JO (." cc. II) Siatesman, Salem, Ore., Sat., April 21, "56 fJnrciauo Not Sure If He Will Retire From Fiirbt Career MACON. Gi. tH-Recky Mardane said Friday he still has not de tided whether to retire or make another defense of bit world heavy weight boxing title. Tht champ and hie manager. Al Weill, who met Hack? bcrt to discuss bit future, both iadicatrdj o map decision will be made. Y Asked II bo thought a ADO tnrC I iCA would be reached before leaving UVllUlUlB JLiUOl llacoa, Marclano replied: "I don't think so." "I don't even know where supposed to P from here." Rocky added wHh a grin, "much ss whether I B retire, i haven't aeen Al for three monthi and I don't know what commitment he may have made." Ollrfl Tented Down Another, 16-9 Yakima Bean Rap Salem in Exhibition loose for three nine on three hill and a walk. Hit blow of thia ud- Weill laid he had turned down rimf wai Aire Browa'a two-rua aeverai offeri for appearancea. ; triple to deep right field. Hare figuring Rocky would want to go home to 'Brockton, Maw., to see "bit family. "1 euro do." the champ uid. "Il l been six weekt aince I law the kid (J-year-old Mary Anne). Koepf then aingled Browa across The Salema broke out with an other biggie la the eighth, eeor ing aii timet oa three hit, two pasted balla and a Yakima boot. Shortttop Ray Webster provided Marclano. who knocked out Jer- the No. 1 dandy of thia outburst ley Joe Walcott for the world slamming out bia aecond homer championship in September, 1452, in many days, thia oae with two has jwl returned from a vaca- aboard 1 . tion trip to South America. Mr. Webster waa the batting rtar Marclano accompanied him but 0( the afternoon (or Salem, bang- aha flew noma from Miami Yankees Trim Boston 7 to 1 (Ceatlaaed tnm precedlag page.) Cuba slugged Redleg Art Fowler la the tint. Monte Irvla alio had a two-run homer in the Cubi' 11 bill. Jones, top In NL ttrikeouti In U, fanned nine. Including a one-two-three Job on Ted Klustewikl, Wally Post and Gua BeD la the fourth Inning. . Milwaukee itayed anbeaten atop the National League, coming from behind 'with two homo run by Eddie Mathewi and a pinch two run shot by Wei Covington to Bail the St. Louli Cardlnali. M. Bobby Thorn soa'i aacriflce fly Kored the winning run. unearned, against reliefer Stu Miller. Red Schoendienst'i two-run double and Ken Boyer'i nolo homer gave the Cards aa early lead off Warren Spahn. Lou Stealer won in relief. At Philadelphia, Del Enni lined bases-loaded alngle the only hit of the inning m the 10th as the Phillies beat the New York Gi ants 11. Jack Meyer waa the win ner in relief, taking over from Herm Wehmeier who worked the first nine and retired the first 11 met be faced. antral Win lit WVL Came From Eetacada . . MONMOUTH - (Special) - The Central Panthers won their aecond WVL baaeball game of the tea ion by defeating the Eatacada Rang ers, M, at the OCE diamond Fri day. Kstarada Jumped off to 1-rua lead in the aecond inning when Jack Linn singled and came home en Ben Workman's single. Central evened the count la the heme half of the fourth whet Bill Blankeebaker walked and carne around on steal of second, a passed ball and a wild pitch. The bout aina wrapped It up in the aixth when Darrell Brandt aingled. moved ta aecond on an Infield er ror and scored oa Oscar Hatfield's single. Gordy Detzel was credited with the win. Ettacada ...... 