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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1956)
;n. S.Vni.Oif .Umi., April JO.'tl cakzl Chief Denies Politics Inters Promotion Program fcAMi!N'(;TOM If) poalmss-fi-r Crrwrsl flwninerflrld Weiliies day inilly drnlrd any politics It Involved in poalaj employ pro. Urol IMS plat bilng tested t hH lane, Wash. In a formal ttatrmerrt, h Mid Salem's 4-II Sprin Due May 3-5 Th cur f Salem 411 Hub Fiirin Show will be May I I In klrlfr 4 frank Auditorium. Exhibit! will bt open la the public I N m. to l:M p m. May I and I, nd U. II to I p m. rrt- r. May 4. Judging contest will be- I X m. April 9 In SJvertoo Armory. according to tlx tentative sched ule. A ipcrUl horn economic Judging contest It slated for 1 p m. the mm day. alse la Silver loa Armory. ' Orfidal Judijlng of entrlee will atari lha evening of May S in MHer A Frank atora and con tinue through May 1. A niullie baking content la erheduled 4 to l:M p.m. May 1 In MiF Auditorium; woodworking contest, 4 p.m. May 4 aa Mtr Patio; raka baking contest, 4 la I p.m. May 4 In MAF Auditorium; bread baking contest, I M a.m. la 1 30 p.m. May I In MAF Auditorium. Drmonitrationi ara llated II: IS am. la I pm. May I la MAF Auditorium; Style Revua Judging. a m. May I, place to be effected; Styla Review Awardi rrogram, I M pm. May I la iiif Oregoa Room. The five Mgheat exhibit In each blue ribbon claaa will be eligible for the Orf goo State Fair, Sept. 14. Premium money for the epring (how if provided by the Mark County Fair Board. Mli Winifred Carritheri It chairman of the Spring Show committee. Mn. C. V. Ward la chalrmaa of projects. Mr. Dale Mallicoat la chalrmaa of conleatt and demonstration!. elvM Prmorrstle nirmWi of (vtigrrea from tlie Patllls Nurlh et had attwkrd the plea "ith out JuatifKstlon'' by "miirepf. tontliig the conerlmtiou elfurt of king errvli career postal llrld oflKiala ta rlr1 the best quail' flH employe fur promotion." "All of l employe and offl rial Involved In the stledlon re onrvlr career govern meal employr,' Kummerflrld laid. "None were political ap pointees' at alleged and many had arrvad la responsible post lion under previous administrations." Utlrf nud The member of Coneres Tue. day made public a irtlrr la Sum- merflrld la which they laid th Spokane promotion plan "siihsti luted polilir for seniority.' They aid the plaa Involved a point grading system la which a matlmum of ID point for senior lly figured and aome too point could ba assigned by regional and district supervisor. ' Summerlicld Mid "the follow ing ara the fart: "The Spokane promotion plan waa developed locally la full con sultation with employe con cerned. It involved A perform ance rating by five terminal National Child Labor Official Visits Salem Mi Laretle D. Alway, New York City, field representative of the National Child Labor Lommii tee, (pent Wednesday at the State . Labor Bureau reviewing ine em ployment problem of teen-ager la Oregon. She la visiting several W eat era date to make a first-hand atudy of work opportunities for minor of various age group. She also is looking Into the problems of migrant families and the safety education being given youths who lake Jobs. Mis Alway Mid there has been great misunderstanding lately on the function of child labor law. "Some people.'' (he said, "assume the laws are made to prevent children from working when in fnct thry merely aeck to channel the work into aafe areas." She Mid the higher standards Dow demanded by employer and the 'ncreased need for special aV.ill are factor In diminishing