Soviets Send Bear to London As Gift, Recipient Undisclosed By HAL COOPER LONDON I - The Soviet Em bassy confirmed Wninesday re ports that on member of the llulganin-Khrushchev party to Bri tain U a baby Ruiilan bear. He is a ift (or somebody, but the embassy spokesman wouldn't lay (or whom, London newspapers broke out In I rash of speculation on who gets the bear? Prime Minister Eden, Prince Charles and Sir Winston Churchill were early favorites in the betting. The bear, a JVmonth-old cub named Nikki, arrived In a crate Monday aboard a Soviet Jetliner that brought advance member of the Russian entourage. "He it so young he takes only milk," an embassy official said. "He is so small, so small." Pets Imported Into Britain norm ally have to be quarantined for six months to make sure they have no contagious diseases. But the Russian cub wss taken direct to file embassy. "Bears do not necessarily have to go Into quarantine," an officer of the Boyal Society for Preven tion of Cruelty to Animals said diplomatically. The Daily Express guessed Nikkl I service J. X iff A "light meter" test has prov ed that G E tubes and a tune up caa make yaur aid TV bet ler. Call aad See (or Yourself MITCHELL'S RADIO-TELEVISION M577 For Service Wa Giva Z'K Crten Stamps mOStataSt. Man Killed on Way to Inform Wife of Safety ARLINGTON, Tex. -A Dallas man was killed by a car Tuesday night as he walked across busy highway SO to phone his wife and assure her he was safe. Papers in the pocket of the vic tim bore the name of Charles Vir gil Ramsey, SO. The victim's companion, Jessie L. Wilson, Dallas, said ha and Ramsey had driven to Fort Worth ! to seek Jobs. They had stayed; later than planned, he said, and Ramsey stopped to use the phone as they drove toward home. Fearing his wife might be wor ried, Ramsey, wanted to assure her they had met no accident and were on the way back to Dallas, Wilson said. might be offered to Prince Charles Sunday when Premier Bulganin and Party Boss Khrushchev are presented to Queen Elizabeth II at Windsor Castle. Nikkl appears to have been named after both Bulganin and Khrushchev, whose names are, respectively, Nikolai and Niklts. Whoever gets him as a gift, his ultimate destination Is likely to be (he London Zoo, Husband, Wife Cet Together in Two-Car Wreck CLIFTON, N.J. (aV-Howard Edel stein of Clifton was In an auto accident Wednesday but he couldn't say too much to the other driver. Edelstein was driving to work along Van Ilouten Ave. when a bus stopped short In front of him. He Jammed on bis brakes. His car was struck (rom the rear. The other driver looked sheep ish. It Was his wife, Nancy, , also on her way to work. ' f SERVtCC STATIONS, INC. 4 Sweet Home Firm Wins Dam Work PORTLAND ( The Army Engineers awarded a $14,950 con tract Wednesday to Duncan, Shaw k Dobyns, Sweet Home, (or sur veys at the Green Peter Dam site on the middle Santiam River. Two five-man parties will con duct the work. They also will do some survey work at the Hills Creek project on the middle fork of the Willamette River above Oakrldge and revetment surveys along the Willamette near Eugene. MOMMY 1 THf Mcs:ir"j :f-C Mr. ft