aiiuiiHi, i:-C c II) :..!;, Salem, Ore., Mon., April 18, DAILY CROSSWORD A: i character 8 S.r.4ll plot Of land t. Seaport (Israel) 40 Lubricated J J A relatlv 13. H wrot "Old Do( Tray" 14. (Juration 13. Not hard IS. Toward IT. Rout to actio II. Reverbent It. Owned 22. ChrUtmu onf SS. Vapor 24. Obey 17. Hih pommel of a saddle 11 Coin (Jap.) II. Kingdom In Ana 10. Wranf J4. AndlL) IS. PralM ST.Troubl 11 Ihlnlnf 40. Bird a aclis 41. Wait matter 41. Bleafur Hint . 43. Ctrl' nam 44. Not workinf DOWN 1. Reason 2. Parti of (tchaia INtwt ; 4. Muilc not I. Variant of -pooh" Giving ear- T. Hifh (mua.) I Cut teeth I. Th year of 3AS dayi IMayaa Call II. Drivel 13. Wad acroaa river IS. Kingdom In Ana 11 Not appreciated 10. Perot carefully Dccdlino Near, Millions Delay Filing Tax Return WASHINGTON (AV-With the In- Com tax deadline only two day way. th Internal Revenue Serv k Saturday estimated that be tween fix and leven millioa indi vidual taxpayer (till mutt file their ISil return. Th tervicc expect that around S'o billion dallart mora will pour into tin government coffer before lion.ijy midnight There wcrt so exact figure Saturday on bow many return or bow much money ha been re ceived to date at the (4 district office where the mail la increat ingly heavy with late filing. How ever, one official estimated that perhaps 10 per cent of the appro- taxpayers have not yet filed. Extra Day Although the official deadline 1 midnight of April IS, taxpayer are getting an extra day of grac this year. Because April IS falls en Sunday they will get an extension Urw4l4.aa4 CLUunrics ear CkrUleaaen Al tha raaioene. HI. Salem. urvlved by wile, Mrs, Dora Chrls- lenson, mem. uiuinun. Mli fom Chn.tenaoa. Salem; Mn. Don Jarmen, l.ervais. Son, Umer vhrls tenson, Myrlie Creek, Ore. Five uteri, 1n. Ida Jennlnri, Molallt. Crt.: Mrs. Cure Fiihei. Dallas. Ore. Jura. Anna Schmidt . Salem; Mra. Dick himee. Careoa, Wash.; Mm. Jack hertx. Molall. Brothers, Carl 1 hristenann, Salem; Adolph Chrli- teneon. einlalla. Twelrs grtndrhil. ejren. Funeral services win be held Honday, Anrll M, at m p.m. In the Vireil T. Golden Chapel, Rev. P. W. XncKson ofiiciatinf. Interment, City v iw cemetery, Mrs. Clara J alia SastrMie . At ! Illchnwnd evenue. Salem April 14. Late realdent of Albany area. Survived by husband. Elmer m. (Jiinafe, AlDinjr. Daufhters, Mrs, Jean X. Birreu. Salem: Mrs. Luis Ladd, Salem. Mrs. Dorothy oiiiam, rnnevuie. Motner, Mrs. A. Sienyem, Steveniville. Mnnt. Sliter, Mrs John Forrest Steveniville, Mont; Brother, John It en vein, punsmulr, Calif. Ten frsndchUdren and Iwa (reat-frandrhlldren. Prl vale services will bo held in Vlrjil T. Golden Chapel. Tuesday, April 11, at 111 tO am., with the Rev. John tauble offlcialtns. Interment at Bel. ereat Memorial Park. The family re ueita that (lowert be omitted and contributions made to the Cancer una, cars of poatmaiter John Wafbes ' At the residence, 40 I. Vlita avs. Sue. Anrll 14. Survived by wife. mra. veuna at. tiugnes, Balem Dausher Jarllve Huihaa. alm Son, John Huihes,'jh Salem. Serv- v-es will oe held In the Vlritl T. si S p m. with Dr. Psul ri. Pollnf effle latin. la lieu of flowers contribu tions to the Cancer fund cs of fosunsater. Baby Ma Phillip Lsrwkk . Lata resident of SIM Wlddows Hot at a Portland hoapltal, April 14. Survived by parenu, Mr, and firs. Lowell r. Lerwick, Salem; brother. Alan, Salem; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Jonensen. Ren- ton, Wath., and Mr. and Mrs. Tryvs Lerwlrk, Maddock, N. D. Service wiU bo held Tueiday, April 17, at I p.m. at Church of Jetus Christ of Latter urn y sainu, Biinop w. T. Geurta of ficiating, interment Restlawn Mem ory Gardens, DlrtcUoa by Cloufh- Beie P. Lets Late Mstdent of ITS Hrrv mrmmt April 14. Survived by husband. Mike wis, saiem. inree sons, William Lets. Portland: Rav : Lata at nnii Ore.! Walter Lett, Salem. One daugh- wr, ara. a.aier nuton, aaiem. Two eniera, mis. t,yua bardner, Salem; r" anr,na aimoe, Kugene, ore. Threo brothers, Imanual Fromm. Tacoma, Waih.j Robert Rromm, Canbv; Henry Fromm. Eleven grandchildren. Member of Bethel napun murcn, services will be held In the HoweU-Edwsrds Chapel Tues., April 11, at ) p m. Interment be ai neirrest memorial perk. Bev. Al bert Wsrdeea wiU be the odlclaUng bid IdiU StelU LaU resident of Wyasa, Ore., April IS at tne ate of years. Survived by hu'band. Wan Maaon, Nyua, Or. Seven daufhten, Leona Mason. f iviti, mwrwt mjiih ucniaes, nvsaa, Cro J Mrs. Grace Cmeraon, Great Bend, Kan.; Mrs. Violet Haddlx, 1 vons, Kan.; Ruth Raekert, Oeburn, Ivan.; Mrs. Eva Plunkelt, Greeley, Colo.; Mrs. Lanita Balee, Pomona, Calif : four sons, Alvln Mason. Leba non, Ore.; Walter Mason. Calif.; Cal vin Mamn, Lebanon; Edward Maaon, Nye. Or. Shipment has been made to Nvnta. Ore., for services and In terment under ths direction of How-il-tuwarrts Funeral Home. Mrs- Mary PfeUUpa At a local hoapltal. April 1J, Late reoident of 144 Waller street. Bur vived hv daufhters, Mrs. Beth Mor lulcv, falom; Mrt. Betty Brown, To lio. Ore. Sliters, Mrs. Maeele Mee ,i, , Srott City. Kansas; Mrs. Eda ,THh. S-ntt Cltr, Kan.; Mrs. Buale f -i .on, S--ott City. Ken; Mrs. Annie or wast aummoriuna, 23. A 14. Method of Inflict. Inc pain 23. Epoch 14. Mea Ti r. t. dow I poet ) 11 CIOM.U