The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 17, 1956, Page 10, Image 10

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    17), frm, Ore., Turs., Apr. 17, '36
Up the Prospects
JCZW YORK Outsider Carl FariHe. left, aid catcher Ray Cam
aaaetta, two veteraa stalwarts of Um world ckamploa Brtoklya
Dodgers, aaaae durlig eattlag practice Monday at EbbcU Field ta
disease tba 1M mum watch taey tpca Taesday afalaat Philadel
phia. The Cadgers, who waa their flnt warn tnie la IBS.
kca selected ay saaay experts ta repeal as Natiteal Leagae caaaa-
(AT Wlreahete). .-
Sublimity Downs
Serra Sabers 8-7
SUBLIMITY (Special) Ser
ra bad a eevea-rua leeond in
ulna hut SL Bonlfaca scored it
lent once ia enry Inning except
tha flrat ta nip the vUitinf Sa
ber, $.7, la Data
ball (i ma her Monday.
Larry Western wu tba big
winger for Sublimity, belting a
tw(Ha triple. Allen Sell also bit
Serra'i Bob Rishki hid a per
fect day at the plate with three
singles Jn three trlpi. Grew
Steiner hit two alnglea ia four
timet at bat for Serra. ,
Serra 070 000 07 7 3
Sublimity ....011 222 -8 S 3
Schmitx, Wernill (4) and For
eler; NuneU, Genpacker (3) and
Brooklyn Obtains
Fielder for Bevos
. BROOKLYN Wl - The Brook
lyn Dodgers told catcher Charley
Thompson to Kansas City Mon
day for outfielder Tom Saffell.
pitcher LeRoy Wheat and an un
announced sum of cash. Saffell
foes to Portland of the Pacific
Coast League and Wheat to the
Dodgers' St. Paul farm - in the
American Assn.
Saffell. 32. is a leflhanded hit
ter who batted .in In 73 games
at Pittsburgh and .ils la nine
games with the A's ia 1955.
Pettit Heads
Pro Cage Club
NEW YORK fl - Bob Pettit of
the -St Louis Hawks, the league'
leading scorer, beaded the Na
tional Basketball association's 1851
all-star team announced Sunday.
The team, chosen by a vote of
sports writers and sporUc asters
throughout the circuit, also incluo
ed two members of the champion
Philadelphia Warriors, Paul Arizin
and Neil Johnston, and a duo of
Boston Celtics, Bob Cousy and Bill
Sherman. .
The second team featured the
appearance of Maurice Stokes of
Rochester, the third first-year
man in the NBA's ten-year history
to be so honored. Stokes also was
named "rookie of the year."
Joining Stokes on the second
team were Ad Schayes, Syra
cuse; Clyde Lovetjette, Minneap
olis; Slater Martin, Minneapolis,
and Jack. George, Philadelphia.
henry's desk VHirE w".70 Q
I "77 y x C4N use ,
I DID HBP) i&CU)S Business-vGrPr
I 4.7 J? WllTV. - 'P?
" I
Bigger Stadium Picked,, . .
Majors Slate
'53 Flag Winners
Expected to Repeat
(Contiuoed from preceding page.)
rasquel and Jim Busby formerly of
the White Sox. will be playing for
the Indians and Larry Dob?, ex-
Indian, will be in center with
rookie Aparicio at short for the
Sox when Bob Lemon (18-10) faces
Billy Pierce (15-10). Comisky Park
estimates call for 30,000 custom
If the expected crowd of 45,000
turns out at Detroit it won't see
too many changes in the Tigers
snd Kansas City A's. Manager
Bucky Harris of the Tigers final
ly settled on Reno Bertoia at sec
ond haul anH Manseer mi ftnti.
dreau of the A's shuffled his gang
to put Hector Lopex on center and
Jim Finigan on third while bring
ing back Spook Jacobs from the
minors to play second bate. Alex
Kellner Ul-J), who, usually starts
for the A's, opposes Frsnk Lary
Baetee Picks SaUWaa
The Red Sox will have Malxone
at third and Buddin at short, a
complete new left side of the In
field, when Frank Sullivan (18-13)
faces Baltimore's Bill Wight 6-1)
before 20,000. The Orioles have
made few changes, bringing up
Tito Francona from Vancouver to
play the outfield and putting the
veteran Bobby Adams on second
Brooklyn's world champs will
be at home for the first half of a
twin opening Tuesday in Brook
lyn and Thursday in Jersey City.
