlaidiaiHid flirttta, van biin.la I yaaia old Home la piaalai.ai. I.xie lol as a 11a Holy I bi.uka lo a.ho.,1 full price i.SMiu (ail Jlalliy Bulldja e, alline pltim 4-41. 1 110 00 IKIWN -will move yu Inta Ibis . bedroom homa with) balk and hall .mi.4 an W aide full p. Me ll.aotioa. Lnmediei IHuaeaalun, la ae rail R t Gllleapie, av. 4-0044 ', AC HE Willi NICE I lirOROOM HoMf-ll I 14 living room. Ittrga kitchen and dining ritttrn combination IMUHy dmihia) fai.ge oik aiuiii oitv water and aewer, paved atreel y.ona . iii lo ah. .piling and Iranaporlatma full pure e las oa. Make viler, Fui ei.paiuiiueiil lo e ll ll Reybum, eva. I-3U4I. BfAUTiri'l. HOME IN f ORVfRS tltT-l Isrgs bedrooms It a I living I"-, m, r.ioioinaliiin dining kilrhen Nice nvidoia bath, utility rmmi, larte 1 li.aeia, luta of lovely bullllna Hard. -wood liimri attaih.d gaiaae. tovelv lawn and ahruba. rtnea aeniterrie.. raapltei rie. and airawrterrlea on 'i acre tieep welt Inta n (ihkI water Ihia la lovely home, priced right. I'aoia dow n. tMience Ho on including interest al l a, To tea call aV H M. r iroy, eve. 1-W1IJ, RAWLLN'S RKALTY (ACROSS KII0.M STATESMAN. JOURNAL) ill t'hemekeu Street Offlr phone 4-M7I ROY TODD REALTOR 1, ACRE WITH FXCFI.I f.NT - t. Hung r.eun, rtining in im. of bullllna. sritaraie ul ill 1 herd to beat lor II0 43U, Call Don Vandervort IF YOt WANT AN IMMACULATE HOUSE IN A fJOOD NEIGH IKlHIIOliO wa this fine I bdrm home on beautiful corner lol Esirs large living and dining room combined F, A nil lo mars Only yn old. Uiia of nice features Price Mane. Make reaeonabl oiler an down payment Call Chuck DeRere rano. THIS SUBURBAN HOME A I ACRE SOUTH la priced to fit youf budget. Has neat I bdrm mudem home, fond conditio throughout, Cloae lo schools A bus. Good well, chicken houae, Alan small liveable cabin U0 down wil buy this al 44.WO. Call Fred Uoerfler. JUST OVER THE EDGE OF CITY LIMIT!. Wonderhilly well-buill 1-bdrm horn with room for two more bdrm. upstairs large living room with "L" dining mom. I bike, to srnont Now has fed G I. loan A food buy at 3.M0. Ixtra 14 available. Call Mr. Granam. ROY TODD till Sta'e ft Eve calls: Vandervort 4-701: Hick 4-4S30: Defer an 3-wS. Ixterfler 1-3)14; Mr. Graham 4-4744, Harriet Naa J-3S.M. Saturday and Sunday, 2 to 5 - BY OWNER-BUILDER New 1-bdrm. home. I'j bath. walka, city water, birch kitchen, one wltn aeparate dining. Some paneling, dble. garages, forced air furnace, flreplare lot foxl31-ft , jilaitered. Price rrdured to 111.490; 13490 down. Located 414 Firdell Dr. In Liberty Garden, out Liberty Rd. to Boone Rd Left to Liberty Garden. Also on l-bdna. With family room located 4114 Firdell Drtv. BUILT BY LEO BROWN 1911 Crest View Drtv ..ran M 900 S900 DOWN. MO per mo. Here's good buy. Nice 1 bdrm. home, well worth ask ing price A terms. I years aid in city, utiL room, large ga rage Bee thia. Call Edna Morgan. Eve. 4-4034. THIS IS WHAT YOU'VE WANTED Very attractive new 1-bdrm. home, bulltin oven A range. I'a lets plumb, dble. gsrage. Located So.. 1341 sq. ft. 113.900. Call Mr. Kigglns, Ev. 4-4494. MORTGAGE LOANS, CONSTRUCTION FINANCING C. V. KENT & CO-, REA.LT0RS 49 N CHURCH i ACRES IN CANDALARIA This fine family nutne is on acrea with many trees. 3 bdrms., den, l'i baths, 3 fire places. A BEAUTIFUL LI BRARY 22x24. For appt to aee this lovely home CALL MRS. RICHARDSON. . FOUR CORNERS DISTRICT Room for living throughout this spacious 3-bdrm. home. Irving room, fireplace, dining room, kitchen with bkfst. area. large bath, extra show er, inside utility, dble. garage Hot water radiant heat. Here ia 1980 sq. tt. of living spat for only 110. VH1 CALL H. K. LAYMON. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 180 S. LIBERTY ST. PHONE 2-2471 Evenings A Sundays call Salesmen Mr. Richardson 4-S986. J. E. HIGH ON A HILL 4-room cottage, bath, furnished, 1 acre in iucloui berries, rsm- Hy orchard. Garage, vood ahed. friut room. Power gar den equipment (5000. Only iwm down. Fix-It-Shop & Home 3j acrea. 177 ft. frontage 99E. 9 rooms, bath home Equip ped shop 24x40. Family or chard,. Good well with let pump for Irrigation. 