door 11. Speaker1! millet 11 Cityl Belgium SAOtherwlH talaedty'i Aeasrae 14. Apparent nda of 8a turn'! rlngi 31. Mountain past 40. luecor 4XRlver(Chi, " i::if::;i:: mr-z-ii-.z- j:::;::pil & until midnight Monday April Th penalty for lat filing per cent of the amount of the for each month or fraction of month. In addition, interest accrue at the rata of I per annually on the amount unpaid to due date. Th government ha estimated conservatively that th tax on in com from individuals for 1955 will run about 33 billion dollars. There is a possibility the take will higher than expected and further raise the administration s nooet acnievtng a Balanced budget at end of this fiscal year June 30. Prates local People The deadline Monday affects whethr or not the. tax A been withheld from their pay checks. Besides salaried persons, and wag earners, th final dat for returns applies to professional and self employed persons who may hav been paying their tax en a quarterly basis. Others who must meet ine deadline Monday are: Farmer who filed their 1955 tax declaration by last Jan. 11 They now must til a final return and pay the balance of their 1955 tax. Partnerships, which must file an Information return for 1953. Executors, who must file estate income tax returns for last year and pay the first quarterly install ment for 1954 taxes. Trustees, woe must file last year's trust income tax return and pay the entire tax. Mrs. Dorothy Smith, Lai Vegas, Ken. Brother, nha.ri , 1 Lawrence, Kan. Three trandrhll. dren. Member of the V.W.W. No. 1 women 1 aux. Ill end mmk., v.a.w. aux. services wlu be held Monday April 1 tt I X p m. In the Clough-Barrick ChapeL Member of the VFW Aux. Barracks No. 11. Rev. Julian Keleer will offldete. Inter ment Belcrest Memorial Park. Lala CUnt Wletaer Lata eeaidant hi II I a.- 1- Brooks, On. la Sllverton, April U, tt tht lie of 14 veara. Unlh l George Winner, Sllverton; sister of re, xnnt nynee, Biievrton. Serv. Ices will be held Tues, April 17, it m. ia m . i . nigoon LhapeL Interment tt Belcreit Memorial Park. NOTICE OF FINAL BEARING As Executrix of eatata of jmri M. NICHOLS, deceased. 1 have tiled in urcuit court of Oreenn for War. inn County, my final account in said tttate, and II Msy ls. tt MS o'clock t.mH tnd tht courtroom of said court have been annotated h wu i.-uuri lor ine nearing or ob lectione to laid final account and tha settlement thereof. LUCY INEZ HAW Al Such Kvarutpiw Carson, Carson A Gunner Salem, Oregon Attorney! for Executrix April l. , id. May t ADVERTISEMENT FOB BIDS Sealed nronoaala fnv a -nmA Grader" wiU be received by the Marlon County Court, Room 110, Courthouse, Salem. Oregon, until 10 0 a.m. on tha Kith dav of Anrll KM. and then wiU be mihn.i. opened and read. Speclflcatlona and Bid Vnrma be obtained from the County Engi neer, Courthoust, Salem. Oreeon. Bids must be accomnanicd hv a bid bond or certified check In tht omunt of 101, of the bid price. The Countv Court marvn tha right to reject my or all blda. MARION COUNTY COURT A II M Opsa April 1. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed nronoaala for "n m . 1 w m wii d receiver oy ine war. Ion County Court, Room 110. Court. House, Salem. Oreson. until tool a m. on ine win nay of April, IBM, and then will be publicly opened end Speclflcstlons end Bid Forma mm obttined from the County Engl. rr. lounnouee, naiem, uregon. Dins mual be armmnan Ml hv a bond or certified check In tha amount of 10 of tht bid price. The Countv Court right to relect any or all bids - StAlilUM COUNTY COURT A 11 la is in Open April SO, LEOAL Tht Board of Xauallsatlon maela on tht second Monday In May of each year tor tht purpost of exam. mint, correcting ana equauiing the assessment rolls of Marion Count Oregon. All persons deilrlng to pro test any assessment on said rolls must do eo according to the follow ing provlilons of the law: "Petltiona appllcetioni for 1ht reduction of Jianiruiar assessment ihall be s In wrltlnt. verified hv tha oeth of the applicant or hit attor ney, tnd be filed with tha tn.11 within one week from tht time It Ii by law required to meet: tnd any petition or ennlfration not an marfa verified and filed shall not be con- siaered or acted upon by the board." H. F. DOMOGALLA, County Aeteeaor for Martoa County, Oregon. AJ.1I,U. "S3 OTB- NMf Phone 4011 for Courteous Ad -later Assistance 100 Display Clossifiod 11 it I tax 6 FOOT FREEZER a win cent P. A. TAYLOR. 1X31 Era Ph. 1-U3I - by n ri'ifiifr SAVE NOWI Brand aew Kenmore Coneole SEWING MACHINE $59.95 Only td Down , be for the in - Brand new Kenmore Caniiter ... VACUUM CLEANER $29.95 SEARS ROEBUCK k CO. U M. Capitol a stiftaeTaisriil JtssWt tmM Reconditioned Vacuum Cleaners GUARANTEED TANKS UPRIGHTS LARGE SELECTION Vacuum Cleaner Clinic i and Sewing Center 4SI Court It Ph. 4-Un BUY TODAY! We'll Give You Mor Than Trade-in Allowanc on Set of New Allstat Cushions, Black Walls or Whit WaUs. SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO. So N. CAPITOL BRAND NEW NECCHI PORTABLE SAVE $40.00 I Round bobbin i Forward snd reverse stitch i Automatic darnlni ! Portable carrying case i w benuine Need ""Reconditioned Machines Singers Kenmore Whites Eldridget: Montgomery Wards Priced . . . $19.95 up Also Treadles As Low As 3 Vacuum Cleaner Clinic :3nd Sewing Center 453 Court St, Sslem Ph. 4-5503 $9.95 & Up IlliliiU !.' - 1 1. ii: - !' "I J 1 i E Gass!Xie3 Jzitx "Tot Your rMvmifnrt II Meeting Kottrea IIS I.ol and Sound 114 Tranaportation II Peraonal 115 Stamps and Coin 40 AGRICULTURE ... 