Neal will be at second and Don
Newcombe (30-3) pitching at Eb
bets Field against the Phillies'
Robin Roberts (23-14). It will be
the seventh straight opener for
Roberts, stsrtinf in 1150. tvine
him with Bobby Feller of Cleve
land among active pitchers. The
Phils are the same ball club with
Ted Kazanski. the $100,000 bonus
shortstop, now playing second.
Dodgers officials expect 25,000
Two New Managers
When Pittsburgh's Bob Friend
(14-1) faces New York's Johnny
Antonelli (14-10) at the Polo
Grounds, two of 'the three new
managers make their debuts
Bobby Bragan or the Pirates and
Bill Rigney of the Giants. The
Giants will have Daryl Spencer at
second base and the Pirates will
show Bobby Del Greco in center.
Curt Roberts on second snd Kra
vits catching In changes from last
year. Most of the crowd of 25.000 than 100,000 fans. Yankee Stadl
will be out to see Mays perform 1 urn's maximum capacity is 74,000.
tor ine uiants.
Freddie Hutchinson, the other
new manager, will stsrt Vinegar
Bend MiseU -) for his St. Louis
Cardinals against the Redlegs'
Joe Nuxhall (17-12) before 30.000
at Cincinnati. Mizell, returning
from Army service, Is expected
to bolster the weak Cardinal
pitching staff. The only Cincy
rookie is Robinson in left field.
Hank Sauer, ex-Cub, will be the
Cards' newcomer in left
Grimm Chaages Order
Manager Charlie Grimm shook
up bis batting order to lead off
with Danny O'Connell and
dropped slumping Bill Bruton to
seventh for Milwaukee's home
ThcyH Do It Every Time ... . By Jimmy Hatlo
Lebanon Wins
iTriansle Meet
U i . -Centra
Clone 2nd,
Dallas Takes 3rd
Tiro Refs, No Disqualification . o
One of Matchmaker Elton Owen's infrequent triplo tag team bat
eroved too tls is to climax things on tonight's Armory wrestling card, and as
" Li II . i. ..V... 1 L. . 1- - . I ...
Army-Irish Football
Game at Philadelphia
NEW YORK u-The 1957 Army-Notre Dame football game, renew
ing a colorful rivalry after ten years, will be played in Philadelphia's
municipal stadium, the superintendent of the V. S. Military Academy
said Monday
Lt. Gen. Blackshear M. Bryan
made the announcement after a
conference with Mayor Robert
Wagner of New York and George
Weiss, general manager of the
New York Yankees baseball club,
on the prospect of bringing the
event to Yankee Stadium.
Greater Reveaae Eyed
General Bryan said he "reluct
antly" had to choose Philadelphia
over New York because of great
er seating capacity and the pros
pect of greater revenue.
The game is scheduled Oct 12.
The next game la the bome-and-home
series if slated Oct. 11,
1958. at South Bend, Ind., home
of Notre Dame.
Municipal Stadium,- which for
the past several years has been
site of the annual Army-Navy grid
extravaganzas, will seat more
Classic League team results:
Frank's Produce 4, Riches Electric
I. Boyce Team 3, Salem Hardware
1. Smaller Oil Co. 3, Barbs Sport
ing Goods 1. Crown Prince Bowl
ing Shirts 3. Double Cola 1.
Ramages Beverages 4, Hartman's
Jewelers 0.
High team aeries and game,
Frank's Produce 3059 and 1083.
High Individual Series Don Lebold
frtntle rrnlii0!!1 'it U of Frank's Produce 174. High In-
t Z?xL "n,J!i2?. n1 'dividual game Tony Prudent of
out to see Lew Burdette (13-g) of ... r ,J
PSC Topples
Pioneers, 4-3
the Braves battle the Cubs' Bob
Rush (15-11).