IUM Taw to. ' "What do vou mean, 'Will I give tht mistress of the house your cord' . I'm HER!" U. S. farmer cooperatives have 7,600,000 members. Seventh Wife Drops Shaw LAS VEGAS. Nev. w Band leader Artie Shaw has been di vorced by his seventh wife, actress Doris Dowling. She slipped into District Judge Frank McNamee's court last Mon day and won a decree on grounds of mental cruelty. The action es caped notice until this morning. The couple married at Canaan, Conn., June 19, 1952. They have a son, Jonathan, 2. A property settlement and child custody agreement were reached out of court and terms were not disclosed. Shaw's previous wives were typist Jane Carni, nurse Margaret Allen, actress Lana Turner, Eliza beth Kern, actress Ava Gardner and writer Kathleen Winsor. Couple Indicted In Gun Slaying KLAMATH FALLS Iff - A grand Jury indicted a man and his wife Wednesday on a charge of second degree murder in the gun slaying of Edison Duffy, 51. Burdette Ochiho, 45, and his wife, Zelma, have been in Jail here since a few days after Duffy's frozen body was found along an embankment of Highway 97, a mile north of Klamath Falls, last January. Duffy had been shot in the head. The Ochibos were arrested at Reno, Nev. hm,h TV Welcome Coca Back To Ranks of Stardom By EVE STARR HOLLYWOOD - STARR RE PORT: It may have been Just another good dramatic show to many viewers, but "Funny Heart" on last Wednesday's "U.S. Steel Hour was a good deal mora than that to a lot of rt . - people. It star , 4 red Imogene , I v Coca in her first j ; TV appearance J , In a st r a I g h t I i dramatic role, I land It. brought V It hi i unhappy V Mlttle girl ag-' whomping back to the TV wars with rockets flying and sirens screaming. She tu great. And she proved all aver again that she is perhaps the most versatile ac tress of our time. It was a difficult role for Coca in many respects. For one thing, Channel Chucklra By HI KANE CARS WITH TV VIE BOSTON ( Tha Universal Broadcast System, Inc., of Boston, says tha rear view mirror in the automobile of the future mav be replaced by televised view of tha road behind. o TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD SET! TAILORED in MAGIC 6AW W r M 1 LT" OgaUiaaar KAVUHHaw- THE INVISIBLE SLIP-COVERING ,FABSICI; A. tVaT.aTVaXaTatNeTwi Lav A A it .cT f " J 'Jar V nne "S1t tutaVS am mmm-mM Hill iff bbrie wkboat aval Uiaa. fmlivnw! LibtsinirkibWiiiDcmritBntaetivaar lTmad wttabeu holdohfnt rimiri. rurnitm-keenitarwkokiajkiBW. WtkOTBtsUim Mfx "Syr" mkm fckrie ImI ndtm tad toftjr-buiit- Kk ula. la. aoA arinks. frwit mot MC- Tot off vow as rammer merit wtaiice to wmkM ana i.i r- '- -r" -5?aV jH..r . t ?fT M tea 1 - " 'w aTfNaOffBV And Yaur Old Sat v,i (hair X Sal PHta $lt. . ? Urn TrtMa tt t $1 CI ST Sectional Group Uh Met $lt SVf154 ko mm down Taka your pick 2-pnca aofa and chair suit, sectional suit or sofa bed euitel All were carefully aahctad to giva you new beauty, "coahionistd aooiort" and quality usually not found ia furniUira priced so low. "Fresh off tba drawing board" styling selected or Kroehler's new "Cooti ntal grouv to give you trias buttoned backs, modern key -type arms and tamad Upend lee Your cboic of many beautiful colon too! But hurry aur auantaty it limM and wa aaay sever be able to repeat this offer. Pay as Little as $2.50 per wetlc QmaaiRiJi mmm aassaasssaaawiw . aa. f . m Regardless of Sale Prices Scfi Bed and (hair Sala Prlca $1W lTradn . 