the work opportunities open to in experienced newcomer. "Fourteen and IS year olds es pecially find It difficult to obtain mmertime work," Miss Alway avorred. Miss Alway will attend the reg tonal conference of the Child Wei fare League of America In Port' land Saturday before going Washington, D.C., for the Gover Dor Conference on Youth. Fire Danger Warning Told Several precaution to person who rely oa firs to clear their land of dried fern, gras. brush and dash were voiced by Keep Oregon Greea official Wednesday. Official Mid these fire often get beyond control and destroy young fir trees or spread onto other person's properties. The precautions are: 1. Never burn on a dry. windy day. Remember that an innocent' looking small fire may suddenly blow up to a dangerous size. 5. Alway get a fir permit from your rural lira department, fire warden or forest ranger. The per mit asaumes you will use good Judgment In burning. a. PlaN your burning by having a cleared strip of earth around your fire. 4. Make sure your fire are thoroughly out before you leave. tavnurs UROUT HLLLA ar io foremen, the terminal tuprrln Irnilrnt and a Committee of em ployes; till an Interview by th Simian! regional Iraniportatloa manager, lha dlitrltl Iraruporta llon manager, th terminal super intendent and th regional per sonnel manager, and (CI credit for seniority. 'Heal lelerlea" "Th best qualified employes available wer (elected ai a re sult of this plaa. Seniority was th determining factor when oth er (actor wtr equal. A a mat ter of fact, of lha II employe promotrd, five were among the II applirant having lha greatest (eniorlty." School Reporter Cirl JtVrclvfi IlruUri Wlirn Struck hy Car Pat Lowry, I year-old daughter of Mr. and Mr. R. II. Lowry, received minor brultts when (truck by a car driven by Mr. Mont liUtl. ir4 Hoffman ltd., stale police Mid. Th accident look place near the Lowry horn about 4 U p.m. Wednesday. , C If i I nuuiii Dairm Jli;;l Sludrnts nd other liilfinled person will hsv the fwiortunlty I la view the talent of South Salem High (Uhoo drama Students whea j they pre M-nt "Young and Fair." a I three act dramatic play Friday at lllpm. Uad thra ter( In ll all girl offering ara Mary llendrtikion, T0I7 Taylor, Joan WUkstrom, Col leen Neltua and Judy Panther. I ' Other parts ara filled by Bar- bar Kmilh, Carolya lluliop, Clrn da Wede.lsd, Rum Loukajarvl, ; Shirley Filch, Zola I'rieraon, Pen- I ny McCoy, Mrna Cldlund, Angela Millard, Mary llua. Kleanor Greene, BernU Puhlmaa and Crrl McAIIl.ter. Working on Ken design I Toby Taylor; programs, Judy Panther publicity, llarbara Boniface, Mary HrndrK kson; promi'ter, Rill Bart letU The play ia under th direc tion of South High drama coach. Mix Margaret Burroughs. Lafgrea KJeried Charle Lofgrra waa elected to serve as president of th Inter national Relation League of South High for the next arhool year. Other officer are John Harvey, vice-president, and Marcia Hum phrey, secretary. Poor Prnnnm iSYnrly Mislnkrn For Communist finUin firemen I)hh)iI they'd tiaid a dangerous ralu al but N all turned out to be a rate of bad prnmanahip. While registering Voter at I In don(oa lire station, thry ao- iicm en maa HteJ nlrruell a a llrA " 11,1 ! tu-il In llna rlketked his rjfilitlral bf nerafua. and Med an eslra line. What he really nteanl was "Itrp,", sit Mid. I)mith(T Horn To Jerry Lunges A healthy addition was made Wedneiiay lo a Malesman Jour nal family Mis Rebecca Sutaa lnge, I pounds II ounce, daugh ter of Mr, and Mr. Jerry Lang, 211 Draper I . Grandparent are Mr. and Mr. Herbert Lang, Salem, and Sam uel Pace. Madras. Rcbecra Kuun's father I a Statesman Journal printer and Grandfather Lange I a Statesman-Journal machinist. 