22 Persona Register
For YMCAolt School
Twenty-two persons have hew
enrolled for theYMCA Golf School,
which gets underway in the Y gym
on Friday night, at I p.m. and
registration is still open to other
persons who may be interested,
Dale Dykman, physical director,
said Mondav.
PORTLAND I - Gene Lansing Directlne the ellnlr 1. n,i,.
scattered 10 hits as he pitched ; Mason, orofesslnnal t r.u
Waltons to Hear
Report on Frolic
Reports on the outcome of the
Spring Frolic will be presented at
the business meeting of the Salem
chapter of tha baak Walton
League Wednesday night. The
meeting starts at I pin. in the
dub House, Ml 1 Cottage street.
! A Socony Vacuum picture titled
fin the Beginning" will be shown
during the meeting.
, Members are invited ta bring
guests to the meeting.
Portland State to a 4-3 baseball
victory over Lewis snd Clark in
a non-league baseball game here
The winners scored three runs
In the fourth Inning, with Lonnie
Harris' 350-foot homer the-blg
Club, and his assistant Paul Sun-
The school will be held each Fri
day night through May, and is
cpen to all men, women and chil
dren over 12, who accomoanv
Smalley Oil Co. 244.
Other high scores: Tony Pru
dente (31, Jay Gould 62), Hal Corn
stock 640, Bob White 636, Frank
Walton 636.
UB MO League team results:
Ripp's Service 1, Repine Paint 2.
Team No. (,-, Team No. S, 1.
Kannier Motors 0, Chuck's Service
3. Nameless Food Market 3, Cad'
well Oil 0. Simmons Fuel Oil 3,
Taggesefl Pontiac 0. '""
High team series and game, Sim'
mons Fuel Oil 2652 and 015. High
individual series and game, Vern
Luks of Simmons Fuel Oil 569 and
Other high scores: Sam Blischko
of Nameless Food 233-559.
WSC Victor
Over Vandals
MOSCOW, Idaho - Washing
ton State College took first in 12
events Monday to defeat the Uni
versity of Idaho 14-S9H In i
Northern Division track meet.
The Cougars had two double
winners, Joha Mldtbo who took
firsts ia the mile and two-mile
events, and Floyd Richmond who
won both dashes.
The meet, held under a cloudy
sky with a brisk wind blowing,
produced no new records.
I0O I. rioyd Richmond. WSC. 1
dry. Idaho. 1. Shtm. Idaho. 10.0.
9301, flnyd Richmond. WSC. 1.
Haitrty, WSC. J, Hy, WSC. 81
440 I. Bob Duncan, WSC. 1. 01
on, Idaho. 1 Bwhl. WSC. SOI
MO1. Gent KnfUih, WSC. S. Z.
ten. WSC. J. Grlbtwn. WSC. 100.1.
Mil 1, John - Mldtbo, - WSC t.
Johanaon, Idaho. S, Klrchnar, WSC.
4:18 7.
120-low hurldn 1, Pat Toomay,
WSC. X, Church, Idaho, i. Kirk, WSC.
lM-hlsh hurdlta-1. Xlnf Kirk.
W5i. x. nrown, ws(. I. .Toomay,
WSC :15 .
Two-mlla 1, John Mldtbo, WSC.
i, naaar, wax., i, mtzaa, wax..
Javalln 1. Paul Hanaon. Idaho, t,
Danny. Idaho, i, O'Brien, WSC. 1U
fret aa incbea.
Shot put i. Burl Grinols, WSC. I.
Brown. WSC. 3, Kramer, Idaho. (1
leet S inches.
Diacua 1. Frank Brown, WSC. S.
GnnoU. WSC. 1, Nealey,' Idaho. Ill
leet S inchea.
Pole vault 1. Jerry Kenaiton,
WSC. I, Duffy, Idaho. 3, Preedy.
WSC 13 feHt.
Hiih Jump-t Vie Preedy, WSC.
1 Manlrkt. WSC. 1. Garv. Idaho,
and ftieb. WSC. leet 11 Inrhet.
Broad Jump 1, Larry Church, Ida
ho, i, Bauscher, Idaho. 3, Gary, Ida
ho. 21 feet S'l inchea.
