Revised FIccd Forecast Told f lar sjrw I Mr. Aaea liMt I Y'gktar IfnnAKt ,n "'' Mnepllal April II, in new ucpori rux rjr-sv 1 ! Portland, Ore Survived tv djiigli- Advertising tun Ilia Km-ier A- Alma Katatr fif POIITI.AND tl The Weather Portland and Mrdwlg Mnnimrmd. Riire.u Friday Wd . rrvis,d IXEXEL "TrW, flood fornemfl, lowering, y foot iti arlli-r prrdlrtirmi of the ' l'i-aild..iin,mi um "7;, , . t i ruiirr.l servlcrs wll II held Mon- spring cretl an It Columbia tKy al ,0 , .,, , ,, t Hlpri ( Hiver In the pBrtlund Vancouver t ""mi Moiinacy, siuiv itivif at . I4lh elrrel. Portland, Or , Intel- Br"" , . menl will h al City View Cin. The fureraat vai revhwd fallow- iiy, Mwm. Inn word thai weler would be re- 1 1 leased from triad Coulee Dam to enlarge ilorete orvoir, providing for lh fined svererg, I The new predicted crest it from 21 5 to 27.1 fo( at Vancouver, Wash., compared to rlirr tilt-1 main of from 2S I la 31.1 feet. ! Even at the new level thrri would be serious Hooding, , I The operation at Grand Couln mnrki the tint time the eearnd) outlet! have been made available xzsfjz Five Killed in Cunfightin Cuban City SANTIAGO, Cuba i-five per son! died Friday from wounds regulating will taper off. for flood control uses by II Bu- " . JlLw h rrZ. reau of Reclamation, the Wither ! "2 ' f'" l,JT' Th.i release of water, to begin An cha d Saturday. " PJ' J ,ev,JuUonary ark.t was being mk' brewed against the (romnroml of harbor area next week. Th.i h. (!m r1j!fndo j,,, expected to anticipate the actual ,wiprt poried apcotng tagei which wiM emir .rmal- to parU Cuha. 1y only a ihort time law. awing Two tltf ,fi drrt. to the large Increase m natural w, snl policemca and Me flown now under way an result aldler, 'of the warm weather mowmeU ib - A rtotcment from ' the Cuban the Columbia Rasis. Army (rroxral Wolf charged that Forecaster! laid the Columbia order, for dtMm-txtnrr to foment Is expected to rise to in feet at "an atmosphere of insurrectloa" Vancouver by next Wednesday, had been burned "from La Chata" three feet above flood ilage. The the reaidenr of former Preirt-18-foot level in Portland, ! aVnt Carloa Pr Sorarras. Slu peeled by Wednesday, would be dmU oilev are in the vaiumard even flood itage. A 19.5 rending ii of Latin American revolutions, expected in Portland and Vancau- Prie. has denied previoui rharses ver by next ' Thursday, a f t e r of revolutionary activity. He and which the effect W Grand Caulee RfltiaU are kitut foes. The gimfiRnt in Santiago foHowed a tiudwit protcU yesterday when police fired to disperse a crowd wnirh tried to invade a courtroom vkere two itudents were on trial for illegal possession of grenades. Four itMdvnts in the courtroom were wounded. The students who died in a San tiago hospital were taV'nlified as Orlando Carvaial and Carlos Dial, both It, A police atatement said they had taken part in an attack DETROIT iff Dave Beck, in- an Army barracks in Santiago in ternational president of the gtant IKtt ii which 100 persnna were Teamsters Union, said Friday he killed In righting between revotu will battle in the courts if necw- tionary ttadenU with their follow tary any move to oust his organ-jf" and troops, ization from the AFL-CIO. Canaja! and Diaz raced through Beck spoke to a news confer- the streets in a rented car last ence in advance of a 1100-a-plate night, "mochinegunning police pa testimonial dinner by union and w statement said, trucking industry groups honoring They were killed hy pursuing mo James flofla.. midwest teamsters '"f Pa,ro! ?L ,lct Roldlr1 chief often mentioned as Beck's ,n l1 ""ers occurred L.r .nnrMii i Ul' morning hi various parts of Bk waV asked about a meet."- wl " state i 5 Z t.i ,.r Adrift said this was In accordance Ing o the nly-merged HUM . 1fc , A, M , execute councjcsUed for May L,, ch 5 int0 the market 1 in Wash,ngto.-U discu ;egpUblt ,tanU and pension of hii i union i ter Hs t-j iTttred the urmindin aquare Beck to Battle Any Move to Cut Teamsters with the produce. national igworrnen i jB Havana, reinforced police pa lions, ine m l, ousito me tun on tro)j wefe on du(y rroundim the grounds it wai dominated by yty, ratketeers. . J "We can't let centralization in- n . . teKcre with our autonomous, 1 1 .KnTTIli Willi righti as a trade unkm." Beck 11 AJUIUU T 1111 said. "Our men have to drive rnj C 1 back and forth across those docks , JlOnUIll DlXUl in New York. We have the right1 to agreements to protect their right to work." He added, "if we exhaust all remedies under the AFL-CIO con stitution and the executive coun cil repudiates our facts, we'll car ry the matter tn the courts." Beck was principal speaker at the testimonial dinner, which drew In Russ Hands Malr-vana .tairMi tM N. iHin-a M, PJIONE 4-C811 LOCAL RATES (Mi l Ii mi Unttiri Sua prr I'na I flftni