019 DM 0-1 I 4 Central 000 101 x-J i 1 Linn and Frost; Detsel and New ton, Calfey (4), Ing four aaftiee in five trips. Negro outfielder Hal Kelley had three hita and Jerry Waldrop a pair. Yakima collected It hita most of them off Cowdell and Eipe. Negro rookie Bob Good pitched the lint all innings for the Boars and Manuel Eacalera finished up. The Senators were scheduled to play a local All-Star nnit here Friday night but Luby had other things oa his mind. He was off to San Francisco to talk shop with the S. F. Seali of the Coast league. Hugo wants to date up the Seali for a Salem exhibition game In July and to get "any available ball playera they have who can help us." On the regular schedule Salem playi Spokane, at nearby Yount ville Saturday then its Eugene at Napa Sunday and Spokane at Napa Monday, prior to taking off for Salem Tuesday. Luby wai in contact with Ralph Kiner of the San Diego Padres Friday and the Soloni may come np with a young outfielder from the Pads oa optioa. , There were no new additions or disposali in the camp Friday. Nineteen aspirinti remain on the roster but tame ts subject to change at moot any time. 4iii aura m HO B H O A Wilms.) III! Henry I Sill Wileosj 4 t I t Coital 4 t 4 1 Morcljn S S 0 WebelM 14 I I Bum'eri.cS lie Srekla.l 4111 Lnu i a i a e iete.i i a i a Mikth.l I I I I Kelley.l till NtamJ S 4 1 S Wldrp r 4 10 4 ItiMti 114 1 Xoepl.e Ilia Good a 4 0 0 1 CvwdllA 0 14 4 Stradrs 14 4 4 Cade a 4 4 4 4 t 4 0 Brown ,1 114 4 NeaU fill SKIng 0144 BKin i a o t iw.e i a a e asaim l a a a They'll Do It Every Time ' By Jimmy Hatlo TH2 WAY POSIOL4 TCLU POOR SAPfOKD SME'S OH THE CO ALL CAY LONG"" I yOU RZALIZ& THIS IS. "WE 1 TIME I VE S4T DOWtf 7 I'M ON My FEET f-BOM MORN- ; DLL NIGefT SEVEN ' D4yS A WEEK W C6 YOU RZALIZ& THIS IS. "WE VTOSH. k'IDDO.V FI(?ST TIME IVC S4T DOWN? 1 IlrtSCRRV-VDU 1 1',' V I'M ON My FEET f-BOM MORN- O 0U60T TO MAKE f t C INS TILL MG4T-SEVEN J VCU&SELP 7AKS U i U -'6 -ill ri-A tf 1x On you V W'5S rr-A0 TVCN I ' t5uT srr una thb cazsaAz always PwoTHtsuosoAtffi' COM3 ON rVH4T ( OJMXM HOUR-vJMO I JUST LCVl Vj ' ( rTO6R4MSSelS I V04V BL )VA T Brooklyn Rhubarb Flowers Jackie, Iiavasi Mix Hot Words DIGEST Sunday at Hollywood Botcl Program Sot for First Auto Race of Campaign Caniul Auto Racinf Assoc iatioa officiali and Valley Sports. Promoter Roa Ail Friday announced the list of evenU for Sun- day'a opening auto racing program of the Salem season, at Holly wood BowL Stock hard tops, piloted by CAR A drivers wilt of course be the feature attraction, and they'll the time trials under 11 get the ti way at 1:30 p. m. Immediately following tbe tri als, which will involve around 30 entries, the winner of tbe "Misa Stock Hard Tope of 1W queen contest will be named and crown- Saxont TLirJ, Vikings Sixth in Coll Match EUGENE (Special) Eugene High'i Axemen won the first p jfet 8 round-robin golf match Cards, Grays Nab Ball Wins The Parriih Cards, aroring a lone run in the last of the 8th inning, defeated the Leslie Bluet, 11-10, in a free-ewinging baseball game at Barrick Field, and the Parriih Grayi abut out the Leslie Colds, 31 behind the 3 hit pitch ing of Don Westling, in Salem Junior High School League base ball actior Friday.