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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1956)
A New York Closing Stocks Reported hjr Merrill I.vnrh, Pierre, Fennar and Reane .. I. . in . , liD'a JJi'i .,C4', Admiral Corp .. Al (hem Ik I)y Allied Sirs Allis Cham ....., Alcoa Aluminum Ltd A'n AirlinM .... i Am Can ., 40 Am Cyan ,....7S1i . Am Motors .. 7', , Am Sil Fdry 41', , Am T A T Iia1, ; Am Tobacco ...... SI Am Visco 4I' ' Anar Cupper 711 Armo .... no'', A rmour .. . ... 10", 1 Atrhelnn Top .... In ' Avco ....., 5 ' Rendlx AvI M Rest rnodt ,...,.,i50 i Bih ati mi", Bnelnf Air , M'i i Borden ..... SK', j Br Wiril ............. 4Sa Burvrua 41', I Burro Adding . JT, i rlif Park 44', ! Camph Soup .. 4l, 1 Can Pic Ry ; J4', J Case J I 14', 1 Ceterp Trac ....( 1 Ce linen II', 1 Celotex 45'j f Cerlainteed ........... J Che, Ik O Ry . .:", 1 Chi M Ac SI P 33 J Chi NW Rv JT, j Thl R It Ry 42, iChrvler 71 Cillrl Serv 4, Climax Moly 71 Cliictt Pn . 41 Cora Cola 122', , Collate . 7'i j Com Credit 4, j Comw Fdison . 41', ! Corn Edlton ........ 47', j Container . I Conl Can 1 Cont OH ! Crant Co .. j Crown 7.11 1 CurtlH Wr TV rt 4r Co. - So Dia Match 4J', Tou Air IS', Dow Chm ', Du P de No 2341, 1" 111 am'. JT. 4l. Fait Air 4, Fast Kodak IT. F.I Paio Gaa 45', F.tner Radio . IP Ex Cello as Falrrhlld, roid Motor . o Can Dynamic .. (n Flee Gen Fund, Gen Motora Gon Tir Geo Par Ply Gillet' .. Glldoen Goodrich . Goodyear Grace W n ..... Grt No Ry Grt Wait Suf ... Greyhound ....... Cull Oil H Homeatak M . 1 Inl Harvest ........... lnt Nlcktl Int Papar Johns-Man, Jonaa aVM StL K Kalwr Alum ...... Kennecolt Kern Land ..... t, I.lhby McN LI if Myers LOF Glaaa Iwkhaad Air ..... Lorw l, Inc ln( Rail A Lorillard . . M Munavnt Mann Field ..... MAM Wood Mrck fc Co ..... Mont Cham ..... Mont Ward .... Motorola N Natl Blicult Natl Cah Rc( Nail Dairy ... Natl Dlillil Natl Oypaum Nail Uid Natl Supply , . MS T. . HP, . H "'l , :", .11', . 47', . ;m, . mt .71 . 41 . 44 . Jl'i H 108', . sm, .. m ,131 , ,. 4', ', .51', .. M, , M, ... ,. n ... 17 ... mv ... , . S4, ...51 'a .. 2Bl, .. 45', ...' ...4', Pepil Cola ...Jl'k ph.lp,.I)ortt . . IT", I'hilro toip Ji, Phil Morn, 4t Phil Patrol , V, Plllabury ... ... f) Proc A Gam tea1, Pun 14 p L vi; Purt Oil ... 4I' . 41 Stock Market Closes Mixed 44", .17', J4 .00 4 NY Central 4l, No Am Avli w No Pae Ry NW Alrlln,, .. 0 Olln Math OUi Elav P fibre ....... Pac G At El ..... Pac I Ac T Pan Am Air Panney J C ...... P,nn Ry .. 7'', ... 11', M'i ... M't .. S2', ..1ST ... 1P4 .... M ... M'i Radio Corp Ravonter Ina Rruub an . Refold, Mat Hfvnolrta Tob Richllald O .. Royal Dutch a Rafaway air Rt Jo Uad St L At RF Rv 91' Rt Rail, Papar M Rrhrnlav Ind M'i Scolt Paper ,., Se,ri Rn ... Khell Oil Rinrlalr Oil Hkallv Oil Rocony-Mob Sou Sal fill ... Sou Pac Ry .. Sou Rv . .i. Sparry Rand . Rid Rrand, 41', R'.d Oil Cal lii5( I'd Oil Ind M'i Rid Oil NJ .... W Sludt-Pack ........ I'i Sunray Oil - J1 Hiinihint M I', Svlvanl El 4, win Co 4a, NF.W YORK I - Thf atock markrt rtiovrd Irregularly Mon day in K'lcdive trudini and clourd thoroughly mixed. Railroadi were the malnntay of the niurkft Ihrouehout, and Ihry 37',! got aoma hilp from alrcrafli and at time, from aterli. Individual polnta of itrrnglh appartd In oils and chemicala. Motors, faced with lowered pro duction, were down. Prices ran from around 4 points hiither to I points lower, ' The Associated Press average liar, (of M stock was up M cents at j JIU.20 with the Industrial and util 1 io 1 1 "y components each down 20 Z 14V cents while the railroads advanced $1.00 at a new high since 1921 of 147.50. . However, there were'4M stocks declining and 442 advancing out of the 1.1M Individual Issues trad ed. New highs for the year out numbered new lows 69 to 56. M'i . II - M'i ....57'l J", .11 ... M' ...IIS Taai Co 1.11'i Texa, Cult M', Textron 29', Tida-Aao 4.1 Tranum :m'i Trana Wo Air 14', Twea Can Fox ..... 31', U Union Carb ...1M Union Oil ... 41 Unlort Pac Ry ISO", Unl Alrrraft , Unl Air Una, 3t'i Unl Core Unl Fruit US Plywood US Rubber ,. US Steal W Warner F-tc Waah Water P Wait Air Br ...... Weatrrn Air entern Elec Weatern Union Woolworth . Z Zenith M', .44'i 57 sa', ii .17 'i 31'i .21', . 58 .Jl'i ', 11 Stock) and Bonds Compiled 'kr Tka Anaelatad Pre April IS BOND AVEBAOF.a as is all Indurt Portland Markets Portland Produce Portland Crain PORTLAND Coarse grains, 15 day shipment, bulk, coast PORTLAND I Bulterfat Tentative, subject to immediate change Premium quality, dellv-; delivery: ercd in Portland, 5841 lb; first Oats, No .1, M-lb while 57.50-5800 quality 53-38; second quality 50- Barley, No.2, 45 lb B-W 50.50 S3. Corn, No.2, E-Y shipment .... 