4ft Livestock for Selo 4(1 Livestock Wanted 4 Poultry and Babbits 4fiT Fur Suring Animal 4u Pets tot Sea Foods i tie Seeds end Plants 41 Fruit and Farm Product 411 Fertilizer 414 Farm Equipment 42 Auction Seles 4S MERCHANDISE 4S1 Machinery and Tools 111 Wanted Machinery, Tool 4M Sewing Machines 4M Houae Geods for Salt 4M Wanted House Goods 4AT Radio and Tslevsioa 4M buildin Materials 4M Do It Yourself 4 Musical Instrument 4S1 Sporta Equipment 4S4 Bicycles 444 Trade Miscellaneous 4M For Rent, Miscellaneous 47 For Sale. Miscellaneous 471 Wanted, Miscellaneous 474 Mitceueneeua 47 luel SO BUSINESS AND FIN AX CI It Money to Loss II Losns Wants 111 Investment 0 EMPLOYMENT OS Help Wanted 04 Halt Wanted. Man 40 Help Wanted. Lady ee ricsers w anion 1 Sales Help II Work Wanted. Men 414 Work Wanted. Lady 1S Situations Wanted ' ' IT Job Information 1 Education Ut Day se Contract - TO RENTALS 701 Slecpinf Rooms Boar 701 Wanted Rooms. Board 70S Apartments for Rent 70 Duplexes 701 llouas for Rent 707-A Furnished TO Fanr.t for Rssrt 70S Wented to Kent 71 Wanted to Rent Routs 711 Wanted to Rent Apia. 714 Business Rentals 71 Resort Rentals -71 Convalescent Homes 11 Hovinf andStortgt SO REAL ESTATE ml Business Opportunities sol Business Property inS Suburban so Houses for Salt S07 Apts. Courts for Salt SOS Lots for Sal II Farms for Salt SIS Exchsngs Reel EUte 111 Resort Property ' Wanted Real Xstata 121 Insurant S3 ACTOMOTrVB SSI New Ctrl S61 Ussd Can toe fait sal Autt Parte and Repair IM Trucks, Trailers for Sal SM Wanted Cars. Trucks 9 MotorcTclet 0 Autt Mlscella SM House Trailers Sot Hesvy Equipment 1st Aircraft 300 Personal 312 Ldtt rtst FomimI REWARD: Parties In bsby-blue Oldi. who found Oregon Ststeimsn receipt book, cor ner of Fir Villa It Dallas-Ss-lem Rd.. Please Ph. 4-4411 or Independence 1S1, collect. Mn. Garry Hanson, Dallas, Oregon. LOST: WHITE PARAKEET. Ba- loved pet. Reward. 441. 137 Portland Rd. LOST: Male blond cocker wred collir. Bewtrd. Ph. 1-1525. LOST fk of cast for camera (leather). Ph. 1-81. LOST: water proof tarp off truck between Silverton-Ed-wards Berry Perm Tues. p.m. Ph. collect 4-ZM Salem. Re ward. 31 PrSMl TO Rom Obenon'i Statesman I e u 1 1 0 m e r s. Independence. I Monmouth A Da Ilea: Pay no one out me. I WILL not be responilblt for tny atBtt other than my twn. aieiiy I. uennis. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No. L WIS N. Com l. 1-4517. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous, let S. Commercial S-llol or 4-747 PSYCHIC READER Mtdam HAZEL. Saltm'i oldttt, reliable reader can help you ' win suceeii. health and has. JuVuthlu0.. 45 Portland Rd. at Albany cut tff. Look for Ufa MADAM FATIMA PALM, CARDS. PSYCHIC ADV. Telli put, prevent A future Advict on til matters. SPECIAL IS complete reading SI with this td, for limited iimt only. Bo wist. 3125 So. Commercial acroaa from Ran dall! Chuck Wagon. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock for Solo DOUBLE reslrtered Polled Here ford cow, heifer calf A IS mo. old heifer, HO. Ph. 1-1390. GENTLE horse for children, alao none trailer. 41SS lunnyvlew Ave FOR SALE Baled hey. Ill ton. Baled itrtw. Mc bale. Osrer Loe, Sllverton. Ore. Ph. 1-4511. FOR AI.rriht K.. 1mAmw l on"ni"2n'' ,"vrton HEREFORD registered cow A calf. Terms 1-452 or 1-3450.. Sslem Meat Co. locker beef. Cuitom killing, cutting A wrap Plng, trailer loaned fret. CIENTITIC ffORSESHPEINO TEX SHIVLEY Pb, I-M3I. FOR SALE or trade, gentle pomei ror enimren. aim good saddls horses Boh Frsnkt, 301 N. Water St., Sllverton. Pb. MI34. PROFESSIONAL horseihoer Lea nanson, 4-0734 tr 4-S0U. 403 livestock Went' CATTLE, honae at vnur farm E. C. McCandlish, RL 1, 1-414. I CATTLE buyer. A. t. Sommer. jw narmony or. Ph. 4-90H7. CATTLE buyers 427 State. E A H. Snethen, 1-1141, 1-43S0. UVESTOTK buver. Claude Ed wards, Rt. i. Box SME, 4-1111. 404 Poultry ort4 tobbitsl EXTRA (.A nr.r. mn,um r --i.n. Parmenter Rtda, Cornlih . X Whltt Rocks Hatchti every Tuesday. Send for free folder. Leghorn cockerels 13 per 100. Parmenter Red cockenli s K.,,?'J"'IL80N'4 HATCH ERY LYONS, OREGON. Ph. UL"-253J, ABY CHICKS, lie straight run, rhnlrst i PonnontakH u Hamw , Whltt Rorki ind Leg- nnma npeciai new rlamp and White Rock pullets. e. Par menter red rooeter. Ic VAL! FY FARM STORE Ph 4-4(124 Salem CUSTOM DRESSING Of poultry We buv rahhlta Wing', 391 State, ph.. 4-31 401 Nr. Rare PARAKEETS Normal W W, Browning. Ph. 1-201. inu ranatmi ror rertis, cares I aauama a-seae. nS & H I BASEST Peerless Bakery 17 N. Commercial Phone 1-1704 I CAMERAS Coburn Cameras 174 N. Commercial . Phent 1-141 . I DRUGS Catftal Drug Store State it Liberty Phone 1-J111 Chapman's Drug Store 14 Ctr.dalarla Blvd Ph. 4-4171 Free Delivery Mootry'f Pharmtcv Hollywood Busineaa Diit Kelxer Busineat Diet, I FUEL Oregon Fuel Ct. Sawdust tnd Wood rVRNtTURI Ermel'a Colonial Furniture 1741 S. Commercial Pboot 1-4741 I JEWELS Alexander's Jewelers Diamonds-Watches Silverware Ml Court St 400 Agriculture 401 Pott I PUREBRED Dachshund, female 1 yr. old. Mouac broken, speyed. anou given, ju. rn. eau I AUSTRALIAN Shepherd pups, I ma oia. . rn. s-zsu. I SIAMESE male kitten Pedigree sis. rn. j-eui. . I PURE bred German Shepherd female, 1 yr. old. lit. 1, Box 101. Arnold Brlggt, Sllverton. YOUNG parakeeta. cages feeds a, tmetv m, servant tf-etiew. 