IO Statesman's HOME I anorama . . . Music . . . Fashions . . . Features Around Town . . . If JtRYME KNGLI8B NTRSF.RY NOTES ... A num ber ol new citizen are being welcomed here and out-of-town . , . From PortUnd comes news ol tbe birth of a ion to II r. ind Mn. Donald V. Young Molly MeWalers) ... the lad arrived Wednesday at the Wilcox Me morial Hospital and tipped the scales at eight pounds, twelve ounces ... he haa been named Kruegrr, Miss Norma Sletton and Mrs. Lawrence Ennlnga . . . Visitors ... la the capital are Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Srhuli and children, Cathy and Joha, af Pale Alio, Calif., formerly el Halrm, who are jurat a a few - daya of Mr. and Mrt. Jamca 11. Nicholson Jr. . . 'Arriving ... I Salem ky plane tonight will be Dr. Rolf M. Gun aar af Riverside, III., who will Donald Gilea ... The grandpar-lnpead the weekend with hi ent are Mr. Donald A. Young brother ad aUter in-law, Mr. and Gieseking to Play Here on , Andrew Douglaa, to Mr. and r ,", . i. Donald H. Nagel on Wednes- OUTUlQQy . " .V..1.J..... 1- tW. ' of Salem and Mr. and Mr. W. R McWater of Portland . . , and tho great grandparent are Mr. and Mrs. William Gilei of Port land ... a II.. I. 1 . L.. 4- n imiv vvy wmm pvt. m Mr. and Mr. - Joaeph Palmer (Mildl Roberta) of Portland on April 17 at th Wilcox Memorial Hospital . . . he ha been named Phillip Edwarda ... also wel coming the lad I. a aiiter, Darcy . . . The baby' grandparent are Mr. and Mr. John J. Roberta of Salem . . . Mr. Roberta 1 (pend ing several weeke in Portland at her daughter's home ... ' From Lengview . . . comes word of the birth of a fourth aon. Mr. day . . other children in the family include Larry, Cameron and Brian . . . The grandparent are Mr. and" Mrs. David H. Cam eron of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bogar of Portland . . . and the baby's great-grandmother is Mrs. Albert A. Krumrey of Santa Monica, Calif. . , . Mr. and Mrs. Cameron drove to Longview Thursday to greet their new grandson and returning with them for a visit will be the two ycunger grandchildren, Cameron and Brian . . . It's a son ... for Mr. and Mrs. Willis E. Vincent Jr. of Albany ... he arrived on April 12 and has been named Mark Steven . . . The Vincents formerly resided in Salem ... the baby' grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. John Zer saa of Woodburn and Colonel and Mrs. Willis E. Vincent of Salem ... , Invitation , , . were received in Salem Thursday to a pre nuptial party for which Mr. Bruce spawning ana ner aaugnter, Mrs. Robert Morria III, will be host esses on Saturday, April 28 at their Dunthorpe home in Port land . . . The affair win honor Miss Gloria Stolk, June bride elect of Wallace Carson Jr. . , . Guesta have been bidden to a 1 o'clock luncheor and a kitchen shower will fete the bride-to-be ., . A sprprise shower , . , feted Mrs. Robert R. Siddoway Thurs day night when Mr. Robert Moe and Mrs. Roland Hochhalter en tertained at the former'a Center Street home ... A dessert (upper waa served by the hostesses with the shower following ... A group of Mrs. Siddoway's friends were bidden to the party and special guests were her mother, Mrs. Robert G. Brady of Eugene, her mother-in-law, Mrs. Ray Siddo way, and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Robert G. Brady Jr. . . A group of Salem . . . women will be in Oswego Saturday to at tend the candidates luncheon at the Country Store. The Republi can Women's Federation of Ore gon take over the tea room each Saturday ... All wives of candi dates have been invited to at tend this kick-off affair and a paradewill precede irr Oswego . . . Similar events will be held each Saturday until November . . . Among those planning to at tend from Salem are Mrs. Elmo E. Smith, Mrs. Douglas McKay, Mrs. Charles Heltzel, Mrs. A. W. Loucks, Mrs. Robert White, Mrs. Sigfrid B. Unandcr, Mrs. Robert Needham, Mrs. Kenneth Sher man, and Mrs. Leon Perry. . . Coffee time . . . this morning at headquarters for the Elmo Smith for Governor committee ... the occasion to honor all i volunteer women workers of which Mrs. Charles Helliel is chairman . . . Over sixty plan to attend the 10 o'clock gathering. A hostess . . . Thursday night was Mrs. Donald Reinke, who en tertained members of her bridge club at her Kingwood Heights home . . . Each guest wore or iginal crazy hats to the party . . . a special guest was Mrs. Abner