- The Cards-Blues game went Into extra innings when the two teams were knotted 10-all st the end of the regulation distance. Tbe Cards loaded the bases In tbe eighth on a combination of ed. Eight girla ara participating of the WMon jj ,t the Johnny Jones single, Bill Gen in me contest. Then the running events will get under way, starting with the Trophy dash by the four fastest cara in the time trials. Four heat races and the Class B and A main events will follow. Winner of the Class A mainer will i ciigtue Lounury Club. Medal scores were: Eugene, 413; Corvsllis, 418; South Salem, 424; St Francis Eugene), 435; Albany, 438; North Salem, 437. Individual Salem scores: North Salem: Boh Carr 43-42-87. Rex TatahWlime TUHHIII7I 1 WaUwa for Cad la Ma. a Popov out for Ease In rtn. Yakima 411144110 4-W-11-1 Salam S4I44IIIS- 1-11-1 Wlnlnf oltchtr Good. Losing pltcft r CovatU. Id ab 1 1 tr n Coa4 I H 1 I I I I aralera I Is S S I I I CowotU la II t 11 Til caoo . a", 7 1 1 a lap t t I 4 4 1 I frrora: Hour? I. Coats. Krlky. Wll- i, Botkula. Homo runa: Lawia. Wabatar. f HH: Summara. Mlkltirh. Wabator. IBM: Brawn, ftnt: Uwtl i4l. Wtlann. Summara, Ntxon 111, ;opf. Kins. Henry, Costa, Wabatar 111. Sac.: Wllrns, Coata if). BB: Wil son Tune: 1:11. Umptroa; Clark an4 riahar. Pattersoa Memorial Trophy, and officials intend having a repre sentative of tbe state on hand to make the presentation. Powder Pnff Derby Too A Bpecial "Powder Puff Derby will then climax the afternoon card, and will feature women drivers. The eight girls in the queen contest are Mary Balee, 1718 Broadway; Mary Bolton, Rt. 4. Box 732; Joy Graham of Wood burn, George Ann Pavlicek, Rt 1, Aurora; Dixie Eby, la fran klin St, Marcia Smith, 2173 N. Front St.; Marty Baaer, oaiu Au burn Road and Jan Malley of Bea verton. Winner of the contest will he the one who hai sold most tick ets for Sunday'a opening racing card. Owners snd .driven of the stock hard tops that are to be raced Sunday have been spending a busy last few dayi at the bowl, gettting their mounts in top trim for the inaugural Tbe bowl itself has been undergoing somewhat of a facelifting by worken, for the comfort and protection of tana. 41-88, Geo. Andrews 44-30-83.' Phil Goulet 48-31-97. South Salem: Jim Allen 43-40-83, Heltzel 4446-80. Frank Shafer 4445-89. Roethlin 41-39-80, Han sen 484092. Willamette Golf Team Defeata Linfield 133 Willamette's golf team defeated Linfield, 13-5. in a links match played Friday. Willamette's Dick Moore was medalist with a 71. Results: Tom Lores IW) m, Bob Martin 14; Cart Reynolds (L) 2. Jim GillUand 1; Dave Kvale (W) m. Ken Luce 1; Bob With er (W) I, Dave Lum 4; Dick Moore W) 3; Bill Gearin 4; Low ell Fox (W) S. George Stout 0. Falls Gty Loses , FALLS CITY - (Special) - Con cordia High School defeated Falls City, M. in a Hill River Valley League baseball game here Fri day. Duke Dtichow paced the winners at the plate with a double. kows single, and a hit batter, and then scored the winning run when twirler Goody Goodrich wslked Dickie Kuykendsll to force in Jones with the clincher. Westling was practically the whole story in the Gny-Goldi tilt, striking out 9 Golds, ss he sptin 3 hit ball over tbe route. Homer Wood and Davey Jones lent batting support to Westling ! effort Wood going 2 for 4 at the plate, and Jones chipping in a double to the Gray cause. Blues... 