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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1956)
Z ( I) SlafMinan, SaVm, Ore, Y!., April 18, "36 Extension Unit to Elect Officers LINCOLN Flection of officer! will be held at the all-day meeting . of Lincoln Extension L'nit Friday. April 20, it Community Center at Spring Valley. The meeting starts at 10 30, with s.nk lunch at noon. Mri. Bruce Howell li president and the nomi nating committee includes Mri. II, W. Aihford. Mri. John 8. Mischcl and Mri. N. . Grcsham. Mri. Earl A. Johnson, project leader, will demonstrate finishes on wood furniture. r' t-n Swo $mokeujjO PL JL- - -L f BROILS WITH THI 1 -Vl00" CLOSED . . . BROILS J (f r IsSi. - sin uijiiut iwikim Droils mod on, both. sides at onto! Au?crncticc!!ypre-hectS times brcilinc, shuts itself off! Week Moat annexing, all-purpose electric range oi the age! Once ' you've eeen it demonstrated you'll never buy any other. Controlled-heat cooking on top with Meal-Sentry unit; giant "blended-heat automatic oven; colors: green, white, pink, yellow. AL LAUE REFRIGERATION 2353 $!:!2 St. Fhcns 2-4195 At Lrtcli and ClarJc Student Body Elects Nqw Officers By MARY JEAN SCIIRl'MC Slatetmaa Correspondent PORTLAND Flection time at Lewli and Clark College has re sulted In a new set of ttudent body officers with a few offices to be decided in run-off elections. New president will be Portland er Bob Adkins, with Pete Blaho as vice-president. Secretary will be determined by a run-off vote between Shirley Crothers of Salem and Joan Frans. Lewis and Clark coeds who live on campus are looking forward to i the week-end of May 27-29 when 1 they will play hostess to their mo thers for annual Mother a Week end. A program planned to enter tain the mothers Includes a fashion show and a banquet followed by a play, 'The Enchanted." The Sun day agenda Includes sorority mo ther-daughter breakfasts, a Mu Phi Epsiloa concert and AWS silver tea. Select Princesses The classes of Lewis and Clark have selected princesses to Join May Fete Queen Itsl Mears and crown princesses Jodie Ellis and Cathy Majovskl. The princesses to represent their respective classes en the court for the annual affair May 4 5 are freshman Betty Jo Williams, sophomore Lynn Mc Cuire, junior Nancy Zellman. and senior Jean Kida. Spring seems to be the time for dances. Last Saturday evening members of Stewart Hall, women's dormitory, invited escorts te at tend their house dance with its Scottish theme, "Brigadoon." Shir ley Crothers was general chairman of the event. Working on the dance were Jo Ann DeWitL Judy Bone and Joyce RandalL Phi Mu Alpha, men s music hon orary, is sponsoring a dance Fri day, April 20. The event will be semi-formal and will be held at the Columbia Athletic Club. Chester. Wales, has both first and second story sidewalks along four streets. Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With Mort Comfort FASir.riH. a plnaant alkaline (non-acid ) powder, nolda (tin Mats nor Brmlj. To at and talk la more comfort, Juat (prink la a ilttl. Fas TUTU on your plau. No gummy, ooty, put Uito or iiellns. Charka "pint, odor" Identum breath). Oat tkoiuan M mi drug counter First Sketches of Grace Kelly's Wedding Gowns t l -'1 v- v XL:.- Grace's dress for civil ceremony , . . Sketch by designer Helen Rose of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios shows dress Grace Kelly will wear today for her civil wedding ceremony to Prince Rainier III of Monaco. Consisting of hand-run Alencon lace of bluish tan over ashes of roses silk taffeta, dress is really a lace suit falling to within . 