410 iwoeJs jfJ Plant I MARSHALL ttrswberrv olanti sit t uiouiana. uscsr Lot, onvenon, ure., rn. ihhi, I BEDDING plants, garden secdi. at supplies. Lent Flower Mkt. Cor, Lane Ave. it SUvtrton Rd. DAHLIA tubers, ptniies. furhiaa tr ivy geranium, wards Car den. 430 Cherry Ave. - I A Plant Greenhouses A Florists Garden supplies seeds olsnts 1 119 S 11" Ph. S-4S7 Eve A Sun BOYSENBERRY plants. Ph. 127, Turner. Ore. Schampltr, Rt 1, Box SOS. I AZALEAS, will bloom this spring, wanng-s Nursery, drive So. on 12th St U ml. pest Mornlngsidt Sch., turn tight it Oakhlll Avt. I PRIMROSK3, Vtttorla. Rlenelt strain. Jewel tone. Ml H. Front, 11 Fruit I Farm PrsWuce PASTEURIZED whola milk. TSe gai. gal. 40c. delivered. t leery miry, i-joaa 413 rVrtiliier PEET MOSS A turkey drop. pinga, sacsea. juikkcisoii, Ht. t. aw is. rn. Aumsviue 724. GOOD, cow manure, for flower peas garden, will deliver. rn. i-iiffl. MA.NURX: tged Itch humus No weeds. Real toil builder far lawns, gardens, m 14331. PEAT MOSS with poultry drop- lunge omy isc per sack. VALLEY FARM STORE FRESH or rotted manure. Rich, fine manurt by tick or yard. Delivered or tt farm. Phillips Bret. Rt I Boa 4(0. Ph. 4-301. ORGANIC FERTILIZER ODORLESS BY SACK OR BULK PHONE 3-3155 Farm Equipment IRRIGATION IT ttem comnlete t-H. Universal G.E, centrifugal Eump. M0 ft. 1-iri. aluminum iteral. Approx. 1,000 ft 1-ln. steel tubing main A 11 Rain- bird sprinkler heads. 30 ft. of e-in. lection una A foot vslvt. Excellent eond. Price 150. Ph. 1-0151. 455 Verda Lane. 450 Merchandise 431 Mochin.ryt Tool MM MASSEY Harris pony, M. III. I, BOX 111. FARMALL A. trtctor with air lift, new tires on resr, 1 row corn planter, I ft. Undem disk, 1" plow, cultivator attach ments. 950. Ph. -4-1202 or s-uiv. FREE demonstration Garden Pal Tiller. Call 1-S477. Wallace Hardware. JOHN DEERE tractor A plow. k guon conoiuon. rnont z-2w. WARDS garden tractor, 30" cyrle, cultivator, harrow, plow, disk A wheel weights. S27S. 37SO Middle Grove Dr. 4-7014. FOR RENT or tele. Garden Pal roto tiller, 40 B. Slit, 1-S51. HOWARD bull dog tiflerTli"" Ph. 1-7474 for information. RAVE aeveral used weld en AC A DC Call 4-144. SowHit MocMiios SEWING MACHINE Repossessed Singer console. Ex cel, eond. Bal. 13.50. Take over contract for 1125 per wk. Ph. 4-7101 (dealer). SEWING MACHINE This beautiful Necrhl Ziz-ui portable for only 99 50, 1.15 per wk. Liberal trade-In al low lowtnct. Ph. 4-7102. (dealer). 45SH4WG44cJfr Sal ANTIQUE Hall sett, 133. Used Mdte. Mart, 170 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-4311. Open Frl. 'tu . - ror th best professional services, call one of these populu sxperts. APPLIANCES WESTINGHOUSE Woodry Furniture Co. 474 So Coin Ph 4-n IDDINO i. ' ' . CAPITOL Bedding Mattm nova tori New mattresses S-40SS OVLLDOZINO Bulldozing, clearing r 1 1 d a ponds D-4. D- carryall V Huakey Ph 1-11 a CRANS WORE 25-ton Lorain moto crane Sa lem Sand A Crtvtl Co 1-241 MACHINE A WELDINO Hubert welders A rod. Smith cutting equip. Accessories. Globe Machine Works, 1010 N. Commercial St. Ph. 1-9621. IPAPERINO PAINTINO , Painting and paper-hanging Free ettknstet Ph 1-MI1 PERRY PAINTINO Co Mill Bruih, ipriy Pre Estlmttet Exp paper-hanging A peintlnf. asevr ennnasm, rn, t-wey GREEN STAMP DIRECTORY JXJlipjftSave for This Week's nest buys LAWN SUPPUIS Howser It roe, list S. 13th Garde Tractor Headquarters Leather Gttdt Shsfsr Leather Condi II N. Commercial Luggage if Fine Leather Goods PAINTS WALLPAPU Hutrheon'l 11 N. Commercial Phone 1-4M7 RADIO) Mitchells Radio T V. 1M0 Stett SI - Ph 1-7I7T Installing Salea ii Service SISVICS STATIONS Bttdorf's Texaco Station KS Fairgrounds Ph. 1-7451 i4tn suit rb. a-sMi Webb 4V Anderson (Richfield) inn tr Million Complete Auto Repairing TELEVISION Mitchell'! Radio h TV. 1M0 State St Ph. S-1S7T Inatalllng Sales Si Service 430 Merchandise 455 HtHis Cwodifof Sal DT YOU need a single Item tr a complete nouaehold of aew 7ito L Z, JonEGOJ ALDER MAPLE ffiwT "" LUMBER FOR HOME SHOP yoodry i Ttirtfty Used Furn block So. of Psper Mill UNFINISHED Cheit-o-drawen. Salt Price. Uied Mdae. Mart, 17 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-71. upen rn, 'tu s. TWO matching barrel chain. en. mono j-i32t. INLAID Lino, 1.M per eo. yd. B. U Elfitrom Co M S Ub- eny . CLOSEOUT aew. machines (7. Glen Woodry IMS N. Summer. ROOM SIZE COTTON RUGS Wsihed end Dried! Ruts also. JJ1ELIT FAST SEHVICEI LAUNDERETTE It Block East of Willamette U iz retry St. Ph. 1-4551 U DODGE Pickup custom cab. neater, original paint, 0M Terms, 408 Auburn Rd. 4-7M1 BE nUUFTl-Buy used furni ture at tppninces THE THRlrTT WAY on Easy lirmi ai WOODRY. THRIFTY USED FURN. Ill a Cora l Ph. 4-131 USED I pe. chrome dinettes 121- 10 woodry 1104 N. Summer. YELLOW chrome trim dinette! tet with extension leaf. Also blue 10x11 wool frieze rug, A Thayer light weight collapsible baby buggy. Mahogany tea cart Ph. 1-094. VAST chair sale, bargains Glen Woodry 101 N. Summer. ELEC. heater. Antiaue oak table, 1 pc. sectional, GE Mangle, misc. 1ST Birchwood Dr. GOOD Paint, 1.SS gallon. Gltn wooory, lsus n. summer. I PIECE Walnut dining table i at cntin, sjo. rn. I-K73. INLAID Lino, 1 5 per iq. yd. n. a auisirom to., ge a. ub- eny. l-PC. Walnut bdrm. set. M 5. uaen snaee. Mart, 170 B. Lib erty. Pb, 4-0371. Open Frl. Ill v. good Paint, 111 gallon. Glen wewaryr-ieut H, Bummer, VACUUM CLEANER This beautiful Lewt cleener left on our hands for only Ml 40. Take over for 11.25 per wk. rn. e-nua. taeeieri. English Antiques Exceptional Mahofanv din ing room set. Loo table, small buffet, I tufted chairs, 1 arm cnair 1400 Mahogany A glass enclored oarograpn with clock -. 