68.90 Net chanf .. A I Monday MS Prav. day . M Week aio ...M.I Month ago ..... 1 T Year aio fW ICM High .... Ml l'tvi I ivy M 4 115J Huh .. I 1051 Low SS ITOCt AVIRAtiSS 30 Induit Net chanf . D 1 Monday iftS S Prv. day ...JI9.1 Week ao ...1731 Month aio . S71.S Vear ao ...... 223 I lM High .:75t 1DM Low 144 0 m Hllh .... 157S IMS Low 103.1 Unch Ml Ml Ml 7 J MS all Ml Ml M4 II Rail ai a 147.1 14SI 1437 1437 134 1 141 1 128S 1424 114 ia is inn Fan Unch Dl MS S4 7 MS S4I MS VS0 MS Ml Ml 14 1 MS SB S M0 Ml 100 I MS MS 140 IS M urn atkt Dl A3 Ms ini 14 1 1R8S 14.S IMS 141 lmio 111 IMS 751 ISIS II 171 151 ISI5 47 J 1411 Dow Jones Average Ihvf Stock List Starting Today The RtaleiniB starts publi cation of Its new lint of clos ing New York stork quotations on this page today. The list, almost three times as long as previously used, was chosen as a result of a poll taken amonf this newspaper's subscriber friends. Nat all requests could be met. Rut every request was considered carefully, a ad It la hoped the eipaaded coverage will be of real value. The Iia will remain anrhangrd for a considerable time. The HtatesmaR also has add-, ed Wester iSeeurlljes snd Baaks, Chicago Livestock, Chi cago Butter aad Eggs, Dow Jones Averages and s conven ient Msrkettat-a (ilance feat ure. In preparing Its new stock list, as In other recent market page additions, The fltatesmsn Is very appreciative of the sug gestions received. Your COMPLETE Newspaper Salem Quotations (As or lata yaaUrdayl aUTTF.BFAf Premium No. 1 BUTTla Wholeaalt ' ReUU . Grains Score Board Cains CHICAGO drains rallied brbkly to rloae with suhiUntml gains on the Hoard of Trade Mon day. The rally came alter an curly morning decline of several : cents. ! It was an erratic market close ly tied In with political develop ments. The news that price sup ports ' would be raited on wheat and corn outweighed President I Elsenhower's veto of the farm bill as a market Influence. I Wheat closed 1H-2H higher. corn 2HJ' higher, oats VI1 ! higher, rye I V31, higher, ' soy- i beans i'i-5'4 higher and lard 15 to 27 cents hundred pounds i higher. President Elsenhower said he i would raise price support on basic crops (except tobacco) tn 'I2'i per cent of parity, an action j which has been mentioned as a distinct possibility in thce dis patches since last Thursday. This, Eisenhower added, would insure national support averages of $2 00 a bushel on wheat and $1 50 a bushel on corn. This represents a fairly good boost In the price supports al ready act by Agriculture Secre tary Benson at fill a bushel on wheat and $1 40 6n corn in the commercial growing area. MOMMY ly TKf MOSSLISJ C'4. aw. Vc eW4 T.4VM ha. "Just crocking! Our light bills hovt bctn Urrific lotelyl" - ' . .ti Bona IBoylaf) tWholeaal pnea range from I to 1 rent aver buying prtcl Larg AA : .41 Lara A .40 Medium AA .40 Medium A J7 Small . .30 POI'LTBT Chicago Grain CHICACO (API Chicago grain: NEW YORK (API Dow Jone tloaing tock average,: . High Low Change 30 indu, 512 S3 500. M OflOM 20 rr, 174 07 172 15 UpOM IS utile M57 SSM Up 0 04 45 atock 11 64 17 72 Up 014 Wheat: No bids or offers. Monday's car receipts: Wheat 45; barley 14: flour 20; corn 20; Butter Wholesale, f ob. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 01 UU . 04 afore MIL. D grade, 90 acori, 55i; C grade, wjoats 1; mill feed 16. score, 53. Cheese To wholesalers Oregon singles. 38'i-41 lb; Oregon 51b loaf. 41-44. Portland Livestock PORTLAND -(USDA)-Catlle mar- strong EggS-To wholesalers-Candled jal.ble 2.100; holdover 225; f.w o.i-J a i ijull. ket active, generally steady l.u.u. iniioiiu, ix ...;, ,,i ... , , . .. .. . A medium, 43-46'; A small, jj-, -"' 'lu !""" ' Attaint; nnH uainht c-AnclHprMl nine head high choice 1,217 lb fed steers 21.00; accompanying load I, 29 lb 20.25; nearly dozen loads average to high choice 990-1,230 lb fed steers 20.25-50; few load choice steers 19.50 20.00; good steers 18.00 -19.00; commercial steers 16.00 17.50; light utility steers down U 12 00; load high choice ted heifers 19.50; couple loads choice heavy heifers 19.00; couple loads good-choice heifers 18.50-75; few good heifers 17.00-11.00; light cutter dairy type heifers down to II. 00: canner and cutter cowa Markets at Glance Vli. Eggs To retailers Grade AA, large, 48-51; A large, 45-49; AA medium, 44-49; A medium, 44-48; A small. 36-39. Cartons, 2-3 cents additional. Eggs To consumers AA large, 66-61; A large, 54-59; AA medium, 54-59; A medium, 53-58; A small, 44-49. Live poultry--No. 1 quality, f.o.b. Portland Fryerj, 24-4 lbs, 23; at farm, 22; roasters, 23, f o b. Portland; light hens. 19-20 Port land. 18-19 at farm: heavy hens; 23 Portland. 