4S M54 Every Suite Is Doubly Guaranteed By KroeMer end ' lllS TWO JOS. S - : : - Dally 9:30 fa 4 - Fridays ana Mondavi Noon Xt 9 Si "New stay tuned for til Werth Llvlag.'" the story of a has-been TV comic on the comeback road veered fairly dose to her own personal situation. For another, it was a new medium for ber and an acid test to boot. Too many important TV people were watching it and she couldn t afford to fail. For a third, she was facing a TV audi ence which bad never seen her do anything else but comedy and she had to convince this audience that in her role of Jackie Connors she was a real peri ah, not Imo gen Coca the clown. She had to play it straight, and tha audience bad to believe ber. I Seat Ilka te repeat myself. but ib was great. There b a ttatr ward far H. Aad ske has deaa herself a wonderful service Her stock has rises l.SOO per cent everalghi. Shell get afters by the dosens for mere dramatle shews, aad she Is aa actress to a wel comes' ia the ovlng reetn. Aa ladlcatlea at haw people la Hollywood teH about It Is beauti fully esempllfled la a telegram seat to her hv a friend who has laag worried about Coca's future. All U said was, "Whoopee!" Which was Just a aether way af saying welcome back to the ranks af star- would have to fold their tents and go home. Come to think of It. I was one of them. You live and learn in this business. And odd ly enough, I get a bigger kirk out of admitting I was wrong than 1 do In seeing a prediction come true. If I had a ten-gallon hat, I would doff it to Clint Walker and "Cheyenne." WILLIAM DEMARCST. who two years age made a pilot film for a series which aever went beyond tha pilot stag aad wheee Same I eaa'l evea remember, la glag U try agala. New oaa win he titled "Mr. DtibT ." with Demar- esl la the rele at a "sardonic and dear newspaper .photegra- eher.' Oh, rem aow. Every' body knows aewspaper pbetof raphers are aever sardonic aad dear! BISHOP FIXTON J. SHEEN Is a brave man. He started his TV snow several years ago op posite Milton Bene at a time when Berle was riding high as one of the jnoit popular shows on the air, Then he switched to Thursdays and found himself opposite Grou- cho Marx, who has consistently been in the top ten for the past five years. And now he's apparently going all out in his battle against the odds, switching to Monday nights opposite "1 Love Lucy." tne ail time, rive year, No. I champl STARRDCST: Neel Toward will bo doing a lot more TV next sea sob. .. "Hallmark Hall af Fame" aeit aeasea switches from Saaday afteraeea to FrMay Bight . . . NBC will move "Howdy DaH away free the devastatlag "Mickey Mease Club" cemprtlUea, but Is at a less la kaow what to put la there la its place. Hew about aa hour af pure unlet for tired par eata? ... CBS wUI put the aew film aeries, "The West Pal at Story.