1 19.000 Less than t.a down. STROUT-REALTY W. W Douglas, Rep. 4029 Havesvllle Dr. Ph. 3-9737 ONLY $300 DOWN HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT 1 bedroom ' home, very nice lot. paved st, price only 14.000. JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR 409- N. High Ph.4-34S2 BY OWNER. Candalaria. 3 bdrma, 3 baths, beautiful yard with lots of oak treea 4-7314 HUGE LIVING ROOM, 36x11, beautiful (ireptace, hdwd. firs, 4 bdrms.. full bsmt, dining room, nook, close to school, ail for 113.000 Terms. MAGNIFICENT SETTING II acres, with nice home In nt ural setting, lovely view from each room, artistic landscap ing. Trtilv a lovely spot. GOOD VALUE 1', arres with lovely 3-bdrm. house, hdwd. floors, well located, close in. 110.900. 4,awrence Real Estate 422 So. High St. Ph. 1-4044 SAT. A SUN 1-4 P.M. CIen 3-bdrm. 969 N. list. Priced - for quick sale 47000 ar make cash offer. Also 1 new 1 bdrm. homes, 1033 Redwood A 1064 Hemlock. Westndge addition, I'j miles out Wal lace Rd. Ph. 4-948 Eve . NEW. BY OWNER Spariotia 1-bdrm. home. liv. rm, din. rm, paneled 12x33 keep ing rm , cloieli A storage ga lore, dble. gar. Lookers wel come. S3 000 dn. Including pa- per work oi i ascarie Ur. MR OWNER! Glen Woodry will pay top price for your furn I A appliance. Ph. I-S11S. , 1 OPEN HOUSE UK) Ural IVtalr IQo Horn. Fer Sale n.ar ina'ii.'ui i,.l ana pta su a. and some fiull liaaa fine ran I'D oilier at gssMooef buth til.taxiuj. 70 I loon. IBDRM HOMT-I r old large nlreiv arranged kilrhen with Nile room. Well-located, This will ba REAL FSTATI nt t-iMt Inside utility, fsved (treat (Ida 1 BDRMS CLOSE TO 17th ft Center St. Well built by tha preaant owner. Bsmt., fire plsce. fumac A bargain at only M.990. Terms, CaU Mr. Keen. Iva. 1-00)4. A LOT OF PLEASANT LTVTNC) In thia 4-bdrm. home, sawdust heat, large lot In North and eat city. Good placa for children. Price 111.000 with tl.fflO dowsv, Call Stesrn Clashing Zve. 1-9041. Phona 4-l EASY WALKINO DISTANCE lo downtown. Spacious 3-bdrm. ' colonial, excel, condition In aid and out. Smsll lot, aula, heat. Ideal for workinf couple. CALL J. X. LAW. RESTAURANT A LOUNGE One of tha Valley finest Strategically located In the heart of the Willamette Val. ley, main arterial, comer site. Spacioua Improvements, fully -equipped, cocktail and dancing lounge, best of dining facili tlea. off-street parking Aa excellent opportunity offered. Law 3-9113. H. K. Laymoa 1-3191 LESLIE SCHOOL 4 bdrm., bsmt., sawdust furnace, fire place, many builtins. A good family home for only 111.900. Terma. Call Joe Hutchisoa 4-9)43. PARRISH JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 1 bdrms, large liv. inf A dlninf rooms witn fire. Elare, kitchen with nook, full smt. with large party room, A fireplace. Auto furnace. Immed. posa. Many, manf builtins, patio, nice lawn with fenced-in back yard, fruit trees. A very fine horn for , 112.990. Good TERMS. Call A. D. Shield 4-71)4. ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL. I bdrms, 18x11 living room, large kitchen with nook, nice fireplace, utility room, aula heat, large lot with garden apot. flooo down. Full piica S9990. CaU D. R. Peterson 4-7874. 1131 Edgewster. Ph. 4-5743 1710 So. Com'l. Ph. 4-7871 Eve. Ph. Peterson 1-11)4 Shield! 3-91)43. Hutchison 1-4789 For Sale or Trade 1 Bedroom Home Large bedroom with walk-la closet, living room, kitchen, bath, large utility room, glaaf heat, wired for waiher A dry er Lsrgs front yard, acre, Ketrer District has own welL 12 900 equity trad for 3 bed room home up to 110.000. Sea at 1988 Alder St. or ph. 4-9111. 4 BEDROOM home tor sal or trade. Extra half bath and large utility. Double garage. Almost 1700 so ft, alt on one floor. Valu 119190. Will ar. cept small home or real es tale contract In trad. Call 4-1671. Stiles Realty, 14341 Center. owner Transferred. sp. cloua I bdrm. home. la bath, 11x23 util., 2 patio (1 could be made Into - den or 3rd bdrm.) l.i loo dn. wilt handle. See at 1420 N. 24lh, Ph. 3-884.1, , sjnRM. home, Ideal for older rouple. paved afreet, bua at door. Newly decorated. Price) right Ph. 1-9324, JOE HUTCHISON, .. REALTOR