21-22 at farm; old roosters, 11-14, NEW YORK (API Stock Mixed: rail ahead. Bond Mixed: government lower. Cotton Steady; trad buying and covering. CHICAGO: Wheat Strong: iupport price booated. Corn Strong; iupport price booat ed Oata Firm: up with corn, tioga Steady to weak; top 115 40 Cattle Steer Heady to 25 centa down: top 126.00. Stock, aold were: Railroads 1M OtM. Utllitle, 220.000. Other, ll.tUO.000. Bond' V. S. Governmanla, none. World Bank, none Railroad,, SI 110,000. Other. 13.300.000. Rites Set for Mrs.Lansdon SAN FRANCISCO Wl - Funeral services for Mrs. Caroline Lans don are tentatively set for Wednesday afternoon at the M. r . I- I II . . Dn.t mnA mostly 8.50-10.00, few to 10.50; , funr"' T..V ilZ .h.11. ArA Ia s oa nlililu umsiuero airrxw line, n. WHEAT May July September December March CORN Mav i ; July IS September IS I December 2-1 March .14 OATS - u. a7ostin Jiii!tii ! uly IT V.OIVI UVVill ll,VO Colored Hen , Leghorn Hens , Colored Fryer Colored Roaater Old Rootter (Zllka, Smlther Si Co. Inc.) The, bid and auk quotation rep reient price at which on or mora dealer, member of the National Aaaoclallon of Security Dealer' Inc., would trade with the general puoue at the Urn the quotation, were lathered at I p rn. yatterday: Bid Aiked Calif. -Oregon Power J2' 24',, laired. Plywood ...' Coniol rrelght IP', il'l Iron Fireman l.V l, Jantzen Inc. Com. ...22', I4, Meier It Frank 15', IS., MorrlKon-Knudaen 44, 4 Ora.-Port. Cement ..7 11 Pac. P. cV L. Com. S2' Pope V Talbot 29', 32', Portland Ga, (V Coke 34 34, Port Cen- Ilee 24'i M'a BANKS Bank of America SS' 4l'l Bank of California , 74, 7', Chana Manhattan 47, 4, Flrat National .M' 5S, Flrit N,t. City N Y. . 5' U. S. National , .....IS SO', Investment Trusts iZllka. Smlther Si Co. Inc.) Turkeys-To producers-L 1 v . 1 is 10 b cremated- & "I . , ! rM'; "gM1cuV,t'downbU!oS lS I K! t ! tthiio . au lha m m u 'ew medium-good stock steers a"e w" ",e , . .1 Bid Affiliated Fund 15 Canadian Fund 1 51 Century Sharea Truit ..14 St Chemical Fund 17.40 Delaware Fund .........ll .30 Diver. Invest. Fund ..... S 70 Dividend ' Share 1 82 Eaton V H. Bal. Fund .. 22 34 Gaa Ind 14 01 Group Tobacco 4 33 Incorp. Inveitor WM .1S.7S Key Ct. Fundi B-3 , .... K-l ...1..Z S-2 8-4 higher. Fresh killed fryers to retailers, 58-61; cut up, 62-65. Wholesale Dressed Meats Beef carcasses Steers, choice, 500-700 lbs, 22.00-35.00;, good, 31.00 3.1.00; commercial, 28.00 - 31.0; 28.00; canners and cutters, 22.00- 25.00. Beef cuts (choice steers) Hind quarters, 39.00-42 00; rounds ' 37.00-41.00;" full loins, trimmed, 58 00 - 65.00;. forequarters, 27.00 40 00-45.. Pork cuts Loins, choice. 8-10 lbs, 45.00-47.00: shoulders, 16 lbs lb feeders 18.75. Calves salable 125: market active, steady-strong; choice veal era mostly 25.00-29.00, one at 30.00; good vealers 20.00-2,4 00; commer cial 15.00-19.00. culls down to 7; several lots medium-good stock steer calves 16.00-18 00. Hogs salable 8.V); No. 1-2 butch ers active-50 higher; No. 3 butch ers rather slow and up less; sows steady-strong, instances 50 higher; Salvage Official Wins 25 Per Cent Of Cargo's Value TACOMA I Salvage opera tor Fred . Dcvlne of Astoria has been awarded 25 Dcr cent of the sorted lota U.S. No. 1-2 barrows value of a barge and cargo he and gilts 180-235 lbs 17.50-18.00; salvaged in 1953. Federal judge lew mixea no. i-j iocs wjs-w.uo; Georse H. Boldt heard the ad uu.ucia, . "!,... it- . L..I-I i. IW ' . I... ... icnn oeiwt. vt nn ie J uuitncia; im iu . miraiiy Case nere. iino. i . ion k. it no. butchers 1600; sows 320-480 lbs: The award will amount to ap- It.W, It call liaillBa - Ma W.W i , . , a. - , . an ' l4t.-eV-41.aAr, IIIUJ V IUUOI VW IU BMW pffj All IlCllflJr V1W,WU. 1 1 IVH J 9.50. i showed the barge, owned by the Sheep salable 500; market mod-1 United Transportation Co., broke erately active; slaughter lambs loose from the tug Sea Lion strong with last week s best and went aground on Clatsop Spit, prices; few. sales feeders sharply; near the mouth of the Columbia 47.0. Veal and calves Good-choice, all weights, 32.0-48.00; commer cial, 27.00-40.00. Spring lamb Choice-prime, 40 50 lbs. 42.00-45.00. Lambs Choice, 40-50 lbs, 37.00 4000; good, 34.00-380. Wool Nominal, clean basis, l, blood, 1.0-05 lb; 4 blood, 1.03-08 lb; i, blood, 1.12-18; fine, 1.17-23. Country-dressed Meats, f.o.b. Port rand: Beef-Cows, utility, 24-25 lb; cutters, 19-20. Veal Top quality, lightweight, 35-37; rough heavies, 22-30. Hogs-Best light blockers, 24-25; lean light sows, 18-20. Lambs Good yearlings, 32-35. Mutton Lightweight ewes and wethers, 12-14; rough heavies, 8-10. Fresh Produce Onions Idaho ' Yellows, med, lower; ewes steady; several large lots choice wooled lambs averag ing 100-104 lbs 18.00; on lot mostly choice wooled 17.50; few good choice lots 16.00-17.00, one lot 17.25; small lot good-choice feed ers 13.50; few cull-utility ewes 2.50-4.00. River. She was carrying benzol owned by the U.S. government Nyssa Bridge Closed Down NYSSA, Ore. ( The Nyssa Bridge across the Snake River, showing some signs of age, has , been closed temporarily to heavy 2 25-50; lge, 2.75-3.00; whiles, 4.25- j trucks. , :. V- , u !r UMVS N0-1 Police said weakened rods under 1. 