- lata ha Friday Bight soke. ala aest aeasea. replacing either Mama" ar "Our Miae Brooks." Jack Benny will do an hour-lone show June S-for tha BBC in Great Britain . . , According to a rating survey, tha average viewer soent six solid hours in front of his TV set every day during the month of January. That sounds like too much of a good thing to me. I like to browse through a newspaper or gooa Dook. And there la also such a thing as the great outdoors. Six hours a day of TV could be a quick road to the looney bin. (CopjrrtiM us Ctneral Future Corp.) Statesman, SaWi, Ore, Tlmrj., April ID, 'C3 (Sec. THURSDAY BROADCASTS (Miter (! IM Silna .WII.Sn I f4 faltk ttn yr.r.t US llnM M f'"1" t " IV ''', Sat truM liimH Ik ere rkf ttltkeut Hinllli Ui m't'rt IumI m tor u wcnrKT btrda ) THURSDAY'S TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS KPTV THVRSDAY'g HIGHLIGHTS (CTIANN'EL VU ll:M Been NBC Matinee Theater-Zsa Zsa Gator stars In "Bahy Ionian Heart," story of Carlotta Devore, who has become so embar rassed by ber four divorces that she struggles desperately to hold onto her fifth husband. t:M p.m. Matinee Theater "Rogues Gallery," starring Frank Jenks, and II. B. Warner. 11:11 p.m.-Nlte Owl Theater-Men Are Not Gods, starring RcX Harrison, Miriam Hopkins, and Gertrude Lawrence. K01NTV THl'lCSDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL ) IS:N a.m-Armchair Theater "Emergency": Richard Conta, , Randy Stewart. 7:N p.m. I Search for Adventure "Tha Four Hundred Rapids"! John Goddard, and his friends "Shoot" tha rsplds of tha swirling Colorado River. I:M p.mCllmax-"The Lou Gehrig Slory": The heretorora un told story of Gehrig's courage in tha face of death . . . Wendell Corey, Jean llagen, Harry Carey Jr., and James Gregory. li:U p.m.-ShoTtime on Six "Tha Judge"; Stilbura Stone, Cath DemiUe. , KLOR-TV THOUDAT'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL U)t 1!:M aeeu Afternoon Film FestlvaWThe Inherltanct" starring Jean Simmons. Katlna Paxlaou and Derrick Da Mamry in tha story of a young girl who Is left to tha mercies of aa unscrupulous uncle. . T:M Star Theater-'Lucky Tom Jordan" stsrring Will Rogers, Jr., Paula Raymond and Kevin McCarty. I:M p.m-Star Tonight "Two Windows," co-starring Diana Cent ner and Richard Davalos as the star-crossed lovers af tha Strang lov story. . , ll:a p.m-IIometowa Theater "Tha Girl from Monterey," star ring Jack LaRue, Armida. and Edgar Kennedy. . THURSDAY'S TELEVISION KPTV. I'HF g7: KOIN-TV. VHF I; BXOE. VHF It HOL t:M : S:U SKrTVti-oa., - iTedar KOIN! Panorem Pee. IPmmci )KFTVDtB Deaf IV KOINUp.. tk rfeaay . Iteeay tPanerema Pm. -reriiia Pa. (Panorama PM. KrTVTtme. trale KQINIv.ll.M Ue roing Dong ITtlereurM KOINlArmeh. ThuterlArmeh. Theeter1 World Turk KLORI rrma. trnle realher Neat reather Meet ILere ef Uf 8eirli Tomorr IGuldlnf t.lfM ITtleceene Woeld Turns Home lUnkleMer '. I Pub. tntereet UKPTVlHome ' Rome Wome KOINI Bobt. a. Lewla IHobL a Lewi lUaklettor faKrTVlNBC Mat TImINBC Mat Th.NBC Mat. TtM.INBC Mat Th, Im KOINIVtetUn Tim KLOWnim PwtlTil "KPTVlDat w. Ut KOINI BrltMer D.y KXOR rihn TMttril VUltln' Tun mtm Pnltnl Bob Craaby (Film Ptlvl IBob Creabp ITlIm Peetlral KVAL TV, VIIF 13 JOHN CAl'FIELD, who