Milt relay I, Idaho (Dennr. Jo
hanaon, Bauscher, Olson 1. 3 M 0.
Tm HAND two
am anc Kaucrao
tJM-Mjnaan bxtra wa-
Twa saw LBNerm c unb aa-
os cAarata aaa anp ptsTANca.
Opens Card
MONMOUTH - (Special) - Leb
anon'a overall strength, especially
in the field event
much Mondav as the Warriors won:" himself puU it.
a triangular track meet here with
Central and Dallas. Lebanon scor
ed 694 points. Central was close
behind with M and Dallas trailed
with 17H.
Lebanon won seven first places.
including the 180 relay. Central
had six first places and Dallas
Jim Travis was a double winner
for Central, taking the 100 and 200
yard dashes. Patterson was an-1
other double winner, grabbing the
shot and javelin honors for Leba
In the jayvee meet, Lebanon!
was far stronger and won with M
points, followed by Dallas with 35'
and Central with IS.
The summary:1
H. H ' 1st Cobat (L). 2nd Lovelace
(Cl, 3rd Deihon (Dh 4th MrCormack
(Di. Mark: HI . '
100: 1st Travis (C). Ind Stavanf
(Ll. Srd Morton iLl. 4th Ouirlne.iDi.
Mark: 10 9.
Mile: lit Wilcox L), Snd Crane
(Cl, 3rd Cororker (Ll, 4lh Dadey
Iripb Toq Strcmihb
In Top Armory Spot
(Ll. Mark: lit
440: lat Nelson (C).
2nd quiring
(Dl, Srd Canoy (L). 4th rromheri
marit: i.
L, H : 1st Lovelact (C). 2nd Place
(Ll. Jrd Cobal (Ll. 4th Daahoa, 1D1
Mark: 2J.1.
S30: lat Travis C), 2nd Stavanf
(Ll, Srd Martin (L), 4th Cutaforth
(Cl. Mark: 21.1.
SaO: lat Scranlon (Cl. Snd Iniram
(Cl. 3rd Fast (Dl, 4th, Dadey (Ll.
Mark: 2:111.
B. J : Brand (Cl. Snd Martin (Ll.
Jrd Place iL). 4th Lovelace (C).
Mark: 20' lis".
Vault: 1st Place (L). 2nd Brents
(Cl, Srd Nelson (Cl, 4th Kiel Baiter
(Dl and Plunket iL). Mark: 11' S".
H. J.: 1st (tlai Bovlt iCl and Bar
ton (L), Jrd I tie I Peterson lC and
Nelson (Cl. Mark: I 4V.
Discus: 1st Stevahn (Ll, Snd Glei
bracht (Dl, Jrd Bond (Cl, 4th Boyle
(Ci. Mark: 214'.
Shot: 1st Patterson (Ll. 2nd Bond
(Cl. Jr Dixon (Ll, 4th Nash (D.
Mark: 41'.
Jav : 1st Patterson ILl, 2nd Nash
(Dl. Srd Bond (C). 4th Allen (Ll.
Mark: 141' ',".
Relay: 1st Lebanon. 2nd Central.
Jrd Dallas. Mark: 1:41 J.
i f :
Irish Jack O'Reilly, above, goes
against BUI Fletcher la the open
ing mis ta tonight's Armory mat
card. Triple tag team battle Is
U cap prtgram.
Heavies Slate
Portland Mix
Orioles Make
Field Shorter
BALTIMORE l - Memorial
Stadium, one of the largest in
either major league, will have Its
center field shortened from 430
to 423 feet by the time the Balti
more Orioles return for their
home opener Friday. .