2.2a: Wash. Yellows, lge, 1 85- one side prompted thc limited closure until strengthening can be completed. 2.00 Potatoes Ore. Centrl Russets, No. 1-A, 100 lbs, best, 4.50-75 ; 25 lb paper sack, 1.10-10; 10 lb paper v ., . , ...t ... .. ,K ' l ...r j U2' No. 2, 50 lb sack, 1.50-65; bales , sack. 4j-50, 10 lb mesh sack. 40-,,. ,,',,,,..,. , . w. i, riv ju. a.wjw. iiu. m oi mm, 4.50-3.00; Klamath Rus sets. No. 1-A, 5.00-75; Idaho bales I Russets, 6-10 lbs, 3.25-50; 100 lb sack, .50-5.00, some to jl.25. Hay New crop. No.' 2 green : alfalfa, baled, f.o.b. Portland, 43.00-46.00 ton, some sales higher. TV WW- W IWT4 special A light meter" test has prov ed that G-C tubea and a tune up can make jour old TV bet ter. ''... Call and See for Yourself MITCHELL'S RADIO TELEVISION V seSke 3-7577 We Give 2.1C Green Stamp ' 1I0 Stale St. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bid, will be received by the Board of Education of School Dl- trtct No. J4CJ. Marlon County, Or, on at uie School Admlnlttratinn Buildlnt. 13th St Ferry Street,, Sa lem. Oregon, until May 3. 1954. S OU o clock a. m. PST for construction of Addition, It Alteration, for Mornlns alde Elementary School Buildlnl and will then and (her be opened and nubliclv read aloud. Bid received after tn Um fixed tot opening will not be eonaidered. Plana. pciflcatlon and form at contract documanui my o exam ined or obtained at the offlc of Wil liam I. William,. Architect. 13M N. Capltot Street Salem, Oreon or th offlc of Connell C. Ward. Clerk, School Admlniatrallon Building, 13th St Ferrv Street. Salem. Oreion. upon a depoait of 125.00 lor each aet of document. Attention l called to the bidders nrenualification renulrement of Sec tion M-lftl to 1S-I0S, inc. OCL.A, which mult m filed with th Clerk 10 dav, before data for openln of bids and for which form may be ob tained at the offices named above. No proposals will be considered un less accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check or bid bond (with authorised surety company as surety) made pavahle to the District In an amount of not lass than S of th amount of th bid. Suretv bond will be required In accordance with the term of th contract docu ment. 19 IS 10 92 1921 12 91 10 45 S 10 35 34 Man. Bond Fund ... Mas. Invest. Trust Natl. Sec. Series: Income Serlea Stock Series Pref. Stock Serle I 5 Natl. Div. Serlea 4 National Growth S 40 Pioneer Fund 14 09 Tel -Elec. Fund II U Value una Inc. Fund . S3 Wellington Fund 141 SKI 11.49 Asked 4 65 ' tl I Mil 103 1Z.49 10 S3 3 10 13 90 IS SI 4 7 11 34 WHO II 91 lots 14 10 11.40 I8S Mil 102 I7S SIS 5 41 S99 15.1! 13 21 95 September December RYE Mav July September December SOYBEANS Mar July Seotember November January Opea 135-34 1 0, -AS Ioa-07, 2 I0',.( :u 141',-S, 1 4S,-, 1 45-43', 1 3-3S', 1 3,-2' 2',-4 .M,-4 .S4'i-4 , 43',-M irr 1 25',-M Hi 1.15 i 113,-14', JSS'.-ST, 155-54 141-4' 1.4S, Cloa 1 -31, 10',-', I 10",-, 1 14',-, 111!,-', 1 ., I W,.i, 1 4',.l, 1.4.1' 4-41 14a .I4',-I ..V, .si'.-ai .', ISO 1 v 1.21 t '.-, I SSS..I, 1 59,-4 14a, 111 IimVe TV Production Fields Often the Greenest Chicago Livestock Br EVE STARR HOLLYWOOD STARR RE PORT: There la no pat formula for getting I break and being a success In show business and ev erybody has his own particular story to tell. Seme, how ever, are un usual to say the. least You take Jim Morgan, tar Instance. You've never heard of Jim Morgan, but there's a lot of radio and TV on the air you would never have heard at all if it had n't been for Jim Morgan. And he n Statesman, Salrm, Ore, Tun, Apr. 17, '.(! (Sec. TUESDAY BROADCASTS (Sailer's ): Tka Sialeaaiaa kakll.kea la a4 faltk the prarraM aad llaae, a, pravl,d ar ret an TV atallaat, fcat keaM rt(le Ik prci'ama are kta4 wllkeal ajMirluU tkia iff saaa4 be ' kl far Ike arcaracy kereia ) TUESDAY'S TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS KrTV Tt'ESDAY'S niGHLlCIIT! (CBANNM. 17): lt ce rmw-N'BC Matinee Theater-' In Dread of Winler'-a gov erness. In love with the father of her charge, discover! he la planning to marry another woman. l it a.ns.