Kline, who told the group about her winter's stay in England and trip to France . . . Other guests were Mrs. Claybourne Dyer, Mrs. Rohbert Zellcr, Mrs. Gordon Guild Names Officers A new slate of officers for the First Evangelical Church Guild Includes Mrs. Ellis Sprick, presi dent; Mrs. Ralph Eyer, vice -president; Mrs. Charles Frank lin, secretary; Mrs. Thomas Nash, treasurer. The group will meet ntxt Thursday at the home "of Mrs. Richard Oraw, 4063 Alana Ave. Miss Marie Izler, nurse from the Kentucky Mission Hos pital will be the guest speaker. Mrs. George David, Mrs. Eugene Hilficker and Mrs. Kenneth Hil ficker are in charge of the program. Mrs. Peter Gupnar ... Dr. Gun aar has beea in Los Aagelesat tending the annual meeting of the American Medical Asaocia tloa ... House gueit ... of Mr. .and Mrs. Lauren Gale is her aunt, Mrs. Vera Johnson of Spokane, who will be here a week or more . . . Accompanying Mrs. Johnson to Salem was Mra. John Groom, who la visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Groom . . . Walter Gieseking, notable pian ist appears at North Salem audi torium on the final program in the Community Concert Series, Saturday night Born in France, he has been honored many times by that nation for his talents. He has been twice awarded the Grand Prix du Disque of France for his recordings. Gieseking plays the following concert here to members of the Community Concert Association. Sonata In C malor. Opui S3 iWaldittin Sonata) Bcethovan Caprirclo In Faharp minor l Caprlcro In B minor 1 Intermezzo In B flat milon Brahms Inttrmazr.o In E major Rhapaudy In C minor I Impromptu In B fat malor) Impromptu In A flat major i ! . Schubrt IV. Barcarolle. Opui SO . Chopin V. Suit bcrfamaaqua Drbunny Dana i Dsbuuy ' La Cathedrals tngloutla .. Dchuaay Ondlnc Raval Off on Their Honeymoon W O i 'r. . v 1 v 1 ) -r- I f r 7J7r '--cr: : - . , i r; ,. 1 t, i MONACO-Prince Rainier III and his bride, Grace Kelly, smile as they board his yacht, Deo -Juvante in Monaco Thursday for their Mediterranean honeymoon. Grace it clutching her pet dog, Oliver, while the Prince carries camera. They were wed earlier in religious ceremony at Monaco's Cathedral. (AP Wirephoto). . Piano Recita On Sunday Any event of Sunday afti-riiiKin, April 22 Will be a piano rental to be given by Lynn Amrme, pupil of William Kawk. In the First Evan gelical I'mlrd Brethren Church at 3 o'clock. Miss Anirlne, a Salrm resliWnt until recently, now attends high school in Newbcrg, where Is a member of the National Honor Ro clety and arcompunlst for the school choir. She recently accom panied the school production of tlie ' Red Mill" by Victor Herbert. Miss Meredith Hit hoy will assist with group of vocal nimiber. A reception Is to follow with Mrs. Homi-r Smith Jr., and Mra. LaVern Dnlkenberg pouring. The following program wiQ be presented;' Invrnllon No, II Bah Euirta In r Hharp Major, If I Wr a Bird'' . lUnwtl To a Waur tily Mai Uowall Linn Amrlns Sonata In C. No. 1 Morart Lynn Amrlna Eithaf Idiar 8cond Vlann Whan You ('nini Horns .... Squire Spring la a l-adv atriraiana Marrdith Rlihay Ruatle of Kpnnf . . Rlndln Tha 'at and th MouSa ,'Coiland l.lrrwatraum , . L'" Alnltah .... Vllla-Loboa Lynn Amrlna Alls Turrs Moiaii Malafusna Lacuona t.ynn Amrlna Lurllla Wondrrly 8vond Piano NO ROYALTY HOUSTON, Tex. I - In addition to the usual advertising of the cur rent attraction on its marquee. movie theater here Thursday bold ly stated that it was "one place where you won't see, hear or read about Grace Kelly." Soloist mmmttmm Stale .stnaii, Salem, Ore, h., April 20, T0 (Sr-c. II) 13 Ituraa Vlala Early fclaUry ti Willamette valley towns was studied at the meeting ol the Buoia Viala Women's dub An announcement was made of the meeting of the J'olk County Fed eration of Rural club, which Will tv hi Id at Dulln Uglon hall on Wednesday, April II at 10 JO a. m. The May I meeting of lite Burna Vista club will be a Mother'! day meeting. Miss Myra Fneien of Dallas, soloist with the Willamette University Choir tonight et the Fine Arts Auditorium t 8:15 p.m. "tost in the Night," F. Melius Christiansen's well known chorus, relies princi pally upon a lyric soprano solo, which Min Frieien will sing. The public is Invited. ' (Kennell-Ellit Studio). JEFFERSON Mr, and Mrs, Claude L McGlll announce the coming marriage of their daugh ter, Betty Jean, to Darotd Cala van of Toledo. Their wedding will be an event of