SI t r Ho I llirm M ( lr lint I llmvt II M fl :' orr lint I mo tlMilnrl Hunt riKiifiad m urill b rim m anln aprra In if idvtMitrra Kit aOianlaraa f litf licmrit coHibinra riTL'ulatioiit Whn aii M etnrraa tiira or no lonca and a auncsav luii II m.l'iclrd dor airiil Friday. satuv HxMlavi lha ur Sunday ratM muplv harauat only Ilia kialaaanaa publnliu tun davl CUf1 ada will atari tn tha morninii Oron aiaiwman, enn cluUa la lha avtnini ( apilal lo jrr al but ada win h rtuttd lor lundiy lainman ul.l). Th dradlln rnr rtiaairird adi i 11 p m Ida day kHor nun Ik-attwn tKfapt for Hiinday han dradlin It Slid am Friday. Pntrwnry ada and amall lln ada tivd tftrr 1 l a in warldavi and unill II nnxn Riinrtrav for iuodar may ha placed In lha "Tao Ult to Clai My" rnliimn, Ada tor Monday pariart muaS M in by I p m. Satuiday Tha Siirman-Jyrnai Nawa paprra fawrva loa rifiii la ra in 1 Quaitionanl dvarllainii rt f urlhrr rervra Iht rit plart ail advrTUimi under Ut ornptr rlauilicalion. The (atnan-iournal Hmi papara aaauirte no finaaicaal re iponiibiltt? ne armri wnirh niav apiwar in ndvariiaamania publlMird in rta eolumna and in laara whvr Inia papar la al fault will reprint that part i an idvertKeioent Ml wnirh the Ivpoirraphlral miauka occura A "tlMid" Ad an d conUin in i Mattinvan-Journal Nawa panen box number for an ad drrai - la for Iho protection o ll advartiaera and inuxt inert lore I tnawered by letter The Statesman Jnnrnal Newapapert are not at liberty Id e)ivn!e in Inrmatton tn tht Identity M an edvartiaer uium a "Klind" ad ruts nct'spaph 8Tnrv(ji It protect ita trade ri aiainit fraud deception, or iniiirrrt. Rradrn are rautinned to makt NO FAVMRNTS tt (et a pn anion advertised la tn help wanted cmitnina All Help wanted (!a MUST IfV rHl, NATURE OF THK WONK Kalra help wanted acta mitet alate If the pay la In the form nf ttlary, rnmmlwlnnt. (uerantee. or ntrlndt firm Mm. Bona fidt fieri of em- fiMymeeit with pay bolneid aa ht "Help Wanted" column. a n other rolumnt whtrn re quire Invertmenl in ttoens. aamplta. equipment or eaab bond atiauld ht thorouyhly In yeatifaed htfort pavind out tny money Advertlaera r ajulrtnf a cath Inveatment for aamptea of merehandle. aalea aidt. ete . mint ao aotrlfy m their Ida Ktntiiy report any eaceptinn to thn rule to the rlaaaified ad eertlalnf nanafet TO PLACE AD DIAL 46811 100 DitpUy Cljfit1 i ADS IN THIS COI.l'MN ni.i Kivt n , . . loo Late to Classify .100 IVroni.l 1100 A 310 Mcrtlnej Notice IIAIIA'I tVOttl.ll r AtTll Inlmiiutllim I'h, S.iM 3 11 Uit one) Found 0 lliv your run ihanumn I I I rleaned the aura t-lean av . ( ill for etiimate Ph l-1o r AIo fliMHa naked (Dealer -1 ! r f.m-ftmtrm , -.. ..f t WANIfll aitffoa. I im airei III all 14 ,. i y Uli. I lu (''Ht ( hitit t'ii,it to I .iy. halam i An-,1 ..' IMaiHal Will, ttun miliary ir t(W j WiUtaM d' riWMH lunl I u.l lu aril, iMiikird. in Hi d aa ui.m.i iiii.iiI ui auneitiaii limi.e tiji lit till -V'l ,iu Ileal bllX J'il ! HV (AvM-t Acia diveiai- fled (iiimi, adti'liad A riiiluir(l. axirllrht building (iond in- ; nine Juhn tauaiaiu, HI, i i '.J ' f Vein lAl.f. or rent ( Mrni I K. I ; home air duple l ot. 4ti Of ! , BRAND NEW i'...i ab. I mar 4-l? auhurlian hmne, I rtll'NI) Hale dn I or T mm ad blink linwii l'it Vil li Ml il I'im. a Mil I'h J 3l VtdllKISK M.iw kit ibee n't litifh at', ('enter. ( iifHlnl Vrd I III p til V. II In ilrt 1 lliuie i toaii- :i-Jl evei .c I. (iHT 9 kmi liilli in nhiie tiandton-titcf. Am ISiti In aa km herrt I'h 4-l!4 tlKT Haoded lilua pataaeet, lairninutit Hill, reward 4-;.i lAWt; I.jiI a dark piei i.lnn (rnund flaarOa kia. I Ai liana. fiamri. 1'i.t riHtay. tw after I so p m l.oaT' ainniie Pei-I.m. Sod bin K Cum I. I'H, 4-Jilt. I(em aid i NECCHI PORTABLE ! ! Si f SAVE $40.00 1 1 craenal 1 iiari V lienl mole A, itca. J ttitnn, hnu-e ( . . . . K ( atl ami nr , ill ' "lt n I'h .l-rm.l n list M 01)11, ' I Mtfl niwuhoaatat ' ttailer, Mmtein -rv rlran : VNAWK IhAII M SAI.l.t i(l PnilUnt N,l it' I HriRM Kil Trailer home Harrifiie for I.I.SSt' Oniinl rnf It too I'ted ' ii', like naw. I'rivald parly. Pit. 4-.:o? WANT I'D, flat bed" "trucV lne enonin to haul IS fl hea. oid nidNvr 4 ruliber. Oieap. MT ata'kel IWM FAim.ANK Fold town e- rian Ian A white,, aarrlfn 'i ) rnr on a, aale MMI 4n., f Id I y-wJ ( per mo. for 11 mm lhoe I 1 "' I i TttADK. equity In Ford Vie" 7l n l , . . ...bib L ..Li! ' ; ' ' ' I 'Uti;8i!!!f!!!jiji!it' tp-!!f ?l hi 1: ...ii.iMt i .'Mi' t. " 11 H blue A: 4-IJM. white hard- . Qassified Index "For Vour Convonteeird" Carpenters Aim Blast at Racketeers TOKYO tr A Japanese scientist said Friday In, believe the Rus sians exploded a new type of H bomb using thorium in their mid March nuclear test. Dr. Seitaro Kovama of Niieata 2.500 piesli in the largest mass University said he came to this banquet of its kind-ever