150 Pre. cut i Tor First in ' Forum Series One bundled fifty p'o! ("cim! rd th fir at program in lh I . t National Bank IM Mlal and trust forum arrle held al lh Marlon Hotel Wednesday evening They heard discussions of rtal planiUng. pratUl dntr ll.utioe. plan and Ihe nreU for sound fatal management, biwakeri were R. M. Alton, Vice president and head ef U, S. Na tional Irust department; W. B. Ilinaon, trust officer; and assist ant Irust ofllcer II. 0. Butler and William R, Rredshaw, lie Gibson, vice prrtltlent and manager of Udd 4 Buh Salem branch, was presiding ofllcer. The current aerie marks Ihe seventh year that V. I, National has presented Ihe Information pro gram. Tazl: Force io Itccupply Arctic Posts of Radar Net MORAK TA AttRIVC POItTI.ANI) un Sen, Wayne Morse will arrive In Oregon early Friday for a week' campaigning for Democratic nomlnitlon lo the Senate. Are Vou a Home Duiltling Fan? WATCH FOR THIS HAND-NEW FUTUM - You'll wont lo hx4y tfia hovta ploni end seep mem en fil for quick reference (or your family end! friends. eThe STUDY PUN you rocohr offer sending in the coupon of The House of the Week shows you the basic floor plan, four elevation and essential point obout popular, modern type home. TIDE HOUSE' OF THE WEEK yz,,, o THE STUDY PIAN COST ONLY 33 CENTS - and you II see a new design every week, luy it eoch weekl STARTS SUNDAY, APRIL 22 In The Oregon Statesman WW it:'- S M I) SPRING CLEAN-UP SALE Still tn prograss-continutt through tht wtk-nd. Still lots of good thoat for not much money. Odds and tnds from $2.00 to $5.00. U. S. KEDS For Boys and Girls High Shoe and low Shoe Sandal and Oxford All COLORS Priced From 195 195 SUMMER SANDALS ' For Boys and Girls Open lk A Closed lack Open Tee I Closed Toe All COLORS Priced $) 95 SA4S From Jm to nr THE JUNIOR BOOTERY 234 N. High Open Frl. Til p.m. Senator Hotel lldg. WAMIIWroN Ufi A ta-k fiiti ill nun than 1 ajici tally Iralned Armr men Will mn In' Hi Afctlff Oils summer t resun iilv Isolated stations bf th "lew Una" radar nHwwk, Arniy Serelry Hrm ker an- r, Ilia ftrtalll of lha suonlv at ernt Ion May This year's up pit minion Idioms ornvrrj 01 Vti ooo Ions of radar line ronilruc lion materials In I'J'.l A Iralnlnl renter for this Vrsr'l mieratlon Is beln set tin at th TrniHriiin Training Corn- msnd, f t, Mulls, va, irwiu as signed to the prn)e't will raielve 1.,,,'ial Irainlne In ua of landlnf craft Used la bring heavy cargo s.dor from ship that will visit the Arctic in August and Septem ber. Troop of th special A t m f group s III ba ditllrd in'n ln orvita. na winking from Ihe At lanlle side. Ilia other from Ihe I'adllr Th western un will lesv eltl Uls in July, Al the Seal lie Army terminal rsrg nd euipinenl for lh sup ply nUiaioa already 1 being as semhlrd. Kll'hleen IS In mohit rrsne are en hand or being assembled fifteen more ar on the way, mn r m ovmr u A 71 raliter target rifle reported Stolen Saturday from a Nalem Op limist Club lkirr in Salem Ar mory ss reported retovered H'ed nesdsv. II found In a Nillonal (iuard kx ker, nhar It apparently had been mlsfiled, club afllrer told polli . Hadloartivily , TOKVO un Vit flrtt Japan ship proi.frd atolnit radio. (ttlviiy Is en rxit Umn K"le lo Au. If alls, th lie tosher Asalil frlMirts. Th T.t.Dton Manletiu Nu I raitin spetial pU.tte hai h rov and suits, rnsiks, bwil nd oilier gear, ireirEOZE'ii W tnliaapti proanplly rsllavae Itehlng ef surfaee eesam and sklj rashes. It ttop aerate