, f ..,? 8 (Sec. I) Statesman, Salem. Ore., Tlmr., April !). T0 Around By JfctYMK IIEADLIMNO . . . the iocIiI calendar today will b th annual prlnf silver tea to I given by th Salem Memorial Jloapltal Auxiliary at the Candalaria Jleliiht born of Jr. and Mn. Georf R. lfoffmia ... All mem- ben of th auxiliary and th in terrstrd public art invited to call between 230 and 0:30 ociocg ... Ail proceeds will be used to augment tht auxillary'i fund for tht aew therapy pool la th pro posed new wing of the hospital . . . Sprint garden floweri and . blouaaia will b used in decorat nf the rooma and tea tablt . . . tin. Emery Hobbt and Mrs. Rob trt W. Cor mien art co-chairmen f the decorsting committee, as sisted by Mr. Richard L. Cooley, lira. John McCullough and Mrs. Tbilip Hawley ... A number ... of eut-af Uwa f oetta wlQ bo hero this weekend for the Town Club dinner daac at tbo Marioa Hotel Satarday . . . thl will ba a apriag formal ad tbt la at oao for the eana ... Mr. and Mn. Keaaetb Maa alaf and Mr. and Mn. Joseph E. Harvey, both roaples froai Fort bad, but former Salem residents, will bo goets of Mr. aad Mn. Wheeler R. Enfllih ... Mr. ad Mn. Keaaela roll will bar as their gaests. Mr. and ... Mr. aad Mn. Keaaetb Fells will bavo ai their gaests, Mr. aad Mn. William E. Mcrbrrwa ofi rortlaad . . . gaests of tbo WU liam E BaaanoBdi wlU bo tbo Virgil Dnnkint of Portland . . . ad Dr. and Mn. Louis B. ftcboel f rortlaad, forater Salem rest strata, will bo down far tbo week cad and daaco as fiesta of Mr. ad Mrs, Ward Davis ... la com pliment to tbt. eat-eftown faesta Mr. aad Mrs. J. B. Moaaetto are entertaining with aa Informal pro line party at their Falrmaaat Kill boms . . . Following tbo lance Mr. aad Mrs. Ward Davis ad tbo William Qammoads will bo boits for a supper party at tbo latter! homo la boaor of the Ulten ... Eatertalnla' ... a few friends Informally beforo tbo danco will bo Mr. and Mrs. Loo V. Ohmart, who bavo Invited guests to their North 14th Street homo Among other out-of-town guests coming for tho dine art Mr. and Mrs. Vincent McLaughlin of Port land, who will bo guests of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and J'r. Byron Mennls ... Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fhipps of The Dalles will bo guests of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Nicholson Jr. . . . Tho Phipps will remain for the weekend and will bo accom i prnied by their children, Cathy, Gaylo and John ... Dr. and Mrs. William Ott of Dallas will be guests of tho Rsymond Busicks . . . other guests from Salem In clude Ur. and Mrs. Glen Woodry, n n r! r? t1 1 n -1 R.g. 3.98 9 Orion Slrligs 1 .99 44 6nly. Small, medium, large.. . Sportswear 1 Statesman's HOME r-rtj.. Ff-'Tft Town... ((,usa Mr. and Mrs. Lynn llelae, Mr. snd Mrs. H. 11. Hollowly, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Taggeaell and Mi. and Mrs. Ed C. Lewis . , . Firm m a series , , , of bridge beaefits to bo glvea by the PI eXa rM alamaM will be btld Friday afteraooa at the Morning- side bom ef Mrs. Edwla Keera A 1:15 dewert luarheoa will bo served with cards following records from tbo aartlrs will bo Bard to orad delegate , se Ike aatlMal coavratlaa ll Fiiadraa, Calif, thl Banner . . , Mr. Ervla Feller I chalrmaa t tbo party, aulated by Mr. Frank Cooper aad Mr. Robert Sullivan. A sararlaa . . . houewarmlng feted Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Jones Jr. who recently moved into their new homo in tho Park- dole addition, Wednesday night Memben of Mrs. Jones' bridge club and their buabands arranged tho party ... a no-hoat dinner was served by the, group and a gift presented to the couple . . , A bridal shower , . . honored Mil Darlrae Meyer Taeaday algbt waea Mn. Ray Grrcao sad Mr. Warrea Fayater eatertslard at tbo foraser borne . , a ml- cellaaeoa shower feted tbo bride-le-be aad a dessert sapper was served by the boateaaes u j a a. July 8U Viaceal deFaul Catholic Cbarrb ... Biddea ... to fete Miss Meyer were Mesdames Henry Meyer, Flavlus Meier, Frank Weber, George Bauer Sr., Tom Meier, Robert Meier. John Meier, Joseph Meier, Richard Simi, E.T.B. Hill, Ralph Csley. Pat Toler. Stanley Allen, Rodney Bright, Jame Mahoney, Ed