held in: conclusion after analytin( radio Detroit. The estimated $rVOno ; active rain and dusts, proceeds will be used to build a Koyama told a meteorological children's home in Israel. I conference here that chemical ele ments he idvntified in his analysis differed greatly from those after the U.S. Bikini H-homb test. It indicated, he said, that something chemically lichter than uranium ... t v. ll .nil,. nf thn WM IMCIi III II IC V U ' 1 1 H Ul lilt. bomb. I He reported the presence of mhtdttim m, the lark of nentuneum 4td an1 uranium 1Y1 anrt tho nrpa. El'GEN'E -A resolution de- .fnn of grcaler amount of strnn ploring "all types of racketeer-1 tium lh(M( barium pointed to the ins" was approved by the Oregon liiihod the Russians used I bor stal e Council of Carpenter! st the lurn n is , comparatively rare annual convention here. j radioactive element occurring In Ivor Jones, executive ecretary, combination. In thorite, monazite of the council, said the resolution (nd certain other minerals. stemmed from disclosure of a , , , . vie. probe now underway in Unknown Sol(li(T It said the carpenters were "un-'rp a aal.A,l alterably opposed to all types of lOlllI) AUHCkeil racketeering whether it be partici- T l- 1 paled in by labor, management 'III 1 jX UlOSlOIl nr any other segment of society. We keenly feel that there is no BKIRIT, Lebanon i An un-; place for racketeering of any type,1 puccessful attempt to blow up ' or any acimty oontrrms on racii-; monument to rranc- tmKiiown. eteering, within a democracy such Soldier was made here Friday. as we have in the great United! The dynamite blast rocked the , States of Ameica." (city's French quarter and shat-j - -jtered windows in houses. The! vnriri nr fin ai. samFsiFNT 1 monument itself suffered little! notice is hirfbv given, that damage. the underlined. OfUETT F.. MOLZ-! irn, .iipmrit wa hrlieved to KAMP. of th. Balale'. . . ..k i of oscar martin oi,EN. d- have been a protest by Arah Na-i reaped. na filed her final trroun ! tionalisti at the French policy in' in ine tirruH l-ouri hi me o'a.' i;i lrtI1Pla ' O-non for th? County of Msrlon. l"'leria. und that theUrd day of Mav, ISM. at S 15 ortne a m nranio r-VNrTF.D STATFH DfyAnTVRNT al the Courtroom of Mid Court, ha. or THK (NTtRIOR, BURI.AU OF oren fixed bv raid Court ai Iht llm . LANrj maNAGICMKNT. Portland snA nlur-a fnr heerlna nhiertinna In . L i. w ... said final account, and the settle-: mij nindiflratlnn of morltetlnt menl of Mid eattle tnd all peraona I reouirenient lor ealvate timber interested In laid estate mav. tt aid i on Remted Oretnn tnd California lime ana piece, apvear ana nnw 0,1 rod ,nA Reeonrtvtd Cmw B) ill Meetlns Hot I ret 311 Umt tnd Found 314 Tranaporuuoo 3I peraonol 311 SUmoa and Colna -4 ACRICITLTURR 408 tlveatork for Rala 403 Livestock Wanted 404 Poultry and Rabblta 107 Fur Btorlnc Amman 40s Pela li Set Foodt 110 Heedt and PlahH tin Fruit and Farm Product (13 Fertilizer t 114 Farm (equipment Auction 8a lei 150 MERCHANDISE 151 Machinery and TeoH 453 Wanted Machinery Toola 454 Sewing Machinet 455 House Condi for Salt 4!M Wanted House Cooda 457 Radio and Televialoa 4M Bulldinii MaterliU 45R Do It Yourerlf IPO Muatral Inatrumenta 4fiJ Sporta Equipment 464 Rwvrlei 49fl Trad Mureltaneom For Rent. Mucellanenul 470 For Sale. Mlacellaneoui 472 Wanted. MUcfllaneoua 474 MiacelUneoul 47 fuel SOU BUSINESS AND FINANCE 510 Monty to Loan 51! Loans Wanted 51S Investments - - em FMPI "VMFVT 102 Help Wanted 104 Nelii Waniid. Man 60S Help Wanted. Lady SOU Pickers Wanted Slfl Sales Help U Work Wan'ed. Man 114 Work Wanted. Lady SIR Situations Wanted 17 Jnn Infnrtnalltn IS Education (X Dav or Contract 7lto RBNTAI.k 702 Sleepma Room! Board "01 Wanted Rooms Board 7IW Apartmentl for Rent 70ti thiplexea 717 House for Rent 707-A Furnwhed 70S for Rent m Wanted to Rrnt 710 Wanted to Rent Roused 71 Wanted tn Rent Apta. 714 Business 'Rentala 71(1 Resort Rentals 711 Convalescent Unmet 7) Moving andStnraet PBO HFAL ESTATE RHl Bnina Opporlunltlet m Butlneis Properly 8(13 SubuTbtn ROfi Howies for Rale 107 Apia Courts for Salt pin I ots tor Sale i Farhii lor Sale Exchsnie Real Etata III Resort Property SIS Wanted Rral Estatt K. tnsoranre 8S0 AirroMOTivt I.M New Carl IS2 t'see) Cr tr Rale SSI Auto Parti and Repair 154 Truiks, Trailers fnr Sail sss Wanted Can. Trufki MS Moton yrlea ISO Auto Miarellsneoua bsj House Trailers ' " BM Heavy Equipment IM Aircraft t Round bonhin I Farwartt and reverse f 1 i,rn ' 1 ! Autormitic darning j Portable carrying caie f y Genuine ccci I Reconditioned 4 JIachines I Ringeri Kenmorei tMiltcs . r:idridg( I Montgomery Wards iPriced . . . $19.95 up f Also Treadles At Low Asl I Vacuum Cleaner Clinic land Sewing Center! 