hlng and 0 aid fsstar healing, buy Aelre fordubboracaae. atlvlllLf SAVE ONE DOLLARI Helena Rubinstein's Color-Tone Shampoo rU!.LrUV"-U g!e:(j gj Once-a-year offer only! 250size, now Lum U'nh your hiir with dazzling color! Heleni Rubirutein'i fabulous Color-Tone Shampoo ii not a dye, but extra creamy shampoo plus certified color. Ita ipecial new conditioners make your hair silky and o ft. There ii a "custom" Color-Tone Shampoo for every shade of hair: blonde-tone add golden lights, red-head give a flaming aura. brown-clow light up "plain" brown hair. BRUNETTE-TONE addi jet highlight and warm depth, silves tone halo grey, white or platinum hair, correct yellowing. Silk-Sheen Cream Shampoo condition! dry, damaged hair to healthy luttre no fed. tax. Capital Drug Store 405 Stat Sr., Comer of liberty We Give Z?K Green Stamp OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P. M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS It pays to buy at Meier 6 Frank's-the store of integrity m.n li,iiiWK.sis.n.lalisil:i,.;siil a. u.e,- wrOtf7 here they, are.. .for summer , . . the low-to-higli heel . . . comfortable ... top fashion shoes . . famous for a reason. They're designed with your clothes in mind too! Pretty and classic both . . . soft kidsldns . . . polished calf . . . printed fabrics . . . cool mesh . . . and straw! Every one a star ".""r.oflhc -summer show! Here, only a sampling of our famous collection! . GOP Names James Galvert Jame Calvert was named finance chairman of the Marion County Republican Central Com mittee at a meeting of the execu tive group In the Senator Hotel Wednesday night. Calvert replace Pat Rodcn who resigned because he 1 running lor p- nitc otnre. Mrs. Robert D. Gregg was se lected a assistant finance chair man. She will work with Repub lican precinct women. 1. "Coolie" medium heel sling pump in white or navy calf and black patent with mesh. 2. "Rendezvous" high heel straw sandal in white, pink, flax, navy or black. 3. "Serenade" medium heel sandal In white or" flax kid, 4. "Dancer" dressy flat in soft calfskin. Black, butterrum, navy, red, white. 5. Mandarin sling in Oriental printed fabric. 6. "Bandelier" medium straw wedge sandal. Coffee, pink or white. WOMEN'S SHOES-STREET FLOOR $12.93 $12.95 $11.95 $10.95 $10.95 $9.95 Dog, Half Buried, Man Complains A Job worth doing I worth do ing right. That what Edwin Simons, 70S S 21st St., would like to tell some local boys. Simon told city police Wednes day (hat several neighborhood boy had attempted to bury a dead dog near hi bouse a couple of days ago. They only half com pleted trie Job. Now the odor I Beginning to get him down. He d like the work finished. FALSE TEETH That Loosen Nted Not Embarrass wmnrs of rain teeth bar. eifr4 IMU mbamanmcnt bat-mum t tr plat alroppa. alipp or wo- b tl Jiiat lha "rang Urn. Do not 11 ii. fear of thla ha(rpnln to fan. J armnkM a little FASTfcKTH. the a line tooa-tcM powder, oa you ip aa. Hold (alae teeth more flrmlr, ar .hT feel more comfortable. Does IHH anur ctwrka "plate ortnr" (den ture krMth). gt fAatTUia at nf nif counter. " .' RED CROSS" SHOES 1 I fciasan jjrtiii jZr ---i--mimmm 'rVt.issjniatir.ieea. y.w.- -v . ,V ,.tr . ,v. a, "ti-an I -5vX V ; I a xs v v.x fewyy i i to m'A , . ,v. : . . . ill i t im --i,w x V : i earn ti ' ' 1 ,p: i ,'j i m m i i t i i -,l-.:-rv-',rA . - V ...j! -JLtrr.rrEf , ... .1 . . , : I 1 IVV jmZ1 ' J,""" "" I i-aaamaaji nT'im ii"n ' VrjrPT l ' II ll G3J-4tP&M-W A ' ' : : 7. : ; - 1 or ii.. tili' - -, , ;.- This product has ne connection whatever wtttj the American National Bed Cross