The surprise decision of gener
al-manager Paul Richards said
the club gave "faster, better and
more Interesting baseball for the
fans" as the reason for movini
the center field fence 2ii feet clos- NEW YORK - Pint-sired' LOS ANGELES - The Port
er to homeplate. ' Miguel Berrios of Puerto Rico fin- land Beavers Monday optioned ruption in connection with boxing
not a single home run has been : umea wnn a nourish Monday . leithanded pitcher Berlyn Hodges in Illinois.
hit over the center field fence night to gain a split lp-round de-: to Pueblo of the Western League. The grand jury reportedly qur
since the Orioles rejoined the cision over Bobby Bell of Youngs-! Hodges, s Vancouver, B.C., resi- ied Walcott about his first round
American League two years sgo.ltown, Ohio, in a fast and action- dent, won 16 games and lost 5 and knockout by champion Rocky
Only 57 homers were hit here , packed televised fisht at St. Nich- had a 3.04 earned run averaae for Marclano in ChiCano Stadium
last year; 42 In 1954 the lowest jolas Arena. Berriors weighed 127: Eugene of the Northwest League three years ago. He reportedly
number of any park in the league. i, Bell 125'j.
Gup Contender
Being Built
blow. A Lewis and Clark error let Par",t; A. regulation '
ui i ao wui oe cnargea an non-Y
Clubs will be furnished to all
those persons needing them. Ad
ditional information may be ob
tained by calling 3-9117.
in the deciding run in the sixth
PD State 000 301 0004 S 3
Lewis It dark 100 010 010-3 10 0
Lansing and Harding; Diddier,
Morris (7) and Woods, Wilkins
ALBANY (Special) The Al
bany High Bulldogs and Lebanon
Warriors meet here Tuesday aft
e r a o o B for a district baseball
game, starting st 3:30 o'clock.
Ex-Major Leaguer
Dies From Attack
L. Pucclnelli, 4S, former major
league baseball player, collapsed
and died Monday at the Harding
ranc golf course.
Puccinelli played for the St
Louis Browns and the Philadel
FT. LEWIS Wl - A possible
contender for this year's Gold Cup
and Seafair hydroplane races is
under construction here. .
A 36 foot unlimited class hydro-
nlan nnmeH ''Faer-inatinn " i
ChliS Battalion of Repine Paint , koine- huilt at the fnrt hnhhv home
plckedup 3-710 split. New highly 26-year-old Pfc Bob Gilliam of
seasons team series scored by
Simmons Fuel Oil with 2632.
Capitol Commercial No. 1
team results: Salem Auto Parts 3,
Lawless Masons 1; Rswlinson'i
Laundry 4, Salem Steel L Sup
ply 0; Knights of Columbus 4,
Orval's Used Cars 0; Woodry'i
Furniture 2, Valley Oil 2: Artz's
Studio 2, Nicholson's Insurance
2; Spinner's Five 3, Goldie's 1.
High team game, Salem Auto
Parts, 1,000; high team series,
Knights of Columbus, 2,860; high
individual game, Harry Ober
man (Salem Steel) 239; high in
dividual series, Vern Perry
(Woodry's Furniture).
Commercial League No. 2 learn
McMinnville. Ore., the public in
formation office announced.
Gilliam, a veteran of 13 years
of boat racing, is Instructor at
the .hobby house boat building
Uses Allison Engine
The boat, about half completed,
will be powered by an Allison air
plane engine. Gilliam said he al
ready has two Allisons, one to be
installed and the other for s spare.
Marhen Whips Valdes
For 13th Win in Row
Eddie Machen strung up his 13th
straight victory Monday night
nhia Athlntifa alvuit 14 vnara n nn
I results: Tip Top Tovern 0, 1st with a surprising unanimous dec!
. " ... V.H...I D.-l. 1 t(..i:. t a , t: ti. u .L. u.
Pacific Coast tiiiiv v. mat mi iius. , nun over mno vaiurs, int wuriu g
He also was with
League teams.
; (Contiuned from preceding page.)
school, mind you. la fact he'll probably be back in the fold by
football season, after making up the deficiencies. Tommy Prothro
has shifted the curly headed husky from fullback to end. incidentally,
and although we can't see Salisbury playing a wing position, we are
among the many who learned during the ftrrntor's first season at
OSC last year that he certainly knows what he's doing . . ,
'Baseball Spectacular' Wat a Dandy
Taote wke were fortunate esM(h to see Saaday's TV'd "Bate
ball Speetaeauar" wlU euicklv agree st was one tf Ike finest
, prtframs of Ha kind ever altered the public. Having many of
vibe game's correal stare aoictd late the lit hears of enterUIa
sneat was so muck seller than It wtuld have bees had the pre
- at peers decided to ate re -u tar actors la the various parts.