75 Easel mirro with l pool iun- poris 23l 8etto appreciate. Ph. 4-S307. MODERN used love aest S3S.50 woodry 160 N. Summer. Linoleum ruea S.1S3 Vtlley Furn. Co, 111 N. Coml l-PC. Welnut bdrm. set, 139 50. vsca Mast. Mart, no s. Lib erty. Ph. 4-0371. Open FrL 'til i. LARGE mans plastic club chair itool. Terrific buy 139 50. Shop Mon. Glen Woodry' 1603 n. summer. USED refrigerators 111 25 4V up. Al Ltue. App, 1350 state St. Pc. walnut bdrm. act, 50. S-IB30. GOOD pelnt ape. f 1.S9 gal. Glen wooory l sua w. summer. Sxll A SxS braided rugi, J mah. ena tablet, floor lamp, ladles oax writing deik. 3-3224. UNFINISHED furniture H L aim rurnnure. n n High. ELECTRIC Hamilton-Beach mix er, 19. Blrdseye maple dreiier. cedar cheat, antique teakwnod Hand, linen laced edge table Cloth Ai spread. Ph. 3-3040. 10 nose st. FOR SALE Solid Mshotanv chair with rollers A reclining naia, fia. rn. INLAID Lino.. 11.59 per iq. yd. R. L. Elfitrom Co., 280 S. Lib- eny SEVERAL piecei of furniture inc. 1 wool run. dsvennort av chair set, 2 bdrm, lultei, drop, lesf dng. table wS chain. Reasonably priced to irttle an estate, rn. Eldon Hidden. sxyune 7-wsi, Monmouth. S-PC. dining rm. let. SlOB.BSi uaea Mate. Mart, 170 S. Lib erty. Ph. 4-4371. Open frl. m i. WING back club chair S12.50. wooary iso N. summer. SAND AND GRAVEL SALEM SAND A GRAVEL CO needy mix concrete, crushed I ind round gravel, sand and top toil. 140 N. Front St 2-2461. WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL itns Mcuuchrlit Crushtd auarrv rocks At eravet All sixes for rosds, drivswtys ana parxing tots. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, bull-dozing, ihov tl tnd dragline work. 1-9241 VALLEY SAND A GRAVEL CO Cruahed A round gravel Sand at eon mix. 1-4001 SEPTIC SERVICE HOWARD'S Roto-Rooter. aewen. JeptlcJimksceMed3;21. MIKE'S Septic service Tank! cleaned D rontet cleans aewen drains Phone l-4S -Humel'i eeptle tanks cleaned, line service Guaranteed work Phont 1-7404 or 1-0774. TREE StRVlCS BRENNAM TREE SERVICE Set yellow pages phont book fhon 2-3748 430 McrrKantL'se 4SS House Coorlt for Sal WE'VE ant real daveno r I tional bargaina. Glen Woodry n. ummir, IS FT. tnternstlnnal freeiar. eiee. nviaeri, en J ri, ftlfh. f-PC. dining rm. set, $7 bsT uaea niaaa. man, 2u a. Lib erty, rn. 4-SJil. open Fit 'Ul s. I DINETTE Uble 4V chain. Ph. S-4.T07 FREF.7.ER A other articles. Call -Sl. WANTED Reliable party to take ever payments on home freerer. See at Montgomery v. ara appliance nepi. G E. AUTO, roeater oven with cabinet. Excellent eond. (.Kl. Alio large prsasurt cooker M. 1-OoJ. liSoW.nttJHouMG. CASH FOR FURNITURF: VALLEY FURN. CO. Ph. t-7471 TOP CASH PRICE - FUPINL TURE. APPL1ANCM. rrr ITS ED MRRCHANDISIt Iff A RT r S LIBERTY PH. 4-4371 Need at Once Late model E Applltncat. Pay raan premium tor til uraat Electric Ranges. Refrigerator. Automatic Waahers. Driers A Latt Model ueed Furniture. Ph. Glen Woodrv l-I'lo neht Now for Pleasing Results I I I 437 Rcdit) dimJ TV I MOTOROLA TV ronsolt, tike new, SM M. free terlaL RCA victor H v., free Uble, free serial, neieer's, 3H N. High. 45S buildinq MorWriols AND CABINET WORK mouldine eioce, large auppiy. Hlgn quainy mrai proaurt at much lower cost, than eastern herd woods. Grades No. 1 com J better. Nat'L Hardwood Rulea. 82S 13lS-ln thickness, widths e-in. ena wiaer. No. 1 tnd No. 1 common grades auo, ror worn requiring small. er cumnga. IN STOCK AT: Portland Rd. Lbr. Yard. Salem. standard Bunolv. n, u Produced by Richardson C. r ALLS CITY II FEET ! ! ! (Thousand go In tnd out HERE!) First corns. FIRST served. OODLES of FLY. WOOD 4x1 Int. or ext 1HLMJ3ANU3 "Littler oca. ai umer prices, custom. en with "Littler" orden greatly appreciated. .. WMlli PAINT. U K gal.. la 4x8 relect hardboard. 11.71, reg. 11.00. 4x1 WALLBOARD. II u SCREEN DOORS at last year i-l row priceii aneciaiiiing in low coat aluminum irrMai " 4x1 Rough Plywood (clear faces) for underlavment, 11'jC ft. I. Sx MA HOG IIM heel. PANELING) (running oui our ears AUAini) at real savinei. see tnem. OAK FLOORING In heated room. CEDAR BOARDS. Pine sneivtng. ui,e ft. PINE PAN. PANELING. U'.C. ft. Eds low aa aae.aa. w le . ua w Beautiful weather to fix up your best investment YOUFt HUME do it now I We ll do everything possible to make your job enjoyable. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY Portland Road Lumbar Yard IMS Portland Rd. Ph. 4-44.13 11-1 wire, roll tt 4'ic O Cedar shingles 13.00. 