-Matlnee Theater- Blake of Scotland Yard machine la developed that eliminates the necessity of weapons of war. Start Ralph Byrd and Herbert Rawlinton. I: a.) Circle Theater-"The Case of Col. Petror -a factual VAh Century spy story. 11:1 a.aa.-Nlte Ow'Theater-"8lrange Voyage," wllft Kddi A bert a crew of men sail the coast of Mexico In search of fold. KOINTV TirRDAY I RICHLIGRTI (CHANNEL 1M 1:M .m.-Armchair Theater-"The Numberi": Marshall Thompson, Richard Crane. :N a.m. Navy Log "The Beachcomber : Art elderly beacn comlier directs the successful Invatioa by allied forces In Okinawa. II H p.aa.-Blg Town-Steve and city editor Charlie Anderaoa aet a trap lor an arsonist in "Arsonist" 11:11 p.m.Khowtlme on 8lx-"Kinf of the Bandits": Gilbert Roland, Angela Greene. KLOR-TV TITSOAY'S Mir.nt.lGHTI (CHANN'ITL t!)t li:M M4N-Arternflon Film KestlvU"Th Spider and the Fly" starring Eric Portman. Nadid Gray and Guy Rolfe in a story of spy Intrigue in Paris during Pre-World War I. I;J p as. Cavalcade Theater "The Jackie Jensen Story," Star ring the former V. of Calif, football player and Boatoa Red Sox out fielder in hit own story. II:N p.m"When the Lights Ge On Again," starring Jamea Lydon and Regie Toomey. A marine falls TicUra to amneaia aa the result of a traKM accident. TUESDAY'S TELEVISION CHICAGO (AP)-(UBDA) Hoi 10.. 000; steady to 25 lower; moat mixed trade lots 1 to 1 1SO-I70 lb. butcher 14 71-11 15; around SO head moatly No. I'i SO0-S1O lb. at 15 M; limited volume I and 1 10-350 lb. 1115 14.75; few lot no-ISO . lb. 11.1a- 15 00. ows 117S-I4 0O. v Cattle 11.000. calves 400: steer and heifer steady to 50 lower, cow steaav to za miner: oiner ciusea steady; prime tS-1.350 lb. steer 14 HO IS 00; hih choice and mixed choice and prim steers 21.00-23 00; bulk (hole steer II 25-11 00: hif h choice and prime helfera 2050-21 50: moat food and choice heifer 14 50-MO0; utility and commercial cow 11.15 13.50; few hifh commercial cowl to 14.00: canner and cutters do ll 50; utility and commercial bulla 14 00-14 15; food and choir vealert M0O-M0O; food and choice 171 lb. yearlinf feedinf Blear, 11.71. Sheep 1.500: steady to ti or mora hlfher, food to prima wooled 1am ha 110 lb. down 1 50-21 50; cull to low food lamb 11.00-11.00; alauf htor ewes 4 23-5 M. Channel Chuckles Bt bil keane Chicago Butter-Eggs CHICACO (AP) Butter steady; wholesale aellim nrlce unchneed, AA S3 score 57 13-57 S. A M 5715 171. B SO M 13-54 73 C SS SI 1S-5S 71. Eff steady, wholesale aallinf prices unchanfed to ' hlfher; mini mum SO per cent A extra larfe MS 40. extras medium SS, standard, 34 3S.S. check 3S.S-.1S I vaaMMBaaaaaiaaaaawaaaaBai I On the aide. Jim Morgan la a real estate broker, a Shrtner and TV director for the Advertlalng Association of the West He also la a first vice-president of the Lapidsry Society and goes about the place examining precious atones In his spare time. Produc tion people, I find, sometlmei have far more Interesting careen than the itara themselves. BAD NEWS It never pleasant to report, but facts is still facta. Both "It's Alwiyi Jan" and "Cru sader" have been dropped from the CBS schedule for next sea son, making room for two other new shows which will try to run the same gamut Getting on the air is hard enough, but staying on can be sheer murder. Replac ing "Jan" will be the new Jean nie Carson film series, "Hey Jean nie," with Allen Jenkins and Jane Dulo. It probably won't go Into the aame spot, however, ai CBS it planning to put the new hour-long Herb Shrlner ahow Into the Friday night line-up, OUI kptv. mr m koin-tv. vnr ti blob, xut ii Mil HU MM M:U Tadav Tedaf ITadaa KOI.V Panorama Pa. aaarea Pea Pnorm Pa. iPanarama Pta. Chicago Onions CHICAGO (API Onions: Open Hlfn Low Close 1.4 I K I SO . 1 SO I SO 184 1S5 1S4 IS4 Nov. (OD) Nov. (N) IS 94 January City Obituaries William Anderaoa Late resident of ISO Locust St., In this city April IS. Father of Mr. Cameron H. Farley of Salem. Mrs. Phyllis Clayton of Oswefo, Ore. Ald one frandchild. Private ervlces will b ncld Wednesday. April II at 1:30 pm in the chapel of the W. T. Rifdon Co. Rev. Gerald Emerson will officiate. Mr. Clara loll Eastrldie At 110 Richmond avenue, Salem. April 14. Lata resident of Albany area. Survived by husband, Elmer E. Castridfe, Albany. Dsufhters, Mr. Jean E. Blrrtll. Salem: Mrs. Lula Ladd, Salem. Mrs. Dorothy Gillam. Prineville. Mother. Mrs. A. Stenyem, Stevenavllle, Mont. Sister, Mrs. John Forrest. Stevensville, Monti Brother, John tenyem, Dunimulr, Calif. Ten frandchildren and two freat-srandchlldren. Pri vate services will be held in Vlrfil T. Golden Chapel. Tuesday. April 