1 455 Court St., Salem I Ph. 4 5502 I Peacnrk too. Ph FOR RENT, I rhalr barber ahni furnislierl, HavesvlUe, 1150 Portland Rd. Ph 1-4111, MODK-RN 1 htlrni, hs- Inq'Maw Woods. I ml E. Totem pule I BDRM ho-ne, auto h"t onser aptrt. nil iution A pieltv for I lao I btt-fli or family Kit. WILE' " T HIT riiRN.. i I. No ; aii apt HI ."4a N. I2tlt Fl SIIMNY " sHx-otne" rmis-i. lirty. m N. Iront SI (;FNVRAL"rnioleliiii' & cabi net work ret Pit. 4-4073. GARDEN plowlnl A disrlnl Ph Mri HANDY Man wanlod to lay ce- nienl p.itto Approii. I x I! ft. IJUt iefferw FORSAL: Oak7"walnut. fliv prune, cherry wood St rednr post. 4I2 Houhelr Rd BRAND new twp Fry, need rah. Ph. !-!.-"! ilfON-RlTT. Irnnrr. Like new. Ph. 4-717. FFRTrHZF.R. by "plriti'ioT trailer load or taxk. U-Haul. Ph. -ftIJ. Bl.rKBERRYpianti.S yr. old tnt et., for II so. Ph. 1-S44?. FOR" SALE Tinv Chihuahua pupntet. Ph. 2-S4IS, WILL-pasture lentle Sarldle- horst tor uee of .11 2-1141 tier LOTS FOR SAI.C JustSouth nt Mornlnettde School otved aiteta and corks 71 tnd TJ fool frontaeei. Price l5a Make otter on povment - Vhw lots on Klnfwnod Htehta Jart off Iola Drive. Street . and curbs svtll bo Installed nn Womllahd tnd Rockland Drhrea. Prlco 1170(1 to M2SO. Lota of trees. Apple, CJnemr, Oak. tnd Fir Sl'LUVAN REAL KSTATK i2M s. irnr ph. mms KAISER Sedan, good tlrea Uu tor OK. Body roufti 1ST. . WESTON SAW SHOP Vssfl Cherry vl MARKET Etoren luna. t hii hen A lieef pies, 13 J t Our I'i'il pie flti' I ' Hie kcltrry plea. Inrae bread 2 for 4c, Ftrsh doiidtinuta eve-v murnltui by 7 am I'h. S-VIT7I LEI'S lit tiiUined vlriir new liHalion, Dooutt loepared Ireih lor Ires'tera. t!c dna. I'ake k piy,ored In 10 rtiis oucnitirf. Varieties lor ptrtu a V lil(;iHi lliiroe of htar Lift Doniits ,t;a Mh-eimn Rd. Ph 4-471 Sun Thru Fn). I an to d p m, Closed Sal. Al COHOLH Aeyinoii."l S I iiiiot erntl .Jln or t-taai Al t'DHOI If Anonymoiit (roup No I giUMJ N l om'l PALMIST Palm, eard A phyle reader, telle piat,. pi-esenl A- future It fiiinnMi readina, II with dd 3ila Portland Rr I'h 4-47M PSYCHIC RKADKR Madam 1U7FL. Sjsstn't eldest, rrliahle reader rah help you I m sucre a. bealih mid hap I pines No baidatn nricea. Just truthful, rriuhle ad "ire. 4:.: 0 Portland Rd al Albany rul off Look for tun. 31" Stomps ntT'Coieii 410 Seedi end Monti hnil I'nttlura ',e Mi, PI M IS I ; Sf77 h W SlisK'tx-rrv l.lai t 121 fier M M.r.l.sll (MiiKithir. ui I'h srrcl-vi A. sirs' .SI.. i' ith luiser IHj a up lamellisl htiostu A evergreen shlul W Sliiifll ftutfrel Itilvaht, nit I' ll HI ' SOI I Sl Mmnthi ii'e fe iiii.l Tuios i.aht ai tikhiil A-.e Nrnni cem, iiuihaiun lliln-trliimi h ti-rd i.ti.,ies Al ltd, M Portland Rd Ph 4 In. I ('01 111. V iHtoa Cur A N 1 1 1 t u'r sat fiMMitteal blrasinyi L fletends as pennies from heev r en A lli"(1 warniliiff amitl I u tirtnoiis bteeslnfl relets ts ' Stalfsmari, Sal.-ni, Orr , "at., April 21, '.71 (Src. 11)13 ! I.10 M r !iaii(!ia 7Akt ad ;z:ui:3 V Ik t liMlliid snow to Hied t) I rhainrd nonda I hemi tn war rior iner 10 vra. and children V oiih et dollar purchase nr shrolit llualne) Nursery, Rl I. Bu la Salem I nil C'ornera I , on Ml Ilk (uleer Hd A left I ml PIIIMRflxES, iiesmlea Fuxhtoa . lanmms, beyaiiMra. Klllrel t 111 Patent fleiehis A (.E11AMUM fushsun, jislm mmi Ir.lio e. ralitiaie Sake I (.reenhouet. Rt. I, Bna Hat ' Salem aTRAWHrilMY iilonia'troiii ror. lilted Marshall stink. Ill per loon nr II per Inn Ph. l-tlnd DAHLIA toilers, ptnstea furhiat a Isy eeranlum Watdl Utr aksn 4(i t'lierty Axe. DAHLiAfuihstaa. keeiinlaa, ffeeanlumt A delphinium, t'ott try t.aidrni, joj fhemtwt Rd XMAS 1'reei Wholraaleei re. tailera. local arr. White tXmajtta Fir. write. 1MI Chemekett Apt. MM PlltMROStS mi krrl"trler rnniala. tnnuola A swan te land -dahliea. A Plant tlreen hotaeea FloriaM. IN R l.tth A Plant Creeuhnuara A Florlala ardrn mppliea. aeenl. JHtllU IM S. II ' III. I-OI1I, EW. A Sua, 4 1 2 Frkrt aV firm Prtxswc M Vv kit mm y 1.1 II 413 tuilJin; Mtttrlntg riEC oil Neater erf, II " t 11 in k ii t I" si. f.artMe a f,i.. pif iue 4 ft is I Ls.. .... as. e ft Ihnf rhwito yet otf 11-1 IHimea, 4' ft I ial'l fistmea, 11 , off Oul. let jo-e. ia a bslh t, Ii. 4 H sl eher cater er tr Ut liiiead pipe and rrnt fiettrr 1 1. .n-sn A'a leitiie A I'l.m.i 'i. loa n:oanviav fit y-lsr.l Fn un A Sal I Opea Sos.iw.H.KT New. fesnk-m-tieal ei A rtowih lumber t-4 if Isii in to l4-(. ni n fleneeredJ lam I aer IV.,, ininlmuni Ted MiiHeeS-liM Osrhsad tett IS -st'h hard art. nailed aatia 0l armed ate trvufk. Il'il pot rppiNrt i .rM urn ro. 1701 JIIAtRTtlN RO, ni. 4ia lit less roi TT "Good heavvns, sSarRh!" When thit nitf younj? couple from Tompkins Cor ners answered my 'house for rent ad, I didn't rt alite they panted to LIVE In Tompkins Corners!" 