15.. M. 0 Galv. Iron roof g. CHEAP. llfwaC 500 gal. steel tep. tank 151 50. M gal. steel see. tank S3 5. O 4" black aewer pine 30c. 34c. O Door Jamba, good ones. 12.73. O Bldg. psper 5O0 iq. ft. 12 15. O Fibrt glaia blanks!. Iniul. CHEAP 4xS plastor board 11.40, 1140. ii U. O Ceiling tile. 14x32, 10c iq. tX. O Sheke mold, long lentth. 10c. O Gtragt doors, til lirei cheap. naro wire 00 rdi 15 85 17 45 O Outside white paint gal 12 50. Otk Flr'lnl R. lentth rheto. O New window saihes 120.. O W. strip eryitil windows O 21x31 kitchen sinks cheap. O Shower cabinets 114 50. O Toilets Wseats K 50. O New bath tub complete K3J0. O Strictly cut U-HiuL Cloaed Sundsyi A Mondays C. G. LONG & SONS I Ml. N. Kelzer - Ph. 4-5091 IS" painted cedar shekel . SI H iq. 1x12 Stilt dry cedar boards SIMS M RL fir cailnl 4c lln. ft Iron roofing 110 50 so Cedar ihinglet 1.50 sq. NO. 1. 11 ID Compo roofing ..I Cheaper No. 1 RL Osk Fig. 1117 00 M No. 1 RL Oak Fit. 1125.00 II ,x10 K, D. Cedar Siding 1133 00 If 4x1 ,-ln. "A" gndt Birch ply. 42t ft "A" grade Birch Doon 17.7 ta. "A" ande Mthoa. doon -MM tl. .1119 tl. "A" grade Beech doon 4x1 pltiterboard $1.40 ea. 4x '.-in. plv. ihtgr. 12 33 ea. 4x1 '.-In. plv. shtg. S3 N ea 4xS 'a-ln. ply. ihtg 13 45 ea Odd size plywood cut to your order. No extra charge. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY C & K Lumber Yd. Lancaster and Center Ph. Salem 2-1504 SOO.OOO KEET Hew, freih-milled old A second (rowth lumber 2x4 to 2x11 In to 24-foot lengths Delivered prices Sslem. 130 per thou, minimum. Ted Mullee 1-1 194 I only 37 bolted Ixt conat $49 el. 100 only tr 1x4 conat 12.50 40,000' light bridge timber A plank, 3x1, 4x4, 4x8, 1x10, Sxll. 4x11. (45 oer M 1x4 short! lc lineal ft. 1x4 RL Ic lineal ft. 1x4 oak flooring shta. Ml per M Reject Hardboard 50 x 100" ., ll.Miht. Used doors 11 A up New 4-ln. black drainage pipe , 30c ft. Septic tanki, low priced. ah xinai usea pipe to 4 ALSO Windows Plumbing. Elee. Sup. E. S. RITTER & CO 740 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-M11 4 mi. No. of Salem, 'i ml. No. of Totem Pole on fWE Opto all day Saturday BARGAINS CHECK THESE ISEI ROOFTRUSSES 430 HlfrcKan'JIse 458 luilJinj Moteriols El.FC. wall Heettrs. ' 1S 11" a 11" sink con.o 4 Gsrbare Diapoial, n. Fibre pipe, Sue A Me ft 14-J Loom. ex. 4c ft. Door chunei, 10'i off. 11-1 Loomex. 4ta ft " Light fixtures, 1S off. Out let boxes. 2bc. 1 dc. bath set. 11S. U gal. elee. water heat er, KS. We thread pipe and rent Gtlgrr Counters. Apex Electric It Plumbing, 1410 Broadway. Ph. 1-lfthS. Open en. eves. 4k sal. uu t. 4000 FT. lumbea, t, 1 itandi of bees, extractor It tuners. 41 AUDurn ltd. titer 1 JO p. m. I R LIQUID ROOFING Aluminum ec black. 10 VP. aniarantM Colonial Reflnlnf A Chemical Co. 417 Arlrona Phont 1-44M Overhead iImI HraM alM.M SniMw' M)0- Galvanised tvt trough. Ilia Per at- EPPINO LUMBER CO. 170 SILVERTON RD, PH. 4412 M Bo it Vowr,! U-Fix-It-Garaee vparr your own ear. 4-tSM. 10b ft. Coml 460 Musical Instruments UPRICHT piano. Good tion. Phone 1-4400. condl- Ul Sport Johnson Cnitbotrd Motors. Demonstrttioni tvery day. Ltrgest trade-in allowances on tnt loaat. Service A morrage. We htvt flahlng A hunting iicvnav. Open tvt. A holidays. Salem Boat Houae. 1103 1 h p. Scott Atwater out board motor, control box A cables, (150. Ph. after I p.m. ana a-Nnii, isaiail. All Day Sunday 84 avvrryrning ror me sportsman iVIIMKUDE MOTORS LAWRENCE CRAFT BOATS 14' painted, with hardware, list BRYANT k DILLABAUGH ALL BOAT SUPPLIES. HARDWARE, A PAINT GREEN'S Sportini Goods 1201 So. Com ml Ph. S-SOSt FOR SALE or trade for ham getr. or receiver. 10' J ft pram 10 n.p. Chrtteraft tn. ! a ii. n-ivMj, CASH paid for uaed gum, mod ern ana antique. Mere. 123 Broadway. HP. outboard mtr, 12 50. 14 ft. boat A trailer, S. See tt eo roniana Rd. Larson Un ion mi station. FOR SALE, boat. IS ft Wlrtrd nesorter. complete with 40 nr Mercury motor, elee. starter, elee. choke, steering wheel A controls Factory built trailer A winch. Like new., tall 1-9611 . or eves S-2VS. 33 H.P. Outboard motor with controls extra prop., complete overhaul. 1123.00. Ph. Sllverton j S-7S31 after p.m. ALUMINUM boat with factory. own aluminum car top car rier. 100 rtsh. 140 N. Front Folding Boat Topi A Coven SAubM TENT AWNING 721 N. UBEstTY PH. S-47M 46 For Rtit, Misc FOR RENT tr, lease, ire ware- nousa apect. cement floor. krik. ,M . . I .- " ' , WWWIIMfWO, in- quire R. U SUU Furn.. S-IIU. 470 For Solo, Mite. TOP SOIL PH. 4-2463 TOP SOIL Phonel 3-1J75, l-t3l Top Soil Orchard Loam River Loam Jiai 1-174 Prompt Delivery ivcuer oanq ai oravel to. INVESTORS Builnesi Prooertv Under I yr. lease, brings In 1229 per mo. SALH1FICE for 115. 500 CASH. See Glen Woodry, 103 N. Summer. No Informa tion PLEASE. Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIL. PH. 2-4310 SPARK oil circulator MS.M. woodryi 1003 N. summer. CEDAR pott been post shed poles, all types A berry wire. rn. e-jusi. RECAPS 00xl. 470x15 Exch. .. Lytle'i Tin Mart GOOD Ptlnt. 11S9 Gallon. Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer. DUO-THERM oil circ. heater. copper tubing 120. Ph. 4-0402. MAPLE bunk lets complete 145. wooary iota n. summer. WEAR Chester Comfort Shoes. Geo. Master Work Uniforms, sports wear. Ph. 4-5273 STEEL SKIL saw table with protractor A rip fencer used twice, cost 1.19.75. sell l.U Turner, 5.15. Rt. 1, Box 111 C. VACUUM CLEANER Repossessed Electrolux, like new, 128.50 bal. Assume con tract for 11.25 per wk. Ph. 4-7102. (dealer). NICE hardwood crib A matt. tress, 119.50. IMS N. Summer. POWER saw with I" blade, 130. Koto lawn mower. 