322 100 0010-104 , Cards 303 040 0111-14-11 McCormack, Goodrich (7) and Johsson; Shires and YoungquisJ. Grays 101 001 0 3 3-2 Golds 000 000 0 044 Westling and Partee; Hazel baker and Nichols, Feller (7). OCE Jayvees Victor C0RVALL1S (Specail) The Oregon College jayvees de feated the Oregon State Rooks, 11J, la a baaeball game here Friday. OCE scored four runs in the top of the ninth with two of them coming off Ed Zurflueb'l home run. The Rooks' only run came in the eighth when Roger Sbort- ndge tripled and scored on Fred Hargis' single. OCE Jay. 103 120 0041112 3 Rooks ..000 000 010 1 4 3 Wells and Perkerson; Levet- que, Johnson (4), Wilfert (8) and Luby. Corke (7). tl FLY CASTIN3 WITH A STIFF WRIST v BOO aV a OXV.0CM Ted Williams Supports f.lnntb for Dat lienors By JOK RtK lll.KR - i The Boston Red Sox slugger, NKW YOKK Ted Williams generally regarded aa one of base . it was , la the latest to get on the already , ball I greatest hitters, thinks Maa sm vi ' w BROOKLYN ' - Another Brooklyn rhubarb flowered Friday in the form of a bitter word exchange between Jackie Robin son and oae of hit boon. Buzzy Bavasi and then, like all Dodg er rhubarbs, it died a ajukk ago aitiag death. It all started when the outspok en Robinson said, ia . effect, that the Jersey City ball park stank. Nettled. Bavasi, the Dodger vice president, paid a similar compli ment to Robinson's ball-playing. Then the fireworks began. Robinson said, "I'm playing as well as I can. If they can jet any body better, let 'em." Then be added he weal be playiag after this year, anyhow. Bavasi. informed that Jackie had uid he'd never play the 24 games at Roosevelt Stadium which the Dodgers have scheduled for the next three years, ihot back: With the kind of playing he If 1 tJ. hai been doing recently, he had llKeS illHrL better worry about the next three i m2?h H , .. j i JS CHICAGO - Catcher Earl These talvoi weren t delivered; ...n . . -,,4-, ?irW,;,'uB,VMi.,RobiT'.!" '"' star, made his first big dians Thursday against the Chi cago White Sox TMOUOarr THAT , wntol OMA WfTM 0Ly tLMMT AKt ACTCM.AMO taa- BB BLOOM CLOOSi 10 TMC aoox WAS isacaasAsrr Km OOO CABTSNal. Txes eons cots aeoouca tossa of Thc eiiesT cAmna, BUT yOU CAN CA1T inwu. alio wttn aam actsoh and A rr weasTl PLacb TMUaaa CM WJW CO aBsy" a Atao nol poo an A two O'CLOCK MU ID WVAStT PtCM U OS IM sjoM VaAXBR. RAIM StO IMSIty TO A Si OtXOCK ANtKB wrnaour eawaiawsisar (lit wcrktma saeso ana- TaVeSSOM Of WCaWASVM). SNA IT TOW . BOW AT I UOCLOOtf AHOta-ol I, "fck E Earl Averill the telephone Friday and wires continued to crackle. "I chewed Jackie out and he chewed mo out," Bavasi ex plained later. "We thrashed every thing out and the matter ia set tled. We hung up the receivers en friendly termi," Robinson, who made his pro fessional baseball debut with Mon treal at Jersey City 10 years ago, was chagrined when fans there booed him repeatedly in Thurs day's game, woa by the Dodgers, 54t Mill City Trims Jefferson 2 to 1 MILL CITY-'SpecUlv-The Mill City Ttmberwolves scored one run in the sixth and another in the sev enth innings to nip Jefferson. 