450 Merchandise 45S HMteOwwJt ft Sato 450 MerckandUe 457 test oeid TV Fin.O Crown asptrafua A rbu l.arli (ireen Apple Mkt tuM Portland Rd. FARMER JONES Now open for summer buslneae with thoae tarm frtan iruii. vetvtah'e. A fine country esfi. 3SSS Portland Rd YOUTH"" bed." sprint;" T matC ood cond f IS. 1770 Broadway. TKrifry-Cut 18-lnth MOWIR Dependable t-cvrle Trima nchl up to walla ard trees. Cutt from I1'' to IV hl(h. NO MONEY DOWN . We Give S&H Green Stamps Batdorfs i Firestone Stores 142(1 State St. Ph. i-SSS! 2001 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. J-74M 100Distla Clowifted WILL buy RnM coins, tny noniioaiioa. Call t-WWl. 400 Agriculture 402 Llyeiewck for Sot FOR SALF-hty Wef feeder raives uortr lo, fcllverton, Ore. Ph. 3-42SI. Salem Meat Co. locker beef Custom killing, rutting Ar wrap- pine,, iraurr loanea tree. FOR SALE nr trade, gent re pnnlea fir rhildren, also gnnd addle hortea bob Frank, Mil N Water SL. Sllvtrtoa. pn 1-1114. PRort'SSlONAL horershearr Let Hanion.4-e724 or -eO.l GOOD 7vr."old Rorrel Mare! very lentlt Ph. I-S6M. Rt, 1, Bo 217 F, Salem. FOR SALE 215 New Hampshire uiteta. noyinrton Strain, alched Feb. 22. from old hena tiedierre matinga. These pul lets art thrifty Ar healthy A with food management will (nma In to lay In July. Tin y tre worth II ea but are of fered for only Wc for ajolck ale. Ph. 4 -Ii4l eve. nr noon. 1 family row. heavy producer with 1 mo. old full Mood Here. ferd roll A 1 Ayahlr bull calf 27l for til. Nt room to keep l III 2-IUHI3. MIXED dairy herdM rr now milking. I reolai ement rows. I bull. Sua loa. Dairy Co-eaj quota, bttlllred schoktm Tur Iter Rt, I, Boa 113. FOR SALE Baled hay. I.TI ton Haled atraw. eOc awl. Oscar Let, Sllvea-toa. Ore, Pb 2-4MI. 403 Uresrock Wre4 IVacuum C!eaner I Clearance ciuse. tr tnv tnere ne. wnv said aC' count should not be allowed tnd ap proved and sttd estate settled. ORIETT E. HOL7.KAHP. . Administratrix of the Estate n( Osrar Martin Olsen. deceased. First publication: April 22. I'M. !.a.t Publication: May 13, IBM. .1. William Stnrtt vtnrney (nr Adminlitratrls Salem. Oregon A tt IS, M l IS, NOTirl OF APPOINTMENT (IE ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE IS HERFRY CIVEr that 4he undersigned. Edward T. Carrttt. hai been appointed admlniitrttor of the estate of Dora Oarrett, deceased, bv (he .Clrctm Court (Prohttt De partment) Marlon County No. W74S. All persona having clalmi tgtlnst said estate are required to present ihem. with the pmptr vouchan. within six tpnntha from the datt nf this notice, tt tht undersigned ad ministrator. FDWARB T. CARRFTT. linn Eairvlew Ave, Dallai, Or Admlnlstrttnr. R. KREASON, Attorney. M31,A1,WJ1. Wafon Road grant lands In Oregon Notic la nerehy given tnat pur suant tn tht tuthnrlty vested In the Secretary of the Interior by thl Act o( Aucii-t tl, 11.17 IM Stat. 1741 sd th regulaiMina thereunder t public hearing la scheduled for S do AM PACIFIC STANDARD TIME., April tt. IfSS. at the Interior Department Auditorium. Interior Building. MM N. K Llovd Boulevard. Portlnnd. Oregon, to consider whether markft tng reqitlrment how ifeetlrtg sales nf OAC limber ihall b modified to permit the proceealnr of OAC sal vage limber In any OAC marketing area. A. map thowtng th ares under consideration la available for puMw inspection at the ollicet nf th. Bu rtu of Mod Management In Port land, Salem, Eugene, Roseburf, Coos Bav. nd Medford, Oregon T hearing will bt open to all Interested peraona Any wrlten briefs. ttalmnts or dnrumnt which are to b presented It th hearing must he tubmitted tn Mr V. T. Heath Stat Super visor, Bureau nf Land Management Idol N E. Llnvd Boulevard. Port land, Oregon, nn nr before a PS AM April 27. IK. Virgil T. Heath. Hear ingi Officer. April 14. 21 1 1 only Electmlux tank 110 MS 'l - Lenyt 1S1 tl Deluv Kenmor Ken-cart l.V St-1 Montgomery Wtrd ! i lank t I l Kirby tlSMf ll only Electrnnix tank IH fl Universal tank . I 515. SAVE $ $ $ $ Carload Sale Factory to You! 1R56 MODEL 21 CU. FL 5 YEAR "WARRANTY UPRIGHT HOME FREKZKRS CATTI.R, horses, al vour farm JH. C. McCtndllahjJItl. J-eiBI CATTLE buyer A. F. Soinmer. 1M Hanmony Dr. Ph. 4-ROfiT. w ! t A ttli buvert 42S7 slat, r. sf i AH. Snetlien, 2-1141, 1-4.K0. 1404 Poyltry orxf Kebbrli EXTRA LARGE White lirhnm. Parnienter Redi. Cornish X White Rocka. Hatchet every Tuesday Send for fry folder leghorn coskerelt IS per 1 Parmenter Red rorkereia l per 100. WILSON'S HATCH ERY. LYONS, OREGON. Ph. UL S-!.1S. LY Somt Uprights for aa 12 50 low , . Llberal trade Ins, Fasv I terms. No Paymenls Until June on approved credit. Free Home l)mi-J onstration. HO day ex- chance privilege. . , $ I SALF.M MORSE I I Vacuum Cleaner & 1 Center" f S tool Fsirgmtirds Rd. I Ph. 4-ltflS ' Compare Quality k -Price Wilh Ol her Mn'.T'' QUANTITY LIMITED BUY NOW BNK TERMS Frigidaire Commercial Sales & Service DAVIS SUPPLY CO. BABY CHICKS, lie straight run. rhotr of Parmenter. New Himni . While Rocka and Leg bnms Special New Hamp Ind While Rock pullets, lie. Par lor n let red mnster.