125, Elee. Garden nedge clipper, . no. equipment. 771 Edgewater. STEEL rimmed wagon wheel! f2.r "'I- 560 S. lilt. Ph. 4-3262 120 GAL. elee. hot water heater, 175. Call 1-4094. PR. Ladies Chiraio Shoe Skates, verv good eond. Sue . rn. i-ootjj MAN'S bike, only 17.50. Glen Woodry 109 N. Summer. VAN DORN body ssnder 7" Ph. 1-7175 trter I p.m. TOP-SOIL k SILT DELIVERED, PH. 2-3986 NEW tires 470x15 Nylon bik. 119 00, Exch. Lytle'i Tire. Sxll Pabco lino. run 14.19 Woolry05 N. Summer. GOOD Paint. 11 89 Gallon. Glen Woodry. 1609 N, Summer. TYPEWRITERS adding ma chines, cash reglsten. dupli cators, desks, chain, tiles, supvj pues. it oca i, in court nin 471 Wonted, M!7cT WANTED: Used Ph. 1-139. baby buggy. WANTED several thousand cordi of wood, all species Ph. 1-7721. Nights. 4-M33. 474 Miscellaneous Prospecting Supplies Gelger A Scintillator .counter!, mlnerallghta - Mercury - de tector! free Information. DECTRONICS INC PH l-SON mm Lancaster Dr auuiNQ machines, cash regis -iary. mi f airgrounds. 1-537 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR ma SERVICE IN MOST CASES. DR HARRY SEMLER. Dentin eaooipn ring, aute ft com'l Its. aa-u I'M. I-UJ4 (430 RfrrtKanilifltj 1 474 Miscllonous Furniture Refinished By Experts We take all the ffnlih off A re. flnlah your furniture like new vau LwKi:mr LEE 4020 SUtt St. Ph. 1-7001 476 Fu.l OLD fir wood. Phont Sllverton j-ei. OREGON FUEL CO, Mulching Sawdust WOOD l&K Green Stamps Ph. l-Jo.11 y87 Broadway West Salem Fuel Co, awoiiix, slower or pinn tut runer ana rona uiies. SPECIAL Seml-Dre Black awl Slab I1S21 Edgewater Vh. 1-4011 I WANTED several thousand cords of wood, til anecica Ph. 1-7711 rilghta, 4-M3.1. HIGHWAY FUEL CO. I SAWDUST A WOOD. Capitol Fuel Co. SAWDUST FOR MULCHING Chort ilab tnd block mixed 1420 Broadway Ph. 1-7721 SAWDUST for sals. 1 unit load. push 2211. uih out, 115. Ph. Gervali ANDERSON'S llab wood. Ph 1-7751 or 4-2S54. PICK-UP-WOOD. Ph, 4-30IL 500 Bus. & Finance 310 Money to Loon $3,000,000.00 J- construction Money now available for FHA, Gl or long term Conventional Mortgage uiene anywhere in toe Wil lamette Valley. Money also eamy available for existing nvme loans. ISII 1-3101 STATE riNANrr in 147 So. High St., Salem. Ore. W YOU NEffD TO BORROW MONEY, SEE Finance Co. 1880 FAIRGROUNDS RD. Salem. Ore (Next Door to Btnk) OME OPERATED HOME OWNED Telenhana 1-703 Pit our paved parking lot WILL accept your contract or ma mortgage at payment on Income property,- netting eoout h um t year,, plus a modern 1 bdrm. home. Ph. S-9044. PRIVATE party will pay Im mediate cash for contracts, mortgages. Mr. Stanley. 310 N E. Prerleis Place, Portland HE I-3B.19. - FORMONEY- $25 to $2300 Pacific Industrial Loans 111 I. Liberty Ph, 4-2203 Rawlins Realty Co. Real eitste loeni, construction tt permanent loans 103 Che- meketa. Ph. 4-75. WE HAVE cash buyen for real estate contrtcti tnd 2nd mort- gsges Ohmsrt A Ctltbi. Realton 477 Court St Phone 2-411S LOANS 150 00 to 11500 00 Buy What You Need Consolidate your hills. Flnsnre tnrojgh WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY III 3. Church St Ph. 15457 I PRIVATE money to loen on Real Estate. II Interest Ph. 1-0794. COLONIAL Investment Co Real property Loam contracts Purchased 47. Court 4-223 PHIVATE money to loan, buy contracts and mortgagei. 341 Chemeketa St Ph. 3-8841 rrr Loons Wonted WOULD like to borrow 15.000 from private party. Interest. Box 943, Statesman-Journal. 600 Employment 1 602 Help Wonted WANT man A wife to operate farm. Ph. 4-3M3 evel. COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Since 1MI Specialist In Office Placements F-Exp. Secty. S0-10O wm ihort- hsnd, keep records, tnltlstive, meet people, good poten tial I22J M-Exp. Accountant, Federal i ax Research, responsible, sale personality Open Best Wav to the Best Jnhs 494 SUtt St.. 411 Oregon Bldg. 4-3351 WANT widow ltdy to chart home with lady. Ph. 2-8015. CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phont 1-OB34. 354 N Winter Adjoining Preibyterian church Free 'Parking In rear. Exclu sive liitingi on all typei of employment APPLICATIONS are now being taken for Statesman bicycle routes Several route! will be open. Applicants must be ac companied by their parents or have their written permli- lon Apply it the Circulation Department of the Stateeman- Journal. tSOTrlelp Wonted, Men WANTED Woman or girl for part-time office work, three or more days per week, Del ia! area. Typing and general clerical 'work. Shorthand un necessary, accurate typist e lentlal. Experience helpful. Capital Emplovmrnt Agency, 354 N. Winter St., Salem. Phone 2-0636. MAN wanted: Small salary A place to live. No children. Apply in nersoih 1309 Portland Rd. WANT grade A dairyman, house at milk turn. Year around Job. Kenneth Oberson, S. end of 7th St., Independence. COMMON labor by hour. Apply evei. lata Norway si. EXPERIENCED man. Fine of fice. Lots of advertising. Ram ley Realty, 427 Ferry. 606 Help Wonted, Lody YOUNG ,ldy, lome knowledge or ouice worn. Apply z p m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday. Nnrth'i Restaurant. 