2-1. in a Marion County B League baae ball game Friday. Maurice Bassett doubled and Don Kllingson singled for the win ning run. Muir singled borne the run in the sixth. Jerry Garrison was Mill City's winning pitcher, allowing five hits. Frank Marlatt, who gave up only four hits but was the loser, scored the Jefferson run after getting on with a single. He alsa hit a triple. Jefferson 414 400 4-1 I 1 Mill City noo noi o-i 4 Marlatt and Marcum; Garrison a ad Muir. crowded bandwagon with those tie la ready bow to assume ma ho predict that this is the year role as the Americaa League ! (or Mickey' Mantle to luiriu nil no. l snigger. premise of greatness. j "I see bo reason why Maotla ; ! can't be a .344 hitter thia year and hit 40 homes runi," WUIiama laid at he sat ia the visiting dug out at Yankee Stadium, waiting for the start of tbe New York opener between the Yankeea and Red Sox. "This ia tha year Mickey ought I Wat A IVooa Bf J MOSCOW, Idaho Iff - Idaho I M ..M... , .?. ' pushed acrwa a run n the toalj, j, nit h of the ainth Friday to take as ua-i. . .. . ... k. ' . Vandals Upend Huskies, 54 expected 54 win over Washing' toa In the baseball opener for the northern division' of the Pacific Coast Conference. . The Vandals, who didn't regis ter a conference win last season, jumped on four Husky pitchers for 12 hits. Doug Randall, who went all the way for Idaho, allowed only five hita, including a first Inning home run by Jack Ballard. - Woodburn Held to Two Hits But Wins, 73 MT. ANGEL (Special) Woodburn could get only two hits but still managed to down Mt. Angel, 74, in a Capital Confer Avoriil waa hhind the nlst to ense baseball game here Friday. TTinmnj pitcner jerry inapciie got the two Woodburn hits, both singles, driving in three runs. Jim Ownings cave up . the Woodburn hits before being re-1 k 1" . D..I..W io l Both Score and Jack Harshm.n 7 go7 two- hi" handle the pitching of Herb Score the Indians' "rookie of the tea sea" last year la the American League. Tbe While Sox nosed out the Indiaai, 14. in a tight duel. allowed only two hits. Score struck out 10 but caused bia own downfall in tbe seventh when he walked Minnie Minoso. cut loose with a two-base wild pitch and allowed Walt Dropo to fly te deep right, Minoso scoring after the catch. Averill walked In the third but was hitless in his two other times at bat. Averill, in his fourth season of professional baseball, was signed to an Indian contract Monday. The 190-pounder from Snohom ish. Wash , broke into pro ball with Reading, Pa., In 1953, bat ting .314. He is a former University of Oregon star. both singles, and Dan Susee hit a triple for Mt Angel. Woodburn 003 001 37 2 3 Mt. Angel 020 00 13 7 5 Chapelle and Karr; Owings, Butsch (7) and Sprauer. Tide Table Yalsetz Easy Victor EDDYVILLE - (Special) - Val srti, exploding for I runs in the first inning, defeated F.ddyville. 22-S. in a district baseball game here Friday. The visitors really unloaded the lumber oa the host Bine, pounding two Eddyville pitchers for 24 hits. Met renin. Larry Dodge and n tuam. Ernie Jobnaoa. each connected I JJ2 M he should be getting to hit peak. "Mantle la tha only gtiy right bow whe t got a chance to break Babe Ruth'a home run record el 40. He'a got tremetidoua power and a good awing. He alee hee the advantage of being a twitch hitter." Williami mailed a newspaper article he read recently whore Roy Campanetla waa quoted aa saying that Mantle has not im proved any since ho Joined tha Yankeea in IBM. "I want te contradict Campa neUa." bo aaid. "But I think Roy is dead wrong. The way I aee it Mickey has improved every year. Last year, for