quit "My Favorite Husband" a year ago to go back to pictures, now wants back into television. She has pur chased rights to "That Pretty' Girl" and will play tha lead in the new film series when and if it gets rolling. "WARNER BROTHERS PRE SENTS," which got off to a bad start last fall, now boasts, in "Cheyenne," not only the highest rated TV film series produced by a major studio but tha highest rated Western series on the air. Which is-quite a step from those early weeks last October when everybody and his critical brother was taking pot shots at the show and predicting that the majors SUOINI: KVAL-TV Chuxl 11 tTeeseayt: I M j m, Slop, Look a, Lliton: l:IS It's Pun to Reduce; : Puthor Your Nt; I: Matl nte Theater with Frank Alberteon, Jed Prouly and Lorn Cray In "rather Step Out" a railroad man trie to keep hi railroad from fall Ins Into th hand of rival,; 4:11 Modern Romances: :) 4 30 Date: : BIS Roundup: S:S-Th Ncwa; S:S Sports Headline; S:SS Weather Report; : Annie Oaklrv; :! Th Powerland Slorv; :4S Paltl Page Singi; I: Wettcrn Marihal: JS Amoa V Andy: S:S You Bet Your Life: S:3 Drainet: S: Headline with "Phoney Hero:" S:M Ford TV Ttietr wlUi Rlcardo MonUlban In "A Lady in HI Life;" 1: Lux Video Theater preaenla Robert Mltchum, Kim Hunter and Deen Jafcer In "Blrd " 11 aa Teu fUuun'. KOAQ 550 k.c isregon; ii:ot vregun men Air Living In Oregon: "V In at Chmpof;" 11:11 cert Hall; II: The Neva KOAC (Tkendiv): la a at Th New and Weather; It It Ecw dally for Women: M:SS Calling Mr. vrvgon; ; vregun acnool or trt "Wolf Meet-IS-The Con. Nwa and Wee. ther; 12: IS .. Noun Farm Hour; IM Melody Lane. I:U Oregoa School of th Air Let's Sing, Amer ica; 1:45 Radio Bookahrlf; I Fapeclally for women Th Home Garden Hour: 'Oeranlunn;" t:l Memory Book of Muilc: l:4S Oregon School of the Air Trailwavs to Science: "Carbon Dioxide:" 14 Oreion Reporter: 1:IS Mufle of the Masters; : unlvenlty Hour; IM Children's Theater; 13 Rodney suine; : ine new ana weather; :IS Gilbert Hlfhet - Show: : Headlines In Chemistry: S:4S Martin Chuuiewlt; 1IJ Dvenlng lrm Hour: !: BBC Theater: S: Muiic That Endures; l:4S Kvenlng mroiiaiinna rvmiey rounaauon; I: 8ln Off. Mod. Romance Queee a Day IQua a Day fSeerei Btorm I Ms of Night ltd re at Night (Film ru'lral IFIlm feettTal Fthn FotWt KrTVIwhfs CokIngWhafa Cooking TWCA Show IMitlnee The. ' KOIN KOIN Kitchen KOIN Kitchen Itrlk It Mck Strike It Rich KLOIlUdy 1 HoueelLady e HoueelLady of Woue Udy Hmiao KrTVlMaUnM Than. IMatlnee Tht. Mit'.M The. IMitlnee Thea, KOINlGarry Moor IGarry Moor lArth. Cod trey lArth. Oodrrey KLOR! Illtabeth tlltbeth IHomer Bell Homef Bell jKrTVlBr IT Corral I Bar IT Corral iHarper- Jamk.Harprs Jusk 1 KOINI Arth. God fray Arth. Godfrey Mr Mom Carte She KLOR'rrn k QUI J'n Daly Ww Cowboy G-eneiilCowboy O-mea KPTVInnky U tPwiky L Howdy Doody Utowdy Doody I KOINI MS Duanlng Bed Dunning (Red Dunning Red Dunning KLOKlMlckey Mow IMIckey Mouse IMtrkcy MouaelMlckey Mmia IPTTtNew Central I New Central ILIberec Uberaee I KOINI wthr. Ktwi Idwarda Hew ftgl Pnatoa Cgt Freatou KLORl Jungle Jim Jungle Jim IN I W B. N I W B. J , KPTVIsherlock Holm Bherlock Holm.iDlBak hare New Caravan