-Or VAI.I FY FARM STORE ' Ph 4-4?4 ' Salem t'I STOM DRKSSINQ Of poultry We buy rabbits i , Wing s, IM Stat. Ph 4-.1DII j HEAVY Fryen 11 et." Phri-taM I except Sunday. ; : LIVESTOCK mtsW'tu4e""Fi'. i wards. Ht 3. Box H9HE. 4-1113 408 Mi if FOB SALE: Beautiful flemian Z, Shorthtir Pointer. Obedience ' ' trained. 10 .kill Sunnyvlew k CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES.' Stud j servlr. Ph". 3-I7.H. 4 FCR SAI E or Trade: Rc I rh- rsrtor puppies, 1 rm. old. Ph. V;- ,1-"41. ;J RIAMFSF. Kittens pedigreed. Ph 4-irikS. 5.KI Manhrin Dr. d SPAVEI) female boxer 4 vrs ! old. Ideil pet. hv Pspers st;i Ph. 3-4I1J4. Ii, VOUNO porakeetVr'i'ageg'feert ii Mtckry't H S Com t-fTSS CHOICE ornamental In shrubs. M Ui au'i KriHiki Avt S. E Keirer Just oil Cherry Ai. Ph. S-ang7. PRIMROSES, peppers Hybrid tooiatnei 7H W, Salem Heighta Ait SEED pottliie. (tit. Birrooiikt Early Red, ar up. pa -lls PASTEURiEED wool, milk. Tl gal. gal, 40c. livr4. ( leery Dairy, l-HH. 413 fortilitw EltirKA CVassst lltM new I Mg discount. (;Mrtntee. term idealeri 1131 N. amtol l-7ial , I'SEO fMI tleaeer, lyll W Hogg Bra., MS Stale. BOX nrlei.'" M aa Itsed" Mds. Mart. J7a I Ijsmty. Ph. -.tilk 1 rio down ptvmnl. to, a. IJ oil. l NFW l-pe. rtimm teti. s a ; a. i ii PFET MOSS ft fnrkeT droo ningi. sacked. Mlkkelsnn, Rl I, Box 141 Ph. Aumivill til. GOOD cow manur. for flow bed A gardeni. trill delivr. I'h. l-nA MANURE; aged nrk humus r weedi. Real toll kuitder It lawns, gardeM Ph 1-41311. f EATMbswltk poullry"dro plnga only 7Se per lick. VALLEY tADHfl-OHt - IRF.SH or rottd manur Rich, fin manur by aark or vaid Dellveted or at ttrm Phillina Km. Rt. I Box 4M. Ph 4-JOI1 OR0ANIC " FKRTTLIZICR oisoRi.rss BY SACK OR BULK PlIONK Ulit 4i4 Form Iqwipmottt FOR SALE A. C. model B trac tor with rultlvttor. II" plsnr PTO ully. l-wheal trailer with U" ttit. I't ho. air cooled motor. SMt'i Kapp- hthm Bd. LATE Model Motln plow, train drill, oil J-73.KI liter a P m KEW reissue pip II Ih. teit. K ll. roil a. ate n. t-wraj. 425 AnctitM Sohra AUCTION OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TONITE MOO CENTER RRKtT OALLiS 4i0 Merchandise 451 Mochineri & Tooii flown led kids. Mart 70 arty. Ph, g-tWlt HO pa mnt, I, a. e I USED Davenport A Chair, ttoog Hroa, K Plata at. BF.rtTVlx'aoto. wshrrJorSi H. Elm Av. NEW step end table. MM ;tehWoodry, IM ft. RumtMy SINK and rahmeg, IFI T'sed Mds Mart. 17 . Uhesty. ph 4-4J11. No desra paynsmt, a rl USEO Hoovoe Vanrum Cleaner f attach. M. Hugg Bros., (tl Stat St. USED I pc. Bedroom Suit, ti. Hogg Pro., Ml Stasa Bt. INLAID Lino, 1 M per t yd R U Ilfitroea CO, MS . Ut rly Ft)R SAl.fc. SoNO Mahogany rhalr with roi lerr ft hn, 1I Ph. I-4J4I. INLAID I too. II M per R L. Elfilrom Co. MO rt . INLAID 11, 11 M per aj rd rt u. aiiiiroea it , m a. li ny. . Linoleum run 11 tl Valley Fum. Co, ill n. Coral REPOSMMuTEO Frttr. Ill down will Mndss. rellaaee rustnsner may a swim balnc. BATDORFS HOME ft AUTO, I4W atat Bt., m. 1-atUH. USED Blond dowbl dreeeer ft cabinet bed. 7I. Hogg Brat. 141 Bits Bt. 6sED leotkert, Drytrt, tun. USER TEt tVISION tela tnd pplitmvt. Bed tag arterial rvm m and rherk osrr prtr but hurry I They en"1 kssl Inn Master Bervtc Stttlooi 3o N. ( ommercial Orn BAR Sumps. usrn t. T it" w Phon rails BATD siOMI ft AUTO, I4M Slot It. 1 m n i o r r i 4SI luildino MtjToeiolt teiuiuu Ub- I' ROOF TRUSSES t only ksM M Loot fill fork Insul. ll 11 tack 40, nor kght Ortdg Itmkor ft r-lsnk. 1st, liai, t. a all. 4x11 s pn M tx ihorta I Hnwl fl l4 Mt... It knetl fl 1.4 oak AooHng ihw. W per M select Hardbotrd M a it' . l timt Used doorg il ft up New 4-in. black drainage pip ... Jo R. Seulsr linkt, Vnw ptreA, . AU kind used fin ll' U r ALSO Wlodowl, Ptusnbteig. tie. 10. L S. RiTTER & CO 74 Pertuml Bd rH.N-ail 4 th. N. O Stlem, i ml. B. of Totem Pol on ME Opon H day Saturday U-Fix-It-Gjirfre Kapalr your own Ph 4 a." I lesO a, chl , 440 Mtttitol lB0trwmofe FORCED tl tell peareorl ac. rorduMt ran new 10, who re used yry lililt, Irak ". il IroO, Mt AighJ De. EVERETT Mpiti! Fian'nTruTl a?. Iwwrd. esiel. eweg Otlnut tiiHeti. Phrei d-Ootl. d MISUTtrR pun!"bw no la as. jt Clnter, owl'Spom ftj Ot)enoee OREGON'S BEST BUYS MOTORS & TRAILERS Also convert i hh) tnpa flying bridges, sotboaid repairs Ere trial on th river. Mao tr, turh at oioortg, alt Brnottng. ptrtl. 7 DAY! A WEEK FISHING LICENSES. ' th 0w fpotOog kotta. tnesOJ or m os oeeiittmi p, terol hot a) M srllr. fi-MJCM BOATHOI'SK 100 CIIEMF.KKTA. PHI IWJ MM WINCHESTER Mdl, M7eQ rsMMt new, !, 1 1M4, ror fiaU llltlllMlTillet" H i BDR14 Kit "Trlmr BastHi" for it If, tVigtoel rost 4 Mt. iTsosl 1 1, Pseirs i'""' " Portr. PI. mm i omm rwor SAUM TENT 4 AN1N(? no H LW,itTT SIOUX valvss re-facer ft hard seat grinder, romplet. Cost new MM. Bell I .TIKI cash. 120 S. lncaster. FOR SALE rrrnrwterytiiier, elf cleaning lines, Ph. S-fttlO iAf-Fvrsln-rd srMrt AC ft DC. Call I-IM4. 