instance, he struck out fewer timet than any other year and he hit more home runs than ever before. He probably will better . those marks this year." Mantle made Williams look like a good prophet. He struck out his first time at bat and walked in bia next tura. In the fifth in ning, however, Mickey surprised the Red Sox with a squeeze bunt that scored Hank Bauer and In the seventh, he clouted a three run homer to sew up the victory for the Yankees 7-1. It wai hit third home run in four games: Later he had te leave the game because of an aggravated thigh muscle which will keep him tide lined for five days. VMos for taN. Oraaa (Compiled by U. B. Coast and Ceodetic Burvay, atlaj4. Ora l Hl(h Watara Low Welti Tune tteifht TUae M April ft. a a SI 44 safely four times for the winners. 1 ie u i s. 41 I 44 an. tt 4 47 pas. 0 4 eataaa. SI 111 pm. II Today's Pitchers NATIONAL IBAOI-B Breoklya al PiHafcweh WewtiBt (JO-Si vs. rrional il-i. Ctnclonatl at Chicago sTJIppatola (t-ie vs. Mayor iS-li. Milwaukee at St. Layla-BlaaWf (1-1) vs. Schmidt te-Ot. Only games achedulcd. AMERICAN LIAOl'B Chicago at Kamoe City alarhor (O-ll va. Dttmar Ill-Ill. Bortmt at Na York Suara (t-T) va. Turlov IV Mn Wsahlnfton at FVtimore Stono ' (t-iii va. wt(tii IS-il. pmtt at Cleveland afllhw (4-1) va. Garcia 111-131. Amity Warriors Trim Philomath Club, 94 Philomath - (Amityi - The Amity Warriort, scoring 4 runs in the fifth frame, upended Philo math High School, M, in a Marlon County B League baseball game here rriday. The big Amity inning came on three errors, a triple by Denny Bruthe, and successive singlet by Chuck Kadell. Al Coffelt and Marx. Kadell was credited with the win. Lyle Dauglferty homered for Phi lomath in the 7th. Amity 40Sietl- I I rhilomatb 004 401 -4 7 I Kadell and Ehlers; Chambers. Smith (4), Wilson tl), and Good win. Ranks Brave Wallop Willamba Club, 14-3 WILLAMINA - (Special) - The Banks Braves defeated Willam ina'i Bulldogs, 14-3, in a Yawama League baseball game here Fri day. Winning pitcher was Loyd Moore who scattered 9 hits for the route. Moore was effective in the clutchea although found for a home run by Bulldog Pitcher Lundcen. Big man with the bat for the wlnneri wai Gordon Kelly who tripled in the fifth with one aboard. Carl Partee and Marv Baker had hid apiece for the Braves. Bankl 414 050 0-14 14 a Willamina .... 000 002 1 I 4 Moore and Bene(iel; Lundeen, Booth IS) and Littlejohn. Seattle Pacific Bowi ToWenatchee, 13-0 WENATCHEE tH-Wenatchee'i! Northwest League baseballera routed Seattle Pacific College. 13 0. Friday (or their fourth exhibi tion win against no losses. Wenat chee pitchen Gene Shortlidge and John Marshall limited the Falcons to four hiti. Seattle Pacific 000 Oft) 000-4 4 C Wenatchee 040 103 14x 13 12 1 Massongill, Johnson , Parenti j ill ana wnaien; anoruiagc, mar shall () and Lundberg, Brown t6 BEAVER GOLFERS LOSE SEATTLE ID - Washington Ironed out a 22H4 wis over Oregon State's golf putteri Fri day. Len Perry of Washington waa medalist with a 71. WW 7 it a At DNIVtBaiTT BOWL Ladle Minor Leaguo team Tvaults Ladd It Buirt I Peggy ShoH-4111 4 Mollywnod Fioaneo Co. (foigy Ala-man-4131 a Batdorfs iBohena Tax 4641 X. Team No. I iJean Doma-'"'! S. Team No. S (Belly Hohlnaon-3831 4. Th Meadows iElie Heriwy-iii 0 Mt. Fir Lot- Co. i Helen Hearing, anil . Teem No- MarX VejiutxJt 4M a. - - ' ' Hi eam .oorlef . and. . .Taam Ko a. sa d s. High Individual aarlea and fame -in Oomea tt Team No. 4, 4N and law. . nmrrnw 1IIKVS Mmnretle Laatua team ro- 0ilta (April . 