17, at 10:30 a.m., with the Rev. John Cauble officlatlnj. Interment at Bel crest Memorial Park. The family re quests that flowers be omitted and contributions made to th Cancer Fund, ear pt postmaster. OrvUI Klnfston Hardy Lat resident of S0M Chtrles Ave , at Hannerfian Resort In Woods, Ore., April IS, at th ase of S3 years. Husband of Carrie Ethel Hardy of Salem. Father of ,Warrn E Hardy of Salem. Announcements of aerv Ices later by Howell-Edwtrds Fu neral Home. Jaha Hmhea At the residence, 40 E Vlst v- nue, April 14. Survived by wile. Mrs. velm M. Huirhes. Salem. Datifhter Jarllvn Huihes. Silem. Son, John. Hushes, Jh., Salem. Serv ers will be he d In the V rl T, Golden Chapel, Tuea . April 17. at ?pm. with Dr. Paul N. Pollnf offlc latin. In lieu of flowers rontrlbu lions to the Cancer fund c0 of Postmaster. Lula Mary !nirll Th -Schorrf Dhrtrtc reserves thJ Lat resident of 41 N -Cottsae SW NO MONEY DOWN! Long Term Easy PaymBnts wbea you buy CYCLONE FENCE Dinct From Thi Factory ICIeawit 1-110$ 404) N. L 111 Ave. Paerlaod 14, Ore. , paaaa V-' r- " v l 1h Jl rlfht to reject any or all bid and to waive inrormaiuies. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour et for the openlnf thereof or before award of the con tract, unlesa laid award is delayed for a period exceedln 30 dsys. CONNEU. C. WARD, Clerk April 17, 1S5S s aim .'.Mi-..!! k SERVICt STATIONS, INC. and In this city April 15. at the sue of 95 years. Mother of Arthur e Infer soil, San Diefo. Calif. Sister of James F. Hoslc of Winter Park, Fla., (nd Mr. Zeld Ell Morrow, Roch ester, N Y. Services , will be held Wednesdav. 'April II at 10 30 a m. In the chapel of the W. T. Rldon Co. Dr. Paul Newton Pollnf will offic iate. Baky Jaha Pkllllp Larwlck Ut resident of 3110 Wlddnw Lane, "at a Portland hospital, April 14. Survived by parents, Mr Mrs. LoweJI P. Lerwick, Salem; brother, Alan. Salem: randparenls. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Jornensen, Ren ton, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Tryive Lerwick. Maddock, N. D. Service will be held Tuesdav. April 17. at i n. at Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Bishop W. T. Gaurla of ficiating. Interment Restlawn Mem ory Garden. Direction by Cloufh Barrlck Co. Bosle r. Let Lat resident of 1710 Berry street. April 14. Survived by husband. Mtke Lett. Salem. Three son,. William Let. Portland: Ray Latz of Bend. Or,.; Walter Lat. Salem. One datifh ter. Mrs. Ester Hilton, Salem. Two sister, Mr. Lylia Gardner. Salem: Mrs. Martha Amos, Eufene. Ore. Three brothers, Emanual Fromm, Taeoma, Wash.; Robert Fromm, Canov; Henry Fromm. Eleven frandchildren. . Member of Bethel Baptist Church. Services will he held In th Howell-Edwards Chapel Tues., April 17, at 3 p m. Interment at Brlcrest Memorial Park. Rev. Al bert Wardeen will be the officlatlnf minister. Wllliaa R. Pawer Late resident of S17S Portland Rd at local hospital April is. Sur vived by wife, Mr. Ad Powers of Salem. Several nieces and nephews Services will be held In the Vlrfil T. Golden Chapel Wednesdav, April IS. at 100 pm. Rev. Elmer O. Paul on will official. Interment, Pio neer Cemetery. Glen C. Wade Late resident of IMS Ruge St.. at local hospital, April IS Survived by wife, Mrs Florence Wade of Salem; mother, Mr. Susan Wada ol Bur bank. Calif. Tuneral announcements will be made later by the Virgil T. Golden Co. ..,...,,.. Lala Clin Wltaner Late resident of Rl. 1, Box US. Brooks, Ore . In Sllverton. April 14, I th awe of S3 year,. Mother of Georfe WenriSHvrton-ister. of Mrs. Anna Hynes, Sllverton; 3 frandchildren alio survive. Service will be held Tues. April 17, at I us. in the W, T. Rifdon Chapel. In erment at Belcrast Memorial Park. "I Ihaeghl they decided who the champleas were last October. SinVTaSsf KOINipasH. I KirVjTMia. I rale Tea. Brut Feather Heat feather Kiel BO" Valiant Lady rt ef Llf iSearrk Temaer Outsmf UfM IB fJ!D,M B 0ae Dl Telecwuree rTeleeevn KOIWlAfwieli. ThaatorArmek. ThaateCA War Id TWA Wafld Tmo nKPTV Haen BaeM ! ttlaaae KOIN Rattl . Uwti Rakt. Q. Lawk) lUakletta- pty iLlaklattae FV. BLOKI I Pwk. Intaraat 19 WTVlNaK Mat The NBC Mat The , NBC Mat Tb.NBC Mat The. art 12 r'""1' Tim ,VaW Tym Cn ' CrMk aVLORI Film Fertlval inim Festival Tllm Faatlval STIIna Festlvd 1 -!D,, w UN Mo4- ""'"" ) a Day 'Quae a Day fhlfD" MnX 'Sdft at KlfhtlKdfe at Mlfltt i KLORI Film festival ifllm Fertlval film Faatlval Film Featlval 2vII. Whr' cw"Wnate Caaklnf Mallnea THee, llfaUaea Thea. KOIN KOIN RlUhaaiKOiN Kltchaa i Sink It Rl,h Btrlk It Blek !AiniLdy of Rouaa Ladv e4 Rauee'Lady f Roua ILady W Houaa 3Ty'MtlHW Tfcaa. ,M.Ma Tlaaa. IM.tin. Tl-a. Matlaea Tke. KOIN Carre fun Gm a .... K. j ' iu.w wamiiainaar rnf r BLOB! Elisabeth Elltabelh fuk. Int Puh, htmet " Ca" n terral (Harper Jaanh. Harwar-s Jamk. BLQBlKuhla. Fran Dal, Wawe tCawbay O-MtCawoay CM., 5 imNiUli" m"' i""4' t-4' ' Ddr w BUIN ndj Duaala MmA n.,..i.. m n . .... - li ns'.. .. : " -a awsuaf MnrnV Itliri ...t .U. -r aaauaa rslr,y Maua IMteka Maoaa auik.. u-. act lar April M. will have as Be' t !'',w Citrl N.w Cwtral inte aty rTnt. itiT guest stars the tany team of OH s7o;,M,, w iNas Tuae Manx Tum aea aad Johnson, who haven't - prw.aa iSuperm.k iaP-t,, ww1. Wfgata. n w done any television In the Hat 7 KPTyl, I Jaha aiivwr i DinaiTah.