Lawrence. John Larwood, Walter J. Gjenvold, LeKoy Edwarda, Lloyd Truawll. Miases Jackie Hayes, Xathy Wal- den, Ksthie Cortigan, Joyce High ley, Joan Casey, Joan Neal, Eunice Peckenpaugh and Donna Carbaugh, A kidnap breakfast , , . wss held Wednetday moralng at tbo ralrmount Hill heme of Mrs. Kenneth Wllsoa Jor 8t Aaae'a Guild of St, Paul's Eplwopal Cbarck . . . Over atteaded the affair aad Mrs. Willis E. Vlaceat assisted tbo hostess laforasally Pkklag aa the gaeits wen Meadaase Glean Faxsoa, Jake Ucaead. George Wellef. Richard Rawltasoa, Breymaa Boise, Don ald A. Yoaag, Wallace Canoa aad Brace Cnadall , , , Mrs. Belie presided at the coffee era. Club bsstesses . . . Mrs. George Rossmaa entertained her club at dessert bridge Wednesday af ternoon . . . Mn. Leonard Hicks waa bostess to ber club at lunch eon and bridge on Wednesdsy at her new home on West Salem Heights Avenue . . . Additional gueits were Mrs. Horace McGee and Mn. Peter Geiser . . . Mead lag south . . . Wedaeaday were Mr. aad Mrs. Clsytea Fare aiaa aad daughter, Mrs. Harvey Kerpf . ... they will make their headquarters la Napa, Calif, aad f - i" r""i f" t m large end extra Pieer i U M IS W h 1 h U N H u ;-!.!o'M VM M -H H U, i;in (VZ) lips on Travel Is The mo Of Talk Mrmlx-ra and gnel of the Sli-in llrinrh AAUW Irirnrii Tip on Travel" Irom Mint Carol Lane, women's travel renretenla- live with the Midi Oil rompiny, a Ilia meeting fnllowrit s "rrul" (hem in lh YWCA Tuesday evening. Four reasona why travel Is un dertaken, srorttlng to Miia l.ana, are to r new plare and new people, to see beauty and to find aolitud sad simplicity. Sh pointed out that touring rlulu and touring services offer aid to travelers In their search for his torlcal or modern pointa of inter rat. Miss Uni disclosed uaeful tins on parking, travelling with children, snd showed trsvefteated Item to the group. Miss Marjorle Cheater Intro duced lh spesktf snd tho recent graduates, who presented the study group members In seversl skita. Th travel atudy group In troduced by Mrs warren poo- hiile. was decribed b Mrs. rai R,the Mra. Richard W. Burns presented Mrs. J. A. Head, Mr. rrink Hull. Mn T. R. Ilo- bart snd Mn. George Martin, who 'related activities of their lltera- lure study group, Tho Interns- jtional relitions representstive, I Mrs. If. E. Bmedley, was Intro- duccd by Mr. Forreat Walker. Mrs. Stuart Smith introduced th arts in the homo member, who was Mn. A. P. Sprague. Wlllanetl ftValon Are GaesU Speaking about their child car group wen Mrs Dsniel Trull Inner, Mn. R. E. Gsngwsre snd Mrs. Noel Ksestner -presented by Mr. Richard Ballantyno. Relating activities of the recent graduate was Miss Ethel Tetlie. Mrs. Rob ert Turner, membenhip chair man, announced to the senior women of Willamette Unlvenity, who were guesU, that tho AAUW wiiu wciv Kutrvvas. im iiisj rrj v W WH Golden Aga Club Costume Part The Golden Age Club will launch the beginning of their fiscal year with a coatume party Friday at the YWCA at 1:30 p. m. Each member, and gueat is in vited to come in costume and there will be a grand march. Prizes will bo awarded for the beat costume and for tho comi cal costume. After tho grand march games will be played and refreshments served. Newly elected oflcers of the club are George Ditto, president; 11 n M. B. Steener. vire-nreai- dent; Mrs. Emma Rasmusaen, secretary; and treasurer, Mn. Myrtle Heard. Mr. aad Mrs. Jom S. Moon had as their luncheon and dinner guests on Tueadav Mr. and Mrs. Ray Glsssley and Mn. J. J. Hague ol Portland. witch lb Salem ReaaUrt daring their spring training . , . Mr. Koepfs husbaad I a catcher fer the Seaaton , . . The Faremaas will also Joia the Araold Kraeg- en, waa have beea la Napa the pa week , . . they all plan la speed a day or two la San Free- cire ... I Retaraiag . . . the first of th week from a trip to San Fran cisco and San Joae were Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Arts . . . While in San Jose they visited bis brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Hoi- lis Button ... Li . Lai iJt si pi-.-, j .