454 Sowla Mocbinet KEKMORE tier, desk rtblnet. Like new. used very little Phone or write Woodburn E Young 717 S Front or rail 1771 alter I p m 4SS Houto Ooodi ror .ale tl.t4 FirgrmtiHs Rd. Ph 3-71M Csll for evening Ippolnlmrnt. $ BIRD ' i.ppllea II w Paradi-t for "rOa. esges Llvlngsin ! ft Be Thrifty .... Z GOOD USED URN1TURK Over:: 110,000 Readers See. $.10 down will buy a complete household of furniture, including appliances. - Balance on eay lerm. i I piece rnhg. dining set incltirles table with 1 leaf, bulTet, 5-side nd 1 host chairs. Davenport and club chair, vrine color. 1 piece sectional rose frirfp good condition. New dnnhle dresser bed, limed onk finish. Mh mirror, book $39.95 ,29.50 $79.95 case ?s;t.5n moore rm Rrg Toy Pom. eannhea. mon kev. Open eves. Ai Son. 4onS Slate. LABRADOR retriever pups AKC reg Hit E. 81. after I. or Sat A Sunday. FOR SALS stames kittens Ex cellent prd'grre. Ph, 4-g.wti. fioYALSeal-pomrBlam tit ; lens, 110 At up Ph. t-OU'll. MAI E fawn buyer li mn. rhiWs pel rcaa. Ph. Lebanon Alpine .-ua . R nre . P A R AKKICFSNnrmai 4 W Browning Ph .t-WST DRYER, erne, ronge, end tahtes. dtv bed, misc. Item. Ph. 4-47M. 3 PC Bathroom art, 'ia.""pnT t-7731. -PC. "walnut dining rmsel.i pc. ehromt set. 1 mrlol iron ing board, Ph. 4-IHM. LEATHER head hoard 17. Used Mdc Mart t"(l S. Liberty. Ph. 4-4M71. No down payment. to. t. e l fI ECTROI.t!X"variium "chanr, terms: guaranteed. IM5 Ph S-70tl7. idealeri l-PC hedmom set M feed Mdse Marl. 11H S Liberty Ph. 4-A't',l. No down payment. in . e i - UNFINISHED furniture" RJ "L Stifi lurmluie. lil N High. Refngeratora, ti Villon acta, Phtlhpa Appliance I'., no down payment ai erma on approved trrdtl, IN ones, Phon 3.11 Jacobean dining rm. t. i pc Including liquor rthlnrt. t are curtains. Caerman Meisea tur en. Peons Irani Dusrh desk A Windsor chttr. Ph. t-OMA rOR sale Freacar In good guotT tall 3-tom. 4-4741. . 1 BirRNEm Hot Point tier range. Esissl. eonfl. Pereert for small tot. or snot!, Ota. MM Feltoh Ave. USED I pr Wtl. Bedroom Suite. si ea. negg Brat., ts tut BKI Dlscownt en floor model III I ft. oolomatt rt frost re. trlgentnr. trrtgintlly ."ll how only EMilTt. Ph. l-llll MONTGOMERY WARD. FRiCtlDAIRE M" avn ring kl rlnrki Walnut dresser. Ph. 4-1111. MM aunnyyie USED 'Armlesa Loung. M.6 Hogg Bro,I4l (tattSt. 7. PC. TiTond hednxh sLa" eondlllon. fllS, Used Mdse Mart. I'.tl S. Liberty. Ph. 4-1371. No down peroeiit. in. t. r l USED I peBlong Dining' Rdom Soil, III, Hogg Broa., isg State SI. MAHOGANY AwTlngttiliig room set. Carved buffet, table i leai-e ti pafl. I Chain. All In good wind. Call 4-U64. USED J pc- Chrome DlrerhT si: 124. Hogg Broa .jrhl Stst St. KITCHEN "rhlr II M. Used Mdse. Marl. JTfl R, Liberty, Ph. 4-137 1, No down pmenl. to t. f I USED t V. Set, console model. I. Hogg Bros . til Btltt It. s 456 Wanted Houto GootJi :1J t wire, roll tt 4'rf Crdt th ingle UN, H. M ;Omir. Iio twef g. -CMEAP t Mb roof, lowest poraa. , Mailt per keg -41 at Sc al pin 7 H. tt 01 Pip S '-! I a" -Me, I', "-la :r got. theH too tank Ml M tot gal tteei aea laeik MH 0 I" Mek awr pip Joe, Mr tvm anln, rood owe, M II SBMg paper Hm ll Nil Fikr glast blaoktt Irisiil. - CHEAP 4vl plait board l M. II M II IS Celling tl Ms. Is1 tr eg ft BhaVe moid, long h-ngth te C.trag floors, til tires gn Brb wire ft) rds U IO-I1 II Oirtld whit paint al HI Oak Flr'lng m. length rhg new window tasnea ll et, W atrip crystal windows kllrhefi links cheap. Shower enbtnera tMH Totstta WaMl MM New blh tub oninolei IU M Strictly Ctslt - U-rlenl Clotet Sanflari ft Monfityt C. (?. LONG A SONS I Ml N ft4rr-Ph l-MM PN l-41g TOP CASH PRICE - FtiRNI. TUBE APPI lAMCES rTt I'SEO MIR IIANI)ISF MAR1 M S Lifts RTV PH 4-M71 WENEKU JliRNITlIRE VHey Furn JT . I-M71 '" Need "tl One Ltt model E Appliance Pay cash premium for f Crad Electric Ranges Refrigerators Automatic Wahert, Driers A lote Model used Fitrntlure Ph Glen Wondrv S-OIIO right Now fnr Pleasing Retultal I I mum Mmtm Fur the best professional services, call one of these popular exnTi.s. f Fl PlrrriFR. hltrk A III Cockers, too white simis, Pn. 1-184. f 100 Display ClattifieJ t ' Rpconditionpfl .Vacuum Cleaner". M'PI I tMFS WESflNCiHOlSE m ar ftivatiiaaisai . m m . m waa wop j rs i $9.95 & Up VYoerfry Furriilur. 474 S Cos.- I Ph ill IllllSfi CAPITOL novators HI I I IMIIMI Biiildoilng. ponds D-4 Hiuliey I'h t to ilANO ARB) 47RAVFL ; ' 'liAl.r.M SAND A GRAVEL CO ,nrt round gravel sard tod Ion -l I4US N linnt St J.J4M.. WALI.1NO SAND AND ORAVEl I6?.t Mrtitlchrlst Crushed auarry rock! A grlvel Titrr1V.'"e eVA I ' " " '" 'or roads, drlvewtyt D. c'.rrvJl? V ! P""1" '" ofady Mixr;n i iiM itiTr Garden aanri hull-dormg. (.hov. el and draglloe woik J-4jts Bedding Maltreet le New maltressea 3-4(0' 2-310 Phone m 515 SO. COMMERCIAL ST. PHON'E 4-J3U Open 'til 9 Mondays k Fridayi CirARAN'TEED TANKS k ITRIGHTS l.AR(.