1 4 Inches of ground. Separate jacket has small collar and ties at neck with silk cord. (AP Wirephoto). Bethel Initiation Held in Woodburn 1 -"-T V ! V ! r . . L f s 1 ' ! i Vs '. .: -t " Sk. . . zzi- Honored queen Miss Nancy Weeks presided at a formal meet ing on Monday at the Masonic lodge in Woodburn. Joining the Bethel by initiation were Miss Psm McMahon, daughter of Mrs. James Hackett. , Miss Lu Anne Wain, daughter of Mrs. Kehne Wain,! charter guardian of . Bethel 33, and Miss Sharon Lee Traux, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merrit Trau. Honored were charter past guardian, Mrs. Kehne Wain: past guardian, Mrs. E. T. Hart well; Mrs. Eldon Cone, charter past as sociate guardian; Elwyn Hill, Miss Sally Tontz, grand representative to the District of Columbia; Bethel SS guardian, Mrs. Norman Fletch er, who Is also Grand fifth mes senger Grand Bethel State of Ore gon, and Eldon Cone, associate guardian Bethel 35; matron and patron of Evergreen Chapter, Eastern Star, Mr. and Mrs. Lief Peterson; James Darby, District Deputy of Grand Masonic Lodge; Gail Wengcnarth, worshipful mas ter of Woodburn Lodge, lot; and Bethed 35 council members, Mrs. Charles Creighton, Warren Pahl, Mrs. Harry Aston, Mrs. R. B. Emmerton, Mrs. Erwin Long, and Mrs. William Morrison.' Miss Weeks announced that a committee was completing plans for the Bethel's Mother's Day din ner to be held Monday, May 7 Senior Princess Miss Lamona Collins announced ber senior princess project will be a silver tea at, her borne, 1965 Grant St. on April 29 between 2 and 5 o'clock. . -'J Wedding gown sketch . . by designer Helen Rose highlights elaborate veil and train of gown Grace Kelly will wear Thurs day in religious wedding ceremony at Cathedral of Monaco. Veil, of silk illusion net, is embroidered wUh rose point lace and re-embroidered with thousands of tiny pearls." Bell-shaped ivory skirt covers three petticoats, one of silk crepe sheath and two of silk ivory taffeta. Veil and gown take up 25 yards of peau de soie, 25 yards of silk taffeta and 100 yards of silk net and 300 yards of val lice. (AP Wirephoto). Tryphena Lodges Fetes Guests SILVERTON Representatives of nine visiting lodges sttended Tryphena Rebeksh Lodge meet ing Thursday night with 115 present Mrs. Elmer Ideen, no ble grand of the Tryphenas, pre sided. Welcomed as a special guest from Iowa was Mrs. Mardis Elbert Amity Rebeksh Lodge made a surprise visit to present Tryphe na with the "traveling gavel". - Capital No. 11 Ladies Associa tion Patriarch Militant of Salem also paid an official visit Thurs day night. Lodges present includ ed Amity, Salem, Grand Ronde, Independence, Hubbard. Moni tor, State of Iowa, Dallas and Silverton. Delegates elected to Grand Ledge at Tillamook in May were Mrs. Bert Peron, Mrs. Walter Larson, Mrs. Elmer Ideen, with their alternates to be Mrs. John Beals, Mrs. Lial McClure, Mrs. Clay Allen. Mrs. Peron was rec ommended lor district deputy of Tryphena. Mrs. Walter Larson, good of the order chairman, gave a talk on the origin of the Three Links used as the Oddfellow emblem. Plans for the April 26 meet ing were announced to Include a program arranged by the men of the order. To serve on the committee sre Clay Allen, S. A. Gay and R. B. Kenwick. Ideal Rebekah Lodge of Turner was invited as special guests for the meeting. Names to the reception com mittee for the meeting were Mrs. Ralph Sears. Mrs. F. Sylves ter; refreshments, Mrs. Nellie Hargraves, Mrs. Forrest Zetter berg, Mrs. Joe Jones, Mrs. Lydia Dawes, Mrs. Francis Giroux; dec orations, Mrs. Allan Foster, Mrs. Lloyd Taylor and Mrs. Dan KuenzL AF BAND IN JAPAN TOKYO ID The U.S. Air Force band arrived by plane Monday for 11 concerts in sevea Japanese cities. n coir. Tissue in It's twice as soft because it's two-ply and made of the softest facial tissue there is! Get Powder Room in lovely colors in the "see-thru" cellophane s 4-roll pack. 4000 stogie sheets, 2000 two-plysl "' Comes ih prefty PoirvderPoom Colors PINK WHITE YELLOW GREEN V Q X' ) A Shade :t jfiamuy ; " alai' ' " i ,M'M . WE GIVE AND REDEEM, UfQGREEN STAMPS -X:M 177 North Liberty I r a . JC . V, yT ' f in 1(f. Ui ' V. Wear It as a Coat or Dress! FAILLE COAT DRESS Easy going fashion . . . Its' a simple 'but lovely dress; makes a stunning costume when It tops a bright spring print: Notched col lar style with comfortable raglart sleeves that end in wing cuffs; flowing four-gore skirt; self belt Navy, beige,, turquoise, red; 10-18. ' 1 ' fASHIONS-SECOND FLOOR w95 (b) x . a.