-i.v A To Livo In A' , . ? J 1 WT. ANCEL-Mr. and AArt. URoy F. Jaeger (Phyllis Amermsn) whoto wedding took plice on April 7 at St. Mary's Catholic Church. Tho bride Is tht daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Amerman of Portland and Mr. Jaeger is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Jaeger of Mt. Angel. (Ben Fleischman Photo,, Portland). Officers Feted At Bonawitz Residence Snjournen board members met on Tuesday evening at the Vir ginal Street borne of Mrs. Joe Bonawits Sr., the occasion .being a Joint one for the outgoing and Incoming board memben. Hostesses for the affair wen Mrs. Joe Bonswitx Sr., Mn. Ed Lewis, Mrs. B. F. Crinsler, Mrs. E. C. Braton, Mn. W. G. Rogen, and Mrs. Keith Laymon. After the business session, the chairman of the board, Mn. Al lan Ferrln, adjourned tho meet ing for bridge. The theme of decoration was spring flowen and April showen with individ ual tables covered with pastel organdy cloths and centered with IT'S OUR s r " 1 jL n OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS TIL 9 Portland v. . -'IS.. I Co-Rec Dance Friilay Co-Rrc Is holding birthday dance Friday at I p.m. at the YWCA honoring m t m b e r s who have birthdays in April. Final plans will be made for the Co-Rec dancing party to be held in Port land on Saturday evening. All sin gle persons in the Salem area an invited to participate in Co-Rec activities. miniature bouquets of spring flowers and gaily colored um brellas. Th next regular meeting of Salem Sojournen, which' will be a wild luncheon, will be held st the Salem Womani Club House at 1 p.m. on Thunday, April 26. Chairman of the day will be Mn. Austin Eivers, assisted by Mrs. V. C. Fletcher. Mn. Clara Bsu man. Mn. Robert Hostetter, Mn. W. M. Huxtable snd Mrs. Allen T. Carlston. ... Arbuckle's 1 1 in 11 111 jljmu r Yet . . . MIUULIVIU S hove been serving you folks of the Wil lamette Volley for 37 years end now we went to shew you our appreciation . . one to offer our THANKS for your fine patronage. In celebration of our birthday . . . during this week end next week ... wo will give you gift when you purchase your new Spring shoes. There are gifts for all corns in and help us celebrate! 'At Oregon Slatt Students to Entertain Seniors By JODY Rl Ki:m Klalrimaa ( errripondrnl COKVAI.I.IS Senior week emlia th big event nhrdulrd at Oregon Mule which will be full of various activities. To start thing oil right after reglttrallun high vhool M-niors will travel to the Women's building to ae ex hibits prolraying Oregon Stat College in mlnialur. Included In thl dlnplay will be all th M-hnols and activities that are of fered. Alio on th agenda for Friday night Is the mixer dance to be held In th Memorial Union Ball room. Saturday th seniors will vialt lh school they sr most in trreatrd In and then go ot lunch. Exchange picnic with other frs ternitirs sr planned for early evening. The weekend is climax ed with a Talent Show and date dance to held in the Colliirum. Many ot the women's houies are having firesides Friday after 12 o'clock closing. At the Pi Phi boua there will b entertain ment and rrfrmhmenti where Clarice and Claudia Waten will be auiitlng. At the Thrta houie Ginger Lively will be buny enter taining guests. At the Gamma Phi house msny Salem girls will be found SMlnling, Including J o d y Boyer, Roberta Sears, Pat Mor ton, Doris Sterrelt, and Joan Lewia. At th Dorm the freshmsn girls will set as hostesses. Wait ing to tell the high school seniors iuat what fun it all is will be Nancy Owens, Betty Burnnlde, rai aexion, sue wuinn, vicxy Ward, Phoebe Lou Braun, Jsne Moorefield, and Jan Gillespie. Candidate Namlaaled "Mia Oregon State College" candidates hsve been nominated. Iifteen finalists were selected this Isst Wednesday night. The finalists will be announced at the end of this week. Salem hss been in the spotlight the last two Sean with Ginger Lively, Miss SC last year, and Evle Tarcm crowned Miss OSC the yesr be fore. The third time is a charm they say. "New Deal" has been initiated here at Oregon State recently. The students are helping select the "Best Professon" on campus. Students nominate their favorite professor snd give the reasons why. Ballots were taken at the SOSC final elections Wednesday. The contest is being sponsored by the committee tor Advsncement