Aid leading the shew with kids, tress as end of It to the ether.
' was a very wttt sseve. After all the tutare at Ike great eatdoor
game rests wllk Ike small fry, and they certainly wcrea't forgettea
Sunday. The thaw was eae of Ike beat TV edibles Ibis eld. worn
at balljramer has eajayed la Batatas ...
Although absorbing two shellackings in their "Grapefruit League"
debuts in California doesn't digest easily, let It be imnrctsed that
these tuneup games for the Senators mean little, and that if Uncle
Hugo feels he has an inferior outfit with which to open regular league
play later ea h'H make the necessary changes.
Ia ether words, don't flip your lid or blow a gasket Just because
the baflgamers aren't doing well In their first assignments. Remember
that soma of Luby's best ball clubs la the last live years had frightful
eprlnf trainin records . , . .
Cougars to Play
SCHOOL, Turner-Aumsville
(Special) The Cascade Cougars
baseball team has a scheduled
game with the Central Hi Pan
thers here at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday.
Look and Learn
Knights of Columbus 1. Stettler , third ranking heavyweight, before
Supply 3, Jones and Fagg 1. Har-'a crowd of some 4.000 at the San
ger Sporting Goods 2'i, Team No. j Francisco Cow Palace.
Machen weighed 193 to 212 for
9 IV Team No. 10 2, Lipman
Wolfe 2. Burkland Lumber 2, Turn
A Lum Lumber 2.
High team gamer Martin Bros,
1023. High team scries: H a r g er
hporung oooas 4s. mgn pi : Sheridan
idual game: BiU Keiser 221. High 10 1 ,ay 81 Jrr,adn
individual series: Keith Hayes 594.
Salem Academy Nine
1. Who wu the first woman to
make a solo airplane flight across
the Atlantic?
I How does Texas, the largest
stste of the U.S., rank in popula
tion? '
3. What is conceded to have been
man's first problem in history?
4. Which is wider at its widest
point, North or South America?
3. What living creatures have the
greatest number of ribs?
1. Amelia Earhart (1898-1937).
2. Sixth.
3. Obtaining food.
4. South America.
kV Snakes.
Results Monday night in the
Mixed League: Five Spares 4,
Tumbers 0; Fearsome Four 3,
Stinkers 1; Screwballs 4, Satan
Pins 0; Pin Pals 2, Goofups 1
High team game and series by
Five Spares with S63 snd 1,959.
High individusl game by Doyle
Cbitwood with 18S. High Individ
ual series by Bill Barnwell with
477. High women's individual
game by Maxine McCullough
with 160. High women's series by
Doris Teeti with 365.
Other high Korea: Doris Teeti
132, Norma Noack 132, Jerry
Smalley 180, Bill Barnwell 169.
Coach Bob Funk takes his Sa
lem Academy Crusaders to Sher
idan Tuesday for a Yawama Lea
gue baseball game, starting st
2:30 o Clock.
It's the onlg scheduled game
this week lor the Crusaders
Their next game is to be at Sil-
verton April 24.
Hde Table.
Tides far f aft, Oreiea
(Compiled by U B Coast and
Ceodritr Survey, Portland. Ore I
Hlfh Waters Low Waters
Time Heiiht Tims Heif
WASHINGTON I - Outfielder
Johnny Grnth Monday waa waived
from the Washington Senators to'-
4 31 a m.
S -4 p m.
S-4S tm.
141 im.
I IS am.
S M l is,
2 a.m.
S IS p.m.
S 43 a .m.
10.0 p.m.
11 M am.
11 07 a m.
13 M p.m.
l .H a m.
1:M p m.
IIS tm.
1:54 p m.
H a m.
3.41 pja,
Church Softball
Loop Opens Play
Action began in the Church Soft
ball League Monday with five
games played in the junior divi
sion. Results were First Christian
14, Immanuel Baptist 14 (tie, call
ed because of darkness); First
Congregational I, First Baptist 3
(tie, called, darkness); Highland
Friends 3, Fruitland Middlegrove
1; Englewood EL'B IS, Morning
side Methodist 5; First Presbyte
rian , Salem Heights Baptist 4.