-E SKI.F.CT10N Vacuum Cleaner Clinic i and Sewing Center I RANI BtlBR Si'ton' Lorain molo crane Sa lem Sand A ;reve! Co t-J4l noon riivFRiNf.s NOHHIS" WALKER" PaVnt (;o f'lnnr-covering. Divi,kio OiisI. itv tnstallaimna. Linoteum As. VAI.I.FY SANn 4.RAVFI C Crushed A round travel land ti con nun I song IS" Minted eedar hake MM M 1st! S I S I E dr eefltr keardl .IllnOI M BL fir nosing lis ft Iron roofing Host l etrtr ahtngle MM t rs i in ih Cnmpn roofing I Cheaper No I Bt. Oak rig Kit M No I RL Oak Fig IHM M K. D Cedar Rifling .. . HMM M 4s S-ln "A" grtfl Birh 01 4M ft fl) "A" grafl Blrrk Dnort . 17 tt M t -A" grtfl Mahog floors MM e "A" grade Breed duora M 4i nitsterhnird , it M ea O s,.in rlv sht it it ea 4vl 'y.ln pty antg Ilia 4x1 in ply shig M 40 0 Odd sire pftwond out to your order N sstra eharge OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY C & K Lumber Yd. Lancaster tnd Center Pli Salem MM - FREE Scott-Atwater Outboard mow to OS win pf the MOBllXlAI TrMto n Chtlt Coolest No Clmralrk N ObRgatiao Juat atop la at Shrock'a Lone Oak Sr'ict Station MoMlens Mabilnl) Cornor of Highland A Prtlg Bd. Dr your nam la lha bo Aayon m win. iRsl Prite ! A Seasoa bateboB Tlctet lr BIRCH Cfn ImtrillTtYlSl Park Av. FOR BALK IS ft. Hal Pal i-oeni trier l w om. NEW 14 tt. Olllabaughorw! romoiei wnn aao farsnry , trtiler. wench tramoea tl. gwa., ttfmt, Grw Bporling Ooodt. IM1 g. Csm'L 1-tOM CLASS R artllty with rontroll lor ilk) or Ire ff gnofl rwn. about, s at 111 Rot mon t kftvr lam. fASH paid for neefl luavs. rnooV f." oi'iu cateofla Mere. ItM Brmntwat Ts"rT""BOAT"rSA!LEir R1 Cotlerlio Ave. II FT. liott"" tllerrwonderw tul buy, IM. tin Hansen Ave, rOR SAl l ij'lt bo Ph. I-7MH rOR "" ALk " f; "ply" wooflVw, with take down to trailer, Ry Tomllneon, Inn. Th Too Cirocary oil. I. of Turn, eM"HoYlnn flrod ss'mL"! tapered fly Un reel. 1 rest ing rod It reel ntr h erel Ph, I-M2S. ItM Bllvte. ton Rd. COl rt (in87romplMi tt."ltow Ph. 1-157 4-MAN rsibkor" htl. IM." K. t-ZWI trter I. New 12 ft Boa$179 i Slf ROCKS I Cor. tlihlnfl A. Pnrtltna R8 ! FOR SALE: ll'rdt Maokesi I retneti boat, motor. prrttr ly new Seo fveemgt, VV, H. Bell. Rtayton, Ore. - FEE!!!! 464".ity71u" BOYS if Or Clrlt M'' bleyrlet. Ph. 4-4l BOY'S "M Bike. ne7tire""Jt lubrt. MM, v. -gH. FOR" SALE" Srhwinn " btryrl, good rnnilltlon. I m. olfl, Mfc Ph. Mow. 461ot Ktirtt, Misc. rPTic iiRviri nhalt A Tile Wall lile HOWARD'S Rt-Rotr i rrre Estlmatri 4-2I7II 1 Mr, tanks cleaned l mm niF !" 'o-r.LHi4vt ! -MIKES Septic .-.atrvtrfl irert .VI Hobart weldrra I, rod Smith; cutting equip Aceso'ie (ilobe Machine Work!, into M ' ( iiMinir n ial bt ,Ph. a-M3I. i PIPFRINO PAWTINO Ttrkl, cleaned l motet eletnt ttwtrt drams Phone S-MOli i Hemel'i teptle links cleaned line service G'iarafl'..ed work Phon J-1104 Ot 1 IT14 (Thnnsaodt go In tnd nut HKRE'I First come FIRST served OODI fS of PLY WOOD -4x1 int or est TROt'SANDS Littler'' pet tt "Li" lei' 'prices Custom er with "littler" order! gicsllv aoprrnalrd. OS WHITE PAINT J Ml gal . it 4sl reject hardhotrd, II 71. rrg MfO i, i WAI I BOARD.' II 44: Sf 'ttrEN mwSS at la.t veer low price! Specialising In low ri.t tlummum icreena 4x1 Rough pliwood ittesr f.oesl for undrrlavmenl. Il'jcl rt '( Sx MAHOO, II Ml heel PANELINCIS tronmng I out our .iis-A:;a1N! tl real ( savings See them.. ; OAK . I LPQIIItO tn heated FOR REST ot hs te ara liou.t iruca ceu.ent floor. brick bldg towntuwR I H L Still turn n. I IM 46 For ole, Miu. TOP SOIL 1.000 yards river bottom top soil. $1.25 TKR YD. 5 OR fi YD. LOAD PH. 24110 prnsr Rruh eveiythiog pMibl I meat vour )ib niovable. Ph. l-SSot - ' Painting tnd spntigin restrntet Ph IJMII rp.Fg RIRVI4 R Biistiin f. a. .11. - rmiin.w wnffn rrniMoe.Artv ait nav siTtisnlv nray Fre Estimates ntir-.ii.rt.w i ntr. jr.nv n.c " 1 ' yHow nagra ph..n book I I'urllanrl Rftafl Lumhef yard i Exp paper-hanging A paioHnl Jerry Johnson, Ph I-B.i34 rhone 2 17W YPFWRIl PBS (!(!! I ma thl not. rath eeglsttrt Ouolr. rators. ne.ks. rhirt tilet i.ip tes Roeo'sM Court run caii ti.s'l'ric. 1 1 1 1 SlflL, MAM t. room t fciiAR BOARDSi, nn ' sn.T tSRAVEL PH g-7771 Shelving I? 5 s" 't. PINE PAN. , prprttcrterr, fT: t.r P-'gind prsr .IM. bolam I .'7 so ReHakH) ru.omr s turn btlanr. IM flown. P.ATOOPFS HOME AL'TO, I 14241 Stat St.. Ph. I-IMI. f SET Golf CluhJ.'thor Waaher. l eather tuit cases Cultivator handl garden tools lawa PANF.IINtl ItUe ft Sdg low as 1S M rig , li m, P,eautllii weather tn hs tip your best ihvtmpt -YOl'Rj HOME -do tt nowl We'll do I IM Portland Rd. Ph. 4-44M Mower. Ph. prtont Ave 4- ltt ' "WIOOi m,V-:f',SVfV" s:-wss-:ft- .-r.-y.'---.v--ey f' ' .