1170 Center St. No phone calls. WANTEDr Reliable older girl or woman for housework In good home. Call 2-1729 today. Mon. A Tues 3-38.12. EXPERIENCED waitress want ed. Split ihlft. Apply In per- eon. Norn s Golden Pheasant, U aja. ill U. Liberty. wlflpiil PAGENSTECHER'S 600 Employragnt 606 Help Wonfod, lody WANT sevenl wood eutlen. Apply Capital Fuel Co., J90! N. River Rd. MONTGOMERY-Ward needi 4 hr. extrai, working heuri 11 to 1. Exnerienci helpfuL Apply In perinn. COMPETENT lady to care for elderly bedfast gentleman and help with housework. Ref. ex changed. Ph, Cervalt 2J5J. SECRETARY STEN0 For large lumber mill near Eu gent. Writt Box 951, Statca-man-Journal giving age. ex perience, reference! It mart, tal status (If affect! position). WANT baby sitter my home-! ' p.m. tu 10 p m. Prefer older lady. Call 4-430 mornings OPENING for dependable person w ica'Kinaioiw cnaxacter, ucn era! office work with mmt aperlal features for which training is given. State aee, qinllflcellonr A salary desired. Write Cox S5I, Stiteaman. Journal. WANTED cook or ill around . help for small summer csft. Rogen Cile, Camp Sherman, On. . 610 Soles Help Wontofi 2 SALESMEN Salrm a Eueene Are. Experienced In specialty sales. advertising, Intangibles, or ip tltudi for contacting retailers High Income Potential, plus constant repeat commission s. Permanent Age under A). Write fully giving; references A experience for personal In terview, Confidential, Box 65. Statesman-Journal. EXCELLENT opportunity ht Public Relation! with fast growing Fraternal Organlra tion. Muit be bondahle. Good Income, pension, etc. Ruih In quiry with brief background to Dlviilon Mgr.. th floor, 2nd A Pint Bldf., Seattle, Washington, MAN to distribute A pick up Fuller Brush catalogs Sin weekly comm. to ttort 1-1357. AUTO salesman, apply Val ley Motor Co. in person. Only experienced men need to apply. 612 Worlt Wonted, Men LAWN MOWING POWER MOWER. PH. 4-2301 CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Lumber, cement, pumice block. iree estimates, rn. I-saw. HOME building remodeling. house framing or any line of carpenter work. Ph. 4-1279. WANTED experienced carpen ter helpen Job. Ph. 4-1097. ROTO-TILLING, 30-ln, II HP. aftar I .p.m., Roto-hoe, ph. 1-91. PRUNING, ipraying, topping, re- movai. u w ttuait. 4-1441 TILLING: Howard Rntovstor. Ph. 4-2123 or 3-J33S. No call! Sat please. LOU'S tree service. Sprav. top ping, prune, cabling. 4-1501. EXPERT rirnenter, remodeling all kind! Cabinet work, real, go anywhere, Exllnt 1-701. LAWN mower sharpening, low pricei, wora guar, rn. 4-9031. HOWARD rotnvating. lawn mowing. U-Flx-It Girage. I am. 'til I pm. A tun. 'til I p.m. Ph. 4-1261. Lawn mowing, yard clean up. titer e tt weckenaa. Fit 4-swi BUILD or remodel. Free eatl- mates Ph. 4-4.140. ROCKYS Tree Serv. Topping. trimming, pruning A remov ing 2-5480. SPADING, mowing yards, clean up. hedgei A shrubs trimmed, Ph.2-5480. HOWARD Rotovatlng. garden! A new lawns prepared. Lawn mowing hr. or contract 1-5695. 4-5281. Painting Free Estimate Prices reasonablt. Ph. 2-1591. CARPENTER WORK, day te contract 2-142 or 2-1459. R0T0-T1LLING PH. 4-9453 - 2-7717 CUSTOM plowing A discing. Delbert Beach. 3-7731 NEW LAWNS Prepared, seeding. Roto-hoelng. uuane woicott pn. J-Iiy. ROTOVATING-work tvenlngi A weekends. Jim Halniway. rn. 3-3828. CEMENT Work. Ph. 4-4331. Side walk!, patios, ret wall, ga rages bsmti. Fret estimate!. ROTO-TILLING RICHARD RAS. PH. 1-4711 HOWARD rotovator work. Ph. Bill Bevena 4-232. 614 Work Wonted, Lody BEAUTIFUL oil tinting of Mother'! Day photos. Pn. 4-0904. WANTED house cleaning by hr. Oood references. Ph. 4-2055. CHILD CARE, my home. 3 yn. over, Ph, 1-1736. I5Q4 Ferry St. LADY want! cook work in camp or reit home. Experienced in southern cooking. J-9773. WILL care for 2 children In my nnme by month, '-z.m. TAILOR made ilip coven made in my nome. Bertha tianaiey, formerly of Roberts Bros. Ph. 4-6492. 780 Highland. WILL do housework by hour, on soumsiqe. rn. 4-aw, MIDDLE-age widow nest, pleai- ant personality. Drive, cook, would like companion work, Statesman-Journal, Box OSO. WILL Care for children, my home, Keirer Dlst Ph. 2-7740. WILL do ironing my home, pickup, deliver. Ph. 2-027. After 9 or week-end. SCHOOL girl wishes bshy sitting ids. evenings, ana weex ends, xperienced. Ph. 2-9952 or 259 W. Browning Ave. LOVING care for baby or child in my home. Near Momlngildt school. Ph. 4-S00S PLAIN sewing, children' clothei specialty. 4-707, TEMPORARY housework want- ed. Ph. Dallas Mayfair 1-3566. PRACTICAL nurse. 15 yean experience. Ref. Statesman- ' Journal Box 957. WILL care for elderly person In my home. Ph. 3-506S. IRONING WANTED. 50c HR. PH. 4-5182 CHILD care 3 yr. A over, my home. 1543 Trade, Ph. 4-5866, MIMEOGRAPHING, typing Mrs. roe, nee h. iBtn rn j-aita SEWING,. Dressmaking. ln my home, all types. Ph. 1-9392 - WANTED Ironing In my home. 1919 n. otn. x-iaii. 615 Situations Wanted LAWN MOWER SHARPENING COMPLETE REPAIR C&.S EQUIP. CO. 90S Edgewater. W Salem. 4-1541 EXPERT spray painting Nel- son, 3-S4M, 3-8243 Ifrcl est. BRICK and block work, gutr 1 Ph. 444.19 LIGHT crswlrr dozer, leveling grsdlng. 3-7042 u Kurth. STANLEY PAGO, cement eon- tractor, all work guaranteed. Fret titlmato. PM. 4-1MA