- n Tr 1-7 five ,..Th. .how will he In,' KOIN as..eoi qu Uesa IjZ K iT .rZ CST.. the nature ef a salute to their 40th anlveraary la show baa- laeaa. (CoDVnetit ISM. . General feature Carp.) KVAL TV, V1IF 13 got his sUrt, If that's the word, by buying a radio company. A successful fashion designer in 1932, he sold out when the de pression came and bought a radio company. Had his own studios and packaged showi to sell to stations. Two years later he went over to CBS and produced the Tom Brenneman shows, the first Ralph Edwards shows and the initial Art Llnkletter shows. -Then he Joined the Raymond R. Morgan company in Holly wood, a situation which caused and is still causing vast con fusion, Jim Morgan being no re lation whatever to Ray Morgan. While there he produced and managed a brand new show, something called "Queen For a Day." You may have heard of it A year ago. bored with "Queen" after all those years, he Joined producer Don Fedderson and or ganised another brand new show DOENIi aVAL-TY .Ckaaaal II iTaasaarfi s ee a ea. stop, Laoa at Jsten: l:IB it'a Fun ta Reduce: l:S0 Feather Your Nest- :a Matinee Theater atari Kenny Baker, Patricia Morrteoa and Iran Para, with Bellta, Prick and Frack in a romantic musi cal on lea. "Th Silver Skate,:" 4 :IS Modern Romance; 1:1 4 SO Data: Bif Roundup; 1:41 Th News; I: Sport Headlines; 1:45 Wealher Report; : Movie Mu cum; S:IS Th Lilt I Rascals; 1:3 Industry en Parade: 4:44 Th Road to Adventure; 1:0 Famou Plavhous with "Prtly Pollv;" 1:10 -Th Man Called X; lae-Th Mar tha Ray Show; I: Fireside Thea ter With Jane Wyman In "Th Paat Ia Always Present." I:N Dt. Hud son's Secret Journal; I: Play. wrisnis a with Mary Asior starrlnf In "You and Me and the Gate post;" II: Special Feature!! pre aenia movia, mmao romics. KOAC, 550 k.c KLOK Career ua. rrruat Wlf ITrual Wifa ICarwrf - IWtrrwr Bra. I Warm nm. t?X " "h" "W Pf LH BLOBIWarwaf Brwa. (Wamae Brwa. Wv.H I.r. lw.. KSm - ' JCt4 1 (Red Ikdvaa) 7-. C,T" C'l Tkart n"itt?. ' """"'" IWW-AAO Baa'f'WW.AAW B'j BLOB. H VI - "! " ' - a ahrtl.. ajaj au.uf. Hmtw Th, irw twa Th. H'satw Th M'm'tw. Thaa. TUESDAY'S RADIO JiJjry5iojno ATiLV or rao mhTt a r"iT" 1 BT Ms ta1ak...l " V TTT. T-r- . - "T. v iri Kix J; low HI Oaoi a: farm Nawa Hrbw u AIM .T . . . KOW Hac Harrier ai.... V-..- Newa-K Tim Ke. Time'" SIM Hemlnfway KOCO tarly Worm BGAI Brk-Naok OIIX KOIN KlocB ROW Listen SIX New, 7 Brkf'at Mao KOIN Ktock Listen Keep Tim SLM Cliff Enfl raak f.anf Break Gakf SI',a.Wtr" Ir" Brk Naok Brk Nook Headlin New (;M New . ILiatea I Listen nm P rim Family Alia Nenk-Nawe KOIN SUeek ILlitea Kea Time New Rarly Warm Jsook-New Babbit aha IFIah Rot Keep Tim KOAC (Tue.dajr): U N .m-Th News and Weather; 1:1 Especially for Women; 14:14 OSC School of Home Economic; 11:)) Orefon School of th AtrTh Boy Net uoor: lauuonT awimminl Hour ll:lJ-The Concert Hall; :-Th New and Weather; H IS p m Noon Farm Hour; I: Melody Lone; I IS Oreron School of th Air Tn News Watch: l ie T.uett Star; 1:41 Readlnf for Fun: I : Opeclally for Women Aim Hleh: "Health and Safety;" t:M Memory Bonk of Music: 1:45 Oregon School of the Air-What's That Word? 1 Ore son Reporter: IIS Music of th Masters; 4:H Poetic Patterns; 4:1a On thc Upheat: 4:45 Broadway Showtime: 1: Children' Theater; 1:1 - France al Work: I M Tn New snd Weather; (:! Tom Rob erts, Onanist: l:a Window on th ,li1t1" "P TM7ru,,t "" v;MHuowucrr ii, Your Wife?" an la already In ' Chechoslovakia; l l Current Ivrnte the top tea shows In most of the jn,r",l0"v, Mu'c J"! En- . ., . durrs . S:45 Evenlna Meditation rating systems. Jim directs It. I Wesley Foundation; IS:gi,n Off. DAILY CROSSWORD,, ACROSS 1. Sw ay about loosely 5. Father ichild's term I 9 Shut 10 Commun in Italy 12 Uft 13. Vegetables It. Belonging to us IS. Tassigewiy between eata 1 Gift 19. Roman pound 21. Devu for - DOWN 1 Ground wheat I. River iFr. 3. Beaat of burden 4 Cherished animal 8. Uncertain Fruit drinks 7. Part of a telephone t Heats, aiglasa Mince 11 East by otith labhrl IS, Emmet ... fJz::tFrt:il:frc3 err SKIN ITCH? First applications of Zemo a doctor's soothing antiseptic ..l: t.k .a ... .L,. . . J icalp Irritations. Zemo stops Muscle rMK01Q Pa,n EGYPT, BEDS INK PACT CAIRO, Egypt of Egypt and Communist China have signed an agreement for a cultural ex change. A Red Chinese cultural delegation has been here for a month. Thei, two countries also have a long-term trade agreement. FAST RELIEF for ftejoseptj y.SPlRiSi ; roo taiuts or launching an 17. Begone airplane from a ship J 4 T peat ry 27.