- r .1 m It v 1 It i I - -4 n : f ! - V " Polka Dots for Spring! a Si A' WASHABLE RAYON JERSEY Astonishingly practical Crease, rush, pack Jt . . , jfrlnklei, magically disappear, FLATTERING DETAILS Slim-fitting elastic waistband curves the figure, can he worn without a belt "Pin Dot" . . . pink ,qua, powder with black dots; navy, black with white. 90 Si,., tMO BUDGET DRESSES SECOND FLOOR Mrs. Lauo Will Head Pentacle Players Pentacle Theaters general mem bership elected Mrs. Alfred J. Laue U) be president of tht the ater group for the 1950 season at sn flection meeting held Wed nesday at the borne of Mrs. Laue. Taking their new positions on the executive committee will be Bill Smith, vice pressident; Alfred J. Laue, treasurer: Norms Peter son, secretary; Mrs. George Juba, historian; Fran Fountain and Jim Jiqua, members at large. The group intends to produce five plays during the summer season and rehearsals for the first play will be ready for an opening in early June. Other business of the Pentacle general meeting was tht final selection of a list of plays col lected by the group. The list of forty selections was presented to the three Pentacle directors. Prof. Robert Putnam, Mrs. Murro Ringnalda, and- Carl Ritchie. Professor Putnam and Mrs. Ring nalda will direct the first four plays of the season and Mr. Rich- it will direct the musical comedy at tht end of the summer. Vict President Bill Smith ssid "We hope to have at many new members this seaaon at possible, actors, and those interested in the technical part of the produc tion. Rounders to Dance Salem Rounders will meet Thurs day, April 19 from I to 10:30 p. m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall for their semi-monthly dance. The danct of the month and "Mr. and Mrs. X" will be reviewed. In structions for "Ukelele Lady" and "South" will be given. Other old and new round dances will make up tht program for the evening. NaggingBackacha Sfeepss Nights Mrlm h.lrA ht, r iwlir b nd P.IM may mama wiwIUl rrtr-xf-bo.nMOoui PMtir4ajkUrttrMan4 Inn. Aat folki wh at urf iruk nwwlr Muumo miir aui lMlr irriUMoa If rM m ailambi and won owt bttavM f UwMdiaeomforU. Doan'i FilliofUa kla kr Uwlr paia raliaviac aetioa. ay IMr iomJi. Inff aSMt la aaaa MadW Irrlutlm. ant r IMr mild tkintie actios tkrauii lat kldaajra wnaiiw w iairia UM autut af UM It Kiln af Mwry lulws. 8 if anina- aarkarht aakn roa fatl eatat, miatiaMa. with mtlMi, aiep ka aiffhU,aoatait , try Dnaa'l Pilli, art thm auaf happy rallaf milliaaa havt tajoyat for aver M yaara. A.k for arw, ktrtr, tronoaif aiu aat am aatr, Cat Doaa'i f illi tadaj I Girl of Yr ar Gioncn Members of Alpha Fpsilon chapter of Beta Sigma Phi will attend the annual Founder's Day banquet in Lebanon on April JO. Honor guests at the banquet will be the Girl of the Year, who have been selected from each chapter. Mrs. Robert McLaughlan hat been chosen from Alpha Epsilon. At the chapter's meeting, held at the home of Miss Beverly Leooid, Mrs. Gladys Hcusman vas a guest. Plant were also made for the ex emplar and ritual of jewels de gree. Tht Past Gaardiaat will be en tertained by the 50 year memben of Silver Bell Circle, Neighbors of Woodcrift Friday evening at the home of Mri. Cora Smith, 041 Cen ter St Those having birthdays ia April will be honored guests. The regular tneetUy meellag at the Cherry-ettes Chapter, Refriger ation Service Engineers Society Auxiliary will be held Thursday night at the home of Mrs. Leonard Schwager, 1111 Maple St., ia Dal las at I o'clock. isoo rmorrta. soon eui m rvtmr aooa. 4 RtSTAUaANTl 4 COCKTttl lOUNOtS INCIUOINS BIITMORI OWl ant IKNOUVOUt. atlNUTU TO THUMOH StCDOH... MOUtTSIAl CtNTU: . . TMMINAlt . . tirwArs. to Big, Beautiful ILTMORC HOTEL Lm Angtlm 5th Street, 6th Street OLIVE AND GRAND Wo other starch gives you the Vanq touch that fa... means so much GiTlASIER IRONING! Do away with ... s ticking , . scorching lumping . mixing . . . boiling . . . guesting ...waste J r ''' ff.'.v nh v. 3 ' '' '!X& . , Ik . "l . , i' 'ran. vt . ( inn .'r-rV. Vano Liquid Starch gives you perfect starching every time Concenfroterii One quart of Von makes five quarts for average starching If youVe not using Van o you're working too hard wia.i