19): The Hub. ill teCoer. 4I: Ids Market IX) Rama- Ken 43S. LoddS ori ivi unrein. 5i4- Team No. I (41 Sayre. 411. M 7"' ar.tmn 111 Janren. 4IS: Commercial Credit U) al u eat I TTfr"tV aStV Fir- rluSaTsi .. .eai; Uh P.rk'r, (11 twtS. 411 North Salem Jayvees Topple South, 13-8 The North Salem Jayvees spot ted the South Salem High counter parts to an 4 run first-inning lead and then rallied ta take a 134 baseball win at Waters Field Fri day. . The Junior Saxons put together doubles by Dale Wulf. Bobby Levy and Bin Buxxell with assorted walks and errors to take their early lead. North Salem scored I runa in the seventh on timely tin gles by Ham Mailer and Bobby Reaves to break up the ball game. North JVa 222 Ml a-lJ I 4 South JVt . .. tfloanoa-i 7 12 Krueger, Harmea 1 and Darl ing; Wulf ana Harrison, Meinnger JJ. " jgjt ' sal AUIM...9 fowcostl fj alnalat-purpos ROTARY' JTILLCR rvei Im"ei. Ill and 4SS. MlgJ "m am oo4 sorioa. Tww.He. 4. Stayton Eale) Edge Cervais (Jul) 8 to 7 CEBVA1S - (Special) - Stay ton nipped Cervais, aV7, in . Capital Conference game -hero Friday. The Eaglet got tneir win ning run in the sixth on singles by Gary Spaniol. and Bob Smita and a Cervais error. Staytoa's Smith waa the day a leading batter, hitting three singles in four times at bat. Bill Pauloff hit a triple and Darrell McCall a double for Ger vate, each knocking in one run. Stayton ..220 Oil x -t 11 1 Cervais ..020 041 07 S I York, Burgett (2) and Fank- hoaser; Hendricks, Carrick (6) and Smith. built to tht high tttndtrds of Amtrica't NOo 1 gtrdon tnctor manufacturer SIMPLICITY ' 159.95 Never before have so many quality features been available in a rotary tiller to 6t every budget 2 hp engine with power to epore. Herod at art or, Lev Tone saufler. Self sharpening tinea guaranteed un breakable, also eHjuatablo from SH 4o 20Vi inches. Haia araaeW Sreniatlai Wayl Allehi 234 N. Coenmercial 141 Alee Avweiwo (CawdaWU) . I . J i i zJKl) U & J JCTR A-Pvl I L E AGE I NO DOWN yf, , , ,,,. II hShffff- j Writttn t v!' s 'j Guarantei ; j j APPLIED TO SOUND TIRE BODIES OR TO YOUR OWN TIRES a X-tC I , 1 '-'- w " I I I 3 1 ' IA Hour 11 stamps S M'lfi" kW'ValfiVkv I y' 1 tfSis CENTER J. COMMERQAL MARION 1 LIBERTY fl 'Qlty COURT & CAPITOL CENTER I LIBERTY M ' SSW I r-.L 1 fc. . f 57 . lf j it Wf INs jNl (ointToS aloarlg for a now 1000 ja ft7'" '""' (UK 44g ' etwee Oaaf S4 Vhat'i yY choice or luaimcrtinTt ua . . . Cruising, fishing, wster-skiing, family outing5? - You'll ioublt your enjoyment with a smooth, 4oiet, 1956 Mercury I 10 groat models, with the look of leadership and performance that proves it . . exclusive Kiekhaefer engineering features including Dyne-Float Suspension that isolate! vibration, juiet Full Jeweled Power, MercE lectric starting, d tilling new 2-tone Merchromafic color combinations! Get in oa good trades and easy termi NOW1 SEE IT! TRY IT! We will be glad to demonstrate a Mercury motor oa your boat or ours on the river . . . Free of charge ... no obligation! See us soon. 1 fee I Ptv I 1 II ' f tnng Cornel 1 II torae Vni I I I Paao-Baamo CVoMSt I MLoToWea ; Phono Vi ' 1-2474 H 280 WALLACE ROAD At Eatrance ta iratlace Marine Park