I KOINI Arthur Murray I Arthur Murray! Adventure Advntur KLORI All-8tr Th,All-Btr Th.lLn Ranger 'Loo Renger m ) KPTV Bet Your Lite Bet Your Uf Dragnet IDregne ' 'KOINI Rok. CummlngslRob. CummlngalCUmaa CUma KLORI KIX)R Prft IKLOB Pr's'nttl Stoplh Mud ltofthMuH JKPTVI Hall f Stars HaU of Stars IFord Thratat ford Theete KOINI Climax CUmx Bur Plyh. Star Plyh, , KLORI BUr Tonight 8lr Tonight Dowa Yoe Oo Poww Tou O (KPTVlLua ThaaUr FLua Thaater Lux Theater t-o The tee I KOINconfldeHar Confidential IJ.C. ReporU J. C. Report KLORI Duffy's Tv'rn Duffy's TeernHomTn Thea IHomTwn Th. nKPTVNw-Pul F. Nit Owl Th.INK Owl The. I Nit Owl The. KOINI Viowtlma an IBhawltmeaaS IBhowUm I Showtime M I KLORlHomet'wa The.Homt'wa Th.Hom'wB ThelHomefwa The. THURSDAY'S RADIO BSLM in KOCO 14 BOAS 141 KOIN S7S BOW (7 KBX lit HOUR FMl Mgeyele KOIN ll.l Bkk SSJj BOW IM t M:t M:U M:tt ft 7 BSLM VaL Farmct BOAB Farm Ntw WIN Amr. New BOW Heck Harper BEX Keep Tim Val Frmcat Brk. Nook KOIN Kloek i World Ntw Keep Tlmt Val Farmeaal Brk. Nook KOIN Kloek deck Harpat Keep Time 8! BSLM Hemingway tutu iJsriy wona BOAB Brk Nook BOIN KOIN Klork KiW Ntwa-Wtbb BK News BSLM Cliff tngle Break. Gang Break. Gang Barly Wona Barly Worm Brk. Nook Brk. Nook HeadUne Frank Go Vbb Spinning KGW Newark Keep Tim Keep Tim Karen Rett 9 BSLM News KOCO News-Sports aoAS Spider-Hit KOIN Wendy warren ROW 'Webb Spinning BEX BrkfitClub New Nook-Ne KOIN Kloek Bee Harper Kea Tim "New Karly Were Nook -Ntw Harry BbOI Fisher Beperl Bob Haaea Have el Beet Early Worm Nook Ntw , Bhtlley Ber. , Webb Spinning Keep Tim Nw iPMtnr'aCall Bareain C uff . Farly Worm ' llarly Worm Far!y Worn Bplder-Hlta Bplder-Hit Hits-New Howard Miller Htien Trent Mldmorn New Webb Spinning Webb Soinntag Wbn Spinning, Famlll Altar KOCO Wally's Sparta Barly Worm Early Worm HOAR. Brk. Nook Brk. Nook Brk. Nook OIN Consumer N wainer Valll Bhelley Ser nd BOW Webb SplnnlngiWebbSpinoing Webb Spinning BEX KaepTIm Keep Time Keep Time Brkfst Club 1ai.a KOCO BOAB 0: aois ow EX Newt TelloTnt Newt-Sport lUM Tun St. Beckftnc ML Kroffe Tim Road of ul Ma Perkins Weekday Weekday Coffre-K Wtet Bob Garred 1KSLM Tune Teat KOCO Newt-Sporta BOAB Dinner Winn IK) IN Mr Burtoa KC.W Weekday HEX Girl Marrle Tun Teat Queen at Day ntM Tune St I4M Tun St Dinner Winner Bplder-HIt Aunt Mary North Oral Weekday To th Ladle Whltp'rlnf 8ttWtlt Disney Brkfst Club Brkfst Club Standard Bchi Standard BchV I4MI Tun HI lH) lune at, Xelly Wedding iHita-New Dr. Milan Guiding UgM Weekday Weekday My True Story My True Story Queen for Day bring your friends and en joy 'Coffee And' Time A "come as you are" hour each Thursday 9:30 to 11 A. M. featuring Coffee and light snacks Informal modeling of Daytime and Sport Clothes OREGON ROOM STREET FLOOR . . ta . . a, I ft v y l w 2 KSI.M Newt KOCO World Near KO AB Noon Ntw KOIN Noon New BOW FtnnerNew BEX Art Baker New Midday Mutt t.unchn Mncha Com Gel II Dr. Peele Bing Crosby Top Trade Midday Mutt Town Crter House Party 'Lawrence W tiki Monaco Gee. Putnam Farm N I4v Tune St. Hita-Ntwt Aunt Jenny i T th Ladia Paul Hrvy Vsll'y Farm rati Midday Mual Ijichln. New House Party IK 2 SI M Mallnr Matine iMttlne