Friday, June 8 In Salem at the First Church of the Nazarene. Wc Can Save You Money On A mi mm Inquiro Today About Our Factory Discount Prcsratn en Men's Halls anal Marks (taken a they are. without alter, aiion). Liberal llisroaats are la eltert an w already torn mill price, Hull are Ike latest stylet la 1M maol fabric by nationally advertised annufarturers. C heck today w have cenplete slock af sues, laanca aaa aiyin. , OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY Kay Wcob f.lill Stcro 260 South 12th Across from Willamette Campus Tea to Honor Girls State Candidates The Girls State candidates from Salem, numbering 33, will be honored at a tea on Saturday from 2 to 4 o'clock at the home of Mrs. William J. Braun. Follow ing the tea the selection commit tee, who will select the ten girls to attend Girls State, will meet and then announce the girls to sttend the session to be held June 11-17 on the Willamette University Campus. Mrs. Leon Brown, Mrs.. Dow Christening I Held WILLAMINA John Edward I Ballas. infant son of Mr. and! Mrs. Joseph P. Ballas of Willam in, was christened at cere I monies at St. Michael's Church I in Grand Ronde. Charles Frank I of Grand Ronde, and Mrs.' Bar ney Thurber of willamina are I godparents. A buffet dinner I was served at the Bal'-ashomel after the ceremony. Guests were I Esther Behr and Mr. and Mrs. Frank of Grand Ronde, Mr. and I Mrs. Ray Ferguson and Steve of I Three Rox, Mr. and Mrs. Frank I Filhavey of Sweet Home, Mrs. Mary Good of Stockton, Calif., I Dr. and Mrs. S. Zuelke and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Re 1 yard and family of Portland, Mr. I Lovell and Mrs. Gladvs Miller ind Mr. Thurber and son, Mr rortiDrisa the local Girls State and Mrs. Laurice Fox, Mr. and Committee in charge of the pro-i Mrs. Jim Shipley, Mr. and Mrs gram in Salem. All candidates ! Albert Endres and Mr. and Mrs are invited to attend the tea. I Don Hurd of Willamina. s STORE HOURS: Mondays and Friday 1:30 A. M. to 1:00 TM. Other Days... :J A. M. to S:30 P. M. ; -r TM'W III w T V ; - i I mil J X 5,000 YARDS V OpSmo v41jC SnDPDKJ5) Mk USUALLY 19.95 III PlBRDCSS g 71 rr;3T7 . U Yd. InnU ...- -., ..,,,,.--,,.. M, ., .a, fjp . Acrilon. suitingsl FlannelsL FrostlynL j($f , v . ' l Wool end jersey blendsl All woolsl Vi i is s, -ax sngniungji jenu ucuaii uvivj iiiw. 1 ry a Tjw f S. f'' (ji fabrics at one low, low price - For C TL( jV2 dr"se,' duJ,r$ ,hir,$' b,ouse$l A 'V S Oi fofFs u)oki Vo each if 4 s'",o"'rri:; p J CK " J5 aA t :WJIMill3Zl X i Jf.. X.ivVkT V ll Ami fSMln f." ffl h is w II I NortL L!crt CJufo Calendar rmoAT fiarrlrn Rnad Ntlshbon club meats With Mrs, William Hartley, 1895 Lan catar Dr., I pa MODERNIZE font Bath with DURATILE Metal Wall Tile 1249 S. Com I Ph.4-5292 100 mm, i ' X-l v f-l P fl Look how much fashion ybu' 11 find at Penney's for just 398 How much good toshion con you buy far 3.91? Come to Penney's ond. you'll find it's more than you ever dreamed possible! Choose , frorh ryw $?Mb$ffi ft chN sheer 0 cottons, pattern cottons . all the best fabrics of Summer. Choose just the style and colors to please you, flatter your fifrure ... Penney's has dresses galore for juniors, , misses and half sizes. Dress well frorn super market to sunset . . , shop Penney'sT today where fashion doesn't cost a fortune! BASEMENT 'JUNIOR SIZES 9, TO IS. MISSES' SIZES , 10 TO 20 HALF SIZES 14'i TO 24'i h h BESTFORM'S JigureJliiltfiring combination lOSOM-FRfEND BRA .". . designed jwith comfortable thick of foam rubber stitched in cup for added fullness. White nylon or cotton In sizes 32-36. A and B cup sizes. HI-RISI GIRDLE . . . smooths hips and midriff-eliminates line bulge. Nylon satin front panel; satin elastic back panel, both boned, teno elastic sides. 16", 26-32; and 18", 26-36. Foundation Second Floor layers J2 waist- J.9S ' WA n Mmm l I 1-7'-. -- . ml M I t- -:U : - p I f .. : Ali I If I w -y ii - - $ f"- fn J W I - f v.,e, -,a . g ' U I If :; : i $ . .J 1 a i i I f j j Hi, -l . li issica u J t . mjL ; : Dark Tones Fully Lined The Important Spring fash Ion . . , costume cost you'll wear from now on with carefree assurance. Team it with a bright print dress, top your new . . ,-,..t. suit . . . ideal lor any purpose from morning to night wear. Modified ful back; wide cuffs; lined with rayon. Aqua, pink,-" bge, Tlircoal, blot, - " black and navy; sizes 8-18 Fashions Secontffloor WE GIVE AND REDEEM$GREEN STAMPS