The senior division of the Church
League will start Tuesday night
with four games at dinger Field.
They will be First Christisn vs.
Turner Christian; First EUB vs.
Englewood EUB; Capital Baptist
vs. Evangelistic Temple, and
Grace Lutheran vs. LDS.
PORTLAND - (Special) Both
Irish Pst McMurtry and Matt Jack
son are full of confidence for their
Tuesday night heavyweight feature
at the civic auditorium.
Jackson is a Los Angeles army
sergeant managed by Mike Morton.
The husky Californian says he'll
take csre of McMurtry. Morton,
who thinks he has a future cham
pion, echoes this prophesy.
You can roll back the carpets for this one .
it'll be a real brawL" .
Owen must be expecting one
of considerable proportion, for
he's assigned two refereea to han
dle it, and one of 'em is slated to
be the veteran Harry Elliott, for
years the top rasslin' third man
In this area.'
Also, there will be a "no dis
qualification" tt on the mainer.
: Which could help make it rather
rough on all but the arbiters.
Leapin' Larry Chene, Ricky
Waldo and Herbie Freeman will
make up one side in the "triple."
The other will boast such villains
as Bull Montans, Pedro Godoy
snd Tommy Phelps. All were in
local action a week ago, with the
young and powerful Freeman
J and the' rough and tumble Phelpe
Having a nana in ine uproar f at
followed the regular tag mix in
volving the other four.
Freeman, a topnotch weight
lifter as well as matador, has
been a big hit with local fans
since coming into Armory sction.
He's from The Bronx in New
York City. Phelps in his Salem
debut last week proved to be
every bit the top-rated grappler.
he was heralded as being when
coming from Dallas, Tex.
Irish Jack O'Reilly, himsel!
one of the best rasslin' villains
in the business, opens tonight's
show at 8:30 o'clock in a 2-o(3-faller
with Boise Bill Fletcher,
the popular ex-boxer from Idaho.
O'Reilly went to a draw with
Freeman last week while Fletch
er was downed by Phelps.
Walcott Fails
With Evidence
(Contiuned from preceding page.)
in the movie as a trainer because
McMurtry has a knockout string " boxmi should be cleaned
in Portland and believes he in-i up."
creases the number by one more1, "Y8ur ' Lk aI1.,th th"
when he meets Jackson. jbo,xJin commissioners. Walcott
Salem's Hett Slated told Raduenda. " . ou re a politi..
Other bouts on the card are as PPO'ntee who knows nothihg
follows- ; about ,he game
nw f. o;o ,. iti.! Radiienda rebuked Jersey Joe
Dick Lane, Boise, meets Jackie ,. -.ui-w
.....UuF. u- .. ... km.:.- had been
Berrios Beats Bell
I "good" to him.
ivei wayne Vancouver wasn.. Walcott told nfwsnlfn after his
,mL. , tJuhn,on'. i,1,I' ls meeting with Gutknecht that
middleweights, are in the 4-round . thert , handful of men in
special event. lnat f, wouid be bet-
Sonny Hett. Salem, and Carlton iter without-but I have no inten-
Lincoln, Portland, mix in a light ion of giving names."
heavyweight five rounder. katekeut Questioned
lsth Kaeckoul Eyed
Heavyweights Eddie Johann,
Portland fireman, and Roque Mar
avilla, Boise Junior college student,
axe ia the opener. ,
Beavers Send Former
Emerald to Pueblo
"I know nothing of corruption
in boxing in Chicago or Cook
County." Walcott said. "But you
can read in the newspapers that
there are bad things existing ia
boxing in all major cities through
out the United States."
Gutknecht said that Walcott
seemed very sincere in wanting to
cooperate but that he had abso
lutely no knowledge of any cor-
last season.
said that "I Just got knocked out.'
i m 4. at ! . i n k
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competitive' cart combined l
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"PowerStyle" CHRYSLER
i SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO., INC. o 435 H. Commercial St. o Phone 3-4117