IMattne OCO Newt-Sport Citrine Ctll'ngl Citrine CttVntl CUr ine CtU'ng BOAB Cunrnn Mncha Lunrhn Mncha t-unrhn Mncha Lunch New KOIN Godfrey Tim Godfrey Tim Godfrey Tlmt Godfrey Time " BOW To Hinplneaa Wldder BrowBiPepper Young Woman la H'( K E X Newt, Conrad Butt Conrtd Rust Conrad Butt Conrad kVi.M Matins (Matinee INew Mat'lni KOCO Newt-Sport Citrine Calling Citrine Calling Citrine Calling KO AB Pitt Parlor Pat Pirlor Pat Parlor Parlor-New KOIN Oodfrry lime Cod (rev time Good News Make Up Mind HOW Mut MrAnultylMua. McAnultylMu. McAnuttytl.tetenlng KEX Newt. Conrad Buta Conrad But Conrad I Rust Conrtd KSI.M MtUnte Wlllam. Mat. IMnnaco Wed. ITtllo Tt KOCO Newt-Sport Citrine Cill'nglCtarln Ctll'nglClarin Call'ng KOAK Pill Pirlor Pit t Parlor Pit t Pirlor Parlor-New . KOIN Ruth Athlon Our Ctl Sund'TI Take Thirty Tike Thirty KOW Mut. McAnultylMu. Mc.AmltyMuMcAn'lty Mut-McAn1ty KEX Ntwl. Conrtd RusaConrtd Hob Hltckbunt Bob Bltckbura KSI.M r.iln.n le'i KOCO Nrwt-Rpnrtt KO AB Pitt Pirlor KOIN Art Kirknim KOW Mul-MrAn'lty f Rob Blirkhurn KSI MJ Rob A Ray KOCO Ntws-Spnrtt KO AB rrtfflc JamhT BOIN TA R. Murrow BOW Mut-McAn'lty BEX Bob Bltrkbum Hemlngwty Citrine ( til g Pit's Pirlor Eddie Fitntr Mut-McAn'lty Rob Bltrkbura Here s Answrr ( itrlne Csll g Pit's Pirlor Newtpiptr Mut-McAn'lty Ram Hyt Citrine ttirg Pirlor-New Newtntper mea-MCAn ny . Bob Blackburn Bob Blackburn i Bob Ray Newt-Green . Bill Bruadlg Slow Drive Blow Drive Walley'a Soortai Traffl JambT Traffic Jamb'y Sign Off New Tom Htrmoa Frank Got Local New Jett Mason rimer Petertna , Bob Blarkburn Bob Blarkb'rn I Bob Blackb rn Eddie Flaher (Candlelight lLawtu 1 n Stock Rei IBern Htye Dinner Ntw Ctndlellghl Candlelight A mo n Andy A mo n Andv Lone Btngtr R anger-In Tax nort Lone Renter Bob Rlarkhurn Rob Blackburn IBob Blackburn Bob. Blackburn BSLM Gabriel Hratar KOCO Newt-Sport BOIN Soorta Ntw BC.W t.Mtr mtr BEX KSI.M Detective Detective Mual IMutl KOCO Newt-Sporta Rhyth. Si BluetlRhyth. k RluMlRhyth. k Bluaa KOIN Melody I Melody Ring Crosby (Johnny Dollar KOW Mnntro Wedd gl Monaco Wedd'gl Adventure , Adventure KEX Bill Stern (Bob Garred I Vindercook IBobAdkln KSI.M Show Tu net jShow Tine LAF Cone Hr. AF Cone. HrT" KO 'O Newt-Sport iRhyth -Blue IRhyth -Bluet Rhyth -Blue KOIN Jtrk Carson 'Jark Carton llt Precinct ills! Precinct I Mint rimlly Dtnce rim Dance Tim i Adklnt Sheer 'Adkins Show Adklnt Show "iTr'CanMn Rpt. . Sweet A Siting Sweet" ASwlBJ (Track 1499 ITrack 14M 'Track 1490 Son Jeep led Quertlon lead. Quettlon CAnverstfion.. Handwttr ....... Bandwtgoa ....... ftnh Adklnt Jimmy Fidler MP Morgm 'Music Veiiliiiet' Snortt Mil.(M, ' ITrack 14X1 ITrack 14! (Track I4S Hunt g-Fian'g Good Evening Good Evening Dance Tim Dance Tlmt Dance Tim Dtnc Tine Dance Time Dance Tim KO am World Newt Adklnt Show j. KHl.M Newt fj KOCO Newt-Sporta r ruin Sevtreid. Hntr '-K i W 1 'rmverstlioe ar RobAdkmt KKt W Pillion lewis KOCO Newt-Sportt KOIN i star Finn I KOW Richfield PeoU 1 arx Newt 1BSI.M Woody Show KOCO Newt-Sport KOIN Music 1KOW Dine Tim KBX Sum TUB IWondy Show Isilent IMutie Ptnc Tim I)Bca Tim I wood 7 Show Mutt oanc Ttma 0tas Tint IWoody Show Mual anc ntaaa ' Tim .