of Tesching. Ginger Lively has been elected co-chairman of the Round Table group. A varied program is car ried on by the group including the sponsorship of the Rook and Rookess counselors, organization of the Freshman Mix, presenta tino of International week, direc tion ot the tampus. Chest drive, and development of a family re lations program. The group is the student YM YWCA organisation on campus. k 1 "AH FOR THE LADIES ... One pair of NYLONS 15 denier, 51 gauge with each dress shoe purchase. Choose from: ; Aman'to Naturaliier FOR THE MEN . . . One pair of Helenca STRETCH SOCKS with eoch shoe purchase. Choose from: , Allen Edmonds ' Roblee Evans Sahara loots Pedwin F0R THE CHILDREN One pair of CHILDREN'S SOCKS with each shoe purchase. Choose from: Buster Brown Jumping Jacks Fropr-Bilt FREE COMIC BOOKS Mil U 0) U M VA mm m STATE ST, In Air Forco 1 6 , ' f Miis Llnnea Baldwin, who has been stationed at lackland Air Force Bate, San Antonio, Texas, it qualified airman third clasl and will soon be admitted to the Air Force flight stewardess school In West Palm Beach, Florida. She Is the daughter of Mr. -and Mrs. J. L Baldwin of Salem. Chapter Receives Cifl SHERIDAN Adolph Sundrud of Willamina, worthy patron of Sheri dan Chapter, OES presented a handmade pedestal to the Chapter at Tuesday evening's regular meet big. The large pedestal was mad of Luan, known as Philippine ma hogany, with a large "Star" em blem1 oo the front. The past matrons in formats of yesteryear ntHmnmA th Dinlr m,mh,rf with a humorous skit with Lucille Board as soloist, Olive Smith as pianist, and Edith Holman as narrator. ' Engagement in Told SUBLIMITY Mr. and Mre. Fred A. Yost are announcing the en gagement of their daughter1, Ber nadine, to Leslie T. Beamish, son of Mr. and Mn. Leslie M. Beam ish of Salem. A June wedding is planned. The bride elect is em-' ployed at Candalaria Beauty Sa-i ion and her fiance is employed at ' Meier and Frank's Salem store. ! Life Stride Johansen AND BALLOONS! rvi v.vja gumr ... Salem Girl to Be a Flight Stewardess Nineteen year old I.lnnra Baldwin, of Rulem, who Is ta llonrd at Lackland A I'll, Sn Anloolo, Tex, l weiring a big mil and a bathing suit for two quit compatible rraumi, First, sh's happily geared up for lh start of th swimming sesMin 'pools open at Lackland April li. nd second, sh has received word that her Immedi ate destination on leaving the Gateway baie around the lit of the month will be Wesl Palm Beach, Fla., where according to the chamber of commerce, bath ing suiu are In fashion all year round. la Florida as a qualified air man third class she will be admit ted to the much-sought Air Force flight stewardess school. Her qualification include height of 54, weight 122. and besuly con test measurements of 35 Inch bust snd hips with 24 inch wslst. Other qualifications include a itsnt at the Patricia Stevens Mod eling Agency. Chlngo, and a semester at Oregon Slate College as well ss a diploma from Salem high school. She is the daughter of Mr. snd Mrs. J. L. Bsldwin, 883 Thompson, Silem. KD Dance Saturday The K. D. Dance Club will hold their April dance on Saturday, April 21 from 9 to 10 o'clock at the Four Corners Community Hall. Mr. snd Mrs. Leon Everitt and Mr. and Mn. Tim Bradahl head the committee for -the dance. Members are asked to bring guesU to the affair. OPEN MONDAY AND OTHER DAYS 9:30 Fif?ii?f? Girl just arrived ... And we predict you'll be going steady with Viennese Cirl the most lilting group of dresses this side of the Atlantic. Sophisticated versions of pessant and flower girl dresses with still a bit of old world charm. Flouncing skirts, fitted waists, coquettish necklines in demure calico prints. Sketched is one of our new sweethearts , . . heart print in combed cotton rk-rae and pique trim. Blue or red. Sizes 7 to 13. w : Afli7 and phone orden . OREGONIAN SHOP - STREET FLOOR r ur 'Plut thipping cost to areas outside our rrgular truck delivery routes your kitchen will -) teaajsaiM,! T be years ahead iV THERMADOR Jbwejllll m9 MJ Bill -in electric rang Eack ktntf built in trparnUlf stvAerwr yo srnsAj THI PHILLIPS CO. 4. M Center SL PaeaeSSlU FIDAY 1213 TO f. M. A. M. TO 5 30 P. M. 22.95 h I 1