- bomihr- '"g 41. Slave 30. Tuely labbr.) 31. Cuy in Erg land ( pot 4 , 33. Manufac turing city I Vt. 1 . 38. Extinct bird (N.Z.) ' " 39 Goods sunk ' at sea attached tn a buoy 40 Talkativ 12 Man's nam 43 Fencing swords 44. Malt beverage 43. Sailors tBriL) 11. On living In th east 20. Pig pen 22. Fence pole 23. Per onal pronoun 24 Per-form 25. Pieplant 24 Sun rod 29 Rlvr flowing into English Chnnel 32 Live rol 33, CarmenU - 34. Speak a 'I teslerdal's Aataee 3 Chill and fever - 37. Central of speed 39 Pound lahbr) 40 Obtain . 41. Th wtllaba iBral) L is j j; WlllZ'MIZZ zr1 w I I wWtt, flSWO W.lly, tipt, Urlv War.. if., . iv" ,5" ",v" ili ?onuro N wVn New fKOW Listen ni.i.. Keep Tim Keep Tlma 91 SI.M New Boorl uab Bplder-Hit Kraft New Early Worn, Mioer-riil, Shelle? faarmds k.ii.. . Time fhwe P"tars Call Barfaln "" cany Worm lEarly Warm is u...u... r..'l' . . . I'-Ilea I Listen M---ZZZL "rrtrtjaulBr Cluk 1- " f I wi 19- i afftaj - !'.,y;"sEBrta lm Tun at ; ' "".k W rt Coffe. Tim. OROIN Road of Llf M Parkin RtiW Weekdav Weekday SEX Kay West Bob Usrred asm Tun Teal 1 "L Tun Teal Tun Teat SU C a- .... 1 bSab bTnV;r,--..,rr.I?,,J,.! . Tun. SI ROIM Mr Burtoa Aunt 11,. ! rTj1.''' Weekdav sv ' " Cirl Maine iWhlaa'r Bt. aa ta ar.- . " " " 1- Lilian r. mr ntW To Trad- BOCO World rfaw. MldU., UxM, ll" bwi ntwi Lunchin Uuiie.kiTi.M. ' Sng Win, or !,,,"" HoUyw d Calg Hits-Nw Dr Maloa Culldinf UfM Weekday Weekday rru. story True Story ay iMn mr"Dsy" IROIM SOW BIS T. th. Lediet wall Disney 14 Tuae ti Hita-New Auat Jenny To the Lad la Paul Harvey VallFarW.j4 Midday Must ... roaaer n.w croaby Cn Putn.m Ferns Na-a New Croeby aaBOIN M.cleodN.wt Fom. r..T V.1" Luneh-New, ii0.? or-p-v Lw;r,;..1.,so.r.r:r,' sow New-sp'. . Wid . 1 . i Ja.fT.y Newt a. ea aiwws BV am Mm lar . 1 1 a a . a"OW McAnul Mu.le bva...i sj..... V.0??-'!,wA ."M u ld Baa I ...... u . aiCAOUI. asuiic usttBlnf IX Newi-Lonraa iHua conria Ruaa loor.ri a... r.. BSI.M Wlllam. Mat LO New-8puria I? Bus Lonrtd I Wlllam. Mai" wni u.i Ashln-lm knot r.. a...j t LV"" larlor-riew ajfltOW McAouity Mu klcAnully Mu mus M-Aeftv a Nwt-Conrad Bus Conrad Rum Conrad ' tSI.W Fulton Lwl Hemlnfway 4(110 New,.Sport Clnn tnf Pat's Parlor Pali Parlor iOlM Kirkham New tddi litner n,,w, nui-nrnn iiv HULHraH lls U....U.. . u... .. . . . HX New. Biarkbc Bab Blackburn Bob Blackburn Bob Bltckbura 5KSI.H Bob It Ray Bob It Ray tub Cms Rlil-a.ura " aoip N.w,-Spo.u Slow Orivi ii Onv. Wall?! XtTta .Ow"ri'BnVu'Si5 I""" Traffic "ambr. ftt.'oH ?! News BUckba Bab Blackburn Bob BlerkVrn ,Bb Blackb'ra , r "ih- Dinner Concl Sam Hare ""V.? tHirts-Nw Cndlllhl Candlalleht .ahn.l Heater Uwell ThomasiAmos a And Amea a And 4 Bun Canrad Tello Tt Fake Thirty Mua-MrAalry Ruaa Conrad Hera t Anwe Sam Rayee Clann Clartn Pal Parlor Parlor-New New Air New af Ale 6 7! 9 oin r Atrn I Riino I biu Mmm ta l. D i . r. ' " r" ,,r'w nan;! icvrraj nmngwv fZ BnblackbjrniBob Jlackb'rnjBob Blackb'rajBob Blackb'ra ireaa. Aft. Trees. Aft. - Music Music aoCO News-Sport dUIN Melodv CW Chet Hunlle a Bill Stern RSTm Show" Tunes HOC O News-SoorU KOIN Jk Carana .(,W World New SIX Adkma Snow Rhvt'm a. Blue, ftuvthm-Blue Rhvihm-Blue Melody iBlnf Croaby Uohn D4lar Henry Taylor ' Drafnet Drafnel jBob Carred iVindercook BobAdkln Show Tunaa Whutlin' Tunas Whlatiln' Tunat Rhyth.-Bluee iBhyth.-Blua 'tRhyth.-Blin Jack Carson .'Suspense jauapense One Man s Ft I Dance Tim. IVane T.m Adklna Show Bishop Sneea Bishop Sheea ,SI.M News Musle l4weet A Swim Sweat aVSwiiu, KOfO Nevis-Snort Track 1S0 Track ItMl Track 1490 HOI Sevareld Son Jeeo ICampalfn H 1 Bellv S(.W C.iselle McKcn IGlselle MrKen. I landwaaon Bandwafon Srx Adkins Show lAdktn, Show IJImmr Fidler Fdw P Morrt Fulton Lewis Brotherhood I int o News-sport ' Track 14S0 SOIN t Star Final Mne Oar.W Rlrhfld New p,Br Tim RFX Newt Danceland Woody Show Silent Music Mldnlta Dance Tim Dariceland Iftl.W Wnndy Show KOCO New,-iport BOIN Naw,-Mneie Dance Tim Danceland Iariw aaa New, Rn'rt, HlU'es Camput Chttt 'Camaut Chart Gc-1 Cveninf Good Kveninf Dane Tim. Dane Tim. Danceland Danceland 'oodyShgw Waody Shaw Mutle Midnlt Mulle Miditlta Dance Tim. Danea Tim. tJanreland Danceland